m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
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Happy Birthday MK!!! āœ§*:ļ½„ļ¾Ÿ
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
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minkyun said slut rights!!! šŸ’Ŗ
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
fuses rb this with your bias and fave song from we must love šŸ’”
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
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we must love
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
ā€˜we must loveā€™ mv theory
hi welcome to my wild theory :^) i never really wrote anything like this down before BUT this storyline was too good to not attempt to figure out and ive been thinking about this since the mv teaser dropped. so hereā€™s what i think whatā€™s going on in the mv. just a lil disclaimer ig, Ā that all of this is just what im picking up from the music videos, so just take this theory into consideration not as fact lol. plz humor me bc iā€™ve been writing this for almost 5 hours and im gonna lose it. so plz join me in this wild adventure thru different timelines and universes that also tie intoĀ ā€˜on/offā€™ andĀ ā€˜completeā€™ bc onfā€™s concept is wild :^)
to connect everything with ā€˜we must loveā€™ we gotta recap on the first two music videos real quick. so buckle up kids lets GO. im basing this off my vague remembering off of the explanation for the ā€˜on/offā€™ mv, i canā€™t remember where exactly they explained it but if iā€™m remembering right. theyā€™re all androids and laun is their energy provider. i think the android part may have been apart of my own theory when on/off first came out (reason being is their barcodes) but laun is 100% the one who provides the energy or something like that. lol. something to note here is hyojin, e-tion, and j-us are mostly a trio together and really the only ones you get to see in uniforms together in the mv. (other than the scene where laun passes out and everyoneā€™s like o dam. ) they are the three to look into launā€™s room. and thereā€™s the fact that they were just chilling in his room learning about the globe and stuff. notable since theyā€™re the most prominent ones in the great search for laun 2k19. just food for thought šŸ¤”
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hereā€™s showing when laun put in too much energy in this machine and ended up passing out.
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putting ā€œmy name isā€ and a picture of himself, this may be because he had some sort of memory loss as a result from the pass out. he has this as a reminder for himself.
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and this very interesting cinema board may be something to look at here, maybe predicting the future to come in this universe lmao.
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(a side note, in the ā€˜on/offā€™ mv, launā€™s barcode is on the back his neck but in ā€˜we must loveā€™, its on the side of his neck. whether or not this is important or a continuity error idk lol. in general im just gonna ignore the barcode rule bc i didnt see it on anyone else in we must love so IDK. ive actually only remember seeing it on hyojin and laun i think. the barcodes are so confusing idk what to to with them :^( ) before i continue to the next mv, i just want to point out the MAJOR object that truly connects everything together, this funky lil asteroid:
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this bad boi is a lil demon in disguise. Complete: the connections to ā€˜on/offā€™ are very minimal to a sense of you can just excuse them as ā€œreferencesā€ rather than any clues as it to being set in another universe. but thatā€™s honestly exactly what it is. it was more than just cute lil callbacks to their first music video. this is legit just same boys, same timeline, different universe. example one:
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the bad boi returns. mk looking up at this asteroid is very important. youā€™ll see later or you already know why probably lmao. two: the machine launā€™s messing with may be the energy source machine thatā€™s used in this universe. it does have a little card slot in it.
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and then THIS SCENE:
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asteroids literally raining down. very similar to the opening scene in ā€˜we must loveā€™ this may be the start of whatā€™s happening as a result of the ā€˜on/offā€™ / ā€˜we must loveā€™ universe.
AND NOW THE ā€˜WE MUST LOVEā€™ once again, starting off the mv is mk looking at the asteroids raining down like, a doomsday type of feel rather than a cute shooting star kinda feel as the previous ones. itā€™s not even the same as when j-us in ā€˜completeā€™ was surrounded by asteroids because this time thereā€™s literally ember falling around the era. itā€™s definitely more danger feel than in ā€˜completeā€™. i think the reason the world is quickly heading to danger is because of laun leaving the facility. heā€™s not just the energy to them, but to the whole world? and since heā€™s gone, everythingā€™s s starting to get out of control.
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laun wakes up in a forest, looking completely lost unaware where he is.
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and then here, heā€™s having flashbacks to two scenes that happen later in the music video. where they try to stop him from leaving. and when hyojin confronts him. due to the glitchiness of the memories, iā€™m believing that the memories are leaving him and heā€™s going through memory loss again like in ā€˜on/offā€™.
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j-us over here in launā€™s room trying to locate his whereabouts. in the address you can see it says ā€œuniverse 01ā€ at the bottom. basically confirmed that there is multiple universes and theyā€™re at least 99 of them. wow good luck finding him now.
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yutoā€™s clock being 3:14 is the same length as the music video. at first i thought it might have been a timer for how long everyone had in the universes they were sent to to find laun but then i realized they were most likely there for more than that amount of time so idek lol. BUT i thoughtā€™d iā€™d keep this part in here as just something to think about ig.
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this is where it getsā€¦. sad. launā€™s looking out of the window which we now know can change screens. assuming that itā€™s actually a window to the other universes, laun looks out admiring the nature and such.
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the way he looks out the window is so longing, like he wants to experience it himself. other than when he needs to be out, heā€™s always trapped in this room. even in ā€œon/offā€ all of his solo scenes were him cooped up in his room. the only time he was actually out of his room and not in uniform was him sadly holding a balloon. this kid has discovered the beauty of nature and really wants to venture out to see it himself.
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im not sure if itā€™s suppose to be the same room but there are a lot of similarities to the both of them. im thinking maybe due to being on a different set, they did what they could to resemble launā€™s original room? because a big thing here is launā€™s window, which is basically his freedom. which from the outside itā€™s just a window looking in, but what if itā€™s a two way window? on laun side it has the capability to show different universes, other side looking in his room to check on him.
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right after j-us finds launā€™s location, seemingly figuring out this whole ordeal, since he was also reading some sort of message. he gets caught. with the sign being said ā€œDanger: Time Travel Operateā€, itā€™s possible that time travel is illegal within the facility, probably specifically to the students, because of how dangerous it is.
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my idea as to why this scene is happening is because launā€™s presence lead hyojin to here. except laun isnā€™t here exactly. he was there but in another universe. and the fade outs are showing that. theyā€™re always so close, yet so far.
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then thereā€™s this flashback to when everyone frantically trying to stop laun from time traveling, they know how dangerous time traveling is and theyā€™re trying to save him
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his arm is out as if heā€™s trying to tell them to stay back (not in a mean way of course, but in a ā€œplz let me do thisā€ way). but in a later scene he looks even more worried, maybe last second regretting this decision. heā€™s probably aware the dangers of time traveling, heā€™s ready to risk it all in the name of nature, but i dont think heā€™s fully aware how vital it is for he himself to stay in that place.
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e-tion finally comes across laun, the real laun. but before he can call out to him, e-tion disappears. i have two theories to this. 1. continuing on from like the laun & hyojin scene from before. theyā€™re in the same place, but different universes. but imo that wouldnt really make sense because e-tion clearly sees laun. in hyojin and launā€™s scene, i think itā€™s clear that neither of them saw each other since hyojin just walked off. 2. e-tionā€™s time travel watch is on a timer. and right before he can catch launā€™s attention, the watch sends him back to his own universe. :( which i think is more accurate. which means that the fade outs have multiple purposes.
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there he is
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and there he go
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and hereā€™s to what i dub is the absolute saddest part of this entire music video (other than laun crying )ā€™: ) yuto stayed behind in the facility in their classroom. its showing everyone having fun, wyatt looking up into the sky :^), Ā probably the daily antics of their classroom breaks. but then its everyone fading out to an empty room. itā€™s showing what used to be. when they were all together. yuto is reminiscing on the past. he misses his friends and my heart HURTS.
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and with the final scene. hyojin finally catching up to laun. this scene is kinda complicated for many reasons. laun looks right at hyojin but turns around and hyojin disappears. 1. the same theory of different universes. laun may have felt hyojinā€™s presence and turned around to check to see if anyone was behind him, but left after seeing no one was there. which will be wild bc then laun woulda had a stand off - stare off with the air if that was the case.
2.he clearly saw hyojin, but he just had no idea who he was due to the memory loss. and being the nice boy laun is, heā€™d just smiled at him and went on his way. making hyojin miss his last chance of catching laun due to the timer that sent him back to his universe. also remember, this scene was involved in launā€™s memory wipe in the beginning of the mv. and this is the only scene thatā€™s in black and white. was it a flash back in this scene, or a flash forward from laun when he was in the woods?
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some after thought questions i have:
why did hyojin have to use an emergency button to time travel, but e-tion had a watch similar to laun. and how did mk and wyatt get to where they were as well. i would make the suggestion that mk is actually in the ā€˜completeā€™ universe due to the asteroid storm, but then thereā€™s this scene. behind him are screens showing the different universes everyoneā€™s in. (including the one he was in). Ā maybe he went to the ā€˜completeā€™ universe after this scene, but how did he get there. šŸ¤”
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that being said i have no idea about wyattā€™s part. him with the motorcycle, and then running through the city. yeah heā€™s probably looking for laun too, but im kinda sad that there wasnā€™t more to it like everyone else :( i just dont know. and to tie it all together, the lyrics of the song are directly about all of this. ā€œlosing memoriesā€ ā€œpast, future, a different worldā€. it a song about a familiar feeling with someone as if you knew them in the past, future, a whole different universe, like you were bonded by time. this music video doesnt just tie that in on its own, but also with ā€˜on/offā€™ and ā€˜completeā€™. i just find it completely genius the way they went about it and im really curious if this concept will continue and i really hope it does because thereā€™s so many unanswered questions. is laun gonna be ok, will they bring him back safely, is the world gonna be ok, most importantly, whereā€™s wyatt. the only thing i havenā€™t brought up is the astronaut lady in ā€˜on/offā€™ because i have no idea whereā€™d she fit into the other mvs. but she is so valid. so basically, tl;dr, laun wanted to universe travel to all the beautiful places heā€™s seen through his alternate universe looking window to temporally escape from the confines of his room where he always has to stay cooped up in, as seen in the ā€˜on/offā€™ mv. he ended up losing his memory from doing so since heā€™s pretty prone to memory lost, causing mostly everyone to go out looking for him and failing at the last moments. and now the world is in peril because launā€™s basically the earthā€™s control center but heā€™s lost and not in the facility where he can keep things balanced. tl-tl;dr: laun just wanted to see the real world but then it turned into whereā€™s waldo: laun edition, except if we cant find laun fast the whole universe is going to die.
i hope u enjoyed my lil theory, plz dont be afraid to share your theories with me or let me know if i missed anything important, or messed up anything in this theory. im all open to discuss this amazing cinematic masterpiece that our lord and saviors onf is providing us with!!
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
i have so many thoughts and a theory about the teaser should i post it orĀ šŸ¤”
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
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ONF has released the track list for their upcoming 3rd mini-album ā€œWe Must Loveā€ which is now scheduled to be released on February 7th.
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
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ģ˜Øģ•¤ģ˜¤ķ”„ (ONF) 3rd Mini Album - ģ‚¬ėž‘ķ•˜ź²Œ ė  ź±°ģ•¼ (We Must Love) Group pyrophotograph 2
Coming Soon 2019.02.08
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
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ģ˜Øģ•¤ģ˜¤ķ”„ (ONF) 3rd Mini Album - ģ‚¬ėž‘ķ•˜ź²Œ ė  ź±°ģ•¼ (We Must Love) Group pyrophotograph 1 Coming Soon 2019.02.08
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
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ONF has released a teaser image announcing their upcoming 3rd mini-album which is scheduled to be released on February 8th.
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m1nkyun Ā· 5 years
35 notes Ā· View notes
m1nkyun Ā· 6 years
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m1nkyun Ā· 6 years
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{95.11.16} happy birthday MK!Ā ā™”
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m1nkyun Ā· 6 years
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[#MK] ė“œė””ģ–“! ģ—“ģ‹¬ķžˆ ģ¤€ė¹„ķ–ˆė˜ ź·øė‚ ģ“ ģ™”ė„¤ģš”!! ė§Žģ“ ė–Øė¦¬ź³  źø“ģž„ė˜ź² ģ§€ė§Œ ģ˜Øģ•¤ģ˜¤ķ”„ ģƒź°ķ•˜ė©“ģ„œ ķž˜ė‚“ź³  ģˆ˜ėŠ„ ķŒŒģ“ķŒ… ķ•“ģš”! ģ¢‹ģ€ ź²°ź³¼ ģžˆģ„ ź±°ģ˜ˆģš”~šŸ˜Š
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m1nkyun Ā· 6 years
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[#MK] ģ†Œģ›ģ„±ģ·Ø!! ā¤ļøĀ ģ²“ķ¬ ė°”ģ§€ėŠ” ė¹„ė°€ 慎ā€¦.šŸ˜‚
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m1nkyun Ā· 6 years
[#MK] ź³ ģ–‘ģ“ģ™€ źµź°šŸ˜›
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m1nkyun Ā· 6 years
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[#MK] Happy halloween ! ā¤ļøšŸ˜
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