#v .   post kh3   .
thefreshprinceofjunes · 6 months
soriku week 2023 day 1, holy/meteor (purity/oblivion, restoration/destruction, light and darkness)
first day of soriku week babey!!!!!
made this back in january and never posted it anywhere SO NOWS AS GOOD A TIME AS ANY SINCE THE LYRICS ARE RELEVANT TO THE PROMPT (and its short enough to go on tumblr? wild)
i had two goals while making this gmv:
only use footage of the openings and kh3/remind/MoM
try to switch off the POV of the character for each clip, IRT the lyrics. for example, the first scene is rikus POV, while the second one is soras, etc etc. i managed to only have two of the same POV in a row, which are sora POV while saving riku in remind, and sora POV during the dive to the heart in kh3. so it goes riku -> sora -> riku -> sora -> riku -> sora -> riku -> sora -> sora -> riku -> sora, if that makes any sense
ALSO, this gmv is heavily inspired by this su mv!
i wanted to use the same short version of the song from it, but i couldnt find it w/o the dialogue from su overlaid. so i took the original song and cut it up + stitched it back together myself in sony vegas to match that version, something ive never done before! :3c (pic here, if anyones curious)
(view this video on youtube)
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keytosolidarity · 2 months
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ninthnocturne · 1 month
@k3ytoheart liked for a starter
Myde hummed a little as he paced in the training yard. Sora was running late today that was a little disconcerting. He didn't know him to pick a time and not make it on time. Worry was already starting to get to him as the minuets passed by. If he didn't show up soon he was going to go looking for him.
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dullahandyke · 1 month
final note on kh fashion, lea's kh3 ending outfit has a sleeveless hoodie like kairi's and thats rlly cute. matching outfits w the bestie from the time cube
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[ID: two screenshots from Kingdom Hearts 3, showing Lea during the ending cutscene, and Kairi. Both are wearing sleeveless tops with hoods.]
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herocarved · 8 days
"I'll always tell you this, as many times as you need to hear it; you are the most important person to me. I love you more than anything, and I will always do anything for you. You never have to feel bad for telling me something, asking me something, or wanting me to do something. I will love you no matter what happens, no matter what anyone else says. I know things have been hard, and being here has been scary, but I hope our time here has shown you that you are always my most precious person."
for @dawnled !
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He finds Riku leaning against the rail of the balcony. The rain from earlier stopped, but there's still the occasional drip from above that helps to create a symphony of plink - plops . Below, the city continues as a constant, nagging buzz ; once upon a time, the noise bothered him. It grated on his ears, his nerves, his everything as he so desperately ached for the silence of the islands. Now, it's unnoticeable. He isn't sure if he should be glad for that or not.
Sora finds himself hesitating, just a little, by the sliding glass door that leads between the balcony &. the apartment as he watches Riku's back. He sees the steady breaths in the subtle rise &. fall of his shoulders &. the easy way in which the young man leans against the railing. There's something welcoming in the quiet strength he carries with him - but he also can't help but not want to disturb that serenity.
Sora's messy. He's chaotic, loud, restless, emotional, reckless - he's everything Riku isn't. But isn't that what makes them so strong together ? Their differences are their strengths - but still, Sora stands at the threshold of their apartment, lips pursed, eyes distant, heart thrumming with a quiet anxiety.
&. maybe it's his heart that Riku notices or maybe he knew from the beginning that Sora stood behind him. He straightens from his slouch against railing &. turns to look at Sora. Their eyes meet. He's drawn out of his thoughts, just as he's drawn to Riku's side by the hand that beckons him. He takes the offered hand &. although Riku's fingers are cool against his own, there's something profoundly comforting in the way their fingers twine together so easily.
He's leaning into Riku's warmth when his attention is drawn up, up, up ; he looks at those seafoam eyes, those serious set of his lips, the furrow of his brows &. he knows he needs to listen.
But it's hard to hear those words, even though they're so full of devotion that he can practically feel the ache resonating in Riku's heart. The promises spoken remind him of those moments when Donald and Goofy made him feel small &. weak &. a burden to Riku. Don't bother him. Figure it out for yourself. The melancholy that settled so deeply into his heart after the harsh reprimands threaten to return. His eyes dip away, only to be drawn back by fingers against his jaw with Riku's resolution to be heard.
&. even if Sora could ever not believe Riku's words, it's impossible to ignore those eyes that are somehow both soft with his desire to love &. hard with that rigid determination to be heard.
The relief comes first. His chest feels lighter. Each breath comes a little easier. He smiles - not the forced smile that hurts his jaw, the smile that he shares when he's reminded heroes aren't allowed to be sad - but a real, genuine smile. My most precious person. Not a burden, not a distraction - but the most precious. He knows Riku isn't one for words. He speaks with his actions - with quiet hugs that envelope Sora in warmth &. keep the shadows at bay ; with forehead kisses or real kisses, full of that determined adoration that Riku's always so eager to share with him. To speak with words signifies a special kind of importance.
&. Sora wants to reciprocate that love with his own ; he needs to show Riku that nothing, not even his own crumbling self-worth, could possibly get between them.
His fingers tug free of Riku's - but they don't stay absent, as they instead settle on the man's hoodie. There they curl into the soft fabric and tug his dearly beloved down, down, down. Their lips meet. There's a moment where he thinks Riku might pull away in his surprise. That moment passes as their lips slot together, like two halves of a whole. He feels steadying hands on his hips, a stray thumb pressing against the brown skin beneath his shirt, &. for the first time in a long while, there's only love left to devour him.
As his arms stretch to curl around Riku's neck &. a hand buries itself into the thick nest of silver, he breaks away from the kiss almost regretfully. His lungs ache with the need to breathe, though, and his heart demands that he reciprocates more, more, more. Their foreheads touch &. all that's left are those sea saturated eyes.
"You're mine, too. There's nobody I trust or care more for than you. I don't want to be stuck here with anyone else. I love you, Riku."
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cryptidsncurios · 1 month
YEEHAW Generated Word Starters | Accepting! @secxndchance sent a YEEHAW
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| worker |
“Sooo, ya just hit a ball, people watch you, and then they throw munny at'cha?”
To be honest, some of the more random goings-on during that whole First (or should he call it Fake, perhaps?) Organization stint had actually flown under Xigbar’s radar---but this one in particular, he’d sort of wished he would have glimpsed, simply because of how damn ridiculous it was.
Good thing he was around now for a front row seat.
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“I mean, I guess if that makes ya a hard worker or whatever, have at it, kiddo---" and he experimentally kicked the ball with the toe of his boot, the motion accompanied by a half shrug. "I’ve seen folks do weirder.”
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strywoven · 1 year
starter call. / @blitz-heart
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❝ No , no , ❞ The Diviner waves off her worries , easily – though kindly , though gently – dismissing them as he shakes his head.  ❝ I may not be the … ❞  He pauses , brows furrowing as he sifts for the proper way he wants to word his sentiment , ❝ … Same as Lea , ❞ Yes , that sounded adequate enough ( after all , how shall the moon ever compare to the sun ? ) , ❝ But , please know , I am still here even when he is not. ❞  He risks the BAREST OF SMILES to uplift the corners of his lips ( a sign , he hopes , would signify something like reassurance or brotherly regard ; he’s seen lea do the same many a time ) , if she’s not paying careful enough attention , she may well miss it as it disappears back behind the veil of his impassive calm , like the ripples in a lakeface fading away again.  ❝ So by all means , Kairi , feel free to speak your mind with me. ❞  He pours her some tea , ❝ I am more than willing to , at the very least , listen. ❞
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squinoas · 2 years
the issue re: ff characters in kh is more that there are plot threads still hanging there and if you don’t want to resolve those plot threads then maybe just don’t write them in the first place???
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fatummortem · 2 years
@bishonenprince​ asked:  ❝  every time you smile at me,  i memorize it.  i remember each moment that i get to be the one to bring out that light inside you.  no matter what happens between us,  that’s what i’ll remember.   ❞ - at Cloud All about the Yearning Accepting
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       Cloud’s napping against the wall, in a random area of Radiant Garden, his chest lightly rising & falling as he rests after his last patrol. He has time before he has to run a package out, catching a bit of rest before he has to go once more.
      Head tipped back against the wall with his arms loosely wrapped around his waist, not showing if he heard Sora when the other starts to speak, if anything he seems to nap deeper. His head slowly falling forward to chest his chin against his collar bone. 
      Looking to anyone who may look his way to just be extremely tired.
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herocarved-a · 1 year
He'd gotten to know the Restoration Committee before, in the year that Sora was away - but now that he's back, it's like he's finally getting to really fit in with them, see how they treat Sora as part of their family, a home away from home.
They've been helping out with the restoration all morning ( though it's more added decoration than restoration by now ) and the sun has begun it's descent after noon; though they're supposed to make their way down the main path and take a right to get back to Merlin's to pick up their next task, Riku has a better idea.
A nearby alley provides shade from the sun - even though nothing on Radiant Garden can compare to the island heat - & Sora's surprise is as visible as it is audible, amusing in both ways. There's a sparkle in his eyes that screams trust, that no matter what Riku did, Sora would follow him always.
Their time in Shibuya, along with everything else, has accentuated that all the more, & Riku's heart surges with it.
There's a nearby sound of footsteps before he can say anything, so he raises a finger to his lips, a request for silence, before waving around that same hand with darkness briefly coating his fingertips. It settles like a dark cloak over the two of them, like one of those blanket forts they used to make from their bedsheets when they stayed up reading fairytale books as kids.
"The shadows will hide us."
He murmurs, by way of explanation, another trick he's learned over his time - the more shadows the better, & alleyways & dark corners of buildings were usually the best for it.
Then, without warning, he leans down to place a kiss along Sora's jaw, his cheek, the corner of his mouth, before peppering a few more against his lips that linger & grow longer over time.
Sora's been telling him it's okay to do what he wants, & to ask for things - & he's learning how to do so, slowly, even if, for now, it's just within the shadows & their own company.
"I haven't gotten to kiss you all morning."
They teased him when he arrived at Merlin's home with Riku in tow, but it was the warm, familiar teasing of family, and he didn't feel the usual nagging negativity that came from Donald's harsh words. And it felt good to see even Leon accept Riku without the wary hesitation others may have shown. He wonders how much of that is because of the time the older boy spent searching for Sora - but, truly, it doesn't matter, in the end. What matters is that they're accepted, fully, completely, without any of the brutal jabs at Sora not being worth Riku's time or Riku not being good enough for Sora's friendship.
It feels good to run the little errands Yuffie and Aerith send them on... even if Sora can tell the "important tasks" are little more than a means to get them out. It's fun to walk along familiar streets, hand in hand with his knight, his best friend, his fiance. He hums a little as they walk in amicable silence, unaware of the impish thoughts hidden behind the usual stoicism.
He doesn't hesitate to follow Riku into the alleyway; there's a question burning on his tongue, unasked with the gesture for quiet, and a catlike curiosity glittering in his eyes. In anyone else's hands, the darkness would have sparked his defensiveness; he would've summoned the kingdom key to his hands --- but it's Riku.
His easy stance, and bright gaze give away all of his faith he has in his beloved. A smile grazes his lips as Riku brushes gentle kisses against his freckled cheeks, his nose, and finally his mouth. He leans into each kiss a little more, and as those warm hands, scarred and worn from years of fighting, cup his jaw, his cheeks as if he's precious, his own hands, just as scarred and just as worn, curl comfortably around them.
He giggles at the mention of going the entire morning without kissing, and fails to mention the kissing they did before they even got out of bed in the dim light of predawn. There's approval in the way he leans up to steal another kiss.
He never thought the darkness could feel comfortable and warm. It always felt cold, dangerous... malicious --- but, perhaps, darkness, like light, takes after its user. And if that's the case, it's no wonder Sora feels at home in the near pitch black.
Anywhere is home, so long as he's with Riku.
"You're right. It's been too long since we last kissed."
Eventually, he steals his way into Riku's arms, content in the warmth that wraps around him in return. He doesn't really think they'll be missed, at least, not for awhile yet, and the idea of encouraging him further in his devious ways seems like only the best of ideas.
"You should do this more often. I like having you all to myself like this."
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keywcilder · 2 years
' hey there, love. ' he smiled and pressed his forehead against her head, still having his arms locked around her. ' how are you been doing? ' he said, giving her a soft kiss on her cheek.
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keytosolidarity · 1 month
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He might have tripped, and fell.. over nothing.
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ninthnocturne · 7 months
That looks like it hurts!
Myde looked up tiredly when Sora approached he nodded a bit looking back to his swollen and bruised ankle. "I was trying some new maneuvers with haste..I wanted to get some vertical height you know?" He pointed up. "So I made platforms going higher and higher..did not stick the landing though. I think I tore something..."
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thefreshprinceofjunes · 6 months
(+ also herc/megara and esmeralda/phoebus)
soriku week 2023 day 5, opposites attract (free day)
HAPPY BELATED SORIKU DAY (12/07)!!!!!!!!!!!
just over 35 minutes of soriku and disney princess couple parallels!!! 😎
this is basically a video compilation of a bunch of my kh metas/gifsets LOL
im aware it doesnt rly fit the theme of 'opposites attract' but w/e, princesses and princes are opposites. kind of. i mostly wanted to post this for soriku day bc its the content ive put the most work into for the week (even tho im posting it v late. damn u SAD)
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herocarved · 27 days
[ jacket ]
For @dawnled ! [ jacket ] sender takes their jacket off and hangs it on receiver's shoulders . ( meme . accepting . )
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He should've left the apartment with something more than a t-shirt stolen from Riku's side of the closet ; after all, it rains in this city nearly as much as it rains on their island homelands. The difference ? This rain feels unpleasant &. cold. Even with the umbrella to shield their heads &. Riku's warmth to press against, the wind brings with it a vengeful chill, as if the city itself works against the keyblade hero.
" I hate it here. "
The murmured words are uncharacteristically spiteful. He glances up, all at once, towards Riku to see if he's heard him &. then back towards the ground in awkward embarrassment at being caught sounding so, so negative. This isn't like him -
Or is it exactly like him ? The waspish thought catches him a little off guard &. his thoughts turn inward. Who is he, really, beneath the smiles &. pleasant nature meant to comfort &. soothe ?
The shifting weight beside him pulls him back to reality &. the Riku's warmth, the smell of his shampoo, his very presence, envelopes him. The leather jacket feels heavy against his shoulders, but the weight is a velvety comfort to his discontent. A smile slips free, genuine &. not the least bit forced, as he first slides his arms into the far too long sleeves &. then presses once more into the taller, sturdier frame of his beloved with a quiet relief.
It's okay, Riku's gesture seems to say, as if the young man could hear the doubt in Sora's heart. &. knowing Riku - his guardian &. dream eater - he maybe did hear the pangs of unease.
" I love you. " The little hero announces just as easily. Those three words carry with them vehement conviction. Even if he doesn't understand anything else about himself, there's only truth in his feelings towards the keyblade master. &. so, he insists again, as if to prove to the entire city his sincerity, " I love you more than Christmas &. Halloween ! "
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cryptidsncurios · 10 months
@worldly-diversity sent: "I've beaten you before, I can do it again." || Sora! X3
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The statement made Xigbar snort---a sound he didn’t even bother to disguise, couple with shooting an exaggeratedly condescending expression towards the kid. In all honesty, it wasn’t like Xigbar wasn’t entirely capable of mopping the floor with that scrawny twerp---and then some.
If he if was within the realm of possibility to give it his all.
Alas, his Role as observer meant that any untoward actions that might skew the preplanned status quo were big no-nos in the grand scheme of things, including showcasing the full extent of his abilities.
However, he could still brush off the ridiculous statement like dust from his shoulder.
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“Listen, kiddo, I know we’ve had beef in the past, but right now, I ain’t interested in doin’ a weapon-measuring contest, ‘kay? I got more pressin’ matters to attend to, thanks.”
Such as gearing up for whatever chaos was in store for the next phase of this whole mess for which the Master had meticulously plotted---with the whole lot of them, Xigbar imagined, simply along for the ride.
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