What is pigmentation and best treatment available for pigmentation ?
The colour of the skin is referred to as pigmentation. Changes in the colour of your skin are caused by skin pigmentation disorders. Melanin is a pigment that is produced by skin cells and is responsible for the colour of your skin.
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Hyper pigmentation is a skin condition in which your skin becomes darker. This can affect individual areas of skin or the entire body. Hyper pigmentation in the form of age spots, commonly known as liver spots, is a typical  occurrence. Hyper pigmentation is normally innocuous, however it can be brought on by a medical problem. Your skin can also darken as a result of certain drugs. For the most part, it's more of an aesthetic concern.
If you're suffering with hyper pigmentation, you're not alone. Hyper pigmentation is a common skin problem for which there are a variety of treatment options. La Midas - The Complete Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Centre is helping people with pigmentation.They offer the number one pigmentation treatment in Gurgaon and well known for providing the best skin doctor in Gurgaon.
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Hyper pigmentation is caused by a variety of factors
An increase in melanin causes hyper pigmentation. Melanin is a pigment found in our skin, hair, and eyes that gives them their colour. Sun exposure, hormonal influences, ageing, and skin injuries or inflammation are just a few of the variables that might cause an increase in melanin production.
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Hyper pigmentation with sun exposure:- Sun exposure is the leading cause of hyper pigmentation because it is sunlight that initiates the formation of melanin. Melanin protects your skin from damaging UV rays by acting as a natural sunscreen, that's why people tan in the sun.
Hyper pigmentation and hormones:- Hormonal factors are the primary cause of melasma and chloasma, two types of hyper pigmentation. It's more frequent in women, and it's considered to happen when oestrogen and progesterone, two female sex hormones, encourage the oversupply of melanin when skin is exposed to sunlight.
Hyper pigmentation and age:- The quantity of melanin-producing cells (also known as melanocytes) in the skin diminishes as it ages, but the ones that remain grow in size and their dispersion becomes more targeted. The increase in age spots in people over 40 is due to several physiological changes. In skin ageing, you can learn more about how skin ages.
Inflammation, hyper pigmentation, and skin damage:- Post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation occurs after skin injury or inflammation, such as cuts, burns, chemical exposure, acne, Atopic Dermatitis, or Psoriasis, as the name implies. After the wound heals, the skin becomes darker and discoloured.
Disease, medicine, and hyper pigmentation:- Hyper pigmentation can be a sign of a variety of ailments, including autoimmune and gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic problems, and vitamin deficiencies.
Treatment of pigmentation
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It's important to note that dark patches aren't necessarily dangerous and don't cause any health issues. Age spots, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation are all examples of hyper pigmentation. Hyper pigmentation is a benign skin disease that can be treated with a variety of methods, including cosmetic treatments.People surely, though, may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. Everyone wants to look beautiful and have a spot over their face  embarrassing. In such instances, black spot therapy may involve the following:
Prescription Medication:- Bleaching treatments may be prescribed by your therapist to treat erase dark areas gradually. Hydroquinone or retinoids like Tretinoin are commonly found in these creams. It normally takes months for this medication to have a discernible effect.
Medical Procedures:- Dark spots can be treated with a variety of medical techniques.
Melanin-producing cells are destroyed by laser therapy.
Chemical peels are used to destroy the skin's outer surface, enabling young layers to develop in its place.
Dermabrasion is a procedure that sands away the top layer of skin, enabling young skin to develop in its place.
Cryosurgery, which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze ageing spots.
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At La Midas our best skin doctor in Gurgaon are all here to assist you in removing dark patches that can detract from your beauty. Our professionals are quite well in the many types of dark spots, as well as the related treatment processes to assist arrest and eliminate them, using the most up-to-date therapy techniques. We will offer you the best pigmentation treatment in Gurgaon.
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Best Acne Treatment in Gurgaon, Lamidas
The house of La Midas brings you the best acne doctor in Gurgaon. The aesthetics of nature and feel of utmost care is at the core of La Midas. We work to get the best out of your skin using the latest technology in skincare and the best team of professional skin doctor in Gurgaon.
Contact: https://wa.link/tlrwy3
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Vitiligo Treatment in Gurgaon
The house of La Midas brings you the best vitiligo treatment in Gurgaon. The aesthetics of nature and feel of utmost care is at the core of La Midas. We work to get the best out of your skin using the latest technology in skincare and the best pigmentation treatment in Gurgaon.
Contact: https://wa.link/tlrwy3
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Skin Specialist Doctor in Gurgaon, Lamidas
The house of La Midas brings you the best skin specialist doctor in Gurgaon. The aesthetics of nature and feel of utmost care is at the core of La Midas. We work to get the best out of your skin using the latest technology in skincare and the best team of professional skin specialists in old Gurgaon. Our clinics are equipped with the state of art pieces of equipment to give the ultimate sense of satisfaction after the treatment.
Visit our website: https://www.lamidas.com/skin-specialist-doctor-in-gurgaon/
To text, click on this link: https://wa.link/tlrwy3
Phone:  7669054616
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Choose Good Skin Specialist in Gurgaon
The house of La Midas brings you the best skin doctors in Gurgaon. The aesthetics of nature and feel of utmost care is at the core of La Midas.
We work to get the best out of your skin using the latest technology in skincare and the team of Good Skin Specialist in Gurgaon. Our clinics are equipped with the state of art equipment to give the ultimate sense of satisfaction after the treatment.
To text, click on this link: https://wa.link/tlrwy3
Phone:  7669054616
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The house of La Midas brings you the Best Skin Specialist in Gurgaon. The aesthetics of nature and feel of utmost care is at the core of La Midas.
We work to get the best out of your skin using the latest technology in skincare and the best team of professional skin specialists in old Gurgaon. Our clinics are equipped with the state of art pieces of equipment to give the ultimate sense of satisfaction after the treatment.
To book an appointment, click on this link https://wa.link/tlrwy3
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Best Skin Doctor in Gurgoan, Lamidas
The house of La Midas brings you the best skin doctor in Gurgaon. The aesthetics of nature and feel of utmost care is at the core of La Midas.
We work to get the best out of your skin using the latest technology in skincare and the best team of professional skin doctor in Gurgaon. Our clinics are equipped with the state of art pieces of equipment to give the ultimate sense of satisfaction after the treatment
Click on the link below to contact and book an appointment
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Looking for laser treatment for acne scars cost in gurgaon, Have you noticed that pigmentation and sun damage makes your skin appear dull and lusterless? Skin conditions such as sun damage, dark spots, aging, post-acne pigmentation, and fine lines can make permanent changes on the skin, especially your face. With the latest laser treatment, you can reduce these skin problems and reveal your beautiful skin.
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At LA MIDAS, we provide nonsurgical removal of moles and warts (not cancerous). DM us to know more. For medical aesthetics and wellness, consult best skin clinic in gurgaon. CALL: +91 7669054616 Location: NR - 38, Main Nathupur Road, DLF Phase- 3 Gurugram, Haryana - 122002
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What Is Male Pattern Baldness? Are There Any Cures To It?
For the average man who even if the tiniest bit image conscious – there literally are no three words in the entire English Language dictionary that is most likely to promote an impromptu gulp of foreboding than, “male pattern baldness”.
We will ALL have bald spots eventually….no matter how many times we visit hair transplant doctors in gurgaon.
So, let’s dive in head first and get the ball rolling shall we?
What Causes Male Pattern Baldness?
One of the main causes of male pattern baldness is obviously genetics, or having a family history of baldness. Research has found that male pattern baldness is associated with male sex hormones called androgens. The androgens have many functions, including regulating hair growth.
Each hair on your head has a growth cycle. With male pattern baldness, this growth cycle begins to weaken and the hair follicle shrinks, producing shorter and finer strands of hair. Eventually, the growth cycle for each hair ends and no new hair grows in its place.
Other possible causes include:
Iron deficiency
Ø  Excess vitamin A, possibly as a result of retinoid drugs
Ø  Severe chronic illness, such as diabetes or lupus
Ø  Malnutrition
Ø  Use of anticoagulants, or blood thinners
Ø  Telogen effluvium, a disturbance of the hair growth cycle
A number of genetic changes have been linked to male pattern baldness, but only one has been confirmed by research, the androgen receptor (AR) gene.
So, trust us even going to the best hair transplant doctor in gurgaon won’t help if you have multiple of these deficiencies. You can delay the effects...that’s about it1
 How Do I know If I Have Male Pattern Baldness?
Unfortunately, identifying hair loss isn’t always easy. Some of the most common "certain signs" of hair loss you can find online aren’t reliable, making it easy to mistake normal hair loss (from non-damaged hair follicles, which will grow back) for male pattern baldness.
Luckily, there are some real signs of male pattern baldness that you can use to identify and deal with hair loss. The following are the patterns which will help you identify male pattern baldness as recommended by some of the top hair transplant clinics in gurgaon
Ø  Quite a noticeable change in your hairline - The most obvious sign of balding is a noticeable change in your hairline that you can clearly see.
Ø  Baldness often begins in the hairline, with the flat or mildly receded hairline you previously had turned into a more obvious M-shaped hairline. For most people, this begins around the temples and the crown and often starts with thinning rather than total hair loss.
Ø  Noticeable Thinning of Hair - Not all people go bald from their hairline. Some men experience what’s called diffuse thinning — a type of hair loss that either affects the entire scalp or specific areas like the crown — resulting in baldness that starts from the back or top, rather than from the hairline.
Ø  Absurd Amount of Hair loss after brushing and showering - if you start to notice an excessive amount of hair falling out throughout the day, there’s a risk that it could be the result of male pattern baldness. It is important to know that temporary hair loss can happen and that shedding a lot of hair for a day or two isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm.
If you notice a large amount of hair loss every day for a long period of time, you should seek out help or search on google, “hair transplant gurgaon”. You’ll get loads of clinics near your location, we recommend you read their reviews thoroughly and then choose one as per your convenience.
How Long Does It Take To Go Bald?
Each one of us is different. Baldness varies from person to person but it is safe to say that it takes 15 to 25 years if you experience receding hairline at 20. You can expect slick bald at the age of 35 to 45.  However, some people went completely bald in less than five years so balding experience is really unpredictable.
Does Hair Transplant Really Work?
Hair transplants are typically more successful than over-the-counter hair restoration products. However mentioned below are the factors to consider:
Ø  Anywhere from 10 to 80 percent of transplanted hair will fully grow back in an estimated three to four months.
Ø  Like regular hair, transplanted hair will thin over time.
Ø  People with dormant hair follicles (sacs that usually contain hair beneath the skin but no longer grow hair) may have less effective transplants.
Hair transplants don’t work for everyone no matter how many hair transplant clinics in gurgaon  you visit. They’re mainly used to restore hair if you’re balding or thinning naturally or have lost hair due to an injury.
It is also beneficial to know that hair transplants are not as effective for treating people with the following:
Ø  People who have widespread thinning and baldness
Ø  Hair loss has been due to medical factors like chemotherapy
Ø  Noticeable deep scalp scars from injuries
How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost In India?
Hair transplant cost in gurgaon varies from Rs. 15 to Rs. 120 per graft with some clinics offering hair transplant packages ranging from Rs. 30,000 and above according to the level of customization.
Please find below the table indicating the average hair transplant cost across various cities in India.
45,000 to 1,20,000 (35 to 40 rupees per graft)
35,000 to 1,35,000 (30 to 35 rupees per graft)
28,000 to 50,000 (30 to 35 rupees per graft)
80,000 to 1,20,000 (30 to 45 rupees per graft)
65,000 to 90,000 (20 to 35 rupees per graft)
55,000 to 1,20,000 (25 to 45 rupees per graft)
35,000 to 1,00,000 (20 to 45 rupees per graft)
70,00,000 to 1,00,000 (40 to 45 rupees per graft)
 Best Natural Ways to Delay Male Baldness
It is a natural phenomenon; so there’s is no need to worry over a few follicles falling off. There could be many causes of hair loss which include diet, mineral deficiency, medications, stress, pollution and genetics. Putting on a cap, hat or helmet could also be another reason in men. Here’s our list of the top 6 solutions to help reduce or deal with hair loss.
Ø  Washing/Rinsing Your Hair with shampoo regularly - Regular hair washing is a part of preventing hair loss by the way of keeping hair and scalp clean. Doing so, you are lowering the risk of infections and dandruff that may lead to hair breakage or loss.
Ø  A Protein Enriched Diet - Eating lean meats, fish, soy or other proteins promotes hair health and in turn helps curb hair loss.
Ø  A thorough Scalp message with essential oils - Those who have been experiencing hair loss for quite some time must massage the scalp with essential oil for couple of minutes. It helps your hair follicles remain active. You can add lavender in an almond or sesame oil.
Ø  Avoid Smoking and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages – I think it goes without saying that alcohol can be a major factor for hair loss. Also, smoking cigarettes regularly reduces the amount of blood that flows to the scalp which prohibits hair growth.
Ø  Try Keeping Your head sweat free - Men with oily hair, experience dandruff during summer due to sweating and the chances of hair fall increases. Using shampoos that contains aloevera and neem can keep the head cool and prevent from dandruff.
Ø  Stay hydrated - The hair shaft comprises one quarter water so drink at least four to eight cups of water in a day to stay hydrated and for the growth of healthy hair.
 Hopefully this has helped you get some valuable information regarding eventual hair loss. Remember it’s never too late to start! If you are starting to notice the first signs of male pattern baldness or are already experiencing it’s effects, please follow the above natural remedies and try and preserve your remaining hair for as long as you can. That’s the main goal. Not just visiting the so called best hair transplant clinics in gurgaon.
 Please share this blog and comment below on what you want us to write about next.
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Literally Eat Your Way To A Healthy Skin Today
We all know how important nutrition is to lead an active lifestyle. So, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when we say healthy food? Or, what’s the answer you get when you ask that friend/celebrity about the secret behind her glowing and gorgeous skin? Lots of fresh fruits?
Visiting expensive centres for skin pigmentation treatment in gurgaon might not be in everyone’s forte but there are no limitations to these natural ingredients.  
Finding the best fruit for your skin is like a finding that one dress or tux that you’d want to wear on a date night
And these are the key bits to remember. Fruits for glowing skin are;
Low in sugars
Have a low glycemic index
Low glycemic load
Packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (which most fruits don’t have to try too hard to tick off)
Have healthy fibre (aka are in their whole raw form rather than being juiced – if you have to chew, you’ve got fibre sorted)
 Now that that’s all said and done are you all ready to find out about our 13 top tips to literally eat your way to a healthy glowing skin?
1.   Papaya
Treating skin pigmentation 
Moisturizes the skin 
Anti-Aging benefits
 2.   Oranges
Eating one orange a day or drinking a delicious tangy glass of fresh squeezed orange juice may aid weight loss, boost your immune system, and produce healthier skin. Most doctors from some of the best centres for pigmentation treatment in gurgaon would not suggest these since this would be harmful to their business.   
Contains LOADS of Vitamin & Nutrients 
Rich in Antioxidants and Limonoids 
 3.   Grapefruits
Brightening the skin 
Anti-aging effects 
Thorough Deep Cleansing 
 4.   Tomatoes
Has high chances of stimulating collagen production 
Applied topically, vitamin C may help improve skin elasticity. 
Removal of dead skin cells 
Create a tomato scrub, combine sugar and mashed up tomatoes. 
May contain anti-ageing properties 
 5.   Red Grapes
Packed with antioxidants 
Reduces skin damage 
High source of potassium 
 6.   Strawberries
Reduces UV Damage to the skin 
Whites teeth naturally 
 Improves complexion, cleanses and tones 
Strawberries also contain salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy acid which can help reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots.
 So...What Are You Actually Saying?
It is important to remember that a number of factors contribute to glowing skin. Consuming the above-mentioned fruits is good for a healthy digestive system and to treat a number of skin issues. However, healthy skin in the long run is usually the result of a collective effort.
We hope this was a good read for you and provided you with some useful information
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Is Laser Hair Removal Really Worth It?
Are you researching about laser hair removal? Or getting to know about some of the best places for laser hair removal in gurgaon. Whatever it might be trust us when we say it pays to know your facts and figures before you get it.
There are so many pros to getting laser beyond just the hair removal aspect. If you are susceptible to ingrown hairs that aggravate your skin and cause hyperpigmentation (suuuper common in deep skin tones skin) then it can help to eliminate this.
First, let’s Talk about the Pros & Cons Of Laser Hair Removal….shall we?
What are the pros?
While laser hair removal doesn’t get rid of hair forever, it does drastically reduce hair growth
You can get it done anywhere on the body, and the machine can cover large places fast. Legs, back, underarms, bikini line, stomach, face…There is no limit to the places you can get laser hair removal. And ALWAY choose the best laser hair removal clinic in gurgaon.
When it comes to pain, we’d say it falls between shaving(doesn’t hurt at all) and waxing(hurts waaaay too much)
Talk to me about the cons
It’s a long process involving several sessions and you’d need to wait around 6 weeks between treatments
It’s expensive. We’ve talked about the costs further below. Keep reading
 If done by an untrained technician, laser hair removal could leave burns or scars on the skin.
Laser hair removal works best on fair skin with dark hair and worse on darker skin.
What Are the costs associated?
Now….let’s get into the nitty gritty. Let’s talk about the laser hair removal treatment cost in gurgaon. Please find the details listed below:
Face Laser Hair Removal Cost varies from one person to another, and this charges about Rs.10,000 to Rs.15,000.
Under Arms, Laser Hair Removal Cost depends on the area of treatment, and it’s about Rs.6,000 to Rs.10,000.
Upper Body Part Hair Removal Cost- Laser Hair Removal Treatment Cost will vary from Rs.15,000 to Rs.20,000
Bikini Line Area Hair Removal Cost ranges from Rs.8,000 to Rs.10,000
Full Body Laser Hair Removal Cost package. Full Body Laser Hair Removal Cost differs from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 45,000.
These are all the details associated with laser hair removal cost in gurgaon. 
So, what did you think of this article? Are you getting laser hair removal then? Or are you not...let us know your thoughts. Also, please be sure to suggest other topics you’d want us to cover.
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Essential Guide To Laser Treatment For Acne Scars
In today’s era with everyone becoming more and more self-consciousness especially when it comes to their looks and the way they carry themselves, “Laser treatments for acne scars" has unsurprisingly become one of the most-searched terms on the internet in regards to beauty—and it makes sense as acne scars are very common.
To the untrained eye a laser can seem like a magic wand that can make any scar disappear. Medical lasers, however, are nothing to play with. To get impressive results and avoid serious side effects, it’s important to know these basic facts before you search for the best laser treatment in gurgaon
 What is the procedure for laser treatment for scars?
We recommend you consult a doctor or look out for laser skin treatment in gurgaon to decide the procedure possible. But in general your options would be the following:
Ablative or laser resurfacing - This type of treatment improves the appearance of scars, warts, and wrinkles. Resurfacing removes the outer layer of skin and eliminates skin cells that have been damaged at the surface level.
Fractionated laser resurfacing - In fractional laser skin resurfacing, a device called a fractional laser delivers precise microbeams of laser light into the lower layers of skin, creating deep, narrow columns of tissue coagulation. Coagulated tissue in the treatment area stimulates a natural healing process that results in fast growth of healthy new tissue.
Non-ablative laser resurfacing - Non-ablative skin rejuvenation uses a laser to improve the appearance of wrinkles, brown spots and minor scars by creating heat in the skin without injuring the surface of the skin. The heat generated by the laser promotes collagen production which causes the skin to tighten and look young and healthy.
 Are There Any Risks or Side Effects To The Treatment?
Let’s be honest we all know that this process will not provide a perfect skin, it can improve the appearance of your skin. Here are some of the common risks associated with this process listed below:
Burns or other injuries from the laser's heat
Changes in the skin's pigmentation, including areas of darker or lighter skin
Reactivating herpes cold sores
Bacterial infection
 How Much Do Laser Treatments Cost?
Gurgaon is considered to be the one of the most prominent cities in India for laser treatment. So unsurprisingly, we are bombarded with queries such as “laser treatment for acne scars cost in gurgaon” . It is essential to know that the cost of treatment depends on the following:
the size of the scar
the number of scars
the amount of laser treatments you’ll need
The average price in Gurugram for this sort of treatment is Rs. 13107.00
So…Are Lasers Really The Answer for Scar Removal?
Acne must be adequately controlled before commencing treatment for acne scars. The treatment options available for acne scars include subcision, fractional CO2 laser, dermaroller, TCA cross, punch elevation and excision in most of the cases. The actual options to be used vary from person to person. You must visit your dermatologist for an exact diagnosis and treatment or even for a full body laser hair removal cost in gurgaon
 We hope this blog has answered all your acne related queries. Please be sure to comment below on what topics you’d like us to cover next and share this blog with your friends if you found the information useful.
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5 Reasons Why A Full-Proof Skin Care Routine Is Important
Do you have a skincare routine? Or, do you just prefer to fall asleep each night and not worry too much about what is on your skin? You may not think too much about your skincare routine, but the truth is you should. Your skin is one of the largest organs your body has, and it works hard every day to protect our bodies from harmful elements.
Most good skin doctors in Gurgaon won’t reveal these AMAZING secrets to you since this would disrupt their business. But, there are TONS of organic remedies that help cure these types of infections. So, we’ll list them out for you today!
Are You Experiencing ANY of these?
What do you think the function of your skin is? Of course to protect yourself from infections. But what happens when the skin itself gets an infection? There are several over-the-counter medications you can use, but others require medical attention from the best skin doctors in gurgaon
If you experience any of the following symptoms, be sure to visit your physician:
Pus or discharge
Red/darkening skin changes
Yellowish crust
Sores or blisters
Skin breakdown or ulcers
 Rash on mucosal surfaces
Swelling, warmth or pain
 Here You go...Here are the reasons...Happy?
Our Skin Sheds Itself Daily
 There are LOADS of different skin types 
 A Skin Care Routine actually saves you money
  Let’s face it. When You look good. You feel good
A skin care routine helps develop better health habits all around
What Most Doctors Won’t Share
 Apply lemon juice to your face after you put on moisturizer before you go to bed.  Add lemon juice to your diet to help fight inflammation and reduce the production of oil on your skin. This is one of the most common remedies that the majority of the skin specialist doctors in gurgaon don’t share...want to know why, because it’s so easily available!
We highly urge you NEVER to take skin complications lightly, we recommend you visit the best skin doctor in gurugram.
Get the help you so richly deserve. We hope this information helped also be sure to let us know what you want us to write about next!
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7 Most Effective Ways To Prevent Skin Infections Naturally
We all know skin infections are a REAL pain to deal with. Skin infections are common and happen to many people in the course of their lives. 
 Most skin clinics in Gurgaon won’t reveal these AMAZING secrets to you since this would disrupt their business. Luckily, there are natural and organic remedies that you can concoct with household items. Read on to find out more!
Signs & Symptoms
What do you think the function of your skin is? Of course to protect yourself from infections. But what happens when the skin itself gets an infection? There are several over-the-counter medications you can use, but others require medical attention from the best skin clinic in gurgaon
If you experience any of the following symptoms, be sure to visit your dermatologist:
Pus or discharge
Red/darkening skin changes
Yellowish crust
Sores or blisters
Skin breakdown or ulcers
 Rash on mucosal surfaces
Swelling, warmth or pain
 7 PROVEN Home Remedies To Prevent Skin Infections Naturally
Tea Tree Oil 
 Apple cider vinegar -  Put 15-20 ml in a glass of water and drink twice daily.  Apply topically to your skin using a cotton pad twice daily.
 Aloe vera -  Grab half a cup of fresh aloe vera gel and use a cotton pad to apply it to the skin and let it dry.  Repeat 3 times daily.
  Turmeric - You can take it as a dietary supplement orally.  Mix it in water to make it a paste and apply it to the skin to reduce inflammation.
 Coconut Oil -Consume a tablespoon of coconut oil once daily. Apply it to the affected area twice daily and let it become absorbed.
Lemon Juice - Apply lemon juice to your face after you put on moisturizer before you go to bed.  Add lemon juice to your diet to help fight inflammation and reduce the production of oil on your skin.
 Bentonite Clay - Calcium bentonite clay is also a popular ingredient in skincare products. Applying a lotion or cream with bentonite clay in it creates a barrier between your skin and possible irritants. 
 If your infection shows no signs of healing despite trying these treatments, contact your dermatologist immediately. Don’t take these infections lightly, we recommend you visit the best dermatologist in gurgaon for acne. 
We hope this helped!
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Find Out The 7 To Ease The Effects Of Stress On Your Skin
Everybody feels stressed from time to time, but when it becomes chronic, it can have serious consequences on your health. Stress can increase your risk of developing depression, negatively impact your immune system, and increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. So we recommend you visit a skin specialist in gurgaon.
To the skin, stress falls into one of two categories: acute or chronic, the more detrimental form of stress for the skin is the chronic kind of stress. The longer you endure stress, the more it takes a toll on your skin.
Ways to Ease The Effects Of Stress on Your Skin
You probably can’t avoid stress completely, but you can try ways to handle it better. Try these approaches:
. Get regular exercise. It's good for your skin and the rest of your body. . Take time for yourself to do something you enjoy, even if you only have 10 minutes. Take a bath or read a book. .  Practice stress management techniques, such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or visual imagery. . Get enough sleep. Seven to 8 hours each night is ideal. Say no. It's OK to set limits and boundaries to lower your stress. . Talk to someone. Seek support from a friend or visit some of the best skin specialist in gurgaon
Stress Coping Mechanisms
  Whether it’s meditation or microneedling, turning off the stress faucet and undoing the damage that’s been done are steps one and two if getting our bodies back on track.
The most important thing is to start with the intention to care for yourself. Once you have made that intention, assign a specific amount of time each day to taking care of yourself. If you only have a few seconds, take a deep breath and smile. If you only have 10 minutes, walk around and stretch. With half an hour, you can take time to do things you like, listen to your favorite songs, have a conversation with a loved one, or if it’s anything serious and if you are from gurgaon then just visit the nearest skin specialist from your location by searching n google “skin specialist in gurgaon near me” We hope this helped!
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With the growing prevalence of male pattern balding and hair thinning in women, restorative hair treatments are becoming more popular. Given how much of an impact hair has on one’s appearance and self-confidence, both men and women prefer cosmetic procedures to enhance the look of their hair volume and hairline.
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