luisaenjoyer · 4 days
My OCs in depth: Paulina
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Age: 3
Birthday: February 6
(Future) Gift: Color manipulation
More about Paulina:
Paulina is a very opinionated child with a lot to say. Ever since she was able to talk, she hasn’t stopped, and has a pretty sharp wit like her sister Sofía.
At this time she doesn’t have her gift yet but she loves learning about colors. She especially loves the lesser known names, like vermillion, chartreuse, and periwinkle.
Acquired by 5 years old, Paulina’s gift allows her to change the color of any object around her, which can be pretty fun when customizing a toy or an outfit.
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luisaenjoyer · 18 days
My OCs in depth: Désirée
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Age: 5
Birthday: February 22nd
Gift: Flight
More about Désirée:
Désirée’s name was chosen by Esme, who came from a family of French immigrants. Désirée is a kind girl who often has her head in the clouds. She often is daydreaming and isn’t always the most focused child in the family. She’s very connected with her mama Esme and loves to tell her about all her thoughts and dreams. A lot like her sister Paloma, she has a mild, calming personality and Luisa is fiercely protective over her.
Désirée can fly whenever and wherever she wants, but she usually doesn’t stray too far from her family.
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luisaenjoyer · 20 days
My OCs in depth: Valeria
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Age: 6
Birthday: April 11
Gift: Indestructibility
More about Valeria:
Valeria has so much of Luisa’s determination and passion… without the hesitancy. Raised without all the pressures of expectations, she has the childhood Luisa wish she had. The two are inseparable and Valeria dreams to grow up to be big and strong just like her.
Valeria is definitely on the strong side, picking up on Luisa’s naturally strong genes, but her gift really means that she’s fully indestructible… whether it be blunt force, heat, cold… she’s completely unaffected by all of it. She loves playing rough and finding new ways to give her mama Esme a heart attack. 😂
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luisaenjoyer · 25 days
My OCs in depth: Emilio & Eligio
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Ages: 7
Birthday: June 20
Gift: Mind Link (Eligio: Right brain, brings creative energy and spontaneity ; Emilio: Left brain, provides logic and reasoning, help with mental stimulation)
More about Eligio & Emilio:
Eligio and Emilio are a rare instance of a combined gift/room. They both do different things with their gifts, but are essentially the same type of power. They can easily share abstract thoughts through telepathic communication, not only with each other, but with anyone they want. Neither of them talk very much, they’re both quite often nonverbal.
Eligio is able to help others who find themselves in a creative rut or depressed state, while Emilio assists others by helping them understand complex logical concepts, such as mathematics or science. They both can sometimes be sneaky and mysterious, as they can communicate privately through thought anytime they want.
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luisaenjoyer · 1 month
Marry… imagine having her level of protection ur whole life 😩💖
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luisaenjoyer · 1 month
My OCs in depth: Paloma
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Age: 8
Birthday: May 7
Gift: Sleep Manipulation
More about Paloma:
Paloma is the calmest and sweetest of the bunch. She has the ability to help others sleep when they're having a tough time. It really comes in handy when someone has insomnia or when one of her little siblings aren't able to fall asleep. She can help someone into a sleepy state by simply hugging them once (or any kind of physical contact). She takes the most naps out of anyone else in her family, naturally.
Paloma and her mama Luisa are the cuddle bugs of the family. They love taking naps together and Luisa feels extremely protective over her because of how mild and small she is for her age. You'll occasionally find them snuggled up in a hammock, snoozing away.
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luisaenjoyer · 1 month
Part 2: A Madrigal Showtime, New Adventures of Encanto
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luisaenjoyer · 1 month
Part 1: A Madrigal Showtime, New Adventures of Encanto
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luisaenjoyer · 1 month
My OCs in depth: Bronco
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Age: 9
Birthday: March 31
Gift: Super Speed
More about Bronco:
Bronco is energetic, wild, and very clever. They can run faster than the speed of sound and is always full of energy. Bronco's insane speed allows them to practically be in two places at once, and they usually use their gift to help their family if someone needs to spread a message right away.
Sometimes, Bronco thinks before they act, which may be good for making quick decisions, but they come to learn that sometimes they need to take their time. They love playing games, especially catch with their mama Luisa. Her powerful strength can throw an object miles away, and Bronco will retrieve it in a split second!
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luisaenjoyer · 1 month
Always will rb for my bae
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luisaenjoyer · 2 months
My OCs in depth: Sofía
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Age: 12
Birthday: January 10
Gift: Photographic Memory
More about Sofía:
Sofía is brilliant, determined, and curious. She loves studying science and mathematics, but has also found a love of history and mythology like her Mama Luisa. They both share a love for reading and often will have long discussions about the books they’re reading.
Sofía can be quite the debater, and likes to dig for answers. She can’t just accept something as truth… she has to know WHY.
Her incredible memory allows her to recall any moment at any time, down to the smallest detail. She often helps her family by reminding them of important things that could easily be forgotten.
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luisaenjoyer · 2 months
I'm getting big young Ellie from Up vibes from Valeria! She's definitely one to raise the blood pressure!
Haha I love that comparison!
I’ll be introducing more about her when I post her individual bio. Stay tuned!
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luisaenjoyer · 2 months
My OCs in depth: Carolina
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Age: 13
Birthday: October 16
Gift: Mood-Altering Singing
More about Carolina:
Having a very soothing and melodic voice, Carolina often helps uplift or help others relax. Her voice affects the mood of others around her and she can help lift your spirits. She's also a friend to many and is a great example as a big sister to her younger siblings. Growing up, she helped her parents soothe the young ones by singing for them. She was never made to take care of the kids, but she was always happy to sing them to sleep or console them when they cried.
Carolina has a special connection with her Mama Esme, as they both are homebodies and enjoy calm, peaceful moments together.
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luisaenjoyer · 2 months
My OCs in depth: Demario
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Age: 15
Birthday: July 5th
Gift: Hyper Empathy
More about Demario:
Demario is Luisa’s oldest son and oldest child. His gift allows him to be very in-tune to other people’s emotions, whether they are showing them or not. His hyper empathy gives him the ability to truly feel the depth of emotions that someone else is feeling.
It can be emotionally exhausting to feel what everyone is feeling all the time, but Luisa makes sure he’s not put in any situations that put too many burdens on him.
It can be easy for Demario to forget how HE feels about something, as he far too often bounces off the feelings of everyone around him. A big part of his character development is to learn to have his own emotional compass, despite being highly affected by others.
I was very inspired by Steven Universe with this character, as he has that same need to help others and empathize with them in any way he can. He’s extremely kind and thoughtful, always ready to help his family.
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luisaenjoyer · 2 months
I could see Demario being Pepa’s favorite… what’s the word for grand nephew?
Wow!!! I never thought of that… he’d be the one to truly understand her rollercoaster of emotions and feel them along with her. They’d definitely have a special connection.
And I guess grand-nephew is the only word for that… or just nephew, since “grand” is usually left out
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luisaenjoyer · 2 months
Vote Luisa bc she wouldn’t even have to fight her she would just win Peach over by flirting tf out of her
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luisaenjoyer · 2 months
How does Sophia's photographic memory and Demario's hyper-empathy gift work?
Sofía is able to remember anything she sees! No matter how complicated or extensive the information is, she’s able to store it in her mind and remember every detail.
Demario’s hyper-empathy allows him to truly feel what others are feeling around him. He can even sense emotions that someone might be trying to hide.
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