Hi I'm pretty brand new to your blog, but Admin Lana reblogged your work and it BLEW me away! You're amazing! I was wondering if you could write a Soul Mate AU where the first words your soul mate says to you appear on your skin before you meet them? I'm a mess for that one tbh... but could you make it a Tsukishima and a female S/O? Maybe a relieved Tsukki because he never thought he'd 1) ever have an S/O to accept him completely and 2) ever find them since it's such a big world? Thank you!!!
I accidentally took this prompt and ran a marathon with it. Zero chill was involved while writing this, so I hope you forgive the fact that this turned out probably more angsty and much more fic than scenario in the end. (A few of my pairings snuck their way into some honourable mentions, don’t mind those, just passing by!)
Thank you for your support and patience, I hope you enjoy this!
It’s a racket, even with his usual headphones on, and the people around him didn’t stop swirling and moving on with their lives. It’s amongst this ridiculous crowd that Tsukishima shivered. It’s Christmas Eve, and he’s never felt so incredibly alone, surrounded by so many strangers. The streets of Tokyo were a hundred times more viciously packed than Miyagi, and his lack of familiarity with these streets were starting to kick in. Sure, he knew them by name, but he didn’t have the freedom to wander around, didn’t know where the best spots were, and definitely didn’t know where he could hang around in relative peace and quiet until his parents were done with their anniversary dinner at home.
He could see it now, everyone and their mothers flashing bits of skin around haphazardly on the street. Not that his parents were any better. It being the season for giving and in memory of their beautiful proposal, all Tsukishima had been hearing all day was chatter about those stupid marks. Couples were kissing each others’ everywhere he went, and his parents had been fondling theirs ever since breakfast.
The thing is, if you asked a year ago when Tsukishima was still a first year in university, he’d have told you with incredible disinterest and denial that he thought it was stupid and a hinderance- after all, who wants to live with the fact that your soul mate was predestined, that the person you fall in love with isn’t really your choice after all? He would have told you all that to your face, but that was before all his friends started pairing up and finding their soul mates. His previous conviction that this bullshit wouldn’t work out in the long run was trampled in the dust as he watched Suga and Daichi fall so deeply in love with each other that they practically melted into one being. Then there was Lev and Kenma, something that would have never crossed a sane person’s mind, but Tsukishima had to catch a glimpse of how Kenma glowed around Lev, and he had spent the following evening testing out how many shots of Jack Daniel’s he could down before Kuroo confiscated his alcohol.
Speaking of Kuroo… Tsukishima paused in his tracks, ignoring how at least three people bumped into him after that, and tapped in Kuroo’s number. At least he was the one guy that Tsukishima could count on to genuinely not give a shit about soul marks at this time of night.
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Could I please get a jealous Tsukki trying to get his fem S/o away from Tendou, who has a major crush on her, but she is completely oblivious and just finds Tendou so funny and friendly until he tries to kiss her? Maybe end it with some fluff? Or even some jealous NSFW with Tsukki? (Tsukki is my ultimate fav, but Tendou is my ultimate trash husband 😭😭 I love them both so much)
i couldn’t stop listeningto “two princes” by spin doctors (x) while i wrote this. even though i wouldn’t pegeither of them as the princely type.
SPOILERS ihope you’re caught up with manga for the most part because this takes placeAFTER the karasuno/shiratorizawa match during the first-year training camphosted by washijou because honestly i couldn’t think of any other time tsukishima andtendou would be willingly around each other. i guess that means fluff this time because i can’t really imagine that the shiratorizawa dorms aren’t regulatedand co-ed habitation after certain hours would be allowed. womp womp. 
Tsukishima’s eyes narrowed: his gaze was on Hinata, who wassaying something about extra practice (or at least a first practice for himsince ball boys don’t have to practice, after all), but all he could focus onwas the slight shrill of your loud laugh. It wasn’t some fake-sounding cutesygiggle or a half-hearted attempt at a one when someone said something unfunny.Oh no, it was a full, hearty, and incompletely unfeminine laugh that he hadonly heard from you. His favorite laugh.
And he wasn’t the one making you laugh like that. Heshifted his focus to where you stood. On the other side of the gymnasium youwere waving a hand at Tendou to lean closer to you, who was already at yourside.
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Animation errors from Brave {x}
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The "I Hate Rika" Fan Club
Reblog to become a member!
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I just got your messages~🎶🎶🎶
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