kawaii-geek-chan · 10 days
I think I have Ascended to another plane of existence. My mental health has been in the trenches, my physical health has been even deeper and it has simply gone so shit that it has inverted so yeah I'm hurting and depressed but also I might just be God lmao iykyk k ily baiiii~ ❤️💛💙
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kawaii-geek-chan · 1 month
Buggy: I need a terrifying menace to cradle me in the night.🥺
Mihawk and Crocodile: *exist*
Buggy: Oh shit, two-for-one! That works!
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kawaii-geek-chan · 4 months
Anyone ever think of One Piece and think that maybe the fact that Buggy is so loud is because of his upbringing? That he had to screech and holler to be heard, to be seen, because it was a pirate crew full if big people with big personalities, and the only other one his size was a well of potential who seemingly fit right in without a single hiccup?
You ever think of Shanks having been the quote unquote Golden Child because he had everything the adults in their lives thought to be markings of a strong, capable warrior?
You ever think about Buggy growing and realizing, looking back, and seeing, finally seeing without the cloud of grief and rage and hurt over his eyes, that Shanks was hurt by their family, too?
You ever think of Crocodile and Mihawk accidentally being the driving force behind Buggy getting a sudden and visceral reality check and realizing he ISN'T okay, Shanks isn't okay, nobody is, and wondering how the actual hell he is the only one to see this? You ever wonder if maybe Buggy already HAS realized this, if he's already processed it all, if maybe the act he puts on is, in fact, an act?
You ever wonder about how Buggy is behind closed doors, where his guard, so perfectly tailored, can lower, finally, and when he can rest?
No? Just me?
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kawaii-geek-chan · 5 months
Im not saying that one piece needs to become a horror series or anything, but if I don’t get at least 1 fight with Buggy using his devil fruit power in the absolute most horrifically grotesque, disturbing, and terrifying way possible, im personally flying to Japan and challenging Oda to a fight to the death. I don’t ask for much as a fan, only canon Buggy realizing there’s more to achieving a dream than being stereotypically powerful… and that cellular disassembly/control is a realistic thing he could achieve given the context of his devil fruit if Oda could just make him get off his ass and prove that “Buggy could be one of the strongest in the world if he just trained lol” post he made a few years ago
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kawaii-geek-chan · 6 months
what if. transfem luffy. what then. you cant stop me nONE OF YOU CAN STOP ME
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kawaii-geek-chan · 8 months
employees should be allowed to steal, actually
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kawaii-geek-chan · 9 months
Everyone agrees! Your intestines squirming around like eels in your belly is horrifying!
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kawaii-geek-chan · 9 months
THERE IS. a website. that takes 3D models with seams and pulls it apart to make a plushie pattern and informs you where things need to be edited or darts added for the best effect. and then it lets you scale it and print off your pattern. and I want to lose my MIND because I've lost steam halfway through so many plushie patterns in the mind numbing in betweens of unwrapping, copying all of the meshes down as pieces, transferring those, testing them, then finding obvious tweaks... like... this would eradicate 99% of my trial and error workflow for 3D models to plushies & MAYBE ILL FINALLY FINISH SCREAMTAIL...
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kawaii-geek-chan · 11 months
One headcanon that I never thought to clarify is that Mario refers to Peach as "Princess," because that's how he thinks you're supposed to address a princess. What he means to say is "your Highness," but he doesn't know you're supposed to say that because specific rules of formality like that go above his head. He's just a guy who's never met a Princess before.
So when Peach starts gently hinting that she'd like to be called by her name, this kind of startles Mario because isn't there like another step in there somewhere? With normal people, at least where he's from, there's only one step of formality; by addressing them with Mr./Ms. and their last name or just sir/ma'am, which then progresses to first name. But with a whole princess, in his mind, wouldn't there be three tiers of formality? Or four? After "your Highness," then "Princess," shouldn't it be "Ms. Toadstool," and THEN "Peach?" Like he thought they were nowhere near first-name basis.
Meanwhile Luigi's chilling and maybe even calls her by a nickname sometimes. He and Peach privately think it's sweet that Mario tries so hard to be polite but also it's just funny.
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kawaii-geek-chan · 11 months
I know DK/Mario is such a mood but I cannot be the only one who looks at Luigi and sees a closeted gremlin, right??
I can't be the only one who looks at DK and thinks "haha, bi frat boy vibes", right?? Like he would ABSOLUTELY get friendly and lowkey flirty with Luigi if ONLY to irk Mario... at first, at least.
And Luigi? He's the younger brother. He ABSOLUTELY would delight in some harmless fun and shenanigans, even as anxious as a chihuahua on espresso.
When one friendly lil race results in them laughing together after they leave their karts, when Luigi let's his head thud against DK's arm-
When DK inevitably says smth dry and hella bitter, when Luigi inevitably laughs at it, cheeks flushing and showing his freckles as he shoots a grin and a wink at DK, leaning ever so subtly into the ape's arm-
When Luigi inevitably does some badass feat, and leaves DK freaking gaping-
When DK sees Luigi slide out from under a kart, face smeared with grease, hat traded for a bandana and absolutely beaming as he stims with his excitement-
Oh DK is so freaking done for, man.
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kawaii-geek-chan · 11 months
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14 poses of couples modeling together! Reference sheets included
Download the free pack on my Patreon
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kawaii-geek-chan · 1 year
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The thought of the neighborhood all pulling up to Wally's top surgery just warms my heart so much urggghh ♡♡
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They're so happy for their littlest buddy 🥺
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kawaii-geek-chan · 1 year
• - - Just a Reminder - - •
In case you need it:
You’re the only one who knows what you’re going through
Your pain is “enough.” Your illness is “enough.” You shouldn’t have to prove that to be taken seriously
It’s okay to not be productive. You are not less of a person for struggling/being unable to work, or go to school, or maintain friendships
You are just as deserving of love as any healthy, Neurotypical or able bodied person
Your needs and accommodations are not a burden or an annoyance, and anyone who actually cares would do what it takes to make sure they get met
It isn’t your fault if others treat you poorly for things you can’t control, that says more about them than you
You are just as deserving of a good life as anyone else
You deserve love, and even if it doesn’t feel like it, there are people out there who don’t mind and won’t see it as an obstacle
Just because you go through something regularly doesn’t mean it’s any less upsetting/traumatic/scary
Your life is not worth less, you are still a person, and you are still alive
Even if you haven’t done anything today just being here at all is an achievement. No matter what you’re going through, I’m happy you’ve made it this far, because I can’t imagine what you’ve had to go through to get here
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kawaii-geek-chan · 1 year
y'know what? fuck it! shout out to all my fellow "stereotypes!"
shoutout to my fellow autists who do feel like a kid in an adult’s body because their mind works differently. shoutout to my fellow systems who have alters that lash out, and/or alters of fictives from popular media. shoutout to my fellow bpd folks who get clingy and have abandonment issues. shoutout to the autists who act "robotic" and love trains or dinosaurs. shoutout to the people with OCD/OCPD who do get obsessions with cleanliness and orderliness, who do wash their hands over and over, who do lock and unlock the doors a specific number of times. shoutout to the people struggling with intrusive thoughts that do get the violent ones and the sexual ones, not just the self-injurious ones.
shoutout to my fellow flamboyant gays. shoutout to the lesbians who wear flannel and have buzzcuts. shoutout to the aces who like space and cake and dragons. shoutout to the aces who are stoic and don't have an interest in bonding with people even non-romantically. shoutout to the nbs with neopronouns and names like "star." shoutout to the queers(or otherwise lgbt+ folk if you don't use that term for yourself) who have dyed and cut hair, wear a shitload of pronoun pins, wear a rainbow binder that can be seen, and love talking about how much they love being part of the community.
shoutout to my fellow activists who yell and get mad. shoutout to my fellow activists who bring up the problems in things, even if it means "always making it political." shoutout to the feminists who don't wear bras or shave, and don't get along with men.
shoutout to the men who struggle with emotions. shoutout to the men who love blue and camo and trucks and fixing things and sports and hunting. shoutout to the women who cry easily. shoutout to the women who take hours getting ready. shoutout to the women who love pink and shopping and shoes and cooking and taking care of kids and cleaning.
i'm very white so i'll summarize the next one: shoutout to all the BIPOC fitting into "stereotypes" as well. if anyone who is BIPOC wants to give specific shout outs, go for it!
to anyone who fits these or any other "stereotypes":
You are not a stereotype. You are a person with traits and qualities. You are not doing anything wrong by being true to yourself, whether that means fitting expectations or not.
Anyone who hates whatever group you are in for these "stereotypes" would hate your group regardless; anyone who accuses you of "giving your group a bad name" is deflecting the hate onto you because it's easier to pretend that it's nothing they are doing that gets that hatred; the truth is, bigots are bigots and they will always find a "reason" to be hateful. You trying to avoid "stereotypes" will never change that.
(do not fucking clown on this post. you will not get a debate from me, you will get blocked.)
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kawaii-geek-chan · 1 year
Shout out to everyone who is just so tired So so exhausted So very very tired so very fatigued so sleepy and tired So
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kawaii-geek-chan · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about compassion in Judaism, and being kind. In that light, I would like everyone to know that my current favorite Jewish supernatural headcanon is that, instead of driving vampires away with crosses or stakes through the heart, we say the Mourner’s Kaddish for them. I mean, that’s just so adorable. You see this threatening undead creature, and instead of yelling murder, you feel bad for them, and you mourn for them. Imagine being a vampire at the receiving end of that, having been chased away for years and years and told you’re a monster when you come across someone who sees you and your existence and accepts that you’re in a pretty bad place and offers help in the best way they can. I’m actually tearing up about this a little. If someone adds to this post I’ll love them forever.
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kawaii-geek-chan · 1 year
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Hey guys, happy black history month!
I hate to beg but I recently went back to college and I’m paying super high interest rates for loans because I’m an immigrant and I don’t have a super lengthy credit history. 
You might recognize these from edits/pinterest/telegram etc. I made them! So if you’ve ever wanted to support my work, you can share this post around and/or tip me on ko-fi. anything is super appreciated and goes towards my student loans ♡ 
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