hwu-adventures-blog · 3 years
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All that Matters
Fic Description: Alicia Hardy and Ethan Ramsey’s relationship is complicated, it always has been, and after Alicia spends a night helping Ethan cook chicken, things start to be looking up for them getting together. However when death comes knocking at Alicia’s door, and they realise they might have just missed their chance...
Pairing: Ethan x MC (Alicia Hardy)
Taglist (please let me know if you to be added or taken off): @utterlyinevitable​
First Chapter
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Chapter 5- Running Out of Time
An hour or so later and Alicia found herself and Raf surrounded by their friends, Jackie, Elijah and Sienna who had brought tea and cafeteria pizza for them, Bryce, having rushed down from Kyra’s surgery from this and even Aurora who had raced from Mass Kenmore after hearing about the news, all trying to cheer them up and comfort them. Some of the people she loved most in the world helping her and Raf through this, and although it would have been better with Ethan there as well, Alicia could help but selfishly think even though she knew he was working himself ragged with trying to find a diagnosis and helping in his own way by doing what he did best, the Pizza, was a welcome second place for a bonus, even if she didn’t feel like eating anything.
“Is there any news out there?” Raf asked from his bed he looked exhausted, his eyes sunken, dark bags visible under his eyes, he looked fragile with the breathing tube he was connected to through his nose. It broke her heart to see her friend like this all because of her stupid reckless actions. Alicia watched as Jackie and Sienna exchanged a long deciding look.
“What is it?” She asked
Sienna frowned
“Ethan and I managed to get access to Travis, and it helped us eliminate a lot more possibilities...but just as we were leaving, he died”
Oh no.
“But we’re closer to figuring out what this is!”
“Heads up” Elijah said surprised at the return of the diagnostics team in their hazmat suits, as they passed through the decontamination tent one by one, June, Baz and then Ethan, with Baz carrying a small blue cooler that Alicia somehow didn’t think was full of food or drink.
“We have something that should help you both” Ethan explained
“But not a cure”
Alicia felt a pang of disappointment, although she had not expected it to be a cure, maybe some part of her had hoped deep down it was and all of this would be over, Ethan glanced at her sympathetically and answered her statement, she could tell he hated seeing her like this.
“Not yet. But this should help alleviate some of the worst symptoms”
“Thank....you...” Raf said as Baz extracted two syringes from the cooler, Ethan took one and turning to Alicia, gently ushed her to the bed, not wanting anyone but himself to inject her Alicia suspected, not because he didn’t trust Baz or June but because he needed to make sure everything went right himself.
“You should sit” he said as a matter a fact rather than a suggestion, an gentle overall tone in his voice but with a authoritarian hint, knowing that Alicia, would have probably contested sitting down for the injection on any other day, in any other situation. However it wasn’t any other day or any other situation and she didn’t have the energy to argue with him and besides she was the patient now, and right got now, Ethan knew what was best so she easily conceded to his request.
“Just for a minute”
As she sat down on the bed, waiting for the needle to enter her skin, watching at the doctor, staring at the helpless look in his eyes behind the window of his helmet, wanting nothing more than to reassure him everything will be okay but knowing it wasn’t, her mouth suddenly started to feel as if it had gone dead, a painful prickling sort of sensation and Ethan’s face blurred in and out of focus, new symptoms.
“Alica...” his voice was calm, gentle, soft, as if he was pleading with her to tell him what was wrong, and Alicia realised something.
She now had a decision, she could tell Ethan the truth. The truth about how terrified she was of this whole situation, how petrified she was of losing anymore of her friends lives or even her own life because of a mistake she made, a rash decision she is now paying for, and have him reassure her that he was going to fix it again or tell her he won’t let her go. Or alternatively, she could report these new symptoms she was experiencing, as any bit of information, any new symptoms could or would help with the diagnosis. Admitting how scared she was, Alicia reasoned wouldn’t help anyone, so, purposely hiding away her feelings of terror, she opted to confirm to him what was important in that moment;
“I’m having paresthesia around my mouth and in my feet. And blurred vision”
“And any other developing symptoms?”
“I threw up a while back. But we all knew that was part of this, so I guess it’s not really a new symptom”
“.... I see. Thank you for telling me”
Ethan found a vein and pressed the syringe down, inserting the needle into her body, administering the treatment, it stung for a moment but that didn’t matter to her, it was insignificant compared to the pain she was going through in terms of seeing everyone else suffer because of her. Looking across the small room, to distract herself from that thought, she saw June pull out the other syringe from Raf’s arm as she felt Ethan do the same to her.
“Are the FBI going to autopsy the guy who did this?” Raf questioned, something which clearly caused Ethan’s expression of helplessness turn to something akin to frustration and anger.
“Yes, but they’ve informed me they have no intention of sharing those results with us. They’re claiming national security”
“Are you serious? That’s BS.” Elijah almost yelled from behind the window
“It is. But any petition to release it would take weeks, and we have hours. We need to work quickly to find a diagnosis”
“Especially since... since...” Elijah’s voice hitched, Jackie laid a hand gently on his shoulder before turning to Alicia.
“Danny is unresponsive. He’s going downhill fast”
“Oh my god...”
Alicia felt panic well up inside of her, no not Danny, they won’t let Danny die, they can’t can they? They’ll find out what’s wrong, they’ll find a cure in time, they have to! They won’t just-
“We’re not giving up on you... or Danny...” Sienna reassured her almost as if she read her mind and knew exactly what she was thinking.
“Between us and the diagnostics team, we have nine doctors working on this already. We should be able to solve anything” Jackie pointed out
“I’m just a surgeon, but I’ll offer whatever help I can” Bryce stated and Alicia managed a smile
“This isn’t time for that confidence of yours to do a runner, Bryce”
“Yeah you’re not just anything” Sienna added
“Sorry. I mean, we’ve got this!” Bryce grinned
“So here’s where we are.” June changed the subject, Alicia had almost forgotten the diagnostics team was there, even though it was damn near impossible to completely forget that fact. “we’ve ruled out Anthrax, Botulinum, Ricin, Tularemia, and we’re waiting on results for Tabun”
“And the FBI have ruled out half a dozen fungal toxins, Ebola, Marburg’s, and all the Novichok nerve agents” Ethan continued, calmly and professionally although Alicia could tell he was at least a bit worried about the lack of positive results as he looked at her, not tearing his gaze away for a second
“That’s a pretty broad field” Jackie raised her eyebrows
“When you have so little to go on, you need to cast a wide net” Baz pointed out
Alicia watched as Ethan regained his focus, noting Baz’s sad expression
“Still, it’s progress. The fact there’s still no fever means it’s almost certainly not a bacteria or a virus. We’re shifting our focus to-“
Raf groaned in pain, June stopped dead as he clutched his chest and lurched violently sideways, getting up from the bed in one swift motion Alicia raced towards Raf to catch him before he toppled to the floor.
“Raf!” She heard Elijah say from outside.
“It’s alright, he just fainted” she reassured her friends, but couldn’t help but be concerned for what this could mean, she leaned Raf back against the soft pillow. And after a few seconds he opened his eyes again, coming back around, blinking confusedly.
“....what does this mean?” Aurora asked Ethan frowned in response, that mixture of concern and helplessness visible behind the window of his helmet once more, mirroring Alicia’s exact expression and feelings in that moment.
“....means we need to move even faster than we thought.”
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hwu-adventures-blog · 3 years
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Seriously PB?? You can’t be telling me we’re going to be having a rivalry with Harper??? And that we’re also going to potentially be having a love triangle situation? Like I don’t mind a love triangle situation, (if written well and if it makes sense) and arguably those who romanced Raf had it worse in book 2, BUT IF YOU’RE ROMANCING ETHAN, YOU CAN’T TELL ME THAT HARPER EMERY WOULD ROMANCE ETHAN AFTER ETHAN PUBLICALLY OUTED HIS AND MC’S RELATIONSHIP AND WITH BARELY ANY INDICATION (apart from I remember there was one scene in book 1 where we learn about Harper and Ethan’s history) FROM HARPER OR ETHAN THAT THRY WERE STILL INTERESTED IN EACH OTHER. Sorry, It just doesn’t make much sense if you’re romancing Ethan and it’s a bit of an insult to Harper’s character if we’re going down the romantic and work rivals route or that MC is going to feel insecure about her place in the diagnostics team (or as Ethan’s girlfriend if you’re romancing him like I am) anyway sorry for the rant, I hope this is all one big understanding and MC is just feeling a bit insecure because everything is changing and PB can try to make me dislike Harper Emery but they’ll fail hard.
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Huh, I thought Ines and Zaid were a thing or going to be. Sorry, that just surprised me, I’m all for LGBTQ+ representation and we support and love the cinnamon roll that is Ines Delarosa no matter who she’s attracted to or with!
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LOOK AT THAT MAN! I have been staring at this ALL DAY! I honestly haven’t been this obsessed with a CG since the one with Maxwell holding the baby in TRH2!!!! Like DAMN! are all the CGs for the LI’s that good?!!!
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NOOOO BAZ 😭 I bet he’s been forced to leave by Bloom or to step out from Zaid’s shadow or something (or he could just be leaving but it’s really sad either way)
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hwu-adventures-blog · 3 years
Valentines Day Challenge- Ethan x MC
So I saw one of my friends do this on Facebook and I thought, OH!MC would totally do this, despite her actually not being interested in the day itself and it kind of spiralled into this (also this is more Valentine’s Day related than my other posts today- also sorry if there’s any mistakes):
MC’s post:
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Ethan’s post:
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hwu-adventures-blog · 3 years
Birthday Wishes- (an OH crossover with MOTY, Bachelorette Party and Plantnuim)
Dr Alicia Hardy accidentally causes some all in good fun jealousy in her reply to a relative’s post...
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Yeah, all of my MC’s from OH, MOTY, Bachelorette Party and Plantinum are siblings.
I also added their brother Jake who is the brother OH!MC mentions in a premium scene of OH book 1
Jasmine Day (MOTY MC) is their paternal half sister who took her mum’s last name.
It’s just my way of dealing with the fact I chose the white MC for all of them and accidentally gave my Bachelorette Party MC the same surname as my Open Heart MC and then I decided to go to hell with it with my Platnium MC.
Bonus (Ethan x MC):
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hwu-adventures-blog · 3 years
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All that Matters
Fic Description: Alicia Hardy and Ethan Ramsey’s relationship is complicated, it always has been, and after Alicia spends a night helping Ethan cook chicken, things start to be looking up for them getting together. However when death comes knocking at Alicia’s door, and they realise they might have just missed their chance...
Pairing: Ethan x MC (Alicia Hardy)
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or taken off): @utterlyinevitable
A/N: I’m sorry that this fic has been on hiatus for a while, since September (I think). I’m in my last year at Uni and that’s hard enough except now we’ve also got the virus that shall not be named making it even harder, so I’ve been struggling with Uni and my mental health for a while but I finally got round to part 4 even if it’s a short chapter. I will be continuing with this fic, it just might take a while- also OH 3 is releasing next week! So I’m excited for that! Oh, and part 5 of this fic is in the works.
First chapter
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Next chapter
Chapter 4- Lifeline (Part 2)
“Goddamn it!”
Ethan exclaimed in frustrated anger as he chucked the crumpled up negative test results for any botulinum makers across the room catching the other members of his team’s attention.
“No markers for Botulinum I take it?” June frowned
“We can’t let ourselves lose hope. Alicia needs us” Baz said, noting the absolute state their boss was in
“That’s right. We need to keep working methodically. We have dozens of options left that explain all the symptoms we’ve seen, so we just tick through them one by one”
Ethan knew that was the most logical answer. He knew she was right, he knew Baz was right, they couldn’t give up hope, they had to work through this methodically, but all logic was thrown out in favour of the rising panic in his chest at the thought of losing Alicia.
“We don’t have time to patiently rule out every single thing that can poison a human body. Alicia needs us now”
And just like that, the Ethan’s frustration at the results was replaced with frustration at himself.
Alicia needed them. She needed him, and at the moment, he couldn’t be there for her.
He couldn’t let her down. He wasn’t going to let it become another situation like the one last year with Naveen, he sure as hell wasn’t going to give up on her. He couldn’t let her die.
“I’m afraid I have some bad news... Danny’s slipped into a coma, and the nurse caring for him says there weren’t any new symptoms since we moved him. I don’t think we’ll learn anything more from his case” Baz explained
Ethan sighed his look of anger dropping as he realised the impossible.
“Which means we need access to Travis if we’re going to make any headway on this”
“But we don’t have it. We just have to hope the FBI shares their findings from their private investigations with us”
“And that Alicia and Rafael can hold on long enough for that to do them any good...”
“Um doctors?”
Dr Sienna Trinh, who Ethan recognised as one of Alicia’s housemates, stood at the door nervously.
“Dr. Trinh. What can we do for you?”
“Actually, I think I can do something for you. And for Danny and Alicia and Raf. I-I know where Senator Farrugia is hiding”
“He’s still here?” June asked
Sienna nodded looking at Ethan with determination “and I think he knows where they took Travis”
“Travis’s symptom progression could help us narrow down the search! Any symptoms he shared with the other victims we could be certain were important!” Baz realised
“It could help us treat Alicia, Rafael and Danny more effectively. We might even get a diagnosis in time!” June agreed “Unless you think the feds will reach out to us on their own...”
No. Ethan almost scoffed as remembered his conversation with the agent as they moved Travis out of the hospital. Anything they learned was to be a ‘matter of national security’, there was no way they’d reach out to them if anything happened.
“No, I don’t think that’s likely”
“Then we have to talk to Ed. He’s our only chance to get more information” Sienna pointed out.
“Get answers from Ed?”
Ethan thought for a second as all three pairs of eyes looked at him for an answer, a decision, probably thinking that he was going to say no, he closed his eyes to think this through properly, He usually would have said no, it was too risky, they could get into all sorts of trouble doing this and that’s more than the hospital needed right now, hell he’d said no to helping Alicia break out the Senator who caused this situation in the first place out of Kenmore, because of that risk, but now, in that moment there was only one route he could take, one decision one clear answer. Alicia needed him. The image of her telling him she was freaking out, worrying over what was going to happen to her and her friends, staring at the spot Bobby had died minutes ago, struggling to think about anything else.
He’d promised her he’d fix it. He swore to it and if this was going to help Alicia, then he wasn’t going to give this up. The trouble was worth it if he could keep her in the world.
She was counting on him to keep her alive. He was her lifeline and she was his. He could not let her down!
“Let’s go” Ethan agreed “you two can handle things here?” He asked his two teammates
“Of course. We can’t get test results back faster if you’re here anyway”
“Go find us some answers, Ethan. We’ll keep going down the list”
“Follow me” Sienna said determination still sounding in her voice, Ethan turned and without a second thought, followed Sienna out of the lab.
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hwu-adventures-blog · 3 years
(Finally) Playing With Every Heartbeat:
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Here’s my MC: Evie Knight!
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And here’s the face I chose for Dakota even though it was a really really hard choice!
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Me, a Open Heart fan (it’s literally one of two book series that has kept my interest at the moment since I’m a bit tired of TRR- although I still love Maxwell as a character and PB cancelled the rest of the book series that interested me): Boston? That’s where Open Heart is set!
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My dumbarse surprised despite Pixelberry having a habit of linking books and this book involves cancer so obviously we would be visiting a hospital or catching Edenbrook in the background of the title page: EDENBROOK????!!!!!!! Our mum works at Edenbrook!!!!! We’re spending time in Edenbrook!!!! Will we get references to the OH books???? It can’t be set before book 1 as 202-something was on the graduation banner and OH starts in 2019 so is WEHB set in between OH book 1 & 2??? Or is it after OH book 3???? Wait, WILL WE SEE ETHAN OR ANY OF THE OTHER OPEN HEART CAST??????!!!!!!!!! (Okay that last one is wishful thinking, there are other doctors and wards in Edenbrook so it’s unlikely)
Also I already love Dakota, he’s already becoming a favourite LI and the fact we know how it ends (I’m guessing we do, it’s kind of obvious from the start) is just tragic and if i cried over chapter 10 and 11 in Open Heart 2 then this book is going it’s going to make me cry buckets!!!!!
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
Open Heart Second Year Chapter 17 (part 1?)
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yeah sure it’s definitely not a date! also just pointing out it’s not MC asking Ethan, it’s Ethan asking MC!!!! Book One Ethan wouldn’t dream of it! We’ve come a long way folks!
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Hahaha Ethan joining in with the shots was just brilliant and the interaction between Elijah and Ethan made me laugh way more than it probably should have 😂😂
My Thought process during that moment at the Gala:
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Okay, Ethan, you’ve just had a interaction with Naveen that almost made me cry because he’s a surrogate dad and good friend to you, and I’m expecting you to wander off privately with Alicia (my MC) later and kiss her and probably do other stuff 😉, which would be the perfect way to end the evening so go ahead, what is it?
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Wait, to Hell with what? Is this going where I think it’s heading? ETHAN?????
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*breathes in* AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *cue me screaming at my phone screen at Ethan outing their relationship in the most public way possible and then laughing at Jackie and Sienna’s reactions and then slamming that 30 💎 scene button without a second thought*
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Yeah Kyra didn’t buy that one bit! You’re both terrible liars 🤣🤣🤣
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
Do you have a masterlist?
Yes, I do have a Masterlist that you can find here full of most of the fanfics and other things that I’ve written (including the really bad ones from when I first started writing which are quite difficult to read because there’s no spacing in between dialogue and description). It’s pinned at the top of my page now but you can also find it here.
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
Texts from Las Vegas- Ethan x MC (Alicia Hardy)
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A/N: I just noticed that I made a typo with Bryce’s name oops damn the u being next to a y on a phone keyboard 😂. Also my MC, Alicia hates gambling because her dad has a gambling and alcohol addiction but she will do it if she has to say to save a friend or take down a corrupt company.
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
So I screwed up on chapter 15 of Open Heart and accidentally clicked on the threesome option instead of the continue dancing option when my MC was supposed to be romancing only Ethan and didn’t realise it until I was too late because I’m stupid and now my MC is a cheater and now I feel bad 😣
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So I guess whatever happens in Vegas really is going to stay in Vegas.... because I won’t be making that mistake again and I honestly hope that PB doesn’t pull that shit with Bryce and Jackie again because they’re literally like siblings.
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
Okay so Chapter 13 was a rollercoaster... so much happened but at the same time it felt like nothing did (which isn’t always a bad thing, and was actually a feeling I needed after the last two chapters)
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I’m all for this friendship, especially them fighting over Stanley Kubrick! 😂😂
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...well, someone’s clearly in need of another fist to the face! (F**k, actually that was some pretty clever foreshadowing, Levi does die but MC doesn’t kill him, Esme does)
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Oh Ethan....
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YES SIENNA! (I mean I did click the option to try to calm you down because that’s what my MC would do, since Sienna is clearly still effected by Danny’s death) BUT YOU TELL HIM!
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Naveen! Glad you’ve returned after Pixelberry clearly forgot to (minus a brief mention) put you in the last two chapters when MC almost died and everyone attended a funeral!...Even if the appearance is because Esme killed Levi (potentially an assisted suicide? Like million dollar baby, situation?)... also Esme asked for advice on doing the right thing and I picked the option to say to do the right thing even if it puts your career at risk and then this happens... DID MC JUST HELP HER MAKE THAT CHOICE?! I mean, I’m pretty sure Levi told Esme to do it and the parents aren’t going to let this go...
Speaking of MC, is she okay? I mean I was expecting a panic attack or something this week, but she’s still traumatised over the attack and nobody stopped her coming back to work and she’s acting as if she’s fine and she’s having to deal with Esme’s situation which parallels hers. Damn she’s going to break at some point, isn’t she?
Also Ethan’s got a right to be angry, his mum who he hasn’t seen since he was 11, phones up out of the blue telling his dad she wants to talk to him which he refuses, then she makes MC an unwitting accomplice in stealing food from a store (which MC told him about), then he almost loses MC and was terrified of letting her out of his sight last chapter, in case something happens again and he can’t save her and THEN a few days (I estimate it to be a week or so after the attack) later his mum resurfaces having had an opioid overdose and almost DIED!.. so yeah, Ethan it makes sense that he’s angry and I’m not blaming him for it at all and he’ll talk about it when he’s ready, I’m sure.
(Also also, am I the only one who kind of feels mixed emotions towards Louise Ramsey? I feel angry at her for hurting Ethan but I also feel a little bit sorry for her, not because she abandoned her husband and son although there was most likely a reason for that probably to do with the drug addiction that we’ll find out later but because addiction well known to be terrible and hard and something must have driven her to do that)
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
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All that Matters
Fic description: Alicia Hardy and Ethan Ramsey’s relationship is complicated, it always has been, and after Alicia spends a night helping Ethan cook chicken, things start to be looking up for them getting together. However when death comes knocking at Alicia’s door, and they realise they might have just missed their chance...
Pairing: Ethan x MC (Alicia Hardy)
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added): @utterlyinevitable
Warnings: mentioned Alcoholism, mentioned not trusting doctors, mentioned father issues.
A/N: sorry if this is short and terrible I’m not feeling very well so I thought I’d do a shorter chapter this time round and I’ll make it up in chapter 4 also sorry if I get some American dialect and pronunciations wrong at any point during this series as I’m British and therefore have no idea what some American dialect is like (but I’ll try my best) 😊
First chapter
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Next chapter
Chapter 3- Lifeline (part 1)
Hours passed, The evening rays started to been through the protected room, and all Alicia could do was wait, her friends were out helping find out what was wrong with her, Danny and Raf.
...What was killing them.
She was sat on the floor, watching Raf quietly from there, she hadn’t quite mustered up the courage to go to his side yet, scared that if she got closer, she’d break him even more, somehow make him worse. Worse like Danny.
Danny, he was in special care, one of her first friends at Edenbrook and he was dying and it was her fault. If she hadn’t gone charging in-
The thought of Sienna was what stopped her from prematurely guilt tripping herself. Sienna would be devistated if both of them kicked the bucket and Alicia wasn’t about to let that happen. If she had to die for Danny to live, then do be it, if it could give her best friend who had sat there trying to comfort her to no end. The second dolphin in this sea of sharks, who deserved happiness more than herself, and if she had to die to do that then- then she was going to do that.
Doesn’t matter what Ethan said, that she couldn’t think about giving up even if it was almost impossible not to. Well she wasn’t going to give up per-say not yet, she was going to try and make a bargain with the universe to let Danny live. No matter what it will cost. Even if she had to sacrifice her life in his place to do it, for Sienna’s happiness she’d risk everything, her job, her potential relationship with Ethan, even never seeing her family ever again.
Oh no.
How did it take this long for her family to come to mind? Oh they wouldn’t be happy if they learned that she hadn’t thought about them until hours into her quarantine with a fatality unknown affliction.
Did they know what was happening? Did they know that she was in here? We’re they trying everything to get to her? To be there?
Someone must have told them, Ethan and Naveen wouldn’t let that slip through the cracks, and even if they did an attempted assassination attempt on a senator and potential election candidate wouldn’t stay quiet for long and the press were probably already knocking on their door, so chances are, they would know already.
She never got to tell Ethan about her family, after all why would she? Up until recently he was definitely nothing more than her boss and she hadn’t had the chance to tell him. But she’d mentioned him to her family, being her boss and medical idol but now she wondered what he’d say if he’d had made the call to her parents and told them that she was in a life threatening situation. What would they say to that?
They’d be worried, that’s for sure. Or at least she was certain most of her family would be with the exception of her dad, who would certainly be chuffed that he was proven right at last.
Hospitals weren’t safe.
Yeah, Alicia had told a bit of a lie when she bumped into Ethan’s mother a few weeks back. Her mom was supportive, and proud, Hell, she wore her pride around on her sleeve but her dad, well, he was less so.
Simon Hardy was not the best dad in the world... dad, disgraced army vet turned store owner, conspiracy nut, unfortunately a severe alcoholic. Which of course, she knew the alcoholism wasn’t his fault, it’s a terrible addiction that’s hard to break and a very serious issue. But his conspiracy filled mind made his alcohol fuelled delusions feel real and when he found out Alicia was serious about being a doctor, about “fraternising with the enemy”- well, her dad had made the decision to hate her long ago, and she didn’t want to remember those details, not now.
They’d probably get to the hospital too late anyway.
Not that her dad would have cared, he’d probably used her death as an excuse to go on a rant about how big Pharma was out to get them and that the Govenment worked with the doctors At Edenbrook to kill his precious little girl.
for the record, dad, she thought to herself, I’m in the safest place possible, even if I’m potentially dying.
Because she had good, kind, people who were going to help her, Raf and Danny make it through this and she trusted them to save the three of them. Hell, Ethan would probably go and fight death in a fist fight to keep her safe. He wasn’t one to back down easily, not in the face of death anyway, not after last year.
And Alicia believed in him.
because he was her lifeline.
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
I’ve caught up with Open Heart Second Year! So I can now suffer and enjoy it with the rest of you when the next Open Heart chapters come out!
and can I just say Chapters 11 and 12 had me crying my eyes out non-stop...
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Damn I was crying from Danny’s death (despite the fact I knew that happens but it didn’t hurt any less) and then Ethan went and said this and it simultaneously broke my heart and healed it at the same time because Ethan Ramsey doesn’t make mistakes and he pretty much admitted he made a mistake and wishes he hadn’t asked MC to stay away 😭
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Ethan admitting that he doesn’t want to let MC out of his sight because it could happen again and he wouldn’t be able to save her, HURT! Like Ethan, Seriously 😭 book 1 Ethan would never admit that to MC! So do you know what I call that? More GROWTH!
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On a more light hearted note, I decided to see what happens if you climb in the back in the 💎 scene and I wasn’t disappointed. Honestly I needed that light hearted moment after the last two chapters. I honestly love banter between MC and Ethan 😂😂
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
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All That Matters
Fic Description: Alicia Hardy and Ethan Ramsey’s relationship is complicated, it always has been, and after Alicia spends a night helping Ethan cook chicken, things start to be looking up for them getting together. However when death comes knocking at Alicia’s door, and they realise they might have just missed their chance...
Pairing: Ethan/MC (Alicia Hardy)
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added to this list): @utterlyinevitable
Chapter 1, Chapter 3
Chapter 2: Collateral Damage
When she wondered what tomorrow would bring, she hadn’t expected the day after that to be ringing any alarm bells!
But here Alicia was, in the middle of a assassination attempt from Senator Ed Farrugia’s aide, Travis Perry, trying her best to defuse the situation and get to Bobby, the hospital security guard, and try her best to save his life.
She gingerly took a step towards Danny and Bobby but Travis raised the canister again, in Alicia’s direction, his face contorted with anger and pain.
“It didn’t have to be this way”
The doctor watched in horror as Travis’s finger started to pull at the pin on the canister again, and stared at Bobby and Danny, and then at Travis. Once that pin is pulled everyone, in this room will be contaminated, and she couldn’t stop it! They really were all just pawns in a game- all just collateral damage in his plan for revenge.
This situation was spiralling out of her control and soon-
Someone pushed her out of the way, she stumbled trying to regain her balance as she watched Raf tackle Travis to the ground.
“Aah” and Alicia watched out of the corner of her eye as senator Farrugia bolted out of the room and down the hall in the confusion.
“NO!” Travis yelled angrily after his intended victim as Raf tried to grab the canister but Travis squeezed down hard and a light hiss filled the room. Alicia’s eyes widened in horror as the aerosol canister deployed and spread across the room, covering mostly Raf and Travis but there was some on Danny as well and it wasn’t long before a light mist settled on her hands and her throat tickled from the chemicals.
Travis gags and gasps as coughing fills the room, his face glistening with oily clear substance
“Oh my god” Raf’s eyes widened in shock
“Oh no... oh no...” Danny gasped
In complete and utter shock, Alicia glanced over at Raf, and noted that he was covered in the oily sheen, her face fell with dread.
“Raf, you’re...”
“It’s on all of us... what the hell is it?” He asked
But before Alicia could say anything else another voice echoed from the window to the room.
The blonde Doctor looked quickly towards the window in the direction of the voice and finds Ethan, his eyes wide with shock.
“oh god” Alicia whispered “what did we just breathe?”
Her throat tingled with pain as she looked at her friends in the room, Danny sat near Bobby’s body stunned at the attack, and Raf’s skin shines the light where the spray covered him.
“I...I... It’s on me... it’s all over me...” Danny muttered in shock.
The room was filled with a horrific coughing and spluttering from Travis laying on the floor, or at least he was, but to Alicia’s dismay, Rafael grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him against the wall.
“What the hell was in that thing?” He demanded
“I...I don’t...” the criminal managed before twisting away from Raf and vomiting in the bin.
Alicia turned to face Ethan, her mind racing in a panic as his eyes grew wide in horror.
Alicia’s eyes widened even more if that was even possible as she realised something about the room.
The door’s open. The hospital‘s in danger. Ethan’s in danger.
“Ethan, Don’t come in here!” She told him, panic rising in her chest as she jumped into action and raced as fast as she could to the room door, holding it tightly shut, as she met the attending’s eyes through the glass of the window.
“What’s going on, Alicia?”
She took a breath trying to remain calm before replying, but she couldn’t stop her eyebrows frowning in worry for her friends and the hospital itself.
“Travis just tried to kill senator Ed with whatever was in that canister. Ed got out but we have no idea what was in there.” She paused before continuing, there was no point in hiding exactly how much danger she and her friends were currently in, not from Ethan, not when the entire hospital is at risk, the patients come first. “Bobby took a full blast of it to the face, and Danny and Raf were both right there when Travis deployed it. And I breathed some of it in. Whatever it is, it’s clearly dangerous. We can’t risk it getting out into the rest of the hospital”
She glanced back at Travis, still heaving into the bin before looking back at Ethan.
“You’re right. We have to stop it from spreading”
“I...I don’t... I don’t feel so good” Danny lurched to the side and threw up hard, as Raf comfortingly patted his shoulder “whatever this is... it’s bad”
There the sound of a body hitting the floor and Travis collapsed, shaking violently, but Alicia couldn’t help but look towards Bobby, laying completely unresponsive on the floor.
“Dammit!” Raf cursed angrily.
The blonde haired Doctor forced her eyes away from her friends for a second as she scanned the room for any other possible exits, her heart pounding in her chest as she spots an air duct near the ceiling.
Okay air duct. Alicia, you’re still in control, do what you do best- and help people.
“Raf, help me! We need to seal the vent!”
“On it”
Alicia moved away from the door and to the cupboard, searching for anything that she could use to stop the agent from escaping into the hospital, until she spotted some plastic sheets used for exam tables and some medical tape. She hurried up to the duct and climbed up onto Rafael’s laced together fingers, securing it in place in front of the vent.
“This‘ll have to do”
Climbing back down, she turned to Raf, his eyes blood shot. She gave him a concerned look.
He was right there when the aerosol canister deployed, tackling Travis to the ground.
“Raf... are you feeling okay? You were so close when that thing went off...”
“Don’t worry about me. Bobby took a much bigger hit. Not to mention Travis himself”
Right. He’s right, head in the game, Alicia, prioritise patients. She thought even if one of them tried to kill you minutes ago.
“You hanging in there Danny?” She asked the nurse on the floor slumped against a wall, his breathing hard, with a glassy look in his eyes
“I...I don’t..” he wheezed as Alicia put her fingers to his wrist and after a struggle finds a slow, weak pulse before doing the same to Bobby but- finding nothing.
Without the equipment, Bobby was definitely going to die and in fact, they were probably too late- oh God.
“Alicia... did much get on you?” Raf asked
“I’m not sure. only a little I think”
She glanced back at the window. Ethan was talking on the phone, his expression completely unreadable, as staff evacuated the rooms around them quickly and calmly, he hangs up the phone.
“The C.D.C are on their way. You’ll be fine, Alicia. You’ll both be fine”
She wasn’t quite sure who Ethan was reassuring, her, or himself, as he gave her a comforting look but she saw the terror hidden in his eyes, she knew him too well not to see it.
And if Ethan really was terrified, then they were in serious trouble...
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
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All That Matters
Fic Description: Alicia Hardy and Ethan Ramsey’s relationship is complicated, it always has been, and after Alicia spends a night helping Ethan cook chicken, things start to be looking up for them getting together. However when death comes knocking at Alicia’s door, and they realise they might have just missed their chance...
Pairing: Ethan/MC (Alicia Hardy)
A/N: this is my first OH fic so sorry if it’s not very good and it’s a really short chapter, with not much description but I promise the others chapters will be better and longer.
Chapter 2
Chapter 1- All Over A Chicken
Alicia checked the temperature on the oven in Ethan’s kitchen before turning back in the direction of the entrance to the kitchen listening to the inaudible muttering from the other room.
Today had certainly been an eventful day, from convincing Ethan to join the softball team to winning the game despite having no experience in the sport previously and ending up back in Ethan’s home and having a somewhat therapeutic cooking session that ended with his dad, Alan Ramsey turning up, and encouraging Ethan to open up, she would tell you that it had been one of the best days of her residency, except- except, she’d torn her friends apart, she’d accused Aurora of giving Tobias the idea of poaching her patient despite not having all the facts and it had caused a rift between them, one she hadn’t wanted- and she had no idea how to fix it.
Ideally, she needed to go home and think about it, and figure out how to fix it and betraying her stomach growling anxiously for some food, she wouldn’t be much use here if her head wasn’t completely in focus for the dinner with her boss’s dad. She should probably give them some privacy anyway.
Tiptoeing quietly towards the door, she chanced a glance towards Ethan and his dad and smiled.
She was glad Ethan was finally working things out with his dad and telling him how he felt, which that was was something she could never really do with her dad, even if it did make her a hypocrite in the long run.
Turning back to the door, she pressed down the door handle, shoving all her instincts to say goodbye to Ethan out of the way, she didn’t have a part in this evening now and she’d see him tomorrow.
“Alicia, where are you going?” Ethan’s voice questioned from behind her, she turned back in his direction and saw the surprise on his face from her actions.
“Home. I think you two need some privacy.”
His face dropped in disappointment “but the chicken...”
Alicia smiled in amusement at his fixation with the bird cooking in the oven.
“Bring me some tomorrow”
The older doctor glanced back and forth between Alicia and his dad, then nodded, gratefully.
“Wait here, dad.” Ethan turned to the younger doctor “Alicia, I’ll walk you out”
And before Alicia could protest, she was standing outside Ethan’s building with him asking her if she could get home okay.
“Sure. I’ll call a car” she replied, turning to go and do just that, unsure of what else to do or say, what else was there? Goodbye? She’d already done that in his house. But then she felt a hand gently lay on her shoulder and she was turned towards the brown haired man.
Alicia felt herself being pulled closer to Ethan as he rested a hand on her cheek, tenderly and she knew she couldn’t pull away from his low tone of voice full of longing.
“Thank you”
“Ethan...” his name played out on her lips as she made her decision, she could either move away, and pretend that never happened, denying every feeling and impulse in her body to rekindle the relationship she had with the attending or she could-
She leaned in and Ethan met her in the middle, his arms slipping round her and pulling her closer to him and Alicia found herself reciprocating the kiss desperately with a fierceness that she hadn’t known was in her, giving into what she had longed for since the last kiss at the start of her second year at Donahue’s before they returned to being just colleagues. Ethan deepened the kiss, with equal longing and intensity and Alicia could feel herself becoming out of breath, and she reluctantly forced herself to pull away, and her green eyes met blue.
“Ethan...” she breathed “what does this mean?”
The reply came quickly but sincerely,
“I don’t know” he told her before he leaned back in for another kiss, softer and more tender than the last. “We’ll talk about it later”
Alicia nodded in agreement before melting into him, as the third kiss lengthened, as she felt the familiarity of the situation sink in, wishing nothing more than for this moment to last forever, just her and Ethan. It was full of promise, promise of what could be, and when Ethan pulled away more reluctantly than the first time, and their eyes met again, it was one lingering look that confirmed that Ethan was going to keep that promise, whatever it took.
She suddenly was forced back to her senses as she remembered the car she had to call, and slowly, she let go of Ethan, and moved away down the street to call one, and when it arrived minutes later, she turned back to the building, spotting Ethan just inside the entrance watching her, and giving him a warm smile she got in, and left for her house, wondering what tomorrow would bring, for the both of them...
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
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Haha it’s so cheesy and cliche but I love this type of exchange in anything 😂 and Ethan’s reaction is just perfect (I was lowkey expecting him to put her down pretty much immedately, but no the MC had to REMIND HIM to put her down and that’s just- hilarious and cheesy and Ethan definitely is struggling with not being in a relationship with the MC)
Also meeting my MC’s future father in law and learning the fact that Ethan’s been talking about the her to his dad is giving me a lot of fanfic ideas...
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hwu-adventures-blog · 4 years
Congrats to the fellow Ethan stans who finally get Ethan admitting he needs the MC and that he doesn’t want to let them out of his sight because he’s scared of losing them again!
~ From an Ethan Ramsey stan who is only on chapter 3 of Book 2 and can’t wait until she gets to chapters 11 & 12 but is taking ages to do so and completely forgot to filter the Ethan x MC tag again.
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