live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
fun fact: today is Logan’s birthday
another fun fact: today is also the day I have to zoom with my AP physics teacher because I literally failed his test :D
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
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Wouldja lookit the time it's Logan angst hours--
I love that the Sides are shown to glitch out;;; I wanted to mess around with that concept. Not sure if it's good but. Lol happy birthday to Teach! 💙
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
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Roman, Virgil & Patton: Happy Birthday, Logan!
Logan: Actually, there’s no true way to prove when we were born because of the complications of brain development. Birthdays are pretty pointless too since-
Roman, interrupting: Just blow the candle, man.
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
the emptiness in his eyes he’s so done AND ITS SO FUNNY
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
Today is actually my half-birthday! Which means I missed being able to vote by six months ffff
So yeah fulfill Logan’s wish if you can
“My wish is that if you are an eligible citizen of the United States, and you have not done so already, then go vote, for the love of god, please god, vote, please vote,”
-the birthday boy, Logan Sanders himself
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
These are so sweet I’m about to cry
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Happy birthday, Logan!!!
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
Sanders Sides is at number 5 now!!!
I hope Logan knows how much we appreciate him
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
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A good man deserves a good birthday
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
Everything about this is perfect
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🎂 :D
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
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happy Halloween 🎃
high-key proud of this lmao
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
I am enjoying your Logan brainrot so much you have no idea
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day 3 of logan week was logan wearing another sides outift
and u see uhhh,,,, im v extraaaa annddddddd sooooo i may or may not have personalized the outfits for all of them hgdjfkdlf
the biggest change i think was that i didnt think logan would be the type to tie a sweater around his neck so instead i just drapped it over him lol
i also combined roman and reums’ bc i didnt want to come up with 2 royalty themed outfits lol
virgils is pretty straight forward bc i dont think logan would have too many complaints abt it oop
for jans i changed his animal theme form a snake to an owl bc im unoriginal and the staff i v much owl house inspired oops
thank u for coming to my ted talk enjoy my logan brain rot
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
I'm begging y'all at this point - please stop sharing Patreon content. You are hurting Thomas and Co and all of us other patrons.
What y'all are doing will actually impact the Co financially.
Today the Co gave us a discount code for the shop. It took only a few hours for someone to say that they saw a patreon code on Twitter.
Please, stop.
I know some of y'all might say, "well, if you have patreon, you don't need it - since you have money. Let those of us who can't afford the Patreon have the code."
The discount is a PERK. We give the Co money and they give us a discount. If you use the patreon code without being in the patreon, you're causing the Co to lose money. Therefore, they may not keep this perk.
Say, for example, you went to Hot Topic and make a purchase. If you don't know, Hot Topic cashiers will normally drop a discount card into your bag once you make a purchase. It is an incentive to keep you coming back to Hot Topic/keep you spending money. Imagine you go behind the counter and steal one of those discount codes.
You didn't pay for anything, yet you took something you didn't pay for. That discount card is an incentive.
That's exactly the same thing with the patreon. Yet, somehow people are justifying it because it is non-tangible - because it's virtual.
The more this happens, the more likely Co will take away perks. If they can't trust us not to spread info outside of patreon, then they won't give it to us. Simple.
I'm begging you, please stop. Thomas and Co are a small group of independent YouTubers. They do not have millions of dollars to spend. If you want to see my breakdown of Thomas and Co's patreon and why I applaud them for making it, check out my "Defending Thomas's Patreon" post. I explain there why artists need a stable income to create content.
You all sharing content are disrespecting Thomas and Co and all of your fellow patrons. We just want to support the Co. Please stop taking advantage of their kindness/their incentives. They are already giving us so much with the patreon. Please, don't make them regret it.
If you don't have a patreon, you're not missing out on any content. None of the stuff that happens in there are plot-related. Trust me, I know. This is all just extra stuff. You aren't missing a thing.
I am trying so hard to be nice about this. If this continues, I will honestly have to stop trying. This isn't fair to anyone.
Please, stop sharing Patreon content. You are hurting everyone.
Please, stop.
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
Defending Thomas's Patreon-
-as someone with a BA in English.
So, I have seen a lot of people hating on Thomas and Co because they opened a Patreon. Here's my two cents on the matter:
"Good job Thomas and Co for realizing what you need and acting upon it." - Me
"But Kristen," some of you might say, "they don't post a whole lot and 99% of their fanbase comprises of children. Why would anyone give Thomas and Co money? They're just posting infrequently and milking us for money. Why would I give them money?"
Let me rebut your statement with a few words:
That's entirely the point of the Patreon.
As I said, I'm a writer and a performer. 99% of my friends work in the arts as musicians, artists, writers, performers, teachers, etc. We are in a field where people demand stuff from us, yet refuse to take us seriously. From talking to my friends, they do not have a stable income. Most money comes from gigs, large projects, and even donations. They do not have a stable income from month to month. Sometimes they can afford to spend a few extra dollars on stuff they need, whereas other months they don't even know if they can pay rent.
Patreon can give them the stable income that many of us artists need.
Having an unstable income means that projects have to be scrapped, rewritten, or revised on a new schedule in order to offset costs. I wouldn't be surprised if there is content we haven't seen because the Co couldn't afford to make it.
Another thing you may not know about me is that I did film club in high school. I was in two fifty-minute movies. Let me tell you, there's so much that you don't see. This is just the bare bones of the life cycle of a script:
First draft
Script edits/more research(x however long it takes to create a final draft)
Filming on/off set (and some script changes)
Compiling the good takes and stringing them into a first draft of the video
Special effects add-ins
Creating cleaner transitions
Music overlay
Final touches
Now you may say
"Ten steps? That's all?"
This is the BARE MINIMUM. There's plenty more steps to this. Not to mention, these take place over the course of MONTHS. AND health needs to be addressed - Co can't spend every day working. They have their own lives. It's dangerous for them to put their health on the back burner in order for them to finish a vid a few weeks early.
Not to mention - fans only see the final draft. You see the final product and think: "That's it? Why did it take so long?" And I, the artist, thinks: "Oh god, I can't believe it only took us 53 drafts to finally settle the plot."
Creating content is not easy and I think a lot of you forget that.
The whole point of the Patreon is to help them be able to have a strong foundation. This way they can have more elaborate costumes, sets, and props. This way they can comission people. You remember "Learning New Things About Ourselves?" The puppet episode? Two people were comissioned for that. Remus's costume? Comissioned. The last Aside? Comissioned.
We all gotta pay bills, that's why a lot of people turn to Patreon as a solid resource so they can have a monthly income. This is how they begin to create a regular schedule. This is how creators can finally have stability in their lives.
A stable income will make it easier for the Co to create stronger schedules and, possibly, more frequent vids. I cannot stress enough that artists cannot do what they do without having some sense of stability. If we don't have a stable income, we won't have a stable schedule. It's as simple as that.
(As a side note: YouTube takes up to 30% of YouTube Memberships whereas Patreon takes only 5%. It makes sense for them to switch platforms.)
As for the other half - that this fandom is mainly kids - no it is not. I have met so many Fanders at college and, heck, most of the Fanders in the discord I frequent are around my age (22). But, that's not really something that is important.
I recently graduated college. I get it, money is tight, especially now. But, this also means money is tight for artists. Broadway is closed till June 2021, my musician friends have lost most of their income, and my other artist friends are currently unemployed. Trust me, I know things are hard. Thomas and Co have said time and time again that your support is enough. You sharing their content, commenting on their vids, and showing the Co support is enough. You don't need to spend money. What you are doing is helping boost their vids in the algorithm and helping the content reach more people.
Lastly, stop sharing Patreon content if you are a patron. It is hurting everyone. When you leak content, people are more likely to not buy a tier because they can get the same thing for free via a leak. This in turn hurts Thomas and Co and causes them to lose money. You're also showing your fellow patrons that you don't care about them. They are paying for content and are disrespecting them by giving it to people who haven't paid.
Stop bashing Thomas and Co for this decision. Just because you like them doesn't mean you are entitled to their content. I think a lot of this fandom needs to learn to step into other people's perspectives and stop taking their own lives as what the basis of everyone else's is like.
This move makes sense. A lot of you are looking at it as a fan and are viewing the Co as people who just make content. You need to step into their shoes and think about what it is like to create content in the year 2020.
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
It was certainly exciting. I remember being fondly exasperated at the name reveal trolling in the Q&A lmao 
I wasn’t really in the fandom at the time bc I didn’t have any social media, but the top theory for Patton was Morgan I think. I read a comment post-Roman reveal where someone thought Virgil’s name would be Rowan bc they’re ~foils~, and Angel was also a fairly popular guess. (It’s safe to say no one was even close.)  
Thomas: Wait.. your name’s Logan? Not just Logic? Do you all have names-
Logan: Not right now, I have to plan.
The fandom was sent into shock and disarray with the revelation that the Sides had names, right?
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
Everything about this is absolutely perfect 1000000/10
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you look like the man. I fight the man
so um. I got eyeliner, i got fishnets, i wanted to cosplay! I made the jacket a while i just never felt good about myself to keep it up. (my cat wanted in too lmao) but like I think i look great! I know it doesn’t seem like it, but being able to put make up on and show my stomach is a big deal for me and i feel so good and I never thought I would get there! Hope you like it! Tumblr can have a face reveal. As a treat
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live-laugh-larceny · 4 years
lmfao y’all I had a psychology test that I forgot about and it was on
Logan actually saved my ass. I remembered the conflicts of basically all the stages bc I could hear him lecturing me in my head
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