laylalikestea · 4 years
I’ll Be Better Pt.2
Pairings: Nia Nal/Kara Danvers
Warnings: Possible Swearing
Summary: Nia Arrives At The Party, With A Flushed Face.
Nia approached the apartment, with a bottle of cheap wine tucked under her arm.
She knew Kara didn’t really mention any sort of welcoming gift, but she felt as though it was quite rude to show up empty handed to a party she was invited to.
There was a reef on her door with dark green fake leaves, and small red decoration scattered around them on the door.
For some odd reason, this made Nia tense up even more as she brought up her hand from her side to knock on the door.
She heard sudden movements on the other side, as she door opened revealing Kara in an adorable christmas sweater, with a snowman on the front of it.
“Nia, you’re here,” Kara spoke as she pulled Nia into a hug.
Nia just froze, almost dropping the wine before returning the hug with her free arm.
“Uh yeah, hi.”
Kara pulled away from the hug, with one of the largest smiles you could ever see.
“Oh, you brought wine. You didn’t have to do that,” Kara spoke sweetly going to place the wine down on the table.
“Oh, it’s fine I wanted to.”
Kara smiled sweetly in return.
The moment was suddenly interrupted by Kelly running over and pulling Nia into a hug.
“Nia, you’re here finally. That one is driving me crazy,” Kelly spoke aiming her words towards Alex, who was jokingly glaring at her from across the room.
Nia just laughed at her comment, looking around inspecting the room.
On the couch, William and John were sitting both with a beverage in hand.
Lena was now coming in her direction with Kara and a brunette she did not know the identity of.
“Nia, meet Sam. Sam meet Nia.”
The girl had a smile on her face that immediantely brought one to hers as well.
“It’s nice to meet you Nia.”
Nia smile’s back, holding our her hand.
“Nice to meet you as well.”
The next hour Nia was surprisingly enjoying.
She got to know more about Sam, and her daughter, Lena, and even Kara.
It wasn’t until Alex tells everyone to pick a partner not explaining why, that she gets a little suspicious.
Nia suspects William and Kara to pair up, but Kara plops down right beside her smiling wide.
“Okay, we’re watching a horror movie. Nia be aware, Kara hates horror movies.”
Nia looks to her right to see a slightly shaken Kara, moving herself to hide in Nias side.
Nia just gulps, looking around the room as Alex starts the movie.
She doesn’t realize the current situation until she notices William smirking after looking in her direction.
They fucking set her up.
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laylalikestea · 4 years
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The one that never gave up on her.
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laylalikestea · 4 years
Why’d She Have To Watch
Pairings: Nia Nal x Kara Danvers
Warnings: Jealousy, Angst, Swearing, Non Happy Ending
Summary: Kara watches Nia and Brainy slowly build back up their relationship, until she can’t watch anymore.
Kara didn’t really know why she thought, she was only attracted to men.
There was Lucy, Imra, Lena, and now the brunette goddess, Nia Nal.
But now sitting here at her kitchen counter, watching Nia and Brainy blushing and sitting a foot apart from each other, she wished she would of known sooner.
This had been going on for a while now.
Ever since Nia saved Brainy from death, they had grown closer.
Brainy decided to put his personality inhanser back on so he was now back to his old endearing, joyful self.
But that just made Nia be around him more.
So now Brainy would stop by CatCo every so often claiming that he had to ask Kara about something, but would end up staring at Nia from her desk, zoning out Karas words.
Kara watched every encounter that they had in the building, even if it made her visibly groan.
Kara usually bought lunch for them both after her and Brainys break up, but now Nia and Brainy eat together instead.
She watched them both stand awkwardly beside each other at events, and after a mission with red faces.
She watched it all.
Every encounter.
Every blush.
Every compliment.
Every brush of the shoulder.
Every shy glance.
All of it.
And she was starting to get sick of it.
The group decided to have a thanksgiving get together at Alex’s, instead of their usual stay at Karas.
The group consisted of Kelly, Alex, herself, James, Lena, Winn, Brainy, and the one and only Nia Nal.
Kara was the last guest to arrive which was quite unusual, but she knew the sooner she arrived, the more Brainy and Nia she had to endure.
She went over and sat on the steps by Alex’s bed, no one really realizing she was there besides Alex and Lena.
James was by the counter talking to Kelly, Lena was speaking to Alex with Winn by their side, and then their was Brainy and Nia.
Both of them were sitting a couple inches apart on the couch, giving each other glances every couple minutes,
Brainy lifted his arm, motioning to put his arm over her shoulders when Alex called for dinner.
Kara looked down and fixed her shirt, as she felt sick from the scene she just witnessed before going to sit at the table.
They first said who they were thankful for, digging in afterwards.
During dinner many topics were brung up.
Lena talking about how stubborn Andrea was being.
James talking about how much he was enjoying where he was.
Kelly and Alex talking about the future.
But Kara just sat their quietly, like a teen who didn’t want to eat her vegetables.
“Kara what’s up with you.” Kara looked up at the voice and saw James who was speaking to her.
“Oh uh- nothing much just superhero stuff.”
Everyone just looked confused before shrugging and going back to their meals, but Kara could feels eyes on her.
She looked up and saw Nias comfortable gaze focused on her, obviously not believing what she had just said.
Kara mouthed a ‘nothing,’ before going back to eating and ignoring Nias gaze.
If she continued looking at the girl, she’d blurt out something idiotic. And she was not in the place to let that happen.
At the end of dinner everyone made it back to the living room.
As Kara was sitting down she noticed Nia and Brainys absence.
Karas confused expression stayed on her face as she sat down, earning Lena to whisper in her ear, “It’s okay.”
Kara looked over at her friend, and saw understanding in her eyes. She knew.
Kara smiled back at her before keeping her focus on the floor.
About five minutes later the front door opened, earning everyone’s conversations to stop abruptly and Kara to feel like puking.
It revealed Nia and Brainy, with Nias hair being slightly messier than before and Brainy to have lipstick smuged over his lips.
“Damn, I thought the kiss was for Christmas,” Alex spoke earning everyone to laugh, expect Lena and Kara.
Lena looked over and shot Kara a warm smile, as she thought she needed it.
Nia and Brainy were both blushing, as they sat on the couch.
“So, you guys back together?”
Nia blushed before hiding her head in her hands, Brainy putting his arm over her shoulder.
Kara gripped her stomach, feeling an odd pain worse than she’s ever felt.
She standed up and silently moved across the room to the door, with no one noticing accept Lena who left her alone.
She ran out the door, going for the steps before the felt a hand on her arm pulling her back.
“Kara whats wrong?”
She turned and saw Nia with a confused expression mixed with comfort staring back at her.
“Nothing, I’m just heading home.”
Kara turned to walk, Nia stopping her again.
“You’re lying. This is my fault, I shouldn’t have been all cuddly with someone during a friendly gathering, that must-“
Nia stopped adruptly seeming quite hurt by what Kara had just said.
“Nia I don’t care. I care that you’re with him.”
Nia tilted her head. “Kara he’s good to me no-“
“That’s not what I fucking mean. I want to be good to you. Not him.”
Nias opened her mouth slightly once she understood her words. “Kar-“
“Don’t. Just please leave me alone.”
Kara then ripped off her clothing, zooming out of the building into the sky, putting her glasses on the side of the suit.
Nia fell against the wall, feeling numb and having no idea what she was going to do.
Tears started to release from Karas eyes as she flew through the sky at quite a fast pace, hurt streaming through her.
Why’d she have to watch?
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laylalikestea · 4 years
Rain Kiss
Pairings: Hope Mikaelson x Josie Saltzman
Warnings: Slight Jealousy, Anger
Summary: #hosierainkiss Hope confronts Josie about how shes been ignoring her and it resolves in multiple confessions.
     Hope wishes she was stone again.
     Her boyfriend is dead except he may not be coming back like usual. 
     The weekly monsters have been slowing down to about every two weeks, so almost every day was extremely boring.
     Her classes weren't the most enjoyable, but right now they were probably the most eventful thing in Hope's schedule. 
    If you called anything that happened in her life in the last two months eventful, you would probably bring up Lizzie's random 'hangouts.' They mainly consisted of Lizzie talking about how she would give anything to see Sebastian again, or as you could say sleep with him again.
   Even though they weren't the most entertaining thing to sit through, she was still having some sort of social interaction with someone who wasn't asking her to slaughter a unicorn.
   But the other Saltzman was completely ignoring her.
   Hope thought they solved the whole 'boyfriend' problem, and they were on good terms but I guess she was wrong because Josie would barely even look in her direction. 
   She had tried to stop by the girls room after she watched the girl enter her room. But it included the girl acting as if she wasn't inside.
   When she asked Lizzie about her sisters antics she just told her some snarky response, which told her in the Lizzie way that, that was Hope's job to figure out.
   But today was a different day for Hope. A very intolerable different day.
   A monster came today, but it ended up being some type of glitchy mess which they just moved into containment. Which made Hope's excitement of finding the monster, dimmer down and basically dissolve.
   They somehow opened the now broken prison world back up yesterday and received a now hurt but alive Sebastian.
   No one told Hope about the expedition which meant absolutely no action in her life for yet another day, which angered Hope.
   On top of that, Lizzie started ranting to her this morning about how she had to wait for Sebastian to heal before they got back to their, as she told her in a very descriptive way, sex life.
   Hope was beyond angered by all these events, and she was about to burst into flames.
   But the thing that cracked her was what happened in spells class.
   The teacher had matched Hope and Josie together as partners which made Hope think she may have a chance to talk to the girl.
   But Josie made an excuse about how she could do it better alone, and convinced her way out of partnering with the Tribrid. 
   So Hope made a plan out of her anger, which was more so an action.
   Hope was going to confront Josie tonight, and confront her fear of confrontation.
   Out of all the anger she saw the light in the confrontation.
   She would get Josie back.
    She missed the girl. She missed the girls odd obsession with Strawberries. She missed the girls pout when you bring up one of her dislikes. She missed seeing her smile, not just in general but directed at her. 
    She wanted her back, in more ways than you could ever think.
    It was now almost 9 o-clock and Hope was now walking to the twins room. Hope would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. But it was worth it if she got Josie back.
    Hope took a deep breath as she turned the corner towards the twins room.
    As she turned the corner she saw the brunette in front of her door, lifting her hand to open it. But she got Hope's eye before she did, and started walking down the sidewalk, in more of a power walk.
    Hope picked up her speed and followed the girl down the hallway.
    It was silent in the school besides the sound of the two's feet hitting the ground, and the sound of rain hitting the concrete outside the school.
    Josie was now at the entrance of the school, going to open it.
     "Josie! Please." Josie turned to face the girl, as Hope spotted a single tear dripping down her cheek.
     Before Hope could speak again Josie opened the door, charging outside, Hope following.
     Josie was sprinting down the pathway going in the direction of the dock before Hope caught up to her and grabbed her wrist to stop her movements. "Let go of me Hope," Josie said in a stern and somewhat hurt voice.
    "Why are you ignoring me." She shouted over the sound of the thunder rumbling above them. 
     There now multiple tears dripping down Josie's cheeks, but she wouldn't budge.
     "Please Jo. Did I do something? Because if I did I'll do anything to fix-"
     "No!" Hope stopped speaking, her hands still around Josie's wrists.
     "Then why are you ignoring me!" Hopes hair now looked like a waterfall, sticking to her face.
Her shirt was sticking to her skin most likely making her bra see through, and her shoes were soaked.
     "Because it's my fault," Josie shouted, clenching her fists.
     "What is?" Hope removed one hand from Josie's wrist.
     "Everything! I almost killed you, my sister, and everyone in the school! I thought Lizzie was the selfish one, but I was! Landon!" Josie took in a deep breath, taking in more water than anything before continuing. "If I wasn't so damn selfish, about losing you both then maybe this wouldn't of fucking happened!"
     Hope moved her hand from Josie's wrist to pull a piece of hair that was sticking to Josie's face, to her ear.
    "What do you mean losing me?" Hope said this in a little above a whisper which made it surprising that Josie even heard her.
    "Do I have to spell it out for you Hope! I liked Landon, I really liked Landon." Josie gulped before continuing, swallowing some water that was in her throat.
    "But I was in love with you, and now it's like I'm in love with you for a second time, accept it's only the exact same. And you're fucking boyfriend just died. And he was my boyfriend as well. And my whole life is just fucke-"
   Hope would blame it on instinct, or anger, or determination, but she would be lying. 
   She just kissed Josie Saltzman, and Josie was kissing her back.
   Josie didn't kiss back immediately out of shock, but after her mind registered to the fact that Hope Mikaelson was kissing her, she kissed back enjoying the taste.
   Both girls had imagined the moment, but neither's guesses were correct.
   Josie guessed Hope would taste almost of sugar, but she tasted of coffee beans and sweetener.
   Hope guessed Josie would taste of strawberries, but she tasted like caramel apple.
   Both tastes were intoxicating. 
   Josie tangled her hands in the shorter girl's hair, earning a quiet moan from the Tribrid.
    After a couple moments of their tongues fighting for dominance, they both pulled away breathless. As they were about to continue, she sound of thunder stopped them. 
   Hope pulled Josie back inside, their soaking bodies dripping on the hallway floors.
   Hope guided Josie into her room, with now only her that was staying in it. 
   After a couple moments of somewhat awkward silence, Hope kissed Josie's cheek.
   "No ignoring me anymore, ok?"
    Josie didn't ignore her anymore.
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laylalikestea · 4 years
Love And Passion
Pairings: Hope Mikaelson x Josie Saltzman
Warnings: Jealousy, Minor Assault
Summary: The words Lizzie spoke bring back a flood of memory’s regarding Hope and Josies former relationship.
"Read my lips. The two of you are never happening."
But we already did.
Hopes last words before she jumped into malivore were,"I'll always remember you." And it was true. Hope would always remember her. Josie Saltzman. But the horrible thing about not being able to get the girl out of her mind was-
She didn't know she existed.
Hope and Josie were the couple you watched on tv. They were perfect for one another. They were in love.
There the type of couple who cuddle up on beanbags, and share a milkshake with one straw. They loved each other. More then they even thought was possible. They were soulmates. But emphasize were.
She had called Josie just before it happened. She had thought Hope was joking when she said that she would never exist again. But Hope wasn't. And when Josie figured that out. She broke.
She didn't know why she was crying after a couple minutes. The tribrid wasn't in her mind anymore. She felt empty. And she didn't even know why.
The first thing Hope thought of when she exited malivore, was Josie.
She knew she didn't remember her. Maybe that was for the best. But she wanted to get to know her all over again. Even though she already knew everything about her. To her deepest fears, to her favorite ice cream flavor. If the the didn't remember loving Hope, then maybe they could fall in love all over again.
But her thoughts changed when she spotted Josie and Landon in a passionate kiss.
She felt as her whole world just collapsed. And it kinda did. Josie was her world. She just didn't collapse. She was being built back up.
The day the truth seeker came, Hope was already quite annoyed.
Josie didn't just forget her. She showed almost hatred towards the girl. And Hope didn't even know why.
Lizzie remembering her, and Josies relationship gave her hope. Lizzie would never admit it but she adored their relationship. She convinced Josie to ask Hope out, since she saw the obvious connection. She was the key to their 8 month relationship. But the words Lizzie said hurt. Because they could be true.
When Josie woke up and remembered everything about Hope, she didn't really speak. She spoke once to her sister and just left. Not even looking in Hopes direction. It made her heart wince.
Her last words to Hope just kept repeating in her head. "I can't live without you."
Josie felt broken. She finally knew why she felt empty for so long. And all along, the reason was just down the street, and she didn't even tell her.
She wasn't mad at Hope for being back. God no. She loved her. But she was mad at Hope for not telling her. She understood that she probably shouldn't of. But she trusted Hope, and she defiantly trusted her enough to tell her that they had been dating for 8 fucking months.
Landon broke up with Josie about 2 weeks later. Before malivore, Landon had very strong feelings for his ex lover Hope. But when her and Josie were together he stepped back due to respect. But now he saw that she was single, and wanted to take a leap. What hurt Josie, is he did this the day they broke up.
Hope turned him down, which made his confidence go down as well.
She didn't even know why he did it in the first place, or thought that it was a good idea. Her memories never left, and her feelings for Josie didn't either.
Hope didn't really think about how Josie and Landon weren't together anymore, after he asked her out. But she did when she walked past Josie's room, hearing silent sobs.
She couldn't really control her body, as she opened the door not caring to knock. "Jo?" Josie looked up at Hopes words, with stained cheeks as she was grasping the pillow. Hope nodded towards her, for consent. Josie nodded back. At that hope pulled Josie into her arms and let her cry her eyes out.
She told her about the break up, and Hope was furious. He broke up with her, just to try and get with another girl who just happened to be herself.
The night ended in Josie falling asleep in her arms. It brought back so many memories, of Josie and Hope skipping into each other's rooms, and spending the night causing Alaric to be pissed at the both of them.
A tear rolled down her cheek at the memories. She fell asleep with a full head.
Hope ended up slapping Landon, the next day in the hall. She got detention but she said it was worth it.
Her actions earned a smile from Lizzie, as she did the exact same thing. Lizzie was enraged as well and was gonna rip off his skull, until Josie told her it would be ok. So she settled on a slap. They also earned a hug from Josie.
For the next couple weeks, Josie and Hope began rebuilding their relationship. Atleast when she wasn't another version of herself. Hope talked to about why she didn't tell Josie and went over that entire topic. And from then on they just got closer.
Their new first kiss was a cliche rain kiss. They were walking back from the woods, as Hope was in her wolf form and Josie wanted to watch. And it started pouring.
When they arrived back Hope randomly turned to her, earning a confused look on Josie's face to appear. "I loved you! I'll always love you. I was in love with you! I'll always be in love with you!" She yelled this over the rain but Josie could hear her just fine.
She pulled Josie into a passionate kiss, which she retired. But it wasn't just full of lust like Josie and Landons. It was full of Love and Passion.
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laylalikestea · 4 years
Cool For The Summer
Pairings: Octavia Blake x Clarke Griffin
Warnings: Slight Jealousy, Sexual References
Summary: Based on the song by Demi Lovato.
Octavia and Clarke had a complicated relationship to say the least.
They had shared hugs, kisses, and the process of love making. But the three words were never in view.
See this summer, Clarke's flirt buddy Bellamy who happened to be Octavia's brother, left for camp. So Clarke switched her routes to the younger girl. But instead of it being innocent and non innocent flirting, it turned into more.
They were at the beach trying to enjoy the 2nd quarter of summer with classmates surrounding them, at a party.
Clarke came up to do her usual, flirt and just have some fun. But they got wasted, so let's just say their minds weren't fully in control. Neither were their body's.
The next morning they awoke together in Clarke's bed, both bare chested. Clarke got a smirk to what happened but Octavia was completely flushed.
Clarke Griffin did one night stand types of things a lot, but Octavia did not.
Octavia usually only slept with or touched lips with someone she knew and felt strongly towards. And she knew nothing about Clarke Griffin. All she knew was she was WR on the football team and was quite the bang and go type of girl.
But Clarke didn't leave that morning. She stayed and even wrapped her arms around the girl.
From then on the amount of nights the same thing happened increased. Sometimes the younger Blake would just go to a party, because she knew she would see the blonde girl there.
It was never a rule, as they never discussed really anything in the process but they never really hit on any other people. It was like an unspoken rule to not sleep with anyone else during the time they were doing it. They mainly just focused on their sex lives, and plainly intimate lives to be fulfilled by each other.
And neither complained.
A lot of people were surprised they didn't see the blue eyed girl with a new guy or girl in her bed every morning. If they payed attention they would just see Octavia.
They usually woke up in the blondes room as it was usually the closest to the events, and they wanted the job to be done fast. The party's and events were near the beach, and Clarke's beach house wasn't even a mile out. But when party's at peoples house were happening, they usually showed up in Octavia's.
This happened throughout the whole summer. They got to know things about each other, like about Octavia's love for butterfly's, and Clarke's dad sadly passing away in a car accident.
Some things they told each other had never been spoken as words before. But they grew trust for each other in the intimate time they had. So they knew almost for a fact that if they shared something personal, most likely it would not be shared anytime soon.
At the end of summer, 7 days til it ends to be exact. Bellamy was arriving home from camp.
The brunette being scared of what would happen to Clarke and hers relationship was not even close to describe the feeling she was having.
She doesn't know what time, what event, or when it happened. But in the back of her mind she slowly grew a feeling towards the blonde. It wasn't fully noticeable as it was just thought as the intimate attraction. But as they started building slowly, but surely an emotional connection the feelings became clearer. And she realized they were real and weren't just for intimacy.
Before the summer Clarke and Octavia only really saw each other when Clarke came over to see Bellamy who was standing beside her in party's. They never built anytime of relationship, even a friendship. She didn't want to lose it. She didn't know what she would do without the blonde.
As Bellamy arrived, he had a smirk plastered across his face that basically screamed he was ready to get laid. She just hoped it wasn't Clarke who was included.
She didn't see the blonde until she was getting papers of the new year of college. She saw her across the room, clutching her paper and speaking to someone she thought was named Raven. They locked eyes, as Clarke gave her a smile and turned back.
In the first week of classes, Bellamy went back to visiting Clarke's dorm every so often, which made her expression worsen. But which surprised her is he always came back with a frown and fully clothed, which she saw as he usually came over to hang out after he got as she thought turned down.
The brunette did not feel enough bravery to go and see Clarke Griffin until one day after her workout, she decided to just go for it.
She saw no sock on the door which for her was a good sign. As she walked inside, Clarke was siting there looking empty, which her done stash of homework on the table. She took her in her arms and they just talked. Clarke had figured out about her moms drug usage and it just tore her apart
From that moment on, Clarke didn't do random one night stands anymore. She started cleaning out her history.
Her and Octavia turned into best friends, sex not included. They just close.
But Octavia's feelings weren't so deep anymore.
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laylalikestea · 4 years
It’ll Always Be You And Him
Pairings: Avani x Charli, Charli x Madi
Warnings: Jealousy, Angst, One Sided
Summary: Charli has feelings for a familiar tiktok friend, but her eyes are only set on her brown haired boyfriend.
     Charli had love for many different things, each being a different kind. 
     There was her love for her parents. She felt as she could be herself around them, and not have to put on a mask. It was strong.
     There was her love for her sister. She was truly her best friend, and had been all of her life. She trusted her with everything, and wouldn't trade her for anything. It was unbreakable. 
     There was her love for her supporters and fans. They helped build back up her confidence, as many people were shooting it down. It was compassionate. 
     There was her love for Madi and Gemma. They were just as much family as her blood relatives were, and sometimes felt more so than them.  If anyone ever hurt her or even looked as they were going to, they did everything in their power to make sure she was okay. It was heartwarming.
     There was her old love for Chase. She felt safe in his arms when he held her. He made her feel content at any situation. And even though he hurt her in the worst possible way, she would always have a piece of it left over for him. It was untouchable.
     Then there was her love for Avani.
     Ever since they met and exploded the media, they became quite close.
     The public caught on and soon started making their friendship known, them now being one of the most popular friendships on the app.
     But it was different than that.
     She felt a different tingle run through her spine, then when Madi touched her. She felt safer in her arms, then when Gemma held her at late nights. She felt content. She didn't know what to call it.
     So now here she was sitting on her couch beside Dixie, with Avani basically on top of Anthony on the other.
      Anthony was quite a kind person, and Charli liked him actually. He treated Avani well by what she told her. He was the type of guy to run in a road with zooming cars passing by, and help someone to get out.
     Avani deserved him.
     As likable as he was to everyone, including the brunette, she couldn't help feel the unfamiliar feeling stream through her veins. 
     She hated being tagged in at least fifty videos a day with Avani and Anthony visibly drooling for each other. She hated dragging her eyes over every trace his finger left on the exposed parts of skin, being shown on her body. 
     She hated the urge to be the one holding Avani in her arms.
     Knocking herself out of her thoughts, the door opened revealing the last guests Madi and Addison.
     Dixie stood up to stand beside Addison, kissing her on the forehead as she greeted her. 
     Madi took Dixie's spot beside Charli, slinging her arm around her shoulder. "Missed ya babes." Madi placed a kiss on Charli's cheek.
    "You too lovely."
     After a while everyone decided to play a quiet game on spin the bottle, just kissing instead of doing the whole closet thing, as they all wanted to be in each other's presence. 
     The first two rounds went by slow.
     Dixie and Addison.
     Addison and Madi.
     Charli saw the jealousy flicker in Dixie's eyes, just as much as she saw the satisfaction once it broke apart.
     Madi spinned the bottle, quite hard but not where the bottle moved from its position. 
     The bottle passed everyone in the circle at least twice before it started slowing down. Charli's breath hitched as she saw the bottle stop and land on her figure.
     She watched the blonde two people away just shrug and scoot over in front of her. Before Charli could protest, Madi pulled Charli's shirt, slamming their lips together.
    Madi tasted of bubblegum, which was quite sweet if Charli was being honest.
    Madi's tongue was much different than Chase's. His tongue was almost scaly and felt rough but Madi's felt more familiar to a pillow.
    As they pulled away they noticed everyone's eyes on them, accompanied by gaping mouths. 
    "Damn got the wrong sister."
    Charli spun the bottle hoping for Addison or something, just because she knew her sister wouldn't mind.
    But as it stopped Charli's mouth fell once again. Avani.
    Avani looked over at him for almost approval, before he just nodded with a smirk on his face. She turned back to face me and scooted forward since she was right in front of me.
    "Hi." I smiled and was about to reply before they grabbed my neck and pulled my body into hers.
     Very surprisingly, Avani showed no struggle of fighting for dominance. Her tongue danced nicely with Charli in a melodic rhythm. 
     But it soon came to an end, Charli's smile inside the kiss fading.
     She looked up and saw Avani attacking Anthony's lips. "God I missed your lips already." Charli just hid her sadness, wiping away a stray tear and continued playing.
     Everyone was now going to sleep at random spots in Charli's home that her parent's laid out.
     But she decided to just stay in her room, as she wasn't in the mood to socialize.
     But as she was going upstairs, she spotted a familiar blonde leaning against the counter, and decided to approach her.
    "Hey Madi. What's up?" Madi looked up and smiled slightly. "Hey Char. Nothing much just sending Sebs last hoodie."
     Madi clicked the last button she needed to before putting her phone away.
     "Night Char." Madi walked in the direction of the living room, more than likely going to lay down on the spot on the couch she was assigned to. 
     But before she could go, Charli stopped her.
    "Hey Madi? Why don't you stay upstairs tonight?
      Madi smiled brightly back.
Maybe she should focus on someone new.
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laylalikestea · 4 years
Updated Masterlinks
Nia and Kara
I’ll be better
Why’d She Have To Watch
I’ll Be Better Pt.2
Hope and Josie
Love And Passion
Rain Kiss
Lena and Kara
Avani and Charli
It’ll Always Be You And Him
Clarke and Octavia
Cool For The Summer
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laylalikestea · 4 years
Parings: Lena Luthor x Kara Danvers
Warnings: none
Summary: How Lena knew her best friend was the kryptonian hero of the world.
Multiple things hinted towards Lenas assumption of Kara being supergirl, being correct.
They had the same eyes. When something was brought up about a specific food item like potstickers, Karas eyes sparkled in delight.
When supergirl spoke to her about a recent fight or the smile on people's faces, she had the same sparkle in her eyes.
Her smile. When her family, friends, or anyone that was important to her was brought up, she smiled brighter than you could imagine.
Every time Lena invited supergirl over for another chat or told her she was always welcome, she had the same bright and perfect smile.
Her kindness. This one was quite easy to explain. Kara was one of the most innocent people in the world, but she would spare her life for anyone she cared about any day of the week. She was the person to spend her paycheck on a homeless person on the street, instead of her own needs. She was genuinely kind, and you don't see that much.
Supergirl didn't just save the city and world countless times for fun or fame. She did it because she wanted to, because she felt happiness when she helped people. Even if a bomb could blow her to oblivion's, she would still cover it just as she did now. She was selfless, just like Kara.
Her look. When Kara looked at her with determination and love she felt as if she wasn't empty anymore. Before Kara came into her life she felt this gaping hole inside her, and Kara filled that whole with her kind and nurturing self.
Supergirl gave her the same look when she watched Lena from the sky. They both stared at each other, even though she was supposed to be leaving. She watched her eyes travel up and down her body, eyes tracing every detail on her face. It sent shivers down her body, quite familiar to the feeling Kara Danvers gave her.
But what cracked it was the way she held her. As cliche as it was, Kara made her feel safe when she was in her arms.
Her and Kara hugging was not an odd occurrence. But it was different with her and supergirl.
So the first time supergirl wrapped her arms around Lena, embracing her in her arms, she felt it.
She felt safe, alive, completed, and truly happy. And some would say it's just two people that make her happy. But this feeling was not easy to come by. It was specific and rare. And only Kara could make her feel that way.
So now laying in Karas arms in their bed, drifting off to sleep, the thoughts of how strong her love was for the kryptonian kept circling her mind.
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laylalikestea · 4 years
I’ll Be Better
Pairings: Nia Nal x Kara Danvers
Warnings: Possible Mild Swearing
Summary: Nia sees Kara with William and gets overwhelmed with jealousy.
Nia still hadn’t figured out exactly how Kara had went from despising William to him rubbing his hands down her arms.
Just over a month ago the blonde was ranting to her about how much hatred she had for him. Talking about his attitude all the way to his as she stated, ‘square shaped cheekbones.’
Well now all Kara could do was talk about how attractive and kind he was. Even his cheekbones.
As much as Nia wanted her feelings for the blonde to be a myth, they weren’t.
If she was being honest, she probably fell for the girl the first time she saw her.
But who wouldn’t fall for Kara?
She was perfect in every way.
She was one of the kindest people you would ever meet, she cared about her more than she cared about herself, even when she shoots her a simple wave it causes her to cross her legs.
So now here she was trying to distract herself from the way William was skimming his hands down Karas arm, and the way he looked down at her, almost claiming her.
Nia could feel blood being drawn from her hand from how hard she was clenching her fists, but she couldn’t stop.
Nia had denied her ‘crush’ for the Kryptonian for months, and now she was finishing up stage two. Her love for her.
The brunette didn’t know what love felt like. How does anyone know what love felt like?
But if she guessed, it was the feeling when she was with Kara.
The feeling of comfort, warmth, and just love.
Nia was snapped out of her thoughts by a tap on the shoulder, snapping her back into reality.
As Nia jumped back in shock, she was met with the woman that was occupying her thoughts.
Kara Danvers.
“Oh sorry Nia, didn’t mean to startle you.”
Nia shook her head and smiled up at the kryptonian.
“It’s all good, I was just thinking of ideas for the article.”
Kara smiled back at her and placed a hand on Nias desk.
“You’re fine, I just wanted to ask you something.”
Nias face was now flushed for no other reason than Kara was the most attractive person she had ever seen in her life.
“Oh- go ahead.”
“Well since Christmas is approaching, I’m having a Christmas party at my home this weekend. Lena, Kelly, Alex, John, Brainy, William, and even my friend Sam who’s flying in. And it wouldn’t be the same without you, so I was wondering if you would come.”
Nias face kinda dropped at the mention of William, but it was picked back up at her last comment.
“Oh yea- I mean of course I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the entire multi universe.” Nia smiled awkwardly at Kara, as she felt extremely idiotic at her last comment.
“Oh yay! Well I’ll see you there.” Kara only walked a couple steps before she turned back in Nias direction.
“Kar-“ Nia was cut off by Kara leaning down and wrapping her arms around Nias body.
“I know it’s not thanksgiving or anything, but I’m very thankful for you,” Kara mumbled from Nias shoulder.
As Kara pulled away, she placed a soft kiss on Nias cheek, leaving Nia frozen.
“See you tomorrow.”
Nia looked down at the ground once she gained her composure, embarrassed of the effect the Kryptonite had on her.
She raised a hand up to touch the part that Karas lips caressed.
This action caused the memory of Karas breath on her neck, and how close the girl was to her body.
Nia blushed and looked back to her computer, clenching her legs together.
anybody want a part 2 of the party?
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laylalikestea · 4 years
Has anyone else started shipping Nia and Kara these last couple of episodes? or is it just me?
Also what would their shipname be? Superdream?
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