ghostlypinatas · 11 months
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
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Currently wishing that my Xbox wasn’t broken.
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
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The almost finished product!!!! Gotta buy more elastic for the waist but other than that and a few tweaks it’s finally done!!!
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
Viva pinata quotes because I found the game buried in my game drawer, some of these may not fit with the characters as I'm slowly starting to get back in, But it was fun making this
Leafos : I got grounded for a whole week just because I came home late.
Seedos : Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then showing up again.
Pester : Is four a lot?
Ruffian : Depends on the context. Berries? No. Pinata Murders? Yes.
Seedos : Why do you watch so much murder stuff?
Gretchen : Just in case you slip up
Seedos : I-
Leafos : Tomorrow's trash day, just a reminder
Dastardos : *immediately floats outside to sit on side of the crub*
Pester : I'm quick at math
Langston : Okay, what's 38 times 76?
Pester: 24
Langston : That's not even close
Pester : But it was quick
Pester to player : I'm not going to stand here and listen to you accusing me of things I clearly did
Willy : I've done a lot of dumb stuff
Jardiniero : I witness the dumb stuff
Arfur : I recorded the dumb stuff
Bart : I joined you in the dumb stuff
Leafos : What's the three stages of life?
Seedos : Birth
Pester : What the f*ck is this?
Dastardos : Death
Jardiniero : How did you two get in an accident?
Lottie : We were driving and there was a doeunt in the road, So I yelled "Willy deer!"
Jardiniero : And??
Willy : . . .
Willy : *sigh* I said "yes honey?"
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
Hi! Could I please get a promo?
I'm Max and I run a Viva Piñata blog! I've been into the games ever since I was a kid and now have started to really fixate on them again! I make GIFs dig up old audio files reblog candy aesthetic stuff etc but have only started this blog recently so I'd really appreciate the promo so I myself can find more vp blogs!
(I do also to requests for the sorts of content I post so feel free to ask!)
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
Fuck it
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Funky Reddhot Friday
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
I want to make a list with links to as many as possible!!
The blog can be dedicated sideblogs, blogs where you post consistently about vp (art, aesthetics, headcanons, whatever!) blogs dedicated to a number of games that include vp, character ask blogs, inactive viva pinata blogs you don’t mind people still looking at, you can tell me about places and accounts outside of tumblr, etc...
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
Dastardos with 🍬✨🍭☕ and 🧃 (that's the childhood one but I can't see it on mobile 😰)!!!
Oh boy here we go.
🍬 He’s not actually dead in my headcanon! Not like doing great but he is alive! He’s more like stuck in between the two in a sense but he never actually died or anything. My headcanon for how he survives is actually a slightly altered version of @moodlemcdoodle’s life candy headcanon.
✨ Dastardos’ magic is just weird I feel like it’s pretty unique and mostly like weird ghost-like sorta stuff. He’s really into like dark magic and curses and stuff but I dunno if he actually really uses them. He is really good with potions though helps with his witch doctor vibes.
🍭 He likes too be a nuisance and just mess with people. He gets especially bad around halloween cause then he really gets into the swing of scaring people and he tries scaring everyone. He’s yet too scare Gretchen though and so he makes that his ultimate goal.
☕️ I really like Dastardos! He left an impact on me as a kid since I was absolutely terrified of him but also because of how I was able too connect the dots about him being Stardos even though I only had TIP. And I think that’s the first time I ever really got theorizing about a game like this which is like my main hobby nowadays lmao. But outside that he’s got a very good design and just enough canon information too get you thinking and he’s just really interesting too me tbh. Probably my favorite by default just cause he’s the main character I actually think about lol.
🧃Stardos was the quiet hardworking sort a lot like his dad although without the ego. He actually grew too dislike his dads fame a lot and never liked being center of attention like that. He used too mess with his siblings a lot and I feel like that’s where Leafos got her thing with ridiculous lies from (although some are still just things she heard that she didn’t look into enough.) He was closest with Leafos and butted heads a bit with Sidos. He never felt like his dad ever appropriated all his hard work and really just wanted him too be proud of him, I get the impression from the storybook that Jardinero was a bit too hard on Stardos. But for the most part his childhood while no where near perfect was still relatively mundane for the most part. Until the incident that is...
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
Patch 🍎🌚???
🍎 Eating habits + what food they like 🍎
Mainly due to his lactose intolerance (idea from Moodle! @moodlemcdoodle / @moodlespinataisland), Patch tends to use soy milk as a dairy substitute! He tries to bake himself some dairy-free, gluten-free treats, since most treats come from Arfur, the Source of the Milk. He really does try to eat two meals a day (lunch and dinner), and he'll usually try to munch on something small for the morning, but eating a healthy meal is hard on the run! That's why he tends to substitute some of his meals with vegetable and fruit smoothies (yes, together) with added protein powder to get a healthy dose of vitamins while he's working.
When he can eat a proper meal though, he's a sucker for a good homemade casserole! His parents back in the mainland would frequently cook him casseroles, but his fave is one with green beans and mushrooms! The Pinata Island vegetables have a slightly different taste, but he still can manage with those.
🌚 What secrets they're keeping 🌚
Besides his name legally being Doc Patchingo? He used to play pretend-doctor with his stuffed animals (the ones he now keeps to give to younger human patients if they're nervous). He also has a few of those virtual pets (think Tamagotchi) that he tries to care for every day, especially when he feels down about failing to heal a pinata before his sworn rival got to it first. It's his emotional support.
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
🌋 + Dastardos??? 👀
Oh ok so I feel like Dastardos probably doesn’t get along with most of the other sours too well. He really dislikes Pester for obvious reasons and probably dislikes the ruffians as well. The ruffians just follow Pester and fully embrace being sour and he just doesn’t vibe with them. The only other sours he gets along with are the piñata they like him a lot more than Pester and listen too him over him, which annoys the hell outta Pester but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Das is really close with his bizarre pets although tries too not get too attached since he’s aware they usually end up being tamed by gardeners.
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
Ive never made a quiz before so this probably sucks but uhhhh Fuck yeah viva piñata 
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
I wanted to make it easier for me to talk about headcanons and the like so i went searching for one of those ask meme things where you send a character and a number or whatever but couldn’t find one i liked so-
Send an emoji and a Viva Piñata character (canon or an oc!) and i’ll talk about:
🍬 - Just any random headcanon!
🌱- What their experiences with gardens/gardening is like (whether they have one or not)
✨- The kinds of magic they use the most or have the most experience with
🎉- Their favourite piñatas they own and their favourite species of piñata in general!
🎨- Any hobbies they have!
🌹- My ship(s) for them, or any one sided crushes they may have
🌻- Their close friendships and/or social groups
🌳- Their relationship with their family
🔥- Whether they have any enemies, or characters they don’t get along with
🌈- My LGBT+ headcanons for them!
🗿- What their mental health is like / whether they deal with any mental illnesses or disorders
🧃- Headcanons about their childhood
🚪- What their home and/or shop is like inside
🌋- Their experience with sours/villains OR, if the character is one of them, what their relationship with the other sours is like
🍎- Anything interesting about their eating habits and what food they like!
🍭- A silly headcanon!!!
🌧- A sad headcanon... :(
🌚- What secrets they’re keeping... :3c
☕️- My overall opinion of them as a character!
☀️- Send this emoji WITHOUT a character for a random headcanon about the lore of Piñata Island itself!
Any other Viva Piñata related blogs are welcome to use this too, if they want!
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
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I left it pretty vague here, but this is my headcanon reason for why Dastardos does what he does! Or at least, a part of it.
My headcanon for what Dastardos is, is that he’s undead. Like a ghost who still has his body! He gets ghostly abilities, floating, phasing through things, etc, but he’s not just a spirit. He’s still tangible, he just operates on a different frequency, (as mentioned in the journal description for the Dastardos shovel!) because he is, technically, dead. Now the life sweets come in, because of what killed him: The sour sweet that Pester gave to Stardos. I won’t get into detail about that event (though believe me, I have my headcanons about that as well!) but what stopped the sour sweet from killing Stardos all the way, was a life sweet.
Life sweets are described, if you look at them in the journal, as the “very essence” of the pinata they came from. I personally take this to mean the life sweets are the piñata’s soul. This makes them EXTREMELY magical, particularly life magic, and, like the sour sweet that killed Stardos, sweet to the point of being potentially dangerous. Sweet and Sour are opposites in the VP universe, so i imagine they balance each other out. It’s taboo and dangerous for regular humans to eat these sweets, but for sours like Pester and the ruffians? Their own sourness counteracts the sweetness enough that they can eat them just fine! Pester in particular is greedy for them...
So you have Dastardos, who’s sourness is the cause of his death. But the sourness doesn’t stop there, without anything to stabilise the highly unstable, and lethal, sourness that Dastardos has, it would destroy him from the inside out completely! Now you know how a ruffians sourness can stabilise the sweetness in life sweets enough for them to eat it comfortably? It’s the opposite for Dastardos, the life sweets, both with their sweetness AND their life energy, counteract and stabilise his sourness enough for him to survive! But it doesn’t last forever, which is why Dastardos has to keep eating them. He’s dead, he can’t eat normal things, but he needs the life sweets, so that what’s left of him doesn’t destroy itself forever...
Now the reason’s for why he goes after sick pinata specifically, instead of just getting life sweets wherever he can, is another matter entirely! But I’ll leave that for some other time
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
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*Jumps in on this*
I don’t draw them very often and I don’t think I’ve ever done them in color so this was fun too do!
Honestly the fun part of drawing siblings is figuring out how they look different from each other without them looking unrelated.
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Turned my brain off yesterday and drew my maskless sib designs cause it’s been a while! If anyone hasn’t seen my older sketches this is what I headcanon them all looking like
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
I know the gems from the Gem Tree ones do stuff and the ones from the mine are just a way to get extra money which I honestly think is fine but maybe they could be used for something cool. Like the evolution item ideas a good one or maybe they could be used as gifts/bribes or something? Idk
I feel like in a hypothetical 3rd VP game they should add more uses to the things you dig up in mines
Gems from the Mines do nothing except being something to be sold as far as I know. Like what's the deal with that
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
Oooh yes yes those are all good additions
A concept
So with a hypothetical third VP game one things I’d like to see is to somehow make all the helpers more useful and like give us more of a reason to actually get them. The only one I think is fine to stay as is would be diggerling but I’ll toss some ideas out for all of them. Feel free to add your own thoughts if you’d like!
So for weedling I think the main issue with her is that I’ve found weeds to never really ever to be much of a problem at all. They seem to only show up as a punishment for hitting Seedos or killing sours so unless you’re bullying people a lot you’re never going to see them unless you plant them on purpose for a piñatas requirements. So that makes weedling pretty useless as weeds aren’t enough of a threat to warrant someone to come help with them. So all you do is make weeds appear more often making them more of a threat. Maybe sours and ruffians could have a chance to spit up a weed seed when they spit up sour candy making it easier to get weeds in your garden making them more of an issue warranting the use of weedling.
Sprinkling is one of the few I actually do use in normal gameplay sometimes as she’s useful up until you get the one pour wonder which renders her pretty redundant. Good for early game but not so much for late game. Which I honestly don’t have that much of a problem with but it’d still be nice if she had something more. Maybe she has a chance to fertilize a plant for free whenever she waters it. It’s not anything big but it could still be helpful.
My issue with Watchling is that in my experience he tend to not really do much. He’s supposed to keep sours and ruffians out but he doesn’t do a very good job of it in my experience and he tends to chase off regular piñatas that come into visit. Which could be useful but you can’t control what he chases off and what he doesn’t. My idea is do something like the bouncer board in TIP but like instead of it automatically preventing piñatas from showing up it tells your watchlings what to keep out and what to let in.
Gatherling doesn’t have enough control in what she sells and what she doesn’t. There’s apparently an option in TIP where you can tell her what category of stuff she should sell and what not too. My idea is take that concept and kinda expand on it further making it more like a list of all the produce you’ve ever had in your garden with a checkmark next to it that means yes sell that. Everything would be checked automatically so all you’d have to do is go in and uncheck what you don’t want her to sell so she doesn’t get in the way of taming piñatas anymore.
And like I said Diggerling really doesn’t need to be changed at all really. Though what would be neat is if you could maybe go into the mine yourself and maybe play a little mini game to get something yourself. Not an alteration to the helper just an idea I think would be fun.
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ghostlypinatas · 4 years
A concept
So with a hypothetical third VP game one things I’d like to see is to somehow make all the helpers more useful and like give us more of a reason to actually get them. The only one I think is fine to stay as is would be diggerling but I’ll toss some ideas out for all of them. Feel free to add your own thoughts if you’d like!
So for weedling I think the main issue with her is that I’ve found weeds to never really ever to be much of a problem at all. They seem to only show up as a punishment for hitting Seedos or killing sours so unless you’re bullying people a lot you’re never going to see them unless you plant them on purpose for a piñatas requirements. So that makes weedling pretty useless as weeds aren’t enough of a threat to warrant someone to come help with them. So all you do is make weeds appear more often making them more of a threat. Maybe sours and ruffians could have a chance to spit up a weed seed when they spit up sour candy making it easier to get weeds in your garden making them more of an issue warranting the use of weedling.
Sprinkling is one of the few I actually do use in normal gameplay sometimes as she’s useful up until you get the one pour wonder which renders her pretty redundant. Good for early game but not so much for late game. Which I honestly don’t have that much of a problem with but it’d still be nice if she had something more. Maybe she has a chance to fertilize a plant for free whenever she waters it. It’s not anything big but it could still be helpful.
My issue with Watchling is that in my experience he tend to not really do much. He’s supposed to keep sours and ruffians out but he doesn’t do a very good job of it in my experience and he tends to chase off regular piñatas that come into visit. Which could be useful but you can’t control what he chases off and what he doesn’t. My idea is do something like the bouncer board in TIP but like instead of it automatically preventing piñatas from showing up it tells your watchlings what to keep out and what to let in.
Gatherling doesn’t have enough control in what she sells and what she doesn’t. There’s apparently an option in TIP where you can tell her what category of stuff she should sell and what not too. My idea is take that concept and kinda expand on it further making it more like a list of all the produce you’ve ever had in your garden with a checkmark next to it that means yes sell that. Everything would be checked automatically so all you’d have to do is go in and uncheck what you don’t want her to sell so she doesn’t get in the way of taming piñatas anymore.
And like I said Diggerling really doesn’t need to be changed at all really. Though what would be neat is if you could maybe go into the mine yourself and maybe play a little mini game to get something yourself. Not an alteration to the helper just an idea I think would be fun.
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