lostcontrol-overme · 16 days
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
sorry guys im just extremely sick and have no energy whatsoever for anything plus an important exam is coming up so im rlly trying to study :,)
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
Daily update:
to be honest haven't rlly been tracking cals today but I promised myself I would post on here daily or at least try so lets go.
intake: tbh I havent had a real meal, I had few bites of different things troughout the day so its rlly hard to count but I would say its under 800 cals.
water: I didnt reach the 2 L yet but there is some time left and I think I will have some tea later on. For now it would be 1,5 L.
steps: I didnt really walk much today plus my apple watch died cuz I forgot to take my charger with me. My phone said 2.122 steps. I might take a walk in my room later tho lmao
Workout: Im going to the gym with a friend tomorrow so there is that
all in all I would say not a perfect day, tomorrow I will do better. Also the food I ate wasnt rlly healthy ...
I think for Monday I will make a veggie chilli :) there is the recipe, found it on here back in 2021 in my honeymoon phase lmao.
See yall next time, until that stay healthy!!
hopefully the number on the scale will drop
love ya byeeee <33
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
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(If this is you and u want me to take that down pls let me know!)
Some thinspo I found on socia media (mostly tiktok)
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
bc you skinny bitches deserves to eat <3
apple & meringue (98 cals)
half an apple (70g)
nuts (5g)
1 egg white (35g)
some stevia
cut the apple and the nuts, put them in a dish that can go in the oven. (personally I like to add cinnamon on it), whip the egg white with some stevia into peaks, then put it on the apple. bake for 15min a 180°C and enjoy !!!
Cookies (recipe is for 20 parts, they're 58 cals per cookies)
low fat yogurt (100g)
honey (10g)
nuts (35g)
oatmeal (30g)
apple (140g)
flour (75g)
salt and cinnamon (as much as you want)
1 egg (70g)
2 bananas (300g)
start by cutting the apple and the bananas and mix them with flour, salt and cinnamon, oatmeal and egg. bake for 20min at 190°C. Cut the nuts, and mix them with yogurt and honey, you can add it on top of the cookie !!
blueberry muffins (my fav!!!) (recipe is for 4 muffins, 57 cals per muffin)
banana (150g)
half an egg (35g)
oatmeal (37g)
baking powder (2.5g)
blueberries (25g)
crush the banana with a fork, add the egg and whip them together, then add the oatmeal and and the baking soda and mix. add the blueberries. bake for 5min at 220°C, then 10min at 190°C
Strawberries/raspberries smoothie (90 cal)
strawberries (100g)
raspberries (100g)
coconutwater (100ml)
lemon juice (5ml)
ice (50g)
put everything inna blender and voila !
chocolat cake (recipe is for 4 parts, 90 cals per parts)
red beans (127g)
oatmeal (17g)
half an egg (35g)
low fat milk (35ml)
low fat cottage cheese (50g)
cocoa powder (8g)
baking powder (2,5g)
add stevia as you like
rinse the red beans 2-3 times so they won't taste in the cake. blend the oatmeal to make it look like flour. mix everything with a blender. put it in a plate and bake for 25min at 180°C
peanut butter cookies (recipe is for like 20 cookies, but one is 56 cals)
dark chocolate (15g)
protein powder (60g)
oatmeal (85g)
peanut butter (40g)
2 bananas (300g)
crush the bananas and cut the chocolate in tiny pieces then mix all the ingredients together in a blender. make little balls and bake them for 12-15min at 180°C
peanut butter energy balls (recipe is for 15-16 balls, 1 is 57 cals)
peanut butter (60g)
cocoa powder (45g)
coconut flakes (30g)
almond powder (20g)
stevia as much as you want
mix everything but the coconut flakes in a blender. then make little balls and roll them in the coconuts flakes. store them in the refrigerator until you eat them
Granola bar (recipe is for 7 bar, 1 is 94cals)
oatmeal (100g)
almond milk sugar free (50ml)
peanut butter (20g)
honey (5g)
banana (150g)
mix everything in a blender, then spread it on a plate and bake for 15min at 160°C. Cut it in bar once it has cooled down
Strawberry sorbet (recipe is for 2 parts, 1 is 52 cals)
strawberries (175g)
water (75ml)
honey (10g)
lemon juice (25ml)
mix everything in a blender until it looks like a puree. put it in the freezer for at leats 3-4 hours then you can eat it !
spinach and feta muffins (recipe is for 3 muffins, 1 is 79 cals)
spinaches (125g)
1 egg (70g)
feta cheese (40g)
salt and pepper as you like
cook the spinach on the stove. then put them in a bowl and add the egg, the feta and salt and pepper if you want and mix together. put the mix in moulds and bake for 25-30min at 160°C
hot chocolate (really my fav drink!!) 95 cals only !!
vanilla bean (0.5g)
water (200ml)
honey (5g)
cocoa powder (20g)
cinnamon powder as you want
in a pot mix the vanilla with the water, the cocoa powder and honey for like 5mins on low heat, then add the cinnamon and enjoy !!
that's it for now, will probably add more later !!!
don't forget you deserve to eat and stay hydrated babes <3
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
back at it again - I will try to post everyday on here and post my intake. I just hope I will be consistent. need some routine and like actually stick to a diet and not switching everyday ... but yeah there is that. Also I need to track my water intake cuz this bitch is not drinking enough. I dont know if anyone cares but whatever. I hope I find some mutuals here :,)
my plan:
• drink at least 2L everyday
• not getting over 800 cals
• working out 3 times per week
• fasting two times in a month (Im not good at fasting so I need to get used to it ig? if anyone has some tips pls let me know)
• getting over 6k steps
I think thats all. I will try to check in everyday and keep it updated.
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
anti-binge guide:
~ read this list 20 times ~
count to 100 very slowly
talk on the phone with someone
clean up something gross (bye I never did this one to be honest, lmao. no thank yo)
go out on a walk
pour salt over craving food (also a popular one I never did. a bitch just didn’t like to waste salt or food like that. i say that while heavily relying on number 10 🤡)
make a list of triggers + avoid them // find low cal fibrous, filling alternatives
go outside and do 20 pushups + 100 jumping jacks (the jiggling was enough of an anti-binge lmao); bonus, do in front of a mirror (this is just cruel but also effective so idk yall, take your gander)
take a shot of ACV (LIGHT IT UPPPP lmao, pretend you’re clubbing but the vodka is vinegar and rather than feeling buzzed and happy, you’re miserable and desperate. but babes, we gotta romanticize this, so party it up anyways lmao)
c/s (wastes food, but worked wonders for me. just make sure you have at least a bite at the end, and rinse the mouth, but don’t brush to preserve that enamel)
listen to a podcast / read a book
watch something gory
write in your diary
make a food planner for next week
calculate the deficit yoo’ll maintain for the week and the lbs progress if you don’t binge (it feels like a reward then, to refrain)
online window shop for clothes you want to fit in
dance / go on a run
take a shower/bath
do some self care. attend to those emotional needs rather than using food as an emotional crutch. sis is not your therapist.
chew on ice (i was never this desperate lmao)
plan a controlled metabolism day and work the foods you want to binge on now in that day to practice moderation and portion control while also reinforcing discipline
STOP if you have already started. you don’t have to continue. you’re okay. you still have control. stop now and prove it to yourself.
learn some biology (human anatomy, physiology, etc)
✨some affirmations✨:
~ repeat these to yourself for as long as it takes for the urge to binge to go away ~
food does not hold power over me
i don’t actually want this
*this food* actually really grosses me out
i don’t even like to eat
i’m going to put this away because i don’t need it and i listen to my needs
i am such an intuitive eater. i know when to stop eating naturally
its so easy for me to not eat
not eating is so easy
i take care of my emotional needs rather than numbing them away with food
food won’t make me feel better. self care will
i take care of myself.
i am committed to taking care of myself
i don’t even want to eat anymore.
i have no appetite. i never do
this food taste so gross and it lingers in the mouth. why would i want to eat something like that
i naturally crave fruits and vegetables.
i naturally eat healthy
i feel so much lighter and happier when i don’t eat
i feel better now that i said no to *this food*
i don’t really need food
i am actually really thirsty. i need water, not food
i am okay
i have control over myself and my body because i listen to it and take of it
i have discipline because i am naturally built for this
i am okay
i will be okay
this urge is not the end of the world. i don’t have to give in
just because i have a desire, that doesn’t compel me to fulfil it. i have more self control than that
i am okay.
i will be okay.
i am strong
i am okay
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
I wish something awful would happen to me so I could not eat for a couple weeks
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
🥖ANA Grocery List🥬
(for those who don't know where to start or just hate making lists)
PH Balanced Water
Unsweetened Soy Milk (has better protein than almond/oat)
Vegetable Broth
Sugar Free Jello
Brown Eggs (liquid egg whites work too)
Low Fat Cream Cheese
Babybel or White String/Shredded Cheese
Provolone or Swiss Cheese Slices
Cucumbers (i prefer mini ones!)
Baby Carrots/Shredded Carrots
Plain Hummus
Sugar Free Natural Fruit Preserves (blackberry is my go to)
Sugar Free Powerades/Gatorades (electrolytes!)
Diet Coke (i don't drink it but i know y'all do)
Sugar Free Monster/Red Bull (also don't drink these but w/e)
Diet Cranberry Juice (for the girlies)
Zero Calorie Dressings
Low Sodium Soy Sauce
Plain Greek Yogurt (i say this but i always cave and get vanilla cuz plain is so nasty to me)
Apples (i buy them pre sliced)
Spinach/Kale/Lettuce (i buy this as a prepackaged blend of all 3)
V8 Vegetable Juice
Berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)
Melon Slices (or cantaloupe)
Sugar Free Squeezable Applesauce
Avocados (i buy them already mashed)
Bananas (i refrigerate them idk)
Whole Grain/Wheat Bread (dave's killer bread is my go to and yes i refrigerate bread too lol)
Keto/Low Carb Spinach or Tomato Wraps
Cherry Tomatoes
Tofu Cubes
Lean Deli Turkey
Low Sodium Tuna Packets
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Baby Pickles
Mandarin Oranges/Cuties
Diet Green Tea
Grilled Chicken Strips
Spring Rolls
Frozen Fruit Blends
Frozen Broccoli
Veggie Burgers
Pedialyte Popsicles
Veggie Spirals
Cauliflower Rice
Diet Frozen Yogurt
Plain Rice Cakes
Canned Veggie Soup (i get chicken and rice soup lowkey)
Pasta Sauce (i like newman's own)
Sweet Potatoes
Boxed Vegetable Noodles
Konjac Noodles
Plain Popcorn (i buy them in bulk kernels and keep them in a mason jar)
Protein Bars (clif bars are my fav)
Fiber Bars (for the girlies who haven't shit all week)
Unsalted Whole Almonds
Plain Rolled Oats
Sugar Free Dark Chocolate (i get the mini hersheys ones so i don't overeat)
Plain Black Coffee
Green Tea Packets
Sugar Free Granola
Cereal (i like great grains, kashi, etc)
Cinnamon (cinnamon gum too)
Chili Powder (or any spicy seasoning)
Hot Sauce
Natural Peanut Butter (a spoonful of this is a lifesaver)
Everything Bagel Seasoning (i throw it on everything)
Wheat Thins or Wheat Crackers
Seaweeed Chips
Raw Honey
Olive Oil (or any vegetable oil)
Almond Flour
Stevia (or turbinado sugar)
Electrolyte Packets
(u can add more stuff this is just all i could think of)
now go forth and shop❣️
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lostcontrol-overme · 3 months
Before You Binge
you're allowed to binge ... if you do all of these steps first
chug 1l of water
drink a cup of peppermint tea
and a cup of green tea
and a cup of hot lemon water
brush ur teeth
run up and down the stairs five times
do 20 jumping jacks
do 20 squats
do 20 prayer pulses
do 20 butt kicks
follow a lazy girl workout video
go for a 15-20 min walk
watch an episode of supersized vs superskinny, my 600lb life, freaky eaters, or a trisha paytas or nikocado avocado mukbang
put a face mask on
read a chapter of a book
read 5 more chapters of the book
finish the book
do duolingo lessons until you run out of hearts. then do practice lessons until you regain the hearts you lost
watch a disney movie
then watch a ghibli movie
watch an episode of that show you'd always meant to watch but never got around to
work on journalling, creative writing, or writing poetry
do some stretches
practice a hobby that keeps your hands busy, like knitting, gaming, or playing an instrument
paint your nails
watch a fashion show
watch media with a celebrity whose body you consider to be goals, like music videos/live performances for singers and movies/TV shows for actresses
watch interviews with aforementioned celebrities
start taking a free course on coursera.org, there are some you can complete in a couple of hours. or you can take a longer course and just do a lesson each time you feel the urge to binge
do a workout that's 40 mins or longer
shower for 20 mins with music
put lotion on your entire body
do the chores you've been ignoring
read an article about the effects of hunger on the body
drink another litre of water
and a pot of herbal tea
watch a documentary
watch a ted talk
you are probably tired after all this, so take a nap for half an hour or longer
if you still feel like binging, honestly, you earned it
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lostcontrol-overme · 5 months
small portions make me feel adorable
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lostcontrol-overme · 5 months
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I want to be thin and small and cuddly and dainty
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lostcontrol-overme · 5 months
some tips i’ve learned from having an ed for 3+ years
• chew each bite of food at least 20 times
• use smaller plates & bowls so you eat less
• if your family/friends insist on going out to eat order the smallest size of anything or kids size if you can (this one might be obvious but sometimes people forget you can ask for a kids size at any age)
• always ask for almond milk in your drink in place of cow’s milk if you can (if you’re not allergic obv)
• stop eating after 8pm
• peppermint tea helps w bloating
• don’t weigh yourself every single day - weighing once a week or so will allow you to see more progress
• listen to subliminals
• set multiple smaller goals for yourself instead of just one ugw
• find out what your bmr is & work w it
• make a schedule for your wl - map out how long it’ll take you to lose certain amounts of weight
• if you can’t stand the taste of black coffee use a sugar free creamer (nut pods makes rly good ones that are 5-10 cals/tbsp)
• do not tell irls ab your ed unless you’re ready to recover
• if you’ve never p*rged before, DON’T start (lax too)
• if you’re really craving something, eat a small amount of it that fits into ur cal limit or omad it - restricting yourself too much will lead to a binge eventually
• gum can make you bloated (this might just be my own experience but pay attention to your body & see if gum is making you bloat)
• make a mental note of what foods and drinks make you bloat & avoid them
• prioritize protein & fiber in your diet if you don’t want to be constipated all the time (ik it can be higher in cals but it’s definitely worth it)
• don’t eat anything at least 2 hours before you go to bed (it’s bad for digestion)
• drink at least 1 liter of water everyday (you should drink more but ik it can be hard - if you’re like me, having a cute water bottle will make you want to drink more water)
• if you live in a walkable area & feel a binge coming on, get dressed and walk somewhere (or drive if you can)
• always have excuses for not eating on hand (ex: i just ate, i feel nauseous, etc.)
• if you think you need lax try putting one tbsp of miralax in a cup of water daily instead
• develop a crush on someone (idk if this is just me but when i like someone i find it easier to restrict)
• take apple cider vinegar capsules (so much easier than taking a shot of acv liquid)
• try to get in at least a little bit of exercise everyday, even if it’s just walking your dog, doing yoga for 10 minutes or something like that
this list will probably be updated a lot as i think of more thing to add, feel free to comment some of your favorite tips for people to read as well 🫶
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lostcontrol-overme · 5 months
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trying again
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lostcontrol-overme · 5 months
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Thinspo that is killing me currently.
(if this is u and u want me to put this down pls text me!!)
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lostcontrol-overme · 5 months
people who arent anorexic are skinnier than you
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