kitkat1128 Ā· 4 months
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Ā·ā€¢Ā· Ryuu & Shirayuki & Obi Ā·ā€¢Ā·
Chapter 27 -> 127
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kitkat1128 Ā· 6 months
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my sister said I should make some Snow White with the Red Hair fanart and I said yes :P
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kitkat1128 Ā· 7 months
C. S. Lewis: People who go to hell chose knowingly to go there
Me: what? that sounds dum-
A concerning amount of people: I would never go to a heaven with a God who doesn't accept me exactly as I am right now
Me: oh wow you're just literally saying that straight up huh?
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kitkat1128 Ā· 7 months
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True Anime Love - The Fear of the Women They Love in Danger
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kitkat1128 Ā· 7 months
ā€œA man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later. That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in. We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it: and Christ, because He was the only man who never yielded to temptation, is also the only man who knows to the full what temptation means-the only complete realist.ā€
ā€” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (via yesdarlingido)
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kitkat1128 Ā· 10 months
ā€œZenyuki wonā€™t be endgame! They never spend any time together and they have completely different goals!!!ā€
The different goals:
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kitkat1128 Ā· 10 months
The biggest evidence for God, I think, is that it doesnā€™t make sense for us to notice all the evil in the world if there was no good for us to compare it to.
Like, it seems pretty clear that the standard state of the world isā€¦ bad. Look at almost every depiction of the Middle Ages. Look at the Viking age. Look at Africa today. Look at poverty and homelessness in your own country.
Why is this bad? Why isnā€™t this normal? Why do you feel this horrible anger in you at the all these things that happen, if theyā€™ve been happening since the beginning of time?
Evil can only exist if good existed first. Otherwise, youā€™re pointing at the world as it has always been and always will be and wondering at why the atoms happened this way.
Which is such a bleak and pointless universe. Why do we care so much about preventing evil and doing good if the universe has no good in it in the first place? It doesnā€™t make any sense.
The only way evil and suffering make sense is if a state of good and peace existed first. Something whole to compare our broken world to.
I think that Something is God.
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kitkat1128 Ā· 10 months
Moses and the Burning Bush Scene Movie VS Scripture Comparative Analysis (Part 2/2)
(Part 1)
Back to God and Mosesā€™ conversation. POE (Prince of Egypt) Mosesā€™ response to being asked to go to Egypt to liberate Godā€™s people is a very simplified version of Exodus 3:11 and 4:10.Ā 
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But Moses said to God, ā€œWho am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?ā€ (Exodus 3:11 NKJV)
Then Moses said to the Lord, ā€œO my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.ā€ (Exodus 4:10 NKJV)
However, the matter of speaking to Godā€™s people is not because of what seems to be a speech impairment but of right. How could someone who was once a son of a tyrannical pharaoh convince those oppressed people to follow him out of Egypt? Very ironic. He feels he does not deserve to even be around them. He sees himself as a traitor to his own people. We see this clearly in his story arc.Ā 
POE Moses goes so far as to say ā€œYouā€™ve chosen the wrong messenger!ā€ Yikes, but donā€™t worry, the Bible Moses kind of says it too: But he said, ā€œO my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever else You may send.ā€ (Exodus 4:13 NKJV) And this comment was after God said ā€œWho made manā€™s mouth? Who made the deaf, the mute, the seeing, or the blind?ā€ comment.Ā 
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Understandably to help balance between the movie and the Scriptures, God was angry towards Moses here instead of later. In the Bible, God was angry with Moses after he tells Him to choose someone else. God suggests his brother Aaron to help him and meet him all the way outside of Egypt.Ā 
So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses, and He said: ā€œIs not Aaron the Levite your brother? I know that he can speak well. And look, he is also coming out to meet you. When he sees you, he will be glad in his heart. (Exodus 4:14 NKJV)
For Bible readers, the conversation ends there. However, as I said, the movie mixes around some things. There were still some things left that the Bible did say.Ā 
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Despite the Lord's anger, He still was gentle with Moses and even showed him more of His glory and presence. So much He made him almost float! Some Christians today would confirm that it is just like this. I truly agree. The gentle peace, tranquility, awe, serenity, glory.Ā 
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God tells Moses that He will be with him when he goes to Egypt and that the pharaoh will not listen to him. Thus, God will smite Egypt with His wonders. This is told in Exodus 3:12, 19-20.Ā 
So He said, ā€œI will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.ā€ (Exodus 3:12 NKJV)
But I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not even by a mighty hand. So I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My wonders which I will do in its midst, and after that, he will let you go. (Exodus 19-20 NKJV)
Ultimately, Godā€™s presence whether seen or unseen is still with us. Everywhere. That is what POE Mosesā€™ needed, someone by his side to help him do this great task. This was the whole point of Godā€™s character. He is present with us as a compassionate, kind, patient, loving Creator.Ā 
Now, speaking of God being with us. Immanuel. The angel of the LORD in the bush. As the angel of the LORD, who was a messenger BUT spoke as a representative of God. Remember when I mentioned that He is who He is? Who could possibly be a messenger who is equal to God? Yep, the angel of the LORD is Jesus Christ.Ā 
As it says in the Bible, the angel of the LORD was the one who was present in the burning bush. The pre-existent Christ obviously couldnā€™t completely reveal His form just yet so He used a burning bush. Why? Not much of an idea. Now, why wonā€™t God the Father Himself come down as the burning bush? Itā€™s because He is so pure, just, righteous, and glorious that He cannot be in any presence of evil and our human sense would not be able to handle such a pure Being. Moses is human. Any human who would see God the Father in all His glory physically die.Ā 
But He said, ā€œYou cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!ā€ (Exodus 33:20)
Some have thought they saw God face-to-face, like Jacob/Israel when he wrestled with Him in Peniel (Genesis 32:22-32), or Samsonā€™s parents seeing the angel of the LORD. For Jacob/Israel, it was purely a physical manifestation of God not His fully glorious presence. Samsonā€™s parents had the same experience as Moses. The angel of the LORD is not fully God the Father as He would be in heaven. It may be confusing, but either way. This presence of the LORD was still His presence but in another form.Ā 
The angel of the Lord and Jesus Christ the Son are the same but in different forms. The angel form of the Christ is more spiritual not physical. Jesus of Nazareth is God but clothed with humanity. (John 14:9)
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Looking in Mosesā€™ eyes is the best clue that this is the angel of the Lord, AKA the spiritual pre-existent Jesus Christ. Consistent with Scripture and how God is shown with the authority He has? Yep. That convinced me.Ā 
So, now that we know who this is, essentially.Ā 
Immanuel,Ā  ע֓מÖøּנוּאֵל, God is with us. His presence of love, light, purity, gentleness, mercy, and grace. This is the core of who He is. Yes, He gets angry. Yes, He gets jealous. However, He also holds gracious love for us so much we can not even fathom how deep, wide, long, or high it is. So, that is why I truly love how the movie decides to show Godā€™s love for Moses. He promises to teach him. He promises He will be with him many times. THIS. Wow.Ā 
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God knew more than anyone that Moses was scared. So He told him what he needed to hear in this tough time. He showed him His glory and power. This later helps him to gain the confidence to show the pharaoh the power God gives him in his staff.
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To summarize, the movie gives a wonderful presentation of Godā€™s character. Is it perfect? Of course not. Do we expect it to? Of course not! As a Christian, this movie did a fantastic job. The love of the Lord is whatā€™s most important. He is to be feared, but also to be worshipped. He has many mysteries but through Jesus Christ even before His earthly birth through Mary, He was watching out for His own people. He reveals Himself in many different ways but He is still the same Person.Ā 
I have heard so many people come to Christ thanks to this movie. I truly am grateful! Glory be to the Lord and may the Lord guide you in your endeavors with abundance and blessings!
In Jesusā€™ name, Amen!
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kitkat1128 Ā· 10 months
Moses and the Burning Bush Scene Movie VS Scripture Comparative Analysis (Part 1/2)
I will say right off the bat that I am not here to argue which one is better. As someone of the faith itā€™s obvious for me to say that the Scripture is better as Godā€™s Word is inerrant however I do understand that the movie has a unique way of showing the character of God not in a perfect way but still in aĀ respectable way.Ā 
Some people may already have noticed these things to be said of the comparison or that some may not even agree with me. However, as somebody of the faith and somebody who is a very big fan of this movie, I do believe that firmly anybody of all backgrounds can truly appreciate this film for the respectable artistic and religious license that was taken into making this movie.
So, letā€™s get started!
I understand there are some cuts before Moses enters the cave but I want to start with the part when God speaks to Moses for the first time. As you watch the scene, everything that God says causes the wind to move. As He is the one who brings life in His breath of course, this was a nice consistency of His character and authority. Moses perceives Godā€™s voice is mixed with the wind. More importantly, a whisper.
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Most people of the faith describe Godā€™s voice as a whisper, others call it a ā€˜little voice in their head,ā€™ a conscience, a pit in your stomach, Jimney Cricket. Here, for POE (Prince of Egypt) Moses, God revealed Himself not only visually as the burning bush (which I will want to talk a little more about later) but as the wind. As it was Mosesā€™ first encounter with God, the Lord was very gentle with him and talked to him lowly as a whisper.Ā 
In the screenshot below, Moses replies back: ā€œHere I am.ā€ (So far, this conversation is faithful to the Scriptures). Then, I would like you to focus on how Godā€™s voice changes. Itā€™s still blending with the wind but not as a subtle whisper. It is now a low-talking voice.Ā 
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I believe that the reason that this happens is because POE Moses responds back. He acknowledges a presence, which makes him closer to the presence who is talking, although he is already physically. Responding back to your Creator is a sign of obedience, thus obedience creates closeness. Understandably, however, Moses does not know exactly who this voice is so he is naturally and rightfully scared.Ā 
ā€œThen He said, ā€œDo not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.ā€ (Exodus 3:5 NKJV).
The movie understandably erases the first sentence but only because in the Bible, Moses' attention to the burning bush was something extraordinary that he couldnā€™t figure out, which had to do with the presence of the angel of the LORD in the bush. The movie doesnā€™t add this detail explicitly, but I have a hint that it might actually be true later. Moses, in the movie, was allowed to come close. He touched the fire with his staff, nothing happened. Then with his own hand, and nothing happened.
Ā So, why would the Lord in the Bible tell Moses to not come close? It was to show honor to the immediate presence of the LORD. As well as it was for him to take his shoes off. As some Asian countries recognize, once you enter someoneā€™s home you take off your shoes. Well, now that Moses was in Godā€™s ā€˜homeā€™ he must also take off his shoes. Also, servants of that time would usually be barefoot. So, this was a sign of humility. Once again, a form of obedience.Ā 
Either way, in the movie, Godā€™s presence is still honored, but perhaps not completely.Ā 
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From here on, the conversation may have some of the same things said in the Bible, but in a different order with some things cut out or simplified. POE Moses asks God, ā€œWho are You?ā€ God responds with a slightly louder voice but still not a normal talking voice: ā€œI AM THAT I AM.ā€ (Hebrew: אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁ×Ø ×Ö¶×”Ö°×™Ö¶×”, 'ehye 'ăŔer 'ehye). This phrase is what could be the extended version of the name YHWH, Yahweh/Jehovah. The LORDā€™s personal name. As the Lord has no equal, He is who He is. That is why He answers this. In the Bible, God doesnā€™t reveal this until Exodus 3:14. Currently, the events happening are still in Exodus 3:5. Moses replies as most viewers would, ā€œI donā€™t understand.ā€ Godā€™s voice now is at normal volume but still makes the ground ripple like water and wind blow gently at His every word. God replies with Exodus 3:6, Moreover, He said, ā€œI am the God of your fatherā€”the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.ā€
So, here is my take on how much wonder and detail it came to the presence of God in this film. Even though the burning bush was of fire that doesnā€™t burn or exert heat of any kind, the light refracted off of it was not what a fire would do. The light refractions off the walls around the cave were like that of water.Ā 
Then, it came to me. Godā€™s voice in the wind, the light of a fire, the refraction of water, and the holiness of the ground. Earth, wind, fire, and air. Of course, God is not limited to just the 4 elements, but He did make them and much more. I just thought it was a really beautiful thing to show how God created the elements that we know and He makes them obey Him to His will.Ā 
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Letā€™s continue. In the Bible, Moses hides his face in fear. While in the movie, he immediately removes his shoes after a momentary state of shock and awe. Personally, I find the reaction to be hilarious because if I was told God was right in front of me I would have that same face too. However, as you take into account what Mosesā€™ relationship with the Lord could have been, presumably he has been taught the ways of the Lord by his father-in-law Jethro, the high priest of Midian. He was content and living a peaceful life in the desert with his newfound faith and new life. He was taught the glory and honor that God has and demands. He knows of the great things that the Lord has done for His people, the holy works of the Lord. The stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. He knew of Joseph who brought Israel to Egypt in the first place and why. Now, he was literally talking with the One who did it all.
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POE Moses asks, ā€œWhat do You want with me?ā€ I would personally find this face to be of fear and uncertainty. Possibly expecting to be yelled at or scolded. Perhaps he is thinking of his past as an Egyptian prince and what he has done.Ā 
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What really intrigued me though was that as soon as God mentions Egypt the light turns from a white-bluish tone to a more yellow-orange. Why would God do this exactly? Nowhere in the Bible was there any sort of ā€˜color-changeā€™ like a mood rock. šŸ˜‚ However, it was intended to set the tone of the conversation.Ā 
And the Lord said: ā€œI have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. (Exodus 3:7 NKVJ)
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For us the viewer and especially for Moses, it brings us back to Egypt even though we are not physically there. Even during the opening scene, we know of those color schemes. It was a nice visual touch.Ā 
I would also like to argue that the other voices from Mosesā€™ past may not be what God is making him hear but what Moses himself is hearing in his own head. God may be speaking audibly and the other memories are thoughts or recalling of moments. Perhaps, both are audible or both are thoughts in his head. Either way, it works.Ā 
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How I felt about it as a little youngā€™n was that this was all audible and God was replaying other memories in his life relating to the conversation. From Mosesā€™ reaction to the sound of a whip, one could argue that he was reminded of how Godā€™s people were treated and the day he fled from Egypt, thus from his own mind. To cater to us the viewer, we have to hear everything that may be influencing a character's movements. So perhaps the memory in Mosesā€™ mind was echoed audibly.Ā 
However, later in the conversation, God reveals to him something of the future: ā€œLet my people go!ā€ God can also tell us what the future holds. Prophetic messages. Some are audible to others, some are not. I will say that I love how this can be interpreted freely and left to interpretation. There are many ways that God speaks to us so I truly respect this decision.Ā 
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Another visual touch was how the animators made the burning bush almost resemble human movement despite it being a supernatural presence.Ā 
When God speaks of ā€œa land flowing with milk and honey,ā€ you could almost hear His voice say it and show the significance of abundance, like arms physically stretching out.Ā 
Ā (Part 2)
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kitkat1128 Ā· 10 months
I'm so tired of people saying that the Prince from Snow White is a creep for kissing Snow White when he thought she was dead.
People act as if he put his tongue down her throat while she looks like a regular corpse.
Maybe I'm just more comfortable with death because of my upbringing.
There's a European tradition that you would kiss dead people goodbye. You would also wait with a dying person because dying alone was one of the most horrible ways to die.
In Poland, you would spend three days with the dead body of your relative in the house so family and friends have time to say goodbyes. We even have pictures of family members in coffins, so we could remember them.
Yeah, it's a very post-modern, historically, culturally-small-minded way to look at it.
Specifically in this movie (which is a fairy tale's fairy tale) people just...totally ignore the scene where The Prince is introduced.
Seriously and truthfully, BECAUSE the Prince only takes action in three scenes of the movie, you HAVE to take all three of them very very seriously. Because thats all there is to know about him. That's how fairy tales work: lots of information hiding under very brief, simple snippets of information. It's called nuance.
The Prince kisses Snow White as a culmination of their promised love for each other.
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First scene he's in, he falls in love with her because of her obvious purity and he overhears her longing for someone to love her. Then she runs away because she's not sure of him, and doesn't know him. But he sings his part of the song, which is all about how he has just one heart to give, one devotion to spend, and he's choosing to give it and spend it on her if she'll have him.
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And she will have him. How do we know? She sends a kiss to him on the dove. That's how the exchange ends; that's how she responds, and that's why he leaves satisfied. It's their engagement scene. They're promising their hearts to each other.
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Fast-forward, the Queen messes up what might have been the natural follow-through of that engagement which is marriage by trying to kill Snow White, she's living in the woods, but she won't forget the Prince and wholeheartedly believes he'll come find her.
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And the very next thing we hear about him is that he keeps his promise. He's got one heart, one love, one devotion, and it's promised to Snow White, and he will not stop searching for her. When he finds her, he's returning her kiss from their engagement scene. He thinks she's dead, but he has to finish his quest anyway. This is him, trying to keep his promise even if she's dead; he's trying to fulfill the exchange they had when they saw each other last.
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It's ridiculous to assume that she needed to be awake and alive to give permission for him to kiss her; it's ignorant of the whole relationship, symbolic and literal, between these two fairy tale characters. She already sent him her kiss and her heart; he already promised to claim it; he's fulfilling the promise in that scene.
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Crazy postmodern people, don't know how to take in a story. Not everything gets to have your socio-cultural lens imposed upon it.
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kitkat1128 Ā· 11 months
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That fateful first meeting. No, Eisetsu and Kageya are not from the same realms. *cough* Eisetsuā€™s holdings are on the borderlands, but his loyalty lies with Haki and the ā€œgood guysā€
Well, this is years ago. From before Kageya was made queen.
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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kitkat1128 Ā· 11 months
AnS Discord Community!
Hello, fellow AnS lovers! For those of you who want to be more involved with the AnS fan community, I wanted to advertise the AnS Discord server. We have in-depth character discussions, manga analyses, translation streams, fan events and many other fun stuff. Mostly we share our love for AnS with each other and create content too. Due to prevalence of Tumblr bots, I'm not sharing a public link to the server here, but just shoot me a DM and I'll invite you!
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kitkat1128 Ā· 11 months
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My new video on the connections between Studio Ghibli and Snow White with the Red Hair is out now!!
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kitkat1128 Ā· 11 months
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kitkat1128 Ā· 11 months
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Akagami no Shirayukihime Mains in the first 5 chapters vs the latest appearances
but also please look at the art improvementĀ 
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kitkat1128 Ā· 11 months
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the crowning of the new King of Clarines, Izana Wistaria
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kitkat1128 Ā· 11 months
AnS Ch 133 is out!
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Read here!
In this chapter, Shirayuki says goodbye to some of her friends and associates before leaving for Shinsu Jiran's mansion. Meanwhile, Zen and co try to figure out his Shinsu Jiran's true intensions
Translation brought to you by Clarines Press Raws Provider: @alexmeli50 Translation: @kitkat1128 Cleaning & Typesetting: @yumi-cha Proofreading: @sabishi-tomo With special thanks to Willow for helping us clean up the Cover page! (If you want to stay connected with the AnS community, we have an AnS Discord! DM me for a link.)
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