herocarved-a · 1 month
I've moved blogs to here! It's still very much under construction, but starting over is the best thing for me. Hopefully I'll see y'all there, but if not, I totally understand!
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herocarved-a · 5 months
Last year, they had spent New Years with everyone else from the Guardians of Light at Disney Castle, watching fireworks blaze across the sky. This year, however, was a bit closer to home -- rather, it was home, or at least the islands; the Main Island always had large celebrations for New Years, including large fireworks displays, among markets & carnival activities for kids and adults alike.
They'd had their fair share of the carnival games, wandering around the markets, & Riku spoiling Sora rotten with food, games, gifts (really, they spoiled themselves & each other by both participating in everything paid for), and were finally on the way to the market entrance. There's the chime of bells, a particularly explosive firework, and a chorus of "Happy New Year!" from everyone around them.
It makes Riku's heart swell, that they're able to celebrate this - finally, they're able to have some consistent celebrations, something they'd long ago taken for granted.
He leans down, placing a hand upon Sora's cheek, and presses a kiss to his lips - long, deep, uncaring of those who may be watching - and love fills him fit to bursting as they part, at the sparkle in Sora's eyes.
He loves him, so very much - more than anything, words or actions or anything else, could describe.
"Happy New Year. I love you."
He's never had alcohol, not even the little sips most children take from their parents glasses out of curiosity, but he thinks maybe the dizzying warmth that makes him laugh a little too much is similar enough. There's a sense of joyous, sleepy contentment as he, just this once, is pulled gently along by his fiancé. It seems only right after spending the evening being the one to drag Riku around the festival grounds.
Sora holds a stuffed paopu fruit, several sizes larger than the real deal, in his free hand. The half-hearted, cryptic confessions disguised as less-than-nice jokes have become a tradition between the two of them. His only regret is that he's not the one that won the stuffed toy - how would he ever do better than this!?
It's amidst these swirling thoughts of silly competition that he's pulled back to reality; it's become natural, second nature, really, to pause when Riku does, and the lack of movement doesn't immediately trigger a warning to him. The moment their lips meet, however, he hums in surprised contentment. A tinkle of laughter clings to the back of his throat as he follows Riku's lead. He tilts his head just so, and leans into the hand against his cheek.
There's that dizzying feeling again. His heart erupts with those pesky butterflies once more. There's gratitude that settles warm in his soul that they've been allowed this small reprieve to be young adults in love.
"I love you, too."
Sora finally murmurs against lips almost more familiar than his own as he chases them, climbing to his toes to do so. The sound of fireworks drowns out the chatter and cheers - but even if they didn't, the teenager turned warrior would undoubtedly remain blissfully unaware of those around him.
Finally, at last, he settles back on his feet, and curls his free arm around Riku's waist as the continue towards the entrance of the festival.
"I think my New Year's resolution is going to be to grow a paopu fruit as big as this toy."
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herocarved-a · 6 months
“Your eyes twinkle like tree lights.”
The apartment smells of Christmas. A bowl of half-used cookie dough sits on the counter beside him, while the already made cookies cookies cool on a rack atop the stove. His heels knock against the cabinet door beneath him idly as he watches Riku put away the few remaining dishes from supper.
It's quiet. Peaceful.
And maybe he feels a little bit of guilt at how normalized they've made this predicament of his, but mostly, he feels that soul crushing ache of love he has for Riku.
Perhaps, the keyblade master recognizes that feeling when he glances over at him, or maybe he feels it faintly in his own heart -- but once the last of the dishware is put away, he gives Sora all of his attention. Sora happily obliges as the taller young man gathers in the space before him. He oh so gladly tilts his cheek into the warm, slightly damp hand that caresses his freckles. And oh, how it feels a little bit like drowning when their eyes meet, and all he knows is the color of the sea during a clear day.
Your eyes twinkle like tree lights.
There's a tickle of laughter that he catches on his tongue before it escapes to ruin the mood. But still, he smiles up at his dearly beloved, and his hands find leverage to pull Riku closer. Their lips meet and it feels as if the world stands still in that moment.
He chases the high of their kiss. It's an addiction, but not one he'll ever try to break.
One kiss becomes two, and two becomes three, and it's only the beeping timer of the over that finally separates them. He's a little breathless as he hops from the counter to pull the cookies out of the oven before they burn. The cursed keyblade warrior glances towards the still unbaked cookie dough, then back at Riku.
And perhaps his eyes really do twinkle like tree lights, with all the mirth and mischief and love, love, love he feels for Riku hidden in the sky blue swirls, "We can finish them later."
It's like a signal, a silent agreement between them, and Sora's swept off his feet with a chortle of laughter.
"I love you," becomes a quiet, soulful chant between kisses, and low laughter.
The Christmas tree is left to festively twinkle all on its own, now a sad comparison to Sora and all of his sea of emotions for his dearly beloved.
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herocarved-a · 7 months
"I can stay, if you want."
If you want.
"Stay. Please."
Once upon a time, he would have felt selfish for the pleading whine that hitches in his sleep-hoarse voice, for the immediacy in which he responds, without thought or consideration. The world lays in shambles - the dead are trapped in the last bastion of safety within the underworld, while the cycle of rebirth has stalled with his return. The weight of responsibility rests as a smothering mantle on their shoulders, but... but...
Haven't I - we - endured enough?
Haven't I been brave for long enough?
"Just awhile longer, Riku, please."
And maybe there would have been a time where he felt guilt with the knowledge that Riku has never told him no, not once, no matter how unreasonable his requests (demands) might be. Maybe, a lifetime ago, he might have even encouraged the king of the underworld to hurry up with his real work. But now... now, he curls his fingers, still worn and too slender, too sickly for a god, into the soft folds of Riku's shirt, and buries his face into the crook of his neck with near desperation.
Probably things will return to normal --- after the horrors of centuries apart have become scars instead of festering wounds. Until then, he'll cling and plead for every bit of attention he can steal. The fingers that press soothingly against his skin are winter cool, and entirely what his heart aches for. Sora sighs his relief against Riku's collarbones, and slowly, so slowly, he relaxes into the gentle, all encompassing presence of his most dearly beloved.
There's so much wrong in their world, their domain, still; yet, the ring that he once looked at with so much jealousy, now rests on his finger, where it's always belonged, and the flower Riku once gifted him blooms with such iridescence on the night table. The mother he once begged for approval from can no longer break Riku's heart or steal him away.
The ties are broken, turned to dust and carried away with the wind; he's free and someday the trauma of living lifetimes feeling like only half a person will disappear.
Until then, there's Riku. Beautiful, kind, diligent Riku; the god of the underworld. Hades.
Their lips meet, and he forgets for those long moments that there's still so much to do, so much to fix, so much to heal from.
I love you, I love you, I love you ---
And he's lost in those devastatingly beautiful eyes that are the color of the sea, and as clear as the winter mornings, and so full of devotion, of fathomless love. Those eyes steal his breath in a way their kiss could never.
"I never want to be out of your sight again. Never ever." He thinks from the little glint of emotion in those eyes is response enough.
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herocarved-a · 1 year
@dawnled --- kissing meme ; "sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss."
Sora suppresses the urge to yawn into his fist. It's late, impossibly late, even for the consort soulmate of a vampire, and he'd do just about anything to escape the "social gathering." The entire vibe is tense; there's an undercurrent of stress as predators people meant to be solitary gather to discuss the darker politics of the city. He feels it even in the way Riku's arm is curled so protectively around his waist, in the tightness of the fingers at his hip.
He doesn't complain about being tired and bored, though. He begged Riku to take him along tonight; he absolutely insisted that he wanted to come. He didn't care that it'd be boring. Please, Riku, I want to be there to support you! And, of course, Riku caved under his spoiled determination, as he always has.
It's not like I regret coming, anyway. He reassures himself as he leans further into the cool comfort of his soulmate. It's easier to ignore the sidelong glances and simmering derision at having a "consort" within the extravagance of the ballroom while he's tucked into Riku's side.
Eventually, Sora glances up to take in the profile of his dearly beloved, and, of course, his throat tightens just a little bit at how beautiful the vampire is. He's ethereal in his beauty, even when there's a familiar stoniness to his expression; he hates these functions as much as Sora does. He wonders sleepily if there's something he can do to distract him from the vying for power within the community he barely tolerates.
A thought itches to life in the back of his mind, and bright eyes move to survey the grand hall --- there, right there, it's perfect. A familiar smile, full of mischief, twitches across his lips. In the next moment, he's pulling away from Riku. His fingers catch the vampire's chilled ones with silent insistence, and it's hard to know if Riku follows because he's shocked by the suddenness of Sora's actions or if he's just resigned to all of Sora's playful antics.
The little alcove feels stuffy, almost claustrophobic, but Sora's laughing (giggling, really) as he pushes Riku further into the dimly lit area. He'll blame it on sleep deprivation later.
"I love you."
Three simple words, yet, they carry so much power in them. He could never get tired of saying them. Never, ever, ever. And in the quiet moments afterwards, Sora takes the opportunity to lean up, up, up for a kiss. Their lips meet in a way that's become more natural than breathing to him. They catch just right, in such a seamless, practiced way --- and Sora drowns in the love, in the aching devotion, that he feels in that kiss.
His arms curl possessively around Riku's neck, and his weight is transferred primarily into his dearly beloved's taller frame. His mouth tastes crisp, like citrus and peppermint, and there's regret that whines from his throat when their lips part. He steals a breath as Riku's forehead comes to rest against his. In the darkness of the curtained alcove, he can only see the glitter of the vampire's eyes.
"Thank you for letting me come with you tonight."
His heart bleeds excitement and love when his lips are stolen again --- maybe tonight wasn't so bad, after all.
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herocarved-a · 1 year
@dawnled ; a kiss meme [ link ] ; "Kisses shared under an umbrella."
"Thank you for coming with me."
Sora murmurs his excitement into the next kiss; the god tastes of crisp, refreshing winter, even with the coming of spring, and he can't help but smile against those cool lips he'd very nearly lost. It's a brief show of affection, ephemeral as the spring shower that patters against the umbrella Riku holds over the both of them. He brushes his nose teasingly against his beloved's as he leans a little more into the steady strength. And a little more. And a little more --- until he's balancing precariously on his tiptoes, and his arms have woven around the reaper king's neck.
He understands Riku's hesitation at leaving his ( their ) domain. It's true that Sora broke all ties with his mother. He gave up his rights of inheritance, did so gladly, and fled the sunlight to return to the arms of his true destiny.
And still, there's caution in Riku's steadiness, in the ghostly glow cast from the teal of his eyes. He feels it, too --- the wariness, the concern that there's a trap, a trick, a curse waiting to steal him away yet again.
"She can't take me from you anymore."
Sora insists for both of their benefits. The wedding band on his finger carries not a burdensome weight of responsibility, but the warm relief that their sworn oaths of forever won't be so easily broken. And, if the magic that binds their souls is not enough, there's a ferocity in those eyes of glittering blue, and determination in the normally excitable tones, "I won't let her."
It's almost a challenge, as if he dares anyone to underestimate his strength simply because he resides over the realm of flowers and spring --- and the cycle of rebirth.
The still cool rain increases, and the gentle noise tears him away from the heaviness of their discussion. He grins, steals another kiss, and then disappears from the safety of the umbrella to play in the rain. Flowers bloom with every step he takes, and the grass sprouts emerald green --- it's his greeting to spring, the first call to the seeds hibernating beneath the ground to wake up.
The flowers know he's showing off, just a little bit, for his husband. They don't blame him, when he glances back at the god of death with so much joy, so much love, so much everything for him.
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herocarved-a · 1 year
@dawnled --- a kiss meme [ link ] ; "a kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck."
There's the telltale laughter that gives away all of the lost boy's excitement as he's swept from his feet, and settled atop one of the kitchen's counters. He only has eyes for his fae king, his knight in shining armor, and oh, how ethereal do they shine in the marigold light of the setting sun.
The dinner plates are left forgotten in the lukewarm suds of the sink. His hands still drip with the glittering soap, but the distant thought that he should dry them is forgotten as he's ensnared by the eyes of seafoam stare back at him. There's a question behind the eerie glow of magic that always dominates everything about Riku. He recognizes the hesitation, the silent plea for permission, and he responds with more confidence that he has in many things.
He hooks a foot around one of the king's legs to draw him closer, closer, closer --- and their lips meet with a welcoming smile; if there's a little bit of that wickedness, of ferocity known to the fae in the smile, it's lost in the breathlessness of the kiss. He's lost in the kiss, lost in how it seems to devour all of his insecurities with their deepening relationship, his fear of being abandoned, his anger at the injustice of the life he lived until that night he met Riku (again). In the wake of that emptiness comes all of his king's love, his devotion, his silent promise to protect.
Sora's hands curl unconsciously into the thick strands of silver as he feels the steadying grip of fingertips at his waist. He can no longer remember how they went from cleaning to kissing to whatever this is now, but he also doesn't care to dwell on the how's as the kiss is broken. He whines his disagreement with the action, even as he draws in a breath.
Outside, magicked lights flicker to life as the sun comes to rest beneath the horizon, and the little community Riku protects all for Sora's sake awakens. There's still so much to learn about the community they dwell in --- but, as always, he finds himself most curious with the fae king that's currently pressing delicate kisses along his jaw, that nuzzles into the soft underside encouragingly until Sora relents and tilts his head away with another twinkling laugh.
"I love you, Riku."
Finally, the not-quite-human murmurs with so much honesty. They're words hardly ever spoken between them; how are they necessary when their actions speak just as loudly... but maybe that's why it seems to take the faerie by surprise when he speaks with such certainty. His fingers brush through the starlight of Riku's hair, almost as if to comfort the one that became king just to rescue him.
"I really love you. Really, really. So, no more reckless stunts when you go out to hunt, okay?"
He takes the next kiss to mean, 'Okay.'
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herocarved-a · 1 year
While he can be good at close-hand or melee combat if need be, he tends to prefer ranged combat - guns, snipers, anything that puts distance between him and the enemy, Infected or otherwise. In this case he's particularly grateful for his skill with a sniper, quickly able to dispatch the Clickers and Runners coming after one of their patrol units on their way back from their trip. Blood & bits splatter the nearby rocks & snow, but nothing makes it into the village besides the patrolling unit.
One, two, three breaths later & his heart slows a little bit, only for a second before he's making his way from the sniping perch down to the gate where Sora & his unit had been let in.
Normally they went on patrol together, & dug their feet in about it - but with dwindling residents & even more Infected, they were having less & less of a choice about it.
Trust the one time they were agreeable about going separate patrols to be the one time one of them ended up in danger because of it.
Luckily the snow had died down so it was only a light trickle now, but thick coats & gloves were still needed ; not that it made much of a difference for the heat searing through him as he made his way to Sora's side, a hand upon his shoulder.
"Are you alright?"
Barely contained fear fuels the adrenaline that keeps him moving in spite of the exhaustion biting at his heels; his throat and lungs ache from the biting chill of the air; his head pounds with the onset of a tension headache; his limbs feel sluggish as he follows the less experienced group down a familiar.
He hears the shots echoing blast through the trees, and if it wasn't for the primal instinct casting a heavy haze over conscious thought, he would've ducked for cover. But he's become a hare, chased by wolves --- and it takes every ounce of control for him to make sure the rest of the patrol makes it through the gates before him.
The word repeats again and again in his mind, as if thinking it more will make him feel it. But the tremble that shivers along his skin, and reaches into the muscles, tendons, right into the marrow of his bones, isn't from the cold. More than the gunfire, it's the sound of the monsters that once chased him, that haunts him.
Not safe.
The hand at his shoulder, so gentle and so kind and so Riku, startles him. Sora jerks away with a gasp, his own mittened hands rising in defense against an unseen enemy --- but it's Riku standing there instead, and his fingers uncurl as relief overwhelms him.
And whatever question the older boy asked him is forgotten as he all but throws himself into his best friend, his boyfriend, his everything. He takes a breath, and another, and another; with each breath, the tension slips out of his lean frame. He buries his face into the snowy jacket of his dearly beloved, and not even the insistence of the medical personnel can get him to let go.
Safe. Safe. Safe.
"I wanna go home."
Sora finds Riku's fingers with his own, and starts to tug him away from the growing group. There are rules to follow. He should go to the medical office to be sure he wasn't infected. He knows that, and normally, he'd agree --- except, normally, he'd have gone out into danger with Riku at his side. Everything felt less dangerous, less scary, more full of adventure and fun, despite the severity of their life at the end of the world.
And it's in the privacy of their own cabin that he allows Riku to check him for scrapes and bruises and worse. His fingers are cold against Sora's skin, but the chill drags out little huffs of laughter. The haunted expression disappears with the laughter, and he smiles into the first press of a kiss to his lips.
"I love you. Thank you for saving me."
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herocarved-a · 1 year
He used to only know how to fake being good. It was always with a bit of a saccharine smile, one just a little bit too sweet or witty, one that people might catch on to if they weren't such goody two shoes and didn't have the utmost of faith in everyone.
But now, he's actually learning to be good - and overall, it's actually not that bad.
It has its moments, sure, like everything, but he can't find himself complaining - not when it reunites him with his brother, finally, once trapped on the Isle alone, and the wizard boy who's now become the love of his life, his ray of sunshine among the darkness of his past.
That same boy who he loves so very much - who taught him how to even love in the first place, in the way all those fairytales used to make sound so magical.
That same boy who's currently tucked into his side, basking in the streams of sunlight passing through their dorm room window like the cats that sometimes roam the academy. If Riku listened hard enough he figured he could almost hear purred sounds of contentment as he brushed fingers through chocolate strands, and though it's likely coincidental, there's a small smile that crosses his love's face as sunlight catches on the ring he gifted him, what feels like forever ago.
"I love you,"
It's one he's cherished more than anything else he's ever had, besides the boy wonder who gave it to him,
"You mean everything to me."
Once upon a time, he sought the approval of the wizard that had taken him in as his apprentice; he played by all the rules, did as he was told, never stepped out of the cloistered life he'd been given. He wanted to make the elderly Yen Sid proud of him, and to give him confidence in his choice to adopt him.
Then he met the delinquent from the Isle, and he learned how to breathe.
There had been moments of uncertainty as he taught Riku to choose right over wrong - and then, even more uncertainty when he decided to break the rules the first time. But coming home with the boy he'd come to cherish more than anything made the guilt worth it.
Sometimes, it's okay to break the rules.
Yen Sid hated that.
But now that he's curled into the warm strength of his the ex-villain, and the opinion of others no longer hold that same amount of weight in his heart, Sora can't find it in himself to care if he's a disappointment to the stuffy, old man.
The fingers that brush through his unkempt hair draw his attention. His eyes, once closed against the warmth of the daylight, crack open, revealing the reflective pools of sky blue; his smile drips sleepy contentment, and of course, his attention can't help but be drawn to the ring.
It carries a promise of their happily ever after - after they graduate, of course.
"I love you, too, Riku."
His voice is soft, hoarse with almost-sleep, but honest and earnest and so, so full of his love for the young man that once tried to use a love potion on him for more nefarious reasons.
It's a funny story now, so he doesn't mind, not really.
Sora forces himself to sit with a stretch and a yawn, before he casually, lazily, reaches up tug on Riku's collar. Their lips meet, and the kiss is nearly ruined by the rising amusement that ripples through him as giggling joy - but he holds it together as the kiss finds its rhythm, and his chest aches with the love he feels pulsing through his soul.
"And you're my forever."
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herocarved-a · 1 year
He'd gotten to know the Restoration Committee before, in the year that Sora was away - but now that he's back, it's like he's finally getting to really fit in with them, see how they treat Sora as part of their family, a home away from home.
They've been helping out with the restoration all morning ( though it's more added decoration than restoration by now ) and the sun has begun it's descent after noon; though they're supposed to make their way down the main path and take a right to get back to Merlin's to pick up their next task, Riku has a better idea.
A nearby alley provides shade from the sun - even though nothing on Radiant Garden can compare to the island heat - & Sora's surprise is as visible as it is audible, amusing in both ways. There's a sparkle in his eyes that screams trust, that no matter what Riku did, Sora would follow him always.
Their time in Shibuya, along with everything else, has accentuated that all the more, & Riku's heart surges with it.
There's a nearby sound of footsteps before he can say anything, so he raises a finger to his lips, a request for silence, before waving around that same hand with darkness briefly coating his fingertips. It settles like a dark cloak over the two of them, like one of those blanket forts they used to make from their bedsheets when they stayed up reading fairytale books as kids.
"The shadows will hide us."
He murmurs, by way of explanation, another trick he's learned over his time - the more shadows the better, & alleyways & dark corners of buildings were usually the best for it.
Then, without warning, he leans down to place a kiss along Sora's jaw, his cheek, the corner of his mouth, before peppering a few more against his lips that linger & grow longer over time.
Sora's been telling him it's okay to do what he wants, & to ask for things - & he's learning how to do so, slowly, even if, for now, it's just within the shadows & their own company.
"I haven't gotten to kiss you all morning."
They teased him when he arrived at Merlin's home with Riku in tow, but it was the warm, familiar teasing of family, and he didn't feel the usual nagging negativity that came from Donald's harsh words. And it felt good to see even Leon accept Riku without the wary hesitation others may have shown. He wonders how much of that is because of the time the older boy spent searching for Sora - but, truly, it doesn't matter, in the end. What matters is that they're accepted, fully, completely, without any of the brutal jabs at Sora not being worth Riku's time or Riku not being good enough for Sora's friendship.
It feels good to run the little errands Yuffie and Aerith send them on... even if Sora can tell the "important tasks" are little more than a means to get them out. It's fun to walk along familiar streets, hand in hand with his knight, his best friend, his fiance. He hums a little as they walk in amicable silence, unaware of the impish thoughts hidden behind the usual stoicism.
He doesn't hesitate to follow Riku into the alleyway; there's a question burning on his tongue, unasked with the gesture for quiet, and a catlike curiosity glittering in his eyes. In anyone else's hands, the darkness would have sparked his defensiveness; he would've summoned the kingdom key to his hands --- but it's Riku.
His easy stance, and bright gaze give away all of his faith he has in his beloved. A smile grazes his lips as Riku brushes gentle kisses against his freckled cheeks, his nose, and finally his mouth. He leans into each kiss a little more, and as those warm hands, scarred and worn from years of fighting, cup his jaw, his cheeks as if he's precious, his own hands, just as scarred and just as worn, curl comfortably around them.
He giggles at the mention of going the entire morning without kissing, and fails to mention the kissing they did before they even got out of bed in the dim light of predawn. There's approval in the way he leans up to steal another kiss.
He never thought the darkness could feel comfortable and warm. It always felt cold, dangerous... malicious --- but, perhaps, darkness, like light, takes after its user. And if that's the case, it's no wonder Sora feels at home in the near pitch black.
Anywhere is home, so long as he's with Riku.
"You're right. It's been too long since we last kissed."
Eventually, he steals his way into Riku's arms, content in the warmth that wraps around him in return. He doesn't really think they'll be missed, at least, not for awhile yet, and the idea of encouraging him further in his devious ways seems like only the best of ideas.
"You should do this more often. I like having you all to myself like this."
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herocarved-a · 1 year
It's difficult to break out of old habits; he's reminded of this, sometimes, when he finds himself on the beach, when he can still feel the heavy weight of royalty upon his shoulders as the sea catches against his ankles. Poised as if still holding a golden trident within his grip. Lips tight, as if he'd never experience the joy of sound again.
But then, he hears it - the soft sound of footsteps against the sand, undeniable in their recognition, making their way toward him. He can feel it, too - warm, gentle fingers slipping through his own, curling against his so their hands intertwine & catch sunset colours in their combined grip.
The sound of their siren song slips into the air without his noticing, really, a low, deep hum that passes from his throat through the air like silk - like if he focuses hard enough, he can see the musical notes catch on the air, making their way toward the surface of the water where they bounce like magical skipping stones, rippling rainbow hues.
For the first time in what feels like forever since Ansem's magic took his voice hostage, he's beginning to learn happiness - not through bargains & sea witch contracts, but through his own courage, & strength.
"I love you."
Love - something he'd hoped this would be then, but knew it to be, now.
Once upon a time, he thought that his kingdom was his heart, and the thought of losing it to war, famine, the distrust of the people --- he thought it too much for his heart to bear.
But then, he met a young man that couldn't speak, that couldn't walk or dance, that didn't know what a fork was, and he began to wonder if maybe he was his heart.
To have both stolen from him - the kingdom and the man - while he was left with muddled memories of a gentle song and gentler hands...
Well, he still wakes in tears on more occasions than he'd like to admit.
He finds that young man on the same beach that they once met on years ago, and there's a breath of relief as their fingers twine together. Princes turned kings - yet, there's still that spark of wonder and joy, as he leans into the siren's side, and listens to that song that wouldn't leave him, even in that era of losing himself to the sea witch, Ansem.
"I love you, too."
He murmurs, and there's something so visceral, so achingly real about those words, that his eyes prick with all the emotions he can't explain. He's said those words before - to his parents, his brother, to the wretched witch that he married - but they're different with Riku. They hurt to say, but he doesn't regret saying them. He'd say them again, and again, and again ---
"I'll give up everything, if it means never leaving your side again."
His crown, his kingdom, everything.
Instead of holding that hand, so warm and so tender, despite all the trauma he's been through, Sora wraps his arms around his beloved siren - and if he looks small curled into the taller man's frame, he doesn't care.
"I've made so many mistakes. I've nearly brought my kingdom to ruin... but you aren't a mistake. You're the only thing I've ever gotten right."
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herocarved-a · 1 year
The sound of cars, pedestrians and general nightlife has become a regular thing, while they're here in Quadratum - though it's a bit distant, given how high their apartment space is, nearly tall enough to feel like they could touch the stars if they tried.
They've been silent for a while for the most part, the sound of silence, appliances and music from the TV making good ambient noise, wrapped around each other as if they'd never let go. Maybe they wouldn't.
Riku in particular has been feeling sentimental; reflecting back on their lives until this point, how far they've come, how they've gotten to be here----
& if asked if he regretted any of it-- he'd respond with a resounding no.
He's been playing with Sora's crown necklace during all of this contemplation, watching it gleam with each movement, jingle with each shift - & maybe Sora doesn't remember, but Riku remembers that promise under the stars as if it's embedded in his very being.
Maybe it is.
"I promised you I'd protect you, no matter what. I might have broken that promise once, but never again. I swear it."
The days, weeks, months before Riku finally found him in Quadratum felt like a dream, or like... walking through fog. He remembers some of it: the fight with a man that looked too much like Riku to not leave him a little bit scarred, waking up, not in darkness, but in the warmth of a sun that shouldn't exist, of heartless unlike he's ever had to fight before --- all while the loneliness ate away at him.
Riku, of course, noticed the lackluster decorations in the apartment and saw it for what it was. And, it was Riku, of course, that pulled him from that fog of melancholy.
Now, he's curled up into the older boy's warm, content in an apartment that looks lived in, and finally with the person he thinks most of. He's drowsy in the way a cat might feel; contentment hums warmly in his veins. His temple rests against a sturdy shoulder. He almost doesn't notice the way Riku's fingers, soft despite being as war torn as his own, toy with the necklace he never, ever, ever removes (not even to bathe).
His words draw him from his reverie. Eyes of deep, emphatic blue peer up at those seemingly made of teal sea glass. He could drown in those eyes in the way he could never drown in the ocean, and he almost allows himself to ---
But those words nag at him.
Broken promise?
Distant memories of Hallow Bastion surface. Hadn't he only recently spoken of how hurt, how lonely he felt back then? The betrayal of his "friends" continue to haunt him; every mention of him being weak, of failing his mark of mastery test, becomes a barb --- a little reminder that if he's not strong enough, brave enough, good enough in the eyes of Donald, Goofy, Master Yen Sid, he'll be abandoned again.
Sometimes, he wonders if they even want him to come home.
But there's Riku. Patient, kind, loving.
Sora smiles at the newly made vow. He pushes himself up, just a little, just enough to press a kiss against the serious tilt of Riku's mouth. Maybe it's true that Riku orchestrated the events of Hallow Bastion --- but they were just kids, and Riku felt hurt, too. He'd been betrayed, too, even if it'd been a misunderstanding.
"Me too. I'll never not take your hand again, Riku."
He settles back into his spot, with his temple pressed against a shoulder, and his fingers settling over top of those still trying to play with his necklace. They both made mistakes in the early years of their adolescence. And maybe he can't really, truly forgive the hurt caused by adults meant to care for him --- he couldn't ever not forgive the cycle of hurt two teenagers caused each other.
"I love you, and I'll protect you, too. Always."
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herocarved-a · 1 year
If his sisters were to see how flustered he gets over even the slightest compliment, they would undoubtedly tease him for the rest of his days.
----they tease him relentlessly about Sora anyway, but that's besides the point.
He's relaxed after a long morning trip to their mother down below, the surface horizon breaking with the first burst of afternoon colour as he rises, & it's become near instinctual, now, to go to the cove they've called their own.
He's not surprised to see Sora there, though he isn't always - but it's a comfort when he is, for there always seems to be a bright smile aimed in his direction burning brighter the closer they get.
The kissing is new, too, even more so than the cove visits or anything else between them - it's like every kiss makes them bolder, more confident, & this kiss definitely lasts longer than the ones they've shared before, fingers brushing through the wet strands of his hair as his own hands catch against Sora's jaw.
He loses track of the seconds, ends up counting based on the rapid thrum of his heart in his chest, until they part - & it's fascinating, to see the way sky blues glaze over, as if this is too good to be real to Sora, & has to be a dream.
Sometimes Riku feels like that, too.
"Sorry I kept you waiting."
It's been a long running joke of his friends that he'll never date anyone because he's already married to the sea. They aren't --- weren't --- wrong; he'll be the first to admit he's always been bewitched by the waves, the eerie beauty, the mystery of what lays beyond where humans can physically reach.
Sometimes, he wonders if Riku is the ocean's gift to him for his earnest, lifelong commitment to its well being.
He waits on the warm sand of their little sanctuary with mounting impatience. There's homework in his backpack to do, a book about the anatomy of various species of sharks to distract him, snacks and water --- but he wants nothing more than his siren. When Riku finally does break the (relatively) tranquil surface of the water, everything, including his patience, is forgotten.
He meets him in the surf. His bare toes curl at the inevitable chill of the ocean, but it's forgotten in the velvet heat of their first kiss. It's hard to say which of them initiated it. It doesn't matter, not in the least, as his lips explore and memorize Riku's. The bitter tang of saltwater still clinging to the other's skin is forgiven.
The caress of fingers against his flesh, pressed against his jaw and cheeks, cause a hum of contentment; his own fingers catch and soothe through starlight hair, turned shades darker by the water still clinging to it. He remembers the comb and hair ties and towels tucked into his bag - and his fingers slide loose, only to catch around Riku's.
Their foreheads touch briefly.
This could be heaven.
The apology grabs his attention. His brows furrow, just slightly, and he has to force himself to focus to remember why he should be upset. But he's not. How could he be? Riku came back, after all.
"You don't need to apologize for that. I would wait the whole rest of my life for you, if I had to."
Sora tugs on those larger, gentler hands with the flash of that usual, devil-may-care smile.
"Come on. I brought snacks to share!"
And, it's likely that the rest of their afternoon would be spent in this little cove of theirs - truly, paradise. Then again, wasn't anywhere paradise, so long as Riku existed in the space?
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herocarved-a · 1 year
     @dawnled​   ---   Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain. [ meme ]
The rain comes without warning.   It’s quiet; refreshing. It patters soothingly against the asphalt, the eaves, through the sparse trees of their little sanctuary in the city.   There’s no thunder, no lightning, no turbulent winds. 
Fingers touch his questioningly; he curls his into the offered hand without hesitation.   Sora’s feels the chill of the rain against his skin. His clothes stick to him uncomfortably.   And still, he splashes through the growing puddles with that Cheshire grin of his.   He can’t tell if Riku’s as amused by his antics as he, himself, is ---   but the utter delight that shivers warmly through him at every childish antic is too good to ignore.
Eventually, his boyfriend’s patience with the rain seems to wear thin, and Sora’s half-dragged, laughing all the way, beneath the eaves of their favorite cafe.   There’s a question half-formed ( why aren’t we going in??? ) when rain cooled fingers press against his jaw so, so gently, and Riku’s lips find his own.   He smiles into the kiss before emotion whisks away questions and thoughts and everything but the visceral need to share all of his heart and soul with the other.
His free hand settles encouragingly atop the one against his cheek.   He forgets the chill settling in the air, against his skin, and instead focuses on the growing warmth of his lips and cheeks and fingers.
He’s breathless when Riku pulls away, but still, he whines his discontent at the sudden separation, and shifts to his toes, as if to chase those lips for another kiss, and another, and another still.   There’s a brilliant twinkle of joy, of life and energy, in his eyes as he leans gleefully into his boyfriend’s warmth.   And, truly, Riku only has himself to blame for this playfulness that seeps into every thought, every smile, every little thing Sora does. 
It’s been different since Riku’s arrived in this strange city beyond death.
Where once he felt exhaustion and sadness, there’s now joy, love, peace ---
His antics are awarded with another kiss. There’s teeth against his bottom lip, and a new kind of excitement races up his spine. The tinkling of the cafe’s door opening, and the gentle laughter of others, drag him back to reality. There’s reluctance as he settles back on his heels, but a glance up at those pretty, sea eyes has him smiling in contentment.
“I love you, Riku.”
It’s become the easiest thing to say in the world, and he’s tempted to say it again for no other reason at all, than to voice the one thing he knows will never fade or become untrue.
I love you, I love you, I love you  ---
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herocarved-a · 1 year
"You deserve good things."
Snow gathers on the windowsills beyond the curtains; it’s quiet, pretty, and so, so serene --- achingly so. There’s a nagging memory of being locked from his home, once upon a time, one evening after school, but it feels faraway, like a dream (or a nightmare?), when he’s curled up into the side of his best friend. His knees are pressed to his chest, his socked toes into the plush cushion of the couch. There’s a quilt to keep them warm --- as if either of them needed more than each other’s body heat --- and hot drinks steaming cozily on the coffee table. 
Not so long ago, it would have been awkward to lean into the faerie king’s steady comfort so easily. There would have been doubts of the authenticity in his assurances that Sora could trust him, and yet unbroken habits to keep his silence, to keep his heart secret.
Now, there’s comfort in leaning his temple against the broad shoulder of the faerie he once saved, and has since been saved by; it’s soothing to feel those calloused, battle hewn fingers glide through the eternal bedhead that is his hair. And when he feels, more than hears, those words against his ear, it feels okay to peek up at the pensive face of his savior.
“... But you’re good, Riku.”
And maybe he realizes that it’s not enough to say it so simply when Riku looks less content and more confused by the murmured words, because the lithe human leans back to look at his savior and friend properly. He misses the comfort of fingers in his hair immediately, yet still takes the opportunity to grab those fingers. He holds that single hand between the both of his in earnest. 
“I don’t want things. I want you. You’re good and kind and funny. You didn’t kidnap me. You saved me. I’ve learned so much from you, like how to fight and be brave... and what it feels like to be loved.” 
His throat tightens against the words that want to escape. It’s not that he’s scared to say those words ---   but he’s afraid of losing what he’s already gained. What if he’s asking for too much? What if there’s even a line that Riku won’t let him cross? There have been no boundaries between them yet... but still...
And, perhaps, if it had been anyone else, he would’ve stopped. He would’ve let the silence drag on and on, until the subject was changed. But this is Riku. 
His savior.
The faerie that kept him company in his dreams, and whisked him away the moment things became too much.
“I love you, Riku. And I’m not confused. If I deserve good things, then you’re the best person for me.”
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herocarved-a · 1 year
He's not sure if anyone else has mentioned the last time there were celebrations at Disney Castle, but this time feels all the brighter - they're finally home, finally (somewhat) settled, and, most importantly, finally just together.
Fireworks crackle bright, brilliant colours in the sky, casting hues & shadows all across the castle and the courtyard - & the new year burns bright in blazing reds, oranges, yellows, among the stars.
Even with all of the beautiful fireworks & magic, Riku can't help but think that Sora's the most beautiful of all - & surely he doesn't need to say anything for anyone to know that's what he's thinking, but after all they've been through, he can't find himself caring.
There's laughter, happiness, cheer from all of their friends all around them - so he takes the moment to lean down, while they're hidden among the celebratory chaos, to press a long, warm kiss to Sora's lips; hopefully the first of many more,
"Happy New Year - I love you. Welcome home."
The scintillating bloom of fireworks captivate him as they always, always have, and as they likely always will. There’s innocent awe reflected in those sky blue eyes, as if he’s never seen anything so amazing, wonderful, perfect before; it’s easy to forget the trauma embedded in his soul, the scars left on freckled flesh ---    but he’s pressed into Riku’s side, an arm curled around his waist beneath his jacket, and he’s home. 
He’s surprised by the sudden distraction of lips against his, yet, he responds with joyful enthusiasm; he chases those lips when they try to escape too early, his balance teetering to his tip toes, and as laughter makes it impossible for them to continue.
“Happy New Year,” Sora breaths into the night already so full of celebration. The promise ring sits snug around his finger. It reminds him of a future full of these days, no longer shadowed by the war at their back. He wraps his arms around Riku’s neck and leans into his cool warmth with quiet insistence.
If anyone notices them, they don’t say anything - perhaps, because they understand the importance of these few moments of solitude they wish for. Sora knows he has over a year of lost time to make up for; a friendship with Kairi to mend, a new, tenuous relationship with Roxas, Xion, Namine. 
And he wants all of those things.
But not right now. Right now, he simply wishes to drown in the sea glass of Riku’s eyes, to touch his heart and know it no longer aches with the shards of his heart station, to love him, and him alone ---
“I love you, too, Riku. I love you more than I could ever put into words.”
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herocarved-a · 2 years
@dawnled --- Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap [ meme ]
I love you.   The words are woven into the way his fingers comb through ruffled sparks of moonlight; his blue, impossibly blue, eyes twinkle in time with the laughter that envelopes the pair.   I love you.   The phrase is imprinted in his heart as he settles into the couch, into Riku’s lap, as his knees press into the cushions, and his attention wanders from the disheveled hair to the silk smooth of his beloved’s cheeks, jaw, neck ---   I love you.   He breathes those aching words as their lips meet and an arm twines around Riku’s neck.
The world is lost to the little once - hero of light as his attention, his breath, his everything is swept into the slow heat of their kiss, of the press of their lips, of the teasing nip of teeth against his lip.
I need you.   Eventually, the kiss is broken. Sora takes quick, shallow breaths. His mind reels with hazy pleasure. There are steadying hands at his hips, and they’re warm, warm, warm ---    I need you.   The young man pulls his beloved’s hand free, only to capture it with both of his, so that his fingers might trace that fateful scar upon his wrist. 
Thank you.   There’s another kiss, and another, and another, until he can no longer think long enough to count them. There’s gratitude in those kisses; gratitude for the man that’s protected him since childhood. He doesn’t know every story of their adolescent years apart. There are still secrets waiting to be told when Riku’s ready --- of that year he slept, of the months they traveled parallel but separate paths.
And as their foreheads touch, and he drowns in that sea of jeweled teal, he feels only peace, a peace so rarely found for the two of them. He knows that once they go home, they’ll return to that life of war thrust so heedlessly upon them. Peace is not a word for them, the soldiers molded during their most formative years to fight for Kingdom Hearts --- except, he only knows peace when he feels Riku’s free hand wrap around his waist, and his own fingers twine with his dear knight’s, and the world of the dead all but disappears around them.
The silence is comfortable. Perfect. He can’t bring himself to break it ; so, instead, he steals another kiss, another:   I love you, I love you, I love you.
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