julia980 · 19 days
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"Worlds colliding at the Bafta Gala 🖤"
Eleanor Tomlinson, IG
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julia980 · 2 months
That freeze frame though. #stillbitter
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dir. simon langton
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julia980 · 2 months
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Moonlighting, Season 2, Episode 1
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julia980 · 2 months
With the recent rash of sales at Ulta and Sephora I have to laugh at people upset with ‘shrinkflation’ hitting their favorite beauty products and instantly blaming it on “corporate greed” without batting an eye. As if in a time of excess inflation companies are just supposed to forget about making a profit and absorb the increased cost of production and operate at a lower profit or even a loss. Nobody runs a business that way. Nobody with any understanding of economics who wants to stay solvent anyway. Perhaps some might in the interest of charity, providing vital products and services but luxury cosmetics certainly don’t fall into that category. I just don’t get the logic. Especially knowing going in that cosmetics are overpriced and never a great value for money to begin with.
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julia980 · 2 months
Okay I’ll admit it—I don’t like Burt or Agnes, at all. I skip all their major scenes/episodes and I could not care less about them as contributions to the show. People find Agnes endearing but the rhyming drives me mental and Burt, well, he’s no Bruce. He wasn’t a great foil for David, just a sloppy substitute. I get why they were cast. I get that they’re talented actors. Don’t care. The DiPesto/Viola subplot sucked. Everyone goes on and on about how great they were. As irl people, sure. As characters? Ehh, if they were so great they could have carried their own show but even back then people tuned out when Bruce and Cybill weren’t both on. They’re filler. The Wish version of Maddie and David. #sorrynotsorry
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julia980 · 2 months
This is so much more swoon worthy than the actual proposal scene. #iwilldieonthishill
#who needs your hand flex and boiled potatoes
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Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth in PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (1995)
#I see your hand flex and I raise you to uncalculated hand holding
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julia980 · 2 months
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Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth in PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (1995)
#I see your hand flex and I raise you to uncalculated hand holding
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julia980 · 2 months
First 8 episodes are the only ones worth watching. 🤷‍♀️
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Jamie’s sexy facial expressions requested by destined-happenstance
Bonus face:
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julia980 · 3 months
Jeff Reno addresses the whole Walter debacle and the ‘Moonlighting curse’ “bullsh*t” starting around the 20:00 mark.
I have to apologize to the writers as it seems the downfall of Moonlighting can largely be attributed to Glenn Caron himself, and plain happenstance to a lesser degree.
I have long suspected that a shift in the portrayal of Cybill’s character was born out of Caron’s personal animosity towards her at the time. Here the actual writers echo that sentiment.
The staff writers knew the show was Maddie and David together—not just in the same scenes, but truly together. If they weren’t able to change Caron’s suicidal trajectory for David and Maddie, it’s nice to know at least they tried.
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julia980 · 3 months
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Moonlighting, Season 2, Episode 17
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julia980 · 4 months
I agree with the comment—“you had to be there.” At the risk of sounding like an oldster, I doubt younger generations can fully appreciate the groundbreaking nature of the show—the humor, the fashions, the prominent 4th wall. It was made in the 80s, of course it’s “dated.” For those of us who were there, that’s part of its charm, not a negative.
The “Moonlighting curse” is laughably overblown in my opinion. The concept of interest waning once sexual tension (or any other plot point central to a series) reaches the denouement is not new. It’s simply inherent in any “will they/won’t they” scenario. Moonlighting was not the first in its genre to deal with such a quandary.
Furthermore, the fact that people pin decades of writing for other tv couples on this one couple shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what led to the demise of Moonlighting in the first place. (No question there were offscreen challenges but the actors were still professionals and committed by contract.) It tanked not because David and Maddie hooked up (or hooked up too soon) but because of the abysmal way it was handled by the writers. Once they had sex, they were written as a totally different couple than they had been up until that point. Maddie’s stubborn reluctance to commit was incomprehensible and out of character. The undeniable growth she’d undergone since meeting David—expressing love, caring, jealousy and proprietary feelings toward him time and again, was all thrown out in favor of a callous harpy who declared he’s “not who I’m supposed to be with.” Eventually this nonsensical behavior embittered David and he stopped caring along with the audience. Of course the sexual attraction between them evaporated after this, but it was entirely avoidable! You just can’t write a heretofore flirty, comedic couple where one party feels nothing but shame and regret from the get-go and honestly expect people to keep tuning in for that dismal soap opera week after week. No. The only “curse” involved here was writers who f’d up royally in the “payoff” stage. Any writer from succeeding generations who looked at that and came to the conclusion that the moral of the story is simply to delay consummation didn’t look too deep. How many of them actually watched the show? I doubt many. The “ML curse” was just a lazy explanation to excuse what really happened—temporary insanity in the writers room.
Moonlighting is actually the most unhinged I've ever seen and I don't think it should have been used as the yardstick for all male-female lead relationships in an hour-format series. It's an odd example of every genre mashed into the show, it's over-wrought, it's surreal, it's staring repeatedly at the 4th wall in blatant acknowledgement, the tone is inconsistent, the fashion is dated even for the early 90s. It's truly and extremely odd. They had a lot more issues than the chemistry and antagonism of the main characters and if they were allowed to 'get together' too soon. Certainly the rancid vibes of the leads was an issue as time went on, but the whole aesthetic and tone and energy of the show seems to have been a high-wire act from the writer's room that was never going to work indefinitely both in terms of audience interest/suspension of disbelief and maintaining energy. It collapsed under the weight of it's own quirky incoherence as much as anything, near as I can figure.
How is this the show that was allowed to poison the well for all television couples for the next 20 to 30 years???
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julia980 · 5 months
Portrait of Maddie
S2 x E8 🔥
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julia980 · 5 months
Idk, it’s just baffling to me why Caron went the route he did when he seems to be the OG Maddie/David shipper. He speaks as if he cared more about their relationship than any other aspect. So why flush it all because of a temporary absence of an actor? As you say, writers deal with offscreen issues all the time while still managing to keep couples on track and interesting. It just takes the will and some creativity. I keep coming back to the theory that there is no logical explanation other than they simply choked at bat when they were thrown the twins curveball… They wrote the perfect ending for them in Atomic Shakespeare. It’s hard to believe the same writers who gave us that would give us all the pod Maddie pablum and Walter and the miscarriage.. ugh.
Bruce was f’ing brilliant. I loved me some angsty, heartsick David. Some of his most outstanding scenes are Bruce, the dramatic actor. I just think the antipathy with Maddie after she disappears, then marries Walter was eventually overdone to the point of altering David’s character into something I didn’t like. Granted I haven’t seen every second of S4-5, but in my mind, the essence of David—the fun-loving, easy-going, childlike jokester in him that gave the show so much heart in S1-3ish was supplanted by this bitter guy who got his heart ripped out but was trying to go on working with this woman as if the previous 2-3 years never happened. The David who told Mr. Hayes so convincingly that he would give up his life for Maddie and wanted to grow old with her was not the same David just a few episodes later. How do writers lose a character they know so well that quickly? I don’t think I will ever get over it. 😩
Just finished s4 ep 12 of moonlighting and like. I know I say something along these lines after every single episode of this show but what in the cinnamon toasted fuck was that
Never in my life have I sympathized with any human beings more than I sympathize with the folks who watched this shit in real time in 1987 and had to endure this jack fuckery. I literally cannot imagine the screaming I would have done if my ass had waited around through weeks of reruns for stunts like this. Any of yall who did this the first time around are my heroes because I am losing my will over here holy god. Did you break your tv sets? Rip up the tv guide? I felt the ghost of Rage Quitting past as soon as the episode ended like it was imprinted onto the reels from y’all’s original agony lmfao
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julia980 · 5 months
Okay, so I literally just unearthed this tidbit from US Weekly in 2000, I think:
Glenn: As the guy who sort of engineered that choice, I must tell you, I still believe with all my heart, that the show became less interesting, not because you slept together, but because there were a whole bunch of serendipitous things that happened that were beyond everybody's control. Cybill got pregnant with twins and was unavailable to us. So there was really no chance to explore and suddenly, I had Claymation Cybills and I was finding any way I could to shoot -- do you remember that?
Bruce: That's right!
Glenn: We won an Emmy for that. And all it was was me desperately trying to figure out how to get a show done without the actors. As a writer though, I thought.....'cause everybody said, "You can't have them together. It'll kill the show." And I went, "No, no, no, no, if they're genuinely whole people, if I've created whole characters, then they will change yet again, as we all do when we meet people, when we're involved with people and then those people stay in our lives." You know, there were great stories to be told there, and we sorta never got to tell them because all these other things were going on. I started directing movies, you were in some, you know, all our lives got much more complicated, but the principal problem at that point was, you know, it just became harder and harder to shoot a whole show....
Oh Glenn, what a bunch of bologna. He’s basically blaming the poor and bizarre writing choices on Cybill’s pregnancy (he mentions ‘other things’ going on but that’s his main impediment). He acts like they had no other choice than to break them up to deal with Cybill’s absence. 🙄 No. No, Glenn, the show became less interesting because you very deliberately poured cold water on the flame, which was always the heart and engine of the show. People didn’t watch for the zany detective work (hell, Glenn didn’t even care about that). They watched for the romantic/sexual pull between the main characters. Nobody wanted to see a pod Maddie senselessly stringing David along with word salad dialogue, or a bitter, closed off, back-to-playing-around-with-other-women David. Nobody wanted to see them working together as “amicable exes.” The slapstick did not work the same without the romantic undercurrent. How did they not get that?
Re: Mark Harmon—it definitely would have made more sense to bring him back. It was Sam’s baby after all, or so they tried to tell us at every opportunity. He had scheduling conflicts during his initial run so that could have been it but it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t even go there since they were committed to Walter. 🙄
Just finished s4 ep 12 of moonlighting and like. I know I say something along these lines after every single episode of this show but what in the cinnamon toasted fuck was that
Never in my life have I sympathized with any human beings more than I sympathize with the folks who watched this shit in real time in 1987 and had to endure this jack fuckery. I literally cannot imagine the screaming I would have done if my ass had waited around through weeks of reruns for stunts like this. Any of yall who did this the first time around are my heroes because I am losing my will over here holy god. Did you break your tv sets? Rip up the tv guide? I felt the ghost of Rage Quitting past as soon as the episode ended like it was imprinted onto the reels from y’all’s original agony lmfao
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julia980 · 5 months
Oh, I’ve only seen clips of S5. No way I could make it through full episodes. In my first Hulu run through I saw more of S4 but avoiding a lot of it henceforth. Once you binge a series you go to YouTube and devour everything you can find and things happen. I had to know sort of how it ends so I could feel better about complaining about it on forums like this. 😂
I agree about “the curse.” It’s like the writers already pre-determined that people would lose interest so they just decided to fark it up on purpose. They never tried to make it work, ever. Writing the leads out of character and scrapping all the growth they’d undergone for having known each other is what killed the show. Treating their relationship like it was based only on sex (the month-long marathon affair wherein they ignore each other during the day and fall into bed at night) is what killed the show.
In an interview for the dvd release, Bruce says that they knew the consummation was coming and everyone was dreading it because they knew it would change. Caron jumps in to disagree with that (Cybill agrees with Caron) and he says, “oh I agree that it did change but I don’t believe it had to change.” I would really like to know exactly what he means by that because they cut there and you don’t see the rest of that discussion (if there is more).
Just finished s4 ep 12 of moonlighting and like. I know I say something along these lines after every single episode of this show but what in the cinnamon toasted fuck was that
Never in my life have I sympathized with any human beings more than I sympathize with the folks who watched this shit in real time in 1987 and had to endure this jack fuckery. I literally cannot imagine the screaming I would have done if my ass had waited around through weeks of reruns for stunts like this. Any of yall who did this the first time around are my heroes because I am losing my will over here holy god. Did you break your tv sets? Rip up the tv guide? I felt the ghost of Rage Quitting past as soon as the episode ended like it was imprinted onto the reels from y’all’s original agony lmfao
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julia980 · 6 months
I decided to rewatch this because I vaguely remembered it from childhood and I’m borderline regretting it now because I didn’t realize how bad it got and I’m obsessing. I think the answer to ‘why’ is actually in the very last episode when the “narrator” flat out tells Maddie and David why the show’s being cancelled. I think the explanation is a bs cop out but what do I know?
Just finished s4 ep 12 of moonlighting and like. I know I say something along these lines after every single episode of this show but what in the cinnamon toasted fuck was that
Never in my life have I sympathized with any human beings more than I sympathize with the folks who watched this shit in real time in 1987 and had to endure this jack fuckery. I literally cannot imagine the screaming I would have done if my ass had waited around through weeks of reruns for stunts like this. Any of yall who did this the first time around are my heroes because I am losing my will over here holy god. Did you break your tv sets? Rip up the tv guide? I felt the ghost of Rage Quitting past as soon as the episode ended like it was imprinted onto the reels from y’all’s original agony lmfao
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julia980 · 6 months
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Colin Firth As Mark Darcy In "Bridget Jones's Diary"
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