lunnanunna · 2 years
I’m planing on working on a few posts for Ollie, Miyoung, Yoori this weekend. If you guys have any requests send them in!😁
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lunnanunna · 2 years
I love the headband idea, that’s super cute. I’m so happy to see Yoori content again! 💜 Wooyoung and Yoori’s relationship is one of the best things ever. I love the sass and antics that they get up to. I want a relationship like that.
I missed writing my little cinnamon roll 😭
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Summary: Ateez spend the day at the amusement park and Yoori is tasked with finding headbands for each of her members.
Warnings: None
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @boss-baby-jongho​ @kimonmars​ @nlost21​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @poutypoutybin​ @shinyddeonghwa​ @sunflower-0180​ @frankenstein852​ @billboard-singer​
Please le me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the taglist.
A/N: This was supposed to be a more angsty upload and as you’ll see... it wasn’t. Maybe next time. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Hope you Enjoy!
Requests are open! Feedback is welcomed!
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“Yoori, come on. You’re gonna get left behind at this point,” Wooyoung glared at the girl as he watched her scurry over to where the rest of them were standing. They had taken the day to go to an amusement park, and had been walking around for a few hours now.
“Can’t you guys slow down? I’m tired. Plus I want to go to the gift shop. Amusement park trips are not complete without headbands!” Yoori huffed, hands on her hips.
“We’ll stop later, Yoo. right now the lines aren’t too long for the rides we want, so we want to get to them first before they get packed,” Hongjoong said, hiking a thumb over his shoulder towards the pirate ship.
“I don’t like that ride,” Yoori shook her head, frowning.
“I’ll sit it out with you, Yoo,” San said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
“But, Sannie, you said you’d go with me!” Wooyoung whined.
Yoori grimaced, then pushed San towards the younger. “I’m alright. I’ll sit it out alone. If you don’t go with him, he’ll throw a hissy fit,” she said, sticking her tongue out when he glared at her.
“I wasn’t gonna throw a hissy fit,” Wooyoung said.
“It kinda looked like a hissy fight,” Jongho said, folding his arms over his chest.
“Yah!” Wooyoung exclaimed.
“Alright, you two. That’s enough,” Hongjoong warned.
“Stop,” Seonghwa added as he saw both Yoori and Wooyoung open their mouths to say something.
“Whatever,” Wooyoung grumbled, then linked arms with San and began walking over to the ride.
“Yoo, want me to stay with you?” Yeosang asked as he walked over to her. Yoori saw him begin to reach out to grab her hand, but stopped when he remembered that they were out and people were watching.
Yoori smiled, “I’ll be okay.”
“You sure? ‘Cause, I definitely don’t need to go on this one,” Yeosang said, giving the ride a wary look.
Yoori giggled then took his hand. She gave it a pat then said, “We can be scaredy cats together then.”
Yeosang shook their hands in the air. “Yay,” he said unenthusiastically, while rolling his eyes.
Yoori narrowed her eyes, lips pressed together. “Meanie,” she said as she dropped their hands.
“You guys go ahead. We’ll stay here,” Yeosang said to the others who seemed to have been waiting for an okay from them to go without them.
“Have fun! Oh, Yeo and I will pick out headbands for you guys!” Yoori said, then excitedly adding the last part.
Mingi and Yunho smiled at each other then to Yoori. “That’s perfect!” Yunho said.
“Make sure you pick good ones,” Mingi gave a thumbs up.
Yoori grinned, returning the gesture. “You got it, dude!”
The couple watched as their members walked off to join the que for the pirate ship ride. Yoori smiled as she watched her leader excitedly hop from one foot to the other. Her little short king.
“What are you cheesing about?” Yeosang asked Yoori, poking her cheek.
Yoori grinned, “Our boys!” She then started skipping towards the gift shop, Yeosang chuckling behind her.
Upon entering the shop, Yoori squealed. She may be getting more than just headbands here. She bopped her head to the Twice song that was playing, as she browsed the selection on the shelfs.
“See anything good yet?” Yeosang asked, as he picked up a Toothless headband. He showed it to the girl, though he knew that she’d say yes to it.
“That’s perfect for Hwa-oppa!” Yoori smiled, “And I haven’t found any that have caught my attention.”
“How about we split up our members? I take Seonghwa,” Yeosang suggested, holding up the current headband he had, “Plus Yunho and Wooyoung.”
“And I take Hongjoong, San, Jongho, and Mingi?” Yoori asked, a pensive look on her face. “Sounds good,” she agreed, nodding. The two then split up looking for gifts for their members.
“Oh, and I’ll get you one and you get me one,” Yeosang said, peeking around the aisle.
Yoori smiled at him, nodding. “Make sure mine’s cute,” she winked. Yeosang chuckled, but nodded.
Yoori hummed along to the TXT song that came on as she picked up a devil headband. Sadly she wasn’t picking one for Wooyoung, because she would have given him this one.
“Perfect,” she whispered to herself as she saw one with a little pirate hat. “For our captain.” Taking that one, Yoori continued down the aisle. She spotted one with an angel halo and grabbed it without hesitating. “For our Jongho.” She hugged it towards her chest.
“Yoo, you’re gonna love the one I picked out for you!” Yeosang said a couple of rows down.
“Yeah?” the rapper giggled, going on her tippy toes to try and peek over the shelves.
Yeosang popped his head up just as she did and narrowed his eyes at her. “No peeking.” Yoori gasped then dropped down into a squat, giggling. She could hear Yeosang chuckling.
Looking up from her spot, Yoori grinned. Right next to each other were the last three headbands she needed. Bunny ears for Mingi and tiger ears for San, and right above those was a Rilakkuma headband for Yeosang. (Yoori was really tempted to keep that one for herself.)
Standing back up, Yoori held all her headbands and smiled. “Yeo, I’m done!” she said excitedly as she turned to walk back down the aisle that would lead her to Yeosang.
“Me too,” Yeosnag said as he came into view. He stood in front of Yoori, grinning as he held his finds against his chest, like Yoori was doing.
“Should we show each other now, or after we pay?” Yoori asked, covering hers up with her arms to keep them out of view.
“We’ll do it now that way we don’t have any repeats,” he answered then stepped off to the side so as to not block the way of anyone.
Yoori nodded in agreement then followed him. She smiled when she saw him smile at her. He got her feeling all giddy. “Me first!” she rushed.
Yoori first pulled out Hongjoong’s. “This one’s pretty self explanatory.”
Yeosang nodded, rolling his eyes at the pirate hat.
Yoori then pulled out the halo.
“San?” Yeosang asked.
“Nope. Maknae,” Yoori gave a nod.
Yeosang quirked a brow, but laughed, “I don’t see it, but okay.”
“Our maknae’s an angel, okay?” Yoori pouted, but continued to show him the other two she found. “This one’s San’s,” she said, showing the tiger ears, “And this one’s Mingi’s.”
Yeosang snorted at the bunny ears.
“I’ll show you yours after,” Yoori said.
“Okay,” the older said, then pulled out Seonghwa’s first, “You already saw this one, but here’s Wooyoung’s.”
Yoori cackled when she saw the pink glitter devil horns. “Those ones are better than the devil horns I wanted to get him.”
Yeosang laughed at that then pulled out a pair of floppy yellow ears. “Puppy ears for our puppy.”
“Good. Good,” Yoori smiled.
“Now on the count of three we show each other the ones we pick for us,” Yeosang said.
“Yep,” Yoori nodded. Yeosang counted to three and then they each pulled out a pair of Rilakkuma headbands, only Yeosang held Korilakkuma.
“Dear God,” Yeosang rolled his eyes, grinning.
“Yes! I love it!” Yoori cheered. She grabbed the Korilakkuma one and placed it on her head then placed the Rilakkuma one on Yeosang’s head.
The two smiled at each other. “Would these count as couple items?” Yeosang whispered.
“I’m counting them as couple items,” Yoori smiled so wide that her cheeks were hurting.
“Good,” Yeosang smiled. He looked around and saw that the shop was currently empty and that the cashier was preoccupied with restocking some items towards the back. Walking up to Yoori, he smiled then placed a kiss on her forehead.
As Yoori flushed and sputtered, Yeosang smirked. “Ma’am we’re ready to pay,” he said to the cashier as he walked up to the counter, leaving a very red Yoori to toddle behind him.
Yoori’s boyfriend was a menace. But she loved him anyway.
Yoori’s Masterlist
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Working on yoori’s post. Possibly for tomorrow.🤞🏼
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Wait! What? Who?
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Sooo…. Just as a heads up. If I really do continue writing (which hopefully I do) love interests/crushes may or may not be switched out… so yeah 😁
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lunnanunna · 2 years
My heart about to exploded from cuteness!! 💜
Lol I’ve been having a tough month so I just need to write some fluff and cuteness 😅
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Okay that was way to cute for my own good 🥺✨️
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I’m glad you liked it!😭🫶🏼
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Don’t Go
Summary: Miyoung was missing the two oldest who enlisted and the rest of her members are there for her.
Warnings: light swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung @galacticstxrdust @many-gay-magpies @precious-seungwooya @helladead-hellaradical @boss-baby-jongho @kimonmars @chagi-nana @wooya1224 @poutypoutybin @sunflower-0180 @frankenstein852 @jenseok17​ @keijikunn​ @glitteringcoffeefreak​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the taglist.
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open. Feedback is welcomed.
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Miyoung sat on her bed reading. She had recently picked up No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai and was loving it. She was definitely going to reread it.
She reached for her coffee that she had on her bedside table as she reread the last bit of the current chapter she was on. She really liked the style of this author. Though she had really been liking a lot of different styles lately, seeing as she had been filling her time with reading lately. If she wasn’t filming for her channel, she was reading.
All this reading may or may not be her way of coping. (Coping with Youngbin and Inseong being gone due to enlistment.) Miyoung had no idea how she was going to deal with all of her members, if only two had enlisted and she was struggling.
Basically, in Miyoung’s mind, if she spends less time with her members now, it’ll hurt less when they leave. Was it working? Of course not. She was miserable. And she was pretty sure that her members were starting to worry, which was never a good thing.
Miyoung startled when the door to her room opened. Looking up, she saw Seokwoo and Sanghyuk walk in. She was not ready for whatever shenanigans they were about to bring, but judging by their faces, Miyoung knew that there was no way for her to avoid it.
“What do you want?” she asked, closing her book. She folded her arms over her chest, raising a brow at the two. They in turn, side-eyed each other then smirked as they walked over to her.
“We miss you,” Seokwoo said, pouting.
“We saw each other this morning,” Miyoung shook her head.
“Yeah, in passing. After you got your coffee, you came back in here and haven’t left ever since,” Sanghyuk whined, walking over to her and sitting on her bed.
Miyoung shrugged, picking at a loose thread of her sweat shorts.
“Mimi, we’re not scolding you. It’s just that this has been happening a lot. Other than practice, we’ve barely seen you,” Seokwoo said, sitting on the floor next to where she was on the bed.
She shrugged again.
“Is there a reason why you’re avoiding us?” the taller of the two asked.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Miyoung was quick to respond.
“Really, now?” Sanghuyk asked, raising his own brow at the girl.
“I’m not! I’ve just been busy,” Miyoung shrugged, though she wasn’t sure if that was going to hold up in court.
“Reading doesn’t count, Mimi. Plus you’re a fast reader. So when you’re done with a book you should have plenty of time to hang out with us,” Jaeyoon said from the doorway.
Miyoung glared at him as he walked through, the rest of the boys trailing behind him. This was starting to feel like an intervention of sorts.
“What is this?” she asked, waving vaguely at everyone as they sat at her desk, her bed, or on the floor.
“It’s exactly what you think it is,” Taeyang said, climbing over her to sit between her and the wall.
“An intervention,” Chanhee nodded.
“We don’t know what’s going on exactly, but last time you pulled away from us, you were being assaulted,” Juho said.
Miyoung stilled. They were right. She scoffed at herself, breaking her promise of always coming to them no matter what.
“You think this is funny?” Youngkyun asked, frowning.
“Listen, we can’t read you the way Youngbin-hyung can. We don’t know what’s wrong, but we can at least see that something’s wrong,” Juho said, folding his arms over his chest.
“I’m laughing, but not because it’s funny. It’s because I thought I had changed, but I didn’t. I’m still hiding things and possibly leading to trouble,” Miyoung said, running her hands through her hair.
The boys looked at each other then back at Miyoung, as Taeyang spoke up. “Then tell us.”
Miyoung covered her face with her hands. She could feel her face heating up. The fact that she was pulling away from them because she didn’t want to have to deal with the emotions that will come with them enlisting, was embarrassing.
“Are you in trouble?” Juho asked.
The visual looked up, shaking her head, “I’m not. I promise you.”
“Then what?” Sanghyuk asked.
“It’s embarrassing,” she answered, shrugging. Miyoung chewed on her lip, looking at her hands.
At that, the boys all looked at each other. Deeming it better that she feel embarrassed over unsafe, they agreed to wait for her.
“Then you don’t have to tell us now,” Seokwoo said.
“As long as you’re not in any danger,” Chanhee added.
Miyoung looked up at them. She could tell that they meant it, but now she was feeling guilty. There’s no reason she couldn't tell them. It’s not like they’d make fun of her.
She took in a deep breath then spoke up, “I don’t want you guys to go.” It came out mumbled.
“What do you mean?” Taeyang asked.
Miyoung shrugged, “Enlistment.”
“Oh, Mimi,” Sanghyuk said, grabbing her and pulling her onto his lap. She curled up, hiding her rapidly flushing face in his chest.
“Wait, Young-ah. Do you miss Youngbin and Inseong?” Jaeyoon asked.
Miyoung nodded her head.
“And now you’re already thinking  about how you’ll miss us too when we go?” Youngkyun asked.
She nodded again.
“I know that this is a serious thing for you, but God damn, this is fucking adorable,” Juho smiled.
Miyoung groaned. “Don’t make fun.”
“We’re not,” Taeyang said from behind her and Sanghyuk. He ran his hand through her hair.
“Noona, we’re not all leaving at once. You’ll never be alone,” the maknae assured.
“I know, but that doesn't mean I won’t miss each of you when you leave,” she pouted.
“Is that why you’ve been distant? You were embarrassed to tell us?” Jaeyoon asked.
“Sort of. But it was mostly because I figured if I spent less time with you guys, I’d grow less attached and it’s hurt less,” she confessed.
“Okay, my turn to hold our cute Mimi,” Seokwoo said as he pulled Miyoung from Sanghyuk’s lap and onto his. Sanghyuk squawked as she was pulled away. Miyoung on the other hand, flushed again as she was being handled like a ragdoll. (It was always like that when it came to cuddling with these boys.)
Once in the tallest member’s lap, she was turned to face the rest of her members, much to her embarrassment. Seokwoo wrapped his arms around her middle and nuzzled her neck. Miyoung squirmed.
“I’m going to tell you right now, Miyoung, that your plan was going to backfire on you so badly,” Juho said.
“I figured,” she mumbled.
“Listen, Noona. All you need to know is that you’ll never be alone, and we won’t be gone forever. Two years will fly by before you know it. Plus half of us aren’t due to enlist for years,” Youngkyun said.
Miyoung nodded. She knew all that. Still, that didn't stop her from not wanting them to go. “I know.”
“Then let’s focus on the now. Yeah the hyungs aren’t here now, but we’ll keep in contact and they’ll visit too,” Taeyang said.
“Youngbin-hyung will definitely come back if he hears that Miyoung was crying over him,” Seokwoo spoke into her neck, chuckling.
“Yah! I’m not crying over him,” Miyoung protested.
“At the moment, but if you’re missing them that bad, I can only imagine how many times you’ve had to stop yourself from crying,” Chanhee smirked.
Miyoung pouted, “Maybe it would be better if you all left.”
“You don’t mean that,” Taeyang said with a knowing look.
“No. No, I don’t,” Miyoung shook her head, frowning. The others chuckled.
“Okay. Okay. That's enough pouting. How about we order takeout and watch a movie then we can prove to Mimi that she’ll never be alone?” Jaeyoon suggested.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Seokwoo said, standing up. He threw Miyoung over his shoulder and followed the others to the living room.
“Mimi, we love you,” Taeyang smiled, looking at Miyoung who was hiding her blush behind her hands.
“I love you guys too,” she mumbled out. She smiled despite herself.
Miyoung’s Masterlist
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lunnanunna · 2 years
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! I'M SO READY 🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lol it’ll be a simple but sweet one
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Possible upload tonight.
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lunnanunna · 2 years
hii, can i request for miyoung where she is avoiding the members for some reason and they notice and trap her in cuddles until she tells them whats wrong. something kindy angsty but also fluffy if that makes sense 😅
btw i love your work! i’m glad you’re updating again. sending lots of good energy your way ✨
I’m happy to be writing again too! And I’ll def use this with miyoung. It goes perfect with what I have planned for her for her next post.
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Can you write for anyone you choose, something along the lines of a fight, and how the other members would react/pick sides?
I’ll def use this for yoori. It’ll hopefully go up this week. If you have any specific issue to arise let me know too. I’m curious to see what ppl want to read.😊
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lunnanunna · 2 years
If you guys have any requests send them in. Hopefully it’ll help get my gears going and keep me writing.😁
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Takes One to Know One
Summary: Ollie and Minho spend some time together reading.
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @boss-baby-jongho​ @kimonmars​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @poutypoutybin​ @sunflower-0180​ @jamaisalexa​
A/N: Seeing as it’s been so long since I’ve updated and I’m still not sue if I’ll keep it going, and I don’t even know if anyone will still read these, I figured I’d start with something light.
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Ollie stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to her room. She had just come back from the gym and had taken a quick shower.
“Noona, are you going to make dinner or should we order takeout?” Felix asked as he came from the hallway.
Ollie continued to dry her hair with her towel as she gauged just how tired she was. She might have overdone it at the gym today. Takeout wasn’t sounding so bad as he felt her legs spasm a bit.
Groaning, she answered, “Takeout sounds good.”
“How about we order from the Chinese place down the street?” Seungmin suggested from the living room. Ollie couldn’t see him, but she figured he was sprawled out on the couch reading his book.
“I don’t see why not,” Ollie responded, then ruffled Felix’s hair as he smiled at her.
“We’ll order then call you when it’s here,” the Aussie said, pulling his phone out then turning to the living room.
Ollie smiled then walked into her room. She hung her towel up to dry then debated on switching from sweats to shorts. She was feeling hot already even though she had just taken a cold shower. (Ollie really hated summer). She ended up pulling on a pair of biker shorts and a sports bra.
Sitting on her bed, she pulled out her glasses and unlocked her phone. Scrolling through it, Ollie looked for a manhwa to read.
“Reading more smut?”
Ollie raised a brow at Minho who stood at her doorway. He smirked knowing full well that he wasn’t wrong.
“Fuck off,” Ollie grumbled, aggressively swiping through her list.
“Isn’t that what the boys will be doing?” he asked, strolling over to her with a knowing look.
Ollie looked up at him, and narrowed her eyes. In a second, she grabbed one of her Squishmallows and whipped it at him. Minho didn’t have a chance to react.
“Yah!” he whined, grabbing the red panda and throwing it back at her. She dodged it with ease, then kicked his thigh. “The disrespect!”
“Oh boo-fucking-hoo,” Ollie rolled her eyes while smiling.
“Move,” Minho grumbled as he crawled over her, to sit by her side. Ollie yelped as he dug his knee in her thigh.
“You did that on purpose!” she shoved him.
“Of course I did,” he shoved back. The two looked at each other in silence then smiled.
Minho wrapped his arm around Ollie as she rested her head on his shoulder. He watched as she scrolled through her To Read List.
“Anything catch your eye?” she asked, smirking, sensing him looking over her shoulder.
“Not yet. Just pick one then I’ll read it along with you, but scroll slowly. Not everyone can read as fast as you,” he said, then hit her temple with his knuckle.
Ollie rubbed the offended spot, then stuck her tongue out. She settled on Insecret.  She had gotten invested in the side story. Dawol and Jihyuk were messing her up.
“This is the idol one, right?” Minho asked.
“Yep,” she answered and began to scroll.
Recently, Minho’s been joining Ollie during her little reading sessions. Whether it be a book, manga, or straight up smut. It didn’t matter if he joined in midway, he’d still read along, hovering over her shoulder.
“Why’d he do that?” Minho asked just as they finished the last scene. “Hurry, go to the next chapter. I need to know why he did that!”
Ollie chuckled, shaking her head. “It hasn't been updated yet,” she said. The chapter they just read, updated two days ago, so they’d have to wait.
“This is ridiculous,” he grumbled, throwing his head back.
Ollie poked his side, laughing. “You’re being so dramatic.”
“You’re telling me you’re not annoyed that you have to wait for the next chapter?”
The girl shook her head. “I’ve been reading webtoons and fanfics for years. I’m used to waiting,” she shrugged, then started looking for another one to read.
“How old were you when you first started reading smut?” Minho asked, turning towards her.
“Too young. Maybe like eleven?” Ollie shrugged, remembering her first fanfic being about Harry Potter.
Minho looked at her with a straight face. He definitely wasn’t surprised.
“Obviously reading smut that young has molded me into the woman I am today,” Ollie grinned watching as Minho’s brows quirked up.
“You kinking bitch,” he smirked, shaking his head.
“Takes one to know one,” she jabbed, with a knowing grin.
He side-eyed her and gave a nod. “Okay, which one are we reading next?”
Ollie’s Masterlist
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Hello everyone. Wow it feels weird to log in here again. And even weirder to see people still reading and asking about me. Thank you.
I’ve been fine. I’ve been working a lot and just living life (the homebody life if I’m being honest 😅).
I keep wanting to come back here and write. I get ideas for my girls and I start to write them out, but lose motivation halfway through.
I love writing, I really do, and I love me girls, but I just can’t get over my slump.
I think a big reason is that I listen to kpop more casually than before. Meaning, I don’t follow most of my groups or watch any shows involving them. Ateez is the one group that I follow a bit more closely, and it’s not even that much. I still love kpop and my groups, but I just don’t follow them the way I used to.
Because of that I feel burdened to write my girls and write out scenarios that go along with what each group is doing. Which is hard when I have no idea what’s been going on with most, other than new albums.
I’ve thought of coming back, but with changes. For one, I’d limit myself to less OCs. It’s hard to keep track and come up with fresh ideas for all my OCs.
I’d also free write (I don’t know if that’s the right term or not), but write my girls with their members and just things that I want to happen (as realistically as I can). There would be less canon, if that makes any sense. If you’d like a specific interview or scene from a show or live, you’d have to tell me so I can look into it to be able to write it.
I would also have to test things out for a bit before I can give a set schedule or even a definitive answer on whether or not I’d be staying. I just really miss writing and you guys and want to try to comeback, but in a way that doesn’t pressure me as much.
I don’t know if anyone would be interested in me coming back in this way, but if so let me know. Hopefully there’ll be a comeback soon.
Thank you guys again for being patient with me. 🙏🏼
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lunnanunna · 3 years
Will you be posting soon? I miss your works
sadly i don’t know when i’ll be posting again. sorry.
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