lampyrid · 3 years
Logging in one last time to clean up some posts and also to apologize, since I've done some shitty stuff.
First, is that I've used art on some of my posts with out the artist's permission. Back when I first created this blog, I didn't think about how I am reposting someone's hard work by searching images online to use as banners. I didn't consider the owners of the artworks I've used at the time and I am very sorry. I have gone back to my posts and deleted the uncredited artwork I had used a few years ago.
Second, I saw someone reblog one of my old writings and they mentioned how I've misgendered one of the characters in the tags, which is Q from Bungou Stray Dogs. I have gone back to that post and edited the writing there as well. (To the user that mentioned this, thank you very much.)
These mistakes were made due to my ignorance and lack of thought back then, but I know these won't excuse my actions. Again, I deeply apologize for these mistakes.
I will be checking my posts one more time before I log out.
Have a nice day everyone.
Hello, thank you so much for informing us! Although I barely crawl into your inbox, I have appreciated your works and loved them a lot. Thank you so much for creating contents people can enjoy. I respect your decision in deleting your blogs as I believe it is the best for you. Please be well and I hope you stay healthy.
Thank you.
Ah, thank your for the nice message anon! Though after discussing this with some friends and thinking it over some more, I decided to just leave this blog as is. After today, this will just be an abandoned blog, along with my twst writing blog. That way, some of y'all can still read my past works.
Askbox and submissions will no longer be available though since I don't plan to come back to this account anymore.
I figured creating a new primary one where I can just post anything I want and interact with other ppl would be nice.
Anw, have a nice day everyone!
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lampyrid · 3 years
Hello, thank you so much for informing us! Although I barely crawl into your inbox, I have appreciated your works and loved them a lot. Thank you so much for creating contents people can enjoy. I respect your decision in deleting your blogs as I believe it is the best for you. Please be well and I hope you stay healthy.
Thank you.
Ah, thank your for the nice message anon! Though after discussing this with some friends and thinking it over some more, I decided to just leave this blog as is. After today, this will just be an abandoned blog, along with my twst writing blog. That way, some of y'all can still read my past works.
Askbox and submissions will no longer be available though since I don't plan to come back to this account anymore.
I figured creating a new primary one where I can just post anything I want and interact with other ppl would be nice.
Anw, have a nice day everyone!
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lampyrid · 4 years
Morning! I was wondering if I can have yan! Octavinelle headcanons please. Thanks!
Trigger Warning: Physical abuse, toxic relationships, captivity, manipulation.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is a very possessive, obsessive and insecure yandere. Once he has his hands on you, he is never letting go.
He acts like an ideal boyfriend during the early stages of your relationship: gentlemanly, attentive, and loves to spoil you with gifts and well-planned dates. However, as the both of you grow closer, he starts to show you his true colors.
Azul becomes very clingy, always wanting to spend time with you during breaks and after classes. Your phone would vibrate almost constantly due to him calling or messaging you several times throughout the day. When Azul is not around, the Leech twins are always nearby watching you and making sure no one gets too close. Slowly, your friends start distancing themselves because they don't want to get in trouble with the Octavinelle trio.
It got to a point where you didn't have a life outside of Azul. You had no one but him and the Leech twins to turn to. The octopus slowly took control and inserted himself in every aspect of your life.
Despite his controlling nature however, he's nothing but a needy, lovesick octopus behind closed doors. He wants you to spoil him, give him attention, tell him that he's a wonderful and perfect lover to you. It's like he's seeking the positive attention he didn't receive during childhood from you and you better comply or things are going to get ugly.
If you accept his affections, Azul would be the happiest man alive. He would spoil you rotten, shower you with affection everyday and would always show you how grateful he is for giving him your love.
If you continue to reject him, expect to have a front row seat to seeing his darker side. The octopus is very, very greedy, willing to do anything to get what he wants. He'll exploit your weaknesses, threaten everything you hold dear, and coerce you into signing a contract that would bind you to him forever. You'll be his. He'll make sure if it.
Floyd Leech
Floyd is terrifying. Enough said.
Honestly, you're probably going to be shocked out of your mind when one day, Floyd just pulls you aside and starts kissing you. Naturally, you struggle and try to pull away, which puts him in a bad mood.
He would give you a displeased frown, demanding an answer as to why you're trying to run away. Isn't it natural for your boyfriend to kiss you? If you blurt out that no, he is not your boyfriend, oh boy. You would most likely find yourself with a bleeding neck. The eel's teeth are ridiculously sharp and can your skin with ease.
In Floyd's mind, he laid his claim with that bite mark, so don't you dare deny him again.
It's best to just consider the impromptu kissing as Floyd's confession. Although it's more of a demand for you to date him more than anything else.
Floyd is sure to always keep you on your toes due to his erratic moods. If he's in a good mood, then you would deal with a very clingy eel that loves giving you affection (whether you want it or not). But if he's in a bad mood, tread carefully because even the smallest mistake can set him off. Make sure to placate him with hugs, kisses, and assure him that you love him. Floyd loves seeing you scramble to please him so he doesn't go on a rampage. (Although if his mood is especially bad...then those might not even work. All I can say is...good luck.)
You might be relatively safe if you have Jade and Azul nearby when Floyd's mood turns sour. They're aware that Floyd can get pretty rough, and they make sure he doesn't hurt you. Azul pities you, but preventing the chaotic eel from doing any permanent damage is the most he would do. While Jade just wants to keep his brother happy. He knows Floyd would be upset if you're gone after all.
And your friends? You can just forget about them. No one wants to mess with Floyd, and if he wants them to stay away from you? Then they'll stay away, otherwise, they're going to get squeezed.
Jade Leech
Honestly, a relationship with him is stressful and fear-inducing. Can you escape it? Of course not.
Contrary to Floyd using physical means to control his darling, Jade uses manipulation to get his way.
Just like Azul, he starts off as a seemingly perfect lover. Polite, gentlemanly, attentive...you don't even realize that he's slowly developing your dependency on him.
Jade doesn't need to force you into a relationship. Careful planning and manipulation are all he needs for you to willingly jump into his arms. Your friends are distancing themselves from you? Well, they weren't very loyal, now we're they? You're being harassed by those awful students? It's alright, he'll take care of them.
...Someone's been watching you? You see a shadow creeping around at every corner? It's fine, you'll be safe with him. He'll protect you.
You don't feel safe anymore? Oh, you poor, unfortunate soul. Come to the Mostro Lounge and stay with him. Surely, you will feel comfortable with him and his companions watching over you, yes?
And just like prey being attracted to an angler's lure, you take his hand and agree. Jade pulls you close so that you don't see the twisted smile on his face.
It was only when Jade had locked the door after you and placed you in chains that you realized your mistake. You didn't go into the arms of your protector. No. You jumped straight into the arms of the mastermind behind all of your misfortunes. And for what reason? It was all to keep you for himself.
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lampyrid · 4 years
This...is me butchering the yandere genre and it's scary elements...I suppose? Blame @adalavandula for introducing the dumb/stupid yandere au. Witness my pitiful attempt at humor :D
Trigger Warning: Stalker behavior, drugging, kidnapping, confinement
(But really, it's played off as more of a joke in this au. Don't worry, you get away just fine after having the octatrio help you with your leftover homework. They're such good senpais and hopeless yanderes)
I should probably work on my requests after my exams too...sorry it's taking so long, dreamers~
Floyd's acting strange.
Then again, he's always been a bit strange. Sometimes, the thought that he's constantly high crosses your mind with how erratic his moods are. He developed some stalking tendencies too, although he's a lot less subtle than his brother.
Like right now. He's literally a few feet away, following you wherever you go. The other students are scrambling to the side the moment they see the maniacal grin on his face and Grim is frantically whispering in your ear to hurry and get the fuck out.
Much to the cat's disbelief, you just roll your eyes and waved off the fact that Floyd looks like he's about to devour you. "Don't you have any sense of self-preservation?!" The cat yowled, almost tearing out his own fur. You gave him a calculating look before shrugging your shoulders.
"No, not really."
"[Name], what the hell?!"
You were just about to exit the school building when another tall figure blocks your way. You would have collided with Jade if you weren't able to stop yourself. "Aha~! Koebi-chan~ Going somewhere?" Floyd asked from behind before wrapping his long arms around you.
"Well yeah? It's lunch time. I already got my food, so I'm heading to the courtyard to eat it. A change of pace, y'know."
Jade raised an amused eyebrow at your unperturbed attitude before his mismatched eyes turned into crescents as he smiled. "My...you should go to mostro lounge instead. It can certainly provide a better atmosphere. I shall even provide delicious tea to go with your food."
You ignored Grim's frantic calls of "[Name], no!" and let the twins guide you to the Octavinelle dorm.
Now, you were seated on on one of the tables at the lounge with Floyd nuzzling your cheek. Grim seemed to be the only one aware that there was something wrong, urging you to not do something stupid, that's Ace and Deuce's job!
Before he can take action and burn down the lounge, Azul grabbed him with a strained smile and shoved a dish cloth in his mouth. Thankfully, it was clean.
"Good day, prefect."
"Hiya, Azul. What's up?" You greeted with a wave. Jade followed close behind, carrying a pot of tea. He poured you a cup before seating himself across the table. Azul sat beside him, throwing the struggling Grim to who-knows-where. By the crash you heard, you were pretty sure he landed in the trash can.
The trio started a nice, long chat with you and you swear their smiles got bigger everytime you took a sip of the sweet smelling tea.
It's probably drugged...but it tastes good at least.
A few minutes later, you started to feel very sleepy. You yawned and felt Floyd's embrace grow tighter as your drowsiness overwhelmed you.
The next time you woke up, you were in Azul's room and...yep. Those are definitely handcuffs around your wrists. You looked up and saw three pairs of eyes filled with obsession gazing at you unblinkingly.
You squinted.
"...What time is it?"
"It's around 1 AM, angelfish." Azul responded.
"Oh." You rolled over and closed your eyes again.
"Eh...koebi-chan? You sleeping again?"
"Oya, oya...shouldn't you be more...alarmed?"
"...I'm too tired for this shit. Wake me up when it's noon."
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lampyrid · 4 years
Dear author, I really like the way you wrote and I am hooked on your stories. May I request a scenario from a yandere rook who chases her darling, a kitsune woman who hates men, especially human men, because she was betrayed and almost killed by her human lover, who turns out to be a Yokai hunter who has been eyeing her for a long time. Pretty pleaseee 🥺🥺
A dream with the hunter this time, hm?
Vixen [Rook x Kitsune!Reader]
Rook is falling hard, and he's never been happier. Truly, it was amusing to see your composure slowly crumble as time passed. He knows you know that he's there. Always there observing you, admiring your beauty from afar. The nine tails that trailed behind you were lovely, proof of your power, age, and experience. Your adorable ears would twitch once you feel his presence. You would turn towards his hiding place with your slitted eyes, bare your sharp teeth and claws, threatening to rip him to shreds if he didn't stop.
Ah, such beauté!
Truly, you were his Mademoiselle Vixen!
No other creature has successfully captured his interest like you did. Photos of you littered his bedroom walls, hidden behind the wallpaper. Books upon books containing his observations of you filled his shelves and drawers. Even his dreams were filled about you. Oh, how he wanted to get close...close enough to touch you, to smell your scent, to feel your hot breath on his lips...
But he was a patient man. An excellent hunter knows not to rush, because that kind of carelessness will surely allow their prey to escape their clutches. This is especially true for a cautious one such as you. He knows about your utter hatred for men due to a betrayal you have experienced, and his blood boils at the thought of another hunter receiving your love, only for them to throw it away and leave you broken. It was too bad you already killed him. Rook would have loved to make him suffer.
He waits, he observes, he stalks...because aren't those what he does best?
And after a few months, his efforts come to fruition. He follows you deep into the forest surrounding the school and lets you grab him by the neck and pin him to the ground.
"What do you want from me?!" You snarled, sharp claws drawing blood. The hunter laughs, despite the restriction of his airways. He cups your cheek with an enamored smile, his gaze intense and never looking away from your own.
"Oh, Mademoiselle Vixen...you should know that already..."
He flips you over without a problem and now, you're the one getting pinned down. He leans down and gives you a kiss. A moment later, he feels sharp teeth sink into his lips.
Rook smiles.
Finally, he caught his prey.
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lampyrid · 4 years
Your rules are so sweet! I love this concept of your blog so much! So, so beautiful! Oh, my request! I wanted to ask for some Headcanons for chuuya and dazai with a darling (female please) who starts to love them and actually wants to spend time with them and cuddle? Would that be possible? Anyways have a great day/night and stay healthy!
This turned into a rather soft dream...
Nakahara Chuuya
...is wary at first once he takes notice of the change in your behavior. You've become so soft, gentle, and affectionate to him and while your sweetness makes his heart melt, he can't help but doubt you.
He knows that what he's doing to you isn't right. Putting you under constant watch, limiting your freedom, the bouts of rage, possesiveness, and aggression that he shows you whenever you disobey...
No one wants that in a relationship, so your behavior is odd to him. Don't get him wrong though, he desperately wants to believe that you're actually starting to love him. So, he gives you a little test.
One morning, he says that he'll be off on a mission and won't be back until tomorrow evening. He bids you goodbye with a kiss before leaving. However, he doesn't lock the front door. While he's out, some of his subordinates are carefully hidden around the apartment, ready to catch you if you ever try to escape. They report to Chuuya every hour about your activities.
The more he hears about how well-behaved you are, the more pleased he gets.
Once he gets home, he sees you waiting for him in the living room and he just couldn't help but give you a bone crushing hug. A smile appears on Chuuya's face once he feels you return his embrace.
After that, your relationship turns...normal. Almost. You're still under constant surveillance, but you have more freedom.
You want to go out and get some fresh air/do errands? Call Chuuya first and he'll have one of his subordinates escort you. If he's not busy, then he'll be the one that comes with you.
You want to spend some time with friends? Make sure that it's only women. Chuuya doesn't want you getting close to other men besides him and his most trusted.
You want to pursue a passion? Go ahead, Chuuya will support you.
Chuuya absolutely loves cuddling with you. He can feel his heart melting whenever you look at him with such loving eyes and give him affection. Quiet nights spent relaxing on the bed and enjoying each other's presence helps a lot in relieving his stress as a mafia executive.
He has a wonderful lover to come home to and he couldn't be happier.
Dazai Osamu
...is pleased at your change of heart.
He really didn't mind you struggling or fighting against him. Toying with you is always fun.
But having you return his affections? Now that's something that makes him extremely happy. He can spot lies and trickery miles away and you've never been a good liar, so there was no need for him to doubt you. He can see that you really did learn to love him.
From that point on, Dazai showing his darker side becomes a rare occurrence. There's no need to frighten his well-behaved kitten unnecessarily after all.
Dazai's goofy side takes over and you would often find yourself in his embrace while the man coos at how good you are to him, before showering with you with kisses. He's quite touchy feely, so you better get used to him clinging to you whenever he can.
Dazai trusts you enough to let you go out on your own. Think of it as one of his rewards for you. Although, do take note that he'll always know where you are and is always keeping a constant watch on your activities.
The contacts on your phone is monitored as well. They're just safety precautions because you know..."Just in case, my dear kitten!"
During most nights, Dazai would stay up a bit later so he can watch you sleep peacefully by his side. It's a shame you don't see it, but during those times, his expression turns so very soft and gentle as he takes his hand through your hair, still in awe at the fact that you accepted him, even though he's so broken. He'll whisper a thank you before kissing your forehead.
Expect him to bring you to Odasaku's grave as well. The both of you will spend the rest of the day there, just talking and looking out into the sea.
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lampyrid · 4 years
when the moon rises
Hm~ Spooky, scary story time~ Send shivers down my spine~
Ah, yes, October. The time when monsters come out of hiding. Quite fun isn’t it? To celebrate, I’ve prepared a little story for you all~ I do hope you enjoy yourselves, dear dreamers!
Lean back, relax, and let yourself get immersed in a fantasy with our dear sea creatures...
Trigger Warning: Graphic depictions of violence, gore, character death, hypnotism
Preview: ...Once you saw the contents of the giant net, you froze, eyes widening in disbelief as you saw a creature that you never thought you would see again in your lifetime. Trapped within the net was a merman. Drenched silver hair glistened under the light of the rising sun, and his pretty blue eyes seemed to glow dimly, almost eerily as he glared at his captors.
The crashing waves rang in your ears as you made your way out onto the deck of the ship. The sun was barely rising, painting the dark sky with hints of orange as you saw it emerging from the east. The morning breeze was cold and bit your skin, causing goosebumps to appear. The waves and the cries of the seagulls up above mixed with the shouts of your crew mates as they heaved something onto the deck.
“We got 'im!”
“We're gonna be rich!”
You frowned and approached them in order to get a better view of what got them so excited. Once you saw the contents of the giant net, you froze, eyes widening in disbelief as you saw a creature that you never thought you would see again in your lifetime. Trapped within the net was a merman. Drenched silver hair glistened under the light of the rising sun, and his pretty blue eyes seemed to glow dimly, almost eerily as he glared at his captors. His skin tone was nothing like a human's, baring a purple color while his lower half wasn’t anything like a regular merfolk's tail. Instead of a sparkling and beautiful tail, eight, black appendages writhed under the net, lashing out at the humans that dared to come too close.
His distressed cries rang in your ears, almost causing you to charge in there and make your other crew mates back off. And perhaps you would have done so if it wasn’t for the hand that placed itself on your shoulder. You looked up, seeing your captain looking at the merman trapped in the net. “Beautiful ain’t he?” You can’t help but agree. Regardless of how inhuman he looked, the merman really is beautiful.
“Captain, why are we capturing him? Isn’t it dangerous to make his kind angry?”
“Some of those nobles from the Land of Pyroxene wanted one.”
“I see…so this was part of that deal you made…”
He nodded his head. “You know lassie, those nobles have real strange interests. They're fools who think that money can get them anything they could ever want. Even forces that are outside of their control.” You looked back at the merman with a frown, seeing that he was already getting dragged inside the ship. You remembered the other men setting up a giant cage in the ship’s hold a few days ago. Were they actually going to put the poor merman in there?
“…And what about people like us? Are we the fools that get swept away at the thought of riches?” The old man gave a wry smile before ruffling your hair. “Exactly. We're all greedy bastards that love riches. I know that there will be consequences for this, but the noble’s deal was too good to pass up. We need the money to keep on travelling these seas.” Your frown deepened and your fists clenched. “What do they want with that merman?”
“They'll eat him.”
You choked at his blunt declaration. Truly, you were at a loss for words at how stupid those nobles were. The legend of the merfolk's flesh was well-known throughout the lands. It is said that if a human consumes a merfolk's flesh, they will gain eternal youth, never aging, never dying, until the end of time. It sounded amazing to an ignorant man, but more often than not, consuming merfolk's flesh brings terrible consequences. Only a select few are lucky enough to gain immortality. The others either die right away or they turn into hideous monsters that haunt the seas. You have seen it once before a few years ago. Those monsters that attacked the ship had bulging milky eyes, ridiculously sharp teeth, and carried the stench of decay in their deformed bodies. To think that someone was still willing to go  through the risks for something so ridiculous as immortality…
“I know what yer thinking lassie. We got no say in what those nobles do. All we gotta do is to worry about ourselves. Misfortune comes to those who enrage one of the merfolk. We best be prepared for whatever karma throws at us.”
With a heavy sigh, you trailed after your captain, letting the sound of the waves fade as you both entered the ship. Once the merman was secured, the ship changed its course back in the direction of the Land of Pyroxene where the nobles were waiting. It would take around two weeks before the ship would arrive there, so the crew needed to care for the merman to make sure that he stays alive and won’t escape until all of you arrive at your destination.
As expected, the merman was difficult to handle. You can’t really blame him, honestly. He's locked in a cage, each of his limbs chained like some sort of pet. Once someone reached within his striking range, he would lash out and emit a horrible screeching sound, causing everyone's ears to ring. The best that the crew could do was to splash buckets of water on him every few hours to make sure he doesn’t dry up. Feeding him however…was an impossible task. He refused to eat and would attempt to bite someone's hand the moment they got too close. The men thanked the gods that their captive didn’t have sharp teeth, otherwise, he would have drawn a lot of blood.
For the next two days, the merman's screeching echoed within the ship along with a lot of yelling and things crashing. When the third day arrived and you saw your crew mates already reaching their wit's end, you sighed and handed the mop to the one in charge of feeding the merman. He looked at you incredulously before you pried the bucket of fish in his hand and walked away. The man spluttered before attempting to stop you. “Wait, lassie! The merman's dangerous! If ya got hurt, cap'n will kill me!”
“Well, you're not making any progress are you? Lemme try or else we might have a dead octopus on our hands.” You ignored his pleas for you to stop and descended down the wooden stairs leading to the ship's hold. Just as you opened the door, menacing clicking sounds greeted you. The merman's eyes glowed eerily in the dim light as the chains binding him rattled. You gulped, feeling cold sweat dropped down your brow. You had to admit that he was intimidating and looked like he wanted to strangle you with his tentacles, but you were already here. There's no way you'll turn back now. After taking a deep breath, you took a cautious step forward.
“H-Hey…um…sir merman? I got you some food. Mind eating them?” You spoke in the softest voice you could, slowly placing the bucket down and raising your arms in a placating gesture to show that you didn’t mean any harm. The clicking stopped but the glare did not recede from his face. “Listen…I'm really sorry about what we've done and…I can’t really do anything to bring you back home…but uh, I’ll do my best to care for you at least? Until you know…we arrive at our destination? You look real hungry so you should eat…please.” He tilted his head and just stared at you for a while.
His gaze made you uncomfortable and you couldn’t help but fidget under his scrutiny. You felt a cold feeling wash over you as his gaze locked with your own. Thoughts immediately flew out of your head, as if your mind was overcome with a thick haze. Your arms slowly dropped to your side as you stood there in a daze. “…How beautiful.” You muttered. The merman smiled, and he opened his lips once again. Instead of an inhumane screech, a beautiful tenor resounded within the room.
You snapped out of your daze, eyes widening as your senses returned once more. The merman pointed at the bucket in front of you before gesturing you to come closer. You picked up the bucket and slowly approached his cage, handing him one of the fish. He accepted and started eating. “Oh good, you're finally eating.” You said happily. “Sheesh, those old farts were probably just too rough on you, huh?” You chuckled and the merman hummed in response. He gestured for another fish and you complied, watching as he devoured his food eagerly.
“Good job on feedin' the mer lassie. Looks like all he needed was a pretty one to feed 'im!” You jumped and turned around, seeing your captain leaning by the doorway. Your other crew mates were peaking behind him, staring at you in awe. “Ugh, shut up, captain. What pretty one?” You huffed, causing the old man to laugh. Although the light-hearted moment was short-lived as the merman screeched once again. Everyone winced as he got back to glowering and writhing in his restraints. Your ears took the brunt of the damage due to you being in front of him. You hurriedly grabbed the bucket and scrambled to push out your captain before turning towards the merman with a strained smile. “Sorry about that...thank you for finishing your food, sir merman! I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?”
You had shut the door quickly, not seeing the tears that welled up in the merman's eyes at your retreating back. He screeched once more and slammed down his tentacles on the floor in frustration.
That night, you had a dream. You blinked, finding yourself in your old room back when you were a little girl. You looked out the window, seeing the full moon high up in the sky, illuminating the ocean below. Then, you looked down at yourself, seeing your much smaller body clad in your blue seashell print pajamas. You were a little girl again.
Wordlessly, you got off your bed and exited the room. Everything was silent. Your bare feet felt cold as you explored your old house, nostalgia filling your senses. Everything was the same as you remembered it to be. The white walls, the purple curtains, the pictures that hang on the wall containing you and your father’s smiling faces. It’s always just been you with your father. You didn’t know who your mother was. Not even what she looked like. When you asked your father, he would smile at you and say that she's out there somewhere.
“Oh, why are you up, [Name]? Couldn’t sleep?”
You jumped, startled as you saw your father standing by the front door. “I had a scary dream…” You found yourself saying. He ruffled your hair in response as a sign of comfort. “I’m sorry. I wish I can stay with you, but it’s time for me to go.”
You tilted your head in response, leaning into the man's touch. “Go where papa? It’s night time…don’t you always tell me it’s dangerous to go out at night?” He smiled at you fondly before looking back at the open door. “That’s true. But she's waiting, you see.”
“Who?” Right as you asked that question, a strong wind blew and made the windows rattle. Then, a melodic voice followed. You took a peak out the door, seeing the silhouette of a woman near your house. It seems the pretty voice was coming from her. She sounded like she was singing a lullaby. It made you feel really sleepy and before you new it, your eyelids began to droop.
“…Goodbye, [Name].”
You gasped and jolted up from your bed, heart beating wildly. You placed a hand on your chest as you panted, cold sweat dripping down your brow. You frantically looked around your surroundings, realizing that you were back in your room within the ship. You glanced at the small, circular window, seeing that the sky was still dark. You sighed and placed your hand on your head, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down.
“Why now?” You muttered. You haven’t had that dream in a long time. Why did it come back to haunt you again? There was just no way you could go back to sleep after that. With a groan, you pulled off your sheets and got up. Perhaps some fresh air would do you some good. You wiped away the sweat dripping down your face before putting on your shoes and exiting your bedroom. You made your way towards the deck, and once you opened the door, the cool breeze greeted you along with the sight of your captain leaning against the railings.
The man raised his eyebrow as he saw you approach. You settled beside him and placed your arms on the railings, looking out into the ocean. “Now what are ya doin', still up this late at night.” He asked. “I had a dream…about when my dad left.” Your captain paused for a moment before urging you to continue. “I thought I was over it but suddenly, that dream starts to haunt me again after all these years.”
“…Maybe seeing that merman made you remember things. After all, yer father…” got taken away by a mermaid was left unsaid, but you understood. When you woke up after that night years ago, the town was in chaos. A fisherman had seen your father being led into the ocean by a beautiful woman in a white dress. They knew immediately what had transpired.
The nice old couple that knew your dad took you in for a while afterwards. They didn’t explain anything in detail, but you heard enough from the whispers of the concerned adults in town.
“…lost his mind when his wife passed…”
“…holding on for his daughter…only remembrance…”
“…mermaid took advantage of his weakness…”
Three years later, your captain arrived at the town and adopted you after hearing about the fate of his close friend. Your caretakers were reluctant about letting you leave with him, but you accepted his offer. It was far too painful for you to stay in the town where even little things would remind you of your parent.
“I think it would be best if ya stayed away from the merman. Ye'd be a big help in keeping him docile, but I won’t force ya. We'd throw the damn food straight to his mouth if we have too.” The man joked, making your lips twitch upwards. “Nah, it’s fine. I can’t let these memories haunt me forever. It’s in the past, so I need to move on from it. Besides, I’m not too keen on hearing a lot of screeching for the rest of the trip.”
“Hah! Right ya are, lassie! Now then, off to bed with ya. Don’t want ya fallin' asleep on yer feet tomorrow.”
“Mhm! Leave merman feeding duties to me from now on!”
And so, the next day, you were back in the ship's hold carrying another bucket of fish. The merman brightened once he saw you and he hummed. You raised your eyebrow in surprise and a bit of amusement. You didn’t think that he would like you so much. You took a seat on the floor and started handing the fish to him one by one.
“…So, what's your name, anyway?”
A look of confusion crossed the merman's face as he tilted his head. Well, you expected as much. Your language probably sounded alien to him. “Ah, well. Never mind. Why don’t we start with my name first?” You pointed to yourself with a smile before saying your name. You repeated it several times, emphasizing the syllables. The merman squinted at your lips, trying to observe their movement and remember the sounds you produced. He tried replicating it, but distorted sounds came out of his lips instead. He huffed silently and kept trying.
You chuckled, causing him to perk up. He tried to speak your name with more vigor, enjoying the smiling face you were giving him. By the time you had to leave, the merman had already succeeded in saying the first syllable of your name. You gave him a thumbs up, praising him for his good job. Although his chipper mood faded once he saw you walking towards the door. He gave a distressed sound, the chains rattling as he struggled to follow after you. You looked back and once you saw his expression, a pang of pity shot through your heart.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, okay, sir merman?” You waved goodbye and hurriedly shut the door. It was strange. It had only been two days since you met him, but you felt like you were starting to get attached. The merman was nice when he wanted to be. You feel like you could be friends. However…once the ship reaches the Land of Pyroxene…
…he'll die.
He got taken away from his home, caged up, and will be sent to the slaughter. And for what? All for some stupid people's wishes.
You were underwater this time. Flowing water rang in your ears as you looked around, bubbles erupting from your parted lips. Your grabbed your throat in confusion, realizing that the familiar sting you felt in your nose and eyes when submerged in water was not present. You were breathing normally as if you were still on the surface. Curious, you started swimming forward, seeing no sign of life. You were all alone.
At least, that was what you thought before you saw two long shadows pass by the corner of your eye.  You turned around quickly, but the shadows moved so fast, your eyes could barely catch them. They seem to be circling you like predators waiting for the perfect time to strike.
You jumped as two voices laughed at your terrified expression, as if thoroughly amused. The shadows each had one gold eye, glowing eerily. “W-What do you want from me?” You asked, voice filled with fear. In response, your tormentors grinned.
The image of the full moon flashed before your eyes before you realized that the two shadows were now right in front of you, reaching out with their clawed hands.
The merman's distressed calls snapped your of your train of thought, causing your gaze to focus on him once again. It’s been a few days since you first told him your name, and now he can do it with ease. It seems he practiced a lot while you were away, which you found rather cute.
“Oh, sorry.” You said sheepishly, handing him another of fish. He didn’t have an interest in the food anymore though. Instead, his hand reached out, although he could only brush the bars of the cage before the chains stopped him. You stared at his displeased frown, before slowly reaching out to him as well. You were a bit nervous since this was your first time trying to touch him. You stayed on guard for any sudden movements…but he gave no sign of being hostile.
Once your hand was in reach, he grasped it firmly and placed it on his cheek. A pleased rumble emerged from his throat as he relished your warmth.
“[Name]…” He purred before his blue eyes stared at you once again. “A-Ah…” His other hand pointed towards himself. “Ah…zh…uh…” You hummed in confusion, watching as he took a deep breath and tried again.
“Oh! I see now! Your name is Azul!”
He nodded, pleased with himself. You grinned happily. “Nice to meet you, Azul!”
Your friendship only developed from there as you spent the following days getting to know the merman. You often listened to him sing, filling the room with his beautiful voice. As payment, you taught him your language, teaching him various words and showing him a lot of your favorite books. Sometimes, Azul would get very curious about your legs and feet, so you would draw closer to his cage so he can examine your limbs. In return, he would let you touch his tentacles. They were squishy and very soft. It felt weird the first time, but you got used to its suction cups latching on to your skin as his appendage coiled around your wrist.
Your days were peaceful…but you knew time was running out. Every passing day, the Land of Pyroxene drew closer, and so did Azul's day of death. Just the thought of those people eating him was enough to make you nauseous. You mentally counted the days with dread pooling at your stomach.
“Lassie…we’re nearing our destination. We'll arrive there at noon tomorrow. I know you got attached to that merman…and I wanted to stop ya…but ya looked so happy. I just couldn’t do it. I’m sorry.”
“I know. I never forgot the reason he ended up here in our ship. I’ll apologize…and say goodbye.”
The ache you felt in your heart seemed much stronger now as you bid farewell to Azul. As expected, he called out your name as you started to walk away. You looked back at him one last time, biting your lip. There was a part of you that wanted to unlock those chains and set him free, but…you couldn’t do that to your captain and the crew. They raised you, took care of you and protected you. And as much as you hate to admit it, they were more important than the short friendship you formed with Azul.
“I’m sorry.” Were the last words you said before exiting the ship's hold. You sighed and looked out the small circular window, seeing the full moon high up in the sky. The longer you looked at it, the more unsettled you felt. Your rubbed your arms in an attempt to soothe the goosebumps that started appearing on your skin. For now, you should just head back to your room and rest. You all have big day tomorrow.
The moon was rather beautiful tonight.
Yes, it was such a nice night…to hunt.
WARNING: Things get pretty graphic from here on out. If you can’t handle gory descriptions, please scroll down until you see the divider.
Two heads emerged from the surface of the ocean and mismatched eyes trailed after the ship as it glided through the water. The two figures looked at each other and grinned maliciously before swimming towards the vessel. Once they were right next to it, they submerged under water and shot upwards a few moments later. The two mermen's tails morphed into a pair of human legs before they landed on the deck without a sound. They crept closer towards the human behind the wheel, unaware of the two predators approaching. He only realized that something was amiss when he saw two shadows looming over him.
He quickly turned around as he was reaching for his sword, but it was already too late. His blood splattered all over the floor as his throat was ripped open. His lifeless corpse slumped to the ground, with eyes frozen in shock and terror. The merman on the left made clicking sounds, speaking to his brother in a language unknown to human ears. The latter agreed, and they both grabbed the corpse, feasting on their prey. The night was filled with crunching sounds as sharp teeth shred through human flesh. They bit and chewed until only a pile of chunked meat and bones were left on the foot of the steering wheel.
The two mermen then made their way inside the ship, following the scent of their captured companion, leaving a trail of bloody footprints behind. They attacked the crew members unfortunate enough to stand on their way, ripping their throats out before they even got a chance to scream. One merman preferred to finish the job quickly. He already ate his fill, so he threw the corpses on the floor and walked away without a second glance. The other loved to play with his food, often ripping their bodies open and pulling their victim's innards out. He didn’t eat them though. He thought it was just fun, and once he got bored, he left the mess he made on the floor, following after his brother.
The ship was slowly becoming a bloodbath as the two silent killers stalked the halls. Those that were left sleeping in their rooms were left unaware of the horrors that were happening within their beloved ship.
Once the two mermen got rid of the one guarding the door, they entered the ship's hold, seeing their companion chained up and locked in a cage. They both frowned in displeasure before swiftly destroying his prison and bindings. Azul thanked them, sighing in relief as he stretched his ten limbs for the first time after a long period in captivity. The two mermen produced clicking sounds once again.
“̷̞̮͓̏K̵͉̼͈̽͛͝į̵̟̂͌l̷̛͙̱̩̄͘͝l̷̬̐ ̷̬͍͊͑̆͝t̴͈͌͜ḫ̶̡̬̪͗e̶̡̠̪͇͋͘ ̵̡͚̯̱͘ṟ̵̭̄̽e̷̺̪̥̚͜͠ș̵̀́͑͝t̸̪̦̺͆?̶̳̠̝̈́”̴̮̪̔̈́ͅ
Azul shook his head, fondly remembering your smiling face. “̷͓̯̖̖͑N̵̺͙̝̮̈́ơ̵̱.̵̘̱̈́͒͐͛ ̸̧͖͝G̶̼̭̼̥̍͂ì̷͔̺̰͊̃̒ŕ̴̙͛̄̕l̵̖̱̗̪̊̎͘…̵͉̟͌ỉ̶̠̲̝̗̚s̴̟̩͔͆̚ ̵̢̲͆͝m̸̳͉̈́i̵̫̊̿̓͝n̶̡̖̯̩͝é̶̡̖̮̿.̷̢̞̈͌̕ ̵̗͒̊Ḯ̴̝̰̭̓ ̴̡̓w̵̢͓̼̏a̸̰̱͒̆n̶̤̫̽t̷͂̓͗͘ͅ…̸̩̦̝̅̈́t̸̡̝̞͓̆̒ḫ̷̾̽̈̕͜e̷̩͍̭̊͗ ̸̬͑g̸̩͔̟̼̽i̵̡̳̽̿͑͝r̶̲̭̔͘l̷̺͉̰͊͛͜.̴͈̆̔͛͝ ̸͈͕͓͂͝D̵̢͈̝͙̈́̿ŏ̴̼n̵̡̫̤̈́’̸̥̘͔̦̓̿̃̚t̷̡̬̼͂͝ ̷͇̈́h̴̬̙͋͂̊ú̷̙̖͔͛͊͂r̴̯͕̫͎̀̍̀ţ̸̟̫͌.̵̹̜͕̓̐ͅ”̵̪͎̈́̑
The two looked at each other before grinning. “̴̡̖̈́̍ͅ��K̷̙̽̈́ḯ̸̝̦̬̖͐̚͝l̸̥͍͒̾͠ḷ̷̍́ ̷̝̹̟͕̈́͘͘ê̸̤ͅṽ̸̫͈e̸̬̔͗r̷̢̥̿̓ȳ̶͚̰̉̈́o̴̼̮̼͋͒n̴̗̫̓̕ẻ̴̞͚̈́͐̃ ̸̱̞̈̉͝ë̴̡̳̖̀̔̚l̸͙̏̃͛̐ş̷̣̈́e̵̳̞̖͋͘?̵̡̬͔̟́̂͋”̶͈̬̥͌̅
“̶̫̹̈́̆̿̉Y̸̘͓͙̠͘e̷̪͂̊̍ͅṣ̶̜̹͋̈́.̸̜̙͋ ̵͈͕̫̈͐̕͠Ò̸̳͈̜n̵͍̝͙̖͐͆̚l̷͕̃̔y̵̳̣̰̑́̐̌ͅ ̵͓̮̉͜͝[̵͖̳̈̑͐͘N̸̜̩̈́͋̿̈́ͅả̶̢̋͗̇m̵̘̯͂e̷̥̥͈̫̿̏͆]̷͇͒͂̅͝ ̶̖͖̳̳̈́͛͘s̴̠͐̃h̷͎̥́̍̊͂à̵͕̳͊l̷̳͊̌͐̿l̸̘͚͉͖̃̏ ̴̰͔̰̿l̸̲̳̀́ͅí̸̹v̶̞̫̣̆e̷̢̤͗̄́.̷̡͎͖̌̽͜”̸̩̻̾͒
“N-No...! No! Stay away!”
“Monsters! They’re monsters!”
“We’re getting punished by the merfolk!”
“Ahhhhhhhh! Help! Help!”
Screams from outside quickly jolted you out of your sleep. You hurriedly threw of your covers and ran out of your room with your heart pounding. Why was everyone screaming? Did the ship hit something? Is the ship under attack? What about the captain?
Thoughts raced through your head as you ran down the hall. Once you turned the corner, you froze, stopping in your tracks at the gruesome sight in front of you. Mangled bodies of your crew mates littered the floor. You could see their organs spilling out of the holes in their stomach and chest, and some of them had their faces eaten and you couldn’t even recognize who they were. The heavy stench of blood coupled with the scene made you collapse then and there, vomiting on the blood stained floor. You retched as tears streamed down your face, realizing that the crew…your family was dead. Slaughtered by something that entered the ship while all of you were unaware.
“Captain…everyone…” You sobbed, clutching your head. Your breaths were becoming quicker as this event started to push you to your breaking point.
And then, you hear it. Clicking sounds that steadily grew louder and louder. Trembling, you looked at the end of the hall, seeing two familiar shadows, each of their gold eye glowing eerily. They stared at you before turning to each other. The one on the left pointed towards you with a happy smile.
“̷̥͔̜̃̓T̶͚͓̣̈́h̶̩̔̅̚͠e̸̟̘͛̍ ̶̢͔͒̕g̸̪͋̑̄̕͜ȋ̶̟͈̥̌͒̎ͅŗ̶̺̝̋̓͑ļ̶̝͔̀͛̀͐!̷̡̤͖͂̊̄̒ ̶̣̩̘́̿̈H̸̝͍͍̒̂͐͛ͅů̴̧̑̅͠m̵̜̟̆ȧ̴̲̱̙̏̓͐͜n̷̢̬̮̏͜ ̵̥̏͛g̸̛͕̯̈́i̸̦̙̗̫̇̑̂ŕ̴̨̰͊͒͠l̴̗͋̈́!̴̢̡̫̻̊͗́̓”̸̨̻͇̘̈́̀̓
Without a word, you got up and started running, trying to ignore their startled cries and rapid footsteps following you. You recognize those two men. They were definitely the shadows you saw within your dream. Or…maybe it wasn’t a dream? Perhaps it was a warning.
Was this the consequence of capturing Azul? Of enraging the merfolk?
You didn’t know anymore. All you needed to do was to get out of here and find help. You need to make it to the deck and just jump overboard. You'll swim all the way to the Land of Pyroxene if you had to. You just needed to get away…!
“Don’t…be scared…”
Slimy appendages wrapped around your body, putting your escape to a halt. You screamed and struggled at the bindings, panic and adrenaline fueling your exhausted body.
“[Name].” The sound of your name made you stop struggling, and with horror you turned and saw Azul's smiling face. “A-Azul?” You said in disbelief. He was now in human form, although four black tentacles swayed behind him. Your horror only grew as the two men that slaughtered your family was right behind him, looking at you with curious eyes. Azul frowned once he noticed your crying face before he placed his lips right next to your ear and started to sing. His companions grinned and joined in on Azul's singing. You felt your mind start to become clouded the longer you heard their melodies. Your body became limp in Azul's grasp as your eyes began to glaze over. You felt cold, but at the same time, it was comforting. You leaned into Azul's touch as he started patting your head, cooing at you.
“Go…home…let's go home, [Name].”
Azul grabbed your hand and led you outside, the twin mermen trailing after you. Once you reached the edge of the deck, Azul cupped your cheeks and placed his lips on yours, pushing something inside of your mouth. You swallowed it without protest, causing him to hum happily.
The twin mermen jumped into the ocean first, regaining their tails. Then, Azul helped you stand on the railing before going up himself. A few moments later, the both of you jumped overboard as well, hand in hand. You closed your eyes and knew no more.
The next day, fishermen found an abandoned ship drifting near the Land of Pyroxene. Those who investigated were horrified after discovering the mangled and decaying corpses of the sailors inside. The nobles who requested the capture of a mer now feared for their lives once they recognized who the ship belonged to.
They never attempted to seek out the merfolk again as the chilling thought that they could be next haunted their minds for the rest of their days.
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lampyrid · 4 years
Hey hello. So for the past few day's i have been follow you're blog and i quite fond and love you're blog oh so very much!, are you still accept request? Can i have the reaction of the dorm leaders when their darling told them that they were an empress with the nickname the goddess of war by the knights and the people of her Kingdom, and heard stories during Darling's time in the battlefield and the time she ruled over her kingdom. Pretty please🥺🥺
Hm...you’re quite the greedy dreamer...usually, I accept only up to five individuals in a dreamer’s dream...but since you’re the first one to request this world, I’ll let it slide just this once. 
Riddle Rosehearts
...is in awe once he finds out about your status. 
He knew that there was something special about you. The way you carried yourself, full of confidence and dignity, your discipline and manners, the way you effortlessly took the lead and instructed your friends through difficult situations...to think that you were an empress of all things!
He admired the Queen of Hearts for she was a strong woman that upheld the rules and valued discipline. That admiration now extends to you. You are an amazing person in his eyes. He was not royalty like Malleus and Leona, but he knows that it is incredibly hard to rule an empire and gain your citizen's respect. You must have put a great deal of effort to obtain what you had.
He loves hearing tales of your conquests, but at the same time, he can't help but think of the hardships you went through, especially when you went into battle. 
After finding out about your status, Riddle would hold your hand more often. He would gaze at your delicate fingers and feel the callouses on your hands, no doubt gained from wielding a weapon. A Goddess of War indeed.
Although with Riddle's admiration, there is also pangs of insecurity going through his heart.
Is he good enough for you? You have an empire waiting for you back in your world...does that mean you will leave him? Rulers put their people first, do they not?
He asks for your forgiveness, because he would never let you go back. His twisted love for you is stronger than his conscience. If your empire should fall without you around then...so be it.
Aside from that, nothing changes. You are still within Riddle's clutches, obeying his rules and accepting his affections with no other choice.
Although your achievements do motivate Riddle to work harder and prove that he is a worthy man to be with you.
In Twisted Wonderland, you are not an empress.
Riddle is the King of Heartslabyul. And you are his Queen.
Leona Kingscholar
...feels jealousy go through his heart.
You're an empress admired by your people while he's the second prince of a kingdom that won't get to offer you anything grand.
Don't get him wrong, his respect for you is immense especially when he finds out that you're a warrior as well, just like the women from his home. He just doesn't like feeling inferior. Not to his brother and definitely not to you. Expect him to become even more possessive of you after he finds out your status.
With how you're nicknamed the Goddess of War by your people and how you're experienced in real battlefields, he most likely would not have a chance at ever pinning you down completely.
Also, even if he can't actually scratch you, that doesn't mean he can't lay a hand on your little herbivore friends. He knows that your first instinct is to protect them, and he will hold that against you.
He takes care of any man that dares to approach you with hidden intentions. Leona can smell would-be rivals a mile away. If they're not careful, they'll get mauled.
Don't even think about going back to your world because your "people need you". You're staying, no questions asked. That empire of yours can go and find themselves a new ruler.
Still, he does love seeing you fight. Either with a sword or bare-handed, you look beautiful in his eyes. It also amuses him when he sees the anger and frustration in your eyes as you slice a large tree in two. You're clearly taking out your rage in training due to your current predicament.
That's fine. You're a lot easier to deal with once you're calm, and the other Savanaclaw students can witness your power as well. A powerful warrior empress fit for the king of beasts.
Azul Ashengrotto
...first witnesses your prowess when you manage to bring down Floyd with one hit. He remembered almost spitting out ink as he watched you bring down the six foot tall eel. Well, that threw some of his plans into disarray.
There was quite the scuffle in Mostro Lounge that day as you fought the twins protecting the octopus. Azul stayed out of your range, holding the golden contract tightly within his hands. 
He was utterly enamored as he saw you fight so fiercely. Burning eyes, a ferocious expression, soft lips pulled into a snarl, vigorous and precise movements...it made shameful feelings arise within him and he found himself trembling with excitement as you got a little too close for comfort before Jade pulled you back.
But, you had one weakness. And that was your lack of magic. With several spells at his disposal, you were eventually subdued. The twins both had to pin you down as you glared at Azul.
You were stuck with the mer and there was no getting out of it. Due to your abilities, you'll find yourself chained up in Azul's bedroom with chains imbued with magic until you learn to behave. They were extremely difficult to obtain...but anything for you, my dear.
Once he finds out about your background, his feelings would be quite similar to Riddle. He is amazed, yet his heart would fill with insecurities. From there, Azul would seek specific people out and trap them in a contract. Each of those individuals would have qualities that would serve to perfect his image even more. His darling is an empress, so she deserves a worthy man. (He won't allow that worthy man to be anyone else other than him.)
You can say goodbye to your empire as well. Because once the both of you graduate, he'll take you back to Coral Sea where you'll spend the rest of your life with him.
He could never be an emperor but...perhaps he could be the magician that makes you happy. (He'll wait until you learn to love him.)
Kalim Al-Asim
His eyes would sparkle with interest once he finds out about your background. 
An empress?! A Goddess of War?! How incredible! You're such an amazing person! It makes Kalim love you even more.
He loves to hear stories about your time as a ruler. About the monsters you've fought, about the people you've met, about how your empire developed, any story you tell would excite Kalim.
And as an empress, you should only have the best, right? So he spoils you rotten. Beautiful clothes made of the best fabric, sparkling jewels that bring out your pretty eyes, exotic pets that will be trained to listen to your beck and call...just say the word and Kalim will get you anything you want.
He would watch in awe as you dueled with Jamil, enjoying the sight of you moving so gracefully with your weapon. (Jamil on the other hand is worried and very much on guard. He knows your circumstances and he fears that you may go after Kalim's life. With that kind of physical prowess, assassination would be a very easy thing to do.)
While Kalim cares for you very much, he's also a bit delusional. In his mind, he's thinking that you had already abandoned your empire to stay with him. You chose him over your own people which makes him happy (and a bit guilty). He chooses to ignore the obvious signs and view your relationship through rose-tinted glasses.
He reassures you that your empire is fine, that a new ruler would come and make things better there.
So please, don’t look so sad! Just look at the new world Kalim will show you! He’s sure that you will grow to love it, just as much as you loved your empire!
The moment his family find out about you, they’re over the moon! They start planning your future wedding right away. It will be grand, it will be beautiful, and it will be a day that you will remember forever!
Kalim is sure that you'll make a wonderful wife and mother to your future children.
Vil Schoenheit
Well now, looks like you're not a potato after all. 
He had his doubts about you being a normal person of common status. You walked with grace and confidence, carrying an aura that even the other nobles of Pomefiore found themselves treating you with respect as if you were higher than them.
Charisma, poise, excellent manners, intelligence...you had it all. Someone that is truly fit to be a royal. Vil is very pleased about this. He won't have to do much in turning you into a perfect lover.  All you needed was a bit of polishing to shine as bright as him.
Vil loves showing you off and you would often find yourself accompanying him at special events. In other people's eyes, the two of you were a beautiful couple. They do not notice your smile not reaching your eyes nor the iron grip Vil has on your waist.
The only thing Vil did not like about your background is that you entered battlefields. He almost screeched once he saw scars on your otherwise flawless skin and immediately started concocting medicinal salves that would make them disappear. He would also frown at your calloused hands, not enjoying their rough texture. 
If you insist on maintaining your combat prowess, then he will allow you to take up fencing. A relatively safe sport that will help you stay in shape and won't get you any new scars.
In a way, you're Vil's beautiful and perfect little doll. An empire? Protecting the people? Those aren't your responsibilities any more. Why care about a world that is unreachable now?
Idia Shroud
...feels like he's in some sort of fantasy visual novel game (I mean...technically he is?) and you're the ultimate love interest that a player can romance only when they've cleared the rest of the game's content. 
You just became even more perfect in his eyes. He feels like he's on cloud nine once you tell him about your background. An empress, a Goddess of War...and a shut-in otaku like him got to be the one that dates you!
His obsession for you only grows, and so does his possessiveness. You're amazing while he's...not so great. He constantly seeks your validation and affection, often trapping you within his arms and whispering frantic declaration of love in your ears. If you don't return his affections, he's going to cry and ask how he can make you like him more.
You're someone that's supposed to be out of his reach and that thought haunts him every single day.
He hacks your phone, puts a tracker on you, and sometimes, he steals some of your stuff so he can bask in your scent while you're away from him.
He's fucked up. He knows that. But does he care? No, he does not.
Idia plans to take you back to the Isle of Lamentation sometime soon so you can stay with him forever. And you won't get a choice.
He can't really provide you with the luxuries you may have had during your time as a ruler, but he'll try his best to spoil you rotten. He is from a noble house after all.
You really shouldn't think about your old world or your previous  responsibilities...since you're staying by his side even after death. He'll make sure of that.
You'll become his beautiful Persephone no matter what.
Malleus Draconia
He finds out about your background when you were already taken to the Valley of Thorns to become his spouse.
He thought that you came from a common background, so he assigned tutors that would teach you the ways of royalty. He started to suspect that there was more to his precious child of man when all his tutors praised you for your excellence in their lessons. Even Lilia, who was assigned to teach you about their customs was impressed about how quickly you learned.
He didn't get to ask more about your background until he and his retainers found you subduing an assassin that snuck in as a servant with a mere dagger. He was amazed at your prowess and elegance as you fought with your assailant and quickly plunged your weapon into their heart, killing them instantly.
Once the chaos died down, you explained that you were an empress that ruled a mighty empire back in your world. Not only that, you were a warrior praised by your knights due to your strength.
You could feel Malleus' pride as he regarded you in a new light. Would his child of man ever cease to amaze him?
This revelation also solidifies your place as the queen. Many of the fae have come to respect you, admiring the human that can even rival their best knight in strength. Even Sebek, who first regarded you as a weak human, now looks at you with reluctant acceptance.
After the assassination attempt, Lilia will also be the one assigned as your personal guard for two reasons. One, he is Malleus' most trusted retainer. And two, aside from the prince himself, Lilia is the only one capable of stopping you if you ever decide to escape.
While you cannot return to your empire, surely becoming queen of the Valley of Thorns is an excellent alternative? 
Malleus promises to be a loving husband that will take care of you and your future children. He’ll reassure you that its alright to forget about your past and focus on the present and future.
And well...if you do try something, a simple sleeping spell won’t hurt you.
You will rule the kingdom with Malleus for eternity, your life forever bound to his.
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lampyrid · 4 years
Could I request yandere hc for Moge-ko and Rawberry?
Such violent dreams some of these dreamers have...although I suppose that’s normal when it comes to that world...?
Trigger Warning: Abuse, graphic depictions of violence, character death, implied non-con, torture
Oh boy...you're quite unlucky, catching the attention of this insane girl.
Moge-ko's love is brutal and violent, and you would most likely lose your sanity as your...relationship develops. She's right below Fumus in the "Yanderes You Should Run From At All Costs" list. She's just that bad.
Moge-ko absolutely loves playing with you. She enjoys your screams, she enjoys your pleas, and she enjoys your tears as she takes you against your will.
Her red eyes would most likely give you nightmares for a very long time.
If you're good and obedient, then Moge-ko would hold you captive in her pretty pink room. After she's done playing, she'll watch your sleeping face after you pass out from exhaustion. She thinks you're super adorable!
If you're bad and resist her, then you're going to be held captive in her dungeon.
She'll beat that naughty part out of you whether you like it or not.
If you still don't give in, then you can say goodbye to your life. Your body will be crucified and once the light finally leaves your eyes, Moge-ko will rip your heart out so even when you're gone, she would aaalllwayyys have a part of you!
Rawberry Preserves
Rawberry...loves tasting you...if that makes any sense.
She's gluttonous and would literally eat anything especially if it comes from you in some way. It could be the delicious apple pie you made her...or it could be those toenails that you recently clipped. She's not picky. (The girl makes jam out if worms so...)
If she doesn't have anything to nibble on, she finds herself wandering over to you and suddenly you have a demon chewing on your hair.
Or she might give you kisses, her fangs piercing your lips. She has a tendency to bite your flesh as well, so you would most likely be covered in bruises in your relationship.
 Rawherry's moods vary. One day, she's a sweet girlfriend that wants to spend time with you picking apples and collecting worms while on another day, she's rough, possessive and just so...so...hungry.
If someone hurts you, then it will be utter chaos. You get to witness a very bloody and gory scene where Rawberry mauls your assailant and the fangs within her hair/wings are out in full display. Kcalb had to pull her away from the poor soul, but it was already too late. Your assailant was unrecognizable with most of their face ripped off.
If you're a human, then there's a high possibility that Rawberry would accidentally kill you.
But if you're an angel or a demon, then you would survive her...love with only some scars to show for it.
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lampyrid · 4 years
Yandere chuuya headcanons please?
Already did some headcanons for him here, dear dreamer~
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lampyrid · 4 years
I wonder what will happen with yandere Fumus and reader?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of violence, abuse, Implied non-con, torture
Him? Ahahaha...you're in for a world of pain.
Fumus is one of the most brutal yanderes there is. He'll torture you, take you, rip and tear you apart till you're nothing but broken little pieces on the ground.
This god (can we really call him that?) can get really creative with how he shows his...'love' to you. He loves making you bleed, hearing your screams, and he will laugh as you suffer in pain and despair within his grasp. Seriously, he makes the other devils look tame.
Death won't come easily to you despite his brutality. He's a god. His healing powers are potent and your body would be put back together again as if he didn't lay a finger on you in the first place. Your mind, however? He couldn't care less if you break or not. As long as you're obedient, then all is well.
You'll have a collar on you at all times. It's a symbol that you're his. 
If he's not tearing you to shreds, then he's certainly dolling you up to suit his tastes. (Of course, those clothes will all get ruined once he wants to 'have fun' again.)
Your life will be in his hands forever if he wishes. 
Fumus' love is deadly and your only chance of escaping his clutches is to disappear before his sick obsession starts to kick in. Once you notice his interest in you, run far away. Prevention is better than cure after all. Find another world to live in just to be safe.
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lampyrid · 4 years
Don't do this if it you don't want to!!! How would dazai react if he found out his darling was pregnant would it be a bad thing in his eyes?
Trigger Warning: Blackmail, manipulation
Dazai Osamu...
...is pleased with your pregnancy!
Having a child is proof of your love for each other...and an excuse to tie you down. He also likes the fact that you need to rely on him during the late stages of your pregnancy. The only thing you can do at that time is to lay in bed after all. You can't really run now, so it's best to just let him pamper you.
He may feel something once he holds the baby for the first time. Is it love? He doesn't really know. The only love Dazai knew was his love for you. Parental affection is quite new to him.
Not above using the child as black mail material though. 
"Do you really want to leave our child? They love you so much! Do you want them to grow up thinking that their mother hated them?"
"Are you prepared to have your child live a life on the run? I have connections, my dear. I can hunt you down for the rest of your life. And what about my enemies, hm? Our child looks a lot like me. The smart ones can figure it out and may just harm the both of you."
There's really no way to escape now, so just be a good wife and mother, alright?
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lampyrid · 4 years
Since you were talking about 1bitheart a few weeks ago, do you have any yandere hcs for nanashi suoh and mikado?
Again, a dreamer has come to visit...
Yoshi Nanase
Nanashi is the type that would literally do anything for you. His altruism is on the level of extreme, and when you're involved? His kind and selfless nature would turn self-destructive.
You must be careful of not only what you say, but also of what you think. Nanashi can read you like an open book after all. He pays attention to every single detail about you and stores it within his mind. Your likes, your dislikes, your insecurities, your private thoughts...Nanashi probably understands your whole being as a person. He knows you better than anyone ever could.
You want that thing you saw at the store the other day? Sure, he'll buy it for you! You want to go to a particular place for your next date? He's already prepared! Do you want a listening ear when you're feeling sad? He'll be by your side and let you vent (even if he already knows what's troubling you.) Is someone bothering you? Do you hate that person? Do you want them to go away? He can make that happen. 
Oh? You don't like him anymore? He's scaring you? Do you hate him? Alright. Then he'll disappear for you. Your happiness is his happiness after all!
Nanashi puts you first before his well-being. It's alright even if you take advantage of him, because he loves you so much and wants to make you happy. As long as you're smiling, everything is fine. Even if you leave him, he'll let you go without a fight. It's what you want.
Besides, he's used to being left behind.
Mikado Aisaka
Mikado is quite similar to Nanase. Considering that they are the same person. He's altruistic, puts you first, and has no regard for his well-being (and would literally die for you.) However, unlike his younger self, Mikado is manipulative.
He doesn't tell you about his ability, mainly because he knows that it can scare you off. Most people tend to become distant when they spend too much time with him since he just...lacks something fundamental in being human because of his ability. So instead of blatantly saying "Hey, I know everything about you!" he'll keep it subtle and make it seem like he's just an understanding person that can give excellent advice. He's also careful about not blurting out topics that should not even be known to him.  People tend to find that alarming.
He isn't above trying to...input some data in your mind. It's not outright brainwashing. He would never do that to you. Just...altering thoughts is all.
"You're going to a friend's house." will turn into "You're going to M̴̜̲̹̙̹͔̳͇̰̹͓̞̺͗̓̓̑ͅi̷̠͚͙͍̱͇̬͛̏̔͂̐̋͗̒k̴̨̙̻̣̱̠̙͉̂̈̈̂̎̓͝a̷͍̫̙͉̙̩̥̣̲̪̓̈́̕͜ͅd̷̛͓̬̜̤̬̫ǫ̷̮̺̔͋̿͜'̸̛̹̤͙̰̙̔̃̀̌̆̋̄̆͂͆̒̚͜͝s̸̪̝͎͔̗͖̻̤̱̟̉͋̓̈́̊̑̄͠ house."
He is your boyfriend after all. It's normal to want to spend time together. I'm sure your friend would understand why you ditched them. Besides, you said you love spending time with him too. So there's nothing wrong, is there?
Mikado's the type to put a tracking device on you too. It's implanted in that cute, custom-made bitphone he built for you. So even if he's busy with work, he'll know where you are at all times.
If you do find out about his actions and opt to break up with him, his only response will be to give you that same gentle smile and say, "I see. If that's what you want, then alright."
.̷̧̭̪̩͓̙͌̄͆͛̒̅̇͛͊̍̽͘̚͜.̷͇̬̺͇̬̯͇̟͗͂͜.̴̨̡̢̤̖͓̙̞̱̟͕͐̎̓B̷̧̡̻̹̫̱̩͖̠̭͙̗̈́͊e̸̬̘̱̼̔͜͝c̵͔̈̀̎̌̂̒̑̈́̈́͝ä̷̢̢̞̪̻̺̳͕͕̫͕̞́͐̇́͐̄̈́̀̓͐̂̈́̑̀͘u̸͈̒ş̵͍̤̯͇͚̊̊̽̋̎͘ë̸̛͓̘̘̼̖̘̲̣̘͇̞̲́̈́̍̅͘̚͜ͅͅ ̴̢̲̼̖́̿̂̋͑͂̑̀̓͊̓̉̕͝͝h̴̢̡͎̩̪̹͎̣̞̙̜̫̟̦͛͂́̀̇̕͝e̷͚̟̝̙͗̀͒̓̒̑͌͗̋́̆͂͘͝ͅ'̵͔̦̾͛̅̒̓̓̆̏͐̔́̓̚̕͝s̶̢͙̯̖̪͓͈͈̤͍̹͕̊͒̐̑̋̓̓͛̄̎͌͂ ̷͉̣̙̰͌̿͒̀̀͌̄̅́͆͒͘̚͘͠u̶̢͖͎͚̭͓͉̒̔̋̾̿͋͒̀͛̍͒̚͝s̷̙͔̠͕̜͚̲̦̩̏̀̈́̀ȩ̸̡̥̝̗̰̖̲̺͉̥̌͗̾͑̽̏̾d̶̨̢̘̦͓̪̼̖͔̪̘̩̦͚͙̈́̂̀̕ ̷̧̣͓̘̮̗̳̻̼̾̓̔͊̀͛t̴̨̪͍͚̭̘̓́̽̆̂̂ȍ̶̧̝̭̗̪̺̻͓̗͐͋ ̴̘̰̗͕̭̉̔͌͋̉̍̈͛̉̃̋̉̕͝ͅb̸̢̨̛̰̙̳͎̫̟̂̄͊̄̉ͅe̵͔͌́̌͒̈́̍̔̽̈́̉̐̈̓͋͝ȉ̵̢̛̦̫͖̯̩̫̤͐͋̋̀͋͗̂̉̚͘͠ņ̷̛̪̺̰̞͚̙̩͇̳̯͓̐̈́̈́̈́͑̽̑̿́̈͌̚͘͝ģ̸̧̟͔̗̣̐̿͆̽͌͌́̍̽̐̚̕͠ ̴̡̳̳̩̮̤̩͙̲͍̩̤̥̏̎͠l̴̛͔̭̖̤̫̰̦͑̆̑̌͊̅͌̋̾̍͘͘̚e̴̯͙̦͈̜̦̮̩̤̣͛̀̂̏͂̊͒̀̿̈́̏̑͝͝f̶̹̭̿ţ̴̗̝̣̆͂̀̆̎͝ ̸̢͚̖̼̣͕̜͈͈̳͋̌́̃́̊̄͛̋͑̓̿̄͗̾b̶̖̥̎͑̒͌̃̈̀é̸͍̞̻h̸͖̝̹̰̤̀͊̎̈̕i̶̳͉̺̜̳̹̼̜̱̜̭̥̊̿̕ņ̴̧̛͈̼̝̩͉͔͎̱̹̦̬̈́̀́͂ͅd̶͖̟̐͊̅̆̌̓͋́̍͛͋̃͛̌͝.̶͓̯̀̀͝ ̶̡̠̦̼̆̉̔̋̿͆̒̎̓̽͠
Natsukage Suoh
He strikes me as a very possessive yandere. He's also quite volatile, so you should be careful when dealing with him.
Natsukage, despite how confident he seems, has a lot of insecurities plaguing his mind. From wanting to get better at sky-sea-run to constantly wondering if he deserved you in the first place. This guy's mind is a mess, hence the bad temper and jealousy.
He hates it when your eyes trail to someone else. He wants your attention on him at all times, damn it! You're not allowed to look at someone else (especially another guy.) And if it's Yukinaga you're interacting with? Well, too bad. You are now banned from coming to sky-sea-run practices. He likes it when you watch him during practice and cheer him on, but he's not going to take any chances.
Natsukage isn't above going after the people that take your attention away. He's a pretty strong guy, and his supposed 'rivals' will be found bruised and beaten inside an alley the next day.
Sooner or later, you're going to notice people are running away at the sight of you. Your friends start to grow distant and you find yourself alone with Natsukage more often.
Obviously, he's pleased by this. You don't really need anyone else, do you? Just stay by his side, praise and appreciate his efforts...and we won't have a problem...right? 
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lampyrid · 4 years
Trigger Warning: Kidnapping, molestation
"Prince Bruno, this is unacceptable! Release me at once!"
You reprimanded, struggling against your binds. You gazed at your student with anger, disappointment, and disbelief. Never in your life did you ever think that this boy was capable of such a criminal act. In your eyes, he's a passionate young lad, eager to learn and never lost sight of his dream. A model student that would surely become a great person one day.
To think that behind that hard working lad hid something more sinister. You can hardly remember what had happened last night after you drank the tea he gave you. You had felt sleepy and then...nothing. Waking up in this unknown place had brought you to the conclusion of this prince drugging you. This made you furious and utterly baffled.
"Prince Bruno!" Your screamed in rage, thrashing and trying to get free. However, the young prince wasn't fazed. Instead, he smiled softly and drew closer, hand moving to caress your cheek. You shivered and turned your head in indignation, desperately avoiding his touch.
"My dear master...finally, you only have your eyes on me."
"What on earth are you talking about, child?!"
He sighed, blue eyes gazing at you in longing. "Master...master...I love you. My heart yearns for you everyday. At first, I was content with being your student but...the more I spent time with you, my feelings grew and I could no longer see you as a mere educator. It pained me to know that you only looked at me as a boy, as a student. Not a man."
Your blanched at his confession, ice filling your veins. This isn't right. Something like this is...!
"Prince Bruno. It is unacceptable for a prince such as yourself to even think about being with a commoner like me. I am old and have nothing to offer you but my teachings. You will lose face and...!"
His wandering hands abruptly settled on your shoulders, squeezing them tightly. "But I love you, master! I do not care about your status! You are everything I ever wanted in a partner. You are beautiful, intelligent, wise...I would give everything to be by your side."
"What are you saying?! Everything? What about becoming king?! Didn't you admire your father and strive to rule Granzreich one day?! Was your resolve half-hearted? Open your eyes Prince Bruno, this isn't right!"
Without any warning, he pressed his lips on yours, muffling your protests. You tried to pull back, but his hand moved to the back of your head, preventing you from breaking the kiss.
"Of course I still want to become king. And when I do, I will take your hand in marriage. Mark my words, I will fulfill this promise, my dear master."
Bruno isn't listening. The mad gleam in his eyes sent shivers up your spine. Just what happened to this child? What happened to make him so twisted? You didn't know...and that frustrated you.
You bit your lip, think about how you were going to get out of this situation. How you were going to help this child and make him see reason.
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lampyrid · 4 years
It's good to see another yandere blog ! May I request bsd yandere Sigma or if you haven't read the manga, Steinbeck is fine !
I imagine Sigma as a very protective yandere.
In his eyes, you're not only his lover. You're his family, his home, his everything. You're the first person that reached out to him and gave him love and warmth. You're one of the reasons that he's living now, with a purpose and a chance at happiness.
Which is why he's so desperate to keep you by his side.
He's always thinking about you, how to keep you safe, how to please you, how to make sure that you still love him and you won't abandon him.
It's safe to say that this man would literally die for you. You're that important to him, even more than his casino.
He's constantly paranoid and tend to overthink the worst case scenario whenever you're gone from his sight.
"Where is [Y/n]? Did she get attacked?! Kidnapped?! What if...she got tired of me and left?! God, please don't let that be true...! [Y/n]...[Y/n]...please come back...don't leave me...!"
It's best to inform Sigma of where you are at all times to soothe his worries. Though he'll only, truly, be at ease when you're right by his side again.
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lampyrid · 4 years
I was wondering if you have any headcanons about yandere Steinbeck or Mori from BSD?
Mori Ougai
Oh boy. You're a really unlucky darling, catching the attention of a mafia boss.
He's the leader of a large criminal organization with several ability users under his command. You're not getting away anytime soon.
Mori loves dressing you up in cute, frilly outfits. He thinks you look adorable and charming in them. (Lacy underwear is included of course.)
Of course, Elise will be all over you as well. So not only do you have a mafia boss watching your every move, you have her guarding you.
If Mori's not around, then you can bet that there will be a lot of subordinates keeping watch over you. Every action of yours is reported to Mori to make sure you're not getting any naughty ideas in your pretty little head.
You're going to have everything you ever wished for under Mori's care. Except your freedom.
Any person that attempts to get your attention or steal you away is disposed of. There's a possibility that their bodies will never be found. The Port Mafia is thorough with clean up after all.
He may also use subtle threats and manipulation of he finds out you're up to something.
And if you misbehave too much...well. he is a doctor. He knows how to inflict pain with actually killing you. Either that, he might use psychological methods. What's worse? Well, you'll decide that yourself.
Just be Mori's obedient little doll and you'll be fine.
"My darling, you look lovely today as well."
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lampyrid · 4 years
Could I request Yosafire and Froze as yandere for the reader? Whether competing for S/O's affection or polyamorous is up to you.
Yosafire is your very outspoken stalker.
She watches you all the time with an eager expression and would do anything to spend time with you.
Studying? Let's do that super famous library date! (There won't be any studying on her part though). Hungry? Let's go pick some apples and have Dialo bake apple pies! Have any free time? Let's go to the garden and pick some flowers!
"I'll make you a flower crown, [Y/n]!"
Her diary is filled with countless pages about you, full of praises and her declarations of love.
She's very clingy and touchy. Especially when the two of you are in a relationship. If you let her, she'll hug you and shower you with kisses. Yosafire's shameless when showing affection.
When the both of you are alone, her hands tend to...wander.
If you reject her affections, she'll be disheartened, but not for long. In fact her efforts will double to an almost worrying degree.
"I'm sure [Y/n] will love me one day! I just have to keep trying!"
Basically, Yosafire is just overwhelming.
Froze is the exact opposite of Yosafire. She's very subtle when conveying her affections.
She'll start by befriending you first. Froze is a quiet one and doesn't really interact much with others that aren't her circle of friends. It would be strange if she just suddenly confessed to you.
Small talks during breaks, asking to go home with you, offers to study together...eventually, Froze becomes one of your good friends.
Once she sees you're comfortable with her, she starts giving hints of her feelings.
If you're particularly dense, then she'll confess to you, blushing and stuttering. It's a stark contrast from her usual calm expression.
Once you accept, then you'll find yourself with a literal guardian angel. Froze always thinks of you and makes sure you're taken care of (and not thinking of doing anything stupid or reckless. She's had enough of that with Yosafire).
She can also be quite manipulative. If she doesn't want you to do something, or spend time with anyone else, then she can immediately get rid of the idea out of your head.
Spending time with her friends are fine, but she'll get very jealous if it's someone else.
If Yosafire is the type to drag you everywhere on dates, then Froze is the exact opposite. She prefers stay-at-home dates where the two of you can cook together, watch movies, and cuddle with each other on the bed. She loves her alone time with you.
If you reject her, then she'll be your guardian angel in a different sense. She'll constantly watch you from afar and make sure you don't fall for anyone else.
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