lollipencil · 11 minutes
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lollipencil · 1 day
In The Pale Moonlight: What If....Blood Moon Sons?
A while ago, I read The "Only" Blood Son, then I suddenly remembered it and went "You know what would be interesting?" so, @harleyification, let's hope I'm right.
Enjoy and be gentle ---
They all stared blankly at the Bat-Computer. At the impossibility it showed.
"It's not correct," Marc stated in Steven's utter shock, "It can't be." "Si, run it again, Steven," Jake urged quickly. Wordlessly, without his eyes moving off the screen, Steven did as he was told. And kept rerunning it.
It was at the end of the thirty second test that someone finally came down.
"Boys?" Bruce's gentle voice drifted from behind. "How...?" Steven couldn't finish, just sagged in his chair and breathed deeply. "How what? What's wrong?" Steven couldn't even speak, just pointed at the batcomputer.
The hiss of Bruce's gasp echoed through the cave. "I don't understand," his voice wavered, but it never did that, "I've never been to Chicago. There is no way this could have happened." After that, the next thing they knew was when Alfred was gently pressing a hot chocolate into their hands. "I believe that I might know what's happened," he admitted once Marc had taken a large gulp, "Although, Commisioner Gordon will know more details."
Jim Gordon looked at the paper in his hands with a haunted expression. He opened his mouth, only to close it and sigh through his nose heavily. Finally, he looked up at the two men seated in front of him. "Mr Wayne, have you ever heard of the Purestone clinic?" he rasped quietly.
"Vaguely, it was sometime ago," Bruce shuffled awkwardly in place, "I only recently remembered because Alfred kept a record." "It was run by the Rollins family. Apparently, they had the bright idea of-" Commisioner Gordon paused, glancing at the exhaustion on Marc's face briefly, "they thought that not enough of Gotham's elite were having kids. So, they made the clinic, made it attractive to wealthy clientele, and planned to send out the collected samples to other cities. Men from their family would monitor all who used the samples 'provided' and, one day, reveal them and hold them for ransom."
Jim only just avoided flinching at the sheer fury that radiated from Bruce. "They were going to breed hostages," he stated, each word layered with faux-calm. "Yes. We'd thought that they'd been taken down before any samples were sent out, but, I guess... Mr Spector-Wayne?"
Marc blinked as if startled for a moment: "Yeah?" "I understand that you've heard this countless times, but I have to ask. Can you recall anything new about how you ended up in Gotham?" He sighed, "No, it's still the same. I'm in my bedroom, then in the alleyway."
Jim nodded and opened an email: "Admittedly both cases are likely going to be reopened, given this new evidence linking them." "Should we do a press conference?" Marc suddenly asked. "Might be best," Bruce mused outloud, "this will likely become public knowledge no matter what we do. At least, we can reveal it on our terms."
Jim just nodded as he finished up his email. "Are you ok if the GCPD also attend? The public will likely demand all the details, not to mention the news outlets." "Yes, that would be ideal. I'll have my team contact you. Thank you for your time." "Of cource, and, um," Jim hesitated as Bruce and Marc pause at the door to his office, "congratulations, I guess?"
A bit of warmth grew in their eyes as Bruce silently nodded in thanks. As the door closed, Jim sighed again.
Time to get to work.
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lollipencil · 5 days
Little Moon: Inléroo headshot
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I happened upon @saturncoyote's wonderful Watership Down fanart and thought "I've got a Watership Down fic with an OC (technically), let's get drawing!". I used this post as reference, and admittedly copied their style, but here's Inléroo!
Once I'm more experienced with drawing, I'll likely come back to this and tweak it.
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lollipencil · 7 days
I've been having Thoughts about what a Moon Knight video game could look like
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lollipencil · 10 days
Eclipsed: Part 2
Suddenly had the urge to continue this, so let's see how it goes.
Enjoy and be gentle. ---
Even before he opened his eyes, Steven could tell how bad his day was going to be. He could feel it in how his head throbbed and in the heat seemingly trapped under his skin. He moaned in misery as he finally cracked them open.
Instead of a bus, it felt like he'd been hit by an armored truck. Limbs pulsed with a dull ache as he slowly sat up. Steven's ceiling spun breifly, sweat diverting to trickle down his chest. "Fuck," he groaned when he finally managed to sit upright. Did that steak give him food poisoning?
Steven really didn't want to, but he had no choice. Loosly gripping his phone, he coughed at the sudden obstruction in his sinuses as he dialed. Thankfully, it only took a few minutes of talking for him to have the day off. In fact, the second Donna heard him, she gave him the full week off.
The instant they hung up, a sharp stab of hunger had Steven doubled over on the kitchen counter. His eyes squeezed shut as tight as they could.
He was. So. Hungry.
Marc's groans filled the air as he blinked into awareness. What the hell did Steven eat? He couldn't recall the last time the body had felt so terrible.
Sweat poured down his forehead. Deep in the very core of his being, cravings beat at his mind like hordes of zombies. Fueled by desperation, Marc managed to get to the cupboards and not rip them off the hinges. His eyes instantly locked onto a mostly finished bar of vegan chocolate. Before he could stop himself, he'd torn the wrapper open and stuffed the three squares into his mouth.
Oh, it was bliss. Tears flowed down Marc's face in sheer delight. The instant he swallowed, the craving grew even more insistant. No, it wasn't just a craving. It was a need.
For a moment, a frantic panic seized Marc. There wasn't any more chocolate. Steven rarely bought bars big enough to last, and he'd notice if one suddenly appeared.
Then he remembered.
Buried all the way in the back of one of the cupboards, was a crate full of UHT vegan chocolate milk. Something Steven had accidently received, got refunded, told to keep it, and quickly forgot about. Marc's hands clawed at the cupboard in question before he'd finished realising, quickly pulling everything out of the way and retreaving that precious box.
Marc's fingers slipt and fumbled with the cap so much, he soon resorted to gnawing on it. Then, suddenly, his teeth felt different. His tongue bumped against sharp, angular fangs. Insperation rapidly hit, and he bit down.
The plastic was more like warm butter under his teeth. Just barely remembering to spit out the cap, Marc quickly started to chug. It had been quite some time since he'd had proper chocolate milk, but somehow, this tasted better then that by the largest margin possible.
He couldn't stop. He just kept on chugging until the last drop was but a memory. But it wasn't enough.
The empty bottle was tossed aside and another quickly picked up. Marc whined after one sip. He was so full. And sitting in a puddle of sweat.
Why? Was he so hot?
In all his years of living, Jake had never felt so utterly terrible before. He was practically a radiator with the sheer heat he could feel. "Oh shit," Jake moaned when he realised something past the steamy haze clinging to his brain.
Their brain might cook if the body didn't cool down soon.
Panting hard, Jake began his long trip along the floor to the bathroom. It was slow, and a lot of Steven's stuff got bumped, but eventually Jake's overheated skin touched porcelain.
He couldn't bring himself to sit up. His hand ended up flailing in the vague direction of the controls. Somehow, he must have managed to somehow turn it on. A lukewarm spray sputtered onto grateful skin. Jake gasped as he curled up, staying as still as he could to sooth aching muscles.
Time seemed to stretch and contract as he lay there unmoving. Then, Jake noticed something.
It was subtle, but noticeable once he focused on it. A strange feeling, like water flowing over skin but underneath. At first, Jake regarded it with mild bafflement. Then it hit.
Something was under the body's skin. Something alive.
The utter chill of this revelation chased away all the heat in the room. Then, he blacked out.
It wasn't until the next morning that Steven woke up again. Still too warm and achy, but less so. He barely even glanced at the sand as he passed to the kitchen, only idly noting a large displaced patch like something had been dragged throught it.
On the counter waiting, are two things. A plate of unevenly buttered toast, and a mug of steaming, oddly coloured coffee.
Steven's nose wrinkled slightly at the colour. But, seeing as it didn't smell off, he took a sip anyway. Sweetness burst over his tongue, almost completely subduing the familer notes of coffee. Only the temperature prevented him from chugging the whole thing.
Once half of the mug was gone, Steven noticed something. An odd feeling, like the skin of his neck had been coated in syrup. Blinking in confusion, he reached back.
It was cool to the touch, whatever it was. Not sticky, but clung to his fingers in thin strands. Thick and smooth.
Grasping as much as he could, Steven gently pulled at it. It yielded but came with a strong sensation from the base of his neck. And, there in his hand, was a familar looking black goo. Which kept growing in mass even as Steven stopped pulling, and began to shift. The mass in Steven's hand grew dense, the thin strand still touching his neck being accompanied by several thicker ones. Its surface suddenly paled in places, forming white rorschach blots that faced Steven.
He just looked numbly at it. The blots narrowed and the blob butted up against his still raised hand. "Oh, it's a head," he thought as he began to pet it slowly. The blots eyes narrowed in glee, a slit forming to show countless thin fangs in a clear smile. Even with anxious questions bubbling in his gut, Steven couldn't help but smile back.
A single tendril reaches under the table and pulls out a carton of chocolate milk, refilling Steven's mug up to the brim before letting the last drops drip onto a long red tongue. "Good morning," the head spoke in a deep rumble that vaguely reminded Steven of his own voice. "Morning," he automatically replied, "I'm sorry, who are you?" "Oh right. Of cource, I am-" their jaws open wide and produced a long sound akin to a eldritch creature being waterboarded, "I believe in your tongue, it translates roughly to 'venom'."
"Right, ok then," Steven nodded, "Are you ok with me calling you Venom?" "It'll do." "Alright," Steven hesitated briefly, "why are you here?" "I've just moved in!" "To my body?" "Yes!" Venom grinned with great enthusiasm.
"Wait," a brain wave suddenly hit Steven, "Are you the reason I've been feeling like shit?!" "That's more your immune system than me," Venom bobbed in a way that seemed to be a shrug, "It's settling down now anyway." Steven opened his mouth, closed it, then took a swig of his coffee. Given the general list of things that just kept happening lately, why not have sentient goo as a new body-tenent?
"So," Steven set down his mug, "what can you offer me as rent?" "Rent?!" "Yeah, you're living in my body now. Simply put mate, what can you give me in exchange?" "Protection from those who would wish you harm," Venom's head got closer, "Or would you prefer something a little more personal?" "Like what?" Steven took a bite out of his toast. "The reason why you're missing two days."
He paused mid-chew. Slowly, his eyes rolled to Venom. "After you've finished breakfast, of cource. You've had a long weekend," Venom chuckled as they retracted, leaving Steven with questions and cold toast.
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lollipencil · 16 days
Q&A and Comfort
A little piece based on Prompt 5, so read that first for context.
For additional context, this would be post-series and post-Jake reveal (and post-Marc and Steven reveal for Jake). Steven would find this little book in Marc's old hidey-hole and, upon seeing that there is only questions inside, he and Marc choose to answer them as best they can.
Jake is standard text, Steven is italics, and Marc is Bold
Enjoy and be gentle
Why did I used to wake up shackled to the bed? Sorry, thought I was sleep-walking.
Is it normal to not remember why I'm standing outside in the rain? That would likely be because of us.
Where have my car keys gone? They're somewhere safe, you can have them back once you talk to us.
Have they disposed of my car? No, it's still in the garage where you left it.
Why are they here? It's not exactly by choice, mate.
Who are they? I'm Steven! Marc
Who was that woman who hurt me when I was young? mom Our egg donor.
When was I born? The body was born the ninth of March 1987. Individually, we were kind of hoping you'd know.
How was I born? We'd be better off talking more directly about this.
Why did I wake up in a warzone once? That was you?
Why do I keep waking up to people trying to kill me?
Are they going to try to kill me too?
Does touch always hurt? No.
Why can I never make friends?
Why can't I remember being a teenager?
Who was that woman I sometimes wake up to? Layla.
Is she going to hurt me? No, she will never hurt you.
How come I know how to drive? No clue. Actually, how did I know to drive that one time?
What does a burger taste like? Like the best damn thing in the world, especially with cheese.
What do enchiladas taste like? Pretty good, so long as you get them from the right place.
What does chocolate taste like? Like a hug. Depends on the type of chocolate.
Are they going to trap me inside, now that they've found me?
Was that what that darkness was?
Why can't I have a life? Only snatches of time?
Is the world not big enough for me to live? It is big enough, buddy, it is. We just didn't know you were here. But if you'd like, we can help make space for you.
The next time you're awake, please don't hide from us. I know that you're probably feeling a bit scared, but we just want to help. Will you let us? ok.
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lollipencil · 17 days
Going to do a diary-style fic, so real quick:
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lollipencil · 24 days
Once Upon A Blue Moon #1
At long last, the sequel series to Blue Moon! Will mostly be slice-of-life and post-series. Hey, @drinkingwithkhonshu and @angel-of-the-moons, I've made more.
Enjoy and be gentle ---
"Are you sure about this?" Steven stared at the pokeball in his hand as if it could bite. "Yes, if we're all going to do this, our partners need to not only adjust to each other, but us individually," Marc laid out. "'Least we don't have to worry about Cofagrigus reacting to us," Jake butted in.
While he and Marc had a rocky start, Cofagrigus was friendly if hesitant from the start with Jake. Even if Jake visibly had to calm himself a few times. "Well, here goes," Steven sighed and let the ball drop from his hand.
A bright flash of light, and a Munna was floating above a stack of books. "Oh." "Oh?" Marc prompted, "What's that supposed to mean?" "I hadn't thought of you having a Munna, or any psychic type really." "Yeah, and you always envisioned owning a ghost type?"
Shrugging, Steven relented. Munna stared at Steven almost blankly. "Um, hello?" he waved, "I'm Steven, I, ah, am sharing your person's body, I guess." Munna silently floated closer, then stopped inches from Steven's face. "Um-" Suddenly, a tapered paw poked his nose. Munna darted back with a wide grin, giggling the whole while. "Impish?" "Yep." "Si, she's a little spitfire," Jake chuckled, "Likes to flop on my face if I'm the one who wakes up." "Well, good to know that all's good with her," Steven recalled Munna and pulled out the ball Jake had set aside, and lightly tossed it out.
The sight of a big cat made Marc's hackles stand on end. "Why do you have a Luxray?!" he shouted as the Luxray in question stretched and yawned, "Where did you even find one?!" "During one of your missions. Woke up to him curled up next to me," Jake stated calmly, "It's no big deal, you knew I had a cat pokemon." "Yeah, I was under the impression you meant a Meowth!"
While Marc and Jake began to argue in earnest, Steven blinked down at Luxray. "Hello there," he said softly. Luxray blinked up at Steven, squinted his eyes as if to use his xray vision, before walking up to Steven and lightly butt against him. "Oh, hello sweetheart." The big guy started purring at just the sound of Steven's voice. When Steven began to gently scratch under his chin, Luxray grew louder and smiled in that way that cats do. "See?" Jake said over Marc's silence, "Do you really think I'd be calm if I thought Luxray might hurt him?"
Marc remained quiet, even as he nudged Steven aside. Luxray's head darted up and their eyes met. He started butting against Marc's chest, firmer than with Steven but still gentle. Marc allowed this to move him back, collapsing into a chair as it hit the backs of his knees. Then Luxray leapt up, paws resting on Marc's shoulders, and curled up on his lap.
His legs and ribs complained about the weight, but Marc refused to give it voice. Instead, he wrapped his arms around the massive ball of fluff and pressed his face into Luxray's great mane. All he could hear, aside from Steven's soft utterings of "good boy", was that deep purr that rumbled through his chest.
The air was thick with energy as Luxray and Munna barked at each other. Objects began to slowly leveitate as sparks literally began to fly. "Oh dear," Steven muttered carefully. Marc and Jake were silent as their pokemon continued to snap at each other. "Of cource Luxray would pick a fight with her," Marc whispered. "Luxray picking a fight?" Jake was incredulous, "Your little menace probably started poking at every button she could find!"
As Marc and Jake descended into an argument, Steven was hit by a brain wave. "Pokemon act like their partners": a common albeit exaggerated saying. But, maybe...?
"Oh pack it in, the pair of ya," Steven groaned as he tossed Cofagrigus' ball. "Cofa-? Cofagrigus!" he quickly surged forward, gripped Luxray and Munna with two hands each, and pushed them apart. "Thanks mate," Steven sighed as everyone simmered down, "Right then, let's start again."
Munna was still glaring but didn't say or do anything, Luxray snorted and began to sniff at Cofagrigus. Idly, Steven's eyes drifted to the clock: "Oh, is that the time? Better get lunch on." Instantly, everyone's eyes snapped onto him as he pulled down the foodbag.
Hopefully, full stomachs would make everyone more agreeable.
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lollipencil · 26 days
In The Pale Moonlight: What If....Cloned?
This idea just popped into my head, and seemed real sweet, so @harleyification, hope you like it!
Enjoy and be gentle ---
To say that none of them had expected the atmosphere in the cave when they drove in was an understatement. Jake wasn't a part of the night's mission, but what little he knew, it sounded perfectly routine. Infiltrate and dismantle a hidden lab doing shady shit.
Quick and easy.
Yet tension hung in the Batcave. "Anyone injured?" Jake asked immediately upon exiting his limo. "Nothing worse than some scrapes," Bruce rasped from his chair at the Batcomputer. "Then, what's with that look?" "...It would be better if you saw first."
Seeing as Bruce wasn't giving a straight answer, Jake sighed mentally to a just-woken up Marc and followed him to the curtained medbay. Jake walked through, and stared.
A small child sat on the bed. Her little feet kicked slightly as Jason and Cass taught her the basics of ASL. Behind her, with a gentle and well-practiced hand, Damian was washing grime that had been caked into the fur of her tail. Already cleaned ears on the top of her head showed the shape of colouring of a white tiger.
At Jake's entrance, she turned to blink up at him with very familiar eyes. "Oh hey," Jason greeted casually, "Look who's finally here." "Found baby," Cass signed to Jake with a soft and lightly mischievous smile. "So, you're my dad," the girl stated more than asked. "...Looks like it," Jake eventually managed to get out.
Smoothly, she pushed herself off the bed and walked up to Jake. When she started to make grabby hands, Jake automatically bent to pick her up. Behind his eyes, he could feel Marc as if he were pressed up against a window as he held her close.
Jake let the switch happen, Marc's arms remained firm and gentle around their unexpected child. For a moment, she blinked up at Marc, before settling with her head under his chin with a soft sigh. Tears formed in Marc's eyes at the feeling of her soft ears twitching against his neck. "I take it Oracle's busy with decryption," he whispered. "Indeed," Alfred walked over with an icepack and handed it to Jason, "And until she is done, I think our young Miss would feel more comfortable upstairs. The cookies should still be warm."
As everyone walked into the elevator, Damian took the opportunity to whisper, "If any of you ever treat her anywhere near how Superman initially reacted to Superboy, I will show you true suffering." "We'd let you."
Walking home, Greer Nelson could feel that something was going to happen. Anticipation tingled up her spine. Her eyes didn't stop scanning for unseen threats all the way to her door. Then it surged as soon as she closed the door behind her: "I know that you're there." "I know," a voice replied, "I'm just here to talk."
The sight of a Gotham celebrity in a vigilante's garb was not what she'd expected when she flicked the light on in the living room. "Please tell me you're aware that you're not wearing a mask," Greer stated. "Yeah," Marc Spector-Wayne otherwise known as Moon Knight nodded. "And you're maskless in my apartment, because...?"
He swallowed and parted his cape. White tiger ears framed a small face that held his eyes and nose. "Your DNA was used by a...suspect laboratory in Gotham," Marc explained, "We're here about custody." "'We'?" "He might look like only one dad, but he's actually three," their little girl (who's name Greer needed yesterday) piped up. "Part of the agreement is me explaining what she means by that."
For a moment, Greer took this in: "Ok, I'll order pizza, you're paying." At the slackening of Marc's shoulders as he produced his wallet, Greer prepared for a long night. But, hopefully, one that was worth it.
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lollipencil · 27 days
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lollipencil · 1 month
So, I am going to be writing a little AU fic for this year's Dracula Daily. It will act as a continuation of one of the entries, but I'm not too sure when to post it.
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lollipencil · 1 month
In The Pale Moonlight: What If....Knowing Too Much?
This little number is based on @polarspaz's knowingtoomuch au. I'd highly recommend both this AU, and their work in general. I'm going to do this a bit different to the others in this series: I'll do a little background, but then I'll do descriptions because, quite frankly, I cannot do the designs I have in mind justice with my current drawing ability.
Maybe in the future, I'll come back to this and try them out. @harleyification, you fancy some eldritch with your Moon Sons?
Enjoy and be gentle ---
When Khonshu's fellow gods used to take avatars, they would be careful regarding how much of their power was poured in. "It's dangerous," they'd say, but never why. After they'd cast him out for refusing to abandon humanity, Khonshu knew he'd lost some of his power.
So, naturally, he needed to pour more of himself into his avatar to keep them effective. Right?
The process, at least with the system, was slow. Eyes began to see clearly through the night without the suit, shadows would hide them even during the day. People who spotted Jake would trust his directions over all others. If Steven stayed still in the city, anyone and anything that was injured would find themselves staggering towards him. And Marc would find himself instinctively happening upon muggings.
So, when Marc began to suspect that Tim was hiding something, and when the entity below Arkham turned its gaze to them: all it took was a little push.
The base idea of each of the boys' forms is the idea of the suit merging with them. Becoming one (or three) with Khonshu's power permanently.
Marc's eldritch form would be a mix of the unused symbiote Moon Knight design from Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, and that "knightmare" design seen in issue #2 of the MacKay run. Just a creature in the vague shape of the suit.
Jake would be this dragon-centipede thing. A long body with many legs and at least two sets of wings. At the tip of his snout would be a mask (the mask that "Lockley" wears in the 2014 run). The eyes would glow, but his actual mouth would be the "neck" that narrows down into the mask. He'd be mostly black but with white markings all over, with the ones down his back making him looking like a strip of road had just got up and started walking.
Steven's would be the most different: an amorphous glowing white goo with a smooth gemstone-like core. The core is small enough to be held in cupped hands and shows shifting constellations that form Egyptian hieroglyghs. Through contact with the goo, Steven can heal people and project his emotions. In terms of communication, other than via the core's constellations and the goo's emotional transfer, he can share his thoughts via contact with his core. With effort, he can make the goo form a human shape, resulting in a silhouette of moonlight.
Their purpose would be different compared to the others, mostly due to Khonshu's influence. They would essentially be his Eternal Defender, Pathfinder, and Embracer.
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lollipencil · 1 month
Corowit, the Fossilised Crown pokemon
Name Origins: coronet + wit
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Types: Rock/Psychic
1'00"/0.3 m
1.3 lbs/0.6 kg
Egg Group: No Eggs Discovered
Ability: Levitate
Reborn from the ground in a light slumber, Corowit uses its psychic powers to scan the minds of other pokemon. If Corowit feels a promising individual, one eye will open, and it will gift that pokemon great power.
Stats HP: 85 Attack: 65 Defence: 60 Special Attack: 60 Special Defence: 55 Speed: 25 Total: 350
Doesn't evolve itself, but acts as an evolutionary catalyst for other pokemon. Will disappear from the party once used as such.
Woolrath, the Crimson Crowned pokemon (Dragon/Ghost): when a Wooloo in the party faints in battle while this pokemon is in the party Leshim, the Emerald Crowned pokemon (Grass/Ground): when a male Plant Cloak Burmy reaches level 20 while this pokemon is in party Hekatoad, the Amber Crowned pokemon (Fighting/Dark): When a female Palpitoad has used Throat Spray while this pokemon is in the party Kalaward, the Aqua Crowned pokemon (Water/Poison): When a male Inkay reaches level 30 and uses a Water Stone while in party when this pokemon is in the party Spidura, the Violet Crowned pokemon (Psychic/Bug): when a Tarountula eats a Payapa berry while this pokemon is in the party
Level Up 5- Constrict 16- Protect 27- Ancient Power 29- Slash 32- Future Sight 34- Earthquake 40- Psychic 51- Hydro Pump
TM Power Gem Psychic Terrain Zen Headbutt Dark Pulse Hidden Power Will-O-Wisp Helping Hand Hyper Beam Eerie Impulse Brutal Swing Shadow Ball Power Swap Guard Swap Rain Dance Alluring Voice
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lollipencil · 1 month
@traveller-of-the-knight, this has given me Moon Knight vibes since my first listen:
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lollipencil · 1 month
In The Pale Moonlight: What If....Gotham Knights?
Might do multiple parts to this one. Either way, the following is an adaption of the opening cutscenes. @harleyification, here's another little pick-me-up.
Enjoy and be gentle ---
The Mission was quiet. Barely anyone entered, and those who did were simply offering thanks from before. All and all, a good night. And then, the Mission suddenly made a little podium and sat their phone on top, angled towards him. It took only a few seconds before Marc was out the door.
It couldn't be true. He knew that the protocols existed, but things couldn't have gotten that bad so suddenly, right? Steven and Jake were asking questions but their voices barely pierced the endless begging of "not now, it's too soon, I'm not ready".
Wayne Manor was rubble.
The moment his feet touched the ground, Jason was by his side and they were running. Dick, Barbara and Tim were already there, just arrived themselves it seemed. In one swift motion, Barbara pulls free Batman's gauntlet. "No," Steven whispered as the implications finally hit. Tim finds a small splatter of blood and, shortly after: "There!" Dick cries, pointing to a slap of reinforced concrete. On top of a human arm. Bat cowl in hand.
They all move as one, pausing only for the briefest moment before grapping that slab and lifting. But it's no use.
Vaguely, Marc can see Jason hold Tim back, and Barbara and Dick crouch by Bruce's side. He can hear Steven and Jake's reactions. But can only watch as Dick closes Bruce's their dad's eyes for the last time.
It was raining. And that just seemed wrong to Jake. After everything Bruce had sacrificed for the city, he deserved at least a dry funeral. But, in truth, Jake hadn't the will to care that much.
As it was, he was only half listening to Great-Uncle Jacob's eulogy. Steven was gently pressed against him. Marc had been AWOL since...that night. "Bruce was Gotham," suddenly reached them both, "He loved this city more than he loved anything. He was a protector to this city. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring justice and equality. There's nothing he wouldn't do - no project he wouldn't champion, if he thought Gotham would benefit. And I think in remembering that...We remember Bruce as he truely was."
Alfred broke from their line to delicately place a hand on Bruce's casket. As Dick walked forward to shelter him from the rain, Marc drifted back up silently.
Khonshu stood beside them, unseen by all else, as the casket was lowered from sight.
Crickets were chirping when Steven arrived at the grave, the soft sign of life easing the tightness in his chest just a bit. Slowly, the others gathered around. "How's Alfred?" Jason asked Dick once everyone was there. "What you'd expect...took him three years to agree to a vacation and Bruce turned up dead?" Dick stated, "He asked for some time." "He knows that none of us were there either, right?" Tim asked. "What about you?" Barbara asked Dick before he could answer Tim, "You let Jacob Kane give the eulogy." "He offered."
"He thought it'd be easier on us if he was the one to do it." he continued, "He's Bruce's uncle." "Hell of a speech," Jason replied, "All that talk about a 'protector' who 'works behind the scenes'. If he only knew." Barbara cut off the thought that hung in the air: "Catherine wouldn't be there if she suspected. I can't see the anti-vigilante police commissioner presiding at Batman's funeral." "It's true," Steven piped up, "While most cops leave the Mission alone, we've heard some...murmerings about what would happen if the House of Shadows ever vacated."
"Here's something else Catherine doesn't know: She has the body of Batman's killer in her morgue," Dick stated, "Ra's Al-Ghul is listed as a John Doe, slated for cremation." "Good riddence," Marc muttered in the privacy of their head. "And what if the League of Shadows finds him?" Jason asked, "If they drop their dear leader in a Lazarus Pit, he won't be so dead anymore." "You want to break into the GCPD Headquarters for a 'what if', be my guest," Dick walked forward slightly. "I've decrypted the case Batman sent with his message," Barbara got between them, just in case, "We should focus on that."
Tim tapped at his tablet: "I looked it over, but...did I get everything? It doesn't look complete." "I think Ra's interupted him while he was writing." "He says, 'This has implications that could shake Gotham to its core'." "Ominous but not helpful," Jason dismissed, "I saw a few places we should poke around - construction sites, a quarry..." "He also mentioned a Dr. Langstrom. Anyone know him?" Dick interjected. "He's a zoologist at Gotham University." stated Tim's tech trigger-finger working its magic, "Not sure what his...connection is though."
"Let's divide up the work." Barbara offered, "We can meet at the Belfry when we're done, get it up and running." Silence briefly echoed between them. "Who gets to talk to Langstrom?" Dick asked their little circle. "We'll go," Marc lightly nugged Steven aside, his own suit appearing in seconds.
"Are you sure?" Tim asked cautiously. "We're fine!" Marc hissed. "Hey, easy man," Jason gestured like he was a wounded animal, "little birdie's only asking because none of us have seen you since the Manor went up." "I'm fine," Marc huffed after a deep breath. "Alright, but I'd feel better if someone else was physically with you tonight," Dick stated. "Robin," Marc turned to him after a moment's silence, "Any objections?" "None found."
And with that settled, they all nodded and left for their duties.
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lollipencil · 2 months
Moon Knight Prompt #8
Marc finds out about Jake, and decides to silently gather evidence to show Steven. But, instead of proof of Jake being murderous, he sees a montage of gentleness from Jake as he goes from day to day.
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lollipencil · 2 months
Shonthi, the Traveller Pokemon
Name origins: Shons (romanization of the coptic spelling of Khonshu) + cynthi- (word stem used to refer to the moon)
Type: Dark
7'10"/2.4 m
132.3 lbs/60.0 kg
Egg Group: No Eggs Discovered
Ablities: Intimidate/Defiant
Awakened by a rise in hostility, Shonthi flies swiftly through the night sky, casting their eyes on the earth below in search of whose who would do harm to others. However, they won't act themselves, instead sending Pashine to act in their place. Many who make the mistake of assumbing this to be due to weakness soon fail prey to their swift wings.
Stats HP: 170 Attack: 100 Defence: 95 Special Attack: 105 Special Defence: 90 Speed: 120 Total: 680
Signature Move Night Chill Type: Dark (Special) Power: 75 Accuracy: 95% PP: 10 Description: The user uses their wings to summon the harsh winds of a desert's night. May also leave the target frozen (10%).
Level Up 6- Leer 14- Bite 16- Moonlight 17- Air Cutter 20- Hone Claws 21- Ancient Power 22- Feather Dance 24- Dark Pulse 25- Weather Ball 30- Sand Tomb 33- Moonblast 37- Night Chill 38- Steel Wing 61- Fly 86- Phantom Force
TM Shadow Ball Hyper Beam Rock Tomb Sandstorm Tailwind Psychic Curse Protect Scary Face Substitute Ally Switch Aerial Ace Will-O-Wisp Burning Jealousy Metal Claw
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