hyperionsiren · 4 years
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-get-an-autism-assessment?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 Please help if you can, or share with people who may be able to. For the record, I HATE to crowdfund but this is really my only option. Info is in the campaign but if you want more, feel free to inbox me. Thank you.
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hyperionsiren · 4 years
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post-movie au where the promare don’t leave
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
LOOK AT THEM oh they give me life
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it must get rough being so cold
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
Y'all, I totally forgot that I drew this a while ago. Nia is best, fight me.
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
If any of you guys are interested, I've started a brand new thing over on my Twitter (dstndnspktr) called Anime Safety Sunday, and also Game Safety Saturday too! Every week, I'll pick a game or series that I personally would recommend, summarise the plot in a tiny, tiny nutshell, and rate the safety and series out of 10! Media free from themes of sexual assault and r* is VERY important to me, so I thought I'd start this up as a fun little thing, and potentially a helpful resource! Occasionally there will be an unsafe series that I will still recommend, but will make VERY clear that it's unsafe and to proceed with caution if interested. If you don't want Twitter, lemme know if you want me to do it here too! Also feel free to send me your own recommendations that you'd like to see me discuss too! Much love! <3
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
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Please read this. Psychologists, including myself, don’t study the human experience for nothing.
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
Skinny or fat or both or none?
Australian size 12 (US 8) is not fat, but in my reflection it is.
61kg (134 pounds) is not fat, but on my body it is.
The little pouch of fat around your stomach is natural, and crucial, but to me it is fat, it is evil, it is unnatural.
If my normal size doesn't fit me and I have to go up a size, that's it, I'm fat now.
I have trouble trying on clothes because if something doesn't fit, or doesn't fit right, i will cry, give up, contemplate weight loss shakes.
I want to have a flat stomach and a big butt like Instagram girls, even though those bodies are Photoshopped, and if they aren't, they likely aren't healthy. But that doesn't matter to me, because skinny is skinny, no matter the cost. A dream is a dream.
I want to be under 50kg (110 pounds) even if it makes me sick, because that is skinny, and then I might be happy with my body. But I can't diet or exercise due to severe depression.
I spend every minute of every day with my phone torch on, pointing it at my skin, finding every little blemish or clogged pore, and picking or squeezing my arms, breasts, thighs, face. Because every blemish MUST be gone. Everything must be perfect. But this only causes scarring. Which only makes me uglier.
When I look in the mirror, I only see a deformed, fat blob with dimples of cellulite on her thighs, and acne everywhere, and scars and stretch marks. But I want to see a skinny, sexy model.
Nothing about my body, from my eyes to my thighs, goes unnoticed, everything is hated in the highest form.
But that doesn't matter, right? Because "oh you're so skinny!" But I'm not.
I've been told by my mother I'm not exactly petite, to watch what I eat, that I get fatter on my period (which I do not), and when I first expressed dislike with my body as a young child of maybe nine years old, asking her "am i fat?" I was told that if I ever asked that again, she'd slap me. These things have stuck with me for years.
A girl in high school commented that I looked pregnant. I have thought that about my body ever since.
And the hatred is fuelled still by my self harming. I can't get enough, i keep cutting, creating more scars that I think are ugly and I hate and want to destroy, by only creating more.
This is body dysmorphia.
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
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When it becomes difficult to find safe media because almost everything has it, it's time for change.
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
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I drew a Bulbeesaur
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
To the tune of "I Want to Break Free":
🎶 Please help save the bees 🎶
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
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Trigger/Content Warning: CSA, victim shaming/blaming
So I posted on Reddit for some advice as to things that happened during my childhood, and this guy thinks it's all fine and dandy, being the most normalizing cunt I have ever encountered. I have NEVER heard of it being normal for guys, especially fathers, to slap each other's or their child's asses. It's not "a thing guys/dads do", it's fucking disgusting. And the medical thing mentioned, the treatment looked up mentioned nothing about "checking your child's areas to see if the medication is working", it says to keep them home from school and make sure the entire weeks worth of medication is taken. And then if the complaints continue, go back to the doctor. I don't think this behaviour from my parent was normal at all, everyone else on the thread is saying the same thing. But this asshole is trying to make it seem like it's completely normal and I'm making things up, which is fucking feral. That, and I've also never met a guy whose dad slapped his ass for no reason. This ain't like baseball and fishing, this shit ain't just "Guys bein' dudes".
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
The media likes to trash Millennials so much that I'm surprised we aren't being accused of killing industries that aren't even relevant to us. "Millennials Are Killing Nursing Homes", "Millennials Are Ruining the Designer Handbag Industry"
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
do u guys think the prevelance of talksprite rants on youtube can be linked back foamy the squirrel
does anyone even remember foamy the squirrel
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
Soy milk makes people gay and trans, y'all, you heard it here first.
Say what you will about Tumblr but where else will you get laughable content like ‘man uses genocidal anime bear as mouthpiece for Twiggering zeh Feminazis’
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
hue? fucked
coefficient? high
psycho? pass
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hyperionsiren · 5 years
Honestly I'd love to see my girl Shion with some cute ringlets at her current length, or get the stereotypical bisexual bob cut. Perhaps Kunizuka with a kind of pixie cut, Kogami might look alright if he grew his hair out a bit. I can picture Akane with really long, luscious, slightly darker brown hair, Hinakawa should grow his out a little longer too, maybe neck length
psycho pass fandom let’s have fun!! What kind of hairstyle would you like to see the characters rock in the new season (let’s just assume everyone will go through a make over!)
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