lifeinhoodie · 29 days
I just finished making charms for everyone Percy Jackson cabin
Plus a few extra
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lifeinhoodie · 1 month
Did I stay up till midnight making this?
Did I make mistakes and somewhat hate it as all artist too? 
Was it worth it?
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lifeinhoodie · 1 month
Broke: repeat a joke but louder
Woke: overhearing a joke and quietly telling your friend and then that friend tells another friend and then they tell two other people. Friend a posts it on tumblr and does ok but then it appears on YouTube in an Emk, Bettina levy, ect. and blows up. meanwhile friend b texts it to a friend who’s on student council and it gets put on the announcement speaker as a ‘joke of the week’ one student tells it to his mom who is on the school board and it gets put on the school’s website. One soccer mom gets offended and demands it gets taken down but notices that it’s on YouTube ( not tumblr because this is a hellsite) gets even more mad starting a screaming match with a random kid because the mom thinks this kid did it to offend her baby boy who the random kid is on the opposite team to. One of the teachers sees her and the mom gets arrested for trying to start a fight with a freshman
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lifeinhoodie · 3 months
A few days ago I got two bug bites that look like I had been bitten by a vampire
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Ok so nether the post or exit out buttons are working. Tumblr please help
It’s been a few days no sign of help or escape
…do you think the vampire gods ran out of ‘don’t show in photos juice’ and just had to make sure nobody could see me so this is how they chose to silence me … -day 7
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lifeinhoodie · 3 months
Ok story time my phone got this crack that made the top bar of my phone screen non responsive
So when I when to post some art I couldn’t post or exit out because both of those buttons were on the top bar and even if I closed the app when I reopened it I would go to the SAME PAGE
And as I am typing this I am realizing that the post button is unresponsive :)
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lifeinhoodie · 3 months
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I have a bad camera but I want to show this off
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lifeinhoodie · 6 months
You know what I realized 
The phrase ’consider it done’ never even implies that you will do the thing
It’s basically just saying ‘please gaslight yourself into thinking that the task is done’
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lifeinhoodie · 6 months
You want me to make eye contact? THE THING THAT KILLED EURYDICE … the second time
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lifeinhoodie · 7 months
"Sex is what makes us human" is stupid. Almost every species fucks. Humans are the only species that jumps motorcycles over school buses that are on fire. Some other things too probably
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lifeinhoodie · 7 months
You wanna know what bullshit I just encountered today
I had a Spanish test today and one of the questions was “what does ‘Que tai ‘ mean “
And the answer choice of “how are you?” Was wrong and the correct answer was “what’s up”
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lifeinhoodie · 8 months
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Expectations vs. Reality
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lifeinhoodie · 8 months
You wanna know what’s funny?
When I was a high school band player our football team sucked like really bad
And the little shits we were made guessed about how much we would lose by
“I think we’ll lose by 20”
“Give them some faith we’ll lose by15 “
So much so that the band director said we had to stop saying we were going to lose because it was bumming out the football team. So instead we said this
“ I think we’ll win by -20 points “
“ Nah the other team doesn’t seem to good so we’ll win by negative 15 points “
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lifeinhoodie · 10 months
You know what I don’t like about Texas summers are
When I’m outside it’s fucking hot as all hell so everybody cranks the air conditioner up so that it’s stupid cold inside !
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lifeinhoodie · 11 months
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I swear these pronouns are getting out of control
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lifeinhoodie · 11 months
Ok so I found this in my shower
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lifeinhoodie · 11 months
When you see a cop do you ever feel the urge to run away
Even if you did nothing
Just get into a high speed foot chase for no reason
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lifeinhoodie · 11 months
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