kuromio · 3 years
Hey besties!
I apologize for being absent on my blog to continue one shots. Unfortunately I am in person school and I’m sure most of you are also. Understand that even though I won’t be updating when I should I love you all so much💗I’ve been having up and down motivation loss here and there which makes me feel lazy to write a one shot or even a full on story.
I do daily activities such as waking up going to school and going back to sleep and repeating the process over and over and I’ve been making up scenarios and daydream about my hero academia to pass the time. I know it sounds mad or weird but These are just ways I get my imagination going and having my own ideas for stories.
Such as my first story I’ve ever posted on my blog where Y/N got chased by a chicken during her time at recess. I’ve gotten my inspiration where I accidentally tripped over a chicken hole 🕳 🚶‍♀️on my way back home🥲
Anyways just know I’ll try my best to have motivation and continuing to be creative if anyone has any suggestions for one shots or stories then please let me know.
(Ps. The only one shots I can currently do is kimetsu no yaiba and my hero academia I’ve just had loads of homework to catch up on and never had the time or even thought about watching other ones m😅)
But again, thank you for the love and support it really makes my day💗🌞🍄
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kuromio · 3 years
Chapter 1: A new beginning
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Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya had both achieved their goals into becoming one of the greatest heroes of all time.
Of course Midoriya had become the number one hero with all of his struggles and worth of success.
Bakugou becoming the second most important hero being ground zero.
Don’t forget Todoroki with his savage ways of roasting Endevor, also becoming the third pro hero in Japan.
These top three hero’s soon became partners and married one another. It was quite shocking for the news and villains too. Uraraka already new the three where dating the last year of U.A
Eventually as time went on they adopted a girl who lived in an orphanage. Her name was Y/N. She was only five at the time and her quirk still never developed.
Her mother had abandoned her at the age of three years old. The mother couldn’t take care of her due to her young age getting pregnant in high school. As usual the “father” had left after he found out she was pregnant. Only using her for attention and sex.
Her mother had an elemental quirk. Earth, wind, fire, water, and ice. But the father had an invisibility quirk which led the daughter to become quirkless.
After finding out this information about you at the orphanage Midoriya wanted to adopt you right away. “Why do we need to adopt that brat.” Bakugou said. Three hero’s in the office having a discussion with the lady. “Kacchan, don’t say harsh things like that to her. You know I was quirkless until middle school.” Midoriya said in a high pitched voice. The lady at the desk handing more information on about the parents and being about to speak. She was cut off by a soft voice.
“We’ll take her In. Im assuming due to her being quirkless she won’t get picked by adults. She’ll be safe with us.” Getting the paperwork from the lady Todoroki got a pen and wrote his signature. He passed the paper towards Midoriya then Bakugou who glared at the paper in front of him. “Damn Deku always getting his way.”
He signed the paper and gave it back to the lady. “Finally that beats going. She’s been making this orphanage look bad just because she had to be quirkless.” With a fake smile she reassured them to follow her into the children’s room.
“Wait here please. I’ll make sure to go get her.” The two nodded as she opened the door. “Y/N dear, there are people here to pick you up. You’ll be a good girl for them right.” Y/N nodded holding her suite case. “I’ll miss you mama.”
Getting off the bed she reached for the lady and brought her to her arms. Grabbing the child by both armpits she swung her in the air with laughter filling the room.
Both hero’s standing in front of the door a boy who was a few years older than Y/N tugged on Midoriya. “Your the number one hero! What are you doing here Mr. Deku.” The green hair about to speak the door opened with a women and a child hand and hand as she hid a bit more behind the women’s back.
“Hi Y/N, are you getting adopted today?”
The boy said. Nodding was the only thing the girl did to give the boy his answer. “I’ll miss you. Be good to The hero’s okay?” He walked up to you and patted your head with a smile on his face.
“Bye Y/N, I hope I get to see you again someday.” The boy exclaimed excitedly while wishing her a better life.
He was like an older brother to Y/N. Always caring for her and both telling each other’s secrets.
“Ready to go Y/N?” The girl hid her face even deeper into the women’s blue silky maid dress.
The child shook her head quickly letting go of the suit case and dropping it on the floor. “ No mama, I can’t leave you.”
Todoroki grabbed the suit case from the floor and waited patiently.
As for Bakugou he was getting frustrated. Having both hands crossed on his chest as Midoriya held his shoulder.
“ The brat doesn’t want to go with us”
It took a while for Y/N to get into the car with the three. Crying and screaming they were confused at why you didn’t want to leave. It was the first time they got rejected by a human.
Y/N was sitting in the middle of Bakugou and Midoriya as Todoroki started the car.
She sniffled a little as the car started. Soon enough she fell asleep and the three started talking.
“Why didn’t, she want to go with us?” The greenett said. Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Stupid Deku. Can’t you see it’s a lot of stress on her.”
Midoriya looked down and fiddled with his fingers.
The car eventually parked in an apartment complex. All getting out of the car with Midoriya carrying you with your head facing Bakugou and Todoroki.
Bakugou didn’t know how to feel about you. He was still new to this idea of having a kid. It wasn’t going to be long until others found out.
The key to the door soon unlocked and an expensive glorious apartment was revealed. Your eyes fluttered opened and you felt you were on someone’s shoulders. “She’s awake nerd.” A males voice said.
You were placed on the couch with a tired look. The three couple sat on the other side. It was an awkward silence at first with you looking down and being a bit scared of your new life.
“Do you know who we are, Y/N?” Midoriya said. You nodded your head and held yourself tightly. “We’re going to be your new parents from now on. We’ll make sure you're safe alright.” You didn’t want to speak so you most likely ignored them.
“Tch” was what Bakugou said. And just left the couch. “Are you hungry kid?” Bakugou was about to go make dinner for the both when you nodded.
Dinner made you full that night which caused you to feel more sleepy. You had Katsudon for dinner it was Midoriya’s favorite.
Before you could even finish your food your face landed on the late that covered your entire face with left over food.
With Midoriya’s dramatic reaction he screeched a bit at your sudden movement. Todoroki getting off the chair and quickly getting a small towel and Bakugou trying to lift your head up from the plate.
A bit of rice on your face with the crisp of katsudon covering half. You didn’t cry. Although it did hurt a bit. You raised your head from the plate and had a strait face.
Todoroki handing you the towel to clean you took it from his hand and covered it with your face. Wiping it off you gave back the towel to Him.
“Are you alright Y/N? You looked tired.” Midoriya said. You didn’t respond which made Bakugou get slightly pissed.
Bakugou carried you out of the chair as Todoroki and Midoriya started tp clean the table and what was left in the kitchen.
Midoriya had both hands and placed them on the kitchen sink with his head looking down thinking deeply. Todoroki noticed the small stress in his boyfriend and hugged him from behind.
“We just need some time to get her to trust us. I’m sure she’ll become a grate child in the future. There’s no need to rush.”
Midoriya smiled at Todoroki and kissed him on the cheek. Continuing to do the dishes they heard laughter coming from upstairs.
Bakugou was cleaning you in side the bath as you were playing with the bubbles. He was tickling you with a smirk on his face.
The door creaked open as you stopped laughing. Bakugou's hand covered in water and bits of bubbles he looked towards the door to see his two boyfriends heads on top of Each other looking in to see if everything was going fine.
You pretended like nothing happened and continued to play with the water.
Getting your pajamas on you were placed on the couch again on Todoroki lap. Plugging in the blow dryer with hot steam coming out of it you closed your eyes due to the hot and cold temperature with your hair blowing back and forth. Todoroki could have used his coolness to dry your hair much easier but because he was tired he did it the easy way instead.
Hours passed and it was already your bed time Midoriya has put you to bed and covered you up in blankets turning a mini light night on for you just in case you got scared.
Closing the door two of his boyfriends were behind him. “We need to talk about the up coming patrol we’re having tomorrow.” Todoroki said.
As usual Midoriya looked both of them in the eye with a serious face and they were led back in to the kitchen.
As hours passed paper work was scattered across the table and on the floor. Bakugou studding the paper with his glasses on he scrunched his face and took a sip of his coffee.
“Kacchan, me and Shoto are going to bed. Do you want to sleep with us?” Midoriya said with a smile.
Bakugou grabbed Midoriya’s waist and placed him on his lap. Hugging him closely they both had blush on their faces. “I’ll be in there in a couple minutes. I’ll clean the paper work up and check in on Y/N.”
Midoriya nodded and got off of Bakugou. Not long after Bakugou had gotten ready for bed and checked in on Y/N. “Good night brat.” He said as he kissed her on the head and closed the door Alf way. Sneaking in to his shared bedroom both boys sleeping peacefully, Bakugou got on in the edge of the bed while Midoriya slept in the middle while Todoroki also on the edge.
Your name was now Y/N Bakugou.
Congratulations 🎊 you made it to the end of chapter one!!!!! A new series I’ll be continuing.
I had a great name. For this book and it’s going to be called “future generations.”
A little girl named Y/N Bakugou was adopted by the top pro hero’s in Japan. Her mother had left her because she wasn’t ready to rase a child yet. at the age of three Y/N lived in an orphanage since. Lucky enough for Y/N she was adopted by important people.
Her father had an invisibility quirk while her mother had an elemental quirk. Which combined into a quirk less child.
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kuromio · 3 years
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Bakudeku x teen reader
It wasn’t a steep but big hill where most of your classrooms were laid. Most of your classes where far from each other so you often had to walk a good few minutes till you got to class.
But today some chickens had other plans for you. After your parents dropped you off that morning you went straight to one of those benches that were randomly placed around the school campus.
A few of your friends where already there waiting for you as you were behind there backs. Them getting freaked out by your visible appearance they jumped at the suddenly touch that landed on their skin.
“Hey bestie” you said as you bent down to where their eyes met yours as they turned around sweating nervously. “H-hey. I didn’t know you were here already.” They said as they calmed down a bit.
Sitting down on one of the empty seats in front of you, you took out your small plastic bottle of strawberry milk that you’ve gotten this morning at a local shop. Both of your friends staring at you vigorously they eyed the milk. “I’m your best friend right? Could I have a taste of that”
Your luck ran out as you wished you’d opened it at home instead. But because of your thirst you couldn’t wait and opened it at the worst timing possible.
The other friend who was constantly texting on their phone had finally got off staring at the other girl in front of them. “She’s obviously my best friend. You and your dirty mouth shouldn’t spit on her straw like that every time you drink out of her things. You don’t even know how to take a waterfall out of her water bottle.”
Both bickering at each other you looked to your left where your two parents where still in the car staring at the group. Walking up to the vehicle your green haired dad rolled down his window. Slouching down you gave him your strawberry milk as he placed it down in the cup holder. “There always bickering at each other, huh” he said as the ashy blond stared at the two friends.
You faked a drop of tear that rolled down your eye. “I just wanted my milk.”
Time skip to when you were walking to your period one class. Picking a seat in the back you slouched down and crossed your arms together waiting for the teacher to arrive and call your names out for attendance.
“Good morning class. I hope you all had a great weekend and spent it well.”
“Alright students, let’s begin our studies for today.”
The bell rang for recess as your teachers yelled out the pro hero’s will be on school campus the next day checking in on the school seeing if it’s presenting their child’s education properly.
Waiting for your friends on the tables again there was a chicken right next to you. Sweating nervously you scooted over to the next chair and then the next chair. Eyes staring into your soul as you got up from the seat. You started fast walking as the chicken followed you.
Making your way to a faster movement you started running. Not to long after your two friends showed up to where you often called it your “hang out spot” they spotted you running from a chicken.
Other students recording and laughing with their group of friends in the hallway as your friend yelled out “run Y/N, run.” “I’m trying but I won’t have enough stamina to continue, this hideous chicken started following me for no reason.”
You yelled out as your two friends also ran to catch the chicken.
Staff members from the office came by to see what all the ruckus and commotion was. Now everyone was watching you run away and your friends running toward the chicken.
“My daughter forgot her damn lunch in the car. Where the hell is she.” An ashy blond said staring daggers in to the women’s eyes. “Kacchan, don’t be so rude.” Tch the hero said as the lady told the two couples the school had recess.
Hand in hand as they walked down the open halls of their old middle school they heard laughter and screaming coming from a distance.
“RUN Y/N,RUN.” They heard it loud and clear as they both looked at each other and rushed to see what was going on.
Both pushing from the crowd of people they looked to see three kids running from a chicken. When they saw their daughter she was running and crying.
“USE YOUR QUIRK DUMBASS.” The friend called out.
The hero squinted his eyes. Thinking to himself “tch, know one else is supposed to call her dumbass exempt me.”
Suddenly the chicken stopped running towards the girl and both friends landed on each other right next to the chicken from the sudden stop.
“Get your dirty ass off of me, stupid.” “Well I can’t if you’re on me.” Again, both fighting as usual they felt an angry aura. Standing right in front of the two your eyes turned slowly.
Black covered half of your face as a star like shape formed the corner of your eye. Both scared like little cats running about. You smiled devilishly. “How many times am I going to tell you both to stop the fighting.”
You turned around as you crossed your arms. Both of your parents sweating from the sudden reaction. Even the chicken got scared and had those scared anime reactions. The chicken eventually ran away.
“Y/N , get your ass over here you for got your lunch again.”
Kids looking from a distance whispering and being shocked. You as well was most certainly shocked out of all the kids and teachers. They weren’t supposed to know you were the top hero’s daughter. Of course when you told you're friends they nearly freaked out.
“D-dad, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on your patrol with papa?” You said with a loud but embarrassed tone. The number one hero grabbing the bag from his partner walking up to you. “You forgot your lunch again so we brought it to you. I know we weren’t supposed to show ourselves in front of the school yet but we were worried you wouldn’t have anything for lunch.”
“Yeah Y/N, your parents are being kind to you. Take the lunch.” You turned your head around and glared at them. “Watch it. Just because your my best friend-``''of course we’re your best friends. That’s why we must be good influences on you.” As your friend walked in the back of you and had one hand on your shoulder. Reaching for the lunch bag from your fathers hand she said her thanks and dragged you back to the table.
Just as you were about to sit down and start talking the bell cut you off and you had to go to your next class.
“Bye dad. I’ll see you later.”
Yayy, you’ve reached the end of the story. I hope you all liked this one, it was my first one shot so I tried to add details here and there. My weighting skills aren’t so great so if I see any corrections I’ll be sure to change a bit of what’s wrong.
Also I’m in a writing process of a todobakudeku x daughter reader. It’s hard to come up with one shots and have your own ideas now days but I’ll do my best to be creative.
And also just an FYI if anyone has any great one shot ideas then please comment one I’ll be sure to write a story about it and credit you for the idea.
Due to school reasons I won’t be active as much but I’ll be online during the weekends and when I’m not that busy and also if I have any motivation to continue doing so.
I hope you all had a wonderful day and make sure to follow me on my Instagram accounts. There linked in my bio.
Love you 🤎🧺👒
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