kettykika78 · 2 hours
how about, Sherlock gets a bit tipsy after John leaves the inn (THOB) and when John comes back to the (one bed) room he finds that Sherlock is still awake
thank you for sending me something to distract me, I’ve only now stopped crying but I’m a soft breeze away from starting again. I appreciate you so much ♥️
I shouldn’t have snapped at him like that. Why do I always take things just too far? Why do I do that? I’ve upset him now. I can see that. Sherlock sighed and knocked back the rest of his drink before going back to the bar for another. Should I have gone after him? That’s what people do in the films, isn’t it?
The common area was thinning out now as the hour dragged on, and Sherlock was glad there were hardly any people in to catch him silently shedding a tear, glinting in the firelight.
The self-righteous prick, John shook his head, hands thrust in his jacket pockets. It was getting colder as time went on, and he wasn’t even sure where he was walking. I need some air. That’s what I always say, isn’t it. Whenever I’m full-up with him. And I can’t deal with… well. He makes me so… John stopped walking and stood alone, looking up at the moon. Do I make him better or worse? Does he know?
It was half twelve by the time John crept back into their room at the inn, hoping that he wouldn’t wake Sherlock— the floorboards were old, and creaked. He shut the door behind him as gingerly as he could, and turned to shrug off his jacket.
“You’re back,” Sherlock’s voice was low, and— a little different. Slower.
Is he drunk? John wondered. In the two years and change since the start of their association, John had never seen Sherlock even remotely tipsy; I must have really upset him. “I’m back,” John repeated. “I’m sorry I was gone so long. It was a pretty night,” he lied. As he strode over to the bed and chest of drawers to get his sleep clothes, he smelled the familiar acrid sweetness of drink. “How many did you have?” He asked carefully.
Sherlock laughed softly. “Less than you usually do, on a bad day,” he answered vaguely. “Three or four glasses. I think. It doesn’t matter,” he added, as if in conversation with himself. “I’m sorry too.”
“Why?” John pressed gently. He never apologizes, he thought. Do I dare milk it?
Sherlock shifted the duvet. “Just come to bed,” he sighed. “I don’t want to talk to a figure in the dark looming over me,” he explained. John changed quickly and slipped into the bed next to Sherlock. Settling, Sherlock began again. “I’m sorry for exploding. It wasn’t fair. I don’t— I don’t have the luxury of being so transparent with my emotions. And they pile up.”
John nodded. “What’s been piling up?” He asked, turning onto his side to face Sherlock in the dark.
“Things I haven’t quite worked out,” Sherlock admitted. “Things about— you. And me. Us, I suppose that makes it. My head hurts.” He sighed. “I don’t enjoy these side effects.”
John laughed. “Yeah, you’re a lightweight,” he commented wryly. “What do you mean, thinking about us?” He asked.
Sherlock turned onto his side now, the men facing each other and their eyes adjusting to the dark enough to make out the edges of the other’s face. “You’re my friend.” He said simply.
“Thank you,” John replied. “And you’re mine.”
“Good. I’m glad I haven’t ballsed that up.”
John tittered. “You should swear more. Suits that posh lilt in your voice,” he complimented.
“Then you’ll like this next bit,” Sherlock affected a stage whisper, “I’ve been afraid to fuck this up. Our friendship. The whole time. I’m always terrified that one day I’ll go too far and you’ll never come back.”
John’s chest ached. A drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts, he recalled the old adage. “I don’t think we’ll get to that point,” he reassured him, patting his crown, placating him. “But I do think we could stand to be kinder to each other,” he added. “I should be more patient.”
“I shouldn’t be so silent,” Sherlock offered. “I should tell you what I’m thinking before it blows up and I can’t take it back.” He leaned against John’s hand on his head. “Keep doing that.” He instructed flatly. It made John laugh, but he complied, curling his fingers slowly through the detective’s hair. “It’s nice, this. Being out of London for a while. Isn’t it.”
John thought about it. “It is,” he agreed, letting Sherlock curl into him slowly now. Why am I letting him do this? It’s… nice.
“I won’t drink that much in one go any more,” Sherlock stated, exhaling slowly. “But you can play with my hair. If you like. It’s nice.” He wrapped a heavy, dead arm around John’s torso, and started snoring softly.
I guess mine really is a snorer, isn’t he.
John kissed Sherlock’s crown.
We’ll talk about this in the morning.
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kettykika78 · 2 hours
by helloliriels
(belated memorial day post) WWII
The girl had been standing in the doorway for a while keeping an eye on them. She was pretty, in a comfortable sort of way. Soft blonde hair, grown long. It brushed her bare shoulders and pleasantly framed her delicate features. Light blue eyes watched the men, no doubt knowing their ultimate destination. And why they were also sneaking looks her way.
She liked the power she held. Teasing them. Welcoming their gaze. She would go into the house if anyone neared (they'd tried) and come back out later. Leaning against the frame. She had changed her outfit twice.
Yes. Clearly enjoying the attention.
She wore a calico summer dress that hung on her slender frame. All legs and arms. Barely of age, John thought. Not really what he would have considered a woman. But definitely something there. Her looks would bloom into true beauty as time filled her out to something more substantial. He doubted any of the men cared, as they waited. There was no rush.
They were bound overseas. Presumably to war and glory . . . . They were a young and inexperienced bunch. All itching to see the battlefield. Feel the adrenaline rush, the blood pumping in their veins. But John Watson just couldn't muster up the interest in anything at the moment...
He just wanted to breathe in the warm summer air on this fine morning.
Enjoy a few cigarettes with his army mates.
And watch to see when (and who?) would get her to give them a kiss before they all went to meet their fates.
John Watson was what you call an old soul. Already weary of the coming fight. Knowing that for every man he went out there to heal and save, he was likely to see two or three more lost. Weapons were advancing to destroy more brutally, and more quickly than ever before. But he had chosen this profession with that knowledge. And perhaps because of it.
He liked a challenge after all. And war was the ultimate challenge. Or at least that was what they had all been sold.
John laughed a little as another soldier made an attempt to seek the girl's favour – only to watch her coyly retreat within the house again...
He tipped his head back and basked in the morning Sun. Closing his eyes.
It was barely warm outside really, slightly warmer where the sunlight was kissing his skin. A nice cool breeze was playing in the air. You could smell the green from the yards around them, and the moisture in the air that would be tamped down as the day wore on.
This moment though?
It was just perfect . . .
The town around them had slowly started to wake up. Here and there a pedestrian stepped out on their front steps and greeted the day. Some gave them a half-hearted salute, or came by while walking the hound to slap them on the back.
It amazed John really, how life continued. On and on.
How relentlessly optimistic this world seemed to be - as if to spite the pessimism and war mongering of its own citizens . . .
John heard a tinkle of laughter and raised his head to see the girl back and perched now on the low brick wall. She was scanning the bunch . . . and possibly this time getting ready to select someone?
John's eye was distracted momentarily though
By a youth
Nearly his own age
And just as gangly,
Tall and . . .
Damn . . . more beautiful than the girl. By far . . .
John neither felt his jaw drop,
Nor saw the expression on his own face –
When the young man turned to look at him.
But the young man did.
He stood so still
As if John might be the frightened rabbit
That needed to be tip-toed around . . .
And indeed
John did seem to feel rather pinned
Like a butterfly that had been caught –
As the youth had still not dropped his gaze . . .
John wasn't entirely sure, but –
In this moment, felt he finally understood the meaning of the word 'mesmerized'.
The youth took a few light steps towards him, approaching carefully. John was fixed in place, but still hearing off to the side, the continued laughter . . .
Now getting louder, as his army mates were cheering and begging the girl for 'just one little kiss'?
He tore his gaze away briefly (and reluctantly) from the young man, to see that three of his mates were all lined up in front of her. The girl bending down to give a kiss calmly to the first in line. To John's relief . . . the men were treating her like she was a treasure.
It was surprisingly sweet.
John had half expected them to become tedious and press their luck. He would have been embarrassed to say. But they all seemed to respect that this was their last home-like moment. No doubt the innocence of the girl had helped to conjure up a layer of respect they would not have otherwise observed. (At least, from John Watson's experience and knowledge of these men).
It was almost saccharin sweet.
John laughed it off and went back to looking at the young man . . . but he was no longer there.
Damn. Gone.
(to be continued...)
Special thanks to Khorazir for a quick beta on this one!!! 💋💋💋 @elldotsee @randomwordsonpaper @writingismydivision @wearthedamntinhat @sherlockedcarmilla @sgam76 @masterofhounds @therealsaintscully @reveling-in-mayhem @scrub456 @peanitbear @bertytravelsfar @kettykika78 @kitten-kin @echosilverwolf @clueda @fellshish @totallysilvergirl @arwamachine @forfucksakejohn @lukessense @gabrielle-main
@chinike @rachel1337 @just-a-donut-who-reads @heyblinken @shows-up-naked-covered-in-bees @1-800-get-sherlocked @not-a-bit-good @thewatsonbeekeepers @jean-louisefinch @fuckmylifewtf @bella-holmes
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kettykika78 · 2 hours
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Just reached 15,000+ hits for Sherlock Holmes Live --- ty readers!!!
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Special thanks to @lisbeth-kk and @totallysilvergirl for plugging the story on their fic notes. *so many hugs*
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kettykika78 · 2 hours
May Prompt 2024 - masterpost
They are all on AO3 at meet_me_in_samarra
Also on calaisreno's MayPrompt2024 collection
Open ficlet
May 1: Open
The Perfect Place fic a.k.a. The Bed Shop Boys AU
May 2: Box, May 3: Familiar, May 4: Fall, May 5: Awkward, May 6: Cold, May 7: Calm, May 8: Hobby, May 9: Intimidate, May 10: Choice, May 11: Secret, May 14: Eavesdrop, May 15: Nightmare, May 16: Experiment, May 17: Chaos
Family Day  ficlet
May 12: Family
2 Limericks and 1 Poem what it says on the tin
May 13: Laugh, May 14: Eavesdrop, May 19: Weather
The Blanket Detective ficlet
May 18: Blanket
White Pony Tattoo fic a.k.a. The Tattoo Shop AU
May 20: Do-over, May 21: Fire, May 22: Night, May 23: Apology, May 24: Imperfect, May 25: Intuition, May 26: Manipulate, May 27: Jealousy, May 28: Empty, May 29: Hero, May 30: Journey, May 31: Pride
and May 32: Determined (the extra prompt because the boys were not ready)
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kettykika78 · 2 hours
Holmes and Watson are unwell about each other (10/10, no notes), but they are also the epitome of “right person, wrong time” which is not a trope i thought i liked but here we are.
I hold with canon all the way until Holmes’ retirement (or somewhere around the mid 90s) (because there’s no way in hell that Holmes wouldn’t have invited Watson to Sussex, or that Watson would have said no, but i better stop before i get off track), so i do in fact subscribe to the “Watson married Mary Morstan” detail that a lot of people find clever workarounds for, and I actually like that more than the alternative. I love that John Watson had an entire separate life, that he tried the married man thing, that even then he couldn’t pull away from Holmes, and that ultimately, when he lost them both and then got Holmes back, he devoted the rest of his life to him. I love that Watson saw and lived the alternative to eternal “bachelorhood” with Holmes, because it makes his choice to go back to him after his return from the dead more significant. Holmes never had a choice imo; he was already firmly against traditional life, and he loved Watson and needed him. Watson didn’t have such qualms about the right way to act in society, so it took trying it out – and death itself – to show him what he really wanted. He got Holmes back, said “oh thank god, i get to try again and THIS time i’ll do it right,” and never left him again (i am side-eying late canon SO hard rn. We are not friends). And that fully-informed commitment is so soulmate-coded i need to go feral but also lie down
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kettykika78 · 5 hours
today in "google AI is fucking useless because it hallucinates things that never happened", i bought a couple CVS thermometers that have both been acting up, tried to search if there had been a problem with the whole product line:
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there is no record of this product recall. it did not happen. the date "feb 8 2024" is the date someone listed a thermometer for sale on ebay.
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kettykika78 · 6 hours
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Happy Pride month to my favourite gay detective and consulting fathers, here’s 8 new mini chapters in my domestic fluff fic:
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kettykika78 · 11 hours
✍️ May Masterpost 2024
Saving a MASTERPOST for returning to these delicious fics, ficlets, limericks, and more inspired by @calaisreno 's prompt list. Most have made it to the AO3 collection (linked), but also (more ... much, much, more!!!) findable on their Tumblr pages:
✨ Open Your Eyes by @jrow : John fell and Sherlock's about to fall apart.
✨ Come What May by @weeesi : Ficlets, 221Bs, no particular theme or timeline, mostly johnlock.
✨ Ravelling by @calaisreno : Sherlock ruins John's favourite jumper. To make amends, he secretly learns to knit and replaces it.
✨ Trifles 3 by @calaisreno : A 3rd series of drabbles, 221Bs, flashfics, mini-epics, written in response to one-word prompts.
✨ Screw Spring, May is for Limericks by @ghostofnuggetspast
✨ 2024 May Prompts from @ Calais_Reno by @thegildedbee
✨ May Has 31 Days by @bs2sjh : What if one day everything changed? 31 - 221Bs shorts 
✨ MayPrompts2024 by @starkraivennemad : All 31 of them in list order.
✨ Sandbox by @copperplatebeech : Playing in the Johnlock sandbox for May.
✨ The Perfect Place by @meetinginsamarra : Bed shop boys, actually ... 😏😎 Sherlock needs a flatmate and already has the perfect person in mind.
✨ White Pony Tattoo by @meetinginsamarra : John Watson needs a tattoo covered up. Sherlock Holmes is one of the best artists in London.
✨ May Prompts 2024 Ficlets by @raina-at : A collection of stand-alone ficlets I wrote for the Tumblr May challenge.
✨ There Once Was a Man Lived in London by @friday411 : A limerick for each of the 31 daily prompts for the challenge + 1. plus Sherlockian Limericks of Dubious Memory to be ongoing ...
✨ The Luckiest Girl in the World by @lisbeth-kk : Rosie thinks back to the day her and John's life changed because of Sherlock Holmes.
✨ You're Not Designed to be Alone by @thalialunacy : A journey from friends to more, told in bite-sized pieces.
✨ May is for Limericks by @helloliriels : Johnlocked angst. Sorry!
✨ One More Time (with Feeling) by helloliriels for @totallysilvergirl : Sherlock gets help with a do-over ... from another doctor!
✨ Home by @actually-a-girls-name : ficlets for May Prompts 2024 
✨ May Prompts by @peanitbear : Sherlock's past closed his heart. Will it ever open again?
✨ Plant's May Prompts 2024 by @solarmama-plantsareneat
✨ Penitence by @naefelldaurk : John and Sherlock find a way forward.
✨ + 26 Ficlets posted to the collection by @amypihcs !!!
✨ Updates! to The Private Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson by @deelaundry and;
✨ Sharing is Caring and Choice by @dragonnan : John takes care of a sick Sherlock. And when Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson first met.
✨ Hungerford Bride by @jolieblack : "We're chained to a boat?"
✨ Love Over Gold by @rudbeckiasunflower : 221B format ficlets
✨ Whatever Remains by @ snowy_firewind : A series of drabbles
✨ Kaiju AU for May Prompts so far posted, here by @keirgreeneyes : with links to the prior posts!
And I know a ton of you haven't added yours to the collection yet (looking at you @totallysilvergirl ...) cause I don't see 'em here!! haha 💕feel free to link/reblog with! - Liri
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kettykika78 · 12 hours
Lotsa Fics Friday, 25 March: WIPs only
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More brilliant fics in progress at the moment. Only one of these was on my last WIP rec post.
Next up: recently completed multi-chapter fics, for the wip-wary. After that, one-shots.
Thanks for reblogging!
Baskerville Heights  by @ettuinarcadia: Remember that first time you read seriously absorbing, dark, 19th-century fiction? And you couldn’t stop reading, so you read under the covers with a flashlight? That. This. Chapters so far: 5. Posting schedule: brisk
Crime Scene Haiku by @7-percent: When John returns with Rosie to Baker Street, he turns to writing haiku again, “the habit of counting syllables and honing your words.” Heavenly follow up to Exposition. Chapters so far: 3. Posting: frequent
Impossible Things by @momma2boys: Fantastic Sherlock and Enola Holmes crossover. Deaf Sherlock, Reichenbach return, and “Sherlock was done lying to John Watson.” This commitment to treat John differently from the rest of the world–to be candid with him, trust him, and always give him a full deck to play with–is something I crave in fic and in the series. 15 ch. so far. Part 5 of The Esme Variations   Posting: frequent
After Five Years He Still Grieves by AlwaysJohn: This has already shredded my heart in the most masterful fashion. Sherlock’s been gone for five years, and grief is killing John, “his gradual slide into a melancholy so profound that he had no energy to fight.” Chapters so far: 6/12. Posting schedule: brisk
Whirlwind by @discordantwordsTwister AU. No further teasers required. 6 ch. so far. Posting schedule: “Oh, reason not the need,” it’s DW!
This Is The Wonder That’s Keeping The Stars Apart by @ettuinarcadia: This fic. This fic. Author describes this as “rising from the ashes,” but I see only the ashes of her readers after combustion. Chapters so far: 25. Posting schedule: dunno, don’t care, I’m here for this whenever it’s here for us.   
Indefinite Lines by @arwamachine: “… Sherlock and John—their lives weaving together, inclined towards one another, moving closer and closer to something greater than themselves.” Chapters so far: 26/62. Posting: every Sunday
The Killing Principle by @vulpesmellifera: “Sherlock Holmes is the man I left behind. He was a pompous, self-important, unsociable blowhard who cared little for the thoughts and feelings of others. He was only out to prove he was clever. William Vernet is not that man, but both are me.” Chapters so far: 36/44. Posting: every Friday
I Choose You by @fawnhickory: Part 3 of A Good Man and an Angry Man. “Sherlock, I’m sorry I didn’t choose you all those other times. I know I don’t deserve the chance now. But now, and for all the rest of the time that you’ll have me, I choose you.” Chapters so far: 5. Posting schedule: brisk
One reminder:
The Scapegoat by AStudyInAlgedonics  (@ohmrshudsontookmyskull​): The S3 fixit I was craving. A John who has not forgiven and does not want to forgive Mary. A Sherlock admitting the “surgical shot” story was concocted to keep Mary from going ballistic. A Sherlock acknowledging that a trauma surgeon would know that story was nonsense. 7 ch. so far. Posting schedule: frequent :)
and one non-Sherlock bonus:
KING by weneedtotalkaboutsherlock (Paradoxe1914): Not Sherlock! But it’s medieval! and it’s @weneedtotalkaboutfic! You know what to do. Fall in love with Check Please through the medieval-tinted lenses of a lively, lovely writer. Chapters so far: 5/10. Posting: every Friday.      
Keep reading
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kettykika78 · 12 hours
Happy Pride!
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kettykika78 · 12 hours
Love at First Pride 💜
Johnlock fic for the may prompts hosted by @calaisreno <3 (31st may)
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John just recently discovered he is bi. So this is his first Pride Parade. And then this tall, attractive man catches his eye and he promptly falls in love.
[based on a true experience by the author]
Teen And Up Audience, 892 Words, Fluff. Alternative First Meeting, Pride Parades, Bisexual John Watson, Mike Stamford the proudest straight ally, Gay Sherlock Holmes, Genderqueer Sherlock Holmes, Love at First Sight, POV John Watson, POV Third Person, Meet-Cute, they are in their 20s, Brief Mention of Alcohol and Weed
tags under the cut!
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga
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kettykika78 · 18 hours
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Who Are You?
Lilith Inkwell
How did you get interested in Sherlock Holmes?
I watched BBC Sherlock and fell in love with it, then years later read the whole canon and my love for Sherlock Holmes re-emerged, possibly stronger than before.
How are you involved with the anthology?
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excerpt from 'Return,' by Lilith Inkwell
His eyes were closed in despair, and his forehead rested upon his left hand as if preventing a headache. I observed him silently with my heart lodged in my throat, the two of us scraped so raw we could hardly look at each other.  He'd come back from the dead a month ago, and I'd told him then I could never forgive him. He'd summoned me to his place that same morning, promising to finally leave me alone, if only I listened to what he had to say. 
Who is your favorite character from the Arthur Conan Doyle canon?
John Watson. His canon personality is so overlooked oftentimes. I love his writing voice and I love how deeply he loves and I wish his complexities were given more attention.
What's a favorite tip or trick of yours for writing or art?
Write for yourself.
Who do you think would have blushed the most reading a romantic story about them: Holmes or Watson?
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Sherlock Holmes
Anything else to share?
Someday the true story may be told.
To learn more about the anthology or to join the pre-order mailing list visit:
@shewalksinthenoir @momma2boys @totallysilvergirl @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @keirgreeneyes @becoming-a-fox @bluebuell33 @7-percent @jrow @calaisreno @peanitbear @naefelldaurk @iwantthatbelstaffanditsoccupant @wyrcan
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kettykika78 · 18 hours
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For the @fluffbruary in June Prompt: bookshop
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kettykika78 · 18 hours
May Prompt 12: Family
Mycroft, of course, has words for Watson.
The fic with all my 221B format contributions to the May prompt challenge is here on AO3.
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“Sherlock. What a delight to hear from you. I trust all is well?”
My brother and I greet each other with smiles. An outsider might think from our lack of social calls and letters that we are estranged, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Some families thrive on the friction of daily inconveniences, but we Holmes brothers prefer the calm afforded by a certain distance.
That is not to say we do not care for each other. We each know that we may depend upon the other when need arises, and we have come to each other’s aid before with neither question nor judgement.
“And this must be Dr…”
The man steps forward. He has an upright bearing, an honest face with a slightly impudent stare, and a firm handshake. I am disposed to like him.
“Watson. Sit.”
We spend a pleasant half hour in conversation that surely means little to Sherlock’s friend. I correct myself when I notice all the little signs—the glances, the gestures—Sherlock’s lover.
When my brother rises, I find an excuse to detain the old soldier.
I grip his hand. “It warms my soul that Sherlock has found an intimate friend.” Then I turn my smile to granite. “See that you care for him well. There’s a fragile heart in his breast.”
Tagging: @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @bs2sjh @friday411 @louieclamlent Let me know if you want on/off the tag list.
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kettykika78 · 2 days
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catching up
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kettykika78 · 2 days
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After I was done in the museum I decided to make another trip to the Reichenbach Fall via funicular. Due to the pouring rain I had it and the fall to myself. Got very wet a second time. Had to use a freezer bag to protect my camera and it still got wetter than I was comfortable with. Should have used the underwater housing. *eyeroll* It was absolutely violent, you couldn't even see the 'cauldron' because there was sooo much water and mist. Definitely not a sight many tourists get to see.
I am flattered if you reblog, but don't repost my pictures or use them in any way without my written permission.
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kettykika78 · 2 days
Beautiful red hen made out of chicken wire by Helen Godfrey Wire Sculpture i have seen this shared around chicken pages on facebook.
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I really liked this hen so i went to the artists page and I am floored at the skill and beauty of these sculptures. Anyone who has built anything with the help of chicken wire knows that it is not an easy material to work with but this artist is able to make very realistic organic shapes with it. I love the softness, i love the wire people and how the wild birds use them as perches.
Mother duck with duckling
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Runner beans, they are so funny and whimsical
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Sculptures about to go to their new home, the hare and owl are amazing and the guineas look just like the real thing lol
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A beautiful barn owl
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A cute little wren
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The wire women. I love how soft their curves are
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Im so thankful that i got to see this artists work its so sweet.
Here is her store page but i dont think she has any new sculptures up yet.
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