giorgiogh · 1 year
Dio creo’ il primo giardino e Caino la prima Città God created the first garden and Cainus the first city
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giorgiogh · 4 years
Walk on earth
“The miracle is not to fly in the air or to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on earth.” Línjì Yìxuán
“Il vero miracolo non è volare in aria o camminare sulle acque, ma camminare sulla terra”. Línjì Yìxuán (Li Lin Chi)
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milano, atrium of central station
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giorgiogh · 4 years
Architecture is a dream
“Architecture is a dream, geometry its tale, the handwork is the realization of the dream, the architect the one who tells dreams”. Carlo Farroni
“L’architettura è un sogno, la geometria il suo racconto, il manufatto la realizzazione del sogno, l’architetto colui che racconta i sogni”. Carlo Farroni
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piazza alvar aalto
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giorgiogh · 4 years
Time is eternity
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Henry Van Duke
Il tempo è troppo lento per coloro che aspettano, troppo rapido per coloro che temono, troppo lungo per coloro che soffrono, troppo breve per coloro che gioiscono; ma per coloro che amano, il tempo non è. Henry…
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giorgiogh · 4 years
invincible summer
“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer”. Albert Camus
“Nel profondo dell’inverno ho finalmente imparato che c’era in me un’estate invincibile.” Albert Camus
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giorgiogh · 4 years
Seeing involves choice
“Seeing involves choice. Whoever looks at something has decided to fix his attention on that one thing, to the exclusion of other things. That is why sight, the very essence of life, first and foremost constitutes a rejection. To live means to reject….. The only wrong choice is the absence of choice”. Amelie Nothomb, The character of rain
“Lo sguardo è una scelta. Chi guarda decide di soffermarsi…
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giorgiogh · 4 years
Anyone who tries to posses a flower
“Anyone who tries to posses a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in the field you’ll keep it forever, because the flower is part of the evening and the sunset and the smell of damp earth and the clouds on the horizon” Paulo Coelho
“Chi cerca di possedere un fiore vede la sua bellezza appassire, ma chi lo ammira in un campo lo porterà sempre con sè.…
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giorgiogh · 4 years
Chi cerca di possedere un fiore
Chi cerca di possedere un fiore, vede la sua bellezza appassire, ma chi lo ammira in un campo, lo porterà sempre con se’. Perché il fiore si fonderà con il pomeriggio, con il tramonto, con l’odore di terra bagnata e con le nuvole all’orizzonte. Da “Brida” di Paulo Coelho
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papaveri, rotonda della besana
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giorgiogh · 4 years
Memories for the future
Freedom is the quintessence of street photography. Freedom to explore the city whenever and wherever you want because the time when and the site where the picture were taken truly represent the photographer’s mood and inspiration. The remaining value of the picture are the subject the photographer has chosen and how he/she was able to portray it. In the current times of denied freedom and…
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giorgiogh · 5 years
Novegro Photo Day
Si è tenuta, dal 18 al 20 ottobre 2019, nel Parco Esposizioni di Novegro, nella periferia sud-est di Milano, una mostra collettiva delle opere dei fotografi appartenenti a PhotoMilano, il club dei fotografi milanesi. Questa la mia foto esposta e scelta dalla commissione. Rappresenta la scalinata di un accesso alla metropolitana della stazione di Rupubblica decorata da dipinti della street art di…
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giorgiogh · 5 years
Few days ago I happened to stop in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, in Milano, and watch a photo shooting session with a model wearing wedding dresses. The Galleria has a beautiful light in sunny days because of the colour of its glass roof and the marble floor has nice decorations which provide reflections ranging from pale brown to red and blue. The model stunned with her beauty. She was very tall and blond haired. Lots of people were standing around her but she posed and moved and walked very easily following the photographer’s instructions.
fashion photoshooting in galleria vittorio emanuele Few days ago I happened to stop in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, in Milano, and watch a photo shooting session with a model wearing wedding dresses. 74 more words
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giorgiogh · 5 years
Venice carnival 2019
via Venice carnival 2019
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giorgiogh · 5 years
Still another visit of Venice for me in the Carnival season. This time I was in this magical city in the early days of the two-weeks traditional Carnival time, but masks were already there in a great number to be portrayed by lots of enthusiastic photographers. Each year I happen to visit Venice under Carnival, I feel newly impressed by the beauty of masks and of the people performing in the streets. The origins of venetian carnival are centuries old. It consisted in several weeks of festivity and fun in the whole city, during which people could indulge in music, dances and parties, barely working. Wearing masks and costumes made it possible for people to hide any differences of class or status, and it was even allowed to make fun of the aristocracy. The carnival became internationally famous and prestigious in the 18th century, when it reached its widest fame. At the end of the century, however, with Austrian occupation of the city, the tradition of wearing masks was forbidden. It was only in 1979 that the ancient tradition was restored, in the form still seen today. The pictures shown here were taken on febrruary 23, 2019, around St. Mark’s square.
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Venice carnival 2019 Still another visit of Venice for me in the Carnival season. This time I was in this magical city in the early days of the two-weeks traditional Carnival time, but masks were already there in a great number to be portrayed by lots of enthusiastic photographers.
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giorgiogh · 6 years
milan skyscrapers
via milan skyscrapers
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giorgiogh · 6 years
Milan is the Italian city that has grown more vertically through the construction of skyscrapers. Currently, there are 25 completed and under construction buildings that stand at least 100 mt.. My favourite ones are the Unicredit tower, in the Porta Nuova district, and the Isozaki and Hadid towers, in the citylife district. These latter are also called “il dritto” (the straight) and “lo storto” (the awry). I am showing some pictures I have taken in the last few days. The Unicredit Tower is seen with the famous “bosco verticale” building in the beautiful frame of the new garden area built up around the “biblioteca degli alberi” (trees library). November sky in Milan is typically grey-white and looks homogeneous, not the best sky for a picture, but there are nice autumn colours on the leafs of trees and in the few flowers on the ground.
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milan skyscrapers Milan is the Italian city that has grown more vertically through the construction of skyscrapers. Currently, there are 25 completed and under construction…
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giorgiogh · 6 years
Verona Antiquaria
via Verona Antiquaria
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giorgiogh · 6 years
Verona Antiquaria is a local antiques city market which is held on the first Sundays of each month in the beautiful San Zeno square in a historical neiborhood of the City. The Antique Market boasts about 50 dealers with only fine antiques & collectibles, such as furniture, glassware, pottery, vintage clothing, estate jewelry, books, coins, war memorabilia, stamps, nautical antiques, display items, lighting & lamps, dolls, doll house items, religious, reference books, and more. It is open all the day long and It takes at least two to three hours to visit.
Verona Antiquaria Verona Antiquaria is a local antiques city market which is held on the first Sundays of each month in the beautiful San Zeno square in a historical neiborhood of the City.
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