weighed myself this morning 82.7, the afternoon i still haven’t ate and felt sm better was at 81.7! i think ill start weighing myself after my fasts
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going to post wieid, i think it will make me more motivated!
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lunch was high in calories but it was the only „meal” so it was alright, tho i still feel a bit guilty. My friend gave me a piece of her cake and i had a tiny bit but i still want to estimate higher with 100cals just in case!
total calories in=970
calories out=332
trying to keep under 700 net at least, but preferably under 550-600
didn’t go to the gym today still as my piercing is still fresh and hurts to move! but i did go on a walk with my baby :) (teen mum)
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★Hi! Im new to all of this! hoping to find people to talk to and give updates to! current stats:★
♡︎sw: 92.2kg
✫nett calls per day: 500-600
✫fasting on mondays and thursdays
✫2-4 litres of water each day
✫300 calories any cardio every day
✫weight training
Lmk if i should add anything else?!
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