iviethings Ā· 3 years
I wanna be the type of skinny that makes me want to wear low rise jeans
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Day 1 again
-Watermelon 50cal
-Vitamin 10cal
-Mini rice cakes 49cal
*Main meal*
-Tostadas with beans, chicken, lettuce, cheese, tomato, crema 230cal
-Fruit gummies 70cal
-Starbucks Tall Caramel Frappuccino 260cal
-Starbucks Cheesecake 330cal
-Vitamin 10cal
Total: 1,009cal
This is from yesterday, honestly I think itā€™s a good amount considering I havenā€™t restricted in a long time so Iā€™m happy with it for now :)
*Love u and u r amazing
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Hi again *TW*
So I tried to recover and as you can see that didnā€™t go well because Iā€™m back here. I really tried, I did. I thought I was okay and that I could keep this up forever but I canā€™t. Not when the people around me donā€™t understand me or support me. Iā€™ve had just abt enough of my family and friends triggering me and me ending up self harming as a way to cope with it. I rather come back and gain back the same control I had on everything 3 months ago. I rather feel like shit but have my life together if that makes sense. So Iā€™m saying this because I want to hold myself accountable and maybe I wonā€™t start logging my food right away but I will be restricting and restricting and working to get back to where I was. As much as I hate this, Iā€™ve gained weight. About maybe 7-8 pounds, since my weight keeps fluctuating Iā€™m not exactly sure. Iā€™m 102-103lbs at the moment compared to how I was in January which was 95. My goal is to get back to 95 and then keep going from there to 90. I want to start with 800-1000 calories and then keep going down until I get to 500. Thatā€™s it then.Ā 
Ily guys and I hope u have a wonderful day.
*Remember to stay safe*
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
This is literally me
me: *eats less than 800 cals a day, is obsessed with weight, drinks too much tea and water to boost metabolism, stares at thinspo, measures self obsessively, has horrible body image*
also me: do i rlly have an ed tho?? it seems fake šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Rant tw
Does anyone ever feel so invalidated, itā€™s like Iā€™ll start eating like a normal person for a day or days and itā€™s as if I never had anything, I just want to feel the motivation to starve again
idk its weird
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Iā€™m Back
hi guys so I stopped posting because my dad just moved back in and he is huge on eating. He wonā€™t really eat unhealthy things but more like a bunch of fruit, vegetables, salads, smoothies; he makes big breakfasts like avocado toasts with fruit and orange juice. Just a lot of food. And a lot of calories. Anyway, itā€™s been extremely hard to restrict because of him, so Iā€™ve been eating a lot :( Today was the first day Iā€™ve been able to restrict and he didnā€™t stop bothering me the entire day of why I havenā€™t eaten, the importance of eating, and asking me if I wasnā€™t eating because I wanted to be skinnier. Heā€™s said all these things and it has barely been ONE DAY. Idk what to do, itā€™s driving me crazy so if anyone lives at home please tell me how do you do it. Iā€™ll start logging my food again when I can and keep u updated.
Ok that was my rant, bye!
*stay safe*
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Hey guys, so I just weighed myself and I gained two pounds, I feel so disgusting I have eaten terribly this past week and my parents keep on making me so much food I donā€™t know what to do, I havent posted because I was sick and now I donā€™t know how to lose the weightĀ 
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
What I ate today:
- Green tea 2cal
- Grapes 18cal
- Tostadas con beans and chicken 300cal
- Rice 205cal
- Hot chocolate 200cal
- Butter cookie 42cal
- Diet Cranberry juice 10cal
- Pecans 20cal
- Mexican candy 30cal
Total 827cal
*Didnā€™t stay under my 500-600 calorie range, however itā€™s fine because yesterday I had a binge so if I restrict right away it will just lead to another one*
-Stay Safe
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
heyy so I lost about 6 pounds and am now at 94 pounds :) (GW)Ā 
Also, I donā€™t think the blast off diet is working for me not in terms of results but because I live at home and so thereā€™s no way I can fast a whole day or eat less than 300 calories without anyone noticing. I think I need to be more careful since my family is starting to notice that I skip meals and am losing weight. Also Iā€™ve never tried a diet like this, it had always beenĀ ā€œjust donā€™t eat more than 600 caloriesā€ so this diet is just causing me to binge. I will be going back to my regular stuff and posting tips as well as updates :)
*Anyone reading this, find whatā€™s best for you, if you notice diets like these just end up in you binging then just set a specific calorie goal for the day, one that youā€™reĀ ā€œcomfortableā€ with and doesnā€™t result in binging :)*
One last thing, if anyone is looking for an ana buddy, please send me a message or comment, I need motivation and someone I can talk to about these struggles and more like a friend as well, and if you need someone to talk to Iā€™m here to listen so just send a message :)
-Stay Safe!Ā 
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Some peopleā€™s 500 calories is fruits and veggies.
Others eat a piece of cake and a couple fries for the day.
Some people drink green tea or coffee to keep them going.
Others drink nothing because they desperately donā€™t want to break a fast.
Some people tell themselves itā€™s okay to eat over 1000 calories every now and then, itā€™s healthy even.
Others cry their soul out for going one calorie over.
Some people exercise regularly, keeping in mind what exercise will best help them get to their ā€œgoal.ā€
Others exercise constantly, because they need to be in the negative calories.
Some people were bullied once or twice or maybe even never for their weight.
Others are bullied relentlessly.
Some people fast no longer than 15 hours.
Others fast for days on end.
Some people start already in the normal range.
Others start in the overweight range.
Some people have never gone to rehab.
Others are in and out of inpatient care constantly.
Some people have tried recovery, and are striving to reach recovery status every day.
Others never want to recover.
But you know what?
All of them have a valid ed.
All of them deserve love, support, and help.
Edā€™s do not give a shit about your background, age, gender, weight, race, religion, habits, grades, bringing-up, family, or anything else.
All they care about is controlling you.
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Day One (Blast Off Diet)
Day One: 500cal
- Green Tea 2cal
- Grapes 26cal
- Salad and Chicken 425cal
- More Grapes 12cal
- 2 Skinny Pop mini cakes 12cal
*Total 477cal*
I did the exercises, however didnā€™t go on a walk today :(
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
šŸ”„šŸš€ LOSE 10LB IN A WEEKšŸš€šŸ”„
*hereā€™s the diet Iā€™ll be doing*
Wanna Lose 10lbs fast? I introduce to youā€¦
The ā€˜Blast Offā€™ Diet!
blast off your weight with this diet. how it works is that the diet takes place over a period of 7 days (6 of which are dieting days and the 7th is a reserve day which iā€™ll cover in more detail below!) and each day we countdown our calorie intake by 100 calories until we reach 0 calories and we ā€˜blast offā€™ with a fast! Obviously like any diet the end results may differ due to everyone being different so donā€™t @ me if your results differ but when I did one cycle (6 days) I lost about 10lbs (approx 4.5kgs).
I find this so much easier than the 2,4,6,8 diet or the other diets where day 1 is the lowest amount of calories and it increases during the designated period. By starting with the highest amount of calories that you will consume and the slow decrease over the period of a week makes the diet easier to get into as you can ease yourself in and those early days are critical because that is usually when we give up because it seems too hard.
šŸ”„ RULES šŸ”„
No going above the daily calorie limit
if you do go above the calorie limit then you have to take however many calories that you went over off the next day
no binging and purging (please donā€™t)
spitting and chewing is allowed, but stay safe, please.
there are no specific foods you can and canā€™t eat, just ensure that it doesnā€™t go over the daily limit
drink 8 big glasses of water each day (2Litres at least)
drink at least 2 cups of green tea each day
try your hardest to get enough sleep so that you can lose the weight quicker
if you mess up there is always tomorrow! I know its hard to not beat yourself up when you mess up (I do it too) but weā€™re only humans, and you are beautiful!
weigh in every 1-2 days and record your progress.
when fasting please be safe and keep it to 24 hours but if you feel up to it then you can extend your fast over to day 7 (but NO LONGER than that)
at any time during this entire process if you feel unsafe then Iā€™d recommend sucking on a throat lozenge for blood sugar or having a some sodium - drinking loaded zero really helps me and is only 12 calories for a litre but gives you the electrolytes youā€™d get from roughly 2 gatorades.
šŸš€ FOR THE DIETā€¦ šŸš€
Day One: 500 Calories
50 Sit-ups
50 Bicycle Crunches
60 side leg lefts (each side)
70 lying down squats
80 hip raises
90 Waist widdlers
60 second plank
2X30 minute walks - or alternatively 12,000 steps
Day Two: 400 Calories
60 Sit-ups
50 bicycle crunches
70 side leg lefts (each side)
80 lying down squats
85 hip raises
95 Waist widdlers
65 second plank
2X35 minute walks - or alternatively 12,000 steps
Day Three: 300 Calories
70 Sit-ups
50 bicycle crunches
80 side leg lefts (each side)
85 lying down squats
90 hip raises
100 Waist widdlers
70 second plank
2X40 minute walks - or alternatively 12,000 steps
Day Four: 200 Calories
80 Sit-ups
50 bicycle crunches
90 side leg lefts (each side)
95 lying down squats
95 hip raises
100 Waist widdlers
75 second plank
2X45 minute walks - or alternatively 12,000 steps
Day Five: 100 Calories
90 Sit-ups
50 bicycle crunches
100 side leg lefts (each side)
100 lying down squats
100 hip raises
100 Waist widdlers
80 second plank
2X50 minute walks - or alternatively 12,000 steps
Day Six: 0 Calories (fast)
Donā€™t do any of the exercises that you would do on the other days of the diet. We want you to be beautiful and safe, not over exhausted and passed out. Although if you want to stay moving then you can do 30 Side leg lifts (each side)
I put Day 7 into the cycle for the situation if there is no possible ways for you to avoid having to face your fear. This might be because someoneā€™s birthday is approaching or a special occasion is coming up. If not, then this is your REST DAY. Take a break from the diet on this day and get yourself ready to start back at Day One (if you wish to follow the cycle again) Ā 
If you have any questions, donā€™t be afraid to ask! my messages are always open! iā€™m not pro anything just trying to cope so if you donā€™t like what you see block donā€™t report. If you want to follow this diet then make sure you tag @thenewerclientele (me) in your progress posts and if you want to share this diet plan with anyone or make any changes then make sure that give me credit and share any alterations that you have made with me because Iā€™d be really interested to see what changes you have made!!
I wish you all the best of luck with this diet and I hope that it can bring you joy in some shape or form. You all deserve to recover and youā€™re all so beautiful but I know that we all have our targets and that this is a really shitty time for all of us.
Please, please, please stay safe and if you feel like you are in danger at any point during blast off then stop immediately and nourish yourself with something safe.
make sure you follow @thenewerclientele for more updates, thinspo, diets and safe recipes.- J
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Happy New Year
I know Iā€™m a little late but Happy New Year! I havenā€™t posted anything because it was New Years and I want to start fresh by starting a new diet tomorrow when everything is back to normal for me.
This is the diet:
Day One: 500 calories
Day Two: 400 calories
Day Three: 300 calories
Day Four: 200 calories
Day Five: 100 calories
Day Six: Fast/100 calories
Day Seven: rest day
This diet will also be accompanied by a series of exercises, so that I donā€™t have to list everything below, Iā€™ll reblog the post
*If anyone wants to join me send me a message*
Iā€™m starting tomorrow :)
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Things that stop me from binging :) TW
*tw I do not promote eating disorders, this is for people that already have one and are not ready to recover*
*If you are in recovery, recovered, or new please donā€™t read this because you might get triggered*Ā 
-Have small portions of safe foods throughout the day (set times; ex: breakfast at 11:30 am, safe food at 3 pm..)
-Drink a bunch of water
-Stay away from the kitchen
-Take a shower
-Go on a walk/run
-Watch an ed movie/any type of movie, youtube, netflix.
-Go on ed tumblr
-Write down whatever I want to eat and itā€™s calories then add everything up and see if I still wanna eat it
-Write down my calories for the day
-Talk to my ana buddy
-Cucumber and add tajin (a condiment with chile peppers, lime, and salt with 0 calories or fat but 8% sodium) or just tajin alone.
Drink: Diet coke, coffee, tea, hot chocolate
*If I definitely feel the need to eat*
Sweets: Hersheyā€™s kisses 22cal, one square of Hersheyā€™s dark chocolate, gum, whipped cream 15cal.
Chips: Boom Chicka Pop sweet and salty kettle korn (popcorn) 70cal, Skinny Pop popcorn around 43cal, Skinny Pop popcorn mini cakes salted caramel 60cal per 10 cakes, Thin fat free pretzels.
Dessert: Any flavor of the Outshine fruit bars 60cal
Fruit/vegies: Watermelon, berries, cucumber, carrots.
*I do not promote eating disorders, this is for people that already have one and are not ready to recover*
*Also, this is what works for me and might not work for others*
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Eating Disorder Recovery Websites
1)Ā http://eatingdisorderrecovery.com/index.php/home - Features a free eating disorder recovery workbook that helps you manage eating disorder symptoms. Includes blogs to help inspire eating disorder recovery. Allows visitors to post and discuss problems and questions in a forum that is monitored.
2) http://www.recoveryboat.com/ - A website that offers peer support for eating disorder recovery. This site includes a forum for those struggling. It also provides basic information about eating disorders for those suffering and those supporting a loved one who is suffering. Lastly, it provides some therapy exercises that can help overcome eating disorder behaviours and symptoms.
3)Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  http://www.something-fishy.org/ - An all exclusive website that provides a treatment finder, forums, eating disorder information, hotlines, and more. This site even includes resources for books and self-help worksheets to help combat eating disorder symptoms and behaviours.
4)Ā http://www.webiteback.com/ - A pro-recovery website that exists to help others overcome their eating disorder and to combat pro-ana websites. This site provides a forum for users to post on to get advice and share struggles of their eating disorder. This site also provides an extensive resource list for those struggling.
5)Ā Ā http://www.nedic.ca/index.shtml ā€“ The National Eating Disorder Information Centre. This website features all you need to know about eating disorders. It has a resource library that includes links on where to get help. NEDIC runs public service announcements and campaigns that you can get involved with in your own community.
6)Ā http://www.eatingdisordersblogs.com/ - This site is a compilation of blogs written by different people to help inspire you to overcome your eating disorder. You can find blogs written by Doris Smeltzer, Karen Koenig, and even Jenni Schaefer. These blogs provide information on eating disorders, skills you can use to recover, and resources you can access.
7)Ā http://www.mirror-mirror.org/ - This is a site dedicated to help promote awareness for eating disorders. It helps to educate about the dangers of eating disorders. It also has links to resources on getting support for your eating disorder. It provides information on relapses and has a relapse prevention plan. It gives a lot of ideas on coping skills to deal with the hard emotions you feel instead of using eating disorder symptoms.
8)Ā http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/ - This website is dedicated to advocacy for eating disorder recovery. It provides resources to help teach about what eating disorders really look like. This site provides resources for recovery as well. This is the organization that holds the National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, held at the end of February. This site provides stories of hope that encourages others to seek out recovery.
9)Ā http://eatingdisorderscoalition.org/ - Advocacy at its best! This site is your guide to help get legislators and representatives to hear your voice and get legal action for eating disorder help and recovery. You can find facts and information about eating disorders on this site. You can learn how you can advocate and lobby for eating disorder recovery at the federal and state level.
10)Ā http://www.mentorconnect-ed.org/ - A website that pairs mentors and mentees together to help support those in eating disorder recovery. The purpose is to pair those who have been in recovery and those who are struggling with an eating disorder to share experiences, provide guidance and to help each other through the journey of recovery.Ā 
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Day 6
-Watermelon 46cal
-Egg 78cal
-Bacon 36cal
-Vanilla coffee 90cal
-Vitamin gummies 15cal
-Fish fried around 211cal
-Corn soup 103cal
-No sugar coke 1cal
Total 580
Iā€™m definitely not very proud of today :( but Iā€™m a little happy it was less than 700cal
*I live at home still so when no one is home (usually the case) I get to eat less but right now we are on break and everyone is home, so they plan out the meals and stuff*
Hey guys, so I just had aĀ ā€œmini bingeā€ Idk if thatā€™s a thing but thatā€™s how I call it
So at first I thought maybe I shouldnā€™t put it here but part of having this blog is holding myself accountable and letting you know that it happens, and itā€™s okay.
-Marshmallow salad around 100-200cal
-Butter cookies 170cal
-Almond milk 60cal
Total 1,010
*definitely went over my calories :( Iā€™ll try again tomorrow if anyone has any tips or motivation message me*
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iviethings Ā· 3 years
Day 5
-Watermelon 10 small cubes 46cal
-Small salad around 160cal
-3 butter cookies 130cal
-Cup of almond milk 60cal
Total 396cal
*Iā€™m so proud of todays intake! maybe the butter cookies and milk were unnecessary, but Iā€™m happy it was less than 500cal*
My plan to eat small servings (watermelon) throughout the day worked because I didnā€™t binge on candy or other sweets!
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