little-luna-llama 2 days
Post mystic flour eps the cacaonian cookies return to crispia, yet not all have recovered from their brush with apathy.
Wildberry cookie, who turned around and came back just after the others had left on a gut feeling, goes to see them and sees crunchy chip who doesn't look right. He finds out that a lot of them haven't quite recovered their full emotions back, and while dark cacao did overcome mystic flour and got stronger he needs to recover himself before he can really help anyone else, Dark choco is doing his best but obviously is not fully prepared either. The unit get to go have a break while they all figure out what to do about the cookies who are struggling, some recover fairly quickly once they get back, some don't. Caramel, Crunchy and the other two among the latter.
Wild is utterly devastated and stays even longer to help find an answer. Helping out dark choco at first until dark cacao is back on his feet, and then focusing particularly on his boyfriend and trying to get a reaction, anything to prove he's under there. He gets a little progress via the creamwolf pack, sees the spark in crunchys eyes flash for but a moment when they all rush him for attention. After that though it's nothing and it's incredibly taxing to see all that passion gone.
He finds himself in the uncomfortable position of being the more openly emotional of the pair, and also asking himself if crunchy will still love him after, if he ever gets his feelings back. It's not a pleasant feeling to have when you have a ring in your pocket you'd been working on while he was away saving the world.
Caramel arrow is no help, arguably in a worse condition that Crunchy Chip, because he ends up talking to second watcher who is a wreck over his nieces condition, he already lost her parents, and to him this is even worse because she's still technically alive, but she's hardly spoke and not even taken to the training grounds to use her bow which she used to love doing.
Crunchy does notice the general mood and points it out.
Wildberry, being fed up by this point, just steels himself and tells Crunchy that once he's better he'll take him on a date. A proper one. No monsters or fighting or imminent doom. He knows he can get better and he will. They'll go have a picnic in the woods or go visit crunchys family over in his home village, hang out with the wolf pack or go get another herring jelly pie.
"I..... I think I'd....like ..that?"
"I know"
Then Wildberry kisses him and when they pull away all of a sudden crunchy reacts to it in his typical style, something like "woof, that was a surprise" or something
And they both laugh and then Wild suddenly realises that what they needed this whole time was some big feeling to kick start their emotions, all the quickly recovered soldiers had partners or children- (second watcher was too busy to give Caramel the overwhelming amount she would need to recover)
They both quickly report what happened and run off to find Caramel
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little-luna-llama 2 days
more doomed soulmates,, I really had fun with the hair
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little-luna-llama 2 days
No bc that's exactly what I'm doin
My toxic trait is denying that Elder Faerie actually died and instead headcanoning him that he fell into a coma and White Lily and Pure Vanilla are trying their best to help him recover because White Lily realized she's VERY NOT QUALIFIED to lead a kingdom, so for the most part, Elder Faerie has been inside the glass coffin for a while.
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little-luna-llama 3 days
Custard is officially in my lineup for con in 2 weeks
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little-luna-llama 4 days
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happy pride to them btw
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little-luna-llama 4 days
Happy pride month! have same random memes that I have gathered as my offering
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If you know what the "merging souls" one is referencing you're a veteran to the shadowvanilla fandom you earn a badge of honor
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little-luna-llama 4 days
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Finally committed.
Son boy Cape.
The wand is started, the wig is here I just gotta style it, the shorts are nearly done
Haven't started the crown yet but that's okay I have one to use already and the materials to make a more accurate one if i have time
(Also underneath is my pumpkin pie jacket mockup)
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little-luna-llama 5 days
It's 4am but there's a new au:
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Shadow milk kidnaps custard after finally being able to lead them far enough away in their sleep to snatch them.
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The little star wakes up but fate has other plans, ones to make them wish they hadn't.
Shadow basically forcefully starts feeding on Custards magic to supplement his own, since he's still mostly sealed he needs a source, a physical body to use. Custard's little star nickname is because here, custard glows when content/happy and practically has a nuclear generator of magic, and infinite supply if Shadow can keep him happy enough. Ripe for the taking.
It's incredibly painful to do so physically, but after this attempt shadow simply puts custard to sleep and gives them good dreams and is able to connect them together via bluetooth, making custard a bit of a living battery for the beast
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little-luna-llama 6 days
They bite her as a warning and she just casually gets her arm out of their mouth and muses if she could bite harder/hj
Thinking about your au and the captive pitaya in particularrrrr cause like
I kinda imagine that with all the mindgames that dragonberry plays with him and freedom, i can imagine she would absolutely gaslight him as well?
The whole love bombing and then saying how "terrible he is even though shes so gracious and- ok what im playing at is pitaya getting his hair cut as a punishment and with it goes his last shred of autonomy jejdbendjendjejd i apologize but my thoughts are so big tonight
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Ohhh yeahhhh I can see that happening sometime. Dragonberry holds on to their memories both good and bad after all, sure Pitaya was an ally but they also selfishly took the throne that was rightfully hers. And look at them now, just a subject for examination and experimentation to help her ascend to dragonhood. A prideful beast like her would benefit from making them feel hopeless and like nothing, it makes it easier to subjugate them. And actually, she鈥檚 being nice. They could have it so much worse, couldn鈥檛 they?
But she does humor their fire, she enjoys it even. She loves making them feel like they have a chance of fighting back, only to shut it all down. It reminds her of the good old days! It鈥檚 too bad the great Red Dragon is nothing more than a prisoner now, but hey, it makes her all the more powerful.
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little-luna-llama 6 days
Ngl I'm thinking about Shadow and custard again...
Custard iii sleepwalking under the influence of Shadow Milk. It starts out as an odd habit some of the adults in his life notice, Chili Pepper darting up the stairs to stop Custard falling down them unawares(as if Shadow Milk would do that) , Dark Cacao finding them curled up on a windowsill when walking around the citadel on a moonless night when they visit. Shadow having to stop every time someone gets too close so they don't notice his ghostly hand leading the little one astray.....
Little dreams here and there, building up trust so the protection spells on his toy bunny don't react when he manifests again, shushing custard when he giggles, dreaming whatever shadow whips up for him as he takes the little one further and further each time.
One time he makes a miscalculation in the dream he weaves, and custard snaps awake screaming when it turns into a nightmare. Shadow finds himself gently comforting them, cooing sweet words and petting their cheek until they fall asleep again.
All for his little star, who practically glows with light magic when content, how cute!
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little-luna-llama 7 days
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need me some WildChip if you can, love me shortass gremlin ADHD and tall Autism, always silly
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They are so silly / pos
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little-luna-llama 9 days
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little-luna-llama 12 days
Dark choco was on beast yeast first
They went there ages before the others and they heard of the one who grants wishes at the top of a temple, keeps it in mind until finding themselves drawn to it(this is when Mystic starts trying to get dark cacaos attention)
How they got there? Holly, Lily and tea have made it there in the past, alone too(Holly went during her little milk stunt) so there's clearly some path or method if you're careful, maybe just a simple "you can boat it here's a map".
Spoilers for Beast Yeast Episode 3 + speculations for Episode 4
So everyone's speculating about how Dark Choco is in Beast Yeast too, but I wanna know how tf did he get there. Did he stowaway on the ship? If so, what was his reason?
Did he see the situation that's going on in the Cacao Kingdom and wanted to help find a cure? If so, was he trailing behind Cacao, or was he in the search for a different thing, a herb that may combat the effects of the plague?
Does he have some idea of what beast Cacao's dealing with, maybe from his prior knowledge on Dark Enchantress' plan?
Also, if he did stowaway on the ship, how has nobody noticed? Especially the cream wolves. Yanno, the kingdom's literal scent dogs technically.
Edit: I forgot he snuck into the castle without anyone knowing back in Crispia Episodes 13-14, ignore that last bit lmao.
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little-luna-llama 12 days
Dark cacao believing everyone is dead and getting helped by a masked stranger who's rather familiar, but in his current state thinks its his imagination.
It's not.
It's dark choco.
Bonus points: mystic tries to use a vision/illusion of dark choco against dark cacao, and before he can be convinced to give up the soul jam in exchange for them they lunge at it to dispel it, revealing their identity in the process.
Then they proceed to read mystic flour and her methods for FILTH(again the whole being apathetic to their suffering and growing to be much stronger in their will thing)
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little-luna-llama 12 days
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This weekend...
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little-luna-llama 12 days
I'm glad the posts are making the rounds! I'll try and finish up some writing/art today if I can now my presentation has passed which is my final major deadline until july
(it went rlly well! They were super enthusiastic and loved how I'd really shown the return on investment in my work)
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little-luna-llama 13 days
Post mystic flour eps the cacaonian cookies return to crispia, yet not all have recovered from their brush with apathy.
Wildberry cookie, who turned around and came back just after the others had left on a gut feeling, goes to see them and sees crunchy chip who doesn't look right. He finds out that a lot of them haven't quite recovered their full emotions back, and while dark cacao did overcome mystic flour and got stronger he needs to recover himself before he can really help anyone else, Dark choco is doing his best but obviously is not fully prepared either. The unit get to go have a break while they all figure out what to do about the cookies who are struggling, some recover fairly quickly once they get back, some don't. Caramel, Crunchy and the other two among the latter.
Wild is utterly devastated and stays even longer to help find an answer. Helping out dark choco at first until dark cacao is back on his feet, and then focusing particularly on his boyfriend and trying to get a reaction, anything to prove he's under there. He gets a little progress via the creamwolf pack, sees the spark in crunchys eyes flash for but a moment when they all rush him for attention. After that though it's nothing and it's incredibly taxing to see all that passion gone.
He finds himself in the uncomfortable position of being the more openly emotional of the pair, and also asking himself if crunchy will still love him after, if he ever gets his feelings back. It's not a pleasant feeling to have when you have a ring in your pocket you'd been working on while he was away saving the world.
Caramel arrow is no help, arguably in a worse condition that Crunchy Chip, because he ends up talking to second watcher who is a wreck over his nieces condition, he already lost her parents, and to him this is even worse because she's still technically alive, but she's hardly spoke and not even taken to the training grounds to use her bow which she used to love doing.
Crunchy does notice the general mood and points it out.
Wildberry, being fed up by this point, just steels himself and tells Crunchy that once he's better he'll take him on a date. A proper one. No monsters or fighting or imminent doom. He knows he can get better and he will. They'll go have a picnic in the woods or go visit crunchys family over in his home village, hang out with the wolf pack or go get another herring jelly pie.
"I..... I think I'd....like ..that?"
"I know"
Then Wildberry kisses him and when they pull away all of a sudden crunchy reacts to it in his typical style, something like "woof, that was a surprise" or something
And they both laugh and then Wild suddenly realises that what they needed this whole time was some big feeling to kick start their emotions, all the quickly recovered soldiers had partners or children- (second watcher was too busy to give Caramel the overwhelming amount she would need to recover)
They both quickly report what happened and run off to find Caramel
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