kinoshita-asuka · 7 months
I'm down bad for a Jingliu yandere, who is using force/violence to make you stay
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Future Proof [Yandere! Jingliu x GN! Reader]
Content warning: mentions of blood and violence
"If you want to entertain me so badly, pick this up and use the sharp end to finish him off."
In the midst of a cruel yet swift confrontation, she tossed you the man's blade, the one he had used to defend himself against her. You swallowed dryly, the clanging of metal against stone piercing through the wind's hollow tune. He lay there quietly, your shadow casting over him like a cold blanket. His eyes shifted to yours, his face skewed in horror, silently staring at you like cattle to a farmer.
It was comparable to an insect that was too slow—the man stopping in his tracks just as he saw you, asking if you were one of the missing persons. It was funny at the moment of his interaction, but Jingliu did not take kindly to humour. She lingered behind you, the strings of your confinement being her gaze. When he noticed her and reached for his sword, she swiftly struck him.
Like an insect, he couldn't even struggle. His sword was hastily tossed away, and his body was doused in his own blood. Who knew so much blood could come out of one person?
"You can end his life, ceasing the suffering instantly. Or you leave. There's a possibility he'll survive, but if that happens," She looks at you, staring straight into your eyes despite her blindfold. You could feel her crimson gaze burning through you, scathing and burning red hot.
"Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to start your lessons early. Count this as your first." Her voice drags on like silk weaving through your ears, and you're stuck rigidly staring at the sword tossed carelessly by your feet. You weren't going to kill the stranger who merely made a mistake by humouring Jingliu's attempts to teach you, but could you let him suffer with such little chance of survival in the first place? Jingliu liked to poke at you through situations like these: a scientist testing different methods. Her mind games were an abrasive attempt to get you to stay with her; out of your own will, they sharpened to her liking.
"And if I don't do either?" You drawl, your arms limp by your sides. She liked it when you challenged her, knowing it would cost you her grace of mercy later on. Your legs ached, and your body tired from how hard she liked to push you to your limits.
"Then you'd stay here, watching the light leave this man's eyes." She spoke with an eloquent vigour, always saying 'you' instead of 'we' as if her body were long gone, a ghost of a monster haunting your shadow. You mourned your shadow, tainted by this fate, so tired of bearing to have to push past each day. It felt so slow, and yet when you look back, only a handful of days have passed. You contemplated escaping or even submitting to her will, but you felt if you were going to submerge yourself in this fate, you would get a say in how it would happen.
"If you're going to teach me, wouldn't it be easier to get me to do it myself?" You prodded, staring at your own reflection in the stranger's sword. Both were trapped and helpless, unless you removed yourself completely. Maybe saving this person would at least give you the satisfaction of defying Jingliu's games, and that would be through another game you imposed.
"Did you want to fight him?" Jingliu lightly taunted, her voice always a hollow monotone, but gradually you picked up on the slightest inflections in her responses, recognising her way of displaying emotion.
"Perhaps if he survived, then he would live to remember this encounter and train harder." You implied lightly, as Jingliu showed interest as she advanced towards you.
“And if you lose to him?" She hovered around you, an invisible forcefield restraining you from being touched. Jingliu might have slaughtered countless beings, but she drew the line at touching you without coming to her out of your own volition. She was a patient wolf, feeding a lamb for a bigger meal.
"I'll let you do anything to me, as long as it feels good."
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
dodge, dodge dodge! (sagau)
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being put into a foreign world would be a problem, for a normal person. but, you are not normal. never had been. also have a very skewed sense of common sense, and also a super duper secret agent. (also known as reader being weird and being ridiculed by me for it)
sagau x eccentric battle junkie imposter reader
sorry if you're bald. hair is mentioned (i dunno if i need to add this???) also if you the lines from this character that this is based on... comment!
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"wow, you're pretty skilled at this!" you shouted as you dodged yet another arrow aimed at your head. the force from the arrow fluttered your hair in the shape of a circle and took a few strands off. maybe a few ends burnt too.
"I don't need you to compliment me, imposter!" sara said. "how do you keep dodging these arrows?!"
"wow, what a hostile attitude!" you beamed as you dodged yet another arrow from the electro-charged bow. "for your question, no comment."
you also stepped to the side as soon as a spear barely grazed your clothes. the water from your foot contacting the water splashes.
"not a bad surprise attack, but not good enough either!" you shouted, again, as you saw the soldier manning said spear.
"this is fun! the adrenaline! the rush!" you tripped the spear-user as you side-stepped. the solider rested flat on the ground, with his face engraved into the ground and wet with the water. how disgraceful.
"don't underestimate me, imposter! this is disrespect to the shogun!" she then activated her burst after deciding to avenge her loyal soldier.
"see if you'll survive this!" as the lightning struck the ground, you then smiled, again.
a bad idea for sure, in water...
let's rewind back, as to why you're here.
as an agent of a very shady organization, you are very skilled at your job because failure means death, at the hands of the enemy or the organization. thus, you have gained the miraculous ability to dodge anything, even bullets, if you can see the shooter's weapon or hand. or in some cases, the projectile.
also, you are trigger-happy and love fighting! the rush you feel when your head barely misses bullets meant to kill. kind of like tartaglia, your battle-hungry comrade in-game, who is as thrilled as you when getting into dangerous situations and triumphing. a great trait to have in the job you currently work in.
bang! rang out as you dodged the bullet and shot your pursuers. it was really surprising you were shooting so accurately, considering your arm was contorted for the upside down glock in your hand to shoot behind you.
"one, two, three, down!" you said as you kept shooting behind you. but, you suddenly heard a loud bang as your vision blanked out. you chuckled in your last moments, accepting your ended life in this dangerous job. sniper (no sniping!)
"huh? where am i?" you rubbed your eyes like an awakening young deer fawn, not that you were. at least your eyes looked “innocent” enough. you smacked the floor, a very natural instinct. 
not concrete, but soft grass? when have you felt this in years? you looked around for any threats. haha, threats? this place looked straight from a fairy-tale, from....... genshin impact (or the after-life, maybe a drug-induced fever dream).
everything looks unreal and picturesque. the trees are way too green and fluffy, the skies are way too blue...
'in a different world? why do i feel like something's gone wrong?'
you struggled to stand up, as you soon saw the sky, the trees, and... thunder?
uhhhh, you're in inazuma, and in the sagau. that means....
the sound of thunder crashes down near your body. "imposter, under the shogun, you shall be captured and executed!"
yes, your gut feeling has come true. how did they even know you were here? a tracker???
the sound surprised you, especially so close to your ears and head. thunder, especially from this distance, would probably shatter your eardrums, but they haven’t? 
thunder crashes down yet again at your body, shocking you and blinding your eyes, yet it only feels... a bit warm? thunder keeps striking down, but you haven't died? even the luckiest man on earth has survived less. in fact, the energy has seemed to disperse back to the ground, almost like returning back to nature, like a certain trait of a certain creator...
but nope! just reinforcing their beliefs, you shouted,
"hey, hey, hey?! i've, i've become a human lightning rod!? what a dream! the lightning feels like a massage!"
maybe shouting that wasn’t a good idea in this scenario, but you are weird and have no idea what situation is in, just that you’re acting like a toddler after getting struck down by lightning. has the lightning gotten to your head and fried your brains? maybe the extra electricity just overcharged your body into hyper-gear..
you then very promptly escaped the scene, leaving the commission soldiers very confused. you basically ran really fast.
before this, an arrow decided to try to pierce your head. it was swiftly dodged a few centimeters from your skull. 'i've never dodged an arrow before?' you thought. in fact, the only thought you had in this situation, great.
this left them with the impression you were even more of a cheap imposter of their kind, loving god with a psychopathic mentality and an indestructible body. and you wear weird clothes, not the holy robes that the creator wears.
coming back to a shred of rationality, you suddenly launch into a large thought process of what a god might become after being omnipotent, complimented by your own personality.
to be honest, if the creator was oh so holy and knew everything in teyvat, why wouldn't they be a psychopath? a god who watches over everything is bound to become mentally "weird" after being so powerful, thus may become a thrill-seeker/hedonist who does whatever for entertainment. they could always deceive their subjects and act nice. you would. you have developed being a thrill-seeker after beating everybody at your now ex-job.
this situation may have even been manufactured by themselves, if you were the actual imposter.
it's a bit weird that they didn't mention your god-like abilities and instead decided to focus on your attire and attitude.
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(this fic is also known as insulting the and constantly being described as a dumbass)
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
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Modern au sumeru babies 🍀☂️
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
Protector of Teyvat (a troll hell-bent on reviving everyone just for fun) P—2
Isekai’d reader who is hell-bent on reviving everyone using your cheat code as the protector of Teyvat. With great power comes great benefits! Teyvat population stonks
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Note: asmoday is the unknown god, reader also grants gnosis and visions, isekai, slight sagau, op reader
Summary: You are just a regular human being living your best life on Earth, collecting husbandos and waifus in Genshin Impact when all of a sudden you were isekai'd to Teyvat, but not as a traveler, a creator, or an NPC. You were a very close friend of both Celestia and the Unknown God, who is known as the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. You too, hold a very important position of the highest order because unbeknownst to the general populace, you are the Protector of Teyvat from the outside forces. And so imagine the Archon's faces when their dead friend suddenly came back to life just so they can accompany you together with Aether and Paimon on a journey to spit on the Celestia's face
Timeline in Teyvat when you got transmigrated: Before any wars happened. Zhongli is probably sucking on a dragon pacifier or something if that even exists.
Warning: curse words, slight ooc, lore flying over the ocean and going for a swim, author removed the lore from the irminsul so act like you know nothing of it, i'm putting the lore in the cheese grater
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“T-The hilichurls… turned into humans?” Because of what she had just seen, Amber's eyes were completely expanded, and you could almost get the impression that she was on the verge of exploding any moment now.
You find yourself thinking that it is understandable. After all, raising someone from the dead isn't something that happens very often; in fact, not even archons are able to do it.
You chuckled and smiled sarcastically at the three people who were staring at you in complete and utter disbelief.
You stood there with your arms crossed as you looked over at the hilichurls that had been transformed into humans with confused expressions adorning their faces.
"Oh wow…" You said while putting on a show of ignorance regarding what had just taken place. "What a miracle it is that they have been brought back to life!" You delighted everyone by clapping your hands.
"P-Paimon was very certain that it was Y/N who brought them back to life just now..." Paimon mumbled something to herself as she scratched the top of her head.
“Hm? That is ridiculous. I just smacked them across the face with a fried egg, see?" You answered as you moved closer to the hilichurls that had been converted into humans by slapping their faces with a fried egg that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
And as a matter of fact, a noticeable improvement could be seen in the appearance of the other people's skin after the fried egg had been applied to their faces. They let out a sigh of disgust as they observed the yolk splattered all over their faces.
"Paimon had no idea that a fried egg was capable of doing that..."
Aether shook his head at the innocence of his traveling buddy. It was perfectly clear that you were making light of the situation. At least now he is aware that you were telling the truth when you stated that you allowed the Anemo Archon to have a seat in the seven.
“This—” Amber opened her mouth to speak while simultaneously covered her mouth with her palm in shock. "This is really incredible news! You are able to give them a second chance at life!"
"What caused them to become humans?" Aether questioned while frowning in confusion.
You gave a light hum as you brought your hand up to pet him on the top of his head. "Perhaps your sister knows the answer you're looking for.”
“Our benefactor…” As soon as you turned your attention to them, they started talking, and Aether made a low rumbling sound.
You gave them a sideways glance while turning your head to the side since you thought it was likely that they were bewildered by the situation. Their final recollections would be of fighting for their homeland just before the curse took full impact.
They all got on one knee in front of you, which caused you to raise an eyebrow.
"Ah-ah, there's no need to be grateful to me. You probably aren't aware of this, but I'm a very awful person.” You said with a playful tone.
The people around you gave you a disapproving shake of the head as they expressed their dissatisfaction. Who in the devil would even believe a statement like that after what you have done?
“We were in such a painful dream— we are gratefu—"
You made a huffing sound while crossing your arms. "I find it extremely unpleasant when people thank me or express gratitude in any form. You deserve to live, no? I was only performing my duties at the time."
"Paimon speculates that Y/N is simply not accustomed to being thanked at...?"
You let out a sigh and shook your head in a deliberate manner. You looked down at them and they immediately thanked whichever gods were responsible for allowing them the opportunity to finally take a good look at the face of the one who had helped them.
They feel as though fortune was on their side because a God gazed at them with such kindness in their eyes, despite the fact that they were literally citizens from a nation that does not worship any gods.
"How can we possibly repay you...?"
You cocked your head to the side and hummed to yourself while you started to think.
“Brace yourselves.” You spoke.
"Oh, wait, here, have this." You smiled broadly as a variety of visions comprising a range of elements appeared seemingly out of thin air.
They did nothing but blink in bewilderment as they held the small vision in their hands, looking like toddlers who had been given machine guns.
At this very moment, Amber was on the verge of passing out. Witnessing a group of individuals all at once getting their visions is unsettling to say the least. It feels even more wrong to breathe the same air as you!
Oh, my archons, her life is not a sufficient payment to be able to witness such a once-in-a-lifetime event!
 “Let’s all hang out once in awhile, hm? Don’t forget to say hello to Lulu for me!”
Aether raised a brow. Lulu?
With a wave of your hand, they vanished into thin air, and you sent them to a place where Lumine and the Abyss Order are currently staying.
To say that Lumine was horrified to the core when a group of humans suddenly appeared above the head of the abyss mage who was just talking to her would be an enormous understatement.
"Y-You can grant visions too!?" The scream that Paimon let out was so loud that it made you wince.
You indicated with a wave of your hand that everything was fine, and Paimon immediately let out a sigh of relief.
"Aether, do you know her, or is she a stranger?" Amber's lips were covered as she leaned in close to the man and mumbled something. In response, he gave a nod that conveyed something close to uncertainty.
You snorted as you extended your hand in front of Paimon and insisted that she give you, her hand. And as she did, a gnosis appeared in your hand.
"Oh, my dear archons!" Paimon reacted, fixating her gaze intently on the bright object that was floating directly above your palm.
"If we were to sell this, we could make a ton of Mora!"
“What—!?” Amber and Aether shouted at the same time.
You blinked and stroked your chin with your index finger as if you were considering what you had just heard. "If I remember correctly, there was a term for buy one and get one free. What if we double it?"
"No no no! Paimon is not even certain that there is a single person in Teyvat who can afford a gnosis! In addition to that, don't you think the other archons will feel uncomfortable about it?”
"Why should we worry about how they feel?" You huffed as you continued, "The one ruling Inazuma handed her gnosis to a friend, the one ruling Mondstadt doesn't even use it, and the one ruling Liyue will probably give up his gnosis in the near future.
"Well, if we're talking about the wealthiest individual in Teyvat right this minute..." You made a soft mumbling sound.
“Should we offer it for sale to the Tsaritsa? You smiled mischievously while cocking your head ever-so-slightly to the side.
As soon as you uttered that, an excruciating ringing sound immediately started up in your head. You gritted your teeth and squeezed one of your eyes shut.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You heard Aether’s worried voice.
"I thought we were each other's best friends! You should be aware that she wants a fight with me!” You can clearly hear Celestia nitpicking away inside of your head. As is her custom, she is highly dramatic.
“Well, it’s partly your fault that she wants to fight you.”
The three looked at you in surprise and astonishment as your choice of words came out of nowhere. To silence them, all you did was give them your whole attention while pressing a finger to your lips.
“Hmph…” You could hear her dejected voice.
“Oh hush, you have me. Just let them do their own thing for now.”
“Alright, but why are you selling a gnosis?”
"Creating a strategy for one's own survival is the first step toward leading a more fulfilling life," After having a good laugh, you promptly severed your connection with the Celestia before she could even begin to complain again.
“At least come visit us—!”
Oh, your closest friends and their overprotective tendencies when it comes to you. Why won't they just let you breathe and stop figuratively and physically clutching onto you for dear life?
"Your highness, who were you speaking with only a moment ago?" Amber stuttered, and for some reason, despite her outgoing nature, she found herself experiencing sudden feelings of shyness. I mean, really, how could you possibly hold that against her?
She hasn't even entertained the thought of speaking with an archon, and yet here she is having a conversation with someone who is significantly more powerful than the archons!
“Oh please, Y/N is fine,” you gave her a friendly smile and told her, “The Celestia is in full support of our business!”
They were all shocked beyond belief and let out a collective gasp.
As they imagined every people of Teyvat holding a gnosis, everyone in the room began to break out in a cold sweat at the back of their necks. You couldn't possibly be serious, could you? Surely you must have been joking. Right?
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You met three new people along the way, and the four of you set off on a journey to the city that is known for its freedom. They all came to an agreement that the information on your identity and the incident with the hilichurls should not be shared with anybody else.
You trailed closely behind them, periodically turning your head to take in the beautiful surroundings and the people who belonged to your little archon.
“Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom— Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favonius — Welcome to Mondstadt!” Amber grinned broadly as she placed her hand on her chest and cupped her other hand on her hip.
"O-Oh, not that her highness Y/N doesn't already know about Mondstadt...” Amber massaged the back of her head nervously as you made her blush with your laughter.
"I don't. I didn't have enough time to look into it, so I'm grateful for the introduction. Mm, the only figure of this nation that I am familiar with is the archon,” You were able to make her feel better with the words that you spoke, and now Amber can be seen beaming with happiness once more.
That, as well, is a blatant lie. You have completed so many commissions in this nation while you were still a player, so of course you are familiar with every nook and cranny of this city.
You didn't say anything while Amber and Paimon went into great length explaining things to Aether; the only thing you did was hum sometimes in reaction to what they were saying.
You were on the sidelines as Aether received his wind glider and put it through its trials for the first time, which resulted in a successful outcome.
Ha, that kid used to fly around with his very own set of wings before.
You swung your legs around gleefully as you sat precariously perched over the railings.
It is only a matter of time before the city is shrouded by ominous clouds and Dvalin makes another appearance. This means that you will be able to see your little floatie as well.
Aether descended toward Amber, who was standing there waiting for him once more, as the three of them observed that thick clouds and fog had begun to cover the skies above Mondstadt.
“The sky...” Amber uttered those words with a note of apprehension.
People immediately began fleeing to safer areas as Aether and Amber gazed up at you with worried expressions on their faces, as if pleading with you to take some action.
You only smiled at them before speaking the words, “The stormterror is absolutely adorable, no doubt about it, no?
“E—Eh!?” Your response caused Paimon to exclaim, and at that very moment, a wind tornado was closing in on them and ultimately launched Aether into the air.
You heaved a sigh as you stood up from the rails, your palm shining with some unknown power as a barrier began to enclose the city and prevent any harm from approaching.
You sighed again as you began to protect the citizens of the city. However, since you didn't make an effort to clear away the fog, everything will continue to be a mystery.
You cast your sight upward, in the direction of where Aether is floating in the air thanks to Venti's power, and the two people who were observing you followed your gaze in that direction.
"Don't worry, your highness! We will be all right!"
You couldn't help but laugh as you soared to the location of Aether, where you could sense Venti disguising as one of the thousand winds.
“I’m preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds.”
“Oh? Little floatie came into rescue too?” You teased as the mysterious voice began stammering.
“L-Little floatie…?”
"Alright, alright, let's concentrate on this," You gave Aether a friendly smile while you ruffled his silky locks with your fingertips.
"Don't worry about a thing; little floatie will look after you."
Aether frowned, indicating that he found the idea quite unappealing. "How about you?"
You hummed as you sensed the wind from Venti moving closer to you as though it was also interested in you.
"I'm quite curious to find out if slapping a fried egg on the stormterror's blood clot will be of any assistance."
Aether's jaw dropped in disbelief. You’re still not done with the fried eggs!?
"Hey, what do you think of this idea, little floatie?"
The mysterious voice heaved a cough and mumbled, "Eh..."
After hearing their response, you rolled your eyes at them. They had a feeling that you wouldn't be speaking anytime soon, so Venti made the decision to explain how to make use of the power.
You were observing everything that was going on around Aether as he started to harness the power of the wind.
You made a few comments about how the wind power looked like a machine gun which made Venti cough multiple times to hide his laughter.
“Not enough. Do you want me to slap you with an almond tofu for an increased damage?”
You didn't bother to wait for his approval before presenting him with the plate of almond tofu that magically emerged in your hands and then you gently slapped it in front of his face.
It was such a surprising thing that you could practically feel Venti shaking, which almost caused him to lose control of the wind. It was that shocking.
As Aether took the final shot, Dvalin let out a roar, and you swiftly flew over to the dragon, which appeared to be about to collapse as it was shaking in the wind.
Venti stayed only long enough to watch the softening of your eyes as you stared at the blood clot on the dragon's back. Aether slowly flew down to the area where the others are, but Venti did not leave.
He watched as your bright hands gently caressed the dark crystal, which immediately silenced the dragon's roaring.
You were reluctant to completely remove the blood clot because it was Venti and Aether's responsibility to do it. However, because you are so compassionate toward individuals who are suffering, all you did was relieve the discomfort that the dragon was experiencing.
It is completely up to destiny to decide whether or not the abyss mage will still be able to exert control over the dragon.
"Little floatie," You moved your attention to the wind that was swirling. "The traveler is known to be trustworthy. I have complete faith that you are aware of the next steps."
The strong wind has started to die down, and the only sound that can be heard out is a faint “thank you.”
You led the weakened dragon back to the ground, and as soon as the two of you landed, three abyss mages suddenly appeared. You grimaced when you realized that Lumine must have sent them to seek you out.
"Our gracious benefactor," An abyss mage started things off. "Our princess would want to offer her sincere gratitude to—"
You heaved a sigh as you frowned and crossed your arms while looking at them. "I believed that I conveyed to them that receiving gratitude is not something that I like in any way,"
“Uh… they may have mentioned that.”
You gave your temples a light massage as the headache began to set in and asked, "So why are you here?"
"We would like to make a request that you lend us a hand in the restoration of our once-thriving nation and in rescuing its people from the curse."
"Oh, I had already made preparations to carry out that task," You gave your response, and then proceeded to yawn.
If only they knew that your two friends were the cause of their fall, they probably wouldn't be as friendly with you as they are now if they knew that.
As they drifted closer to you, the abyss mages showed signs of happiness; however, when they heard your next words, "But not right now," their happiness quickly turned to disappointment, and they almost plummeted to the ground.
“But— why?”
"Of what use is a nation if it does not have its people?" As you lounged contentedly on Dvalin's back, a sluggish expression began to appear on your face.
"If I happen to come across one of your own, you can rest assured that I will deliver them to your princess so that she may deal with them." You uttered those words in a languid manner while staring at them. "Focus on gathering your people, since your nation will not all of a sudden grow a foot and run anyways." 
"We are in all sincerity grateful for—"
They abruptly stopped speaking once they were reminded that you do not enjoy receiving gratitude or hearing thank yous in any form.
You are truly a weird God— they think. But kind like their princess, nonetheless.
“Then we shall return.”
You made a careless motion with your hand, indicating for them to leave immediately.
“Tell your princess that she should at least pay a visit to her twin, and if she does that, maybe I'll feel more motivated to assist you.”
Your level of excitement and enthusiasm is to be expected, of course. The sooner they come to an understanding with one another, the sooner they will get the fuck out of Teyvat.
That means, you won't have any more job to do. On the other hand, you get the impression that it won't be all that simple.
Not with the looks that Aether was giving you, and not with Lumine's nature, which dictates that she won't stop until she pays back whoever helped her out.
Just hush and go, okay!? What is it that they have planned for the following step? Bring themselves to their knees and make a formal request for your hand in marriage? You let out a sigh as the thought crossed your mind.
In spite of the fact that you intended to rebuild the once-mighty nation, you wanted to execute it in private. There is no question in your mind that once they discovered who their benefactor is, then and only then will they revere that benefactor. What then will become of a nation that does not believe in God or even worship one?
The mages of the abyss remained silent for a short while as they observed various expressions adorning your face. It turned out to be quite comical. It's no surprise that their princess was so interested in interacting with you that she issued a command to find you.
They continued to observe you while you glared, huffed, and grimaced at the ground, and it wasn't until you frowned at them that they eventually left with a quiet "thank you."
You rolled your eyes. “What a bunch of brats.”
As soon as you arrived back in Mondstadt, you saw the three of them speaking to Kaeya. Although the fog has long since dissipated, the sky itself is still completely dark.
As you made your way slowly towards the folks who were introducing themselves, you waved your hand and the barrier vanished before your eyes. 
“This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain.” Amber carried on talking as if she had not noticed your presence and proceeded. “These two are travelers from afar, Aether and Paimon.”
Kaeya looked at the two individuals and gave a nod in acknowledgement. He then made direct eye contact with you and asked, "And who might this young lady possibly be?"
Amber's eyes widened as she shifted her gaze back and forth between Kaeya and you. Kaeya saw the outrider's expression, which seemed to indicate that she was at a loss for words regarding how to introduce you.
Your presence elevated the level of excitement that he felt towards everything.
“Oh, I’m Y/N. I sell visions and gnoses.” You responded with an expression on your face that was completely expressionless, and your voice was completely emotionless, which made the situation even more awkward and unbelievable.
The response that you gave seemed to take Kaeya completely by surprise. You? Selling visions? How in the devil is something like that ever feasible? And just what exactly are gnoses?
“Uh… haha…” Amber, at a complete loss for words, scratched the nape of her neck.
"Oh? I had no idea that lady Y/N is such a practical joker,” Even though Kaeya appeared to be laughing, there was not the slightest indication of humor in his voice.
"Uh-huh, you bet! Paimon is in agreement that Y/N has a tendency to joke around quite a bit!” In a frantic effort to salvage the situation, Paimon quickly nodded her head.
"Well, if you want to buy one, all you have to do is ask me..." You just said it while crossing your arms.
“Oh? I was wondering if you could sell me one then." It appeared as though Kaeya was making fun of you with his charming smile; in fact, it almost felt that way.
You seemed curious about something as you cocked your head to the side and then asked, "Don't you already have a vision though?"
"Well, having two would certainly make things more interesting, wouldn't you say?"
You took a moment to think about it before giving your approval with a nod. As you lifted your hands and opened your palms, visions of several elements, each glowing brightly, suddenly appeared.
Huh? He thought you were just joking the whole time!
It would be an understatement to say that Kaeya was caught off guard by the revelation. Are you a fraud? A magician perhaps? However, the visions you are holding exude such an overwhelming amount of power that it is difficult to even consider the possibility that they are a fake.
“Mm, you’re my first customer, so in appreciation of your patronage, I'll give you a discount if you buy Aether and Paimon a meal. Fair trade, don't you think?”
What fair trade? A simple meal in exchange for a vision? Do you not realize that visions are extraordinarily rare, and that the vast majority of people would give anything — including their lives — to receive one?
Of course you're aware of it; you're just messing with them for the sake of witnessing their reactions. It's likely that protecting Teyvat for thousands of years has had an effect on you, as seen by the fact that you're even doing this for no other reason than boredom.
Kaeya remained motionless in his stance; his eyes riveted on the bright visions that had no owner. After snapping out of his trance, he took off his cloak and wrapped it around you in a tender manner.
You made a sound that indicated that you were confused as he said, "Let's continue this conversation to our headquarters."
"Tch, I really need to bring Crepus back to life so that he can scold his children to death."
"Are you going to use fried eggs for that man too?" Paimon inquired, which caused Kaeya's surprise and horror to reach an even higher level.
Too? Does that mean that this wouldn't be your first time bringing someone back to life?
Now, Kaeya is positive that he wishes he could just pass out right there and then.
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TAGLIST: @valeriele3 @lunarapple @meikoo
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
Another genshin idea that involves isekai because my heart craves the comfort of escapism. Reader partially god in a way-
   Also please beware this is a little long
   Reader gets isekai’d to teyvat, but it was like- a really long time ago, about 500 years or more before the current timeline. They arrive in Teyvat and decide to keep a journal with them to record there adventures in Teyvat.  The reader is somewhat immortal, they can live forever and still look the same. The reader will still get hurt and can die, but they can still ‘respawn’ again, but at a cost. The reader would lose their memories each time they died, and the reader is not aware of this ability so they assume they just got isekai’d recently every time they wake up.
   In Kheanriah, reader becomes close to Dainsleif and the two become friends. But then something happened and reader dies and Dainsleif is absolutely devastated, and he keeps the reader’s notebook with him now.
  In another life, the reader had befriended the yakshas. But then one of the yakshas accidentally kill the reader due to karmic energy and dies again, Xiao has one of the notebooks the reader has as well.
  In the next life, you encountered yokai, a kitsune, a tengu and an oni, and somehow, the electro archon. But reader dies again, being killed by a giant snake *cough* Orobashi *cough*. Reader’s notebook was never fully recovered, but a few pages were saved and were under the possession of Yae Miko in the current timeline.
  Another time, you woke up in old monstadt, and the nameless bard found you and you two became friends(but like- in an actual romantic-ish relationship…) and Venti in his little pixie form witnessed that shit. But of course, in a very shakespearean way, the lovebirds die together after the revolution. Venti recovered the lyre, and had found some pages of the journal as well. In memory of the two, he turned the pages into poetry and sung them in taverns.
  And then in another life, you woke up around the shores of tatarasuna, just right in front of shakkei pavillion. You later found Kunikuzushi somewhere and became friends with him, later on Katsuragi found you and took you both to Mikage furnace, you obviously remember the shit that went down here, and for some reason a part of you started getting a litttllleeee interested in Niwa Hisahide. But then Dottore killed him, Kuni is trauma and you ran after him because you felt guilty about not being able to save Niwa and whatever the hell happened back at the furnace. You run away with Kuni and find the child and take care of him together, but then the child dies and Kuni burns the house down. You try to follow him again, but he pushes you away. In a literal sense, he pushed you off a cliff by accident and he regrets it. He keeps your notebook with him at all times, for some reason.
  Somewhere along the line you woke up in Inazuma again, but then meets Kazuha and Tomo. They become really close until the vision hunt and sakoku decree came up and Tomo went to challenge god. But this time, reader is actually able to save Tomo from getting titty sword’d and gets literally killed by the Musou no Hitotachi. Ei just felt something really wrong after that, didn’t figure it out until she came out of her hidey hole. Kazuha and Tomo run away and Kazuha is just a tinyyyyy bit angry about the fact Tomo literally got the reader killed but gets over it quickly. Instead of Kazuha escaping with Tomo’s vision, he escapes with a very alive Tomo and a mildly burnt journal by a not so alive writer.
   Finally, the reader wakes up on Starfell coast, washed up on the beach. Traveller finds them and takes them in. Now along with Paimon, the reader and traveller explore teyvat together and the reader slowly starts relearning about what happened in each of their past lives, and things happen:)
   The reader wakes up from each life and forget each previous lives, reader cannot recall their old lives anymore. But somewhere in the golden apple archipelago, there is a cave that contains some records of the reader’s past lives. When more notebooks began stacking up, the same message appears in the beginning of every notebook.
    “This is not your first life.”
(I might decide to write this, but only if you beg hard enough-)
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
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CHERISHED GIFTS !genshin snippet
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note // ahahaha… finally writing again :D very sorry for the delay, the network was a bit more work than i thought. ty for my beta-readers ^^ ( @venexus ; @k-zu ) for reading trough my first yae miko writing and editing/commenting it. coming back from such a long (unplanned) hiatus is kinda hard. this is one of the works that is part of the network’s first writing event! i will link the masterlist here as soon it’s posted, check it out for more awesome works!!
network writing event; ice & snow
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Yae Miko isn’t the biggest christmas partier in Inazuma. But she organizes a celebration with her shrine maidens, one that is well-known and well sought after. Of course she knows this, yet she keeps the celebration relatively small. She could use this event to expand her influence, or make it purely business. Most would think this Christmas party to be a wasted opportunity; too often the managers of the Publishing House begged her to expand it. She never listens to it and continues to celebrate Christmas in a small circle.
How could she not? Not when you always come to her party, one of the few non-shrine maiden attendants, bringing small gifts for everyone. Yet her gift is always the best one, the most thoughtful one. A rare book, a handwritten poem on the most expensive paper, dried sakura petals and so much more.
Every year you bring her the best gifts, one better than the other and of course she takes care of them. All your gifts are displayed in her room, taken care of and never touched by anyone else but her.
Miko knows Christmas is not about the gifts, but the time spent together. Yet, when she rarely sees you, she will take any gift of yours and treasure it– just as she treasures every moment with you together. It makes your gifts special, unique and her little gems.
Of course, she doesn’t hesitate to spoil you either. But, unlike your gifts, which have an emotional connection to the both of you, she gifts you the most lavish things she can get her hands on. Be it a rare collection of the first printed book series, a bottle of the best wine one can find in Teyvat or one of her many talismans, which are crafted with the best materials and clearly of higher quality than those she normally gives to other visitors of the Narukami Shrine.
Many years this has been going on, and for many years Yae Miko celebrates Christmas with her shrine maidens, all the workers of her Publishing House and a few selected guests. And, since the first year, you have been part of the celebration. A special something, a special guest, someone dear to her. This will continue for many more years, with many more gifts exchanged and more treasures for Miko to admire.
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
ok but like
imagine a sagau au where the reader isn't recognized by the acolytes
but they aren't being hunted down by them either
and in this au looking like the creator isn't a sin it just warrants a "damn must be truly blessed by the creator to be blessed with their face"
and the reader just kinda wants to see how long it takes for everyone to realize
also venti is the first to know and the reader literally begs him not to tell anyone
and they both just kinda
vibe as gods in disguise
Say My Name
In where you begin your journey in a fairly dull way, but that doesn't make it any less exciting.
Part two
Characters: Barbara, Noelle, Venti
Notes: Once again, I have made Venti a prominent character in a fic. I have grown far too attatched to him :( AND I WANTED TO MAKE THIS MORE ABOUT NOELLE BUT I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH ROOM BECAUSE VENTI'S FAT ASS TOOK UP ALL OF IT. And I didn't want to shove something in at the end, I thought it was a good stopping point so I didn't stretch the fic on longer than it needed to go. Anyways this was fun to write either way :)
warnings: fluff, cult behaviors, comical
Considering how extravagant and lively Teyvat is, your arrival was fairly dull.
You were freaking out of course, your heart beating out of your chest and breathing erratic. What were you supposed to do when you wake up in your favorite game? What was the right course of action?
Frankly, you thought you were dead or about to die. Teyvat is crawling with high level monsters. Maybe this was all a big fever dream?
You sighed, clutching your head, so many thoughts whirling around and yet none of them stayed long enough for you to get a good grasp of the situation or the best course of action.
But one thought remained consistent as your eyes drifted over to the path laid out before you. Mondstadt.
The moment you lay your eyes on the bridge leading to the Mondstadt gates you can't help yourself, running past Timmie's birds, shouting out a quick sorry to him, and sprinting as fast as you could to the gates. You slowed as you neared them and Lawrence - the gate guard - stopped you in your tracks.
"Greetings strange but respectable traveler!" He saluted, his eyes wide staring at you and you assumed it's because of the odd way you dressed, "May I ask what business you have in Mondstadt?"
"Oh! Just visiting." You grinned, feeling a tad bit dizzy at hearing his voice right in front of you and not just through your headphones. Not to mention the fact that his hair looked so real and nice.
He hummed and nodded, "Alright then, just don't cause any trouble." He waved you off.
That was easy... you mused. Though you didn't dwell on it and marveled at the wonderous city adorned with the high-noon sun and pretty flowers.
You could hear the humming of bards and birds, the sound of Flora selling her flowers, and of course Donna simping over Diluc.
It was all so familiar, from the people to the music and the tiles on the floor, it all felt like the beginning of your journey. Almost like home, you couldn't help but hum along to the merry music.
You passed by Katheryne and she waved at you knowingly but didn't say anything. You decided not to question her about it - Katheryne knew a lot of things anyways so you decided this was pretty in-character for her - and you waved back with a grin.
You wandered meaninglessly through the calming streets, still humming the tune. You came upon the fountain in the plaza and paused. Usually, you'd climb up the wall to get past but now you had to actually walk.
You chuckled, you weren't sure why but this was such a nice feeling and you sprinted to the left until you came upon a set of stairs. You climbed up them and made your way to Venti's large statue.
When you made it, you craned your neck up to take it all in, an awed smile on your face.
"Ah, are you a newcomer?" A nearby nun asked you, snapping you out of your dazed state.
"Oh! Uh- yeah I am!" You grinned sheepishly.
The nun hummed, smiling warmly, "You must be truly blessed to look so similar to our creator. You can go into the cathedral if you want to see our offerings to them." She nodded towards said building, "Hope you enjoy your stay in Mondstadt!" She waved, now even allowing you to get a word out before moving along.
You stared after her for a minute before whispering to yourself, "What the fuck-"
You turned back around and stared cautiously at the cathedral. What did she mean by creator? Stuff like this has never been mentioned in the lore before...
You'd been in the cathedral maybe a hundred times and had never seen anything that could be attributed to some... creator or whatever she meant by that.
So, naturally, you had to go and investigate.
The moment you entered those cathedral doors (with no loading screen separating the two anymore), your eyes immediately caught onto the shrine built on top of the rotating door. Two pairs of stairs leading up to it.
You gaped at the shrine, grand and well-kept, but what caught even more of your attention was the sheer amount of offerings left out at the base below the shrine. There was so much food and random shiny objects, some of which looked more than what you were worth.
Your jaw hang open at the sight, and you noticed you started to get some odd stares. You fixed your face and donned a more neutral expression, looking on at the shrine curiously.
"Ah, first time in Mondstadt's cathedral?" said a soft and familiar voice.
You whipped your head around to face Barbara, her sparkling eyes fixed onto you.
You composed yourself - both at the scene in front of you and the fact you just met Barbara face-to-face - "Yeah, it is."
"You look so much like our beloved creator!" She exclaimed, "It must be such an honor to be blessed with their lovely face!"
"U-uhm..." You stuttered, sending her an awkward smile, "I suppose so."
Her eyes shifted and you felt a jolt of unease in your chest, sinking into your heart, "Sorry, I'm just not used to Mondstadt's customs. We practice things quite differently where I'm from."
"Oh! Sorry then," Barbara frowned, "I didn't mean any disrespect, I just wanted to make sure you weren't disrespecting our creator in any ways. I suppose in the end it didn't do any good."
You hummed non-committedly and gazed back upon the shrine. There was a statue of the supposed creator upon there and unconsciously you took steps towards it. As you gazed up at it, it was as though you were looking into a mirror.
The statue was an exact replica of you, in every way shape and form it was you.
"It truly is remarkable how alike you two are," Barbara smiled up at the statue, pure devotion in her eyes, "It was an honor to look upon you and see an image that so wonderously reflects our creator's." She smiled at you.
You nodded and she left with a wave. A few moments later you left the church.
The problems in this perfect world arose when your stomach started to growl and you realized...
You had no mora.
"Goddamnit I'm having a Zhongli moment," You cursed the gods (specifically Venti and Zhongli) for not giving you mora when you arrived to Teyvat.
Although you didn't have to worry about that for long, oddly enough. When you were eyeing Good Hunters, a kind little lady approached you.
"E-excuse me," Her cute voice cracked and your eyes met with Noelle's, "Are you hungry? I could um-" Her eyes diverted away from yours but always seemed to come back to stare into your eyes, "I could make you something if you so wish."
You gasped, your face lighting up in a smile that reddened Noelle's cheeks, "Really? Oh! I'd love to try some of your Tea Break Pancakes- oh! Ah, nevermind. You don't have to." You waved her offer off, "I don't even have any mora on me."
"That's fine." She grinned, "Consider it... a gift to our creator. A celebration of how much you look like them."
"Ah," You couldn't help the surprised smile that tugged up at the corners of your lips, "That's- I mean I appreciate it but I'm sure there's much better uses you could use with your time-"
"Nonsense! I insist," Her resolve was as sturdy as the sword you'd given her, "A little treat of mine."
"I-" Your stomach interrupted any argument you were going to make, "Fine..." You sighed, "But I owe you okay? If you ever need anything just ask me."
She agreed and made you the meal, which you excitedly watched her make. It was so surreal watching Noelle make the pancakes instead of just pressing a couple buttons.
Even still she made those pancakes in record time, you were impressed.
"Thank you so much Noelle! Really, you're carrying Mondstadt on your shoulders." You giggled.
Her face flushed a bright red and she waved her hands dismissively, "Oh no no no, I don't do that much. I'm... not even a knight yet." She frowned.
"Well," You said in-between bites, "You do as much if not more than the knights do. Don't put yourself down just 'cause you're not official yet."
Your smile, a replica of the ones on the statue but brighter and more personal caused Noelle to feel nearly dizzy.
"You're far too kind... Oh! Dear, where are my manners?" She huffed, "What's your name?"
"Oh! It's (Name)." You held out your hand but she didn't take it immediately.
She tilted her head, her eyes narrowed in confusion, "Isn't that... the creator's name? Did your parents name you that?"
Your mind blanked. Why the hell does this creator person have my face and my name?
You chuckled, "They did."
Noelle hummed and nodded along, "It's a bit unusual but not like it's against the law or anything," She shrugged and took your hand, "It's nice to meet you (name). I'm Noelle, though it seems you already knew that..?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I've heard of you. You're the best maid in Mondstadt. Who knows, maybe the best maid in all of Teyvat." You chuckled as her face bloomed into color once more.
"Truly, you flatter me too much," She fanned her face in an attempt to get rid of the heat, "...have you really heard of me outside of Mondstadt."
Without hesitation, you nodded while biting into the pancake, "Of course!" You technically weren't lying. You'd heard of her outside of Mondstadt... and outside of Teyvat... in your world. So it was technically true.
She covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes lit up in wonder, and a soft giggle escaped her throat, "Aha, I'm so happy..."
Without thinking, you reached over and patted her head. She had stars in her eyes. "I'm glad," You said, "You deserve it."
You and Noelle had talked throughout the entire day. She had often went to go and help people and you tried your best to help her as well. Finding stray cats, helping children find lost items or getting them down from high places, collecting and delivering items for people.
You did your best to nudge Noelle away from accepting every little thing that came her way, but majority of the time she'd end up helping the person. So you settled for helping lessen her load by helping her complete the tasks instead.
When night time finally rolled around Noelle finally bid you good night and you were hesitant to leave her because...
You had nowhere to stay.
The dark Mondstadt streets, only lit up by the few streetlights still lit by candles and night owls still awake inside their houses creeped you out.
Where would you stay? You couldn't stay outside for too long, it was freezing and you only had the clothes on your back.
Maybe you could sneak into Angel's Share and sleep in the rafters? That way you'd stay warm and they were open 24/7 you believed.
Maybe you should just tell someone you got transported here from another world. That's what the Traveler did and now they're a renowned hero with a teapot to live in...
Teapot... Teapot! If you could find the Teapot...
"Shit! Where did I last set it down..." You scrounged through your memory, praying it wasn't in the inventory. You had no clue how to access that or if you even could access it.
You recalled... teleporting to Windrise to grab some crystalflies and heal up... and opening up your teapot. That's where it is then. Or at least you hoped.
Even if it wasn't there, sleeping in the big Windrise tree didn't sound like a bad idea. So long as you didn't freeze to death.
With that in mind you set out to begin your walk to Windrise, sending a wave to Katheryne as you left. She wished you good luck which made your heart swell. Her eyes always seemed to know too much... but in this case it was quite comforting.
You also waved goodbye to the guards outside Mondstadt's gate, and they saluted with kind smiles.
You hummed, tiredly making your way across the bridge once more. What a lovely day in Mondstadt, you mused to yourself, humming the quiet nighttime tune.
Your legs were jelly by the time you made it to Windrise, silently thanking the gods that you weren't attacked on the way there. Tiredly, you looked around the statue and the tree for any sign of your teapot and...
nothing. Absolutely nothing.
With a groan, you sat down at the base of the statue, burying your head in your hands, too tired to hold your head up on your own.
You just needed to shut your eyes for a moment...
You blinked your eyes open as the sun glared at you. Squinting up, you noticed you were now laying at the base of the statue.
You paused as a melody filled your ears, close by and unfamiliar. You turned your head to see a bard - your bard - playing the lyre and humming a tune.
"Ah, you're finally awake." He grinned, "What were you doing sleeping outside by the statue?"
You groggily sat up, "Venti?" You groaned, "I was just... traveling and ended up falling asleep."
He hummed, "You know my name?"
You nodded, "Yes, you're quite the famous bard aren't you?" The excuse flew naturally off your tongue, it wasn't necessarily a lie either.
Venti giggled, his fingers idly plucking a tune, "Quite the charmer aren't you? Though, can't say you're entirely incorrect. I am the best bard in the world! Most famous though? I can't really say." He leaned in, his face nearly touching yours, "So, how do you know me hm? You just arrived to Mondstadt yesterday after all and I don't believe you ever caught my name or even saw me."
"...You were watching me?" You questioned, your eyes narrowed.
Venti faked an offended gasp, "You make me sound like a criminal! I was merely observing my surroundings. I saw you, an odd looking traveler, and had to observe you for a bit of time. Can't blame me for being a little curious." His grin was sly and it made you roll your eyes.
"Still a bit creepy if you ask me, especially for an apparently not-so-famous bard." You challenged him, your eyes sharp as they dug into him.
He shrugged, "I gotta watch over Mondstadt. I love the city with my life, you know. Now answer the question, how do you know me?" His eyes were so playful for such a scathing question.
You hummed, surprisingly calm given how wrong this could go, "How do you think I know you, bard?"
He giggled, "Asking me the questions now are you?" His fingers switched up and started playing a much more familiar tune. One he shouldn't know, "Perhaps you've been watching me for a long time now. And whenever I saw your eyes I just knew they were the same ones that had been watching me for countless months. Hm?"
Your eyes shot open, "How do you know that song?"
"I know every song," His teal eyes sparkled with mischief and glee, "Past present and future."
Your jaw slackened, but you couldn't help the grin that tugged at your lips.
"I suppose I wasn't aware of just how far your knowledge reached, O' Anemo Archon." You snickered, and jokingly bowed.
Venti giggled, his fingers stopping his playing so he could mockingly bow back, "And I suppose I wasn't aware of how stubborn you are, O' Great Creator."
"What?" Your playful nature halted in its tracks as you stared at Venti, dumbfounded.
He blinked, confused, "Huh?"
You shook your disbelief away with a shake of your head and a laugh, "Did you just call me Teyvat's God?" You chuckled, "Then should I call you your friend's name?"
A flash of hurt took over his eyes, he whined, "Huh? What do they have to do with this, your grace?"
"What?" Dread crawled into the back of your throat, "Cut it out Venti, don't joke like that."
"But I'm not joking, your grace. Did you- did you not know?" His eyes were wide and glassy, "I'm sorry..."
You blinked owlishly, "Wha- you're serious? I thought- I thought I just looked like them!"
"I thought that was your intention!" Venti cried, "I thought this was like- a test of loyalty or something!"
"No! What? Am I actually-" You couldn't force the words out as you stared Venti in the eyes, stunned.
"Y-yes!" He shouted, "You're the creator! I can sense it! So can the slimes and animals. Don't you see?" He pointed to the nearby birds, their gaze turned towards you, "They like you! The monsters don't attack you and this statue calls out to you! Don't you feel its warmth? It's probably why you didn't freeze last night."
You were silent as the information processed, "So- so wait!" You turned your body fully facing Venti, "That shrine in the cathedral... was for me?" You asked, bewildered.
He nodded, "Yeah! Did- did you really not know?"
Immediately you were wildly shaking your head, "No! I just- I dunno! I thought I was like the traveler or something that just got dropped off here one day."
"The traveler came here of their own free will, (Name)!" Venti sighed, "I just- You look exactly like them too!"
"Listen! Denial is a powerful think, okay!" You huffed.
"Fine, I get it." He rested his head on his hands, his eyes meeting yours, "So... are you gonna tell the others?"
"... Dunno." You shrugged, "What would happen if I did?"
"Well..." Venti tapped his finger against his face and used his other hand to hold up his pointer finger, "Zhongli would go batshit. He's got a whole log up his ass when it comes to you and how to 'properly worship you' bleh." Venti stuck his tongue out, "Then there's Baal, she'll probably also go insane over you. She's like a lost puppy." He held up a third finger, "Then there's Jean and the knights. I think they'd be... alright. If you told them they'd try and throw huge festivals for you and worship you. Oh, and the church would triple their worshipping for you, obviously."
You roughly sighed, "So... I won't be treated as a human is what you're saying."
"I mean- well- yeah." He frowned, "Don't worry, I get it if you don't wanna do a whole grand reveal. It's stressful. Too much work, y'know?"
You hummed in agreement, "The thing is..." You frowned, "We don't have any mora."
Venti scoffed, straightening his back with a proud grin, "Speak for yourself! I have a mora."
You snorted, "A mora."
"Hey, better than what you're doing," He took off his hat, "It's right in here-"
You both stared at the hat that was almost as empty as your souls.
"Okay well," Venti put his hat back on, "Nothing a little begging can't do. Not like I haven't played music for money before."
You stared at the ground hopelessly, "...so... how do you think Ningguang would react to me telling her I'm the creator?"
Venti snorted, "I like the way you think but... she'd be grand. I think she'd make you live in the Jade Chamber and give you every little thing you could ever want. She can keep a secret though I'll bet."
You hummed and stared at Venti, living a life as free as a bird. Even with the status of the Anemo Archon, he was as free as his people, and just as happy as them as well.
"Not really the life I wanna live... what about Childe?"
Venti shuddered, "I love you (Name), but no. He makes... quite a spectacle of things. And, well," Venti frowned, "He'd probably leave a few corpses at your doorstep."
"Ah," You grimaced, "Okay so... we're fucked."
"Ah ah ah," Venti waggled his finger comically, "Don't you remember what I said? I can sing for money, and I'm sure with you, the creator's look-alike right by my side helping me with my performance, we'd make double the money! I mean," His eyes were alight with mischievous glee, an expression on him you were coming to dread, "That Noelle girl yesterday had no problem giving you a free meal just cause you look like the creator! So I'm sure we'll pull in lots of cash!"
You frowned and then a lightbulb went off in your head, "Wait a minute," Venti raised a brow, intrigued, "If I'm the supposed creator or god of this world... then those offerings at the altars and shrines are meant for me... right?"
Venti nodded with a tilt of his head, "Yes? ...Oh... Oh!" His eyes lit up like Christmas lights, "You mean-?"
You grinned, "So that means that if I were to... let's say... take the items and sell them, it wouldn't be wrong right?"
Venti tilted his head back and laughed, "No, I suppose it wouldn't be, your grace."
Your grin was damn near evil, "Then I suppose we have our plan then."
Venti nodded, "I suppose we do!" He hopped up and grabbed your hand to help you up as well, "Though I think my singing idea was pretty good." He kicked his legs up like a child as you both made your way back to Mondstadt, "Who knows, I might even become the most famous bard in all of Teyvat with you by my side!"
You hummed, smiling fondly at the silly bard at your side, "Perhaps."
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
thank you for preserving this gem
Notes: Inspired by @imagineimagineimagine SAGAU concept post that can be found here and dedicated to @emilemovhi! Took a more comedic bent with this idea as requested.
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VENTI is not drunk enough for this.
The imposter scurries behind a living statue that so happens to bear the image of Cecili in the same way he bears the face of Cecili on his person. For the sake of his sanity and to lessen his hangover in the morning, he's going to call the statue of Not-Cecili.
Not-Cecili has no weapons on him - because of course he does not - and stands bravely between Venti's nocked arrow and the imposter.
"I'm going to give you one chance to move, my friend, since you happen to look very dashing~" Venti tries to keep a playful tone but he hopes his stare his hard and his airs powerful as the once Archon of Anemo should be.
Not-Cecili seems not moved by his attempts to intimidate because of course he isn't. Before Venti can bite back the sigh building up in his throat, Not-Cecili speaks,
"Dear wisp of air, my dearest friend, may I ask how this is fair? Our All-Creator is here yet you approach them with fear. Is this not the one you've been looking for? The one you've been yearning since our days of yore?"
Urgh... The rhyming. That alone has him dissipating his weapon so he can cover his ears and let out an exasperated groan. Venti tried to honor that quirk of Cecili in the past, so determined to keep him alive in appearances, but he had dropped it quickly when he found it too difficult to string the words together.
Nice to see the imposter was able to get that down, he thinks with irritation and hey- They're just walking away from him? Hello?!
"... Should we really be turning our backs to him?" At least the imposter is smart enough to be wary of him, looking over their shoulder to cast him a worried stare. "I mean-"
"You need not worry about his aim from afar," Not-Cecili says and there's a glimmer in those eyes, the mischievous glow rivaling that of small lamp grass. "Not when I know stories of him and an apple jar."
Venti lets out a screech that almost drowns Not-Cecili's laughter and your confused noises. He flails at their direction, his current state of inebriation and exasperation disallowing him the chance to remember that he has, you know, legs. "You promised to never tell anyone that!"
Venti watches you and Not-Cecili scurry off towards Wolvendom and he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and turns towards the direction of Dawn Winery to drain this season's harvest.
He is not drunk enough for this. Let this be Zhongli's problem.
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ZHONGLI is unsure of what to do.
The imposter stands by the side of the maybe-Guizhong. They are looking at him with a dumbfounded expression across the face they dare to use but, then again, he can't blame them for the look of awe and shock they sport at the moment.
It's not every day the once Archon of Liyue is brought to his knees by Baoding balls being thrown at his face.
He never knew it was possible for a Guizhong Ballista to be modified to such an extent - Transformed into, essentially, a giant slingshot that now pelts Baoding balls to keep him from approaching the hill the imposter and maybe-Guizhong currently stand on.
"Morax- Please know that I do not take pleasure in what I am doing," maybe-Guizhong says with a straight face as she loads up her next volley of Baoding balls. These ones look particularly heavy so he knows better than to try anything at the moment. "Yet I will let you know now: If this the path I must take to protect our Treasure of Liyue then so be it. I know you can be rash at times but to let allow your senses to be so muddled towards our All-Creator's presence? That cannot do."
Ah... The scolding. Zhongli missed all parts of his departed friend, both good and bad for they were hers, but the scolding never fails to make like feel like an errant hatchling no matter how old or how powerful he is. He's thankful his tail is not out because it would no doubt be curled around him in embarrassment.
Still. He pulls himself up to his feet - slowly, carefully as he sees maybe-Guizhong reading the ballista-slingshot at him - and does his best to look every inch the god he still is.
"I will trust my senses for the time being. Though these turn of events are unexpected, they are perhaps still part of the imposter's plans to deceive Teyvat and usurp the All-Creator's throne." Indeed... Isn't it a little too convenient for his friend to suddenly come back to life, proclaiming the innocence of this person? "Until more is unearthed, I will trust my instincts and shall not the imposter or their companions to linger in Liyue. You must leave and not return if you value your life."
"Very well. If that is what you wish to believe," is maybe-Guizhong's way of saying you stupid blockhead, politely. "The All-Creator and I shall part from here and leave you in peace." A smile so familiar and so sly crosses her face, pretty as the Glaze Lillies. "After all, we have the high ground at the moment."
... Sigh. The imposter even captured Guizhong's sense of humor. He walked into right into that punchline.
Zhongli watches you and maybe-Guizhong depart for the direction of the Guili Plains - because of course you two would go that way - and he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and turns towards the peaks of Jueyun Karst in hopes of finding the perfect cliff to tumble off of.
He is unsure of what to do about this. Perhaps this can be Ei's problem.
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EI is not able to find her bearings and YAE MIKO is simply having the time of her life right now.
The imposter - who Yae Miko is certain is their precious All-Creator, merely housing their soul in a mortal shell - is being held up by under the arms thanks perhaps-Makoto. They're currently being swung back and forth between the confused Shogun, the confused Tri-Commission, and the confused soldiers who are sharing long and tired looks, wondering they are being paid enough for this.
"-Look at this face, dear sister! Look at them!" Most-Definitely-Makoto brings the person closer to Ei's personal space and Yae is certain they're both getting a good look at the other's wide-eyed stares. She wishes she had that kamera that's all the rage these days. "How can you think someone so sweet as them can be anything less then the Most Divine? How can you not recognize them?"
Before Ei can give her excuse, Makoto pulls the All-Creator to her chest and cuddles them, rubbing her cheek over their head as the poor dear holds a thousand yard stare at the mess they find themselves in. "Look at how adorable they are! I thought the whole point of us becoming the Archon was to meet them.
"Ah... That reminds me- Ei, do you still have that toy set of them? The limited edition one we had to wait in line for because not even our retainers could purchase them in advance? I still think it was unnecessary to wait that long for some toys."
Hehe... This is most definitely Makoto, no doubt about it. Only she would have the ability to embarrass Ei like this and still be allowed to live.
"They're not toys, they're idols," Ei protests, her face reddening at one of her secrets being exposed with such casualness. She tries and fails to look like the Shogun, the Shadow of Thunder, she is but the need to justify her purchases outweigh her need to have some measure of dignity. "They were all in the Tsurumi Tsunami color palette too. They were a most necessary addition to my collection."
"What," is what you say, the only thing you've said thus far since being dragged into the heart of Tenshukaku by someone who looks and acts and speaks like Makoto.
Yae Miko gives you a sympathetic smile and you mouth 'help' in reply. She shakes her head because as much as she loves you, she loves this unfolding mess a bit more. Only a little bit.
"Ohhh!" Makoto looks down at you, stars in her eyes that rivals the Sakura Bloom. "Speaking of collection: Would you like to see my sister's Plane of Euphoria? It's where she keeps her memorabilia and items of you. I had her make that plane because it was simply cluttering up the Tenshukaku by the end of the year..."
As Ei makes a hurt and horrified sound that she will no doubt later deny ever making and Yae Miko continues to have the time of her life.
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
would they choose you over the world?
aether (traveler), dainsleif, scaramouche, raiden ei, lumine (abyss), venti, xiao x gn!reader
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AETHER thinks he can save both, no, he knows he can. The powers of this world rests at the tip of his fingertips. He’s faced monsters and gods and come out alive and better than he was before. There’s no reason to hesitate, none whatsoever to consider his decision but—but. He has never been made to choose before. There was always another way, another choice, another something he could rely on. It’s a moral dilemma, like the situation with the train where you either save five people and kill one person, or kill five people to save one person. It’s easy enough to answer when it was simply that—a moral dilemma created to confuse him, not a world ending decision that lies on his shoulders. To choose one is to doom the other. Most people would choose the world, but while Aether is called a hero and the savior of nations, he is also a person. He looks at your resigned smile, like you already know which one he’ll choose, and he decides to prove you wrong.
DAINSLEIF clings to loss like a dying man does to the edge of a cliff. The inevitability of death and your mortality rests on his shoulders much like weight of his entire nation’s death. He wonders what it says about him that he’d rather have you safe and sound than have the world be saved. Five hundred years of aimless wandering, fighting against the remnants of his fallen nation and watching the world move on while he remains untouched by time, the ghost of a past that can never be returned to. Dainsleif isn’t a hero, he’s tired. All that’s left of him are fading memories of a time gone by and moments with you that he clings to like a lifeline. What has this world ever done for him except cause him pain and needless grief? What has it done to deserve his sacrifice? Nothing. And so he rests, hand in hand with you on withering grass and waits for the world to end. At least, this time, he won’t be alone in watching the heavens descend.
SCARAMOUCHE laughs, and laughs, and laughs until he’s sure even the gods that reside in Celestia has heard the scorn and mockery in his voice. It is so laughably easy to choose you and denounce the world. Let it be turned to ash and dust, let his body dance on top of a desolate world, let him pull you in an embrace and delight in the fact that no sun and no light (for none of these exist anymore) would ever outmatch the brightness in your eyes, the smile on your face, the tinkling sound of your laughter amidst the remains of a world that once threatened to snuff your life like a candle left in the dark. He is like a flame and you, the spark. There’s a tsunami gathering on the horizon, threatening to drown everything in its wake, but instead of preventing it, he revels in the ruin it will bring. It is either your death alone or yours and everyone else, and if you have to die either way, then he will die with you and drag the rest of the world along in his self-appointed destruction. You taught him what it felt to no longer be alone, so he will make sure you’re never lonely, even in death.
EI feels weightless, like a leaf adrift in the wind. It feels like she is back to that moment five hundred (a thousand) years ago, a dilemma, a decision, a choice—follow Makoto to Khaenri’ah, or defend her people from the monsters ravaging the lands? There was uncertainty there, a small seedling of hope that she would arrive not far from Makoto and see her sister alive and waiting, and so she had made the decision to stay—but this? Faced with an ultimatum, the world or your death, Ei finds that the decision is much more difficult, much more devastating but no less heartbreaking. Had it been before, in her lonesome at the Plane of Euthymia, the choice would have been easy, barely a thought in her mind, but everything has changed and Ei wants, in a way she has never wanted before, to be with you. You with your smiles and your laughs and the warmth you induce in her frigid heart—and she finds that she cannot make a choice… so you do it for her. For the greater good.
LUMINE doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t even flinch before she turns her back to the world and takes your hand. What good is the world if you’re not there in it? She won’t just stand by and watch as everything she holds dear is destroyed in front of her—not anymore. There is you, there is her, and there is the world burning, and Lumine finds that she can hardly care. Her heart has no place for faceless people, no love left for a world that has done nothing but spurn and trample on everything she had offered. Let it burn if it means having one more second, one more minute, one more lifetime with you. A choice isn’t truly a choice if the other option was never considered, and she will never consider a world without you. There are millions, billions, countless other worlds out there she could take you to. Damn this place, damn the heavens, and damn the consequences. Her brother would understand, he always has, and when Lumine meets him again in a new world, she’ll make sure to introduce you to him.
VENTI wants, like Icarus yearning for the Sun, but Venti is Venti, and Barbatos is Barbatos. Right now, he cannot afford to be that carefree bard who spun tales of your lovely hair and lovelier still lips (cannot be Icarus who flew too close to the sun and fell). Venti wants—but Barbatos knows the best option, the best choice, the least devastating one but the most heart-wrenching one. The situation is funny, laughable, hilarious, really, the kind that makes his stomach ache and brings tears to his eyes that drip down his cheeks and onto the ground and—oh, he’s crying. He’s crying and holding you close and apologizing, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, and he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, doesn’t deserve the hand carding through his hair and the soft press of your lips on his forehead as you murmur, don’t cry, it’s alright, you’re doing the best you can. But the best means not doing this at all, the best means not having to make a choice at all, the means means not having to say goodbye. It’s okay, you tell him, I forgive you. But he never forgives himself.
XIAO thinks there must be another way, there has to be another way. He won’t accept this, won’t allow himself to choose between losing you or losing everything, because he knows, deep down, that the choice has already been made and it is not the the one he wants. But he knows better than most that doing what he wants isn’t always what is needed, that certain sacrifices must be made despite his unwillingness, despite his entire body protesting against it. Rex Lapis once told him that being a god means making difficult decisions. If this is what it means to be a god, then he will accept a life of service, a life of war and fighting and breathing like every second is his last—because pain and suffering are infinitely better than having to wake everyday without your voice by his ear, giggling about how you finally caught him asleep. A world without your light, without your presence, without you is a desolate one. There must be another way, another sacrifice to be made that doesn’t involve you. Just—anything, anyone but you. Even if it has to be him.
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
Old friends
[plain text: Old friends / end plain text]
Summary: you meat your best friend in post impostor au and spend all of your time with them. Acolytes are jealous because of that.
Tags / warnings: post impostor au, sagau, implied trauma in the past, GN reader.
Characters: Zhongli
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You still can't recover from everything what happened to you. No surprise, you wouldn't wish to experience that to anyone. You felt uncomfortable around your acolytes, doesn't matter what they say you believe them but you can't help flinching, and shaking, and tearing. You didn't smile that much anymore. Nothing felt interesting or exciting anymore. Everything felt distant and dull. Until...
You were walking around outside the city. Nature was calming. At least someone who was on your side since the beginning. Despite that Zhongli was still insistent to accompany you on your walk. His reasoning was simple — to protect you so you had to accept that (you couldn't help but think how in this wildness he is the only one who can potentially harm you). Still, if you pretend there's no one here it's soothing. You felt warm breeze kissing you in your cheeks. The world was happy to see you. But it tried to communicate with you about something more. You could sense how it was gently showing you the way to something important. You followed it.
You were quite confident in your way so Zhongli asked you: "Your Grace, not to question your judgment but where are we going to?"
You didn't answer. What do you suppose to say anyway. You didn't know anything. It was just... important.
You went to the small meadow. There was someone sitting there. You went closer and couldn't hold a smile. That was your best friend! That one from your old world.
"F/n! Hi! How are you here? Is it really you?" you were almost jumping out of excitement. They were someone you deeply cared about.
"Y/n? Where are we? And where did you get such a cool drip?" they were confused but nonetheless positive. You laughed.
"There's a lot of stuff i should tell you."
"So, you've got here before me and apparently you're most powerful god here and everyone worship you, right."
"Yeah, hard to believe, isn't it?"
"Do I have benefits as god's best friend?" they smiled with the smuggest face they can do.
"As if there's other options except for yes."
You realized you ignored Zhongli all this time. Awkward. You turned to him only to see him gazing into you with the most intense stare.
"Zhongli, what's wrong?"
"You're smiling, Your Grace."
"Of course I do, I've just met the most important person in my life. I'm happy! I went through so much with them and now I actually can see them again. How can I not smile!"
Zhongli felt something unpleasant deep inside him. This is him who must be your most important person in your life. Him! But he failed you.
He kept his composure so you didn't notice anything unusual. You were more focused on how much you want to show to your best friend anyway.
Acolytes were jealous, so jealous. They saw you spending all of your time with your friend. Oh how happy, how excited, how alive you were. You showed them every interesting spot all across the Teyvat, you shared all the funny stories you had before. You even called them your best friend soulmate. It almost felt like a torture. Your followers are the ones who's guilty. They are the reason why you turned from them forever. They deserve it. And still how painful was watching you smile with someone else, laugh with someone else, and then see your cold and empty and tired gaze on them. They deserve it and they'll carry this punishment till the very end. This is the only thing they can do.
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
i have read a lot of fanfiction, but this is the first time I have seen somebody write in the "twilight zone" perceptive. what was it called? an omniscient narrator. ALSO YOU ARE VERY GOOD AT WRITING DIALOGUE LIKE I LOOK AT MINE AND BE LIKE "IS THIS REALLY GOOD ENOUGH?"
Making Jean Take a break
Summary: A child god reader and some friends help Jean to relax.
Tags: SFW
Category: Genshin SAGAU soft Cult au Child God reader.
Trigger Warning: Swearing. Aside from that nothing I can think of.
Also: Please be aware that I Cannot Write Dialogue to save my own life.
I am also terrible at normal child characters.
There are many things that can be said regarding The City of Freedom that is Mondstadt. 
It is a place where wine flows in quantities as grand as any river or stream within the land, and where the quality of said wine is equal solely by the quantity in which it is produced within the walls of the Dawn Winery. 
It is a city let grow under the ever watchful gaze and yet absent control of it’s Archon, who prefers to wander the lands he governs reminiscing on days past, playing his lyre for the songs to be carried to the heavens and a dearest friend therein by the wind, and drinking wine within the taverns in a mortal form when he is not napping, rather than hold dominion over his people. 
It is a city who is beloved by the wind, for ever are there gentle breezes blowing through the streets and along the rafters of the buildings. And yet that wind can grow and swell when those brave souls dare to ride its currents and put their faith in the Anemo Archon that the wind may bear them safely to their destinations. 
It is a city of knights and honor. Where to fight and die upon the battlefield in defense of freedom, the wind bearing your soul to the heavenly realms above, was said to be the greatest of honors that a mortal knight or adventurer could ever obtain in their life. 
It is a city of faith, where the bells of the Grand Cathedral will ring out and call the faithful and faithless alike to prayer, for even those who hold not but disdain in their hearts no well that praise must be given to, if not their guardian deity, then the one who stood above all of the Gods.
The Creator. 
The God whose likeness lay carved in a great statue that stood before the great organ of the Cathedral, a smaller statue of the Anemo Archon kneeling before them with their lyre held tightly in one hand and a bow in the other, ever ready to serve as musician or maestro of war when their god commanded it of them. The creator’s statue had one hand placed upon the shoulder of their kneeling vassal and the other was held aloft as though to gesture to the boundless windswept lands beyond the cathedral. 
As great as the faith of the people was to the Anemo Archo, their faith in the Creator who had so carefully crafted the world was even greater, shrines and statues rested within the homes of even those who held no faith in the Anemo Archon Barbatos, and those whose homes did not include such shrines and statues were amongst the most despised of people within the city, the elders of the Lawrence clan being one such example. 
It was to the mixed reactions of others that there was at least one truly faithful amongst such a den of vipers in the form of the Spindrift Knight Eula whose faith was great enough that not only was she granted a vision by one of, if not the most devout of Archons in the form of the Cryo Archon, but also the honor of being one of their Great God’s vessels. 
But I digress on matters of the faith of the City of Freedom, for our gaze must now turn to a certain building and our ears to the musical laughter that wound its way through the halls of The Knights of Favonius’s headquarters. A sound so wondrous that it made even the most battle hardened and cynical of the Knights number smile and feel the weight of their years lift from their shoulders as a small form wound their way through the building’s halls. The sound of four different sets of feet alerting them to the arrival of the source of the laughter guards as they trailed after their protectee with fond smiles on their faces. 
‘Lucky Bastards,’ thought the guards as they saw the familiar forms of the Darknight Hero Diluc, the Cavalry Captain Kaeya, the Spindrift Knight Eula, and the Wandering Minstrel Venti pursue their charge down towards the entry hall and then towards the Acting Grandmaster’s office.
For, of all of the things that I have said before it is worth noting that there is indeed one more thing that I have failed to mention in regards to The City of Freedom. That being that the weight of the city is carried by a single person, a lone woman who even now toiled away at the seemingly endless amount of paperwork that filled her desk., ignoring the way her wrist was cramping up as she did so. 
The Dandelion knight was so focused on her work that she was unaware of what was happening outside of her office in the form of a quickly hushed conversation that ended when the door opened and the pitter-patter of small feet on the floor rang out in the otherwise quiet office prompting the Acting Grandmaster to look up and see the gleaming eyes of-
“Y/N.”  Jean sighed as she saw the eyes that stared back at her with warmth, just the sight of them was enough to cause the impossible weight of Mondstadt to lift from her shoulders and a soothing warmth to surge through her body, the feeling was positively heavenly after spending so long working in her office. 
The diminutive form of the child who stood before her moved towards her even as they happily chirped out-
“Hi Jean!” The diminutive form said as they wound their way around Jean’s desk to wrap their arms around her waist in an embrace, their head resting comfortably against Jean’s stomach, prompting Jean to wrap her arms around the child in turn as a smile graced her face. A feeling of absolute euphoria surging through her body sending her into an almost Nirvana like state as she felt the love and warmth radiating from the embrace of the child who held her. 
Jean had to fight back tears of joy at the feeling as the child looked up at her with a smile before they lifted up their arms, asking to be picked up.
Even the most heartless of creatures would have caved in within a heartbeat, and Jean was far from heartless and so she happily leaned down and lifted the child to where they sat on her lap, their head laying against her chest as they held each other tightly. 
Jean felt the weight of her labor lift from her shoulders as she unconsciously held the child in such a way that their head laid above her heart, the soothing rhythm of its beating making the child nuzzle into her chest more as they closed their eyes with a soft hum leaving their lips.
Jean was certain that she was in heaven, for here was the being who had so lovingly sculpted them and their world sprawled atop her lap and listening to her heart beat like it was the most wonderful sound in the world. Euphoric did not come close to describing the feeling of sheer ecstasy that rang through Jean’s body as she stroked the hair of the child on her lap. 
She was jolted from her reverie when she realized that they were not alone in her office. Before she could stand and draw her blade, or call upon her vision to bathe the room in razor winds, she realized that the figures in the room were her comrades who bore soft smiles on their faces as they chuckled at the scene before them. 
The Creator jolted from their own reverie and gave Jean a radiant smile before turning and giving a wink towards the gathered group, the action making mischievous smiles cross Keya and Venti’s face, and a humor filled grin to cross Diluc and Eula’s own faces.
Jean had a feeling that she had been had, she just didn’t know in what manner.
“I think she’s calm enough, Your Grace, shall we begin?” Eula asked, a smirk filled with humor on her face. 
Before Jean can ask them what they intend to begin she is caught off guard when the creator chirps out a merry ‘Yep,’ in response to the question. 
“Y/N, what are you-” Jean was caught off guard as the form of Eula moved to stand behind her, Diluc took her left side and Kaeya her right before as one they crouched down and-
“Wha-” Jean is caught off guard as the three lift up her chair with Venti beginning to give the three directions and usher the snickering and gawking knights aside to allow for the three knights to literally carry her, chair and all, out of her office with the diminutive form of her creator giving her a gleeful smile. 
“You’ve been working so hard and you haven’t been able to play with me and Klee because you are so tired at the end of the day,” Y/N said as they nuzzled into her chest again, their arms tightening their embrace for a moment before they continued. “So we decided to help you relax.” The Creator finished with a radiant smile that made Jean’s heart jolt as she held back the urge to squeal in glee at the sight. 
“Your Grace, what about my-” Jean begins before a tiny finger is pressed to her lips.
“Don’t worry! Barbara and Albedo will take care of things while you enjoy a day off!” Y/N happily stated as the two were carried out of the headquarters and down the streets by a trio who seemed to be on the verge of laughter, granted the bard who was guiding them was laughing merrily as he guided them down the streets towards ‘The Good Hunter.’
Jean was torn between flushing in embarrassment at the gawking faces of those watching her be carried through the streets by her three grinning friends, even Diluc could not keep the small smile off his face as he heard the confused murmurs of the people and took in the embarrassed face of Jean out of the corner of his eye, and swelling with pride at the fact that she was able to hold her god so close to her again after being so busy for so long. In the end she managed to settle on a mix of the two sensations as she nuzzled her face into Y/N’s hair to cover the smug smile she wanted to so badly direct at those gawking at her on her face and the blush on her cheeks.
As they approached ‘The Good Hunter’ Jean noticed the familiar sight of Lumine, although it occurred to her that this was the first time she had ever seen the Traveler wearing an apron and a chef’s hat as she toiled away at the stove where the smell of Mushroom Pizza drifted from making Jean’s stomach let out a low rumble. 
As the Dandelion Knight blushed at the sound and the disapproving stares she was shot by her friends. She felt her heart sink as her Creator narrowed their eyes and shot her a disapproving look as they shook their head with a sigh. She felt them shift on her lap and for a moment she felt her heart freeze at the thought that they were going to leave her, that she had upset them, perhaps even offended them because she couldn’t control her sto-
She felt a tiny hand rest itself on her cheek and it was so warm, so very warm that she ached to close her eyes and lean into it and simply revel in the sensation of her god’s hand upon her face, cupping her cheek so gently. But by force of will she forced herself to keep her eyes open and focus as she saw the Creator’s lips move.
“Jean, when was the last time you ate?” Y/N asked and Jean winced slightly as the answer came out of her lips before she could stop it.
“This morning your grace, I had a lot of work to-” Jean was once more cut off by a finger on her lips as her god shifted to where she could meet her eyes with her own. An intensity in their gaze that made Jean want to stand at attention or kneel, but she could do neither and instead only endure the gaze of her god who frowned as they shook their head.
“Nope.” They stated, the word making Jean blink before she opened her mouth again only to be shushed by the child who simply repeated-
“Nope.” This time they continued with, “Jean you need to eat when you get hungry or you’ll get sick and tired and then you won’t be able to play with us anymore.” The words were ended with a gaze that would have made even the most bloodthirsty and savage beast upon Teyvat suffer a heart attack at the sheer adorableness of it. 
The dreaded ‘Puppy Dog Eyes,’ used by children across the multiverse since the dawn of time. Only these ‘Puppy Dog Eyes’ were enhanced by the powers of a god and the love JEan held for them…she stood no chance and she knew it.
Jean opened her mouth to try and defend herself, granted she was certain that she would only be able to let out a squeal like a certain bard and Spindrift Knight had just done as the two visibley fought the urge to glomp the child on her lap, only to be cut off as in a voice that would have made even the likes of Osial trip over themselves to obey as it sounded so close to the verge of tears and was just so precious spoke up.
“Do you *hic* not want *hic* to play with me *hic* anymore?” And Jean felt her heart stop beating for exactly 3 seconds before it began to hammer inside of her chest again as she embraced her god and began to offer up words that she did want to play and she was just so busy and that she had so much to do and-
Those watching had to desperately hold back their snickers and laughter at the sight of Jean trying and failing to say a single coherent sentence in her defense, even as Lumine waltzed her way to their table with a large mushroom pizza that was already cut into slices held aloft on a tray in one hand and two bottles of juice in the other, Jean continued to stammer. 
Paimon held up a kamera and was snapping as many pictures as she could, Amber had promised her a sticky honey roast and any desert she could get in Mondstadt if she got good pictures and the Emergency Food Mascot was in no way going to let that opportunity pass her up.
After Jean’s face began to turn red from the exertion of her stammering a gentle finger was laid on her lips as her god looked her in the eye. She saw that behind the mischievous twinkle that gleamed in the orbs there was genuine concern and fear for her safety and health.
Jean gave a sigh as she felt a combination of shame and self loathing for making her god, her sweet and kind god, worry about her ability to take care of herself. She smelled the heavenly aroma of the mushroom pizza that was in front of her and watched as her god reached over and lifted up a slice and then held it to her lips, pushing it against them repeatedly when Jean didn’t open her mouth.
Diluc was biting his hand to muffle his laughter at the scene, hoping that Paimon was getting enough pictures for him to have a couple for himself because this was golden. 
Kaeya had the wise idea of quickly turning his head so none of their group could see the tears of mirth streaming from his eyes as he struggled to stay standing and not keel over laughing. 
Eula, poor sweet Eula, had made the wise decision to vacate the area into a nearby alleyway. Her laughter was barely audible as the woman tried to muffle it to the best of her abilities.
Venti was biting his lip as hard as he could to stop from laughing, his body shaking with the effort of suppressing the howls of delighted laughter he wished to let loose. The only reason he did not laugh aloud as he would normally do, was because he was certain his Creator would be upset with him if he did so and he had no intention of having a disappointed stare from his god leveled at him. Despite his trembling limbs, he was somehow still able to play the lyre he held in his hands, the familiar cords of Jean’s favorite songs filling the air as he did so.
 Lumine was much more stoic in her outward expression, but one could easily notice the way her frame was trembling and the way she was biting down on her lips hard in order to keep them from parting in raucous laughter.
After several seconds of this, Jean.exe finally rebooted from its abrupt crash and opened her mouth to take a bite of the pizza, barely holding in a moan that would have made many people blush if they had heard it at the taste of her favorite food. Her god then lifted up a glass of juice she had poured for her to drink and Jean almost crashed again at the adorable sight in front of her, but powered through and took a sip. 
This continued for a little while, with Y/N feeding Jean slice after slice of pizza until the entire pizza was gone and one of the bottles was empty and the other was half empty. Jean flushed crimson as she realized that she had left nothing for Y/N to eat, only for the child to assuage her fears by saying that they had already eaten. 
By this point Jean’s friends were no longer doing their impression of cackling lunatics and had managed to calm themselves enough for them to once more move to lift up her chair. This time Lumine took Diluc’s place with a smile on her face as Paimon fluttered around them still snapping pictures as she did so. 
“Y-your grace wh-where are w-we-” Jean cut herself off when she saw the direction they were now carrying her lead to the Angel’s Share and came to the conclusion that was their next stop. 
“We’re off to see Diluc and get you something to help keep you warm!” Y/N happily chirped, the ‘warm’ part of their statement made Jean blink in confusion but before she could ask what her god meant they were outside the tavern where Diluc stood holding a bottle of Dandelion Wine that he passed to Jean with a smirk on his face. He then turned and headed inside, Paimon would have enough pictures for him to enjoy and it was about to get busy as the sun set so he decided that the others could finish up their little plan. 
Jean by this point had decided that she was simply along for the ride as her chair was once more lifted up and she was carried through the streets of Mondstadt, out the gate and out of sight of the guards, where, with a sudden swirl of wind that made her close her eyes, she was transported to the cliffs overlooking Cape Oath.
Jean blinked when she realized that there was a rather large campfire in front of them now, courtesy of a group of hilichurls who were happily dancing at the Creator’s arrival. The child in question smiling as they offered thanks and praises to the masked being who let out sounds of joy before heading off to their nearby camp, returning with several large and very warm looking blankets they handed to Kaeya, Venti, and Eula. 
Jean was about to open her mouth to ask what was going on when she felt a warm blanket being draped over her shoulders courtesy of Eula, who gave her a warm smile before taking a seat by the fire, Kaeya and Venti joining her a second later with blankets of their own draped over them as they handed one to Eula as well. 
Y/N had their eyes closed in concentration for a moment before they opened them, their normal color replaced with black orbs filled with swirling galaxies and nebulae dancing amidst fields of gleaming stars as they focused on the final part of their plan.
Jean was prevented from speaking once more when she saw the lights of the stars that made up Leo Minor, her constellation, begin to shine and gleam brightly amidst the night sky, a field of shooting stars soon beginning their journeys across the heavens further adding to the wondrous sight of the night sky before her.
For a moment there was no sound save for the splashing of waves upon the cliffside below them and the gasps of awe that left the lips of all of those gathered present save Y/N who simply gave a soft smile directed at the night sky before turning to look Jean in the eye, their own eyes having returned to normal. 
“Jean,” the softness of the child’s voice jolted Jean to her senses as she met the gaze of her god, who had wrapped some of their shared blanket around herself as she laid her head against Jean’s chest.
“Yes, your grace?” Jean asked as she shifted to drape the blanket more comfortably over the two of them and let them rest more comfortably in the chair.
“I want you to promise me you’ll take better care of yourself.” Jean opened her mouth to say that she was taking care of herself and that there was just so much work to do and-
“I want you to be able to play with me and Klee and Razor in the fields. I want you to be able to listen to Barbara sing while Venti plays the lyre with me. I want you to be able to nap with me and Lisa. I want you to be able to explore with me and Amber and Eula. I want you to be able to train with me, Noelle and Kaeya. I want you to be able to take walks with me and Rosaria. I want you to be able to drink juice with me and listen to stories at Diluc’s tavern.” Y/N said as she gently stroked Jean’s face, their eyes wet with unshed tears making Jean feel her heart stop for a second before she pulled them close to her and began to coo and whisper assurances to them that she would be able to do all of those things with them.
“You won’t be able to if you keep pushing yourself so hard,” came the voice of Venti who was busy adjusting his lyre, preparing to start strumming and filling the air with his wonderful music as he kept the bottle of Dandelion Wine beside him.
“He’s right Jean,” Eula chimed in. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself, you need to start delegating some of your work so you can rest or you’re going to burn yourself out. And if you do that then I will have my vengeance on you.” Eula said, a heavy sense of sadness permeating her tone.
As Jean opened her mouth to speak up in her defense, Kaeya decided to voice his own opinion on the matter.
“Jean.” She turned to look at him. “You are an excellent leader, a fantastic warrior,a brilliant strategist and tactician, a truly gifted Anemo wielder, and a marvelous example of the honor and courage of a knight” The compliments made her blush slightly before he continued with- “But you are also terrible at taking care of yourself, have no concept of when it is time to take breaks, tend to put yourself down, have severe issues with knowing when to delegate tasks to others, have trouble with thinking about anything other than work, and regularly push yourself well beyond what you should.” 
Jean winced at the comments that, while true, were stated so bluntly that it made her wilt slightly as she tried and failed to come up with counter arguments to each of the points raised by Kaeya.
She felt her god tap her cheek and so she looked down to meet their gaze. 
“Jean, we care about you. We did all of this for you. So…please…please promise me you’ll start taking care of yourself,” her god lifted up a hand with her pinky finger extended, “pretty please?” And the way she spoke, with both such softness and yet such uncharacteristic seriousness made Jean want to cry at the concern her god was showing for her and the fact she had worried her so much that she had to do all of this for her to relax. 
Holding back tears at just how kind and wonderful her god was to her, Jean lifted up her hand and extended her own pinky till it was intertwined with Y/N’s and spoke up.
“I’ll…I’ll try to take breaks from now on your grace….but there is just so much work to do and I,” she was cut off by Y/N again.
“No trying Jean, you will take breaks from now on. We’re all here to help you, and if we have to we can bring in help from the other regions as well. So promise me you’ll take breaks and play with me again, please?” Y/N said as they looked Jean in the eye. 
For several moments there was silence before-
“…Okay…I…I promise I’ll start taking breaks from now on your grace…it’s a promise.” Jean said as she finished the little ritual of a Pinky Promise much to the tearful happiness of the god who sat on her lap, who proceeded to through their arms around her and happily babble about how glad they were and how many play dates they had to make up for and-
Jean was shaken from her listening to her God rambling on and on about the things they would do on her breaks and days off, and how happy she was that Jean was finally ready to start taking care of herself, when she heard a chuckle from her side that made her jump slightly.
The sound having come from Venti who had moved to stand beside them, the bottle of Dandelion Wine held in his hand as he absently poured some into a small glass that he handed to Jean. A closer look showing the glass to be condensed anemo energy that had been solidified into the shape of a glass, a feat that only an Archon could have been capable of.
“Well then I would say that this calls for a celebration don’t you all,” Venti said as he handed the other two adults glasses of the wine, before handing his Creator a glass of juice from a bottle the hilichurls had brought him, much to the child’s glee. Hilichurl fruit punch was both very tasty and very strong in terms of sweetness, the perfect drink for a happy child…and the perfect drink to keep them up all night as well but tonight was happy night. 
“It’s a pity everyone else had to stay in the city, but I’m certain they will be happy to hear about your decision when we get back Jean. But for now let us put that thought from our minds and enjoy well this view of the night sky.” The bard said as he began to strum his lyre, the familiar sound of Jean’s favorite songs filling the air as the group sat back to enjoy the meteor shower their God had made for them to watch. 
‘Maybe taking a break every now and then won’t be so bad,’ Jean thought as she sipped her glass of wine. ‘I just hope the others know just what they’ve gotten themselves into with the paperwork.’
“I believe that I understand why Lady Jean is always asking for salves for her wrist now,” Albedo goraned from where he lay on the floor.
“A…agreed…this…this is insane.” Sucrose said from where she was busy rubbing some of said salve onto her own wrist.
 Barbara, who had been having to liberally use her Hydro vision’s healing powers to prevent herself from having to do the same, simply looked at the stacks of completed and still unfinished paperwork in front of her, an odd glint in her eyes.
“Come on! We only have 1,543 more pieces to go and then Jean can relax for a couple of days and we can get praises from their worship!” Barbara said, an almost drunken smile forming at the end as she fantasized about being given a headpat from her God again, and being told she had done well, and being taken by the hand and guided to frolic in the flowering field and-
Sucrose and Albedo shared a worried glance at the delirious giggling that left Barbara’s lips.
“Do you think we can bribe Lumine to help us with this?” Albedo asked, already beginning to slowly inch his way towards the door.
“I believe it is an experiment worth trying.” Sucrose said as she carefully opened the door so the two could r̶u̶n̶ calmly walk and find Lumine and beg ask her calmly to help them with this.
They started sprinting when Barbara started cackling like a lunatic as she found that she was off in her count of the papers…by about 143 more that were delivered as they exited the building.
The two shared a solemn vow that they were getting Jean the best bottles of wine they could for having to deal with this.
Good evening everyone, I apologize if the story above is not that great as this is my first attempt at writing something for this site, granted I might post it to my ao3 as well, and my first story for Genshin and SAGAU in general however short it may be. I hope that it is an enjoyable read and welcome and criticism you may have regarding how I can improve on said works in the future, but please understand I am very dumb and may not heed your advice. I have 2 brain cells and they are fully devoted to helping me breathe. 
With that said, I wish you all a good day and hope you stay safe.
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
That was great
Totally did not base this on "the story of evil" hehe haha- anyway another idea! Merry Christmas this is my gift for you all
Impostor! Reader x (Platonic) sibling Impostor
Where instead of the reader being the Creator, what if the reader was the Impostor?
But no! Reader is not only an impostor, but the twin of the impostor thats seated on the throne. Just like Ei and Makoto, no one really knew that the Impostor had a twin. Your sibling was known as the divine creator of Teyvat, the one who single handedly mold the lands.
The two of you were created by the hands of Celestia herself, two perfectly identical beings created to be seated on the throne of Teyvat to impersonate the almighty lord. There was only use of one for there was only one ruler, but how come you were made as well? Simple, you were a spare. The one who will aid your older sibling to rule Teyvat.
The two of yours relationship is a bit complicated. You love eachother dearly, two much actually. The two of you would do anything for eachother as time grows it developed into something unhealthy, I mean, the only one you both have is eachother. You would eliminate anyone who dare knows too much, you wouldn't risk your sibling falling of the throne or would be the subject of discrimination. You cant risk them being hunted and possibly being killed, Celestia is out of the picture they left you both long ago to fend for yourselves.
Your sibling on the other hand is an odd one. Before in the start of their rule they simply spoiled and pampered you but ofcourse, since they are the almighty creator the alocytes would keep them busy that you wouldn't see eachother often. But as time grows, they started acting differently. They became cruel and overbearing to the people of Teyvat, creating a rift towards them, but they were the almighty creator, they had every right to treat them like this how could they refuse?
To you, your sibling became more emotionally attached. They wouldn't leave your side, they went into hiding to be with you. They found comfort with you.
Celestia deeply cares for the Creator, the creator made her after all. How dare she put blasphemy on them. She created the both of you just so she could have control of Teyvat in her Creators absence.
One day, news of an Impostor roaming the lands reached your ears. Your sibling didnt care, they never did nowadays, they were more focus on you. Ofcourse you didnt take this any kindly, you created an order.
"Hunt down the Impostor and bring me their head"
And just like that they followed your orders, no one questioned your appearance, you look just like your twin enough to not cause suspicion. You watched as they hunted the Impostor down, knowing full well that this was their Creator.
While the alocytes continued to hunt down the real Creator, you were busy researching forbidden knowledge to help your sibling.
Before, your suspicion grew enough that you became worried. One day as the two of you were in a room together, you suddenly noticed a dark fog in their eyes. Realizing it was something serious, you began researching what it was, and just like that you found out your sibling had been tainted or possessed with something. From that day on, you began researching a cure behind their back.
Something you didnt know is that the thing that tainted your sibling didnt affect them as much as you thought. The thing that tainted your sibling only made their emotions and beliefs stronger, making their mind jumbled up that it couldnt separate what was right and wrong. And the sudden change of personality is that they believed that you deserve more recognition than them, how dare the people only believe in them, how about you?
Their darling sibling that has been forgotten in the dust. Because of being tainted their mind didnt register that the people didnt know you existed. And just how they became tainted.... I guess no one will ever know but themselves, but considering them now, I dont think even them remembers how.
The Creator finally convinced everyone that your sibling was the Impostor, you know, you heard it, everyone is coming for your siblings head. You know soon that the holly palace where the both of you stayed would be crushed under their grip. They wanted retribution for your siblings' sins but how could you allow that. You will challenge the god that would dare ask for your twin.
You cant allow it. How dare they. You convinced your sibling to run away, you look so much alike, an exact replica of eachother no one will know.
You can take their place, you can take their fate.
"Come and quickly change your clothing and go in my place I will stay behind and wait as you make your escape" your calming voice whispered into their ear as you hugged them tightly as your face snuggled at the junction of their shoulder and neck, their eyes widening with a look of disbelief. Their eyes filling with tears.
Why? Why cant you just be selfish for once.... They're after me, Stop. Stop that. Please stop. Your All I have. I dont want this. You dont want this. Please stop. I cant lose you please...
Their thoughts clouded their brain, as if their brain suddenly wiped away all darkness that once clouded them. Now they were force to face you. They hugged you back tightly not willing to let you go as they snuggled against you as well.
"It will be okay, I was born to live this day. Not a single soul will know that you got away"
The Creators alocytes forced down the door as you stood their smiling at them with a warm and welcoming smile that did not reach your eyes. Now, you were in a prison cell waiting for the clock to chim at 3. A small golden leaf fell through the bars as it landed on your hand, memories of when you were still in the lands of Celestia with your sibling filled your brain. Laughing to yourself as you couldnt hold back the tears.
It was time as they escorted you outside, the strong winds and shouts of glory was clearly heard. You were quickly kneeled down ready to be beheaded. Your eyes wandered across the crowd before meeting eyes with your sibling, covered in a bunch of clothing hiding their figure especially their face. Nothing but their eyes were seen that was filled with tears of agony as they stared into yours.
Taking your eyes of them you decided to stare at the Creator. Your eyes widened, they look so much like you, except for some features. The most promising was their eyes, it contrasted greatly with yours, I suppose Celestia still had respect for their Creator enough to change a few minor things.
You smiled at them sweetly as you looked towards the sky praying to however other god who is willing to help you. Some hope that you'll be reborn with your sibling, in another life where all the bittersweet memories will be replaced by nothing but happiness with your sibling, also not forgetting for someone to help cure your sibling with the research about the thing thats wrong with them.
Sighing softly before preparing yourself one last time to say the words that will finally finish your journey........reciting your roles final line.
"Oh, I guess it's tea time"
The creators eyes widened, they heard your prayers. Sibling? What? They realized that you looked somewhere in the crowd earlier with longing eyes. Wait...Their eyes widened in horror, you arent the Impostor that treated everyone harshly and ordered the decree to hunt them down (you did but they dont have to know that).
It clicked to them. Everything now made sense. They looked towards you, eyes with horror. Standing on their feet, enough force that had rather fancy chair they sat on to topple over they screamed.
Your twin closed their eyes as silent sobs passed her lips, not bearing too look as the creator screamed just before you were beheaded. But it was too late, you were dead, your sibling quickly fled away frightened by the scream and to quickly find a place to mourn for you.
The Creator didnt know what to do now that everyone was looking at them as they ignored the eyes that was boring into their soul, very own eyes fixed on the dead body now on the pedestal.
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
happy holidays, from THE FATUI HARBINGERS
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winter time is here, and is tradition, time to exchange gifts with people they hold dear. what would the feared (warranted) fatui harbingers give their loved one?
harbingers x reader (minus pierro, la signora, and scaramouche) pulcinella is platonic 1.25k words; yandere undertones for some (they are harbingers) i do not condone yandere behavior
author's note: oh please let me remember to publish it on time.
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pierro, no. 1
pierro is off at the moment, but he will send you one soon (aka i don't know how to write for him)
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il dottore, no.2
the doctor would give you an invention of his. if you wanted to, he'll even gift a segment of him to you, they would appreciate it. but the gift he would most want to give you is an immortal body, so you could stay with him. he is an expert at biological matters, like his segments and collei… he would modify your body to never die, he would even make more bodies for you. if you die, you could just have another body. that would be his definition of staying with him forever and his solution to your mortality. on the other hand, the segments would gift you different things based on various periods of dottore's life. one might give you a mechanical bird while another might gift you a mindless servant, a former fatui member you've seen around.
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columbina no. 3
columbina's gifts would be quite sincere and innocent. she'll give you a pretty white dove in a golden gilded cage and say, "look at this! it's so pretty, right my dove?" you should love her gifts, they're so pretty and she picked them out, all for you. she'll give you the same accessories as her own, such as her trademark lace blindfold and the feathers behind her head. or she gifts you things that she thinks resemble you, like the dove, or maybe a cute cat with a nice collar on it. she'll cuddle you and sing songs as you sleep, her eyes tracing the collar on your neck, matching your beloved cat's, with bell and all.
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il capitano no. 4
the captain's gifts are clumsy, but sincere. he would pick whatever best he can think of for you (from his side). what would you get from him? a weapon, of course. for a non-combatant. he'll spend hours contemplating, observing you, to see which weapon would be better for you, can you use a bow or do you have the strength to swing a sword around. hey, maybe not the best gift for the holidays, but it's sincere from his side. his mindset is very combat-oriented. of course, he is one of the most effective combatants for the tsaritsa. he thinks that you should be prepared to battle, no matter when or where. better to be ready. he tries to teach you how to fight, to protect yourself. who knows who would come after you..
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pulcinella, no. 5
pulcinella, the mayor of the nation. he would have the most heartfelt gifts, after childe. he has experience with gifts, as he always gives them to tartaglia's family and takes care of them, even if childe is too oblivious to realize the very obvious hostage situation. pulcinella would treat you like his granddaughter, he would gift you a scarf to keep you warm and money to keep you afloat. his financial support has helped you a lot. all he asks of you is to keep in close contact with him, which is an easy request for you. his old age and experience in the fatui have caused him to want someone close to him and someone he can spoil. just don't worry about a few fatui soldiers cruising across your small town, looking for a few "threats" that have tried to harm you..
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scaramouche, no. 6
this seat has been left vacant for centuries. how could somebody give a gift to you if they didn't exist?
"hmm? there used to be one? i can't seem to remember."
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sandrone, no. 7
this girl only works on her puppets and machines most of the time, so don't expect much gifting-wise. she wouldn't give you food or clothes, she would give you a mechanical invention of hers, but not her unfinished works. no, her most polished puppet, made with the best materials and tuned to perfection, will be given to you. like dottore, don't expect heartfelt gifts. these two run purely on logic and what is most practical to gift to you, which for sandrone, is her specialty field. as a plus for sandrone, this was a good time to test the puppet she made to see if it needed any improvements or if it works well. Her gift is programmed to watch you and report your movements at all times. it is a test run of a new surveillance robot she's been working on…
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la signora, no. 8
"the fair lady? she should be deceased, so she can't give out presents unlesss.. you have a way to manifest her back into the world."
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pantalone, no. 9
known as the richest man in snezhnaya, so of course, he would only have the most decadent gifts picked out for you. he might be the living incarnation of "i'll buy everything from here to here" and point from the start of the shelf to the very edge. there'll be the biggest diamond you've ever seen, inlaid on an indent in the center of a gorgeous silver necklace. he'll have the entire collection of famous designers from liyue, mondstadt, or any other nation. or you'll find yourself with a little coat, made of what seems to be the fur of a white fox, only for pantalone to inform you it's a mythical beast, and it is like the one stolen that was to be gifted to the tsaritsa. money is best spent on the most valuable individuals, whether to cherish them, chain them down, or both. he's spent so much on you, so stay with him.
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arlecchino, no. 10
this woman is quite the piece of work. described as "there isn't a sane bone in her body", she is surprisingly… sweet to you? you don't know what you did, but you somehow fell in love. she wouldn't know much about gift-giving, but she does have some experience picking out gifts for the children of the "house of the hearth". the knave would give out sentimental but practical gifts, something like a comb or a hairpin, something of very high value, emotionally and materially. she would pick something you could use in everyday life or wear on yourself that she could see. like pantalone, she likes seeing you in things she's bought, but with a different motive for it. it signals that you are hers. you'll be the only one that allows her to show her darker side, so in exchange, you should stay hers, right? you'll be the only one to not disappear when you see her dark side.
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tartaglia, no. 11
tartaglia would get you warm and heartfelt gifts. whether it be a batch of cookies made by his family or a warm scarf personally knitted by his mother or even himself (he would learn to knit for you). if childe did not get you some kind of gift like the above, he would use his saved-up mora to buy you something luxurious or comfortable, like nice coats and delicacies imported from other nations. he can do at least that much. while not as wealthy as pantalone, he is still immensely wealthy. he is very empathetic and would know what to gift you, it's a skill you acquire when you have to get gifts for a whole family. that extends to you, you are his second home, and he'll be damned if he doesn't spoil you. he shall cherish you, just like how he cherished his family after his near-death experience in the abyss. another little gift, he'll protect you with everything he's got, just like the icy grave of a certain aggressor buried in the thick snow who thought that he could fell the battle-hungry childe with his beloved.
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worked on for 2 days
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
wtf the writing is so good like what???? the execution too and the idea
The Three Faces of Ningyou [Kabukimono Edition]
summary: which one will you be forced to choose?
cw: female reader, general yandere themes, disturbing notions, canon divergence, reader is implied to be of non-Inazuman descent.
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If there are the three faces of Hecate, each representing a particular outlook on femininity, then the certain puppet may as well give this diverse goddess a run for her money in the art of depicting the interweaving of disparate characters in one everlasting carcass.
The man who adorned himself with a lot of names throughout his immortal existence can be considered a rare treat among the yandere crowd; with personas shaped by centuries of traumatizing events and traits either chiseled or distorted by hardships suffered, every side of him bestows the unique experience of bonding with the absolute wreck of an individual that could be easily mistaken for having a run in with the three suspiciously identical looking strangers. Regardless of whether you have the means to encounter all of his incarnations or possess the ignorance and lifespan of a fly to get acquainted with only one, you will be naught but (hilariously) impressed with his capability to simultaneously propose an unbeatable challenge even the Traveler themself probably wouldn’t be able to handle and then suddenly surrender halfway through right when those efforts you declared hopeless are starting to push you toward impending failure.
Let’s uncover what exactly your target’s hypostases have to offer, shall we?
Keep reading
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
woohoo another person who writes in lowercase
anyways this is great thank you
▸ characters; ayaka, ei, kokomi, sara, shinobu, yae miko, yoimiya
▸ genre; headcanons
▸ warnings; marking on yae’s? only one, though!
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𖠵𝟎𝟏 — she’s incredibly loving and sweet! definitely girlfriend material.
𖠵𝟎𝟐 — like Ayato, she didn’t want to tell the public of her relationship with you because she feared how’d they react.
𖠵𝟎𝟑 — her brother doesn’t visit very often to physically meet you, but she does write all about you in the letters he sends him ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟒 — she was alone most of her life, so she’s a little shy at first. give her a little time, and she’ll warm right up to you (:
𖠵𝟎𝟓 — she’s new to romantic relationships because she kept herself hidden away most of her life and didn’t think she’d have the time to pursue one.
𖠵𝟎𝟔 — she was very hesitant to ask you out; Thoma had to give her the final shove for her to do it ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟕 — since she doesn’t want the public to bother you guys, dates are normally in the teahouse or picnics in the forests!
𖠵𝟎𝟖 — when Ayato DID finally meet you, she did not hear the end of his teasing…
𖠵𝟎𝟗 — “(my) dear,” “(my) flower,” and “(my) lovely.”
AYATO: “Oh? You must be the (name) Ayaka keeps on mentioning in her letters. It’s nice to finally meet you; I’m Ayato, Ayaka’s brother. And your future brother-in-law, perhaps? I’ll have you know she writes at least three pages strictly about you…”
❝B-Brother! Don’t say such things! I-I only mention (name) so many times because they truly are one of a kind… I’ve never felt happier in my entire life than I do with them… A-And even though you are teasing, I’m very happy you can meet them yourself.❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎 — quite shy about initiating affection, she’ll always try to hold your hand though!
𖠵𝟏𝟏 — whenever she’s out shopping, she’ll always find things that remind her of you and buy them ‹/33
𖠵𝟏𝟐 — loves showing you her new dances and hearing your input! she’ll even teach you some of them if you were to ask.
𖠵𝟏𝟑 — shopping dates! i know i said most of your dates are in more secluded places, but on the less busy days of the city, she likes to take you out shopping with her!
𖠵𝟏𝟒 — she loves to hear all about your day and adventures! she’ll ask you to rest your head on her lap so she can brush her fingers through your hair while you ramble.
𖠵𝟏𝟓 — she’ll verbally gush on and on about you to Thoma and Yoimiya.
𖠵𝟏𝟔 — she keeps all the gifts/letters give her! she keeps them safely locked away in a box to look at whenever she misses you ):
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𖠵𝟎𝟏 — she was a tricky one to get close to, given she sealed herself away in the plane of euthymia ‹/3 you had to really catch her eye.
to make things interesting, let’s say you were the leader of one of the armies in the resistance! she first saw you when you shielded one of your soldiers from one of her attacks!
𖠵𝟎𝟐 — Ei hadn’t built the Shogun to deal with romantic emotions, so it had actually been a little bit of a minor setback for her because she didn’t know how to deal with them.
𖠵𝟎𝟑 — after the vision hunt decree ended, she actively sought you out (as the Shogun) to learn more about you; she found you… interesting.
because she wasn’t really speaking for herself, the interaction was a little bittersweet because the Shogun didn’t quite know how to talk with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟒 — falling for you scared her because she thought she fully locked herself away from those feelings.
𖠵𝟎𝟓 — however, Yae kept on nagging her to tell you, saying that you’re a perfect fit for her and she could learn a lot from you.
she actually left the Plane of Euthymia to confess to you, hoping to come off as more sincere and to have some more personal time with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔 — having locked herself away for years, she’s new to a lot of things — including romantic relationships. she’s learning as she goes (:
𖠵𝟎𝟕 — she loves learning new things! both about you and the world around you.
𖠵𝟎𝟖 — you and Yae are just about the only ones who can get her out of the Plane of Euthymja. (‘:
𖠵𝟎𝟗 — (^) she prefers dates inside there because then you guys can’t be interrupted. you had to tell her that it isn’t the most romantic setting, so she’s coming up with ideas as she goes ‹/3
𖠵𝟏𝟎 — “(my) eternity ,” “(my) dear,” and “(little) dove.”
SHOGUN: “Who’s there— Oh, it’s you (name…) M-My apologies, I wasn’t aware you were visiting today. May-May I assist you with something?”
❝What a pleasant surprise, my little dove. I certainly wasn’t expecting you here today. Please, don’t mind the Shogun… Make yourself comfortable, my dear. I’ll be with you shortly to properly greet you.❞
𖠵𝟏𝟏 — since this girl hasn’t touched cooking utensils once in her life, let’s hope you know how to do the cooking ‹/3
she’ll gladly take up cooking lessons if you taught them!
𖠵𝟏𝟐 — whenever Yae visits, she always asks how you two are doing! accompanied by some playful teasing, of course.
𖠵𝟏𝟑 — being her, the electro archon’s, significant other, she expects everyone within Inazuma to treat you as her equal. almost as if you ruled beside her. (because if she plans on marrying you, you probably will…?)
𖠵𝟏𝟒 — the people of Inazuma know not to mess with you, but let’s say a Fatui agent did. she would do everything in her power to find them and rid of them in a minute. a threat to you is a threat to her eternity. expect raging lighting storms in Inazuma until she finds you.
𖠵𝟏𝟓 — she isn’t quite used to physical affection, but she’s getting used to it the more you give it to her ‹/3
however, one of her favorite things to do is hold your hand while you two are walking around Sumeru City! ‹3 she loves the feeling of your hand in hers.
𖠵𝟏𝟔 — sometimes, you like to undo her braid and brush through her hair; she doesn’t mind, she actually finds it quite cute that you developed such a habit.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏 — similar to Ayaka! Kokomi is the absolute sweetest, yet inexperienced when it comes to love ‹3
she’s read all about it, which is what gave away the fact she liked you! after reading about a character falling in love with another, she realized she felt that way about you!
𖠵𝟎𝟐 — she always longingly stared at you while you were out, this not being unnoticed by the shrine maidens, hehe.
𖠵𝟎𝟑 — likes to keep your relationship under wraps, not wanting people to busy her with unnecessary questions.
𖠵𝟎𝟒 — she doesn’t like to drag you into her work since she doesn’t want to bother you ‹/3, but if you insist on it, she’ll let you help her.
𖠵𝟎𝟓 — (^) on those days, she likes to have you along with her whenever she meets with someone. if you’re dating her, you’re also an essential part of Watatsumi Island!1!1 she also loves to hear your input on things! your opinions mean a lot to her.
𖠵𝟎𝟔 — you’re always there for her when the people’s talking is getting too much for her — just a simple squeeze of her hand will do lots (:
𖠵𝟎𝟕 — she loves to sit down with you, a cup of tea in hand, and read you some of her favorite novels ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟖 — she normally has to get up in the early mornings. however, she sometimes finds herself snuggling deeper into your hold whenever she has to get up ‹/3 the warmth and comfort of your arms is something she wishes she could bask in forever.
𖠵𝟎𝟗 — “(my) koi (fish),” “my pearl,” and “(my) love.”
❝Why hello there, my koi! What brings you here at this hour? Shouldn’t you be sleeping at this time of night? H-Huh? You came to get me? Hmm, but I still have work to do… A-Ah! Wait, please don’t look so sad! Ahh, I hate whenever you look at me like that… Ok, ok. Let me clean up a little, and I’ll be with you, ok, love?❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎 — whenever you notice she hasn’t returned in a profound amount of time, you always go to her secret spot and take her home, allowing her to rest somewhere more comfortably ‹/3
𖠵𝟏𝟏 — (^) whenever she’s resting, you rarely let anyone bother her or request for her. only for things that are urgent do you wake her.
𖠵𝟏𝟐 — whenever she’s super tired and her meets with yours, it’s like +100 energy. your presence brightens up her mentality a lot.
𖠵𝟏𝟑 — she wanted to gift you something that she made herself, so she explored all of Watatsumi Island and gathered all the sango pearls she could find — turning them into a beautiful pearl necklace ‹3
𖠵𝟏𝟒 — her skin is super soft! whenever you rub your hands against her cheeks, she’ll always redden, but she secretly loves it, hehe.
𖠵𝟏𝟓 — a big advocator for taking care of yourself! she will not have you neglecting yourself; she’ll even try to take some days off to take care of you herself if needed.
𖠵𝟏𝟔 — a wonderful person to reach out to if you’re sad!1!1!1 she offers you great advice and will always let you cry into her arms ):
sometimes, she even takes you in a giant bubble down into the ocean, hoping the vast ocean life there will at least ease your anxieties just a little.
𖠵𝟏𝟕 — being a strategizer, she’s prepared for just about everything. rest assured, if a date goes bad, Kokomi has a Plan B ‹3
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𖠵𝟎𝟏 — she was your total typical tsundere at first, not wanting anything to do with you. (unless provoked, of course.)
𖠵𝟎𝟐 — however, after you two started dating she became your strict mom girlfriend.
𖠵𝟎𝟑 — it’s strange dedicating herself to someone other than the Shogun, but she sees you worthy of her time and admiration.
𖠵𝟎𝟒 — she likes to give you archery lessons so that you know how to properly defend yourself. (even if you already know how.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓 — her protectiveness matches Ei’s. if she hears someone talking shit about you or someone hurt you, they WILL answer to her.
𖠵𝟎𝟔 — i mean it when i say she acts like a mom ‹/3 she’ll always make sure you have everything before heading out, going over the list at least two times before seeing you out.
𖠵𝟎𝟕 — she actually takes really good care of you despite her sharp tongue and looks! she wants to ensure you’re feeling your best because she wouldn’t know what to do with herself if you weren’t feeling well ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟖 — (^) and if she hears that someone thinks she doesn’t treat you well because of her sharpness, she’ll take it personally and immediately deal with them. she doesn’t want you to hear those kind of shitty rumors that have you doubting her sincerity towards you ):
𖠵𝟎𝟗 — “(little) dove,” “raven,” and “(little) crow.”
❝Ah, you’re home, little crow. Oh? How come you look so exhausted? Bite off more than you chew again? Didn’t I tell you to take things at your own pace? You’re taking the next two days off from commissions. No, raven, no ‘buts.’ I’m sure the Adventures Guild can survive without you. It’s time you finally take some time for yourself.❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎 — she doesn’t let her wings out very often if at all, but when she notices you’re genuinely upset over something, she’ll wrap you you in them.
𖠵𝟏𝟏 — doesn’t like being perceived as “soft” so she isn’t one for PDA.
𖠵𝟏𝟐 — (^) in general, she isn’t a very affectionate person. her love language is words of affirmation, i’d think.
𖠵𝟏𝟑 — between the confines of your home, Sara is actually rather gentle and warm! she tries to draw a line between how she acts when she works and around you.
𖠵𝟏𝟒 — tries not to admit it so much, but you mean a lot more to her than she initially bargained for, LOL.
𖠵𝟏𝟓 — whenever she gets worked up, she’ll ask you to snuggle into her arms because your presence tends to keep her sanity intact, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟏𝟔 — likes to bring you along to her meetings with Kokomi, you often offering a third option to whatever they’re discussing. Sara normally trusts your judgement, so she’ll go along with it.
𖠵𝟏𝟕 — before, she never even thought of picking up a domestic hobby (cooking, knitting, gardening, etc.) but now with you, she wants to try everything in hopes of fitting better together with you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏 — she’s girlfriend at its finest!!
𖠵𝟎𝟐 — another one to act like your mom ‹/3 it’s in her nature with taking care of the Arataki gang, LOL.
𖠵𝟎𝟑 — (^) speaking of the gang, Itto practically insisted on you joining because you’re Shinobu’s S/O, so you’ve basically just been adopted by them as per his words.
𖠵𝟎𝟒 — your protector and accomplish for just about anything (within reason.) she’s willing to cut corners to keep you out of trouble or cover you.
𖠵𝟎𝟓 — she can be a little intimidating sometimes… she’ll use that to her advantage when it comes to protecting you ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟔 — when people aren’t looking, she’ll slip her mask off and give you a quick kiss ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟕 — she’s knowledgeable in a variety of things! so she can help you with just about anything.
𖠵𝟎𝟖 — she loves to play with your fingers/hands. they feel so soft to her, and she likes to curl her fingers around the tops of yours.
𖠵𝟎𝟗 — “sakura,” “babe,” and “sweetheart.”
❝Haha, why do you look so exhausted, sakura? The gang wear you out? The boss certainly knows how to pick em, huh? Welcome to my life, babe. On a brighter note, they all seem to really like you! Which is good because if otherwise, I’d have to knock some sense in them… It doesn’t take a genius to see that you wear your heart on your sleeve, sakura.❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎 — isn’t necessarily one to get jealous because of her trust in you. but if she notices someone isn’t getting the hint, she’ll scare them off in no time.
𖠵𝟏𝟏 — another one who doesn’t really initiate PDA but will happily give it if you asked! she doesn’t really give a shit what people think about her — rather than what they think about you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐 — loves to casually show you off.
𖠵𝟏𝟑 — teaches you a lot of survival skills because she’s lowkey scared you’re gonna get lost in the forest without her ‹/3
𖠵𝟏𝟒 — she has a lot of free time, so that means lots of dates at different places!
𖠵𝟏𝟓 — loves to travel around the different nations with you! it’s one of her favorite things to do.
𖠵𝟏𝟔 — if you dressed in her style, she’d melt right on the spot. expect matching fits if you proposed the idea, LOL.
𖠵𝟏𝟕 — as i previously mentioned, she doesn’t initiate much affection out in public, but at home, she’ll smother you in all her kisses and love ‹33
𖠵𝟏𝟖 — a really great cook! she tries to make you three meals a day! and if you’re not feeling up to eating that much, she’ll make sure to give you smaller portions or snacks so at least you’re still eating (: ‹3
𖠵𝟏𝟗 — a wonderful listener! ): she wants you to feel comfortable and safe around her, so she always opens up her arms for you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏 — we all know Yae is quite the teaser… however, i’d say she’s the fine line between a sadist and a mom, LMAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟐 — takes any chance to (playfully) poke fun at you or tease you ‹/3 she’s one that loves to get you riled up.
𖠵𝟎𝟑 — made you an omamori amulet to wear as an accessory. however, this one doesn’t have a limit on its uses. if she senses you’re in danger or in need of her, she’ll use it to get to you (: ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟒 — rarely goes into her fox form, but if she sees you devastated over something, she’ll turn into it and nuzzle into your arms — letting you pet her if you feel the need to.
if you aren’t feeling any better, she’ll shift back into her human form and properly embrace you — running her hands through your hair and letting her tails wrap around you comfortably.
𖠵𝟎𝟓 — likes to drag you along with her whereever she goes. what can i say? she loves your company :)
𖠵𝟎𝟔 — i’m sure this has already been established, but she’s a huge flirt, lmfao. she loves to see your cheeks gain a rosy hue because of her sugarcoated words ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟕 — pretty protective over you? because “we can’t have anyone stealing what’s mine, can we my little kit?”
that said, she’ll deal with them in her own, personal way and won’t tell how when it’s said and done, saying “the how doesn’t matter, little one. what matters is that... pest won't dare lay a finger on you again.”
𖠵𝟎𝟖 — whenever you have days off from commissions, she likes to have you work with her! (so much for a day off...) not only because she can be around you, but also because she can bribe you to put on a shrine maiden outfit ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟗 — heavy on affectionate names in general, but her mains are “little one,” “(little) kit/kub,” and “(my) darling.”
❝Little one, I heard the strangest thing from Ei today. What was it you ask? That a certain (color)-haired cutie kept on pushing themself when they looked oh-so-exhausted… I was thinking you knew as little more about it? Hmm? You don’t? That’s certainly a shame… I had a whole days worth of pampering prepared for them.❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎 — she loves to pamper you whether or not you need it. she always says you deserve the best, and you do! quit telling yourself otherwise 👹👹
𖠵𝟏𝟏 — always goes to you for novel ideas; your mind is one of the greatest things she treasures about you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐 — not shy about PDA whatsoever. she’ll hug, kiss, and hold you anywhere or wherever she wants — no ifs or buts.
𖠵𝟏𝟑 — doesn’t get jealous often, knowing she has you wrapped around her finger (she’s wrapped around yours too, don’t worry ‹3) she finds it quite amusing that some person can steal you from her, actually. she’ll just stand there smiling sweetly until they’re finished before finally expressing that you’re together with her.
𖠵𝟏𝟒 — likes to have you resting against her chest while you two sleep or cuddle ‹3 that way she has better access to protecting you and such.
in the mornings, you get up when she says you get up, LMFAO. one of her favorite times is when she gets to hold you in the earlier mornings without interruptions.
𖠵𝟏𝟓 — whenever Ei mentions you, Yae’s ears always perk up slightly before happily expressing how you two have been.
she’s also mentioned that this feeling of genuine love is a little foreign to hers and how she fears she’ll accidentally break your heart and scare you off ‹/3
𖠵𝟏𝟔 — (^) she hasn’t had a person besides Ei mean so much to her in a while, so she treats you very carefully and always keeps a close eye on you to make sure you aren’t actually bothered by anything she says or does.
𖠵𝟏𝟕 — whenever she’s out in Sumeru City and hears your name, her ears perk to carefully listen in to whatever they’re saying about you, wanting to make sure they aren’t spewing utter nonsense about her dear love.
𖠵𝟏𝟖 — likes to play with (and/or) do your hair whenever you’re doing a mundane task.
𖠵𝟏𝟗 — (^) she won’t admit it (or maybe she will…?) but she’ll lean into your palm whenever you comb through her hair.
𖠵𝟐𝟎 — she wants to find a way to permanently mark you as hers, the marks she leaves you fading too quickly for her liking…
𖠵𝟐𝟏 — lowkey your sugar mommy ‹/3 she’ll get you anything you want or need. even if you didn’t ask for it!
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𖠵𝟎𝟏 — Yoims is a such a sweet and bubbly girlfriend! ‹33
𖠵𝟎𝟐 — she’s your #01 hypewoman for just about anything! she’s so supportive of you and will cheer for you on anything!
𖠵𝟎𝟑 — before and after, you two started dating, she wouldn’t stop talking about you to her dad and Ayaka ‹/3
her dad adores you, by the way! he’s happy that his little girl found someone that makes her feel so loved. if you don’t have a good father figure, here’s your chance, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟒 — your always the first one who gets to see her new fireworks! she takes you up to the cliffside at night and sets them for you to see, eagerly waiting for your feedback, hehe ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟓 — firework making is her love language, LMFAO. expect lots of fireworks made especially for you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔 — always brings you back some snacks or sweets when she’s out gathering materials!
𖠵𝟎𝟕 — (^) like Shinobu, if she sees you aren’t eating as much, she’ll bring you some smaller snacks to eat so you’re at least eating something.
𖠵𝟎𝟖 — introduces you to everyone she knows! she wants everyone to know she has an incredible lover!
𖠵𝟎𝟗 — “(my) firecracker,” “(my) firework,” “lovebug,” and “bub.”
❝Hey bubs! I noticed you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately so I asked my dad if he can cover shop for the rest of the week so I can focus on you! He agreed before I could even finish my sentence, hehe. Hm? Nonono, of course I don’t mind, firework! It hurts me to not see your cute smile, so I will make sure you’re feeling better by the end of the week! No being sad under Yoimiya’s watch!❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎 — loves to pepper your face with small kisses and squish your cheeks! hearing you laugh and smile because of her is her kryptonite.
𖠵𝟏𝟏 — a big cuddle bug! she loves to be cuddled in your arms at the end of the night. she doesn’t let go for a while, either.
𖠵𝟏𝟐 — her other kryptonite is seeing you play with kids ): it fuels her excitement to start a family with you. sobs
𖠵𝟏𝟑 — the type of girl who’d you want to show to your parents! she’s very extroverted, so she gets along with people easily!
𖠵𝟏𝟒 — whenever you’re not busy with commissions, she likes to have you run the shop with her! that way she kills two birds with one stone. (that is an incredibly morbid metaphor, LMFAO.)
𖠵𝟏𝟓 — she would go through hell and back to see you happy ); you mean so much to her than you could ever imagine.
𖠵𝟏𝟔 — when the vision hunt decree was in order, she became a little protective over you. she’d always warn you to be careful whenever you went out so that you wouldn’t get yourself in trouble. (although she would do whatever it takes to bust you out of jail.)
𖠵𝟏𝟕 — this probably sounds repetitive (sorry, LOL) but she’s another one who’s a great listener! she hates seeing you upset and will listen to you night and day if it meant you feeling better.
𖠵𝟏𝟖 — her cheerful demeanor diminishes when she sees someone hurting you. she’ll push you behind her protectively, a forged tint of happiness in her eyes as she tells them off.
the opposing person doesn’t normally think nothing of it, given how bubbly Yoims is which makes the payback 10x better, LMAO.
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▸ note; i racked my brain hard for these ‹/3 i firmly believe in inazuma women and men supremacy!! (hopefully) up next should be a christmas special with kuni! so look forward to that if you're a scara stan, hehe.
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kinoshita-asuka · 1 year
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my name is asuka and i am a hoyoverse writer.
anyways, i am also bad at writing, so i need to get good. please don't judge me too hard 💀💀💀.
i might open up asks in a month or two to get a bit better at navigating tumblr and writing.
warning, i will post at the weirdest times. i can post on saturday at 12:00 am or on wednesday at 5:00 pm.
thank you!
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list of works for now:
series: "mother" imposter x child reader (platonic)
number one: the imposter is an adult, you are not (sagau) number two: taking care of a child is hard when you're an emotionally-starved person.
harbingers x reader:
happy holidays, from THE FATUI HARBINGERS (harbingers x reader minus pierro, la signora, and scaramouche)
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