iwritekpopthings · 3 years
Moon Jongup: Twilight
A/N: Hi! It’s been a while. I hope everyone is okay and taking care of yourselves. Been a wild ride hasn’t it. Anyway, for now I would like to write short scenarios and post it when I feel like it. So to begin again, here is a short comfort fic with Jongup. Enjoy!
You lay on the blanket staring at the night sky, admiring the moon and the stars. It was a quiet night and you just took the time to enjoy the silence. You needed this. This time to be in your own thoughts and get a break from the rest of the world. You had been so overwhelmed by everything going on around you recently so you appreciated this time.
Jongup is next to you, also laying down. His eyes are closed though so you think he has fallen asleep but he proves you wrong when his hand reaches for yours.
He takes you by surprise but you eventually smile.
This was his idea. He had to drag you out of your home and at first you had fought tooth and nail to not leave the comfort of your home but he was surprisingly really stubborn when he wanted to be. The drive up to the fields was silent. He didn’t say a word and you were too angry at him to say anything. You were also just generally angry at the world right now but those feelings were forgotten as the sun starts to set slowly.
The car had been illuminated with the beautiful colours of twilight.
You gasp as the sky slowly gets taken over by the darkness and the stars start to twinkle. The orange and purples of daylight slowly disappearing. It was truly beautiful.
Jongup had smiled after seeing your reaction and he continued to smile as he lead you out of the car and to the field.
He didn’t say anything really as he laid down next to you. He let you drown out your problems and just lose yourself to happier thoughts. It was like he knew you just needed a break from everything and everyone, including him so he just stayed by your side silently.
You intertwine your fingers with his and squeeze his hand.
His eyes are still closed but he is smiling again.
“Thank you, Jongup”
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iwritekpopthings · 4 years
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Cheers @mj_kuhn.
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iwritekpopthings · 4 years
Sometimes writing is like having an enormous lake in your head, and you want to get it out of your head and into a proper place for a lake so other people can come and go swimming and ride jet skis and stuff, except all you have to move the lake is a teaspoon. So you’re just sitting there frantically flinging water out of the lake with your teaspoon and telling people, “Guys, this lake is going to be so cool when it’s done,” but it will never be done. There is so much lake.
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iwritekpopthings · 4 years
Valentine’s Date with B.A.P 😍😍😍
A/N: omggggggggggggod guys im sorry this is laaaaaate 😭💕❤️😭😭 I cant even 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺 but ilyouuuuuuu so much pls be my valentine babyzzzxxxxoxox except bap are my valentimes ukno and I’m not sharing!!! ahdiajciwkckeks jkjk!! I’m so silly I noooooooo 🤪 anyways 😘 here’s my imagine for how the b.a.p members would treat you if you were with them on Valentine’s Day ❤️🤍💛💚💙 love you guys soooooooooo much and don’t forget to eat lots of Choco!!! 😍😘😘😘choco ice cream say!!!!!!!! 😝
Yongguk: you’d wake up in his, warm and protected, surrounded by his comforting scent. His tshirt was soft against your skin, just brushing the tops of your thighs, with little else on underneath while he was shirtless. He’d brush your hair gently away from your face and duck down for a warm kiss, smiling with a faint blush when he pulled away. “Morning, beautiful,” he’d whisper in his deep, husky tone. “I’m starving,” you’d whine at him, and he’d chuckle at you. He’d lament getting up, holding you close until your whines of hunger became too much for him, and go to make you every breakfast food under the sun. He had been practicing, and even went out of his way to take cooking classes just for you. When the kitchen table was decked out in all of your favorites, he’d sweep you up in his arms, carrying you while giving you a warm kiss, and put you down gently at the table. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby, I made all of this for you,” he’d whisper in your ear. “Finally, it looks delicious. You know I’m starving,” you’d murmur before unhinging your jaw and swallowing his entire body whole
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Daehyun: Daehyuns gaze fixed on you with warmth and love. He’d hold your hand for every moment that you walked together, as he led you through his favorite sights, and restaurants, in the city. You’d gasp “oh it’s so beautiful” at every new sight, at the flowers he bought for you, at the gifts he’d win for you. Each time you’d meet that warm gaze again and he’d whisper in your ear, “not as beautiful as you.” He’d revealed he’d packed a picnic for the two of you to share right before the sun was setting, and together you’d drive out of the city and out to the mountains to enjoy it together under the beautiful stars. “Not as beautiful as you, my love,” he’d remind you. You sat under the moonlight looking up at the beautiful stars while held in his embrace, his hand holding yours as you sighed in contentment and snuggled closer. Daehyun would look at you with sorrow in his eyes, turning his back to the beautiful night sky. “My love, do you remember when the other members and I played that lie detector game? Do you remember how it shocked me for saying my name was Jung Daehyun?” You would nod, eyes wide but confusion written on your face. “Well, my dear, that’s because I’m not Jung Daehyun. My name is Xepxorp and I’m from the planet Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. To be clear, I also don’t think humans are very attractive, you included. Anyway, you’ve been deemed suitable for testing.” He’d let go of your hand, and pull away, nothing written in his starry eyes. You’d reach out to him, desperate for his touch, for an explanation, but you were too late. You were already trapped in the tractor beam. “Daehyun!” You’d cry out. “The real Daehyun died in 1862,” he’d reply. He would say more, but you couldn’t hear him over the sound of the space ship you were being drawn into. Then he was gone.
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Youngjae: he’s mine bitch back off
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Jongup: you’d roll around in bed feeling warm and safe as you rested your head on his chest. He’d be so intent on reading his manga at first that he wouldn’t even notice you. Sighing and knowing you’ll make him make it up to you later , you get up to make him breakfast in bed. You buzz in and out of the room, cleaning up and setting out flowers you got to brighten up his room. Once he put down his manga, you were sure he’d make it all up to you. You took a final moment after you brought his breakfast in to observe how beautiful he was while engrossed in something he loved, and knew in your heart he look at you the same way when he was engrossed in you. You crawled onto the bed in a tempting position, and pulled the book down so he had to look at you while whining “uppie, pay attention to me” he’d scream, jumping off the bed. “Who are you and how did you get I my house” he’d scream. You’d giggle “uppieeee stop being silly , I made you breakfast and got you flowers” you’d whine at him lovingly. He wouldn’t stop screaming “all you brought me were rotting fish carcasses. I don’t know you, and I’m calling the cops!!”
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Zelo: “awwwww my baby is so cute” you’d coo at him, pinching his cheeks. He’d reply “I just wanna fuck, I can’t be yours”. You’d say “my cute little baby boy so small so soft he’s such a Soft Shy Boy”. He’d say, “I just wanna see your eyes when your under me”, take off his shirt, and begin humping the floor to illustrate his point. “Tiny baby boy. So young. So innocent. he’s basically a baby” you’d coo. He is 23 and drunk. You are 19. Zelo is legally allowed to say fuck.
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
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|| Main || GOT7 || Day6 || Stray Kids || Monsta X ||
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The Nest [M] || Smut - Romance - Boyfriend || [One Shot]
It’s the beginning of spring and Youngjae is trying really hard to stop you from having a productive day by keeping you in bed… [2.3k words]
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The “Cute Barista” || Romance - Barista!AU || [Drabble]
A fortuitous encounter with Jung Daehyun might be exactly what you need to take your mind off your recent breakup. [1.3k words]
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Ramen [M] || Smut - Humour - Dating - Coworker!AU || [One Shot]
Jongup’s a bit clueless about how badly you want to take your relationship to the next level… Even after you invite him over: “라면 먹고 갈래?” [5.7k words]
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⭐Motherhood & Apple Pie [M] || Smut - FicWriter!AU - Romance - Pirates!AU - Friends to Lovers || [One Shot]
To tease you, Yongguk decides to claim that the main character of your popular online Pirates!AU Fanfiction is inspired by him. Little does he know… Written for @yehet-me-up  [8.8k words]
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B.A.P as their astrological sign traits
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|| Main || GOT7 || Day6 || Stray Kids || Monsta X ||
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Running (Part 3)
Characters: You, Moon Jongup Genres/ Warnings: supernatural, vampire!au, cute rivalry Word Count: 1221
Year: 1666 - London
Undetected, you slipped through the dark, dusty streets of London, wrinkling your nose slightly. The city was full of humans. And something else. You had heard rumors from your friends back home; feral vampires had been roaming northern Europe and no one had been able to stop them yet. You were sure that Jongup would be trying his hand at defeating something so dangerous. He was just adventurous like that. You knew you would be able to find him here.
Throughout the warm September night you went through the various districts, starting near the Tower and heading west. Sounds of drunken fights, talking, and laughter attempted to drown out the more sinister sounds of the city. A few blocks away, you heard the distinct sound of a vampire’s scream. You rushed to the scene, following the scent of blood and fear through the dark alleyways. The area you ended up in was definitely not the best neighborhood in the city. Run-down houses and buildings lined the streets; there was hardly a light on along the whole block. Along the sidewalk there was a few wooden stakes that you came upon suddenly. They were clean, but you knew that someone had intended to use them. At approximately thirteen inches long, they were the perfect length for stabbing a vampire through the heart. 
The scent you had followed quickly faded and you lost it before you found the dead body or the killer. That meant someone had to be covering their tracks. Scents don’t just disappear that quickly. You looked around, trying to decide what to do next. Suddenly you heard a familiar voice call out your name from behind you. “Nice to see you again. What brings you to London?”
“Jongup, hey…” You folded your arms across your chest while looking the man up and down. He smelled differently. “I’m here because I had heard of some feral vampires running about. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about them, would you?” You asked , eyeing him closely.
His hands were clasped behind his back as he stood there looking you up and down as well. Jongup smiled and shrugged a little. “Nope, no clue.” He nodded to the stake in your hand. “But if I were to guess, it seems like you already plan on killing someone.”
You dropped the stake and squinted at him. “Am not.”
“No? Oh, okay.” He just kept smiling and you could not feel any more suspicious of him than you already did. You opened your mouth to reply but he turned away. “Okay, well see you later then!”
“You’re lucky I’m more interested in catching this killer than I am in catching you right now.” You called after him, hearing only his laugh in reply.
A little bit later the city was starting to get quiet. You sat on top of an old building, trying to see and hear as much as you could. Suddenly you heard a human scream coming from a few blocks away. You got up and launched yourself across the rooftops, running at top speed. You stopped at a bakery at the same time as Jongup slid to a stop, coming from the opposite direction. 
“Hey,” He waved a little and you nodded in acknowledgement. “How about a truce until we catch this guy?” 
“Fine, I guess.” You grumbled, hopping down to the ground. He joined you and looked in the window. You tried the door and it swung open without much resistance. The two of you shared a glance of apprehension and entered cautiously. The bakery hearth was lit, making the room stiflingly hot. Suddenly the smell of blood alerted you to something going on upstairs. 
“Let’s go.” Jongup sprinted up the stairs with you close behind. Just as you burst through the door, a vampire dropped his second victim to the ground. Without wasting any time, Jongup leapt forward, grabbing the feral vampire by the throat. You watched closely as the two fell to the ground, rolling and wrestling aggressively. However, you knew that just fighting would not incapacitate the killer. 
You looked around and reached for the door frame, ripping a strip of wood away from the wall. A stake through the heart should be enough. As you tried to find an opening, the creature launched Jongup off of him, sending him flying through the wall. You rushed in but your aim was off as the vampire moved quickly to the left. You stabbed him clear through his chest, but missed the heart.
Suddenly a screech was heard from the window. You looked up to see a female jump into the room, her eyes glowing red as blood glistened around her mouth. Taking advantage of the distraction, the male beneath you pushed you off and through the same hole in the wall that Jongup was just climbing back through. He helped you up and the four of you eyed each other. The female suddenly screamed again and lunged at you, wrestling you down the stairs. 
She had you pinned to the ground. “Get the hell off me.” You demanded, tangling your legs with hers. You twisted around each other, rolling closer and closer to the hearth. Jongup suddenly threw the male vampire at the two of you, knocking your attacker into the fire along with her dead counterpart. She screamed as the flames consumed her and broke through the back wall of the hearth. She didn’t make it far, though. Jongup tossed a stake to you and you threw it, impaling the vampire where she stood. Her flaming body fell against the next building over.
“Um, we need to get out of here.” Jongup grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the bakery. Fire was spreading quickly between the old wooden buildings. You ran with him away from the flames while you could hear the villagers wake up to the screams of their neighbors.
Eventually you made it to the Tower of London. Jongup and you climbed the outside quickly in order to get a good look at the city. Fire was spreading west at an alarming rate. You watched in silence for a while before sighing. “Alright, truce is over, right?” You stood up and grabbed onto the jacket that the male was wearing.
He got up while he rolled his eyes and smiled. “I suppose. Don’t you want to know how they did it, though?”
“It’s not really something I’m concerned with anymore.” You replied, squinting at him. He knew curiosity would get the better of you though. “But fine, how did they get away with killing so many people without leaving a trace?”
Jongup nodded and shook you off, straightening out his jacket. “There’s a new chemical on the market. Made by some native shamans in the area. It makes smells and blood stains just disappear. These two vampires sucked their victims dry and then doused them in the liquid before dumping them into the river.”
You wrinkled your nose. “So that’s why the smells vanished so fast.”
“Yep.” Jongup casually began to walk away. “Anyway, nice seeing you again. I’m sure you’ll catch me next time.” Your eyes widened and you ran after him. You were too slow and watched him fall right off the edge of the tower, disappearing into thin air. 
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
I'm still alive!
And I've started concocting my next series!
Just like how Dystopia was sci-fi/ not necessarily fueled by romance, this will be similar. Please look forward to it~
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Characters: You, Choi Junhong Genre/ warnings: Fluff, romance, slight confrontation, more fluff Word Count: 1031 Written for a friend for her birthday~
You didn’t think it was a big deal. Your new outfit played off your best features and when you met up with him, Junhong was blown away. As you went through your carnival date, you didn’t notice much about the people around you. Junhong had almost your full attention and that was how he preferred it. However, his attention wasn’t always on you.
“What are you looking at?” You asked for probably the third time. He blinked and looked down at you, a little embarrassed at being caught.
He reached out and intertwined his fingers with yours. “It’s nothing, I’m just looking out for you.” He kissed the side of your cheek before pulling you along to the next ride.
You held his hand tightly as you stood in line. “You’re sure this is completely safe, right?” You eyed the Twister, a terrifying contraption of spinning and sliding seats. There didn’t even seem to be any seat belts on the seats, just handlebars in front of you.
“Absolutely~” He smiled and took off his jacket, placing it on your shoulders.
“Oh, Junhonggie, I’m not cold-”
“But I’m hot, so I had to take it off.” He winked at you and you burst out laughing. That was something you absolutely loved about him. He was such a dork; he could make you laugh in any situation.
“Next!” The attendant at the gate brought your attention back to the outside world. The way he looked at you was a little unsettling. You casually hid behind Junhong’s arm as you passed him, eager to get that man out of your mind. Junhong didn’t say anything, but leaned over and kissed the top of your head.
The ride started once everyone was “safely” settled into their seats. It wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. You screamed along with Junhong, holding him as tightly as he was holding you. He was laughing; you couldn’t tell if it was from the thrill of the ride or because of your screams. But it didn’t matter. Smiling, happy Junhong was your favorite person in the world.
As the ride ended, your screams subsided into giggles. You laughed, trying to catch your breath. “Okay, that was a good ride, I’ll admit it.” You gave in, following Junhong as he got out of the ride.
He reached out his hand to help you down, smiling a little smugly. “I told you it would be fine.” This time as you walked past the gates Junhong put his arm around your shoulders and held you almost uncomfortably close. You could see the death glare he was giving the ride attendant, but you decided not to say anything.
Following Junhong’s expert advice, the two of you were able to see the sunset from the top of the ferris wheel. He kissed you in the most cliche way, but you still loved it. You hugged him tightly as the ferris wheel began to go back down. “This was a good date, babe.”
“Glad I have your approval.” He replied, making you chuckle and slap his chest lightly. “I figured you’d like it, but I’m still glad I was right.”
“Yes, you win the award for best boyfriend of the year.” You grinned at him and he nodded as if this was already an established fact.
“As I should.” The door opened and you both got out of the ferris wheel and made your way toward the exit. He had his arm around your shoulders again and his attention was divided between you and something else once again.
You stopped, a little annoyed. “What are you looking at? Are there really attractive people around or something?”
His eyebrows came together in confusion as he blinked at you. “No. You really haven’t noticed?”
“Noticed what?!”
He rolled his eyes and pushed his hair back with one hand. “All eyes have been on you all night. Did you really have to wear that outfit? Did you really have to make your hair so perfect?”
You stood there, dumbfounded. “No, I hadn’t noticed.”
He huffed and started walking again. “You should be more observant. All of those people getting to see you this beautiful… you need to make better choices.”
“Me?!” You followed after him. “I need to- wait. Are you jealous?” His behavior wasn’t making sense. He said nothing and kept walking. “So I’m right?” You reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him under a streetlamp.
“Does it matter? Let’s just go home and-”
“Junhong, you listen to me right now.” You looked at his face, trying to make sure he was finally paying attention to you. “People can look at me all they want. But you’re the only one that gets to touch me. People might look at me weird or say inappropriate things. But you’re the only one I care about. Yours is the only opinion that matters to me.” You reached over and stroked his cheek lightly.
By the end of your speech, he was looking you in the eyes and hanging on your every word. His hands found their way to your waist. “Are you sure?”
“Mhmm” You nodded leaning in and kissing his nose. “Yes, you dork.”
“Hey, there’s no need for insults here.” He replied in mock offense. A smile tugged at the edges of his lips. Your hand moved from his face to rest on his shoulder.
You chuckled and shrugged. “Hey, I call it as I see it.” You pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck as his curled around your waist. “Thanks for watching out for me, Junhong.”
He hummed in agreement. “Glad to see I’m being appreciated.” You laughed, hitting your forehead against his chest. How could one man be this.. Much? He was everything you could ever want and then some.
“You’re lucky I like you.” You teased, pecking him on the lips before stepping away. “Come on, let’s get back home. I’m tired.”
Junhong yanked your arm backwards, making you crash against him lightly. “Yes, I’m very lucky.” He moved in and kissed you slowly, conveying his feelings through actions. You were everything he could ever want and more.
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Seeing Their S/O After a Long Time (FLUFF)
GF Is Scared of Thunderstorms (ANGST/FLUFF)
S/O Has a Cold (FLUFF)
S/O Is a Med Student (FLUFF)
Cockwarming With Their S/O (SMUT)
S/O Loves Pokémon GO (FLUFF)
How B.A.P Sleep/Cuddle With Their S/O (FLUFF)
S/O Loves Soccer (FLUFF)
B.A.P With a Dom GF (SMUT)
S/O Gets Hate Comments (ANGST/FLUFF)
Being Worried About a Depressed/Anxious S/O (ANGST/TW)
Calming Their S/O During an Anxiety Attack (ANGST/TW)
S/O Gets Their Initials Tattooed on an Intimate Body Part (SLIGHT SMUT)
S/O Wants to Have Sex During a Family Reunion (SMUT)
Getting Unknowingly Jealous of a Relative (SLIGHT ANGST)
S/O has Self-Harm Scars (ANGST/TW)
S/O is Scared of Making Love Because of Their Past (ANGST/TW)
B.A.P with a Sub GF (SMUT)
B.A.P Putting on Fishnets and a Skirt (SLIGHT SMUT)
Helping their S/O Cope with Getting out of a Toxic Relationship (FLUFF/SLIGHT ANGST)
B.A.P Taking Nude Pictures of You (SLIGHT SMUT)
S/O Keeps Getting Rejected by Schools (SLIGHT ANGST/FLUFF)
One Shots and Imagines:
Yongguk: Tied Up and Beautiful (SMUT)
Yongguk: A Night Out (SMUT)
Yongguk: S/O Meeting His Family and Friends (FLUFF) Daehyun: Change for the Better (FLUFF/SLIGHT ANGST)
Daehyun: Stargazing (FLUFF)
Youngjae: Sleepy Baby (SMUT)
Junhong: You’re Insecure about your Body (FLUFF/SLIGHT ANGST)
Junhong: Lookin’ Good (SMUT)
HimUp: You’re Sweating (SMUT)
Boyfriend!Jongup HCs (FLUFF)
Boyfriend!Junhong HCs (FLUFF/SMUT)
Boyfriend!Yongguk HCs (FLUFF)
Boyfriend!Daehyun HCs (FLUFF/SMUT)
Boyfriend!Himchan HCs (FLUFF/SMUT)
Cooking and Baking with B.A.P (FLUFF)
Cuddling with Yongguk (FLUFF)
— the nsfw alphabet hcs can be found under th hashtag “nsfw hcs”. Maybe I’ll add them someday.
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Hiii!!!May I request for the drabble challenge the numbers 54 and 94 with yongguk? I look forward to anything you may write 🤗
I'm really sorry it took so long! I couldn't decide how I wanted to write it. I hope it's what you wanted~
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Drabble Request- 'I Married an Idiot'
Characters: You, Yongguk
Genres/ Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 321
Request: #54 & 94 with Yongguk
#54: Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash? #94: You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
Yongguk walked in after a long day at work to find you sitting on your bed curled up with a book. You were nearly asleep when he came over and kissed the top of your head. “Hey babe, how's it going?”
“Pretty good.” You stretched and smiled up at him. “How was work?”
“It was good. We finished a song today that we've been working on for a while.” He slipped off his shirt and walked into the bathroom to wash his face. However, something caught his eye. “Hey, why's there a pregnancy test in the trash?” He stuck his head out of the door to look at you with concern.
You squirmed and hid under the blankets. “No reason?” You could practically feel him approach the bed. He sat on the edge and looked down at you despite your blanket coverage.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asked, concern still in his tone.
You peeked out from the edge of the covers and nodded. “I.. This morning I just felt really off. And my period is late and I was freaking out and-”
Yongguk chuckled and kissed your forehead again. “I understand.” You relaxed, glad that he wasn't going to make fun of you for reacting like you did. “I mean, if you're that eager to have a baby, we could-”
“No, no, it's fine!” You interrupted, freeing your hands from the blanket and placing your hands on his chest. “That's definitely not what-”
He leaned in and kissed your lips. “I'm teasing.”
You pouted and smacked his shoulder lightly. “You're an idiot. I married an idiot.”
“But I'm your idiot.” He laughed, keeping the atmosphere light.
You smiled at him. “Well yeah, that's true.” You brought your hands up to cup his cheeks. “I love you.”
Yongguk leaned in and rested his forehead against yours, placing a kiss on your nose and lips. “I know. I love you, too.”
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Hey, so
I think I'm going to start reblogging other writers' works here as well. It boosts views for them and gives me a way to save my faves. So yeah 👉👉
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Drabble Request - 'Stranger'
Characters: You, Moon Jongup
Genres/ Warnings: fluff??
Word count: 483
Drabble #43: "pick up lines only work on me when I'm drunk"
“Please help me!” You stopped a familiar-looking man in his tracks. He turned around and in some part of your mind it registered that you knew him from somewhere. But that was not a priority right now. “There's a guy following me and I'm freaking out.”
Jongup looked around and at first didn't see anyone. Of course, he didn't have his glasses on, but he wasn't that blind. He squinted, looking around behind you. Then he thought he saw a shadow near a garbage can. That was all he needed to believe you. It was night time, which is never a good time to walk around by yourself. You were shaking slightly as you held onto his coat sleeve, placing your last bit of hope in this stranger.
Jongup smiled at you a bit before nodding. “I'm so glad you made it. I was beginning to worry.” He said in an extra loud voice while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He pulled you close and began to steer you away from the dangers lurking in the night.
This was the second time someone had followed you this month. It was starting to really freak you out. As you walked with one arm awkwardly behind his back, you tried to call down. You thought back to how you knew this guy and realized he wasn't actually a stranger; you had been in several classes together in college. He had changed his hair, but otherwise he seemed like the same Jongup as before.
“Thank you so much.” The relief in your voice made him hug you subconsciously as he tried to reassure you of your safety.
“It's dangerous to walk around alone at night. Where were you going?” He asked, trying to keep the tone light. He didn't want to seem like he was criticizing you or anything.
You sighed, figuring a lecture was coming. “I work a late shift on Fridays; I'm on my way home.”
“Oh, makes sense.” He nodded and moved to hold your hand instead, giving you both some personal space. “Well please be careful in the future.”
You nodded and continued walking in a comfortable silence all the way to your apartment building. “Thank you for your help tonight. I live right here.” You said, stopping and looking over at Jongup.
He looked around in mild surprise. “Oh, what a coincidence. My building is across the street.” He nodded to the other side of the road. “Must be fate.”
You chuckled, “Hey, pick up lines only work on me when I'm drunk.”
He laughed loudly and you joined in. “I'd like to see that.”
“Well maybe we should go get a drink sometime.” Before you knew it you had practically asked him out. You blushed, ready to retract your statement.
Instead he squeezed your hand lightly and nodded, looking into your eyes with a little smile. “Well maybe we should.”
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Dancing in the Dark
Characters: You, Bang Yongguk Genres/ Warnings: FLUFF Word Count: 386
You stood next to the window, looking out at the silent night. It was past one in the morning, but sleep was eluding you.
“Hey, babe.” Two warm arms came around your waist and a chin rested on your shoulder. “Can’t sleep?” Yongguk’s deep voice gave you shivers yet warmed you up at the same time.
“Yeah, I don’t know why. Probs just stress.” You told him with a fake laugh, giving a little frustrated sigh. You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. His arms were your safe place. The place you felt most at peace in the whole world. He was soft, calm, and slow, making you feel at ease. You closed your eyes and sighed more contentedly this time. Your mind was already beginning to calm down.
Yongguk’s hands ran up and down your back soothingly, knowing that mere words wouldn’t help if you were worried about something. You were someone more moved by actions. The two of you stood there in silence for a few moments before Yongguk began to sway from side to side. His right hand slowly came up to your shoulder, sliding along your arm until he found your left hand. Intertwining your fingers with his, he kissed the back of your hand. He continued to sway as he brought your clasped hands to rest against his chest. Yongguk rested his head against yours, just at peace in your arms as you were in his.
You smiled slightly, following along as he lead you in a slow dance. He hummed quietly, a smile on his lips as well. Occasionally he would pause and kiss the side of your head, whispering quiet ‘I love you’s as you danced barefoot across your floor. You rested your head against his shoulder, relaxing even further.
“You’re strong, baby. You can get through anything, but whenever you think you can’t, I’ll be here to remind you.” He pulled away and spun you around once. “You’re perfect to me.” When you looked back at his face, you could see his shy smile illuminated by the streetlights from outside. You smiled back at him, biting your lip a little.
“Thank you, Yongguk.” You moved in and kissed his lips softly, reassured that your perfect shelter would be there to support you.
A/N: inspired by ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran ^^’
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
can you do 20 for the drabble prompt thing?
Ye~ You didn’t specify with who or a scenario, so I just came up with something small :) I hope you like it
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Drabble Request - ‘Rainy’
Characters: Kim Himchan, You Genre/ Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 338
Request #20: It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!
Himchan grimaced when he woke up and saw the rain coming down in thick sheets outside his window. It was winter, there was supposed to be snow, not rain. His phone lit up witih your picture and vibrated on his bedside table. Reaching over, he grabbed it and answered sleepily. “Hello?”
“Hey sleepyhead. Are you just now getting up? It’s almost noon.” It sounded like you were smiling, making him smile slightly in return.
“Listen, I don’t get to sleep in often. Let me live.”
You chuckled but decided to give him that one. “Do you still want to meet up today?”
“I don’t know. It’s raining…” He frowned, rubbing a hand over his face. The two of you had planned on a date in the park today, but it seemed like the weather had other plans. “You could always come over here. Jongup will be out all day today.”
You laughed. “Afraid the rain will mess up your hair?”
“Hey, that’s not nice-”
“Oh, come on. It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt.” You teased. You were already planning on crashing at his apartment for the day. It seemed like a good day to cuddle up and watch movies with him. Himchan opened his mouth to argue with you but you cut him off. “I’ll be over in about an hour.”
He sighed and smiled in relief. “Thanks, babe. We’ll have to go to the park some other time.”
“We better. I haven’t fed the squirrels in ages.” You replied. You knew he liked feeding the wildlife that showed up in the park just as much as you did. “Want me to bring anything?”
“Just your adorable, loving self~” He said, laying on the cheesiness.
You wrinkled your nose. “I’ll see what I can do.” You both laughed. “Alright, see you soon. Love you.”
“Love you, I’ll be waiting for you.” Himchan smiled fondly before hanging up and getting ready to spend the day with his favorite person.
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