innocentwitch · 4 years
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C h a r m 🍄 c a s t i n g
🍄 Basics: if your into goblincore and like collecting random things, but are also a witch. This is something that you will love. Charm casting! Charm casting is the act of tossing random charms/objects into a dish or tray of some sort. Each object has it’s own meaning that you give it. You can have a HUGE collection of random things to use for charm casting. This is a fortune telling way and works very well if your using tarot cards with it. However you don’t have to use tarot cards with it if you don’t want to.
🍄 Collecting: When it comes to collecting charms, you have a huge variety. Some people will buy actual charms you use to make jewelry with and keep it simple. Some will go out and about and collect random nick nacks they find in the street. It’s up to you. However upon doing so, make sure you keep in mind… What meaning does this have?
I have teeth, a piece of corn and other things in my supply. I also have a lot of rings. However each ring has a different meaning. One that has an eye means to me that someone or something is watching you or keeping an eye on you. 
🍄 How to cast: Just like any other divination practice, you must ask a question. However, it’s best to place the charms into a bowl so you can easily swish your hand around and feel for the charms. Upon doing so, you then grab a hand full and throw it into a tray (or whatever your using). You’ll notice that they will scatter out, and some will stay in the middle. Many read it differently, some will read the middle and slowly work to the outside of where the charms are. And some will just focus on the middle.  Sometimes when you do cast, some little odds and ends that are unnessessary will make it’s way through the reading. If it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the reading then it’s not needed. You do not need to add it to the reading.
More information 🍄
✨🔮 How To Use Charms 🔮✨ Charm Collection
Sample Charm Casting Reading
CHARM CASTING: Divination with Blingy Things! ❤
Weekend divination charm cast November 10th and 11th
My Charm Collection | Use what you want, when you want
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innocentwitch · 4 years
Kept the eggshell from my cookies!!
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innocentwitch · 4 years
I go feral for antiques. Who held you? Who loved you? How did you end up here, with me?
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innocentwitch · 4 years
I went to the dollar tree today to pick up some little jars, but unfortunately they were out ): so I suppose I’ll have to wait. Hopefully next time I’ll get some though!
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innocentwitch · 4 years
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List of essential oils and kitchen oils toxic to cats. Most of these are quite common so clean up thouroughly after yourself and make sure windows are open! Also avoid burning/diffusing these oils in excess around your furry friends!!
Link: meowlifestyle.com/6-essential-oil-safety-tips-for-cat-owners/
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innocentwitch · 4 years
Currently making a wand out of air dry clay!! I can’t wait to paint it and see how it turns out, I’ve pressed small “stones” (pretty beads I had laying around) into it, and carved some little lines to make it look vaguely like wood grain
I just cannot wait to see what fun I’ll get up to with this thing
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innocentwitch · 4 years
beginner witch etiquette guide
- 💫🕊🌿
with the rise of chatter about whatever the hell is going on over there on tik-tok, i figured it might help to throw together an etiquette list for baby witches who may be struggling to navigate through deities/energies/spirits/etc
[ spirit work ]
- ouija boards are only dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing! and they’re very dangerous if you don’t. these can safely be used for divination after you’ve properly cleansed your space and board & warded yourself up good; and just source a good board. make sure you say goodbye, cleanse and banish when you’re done, be respectful, don’t press their boundaries. i mean really spirit work is so tricky just you really need to do your own research here i could just keep going on and on. there’s so much that goes into spirit work so please read up plenty on it before trying to talk to anything in any way. really really heavily recommend picking up a mentor here before getting into spirit work.
- graveyard visits. honestly as a baby witch i used to walk along the paths in graveyards and leave trinkets and little flowers for headstones that felt particularly ‘heavy’ to me, i don’t know why after a while that started not to sit right with me but.. if anyone has input on that comment below. anyway, don’t step over graves, always be respectful, don’t be loud and don’t f*ck in here, don’t get drunk and litter your f*cking cigarette butts or whatever, this is a resting place. i’m personally a magnet for spirits and have a tendency to take things home with me so i always cleanse after a visit, i strongly advise the same! when collecting graveyard dirt always always always ALWAYS stay away from the actual. grave. sites. let me say this one more time. do not. ever take dirt from above someone’s resting place. under any circumstances. not even for a hex/curse. this isn’t something to debate, it’s disrespectful, it’s distasteful, and it’s gonna bite you in the ass. take from the sides areas or just wherever there isn’t a grave right there. still ask permission, and always give thanks & leave something behind. remember to still be mindful of c*ps, please don’t get arrested or worse for your craft.
[ fae ]
- to touch on.. hexing.. the fae. i don’t. i don’t really know what to say here. if you hex the fae you’re going to d*e or literally be cursed the rest of your life i mean you’re just asking to be screwed over in the most dangerous and ruthless way possible i don’t understand the purpose i don’t understand the motivation or mindset behind this but please for the love of everything do not? do not f*cking do this. don’t hex the fae, don’t cross the fae, don’t neglect the fae if you choose to work with them, it’s not hard to understand a basic level of respect and give/take to be able to create a safe and enjoyable relationship with the fae. ofc there’s plenty of other research to be had before working with fae but, anyways
- commanding fae? again, these beautiful beings are so.. so much stronger than us? they’re not of this realm, you trying to ‘command’ fae will get you into deep sh*t and again just don’t be a j*ckass why do i even have to make this post right now. they’re not your pets or playthings to toss and boss around, wtf? there’s no ‘leashing’ fae and while i’m here; you can’t f*ck fae either??? i’ve seen two posts saying tik-tok witches claim to, and no. you cannot. no.
[ taglocks ]
- burning taglocks, and burning your own.. taglocks. so, understand that burning a photo/chunk of hair/whatever of someone’s is a big deal, it’s serious juice so really make sure you know what you’re up to and that this person deserves what’s coming to them. that being said it’s also the perfect explanation why you should absolutely never ever burn your own f*cking taglocks. i think i saw that this was recommended for dysphoria and growth spells or something? whatever, it doesn’t matter just please don’t burn your own taglocks. it’s only outcome will be destruction and chaos.
- know that what i’m about to say absolutely doesn’t apply if you’re hexing/cursing an abuser or something along these lines; always get consent before collecting and using a taglock for the subject at hand, nothing really more to add here just don’t cast non-consent love spells for example or whatever else you’re using the taglock for, let them know what’s up and make sure they’re cool with it.
[ deities ]
- deities can call upon you and show interest in working with you- absolutely! what they will absolutely never do is scoop you up and force you into offerings and devotion. they don’t choose you and suddenly you have to do “x, y, x” and certainly if these instructions are coming to you “through another witch”. they’re scamming you, or it’s a demon. get out.
- you don’t have to do an offering every single day to work with deities, communicate well however you can, leave what you can when you can and just do your best, they see your intentions and as long as youre not greedy, hold your own, and you’re respectful, you’ll have a great relationship with really any deities youre working with :) closed practice deities are ofc off limits so please make sure you’re researching well before trying to delve into something that isn’t yours to reach out to!
i’m sure there’s so much more to say but this is just off the top of my head here, please stay safe witches, always do research on new areas of your craft!
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innocentwitch · 4 years
Actually useful shit to have as a witch
You really don't need all the fancy bullshit every tumblr influencer will ever tell you to use. Here's my countdown ofaxtually useful shit.
A pocket knife, preferably with a wood handle. Use that bitch for everything, enchant it, carve symbols in it. It will absolutely be your best friend.
A good bag or backpack with a couple of plastic or ziploc bags in it. If you ever run off into the woods to find minerals, bones, plants, etc. A set aside bag and some things to store your treasures in becomes a necessity.
Basic divinatory sets. You don't have to buy fancy shit, learn to divine with playing cards and dice, or learn geomancy, lithomancy, or rune casting with homemade sets. A tarot deck is nice, but it isn't necessary when you've got so many other divinatory aids available.
A nice sized chunk of scrap cloth. When you process dried plants or sort new ones, that shit can and will get everywhere. A scrap piece of muslin or linen can help contain all of that mess and make clean up way easier.
A stash of good rocks. Draw sigils or symbols on those babies and leave them in the garden, the windowsill,property boundaries, under the stoop, etc. You can never have too many good rocks.
A pendulum, for fucks sake. The cards are going to be vague as hell when you're trying to figure out yes or no questions, and using a candle to communicate with spirits is really fucking hard outside. If you can't afford one, find a nice chunk of pointy quartz and learn to macrame.
A workspace. Everyone talks about having big fancy altars, but no one mentions that you need a good surface to do all your work on.
Storage, so much storage. I'm not talking about mason jars and pill bottles, I'm talking about where you put all the things you put in those jars. Having a workspace with drawers is immeasurably helpful.
A broom and water source. You're going to be cleaning up after yourself a lot, it's helpful to have a jug of water and a broom that stays by your workspace.
A mode of cleansing. I make a salt concoction to scatter around my workspace on short notice and store it close by.
On that note: SOMETHING TO CANCEL SPELLS WITH. Eventually, something will go wrong. You'll want to end that spell immediately. Have something to do it with.
A strainer. If you don't have a blender, rub dried plants across it to get a powder. If you do have a blender, you can strain that powder with it. Either way, if you intend to powder shit, get a strainer.
Small trays. It makes drying flowers so much easier if you have a small metal surface to contain them with- then just stick those suckers in a southern window and let em go.
Yarn/string scraps. Having a box or drawer of scraps makes trying this up to dry easier and a bit less wasteful.
A stash of offerings for whatever you work with. Honey for fae, coins for graveyard gatekeepers, alcohol for ancestors, etc.
Protective talismans or charms. Once you're into all of this stuff, you'll likely stick your nose in something you shouldn't. Having basic protection with you or in your workspace is incredibly important. A key and hagstone with red string is simple and effective.
A lighter- so many people forget the most basic shit. You're going to want to light shit on fire if you're a witch.
And a last tip- if something is too hard for a mortar and pestle, a plastic bag and hammer works too.
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innocentwitch · 4 years
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Abundance: Arnica
Balance: Heather
Banishing negative energy: Lilac, Snapdragon
Beauty: Amaryllis, Pentas, Wolf’s Bane
Clairvoyance: Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace
Communication: Datura (with Deities), Foxglove (with Fae), Pansy
Courage: Geranium, King Protea
Creativity: King Protea
Divination: Chicory, Damiana, Datura, Hibiscus, Pansy, Poppy, Rose
Dreams: Calendula (psychic dreams), Dandelion, Datura, Poppy
Energy: Carnation, Sunflower (sun energy)
Exorcism: Angelica, Dandelion, Datura, Henbane, Lilac
Fertility: Daffodil, Damiana, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Myrtile, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Sunflower
Friendship: Hydrangea, Passion Flower
Happiness: Calendula, Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Pansy, Scarlet Pimpernel, Sunflower, Tulip
Harmony: Gardenia, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet
Healing: Arnica, Angelica, Calendula, Carnation, Chicory, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Lavender, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Vervain
Hope: Daisy, Violet
Innocence: Daisy, Freesia
Invisibility: Poppy, Wolf’s Bane
Joyfulness: Birds of Paradise
Love: Buttercup, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Datura, Foxglove, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Hibiscus, Hyachint, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Orchid, Pansy, Pentas, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow Flower
Luck: Carnation, Chicory, Daffodil, Dandalion, Honeysuckle, Poppy, Violet
Lust: Damiana, Heather, Hibiscus, Queen Anne’s Lace
Marriage: Buttercup, Yarrow Flower
Money: Bergamot, Chamomile, Honeysuckle
Passion: Chamomile, Passion Flower, Rose
Patience: Aster
Peace: Gardenia, Iris, Lavender, Passion Flower, Poppy, Violet
Pleasure: Sweet Pea
Prosperity: Jasmine, Poppy
Protection:  Angelica, Arnica, Carnation, Datura, Dogwood, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Holly, Hyacinth, Lilac, Lily, Marigold, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Snapdragon, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Wolf’s Bane
Psychic Ability: Arnica, Calendula, Damiana, Orchid, Rose, Moonflower
Purification: Chicory, Dandelion, Lavender
Relaxation: Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Vervain
Removal of Curses/Breaking Hexes: Chicory, Datura, Hydrangea, Lily
Second sight: Henbane, Queen Anne’s Lace, Scarlet Pimpernel
Sensuality: Heather
Sexuality: Damiana, Foxglove
Sleep: Chamomile, Elderflower, Linden, Poppy, Violet
Spirit: Arnica (keeps unwanted spirits at bay), Bergamot (lifts spirit), Dandelion (summoning spirits), Heather (conjuring spirits), Honeysuckle
Spirituality: Jasmine, Queen Anne’s Lace, Rose
Strength: Carnation, Chicory
Success: Bergamot, Chicory, Sunflower
Tranquility: Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet
Transformation: Datura, King Protea, Moonflower, Scarlet Pimpernel
Vision: Angelica, Damiana, Datura
Vitality: Carnation
Wealth: Elderflower, Honeysuckle, Jasmine
Wisdom: Henbane
🌈Flower Colours and Magical Correspondences🌈
BLACK AND DARK BURGUNDY: The Crone,  banishing, breaking hexes, and removing negativity
BLUE: Element of water,  healing, sleep, and peace
BROWN AND  BEIGE:  Home,  stability,  and pets
GREEN: The God, element of earth,   faeries, healing, money, luck and fertility
PINK:  Friendship, children, affection and love
PURPLE: Power, psychic abilities and passion
RED: The Mother, element of fire, lust, love, sex, healing and protection
WHITE: The Maiden,  all  purpose, purification, protection,  and moon magick
YELLOW: Element of air, wisdom, mental powers,and divination 
ORANGE: Energy, vitality, and success
🌻🍂Flowers of the Month🍃❄️
January: carnation (bestows energy, healing), snowdrop (symbolizes new beginnings)
February: violet (love, protection), primrose (protection, love)
March: daffodil (fertility, love)
April: sweet pea (friendship, strength), daisy (love), lily (keeps negative influences away  [White: symbol for the archangel Gabriel])
May: lily of the valley (perks you up, lifts your spirits [all part of the flower are mildly toxic, should not be ingested]), hawthorn (fertility, happiness, good luck in fishing)
June: rose (love), honeysuckle (prosperity)
July: larkspur (health, protection), water lily (healing, emotions, psychic powers [use it in water spells, rituals])
August: gladiola (ending relationships, ending situations,), poppy (luck, prosperity)
September: morning glory (can be used in binding spells, peace, happiness), aster (can be used in love spells)
October: calendula (strength, healing, justice)
November: chrysanthemum (protection, protects you from negativity)
December: holly (protection, male plant), ivy (fidelity, love, female plant)
🔱Goddesses and Associated Plants🔱
APHRODITE: Violet, Morning glory, Rose, Linden, Heather, Queen Anne’s Lace, Daisy and all true blue flowers      
APOLLO: Arnica, Henbane
ARADIA: Rue, Vervain, Verbena
ARTEMIS: Artemesia, Daisy, Damiana    
ASTRAEA: Aster, Michaelmas daisy
BAST: Catnip
BIL: Henbane
BRIGHID OR BRIDE: Dandelion,  Crocus, Helebores          
CERNUNNOS: Chamomile
CERRIDWEN: Vervain/verbena
CHRONOS: Henbane
CYBELE: Chrysanthemum
DIANA: Rue, Henbane, Rose
FAE: Daisy
FREYA:  Maidenhair fern, Daisy, Rose, Primrose and Arnica
GANESHA: Damiana
HADES: Datura
HECATE: Cyclamen, Lavender, Willow, Hensbane, Datura, Wolf’s Bane and Monkshood (aconite)
HEL: Chrysanthemum
HERA:   Iris, Willow
HESTIA: Passion Flower
HOLDA: Rose in full bloom
HYPNOS: Passion Flower
IRIS: Iris, Rose
ISIS: Rose, Heather and purple  Iris
JUNO: Iris
JUPITER: Carnation
KALO: Hibiscus
LADY OF GUADALUPE:  Red and pink roses, Poinsettias
LILITH:  Lily; Deep-Red, Thorny, Garden-Style Roses
LUNA: Queen Anne’s Lace
MAIA: Scarlet Pimpernel
MARS: Daffodil
MEDEA: Lavender
MERCURY: Chamomile
MINERVA: Thistle, Olive, and Mulberries              
NECHTAN: Heather
OSHUN: Chamomile, Yarrow Flower
PERSEPHONE:   Parsley, Pomegranate, Henbane
RA: Arnica, Chamomile
SATURN: Datura, Lavender
SELENE: Rose, Bluebell, Nicotiana, Queen Anne’s Lace   and all white and night-blooming flowers
SHANGO: Hibiscus
SHAVA: Linden
SHIVA: Datura
ST. ANNE: Chamomile
VENUS: Violet, Morning glory,  Rose, Hibiscus, Queen Anne’s Lace, Heather and all true blue flowers    
YEMAYA: Passion Flower, Yarrow Flower
ZEUS: Damiana
Source: Garden Witchery - Magic from the ground up by Ellen Dugan 
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innocentwitch · 4 years
Might goof around and get back into witchcraft during this quarantine
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innocentwitch · 4 years
why do people think that planned parenthood is this dimly lit back alley clinic where witches live and they love to just hand out free abortions like…. it’s a regular doctors office. You can get condoms there. I’ve never even seen a witch there
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innocentwitch · 4 years
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I made my first meme!!
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innocentwitch · 4 years
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innocentwitch · 4 years
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Parade of mushrooms in pants
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innocentwitch · 4 years
Is this telling me to go to the disco so I can be sexy and a good fighter? I mean, I won’t complain...
Normal Horoscope:
Aries: When things get tough, wear a helmet. At least you’re protected from any future physical attacks. 
Taurus: Disco for sexual appeal and self-defense.
Gemini: Wear a crown. You’re the monarch! If someone calls bullshit they can’t prove you aren’t.
Cancer: Today will be full of various omens, signs, and portents of some such sort. 
Leo: An acquaintance may have been hiding their true feelings for you, but don’t worry, they will express themselves in a devastating flurry of blows. 
Virgo: Time to flex your muscles. On purpose this time. Show the world how powerful you really are. On purpose this time.
Libra: Your eye for detail is one of your most defining traits! Most people only have two general purpose eyes. 
Scorpio: Your energy is attractive and highly magnetic. You ripped the iron based ink in that girls tattoo right out of her body!
Ophiuchus: Evolve into the next phase of existence by slowly rotating. You deserve this. Self care day.
Sagittarius: Feeling low? Out of energy? Lie down naked outside and let the sun recharge your phytoplasts. 
Capricorn: Your blistering enthusiasm will bleed into everyone around you like a festering sore full of enthusiasm pus. 
Aquarius: Things seem to have slowed down recently. Take some time to replenish your store of various syrups. 
Pisces: Now is not the time to start a new project. You’ve still got that parasite to take care of. 
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innocentwitch · 4 years
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Mom is under the weather so the witchcraft is real in this house tonight. Illness be gone, I don’t have time for your shit.
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innocentwitch · 4 years
This is one of the many wonderful posts that you can find by @defnegunturkun . This is what she had to say about this piece she was working on : ⁣
"I like the sound of the needle going through the felt, what do you think?"⁣
We couldn't agree more! ⁣♥️
We are not sponsored in any way, we just absolutely love her work and I think that you will too! ⁣♉
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