imactualfandomtrash · 3 years
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Take a stroll in Hyrule
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imactualfandomtrash · 3 years
Okay, I was on the Camp Cretaceous discord AGESSSS ago, and I logged out by accident and can't get in for the last few months. If anyone is on that CC discord could I possibly get the link for it?
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imactualfandomtrash · 3 years
When the Blood Moon rises… 🌕 Announcing our second original graphic novel: BLOODMOON HUNTRESS Set years before our main trio meets, this original canon story is an action-packed tale featuring a young Rayla. Written by Nicole Andelfinger. Coming March 2022!
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imactualfandomtrash · 3 years
Totally agree! It was an awsome show
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Dororo was definitely the best anime I’ve watched this year. 10/10 😭 emojis.
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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It’s December, and I’ve been sitting on this meme for a long time just for it! merr chrismas tdp fandom. @dragonprinceofficial
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
Okay so em new Mandalorian episode came out and I'm literally shaking and crying in joy right now.
I'm honestly growing with overwhelming emotions atm! Thank you Dave Faloni for making me emotional and cryover Star Wars once again!!!
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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Welcome, everyone, to the hesitant scheduling and dates for Ezran Appreciation Week! As we all know, Ezran is one of the best characters in TDP, but tends to fall a little short about getting content made about him in fandom. This Appreciation Week is an attempt to remedy this in addition to helping out Ezran lovers who are already committed in making content, and celebrating this beautiful boy! Ezran Appreciation Week is tentatively pencilled in to start on s3′s release date anniversary of, November 22nd — November 28th!
The prompts are dual to try and drum up some various sources of inspiration for each day, but feel free to choose just one (or both)!
day one: animals / magic
day two: favourite relationship (familial, friendship, ship) / childhood
day three: jelly tarts / family
day four: favourite ezran episode / dragons
day five: king / justice
day six: favourite ezran scene /sacrifice
day seven: any headcanon / au
The only request in regards to headcanons or relationships prompts is to make sure it remains Ezran specific. Those can involve other characters — a headcanon that relates to Ezran’s relationship with Soren, Claudia, Callum, or Rayla for example; a possible friendship with a character he hasn’t met like Runaan or Ethari or Janai; or Ellis or Aanya as possible ship partners when he’s older — but please keep it Ezran centric. His POV when viable, and centred around his thoughts and feelings, etc.
For content, Ezran Appreciation Week (with spaces) is the preferred tag I will be checking. If the dates suggested really don’t work for people, please let me know, I want this to be a fun participation and I know a lot of us have other commitments particularly in November. (Nanowrimo anyone?) Also feel free to make multiple posts regarding a prompt if you’re so inspired. I know I’ll definitely be doing so considering I have a lot of favourite relationships for Ezran (Callum, Rayla, Soren, Claudia, Ellis, Bait, Zym, his council, etc) and the more content the merrier!
If anyone has any questions for info or anything that wasn’t covered here, feel free to leave them in my inbox! I look forward to seeing all the amazing things that everyone creates! Thank you for reading, and long live King Ezran.
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
(in reference to your post about rayla losing three family members + ethari and the silvergrove ghosting her) that’s why it bothers me when i saw people saying rayla “ignored” soren’s trauma, especially since at the beginning she says “i’m sorry” when he says he was there at the night harrow was murdered
yeah, rayla is a sixteen year old girl dealing with a very quick turn over of multiple levels of grief on top of being uncertain about how all of them died (in addition to feeling responsible, at the very least, for runaan’s). and to be clear, trauma is not a competition. soren has been through shit too
but his situation is very different in some crucial ways. for example, the way i read his hesitance - “do we have to talk about this?” - was from guilt, not trauma. (he defs has trauma in relation to feeling like he failed harrow, that night, but that’s not the core of either side of their conversation at all.) similar to how he looks away in when janai says “to fight the monster who destroyed our home.” 
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soren, in his own words, knows he has done or been convinced to do terrible things. and although rayla doesn’t label herself as one of the assassins anymore, soren still knows that they were her troupe and she cared about them, and that soren, his crownguard, and his family were responsible for all of their deaths. there are also more immediate differences, such as:
1) soren chose to cut ties with his dad of his own accord well before the battle (3x05) and then more permanently (3x07) knowing that it was the right thing to do for himself and the war, and 2) while soren has trauma related to viren’s death, he also admits himself that there’s both relief and anxiety in knowing he didn’t really kill his father - but there is a somewhat positive emotion, there, understandably.
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soren is also 1) able to return to his childhood home and have familiarity there and in his position as a crownguard, and 2) hold onto two of his oldest friends (callum and ezran).
rayla doesn’t have any of that. she can’t go home. she can’t communicate with ethari. she never even cut ties with runaan. up until the moment he left her, rayla was trying to stall and convince him otherwise. she spent months thinking her parents abandoned her for a duty that they clearly didn’t care about only to find out they had died, painfully, at viren’s hands, and that rayla would have joined them without bait and callum’s intervention. so that’s two douses of survivor’s guilt on top of three levels of grief. her entire long term support system has shattered out from under her feet and all she currently has are ezran and callum, and that’s it.
soren, at most, is actively mourning and missing his sister, but again: claudia never comes up in the conversation. and soren brings up the events of 3x09 fully of his own accord. in this sense, he and rayla are grappling with the same sort of “failure” in killing viren, except, again - rayla already has trauma wrapped up in a past, previous experience with not killing marcos and having everyone in her troupe, as well as her father (figure) die because of it.
i will also say from experience and in real life that often times mentally ill people, when they’re in their worst patches (which rayla definitely is) most often steamroll over other mentally ill people. rayla is in a place where she snaps easily at callum, who is her partner and someone she has a lot more experience being emotional with. she’s known soren a significantly smaller amount of time and this is likely the first time they’ve ever talked about anything remotely emotional one-on-one. so yeah, rayla isn’t going to notice his cues, especially when she already has a stubborn personality. 
so she pushes him once about the loss of her family at his father’s hands. of which soren had very little to actually do with because unlike claudia, he wasn’t working in the dungeons. so yeah. soren’s hesitance is 99% due to guilt, not trauma, and not trauma induced guilt, either. rayla had every right to push.
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
equivalent sins
or why rayla leaving in “through the moon” is the equivalent of callum doing dark magic in 2x07: a thread
Sometimes, characters — even good ones, with good strong moral compasses — make questionable choices. Perhaps never more questionable when we are doing them to aid the people we love. We see this when Callum does dark magic in 2x07 in order to help Rayla. We see this in “Through the Moon” when Rayla lies to him and leaves in the middle of the night in an attempt to protect him. And it’s for these reasons, and many others that I am about go into, that Rayla’s actions at the end of Through the Moon, to Callum, are the equivalent of Callum doing Dark Magic to her.
This will therefore function as both a parallel examination and as a prediction for their reunion (and reconciliation) in the future. So without further ado, let’s get into it.
Rayla’s fear of water is usually played for comedy in the show, given her usual fearless and somewhat stoic nature in the face of danger. However, twice now the show has used drowning as a devastating symbolic and literal danger—with Callum and Rayla looking on rather helplessly.
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Callum enters a state of psychological warfare that greatly impacts his physical health. Rayla is dragged down by the souls of dead soldiers in her search for her family’s ghosts. They took both of these actions due to extreme emotional distress — which I’ll get more into later — and in both instances, there’s an emphasis on ‘togetherness’ which the drowning is juxtaposed against as an obstacle to that desire.
Keep reading
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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Happy International Lesbian Day!! 🧡🤍💗
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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Let Rayla's parents out of those damn coins
I Can't wait to see their interactions with Callum
Posting again 'cuz tumbler has a problem with the tags
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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Through the Moon is HERE! 
Remember to tune in to Instagram Live today at 5pm PDT/8PM EDT for a Q&A with The Dragon Prince creators!
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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Hurt/Comfort Mood 1: Janaya
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
Okay if you haven't watched Camp Cretaceous, PLEASE CHECK IT OUT! It's only 8 episodes long on Netflix and it's great. I know many probably don't want to watch it cause of the cartoon character clashing with more realistic dinosaurs but that isn't the case at all once you get into it. It deals with some heavy topics, has twist and turns, if your a fan of the movies it has great callbacks to all of them and even deaths of characters. Characters that are unlikable at the start quickly grow on you and by the end you end up caring for them all.
Please please please I beg of you if your a fan of cartoons or dinosaurs or Jurassic Park/World or all three please check it out!
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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I will die for you
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
Everyone go watch the new Jurassic World animated show Camp Cretaceous on Netflix right now. Right. Now. It is so good.
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imactualfandomtrash · 4 years
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Only my second drawing on a tablet and I’ve already peaked, where is there to go from here?
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