lostywrites · 7 days
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i like him your honor
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lostywrites · 8 days
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a dangerous criminal
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lostywrites · 9 days
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they’re friends in my version
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lostywrites · 9 days
Summary: Knock Out wanders off from battle and finds himself in an unlikely place where its residents are known to live like kings.
Warnings: Implied Torture/Abuse
Swindle/Knock Out. TFA/TFP hybrid verse.
Chapter 1 - Subjugation
"I want you," Swindle said.
Those were the first three words the merchant had said to him while they were seated facing each other across the desk in his office. Datapads had been neatly placed aside, along with a glass of medium grade perspiring in the cool and fresh glow of pure energy.
Two large seekers stood on either side with their arms crossed and narrowed optics fixed on the shiny, crimson mech who was still in the midst of regaining full consciousness.
"I can't afford to waste anymore of my precious time scouring the galaxy for medical help," the merchant continued. "I've been thinking about getting one on board. So imagine my surprise when my guards brought you in to me…"
"H-how did I get here?" Knock Out murmured groggily.
Swindle slid the cold glass across and gestured at the medic to take his drink.
"I got a little curious and started doing a background check on you to, oh you know, make sure that you hadn't been sent here to, ah, kill me?" The merchant smiled. "That's when I realised we've caught ourselves a Decepticon medic. And you certainly have quite the reputation. I must say I am truly impressed, Dr. Knock Out."
With his talons wrapped around the glass, Knock Out slowly lifted it to his mouth, revelling in the velvety texture lubricating his parched throat. This was energon at its finest. The best he had tasted in eons. Still—something, somewhere felt amiss.
"You're mistaken," he told Swindle. "I didn't come here for a job. I—I don't even know how I ended up here. My troops and I were under attack when I—"
The merchant leaned forward and interjected, "You'd been in stasis for a week. Must have been quite the battle you fought out there, huh. How did you even manage to get out unscathed, hm? There's not a scratch on you to suggest you've been engaged in a skirmish. So let's not waste time and tell me why you are really here."
"I don't know."
The merchant cleared his throat. "That's…not exactly the answer I was looking for."
"You can't keep me here. They'll find me. No one leaves a medic behind."
Swindle snorted. "Don't flatter yourself, doctor. As valuable as you are, I doubt Megatron would waste his time looking for you. Unless…I had you returned—for a price of course."
Knock Out heard a clink and glanced down, noticing the cuffs around his wrists. "How dare you," he said, scowling at the merchant. "Just who do you think you are? Treating me like a commodity waiting to be sold." Anger simmered inside him, urging the medic to rise and slam both servos on the merchant's desk. "I am a doctor. Not a slave!"
"Stay down!" bellowed one of Swindle's guards.
The merchant nonchalantly leaned back in his chair. "Let him be," he said to Thrust before turning his attention to the medic again. "I'm just a click away from activating those shock bands on your wrists. So I suggest you calm the frag down and drink your energon, doctor."
Impatient, Thrust stepped forward to subdue the medic with a single shove. "When Swindleboss tells you to sit your aft down, you sit!" he growled, seizing the medic by the shoulder and forcing him to remain seated.
"Knock Out…I'm sorry to say but the Decepticons have abandoned you. Megatron—has abandoned you. As far as your troops are concerned, you are gone. Dead. I've tampered with your survival beacon so you'll remain undetected. In other words, you don't exist beyond my ship. And no one—leaves my ship. Ever."
Knock Out trembled with rage, his gaze piercing through the merchant's. "I will kill you," he said. "And bring your ugly head on the platter to Megatron."
Swindle laughed. "Dirge, take care of this for me, will you?" he said before leaving his desk. "I'm taking Thrust along with me to attend a meeting off planet. I'll be counting on you to keep watch and make the doctor feel right at home."
And the last thing Knock Out saw that night was Swindle exiting the office without so much as a backward glance. It was as though he had left with an air of satisfaction, knowing his captive would never be able to find his way out of his ship.
Knock Out found himself scanning through his memory banks for traces of information but had found nothing.
He sensed Dirge behind him, and with a swift blow to the head, darkness followed suit, pulling the medic into the depths of oblivion once again.
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lostywrites · 11 days
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lostywrites · 12 days
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artist did him dirty 💀💀
it was too hard to see that wanted poster so I had to use my ✨imagination ✨ and medieval middle eastern miniatures for inspiration
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lostywrites · 12 days
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Today is the day that Kid Flash raced the Flash, 
and it’s the day that, in order to save everyone,
Kid Flash lost.
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lostywrites · 12 days
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Commissions for @claret-ash
Thank you for commissioning me ☆◇☆◇☆
~☆◇Prints◇☆~▪︎~☆◇Commissions◇☆~▪︎~☆◇Kofi◇☆~▪︎~☆◇For inquiries: [email protected]◇☆~
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lostywrites · 12 days
i read the new short story and almost cried twice but now I'm determined to draw anduin cutting wood and hauling flour bags because?? 😳
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lostywrites · 13 days
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@peterokii tysm for the base this was fun drawing my version
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lostywrites · 14 days
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Junior (2024)
A colorful pet portrait of a brown tabby cat named Junior in bright rainbow colors. In the original reference photo, he was laying on a white sheepskin blanket. I changed it up a bit and decided to make it look like he was sleeping on multicolored clouds! Acrylics on 12" x 16" stretched canvas.
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lostywrites · 14 days
Oh man I need to know more about the Tim and Jason supernatural fic.
Hi, Orla!
I had this story titled "Among the Forgotten and Neglected" in my drafts, which would have focused on a younger Jason as Robin, just a year before his death.
I've never written anything from his perspective before, so I thought it would be interesting to centre the narrative on him, while also including a supernatural twist to it.
In this AU, the Drakes were wanderers, moving from one city to another, until Janet's pregnancy prompted them to settle in Hoboken.
Here, Tim spent his first nine years before the family moved to Gotham. Along with them, they brought a collection of artifacts and oddities, hoping to establish their own occult museum in the city.
Unfortunately, Jack found himself in hot water after crossing paths with the Penguin and his goons. This led to Janet stepping up to stabilise the family, leaving Tim to fend for himself for a while. It's during this time that Tim's relationship with Jason began. It's also the time they discovered that these artifacts were "cursed" and haunted.
That's pretty much the core of this fic. Been a couple years since I last worked on it and now I've decided the story should be set in the Gotham Knights universe since it aligns perfectly with Jason's characterisation and portrayal in the game.
Tagging @marley-warriors, since you were curious about this, too. <3
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lostywrites · 14 days
Hi Losty, first off, thank you for the awesome fic and tag. :D Feel free to answer this in a different way if it does not apply, but are there any competing ideas or snippets which didn't make it into Crossing Shadows? :D
Also, I know it's a draft, but I'm curious about your Tim and Jason supernatural/horror fic?
Hey, Marley-mun! (hope you don't mind my calling you that) Thanks so much for the ask. I'm so happy you're enjoying Crossing Shadows! <3 I'm also glad that I chanced upon Misplaced Hearts while browsing through the Ao3 tags because it's one of the best Loki/Basim fics I've read!
I'll admit that Crossing Shadows is not an easy fic to write. I've scrapped so many ideas and rewrote scenes while trying to merge separate lores from completely separate universes into a coherent storyline and it's not always fun! >.< But I do enjoy the challenge and I think I've finally found something that works with this story. I don't want to reveal too much but a certain Isu and Azeroth's Titans will be very much involved in the later chapters. ;3
In Chapter 4, I originally wrote a scene with Enkidu keeping Basim company at the inn. Though it didn't make the final cut, this scene still holds a special place in my heart because it's simply adorable:
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And here's a snippet from the Tim & Jason fic that's been sitting in my folder for a few years now. I was very new to the fandom when I first wrote this but I hope to revisit this idea and explore their dynamics someday.
I just wanted a story with pre-Lazarus pit Jason, when he was still Robin being friends with some weirdo kid named Tim. xD
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lostywrites · 15 days
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
stolen from @radioactive-earthshine
1) Crossing Shadows - AC Mirage x Warcraft crossover fic
2) No Distance Like the Future
A sequel to No Time Like the Present, TimBart but a little more Bart-focused with Batman Beyond Tim thrown into the 31st Century
Drafts that have been sitting in my folder, collecting dust:
1) Tim & Jason horror/supernatural fic (Gotham Knights)
2) Swindle/Knock Out fic (Transformers)
3) Explicit TimBart one-shot (Young Justice)
4) Explicit Kalecgos/OC one-shot (Warcraft)
Tagging: @marley-warriors , @jean-kirschtussy
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lostywrites · 16 days
A bit of timbart agenda here, but you all know this fanfic trope of the bat-stalking™, when Timmy has to collect whatever data available on his current crush just to see if they're a good match?
Well I say Bart should be just as much of a little freak about it!
Because Bartholomew raised-in-a-VR Henry Allen definitely approaches crushes like it's a game, there's a math to this. He needs to know all of his love interest's favorite things, activities, hobbies, places, and schedule.
More than once, Tim would have a run in with Bart while on his routine grocery shopping of the week, just to be greeted by a gift like a donut from the place he likes, or a coffee from his favorite coffee place.
During his usual downtime, Bart would ask to hang out.
On his patrol route, red Robin had to shoo impulse out of gotham.
The obsessive behavior has been freaking Tim out, who thinks impulse may have been compromised somehow. Cissie has been Bart's top enabler so far, she finds this hilarious.
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lostywrites · 16 days
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Dragon gazing. 🌠🐲
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lostywrites · 16 days
Finally got around to making a "trailer" for my AC Mirage x Warcraft crossover fanfic - Crossing Shadows.
Music by Power-Haus - Tom Evans feat. Joel Sunny - Middle Of The Night (Elley Duhé Cover)
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