kitty-kat-ash · 5 months
I'm a different person than I was in 2019 I swear 🙏
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kitty-kat-ash · 5 months
Looking at my old posts from when I was a child and feeling nauseous. What the hell was I on
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kitty-kat-ash · 5 months
I'm alive
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
I kept accidentally saying "cult eater" instead of "cult leader" 💀
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
The struggle is real
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
(Unfinished draft)
I was so happy when I found this lmao
Karasuno - Tanaka & Nishinoya
Long story short, we're simps and insane.
I'm the dumb bitch that either starts trying to scare people or joins in on it lmao.
relationships w/ the hq boys?
–a tag game! choose 4 (or less) schools and describe what type of relationship (platonic or romantic) you’d have with 1-2 characters from those schools!
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The original post was getting kind of long, so you can find it here
Karasuno - Sugawara and Nishinoya
So I’ve been told that I’m basically Sugawara irl?? Based off of the fact that our personalities are pretty much the same and we’re both chaotic mom friends, we’d be pretty good together. As friends, we’d definitely be the moms that take care of everyone and I’d take care of him watch out for him. We’d be a pretty good team, and our friendship would be pretty damn strong. We could be ourselves around each other, since we both understand that we’re technically still teenagers. As for a romantic relationship, I don’t know how well that would work out. We’re way too similar, and a much as I adore Suga, I feel like a romantic relationship would be out of the question sadly.
With Nishinoya, my entire appearance is just… Fem!Nishinoya!! He would absolutely live for it. I think we’d make a pretty good couple?? I’m gonna need some second opinions on that of course, but overall, I’d be able to both calm him down and hype him up. I’m a mix of chaos and maternal instincts. I’d care for him and take care of him (because he’s so active and hyper that he’s probably constantly covered in bruises) but also just… vibe with him. I also hate confrontation with a burning passion, and he’d be great at helping me deal with that. Fear me bitches Overall we’d be a power couple that people (Daichi) would grow to both adore and fear.
Aobajohsai - Iwaizumi and Kyotani
Okay so ngl, I’d probably cry if I ever witnessed him yelling at Oikawa. I’m a baby, we’ve established this. But he’s also the kind of guy who drinks his Respect Women Juice™ and would carry your bags for you. I feel like I’d be safe around him (lmao anxiety go brrrrr) and he’d just be really supportive of everything I do. He’s totally the type that would just scoop me up and carry me away if Oikawa tried to talk to me. (That happens quite often with my friends, they just…pick me up and leave). He’d be a really grounding presence for me, and I’d probably annoy the hell out of him calm him down a lot. He’s be so soft for me heheheh (Why do I sound evil, I-)
As for Kyotani, I feel like he’s another person who would make me feel safe. (After scaring me mfgsjfg) He’d be so incredibly awkward around me at first, because “She’s so small, why isn’t she scared of me oh no oh no what do I do-” meanwhile I’m internally screaming like “oh my god he could crush me with one hand shdsjgdj just be nice, I’m sure he’s a good person that definitely won’t kill you-” anYWAYS, in a platonic relationship, he’d definitely be like a guard dog (Mad Dog lmfao) Like, he’s basically a Pitbull. Looks really fucking scary but is the softest being ever if he likes you. Unironically growls at the team Oikawa if they’re teasing me. In a romantic relationship, the clinginess would go up by at least 11. Like sir, I love you, but let me b r e a t h e. I may be smol but I can and will not hestate t beat someones ass if they’re out of line. (jsgdsjg a match made in heaven)(or hell)
Fukurodani- Akaashi
Akaashi is a really calm, grounded person. With my anxiety levels, that would be perfect. He’d let me hold his hand in big crowds and talk me through my “attacks” (I’m not elaborating lmao). He’d just be so supportive and patient, I’m soft he’s literally the perfect boyfriend. If I was ever sad he would just open his arms and let me bury my face in his shoulder and he’d wrap his arms around me and comfort me and jsgfjegf this one got depressing fast holy crap. He’s basically perfect and I need a man like him.
Nekoma- Yaku and Lev
I would be such great friends with Yaku, he’s literally the best. We’d parent the entire team together, and I’d have to keep him from beating up poor Lev ;-; baby would be hiding his 6′4 ass behind me like it would actually work- but anyways, Yaku and I would be an unstoppable team. In a romantic relationship, he would constantly tease me about my height, but he secretly loves that I’m shorter than him. I’d always compliment him and boost his ego because when he’s cocky he’s absolutely adorable oh my god. He would try to show off in subtle ways, like carrying heavy equipment around and helping me study. He’s just a sweet baby that wants to prove himself.
I am a  s i m p  for Lev, I would definitely date him. He’s babie, and I would constantly be hyping him up and encouraging him. He’s basically a puppy, and he would just…follow me around whenever I had to do something. He’d give me his spare jersey for games and it would go down past my knees because he’s so freaking tall. Omg imagine the piggy back rides- he’d kneel down on the ground and let me climb on his back and just carry me around like a koala. We’d also be that classic meme where the short person is trying to look intimidating and the person runs away from them, but it turns out that the tall scary person behind the small one actually scared them away. He’s such a dork, he’d always be trying to impress me and probably being clumsy and getting hurt in the process. Basically, he’s precious and I love him so much.
I’m tagging: @yamagucciii @mochiimii @hurtbycanonthoughts @krynnza and anyone who wants to do it!
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
(Unfinished draft)
Haikyuu Characters With A Shy And Chubby S/O
Pronouns: GN
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None, it's just fluff
Request: "HIIII ASHHH! Requesting some headcanons for a shy and chubby reader 😔✌w/ Tsukki, Sakusa, Kyoutani, Yaku, and Yachi (if you do girls)please !!" @krynnza
A/N: This is an old draft lol
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Kei Tsukishima
Bro, he doesn't really care about what your body looks like tbh
I don't think he'd be as low as to make fun of your weight
He may like to tease you a bit about random shit, but if you're insecure about smtn then he'll probs stop
This mf will tease you for being shy lmao
But he's the only one who can tease you for that
If anyone else does he's yeeting then into the stratosphere
Overall he just doesn't care about your body and he shall protecc the shy babeyy
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Kiyoomi Sakusa
This bitch avoid everyoNE
And I honestly relate lol
He doesn't really care about your weight or your body type
He'll like you as long as you don't touch him
Maaaaybe holds your hand like once a month
Don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves you, the germaphobia is just strong with this one
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
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kitty-kat-ash · 2 years
I'm making memes now because I have no motivation to write lol
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kitty-kat-ash · 3 years
(Unfinished draft)
Nishinoya X Reader
Hold My Hand
Pronouns: They/Them
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None, maybe cringe
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kitty-kat-ash · 3 years
(Unfinished draft)
Obey Me Characters And Their Favorite Eye Colors
He likes amber eyes
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They remind him of cats because it's a common eye color among them
They also remind him of the color of most bookshelves
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Levi likes dem gray(gay) eyes
Having gray eyes is common among anime characters and he's a big weeb
They're also pretty rare which makes them even cooler
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Ya boi likes dark brown eyes (like mine lol)
For some reason he finds some sort of comfort in darker eyes
(I swear I didn't think about myself when I chose this, but might as well say that I'm happy he likes my eyes I guess? Bruh I'm kinda tired but fuk sleep ahaha)
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He like green-hazel eyes
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