lassify · 2 days
Writing fanfiction is so wierd, man. I have these characters living in my head that I can talk to at any time, and even worse, they're not even my characters. They'e someone else's characters!!
Someone else thought of this galaxy of personality traits and childhood traumas and now THEY are in my head like they belong there😂
But, they're not like how they are in the story. It's like a backstage version of them where I'm like "hey I'm gonna write this huge trauma happening to you hope that's ok" and they're like "aw man not again" like I'm a film director and they're the actors
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lassify · 2 days
I was sleeping on My Adventures With Superman. I couldn't make it through the first episode a while back because I wrote it off as not to my taste.
I was so wrong, this shit is fun and I wanna squish all of the characters so bad. I'm having major cuteness aggression. Also? The wild characters they're pulling out of nowhere for my non-comic brain has me screaming.
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lassify · 2 days
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my life's goal is to make tumblr regret increasing the image limit to 30
anyway i haven't been able to get real-cat!plagg out of my head. (i blame @hamsternamedmarinette's post for making me think of my real-cat!plagg au again)
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lassify · 2 days
the pros of reading ao3 fics in public is that their layout is so clean and simple that people would think you’re reading some academic researches when you’re in fact reading a 50k fic. the cons is that you need to control your face all the fucking time
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lassify · 2 days
“I know that one day you'll be okay, and I'll have you.”
My gift to http_lovecraft under the Midsummer Dream Gift Exchange. Thank you for introducing to this wonderful song!
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lassify · 3 days
A new Damianya one-shot I have written for Jessie/sweetwater_doodles! Part of the Midsummer Gift Exchange.
Rating: General Audiences
Fandom: SpyxFamily
Relationship: Damian Desmond/Anya Forger
Tags: Fluff, Romance, Humor
Damian has a plan, fool-proof and meticulous, to finally win Anya's heart. Too bad the universe has other ideas.
(Partially inspired by the song "My Love Mine All Mine" by Mitski)
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lassify · 4 days
There are ships you consume. And then there are ships that consume you in a never-ending abyss of complete brainrot.
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lassify · 4 days
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lassify · 4 days
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rediscovered some texture stuff i had in csp :DDD a fun time!
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lassify · 4 days
Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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lassify · 4 days
THEM being a couple>>>🩷💚
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lassify · 4 days
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Damianya doodle dump part 1
(Click for better quality)
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lassify · 4 days
When I want to laugh,I remember Loid tired,with muscle pain after his confrontation with Wheeler and Yuri, thinking about the day he agreed to be a spy and I always laugh at him here.
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lassify · 4 days
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more twitter memes between bigger projects~!
insta | twt
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lassify · 5 days
Hear me out: DamiAnya is the most important ship in SpyXFamily.
There's not so many canon ships in anime that wasn't at some point problematic or started some kind of discussion. The most popular and iconic ones are controversial at least to good chunk of their own fandom.
But DamiAnya is wholesome. While TwiYor and other adult ships are trying to come true while unpacking all of emotional baggage these characters have, kids have it simple. Their objectives are clear: I want my family to be proud, their reactions to each other are honest and new. It's pure, it's intriguing, it makes people draw and write so much good fan-content.
And the more chapters we get, the more we see that Endo-sensei is just incredible at writing chemistry between characters, not kya dokidoki shoujo romance and not "girl-crushing-on-shounen-mc" trope. This madman shows how people connect, how they change their minds, how they stay oblivious or discover feelings.
I understand that it's too soon to say that, but as far as I can see they might give us the most charming and believable love story in mainstream manga of all time.
And I'm so damn excited about it.
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lassify · 6 days
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A school play
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lassify · 6 days
Franky: If you're going to shoot me, I want Anya to take the shot, because Anya will put me down clean.
Anya: Ok *Tries to grab Lois’s gun*
Hello there! Thank you for the ask! It generated this little ficlet which I hope you enjoy.
"No, Anya," Loid grit out from between his teeth as he clutched his briefcase closer to his chest. "We both know this is play-acting on Franky's part, and besides, a psychiatrist wouldn't have a gun, as you also know."
He said the last with a deadly, almost manic earnestness that stopped Agent Starlight (a.k.a. Anya with one of her father's hats on) in her tracks. Her game with Franky of "Secret Agent Against Evil King Scruffy" had been going on for quite some time, and the little girl could be excused for getting a bit too lost in the narrative.
And honestly, when a man threw himself into the role as much as Franky did, who could blame her?
"Arrrrgh! Loidman, you've foiled me enough in life, must you now foil my death as well?!" The informant-once-again-turned-babysitter raged from his position on top of the coffee table. "Allow me the final dignity of a quick end, for my grandest scheme has been thwarted by your protégé, and--"
"You'd better not be wearing shoes on my furniture," Loid said as he cast a glare in the direction of Franky's feet which were conveniently hidden by a dramatic black cape.
"Of course I'm not," Franky scoffed as he hopped off the table with alacrity and a slightly guilty look. "Wouldn't dream of it. "
"Any scuffs to the mahogany will be deducted from your payment for watching Anya tonight. And no hand prints on the walls or the landlord will have my head."
"Don't threaten me with a good time..." Franky muttered. Anya snickered.
"Hmm?" Loid cast a glance back over his shoulder from the doorway that was much too casual to be authentic.
"I said, 'Don't worry, have a good time!'" Franky chirped and gave a thumbs up. Anya mimicked his pose.
"Don't keep Mama waiting any longer, Papa! Have fun smooching!"
Of course, Anya chose to shout that last encouragement at the moment the front door was open widest, and her words echoed down the hallway and main stairwell for any stray neighbor to hear and giggle over.
Which they did, and did, and Loid's ears were red as tomatoes as he quickly shut the door behind him and thought hilariously unkind thoughts about ungrateful children that made Anya very satisfied indeed.
"Nice one," Franky commented. "Your dad needs to lighten up."
"He seems to think we're irresponsible and chaotic."
"Probably thinks we'll blow up the apartment or something."
"That's insulting, you know? As if we can't be trusted!"
"Very insulting, Uncle Scruffy."
".... Hey, Anya."
"Want to learn how to make a stink bomb?"
".... Absolutely."
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