londonfog-chan · 1 hour
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no cause why is he so hot. it shouldn’t be legal
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londonfog-chan · 3 hours
happy pride. here’s the link to wikipedias list of birds displaying homosexual behavior
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londonfog-chan · 15 hours
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he's searching his dictionary give him some time pls
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londonfog-chan · 1 day
I Will Not Keep My Mouth Shut About this High School Romance Between Eddie Munson x Reader (Headcanons)
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Why lord? Why are we not talking about this?
I’ve dated metalhead guys in the past, and believe in me when I say these fuckers move fast.
Eddie is no exception to this rule. He loves hard and quickly, especially if you’re into the same things he’s into as well.
I’m talking balls to the wall insanity like: the day won’t even be over and he’ll have already asked you out, kissed you, offered you weed, and secretly be planning the names of the four kids he wants with you.
Mans is delulu as fuck for you.
As much as he has his passions there’s just something about the fact that you actually gave the town freak unconditional love that makes him desperate. Corroded Coffin, Hellfire Club, he’d pick you over them any day if it meant he got to keep you.
Guarantee, you’ll already have gone all the way before the weekend is up of that first week of the relationship.
Cherry boy cherry boy cherry boy.
But he knows what he’s doing. It will have been awkward but the best part is now “Rainbow in the Dark” makes you feel all hot under the collar and “Shame on the Night” makes you laugh and reminds you of the awkward panic cleaning up after.
The epitome of live fast die young. He will throw his life away if you ask him to, so make sure you use your powers wisely.
At some point Eddie will ask you to run away with him. He doesn’t give a shit where, so long as it’s with you.
Shared interests are probably how the two of you met in the first place, especially if you’re like me and unable to beat the weird kid allegations. You drifted towards his club because you for whatever reason were an outcast too.
Eddie would probably crush on those who are conventionally pretty, popular, the epitome of the 80’s beauty standards. That’s just human nature. But with you… it’s so much more different.
You’re like his nerdy fantasies come to life, like the princesses he writes about in his campaigns that are a mix of dark, dangerous, able to hold their own and fight for him and with him. Think of if you will a sexy bombshell rotoscoped into those old metal music videos. Facing the world wearing only red lipstick and a cocksure expression.
He would get along so well with someone who wasn’t afraid to let their wild side show, or to express it. But at the same time if you’re more shy and reserved, he is determined to help you come out of that shell and be the best possible version of yourself.
It’s impossible not to match his excitable energy, it’s just so goddamn contagious. It might scare you how far you’re willing to go for Eddie and how quickly you might find yourself changing. Because believe me, you will change, and it will be for the better.
Eddie will always be your number one hype man.
He will literally be so excited about everything you do because it’s you! The person he loves more than anyone in this whole entire world.
Eddie will literally put up with so much for you. Even if you guys fight he will struggle to maintain his composure because he does not want to fuck this beautiful thing up.
Drives himself up the wall with anxiety about it too. But that’s the thing about Eddie’s dynamic with you: is that he will do what it takes to keep his fucking cool around you.
Your fights are infrequent but can get explosive if there are unsaid insecurities. So to avoid this: keep honest with him. About everything. Don’t lie to him, because as fast as he fell for you, lying is the quickest way to break his trust and send him packing.
One of his flaws in the relationship is that his insecurity that this will all go away will make him all that more prepared to leave if you have a massive blow up fight.
Like he’s already preplanned his exit strategy and everything.
But the longer you’re together, the more comfortable he gets and eventually he settles down from jumping the gun into taking things one day at a time.
He’s a fucking keeper. And all I’m gonna say is you better start training with swinging a blunt weapon because once you have him, you’re going to be right there in the Upside Down fucking up some monsters keeping them away from your man.
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londonfog-chan · 1 day
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londonfog-chan · 1 day
Malleus stans clutching their prayer beads again to manifest a new Malleus card announcement for June (we have a collective success rate of 5%)
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londonfog-chan · 1 day
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londonfog-chan · 2 days
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It's me. I'm the distant aunt.
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londonfog-chan · 2 days
The Thief and the Cobbler memes I made last night
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I forgot the flies in those last two thief memes but meh.
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londonfog-chan · 2 days
Yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom’s bride is
uh… Thor?
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londonfog-chan · 3 days
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The most adorable metalhead: tiny slutty waist edition
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londonfog-chan · 3 days
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✨ Happy 2 years to the Eddie Munson brainrot ✨
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londonfog-chan · 3 days
two years later… and im still obsessed with him
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londonfog-chan · 3 days
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@stcreators event 07: comedy
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londonfog-chan · 3 days
a culture shock i'm experience in japan is that adults actually share the same tastes and interests as kids. in america there's such a generational gap in tastes with hobbies, music, everything just about every decade, but in japan it's like. middle-aged obaasans and lil school kids alike enjoy jpop songs like yoru ni kakeru. middle-aged ojiisans and lil kids alike enjoy anime like gundam and frieren. there's idol fans of just about every age and gender
it's like in japan, people never lose touch with the things they're passionate about, and the communities that are born out of subcultures never die, so there's just a wide spectrum of ages in every community because of it. it's not like the usa where every community is like, segregated by age groups, because nobody wants to be around anyone 10 years younger or older than them
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londonfog-chan · 3 days
God remember when u were 12 and you would just Make Art on like spare copy paper with crayola markers and an old pencil and even though you didn’t know anything about anatomy or perspective or anything you were jus happy to b Making Art and u didn’t constantly belittle your own efforts or feel like ur drawings weren’t good enough
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londonfog-chan · 3 days
Just so you know the “Ulterior Motives” Eddie Munson x Reader is happening lads.
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