manabamba · 2 months
language learning tip: get a cat and make up little songs about the cat in your language of interest
me, at kitchen counter: should I make a cake
cat: back on her bullshit
me, scooping up cat to her great dismay: je vais prendre un gâteau….un gâteau au CHAT. Te veux un gâteau? Tu veux un peu de mon gâteau au chat? Non, tu as déjà un gâteau….parce que tu es un bœuf-gâteau (elle est grosse)
cat: (¬_¬)
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manabamba · 9 months
Literally: (a) crow (or bird) in the dark night
Meaning: something indistinct
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manabamba · 1 year
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入り江 いりえ inlet, creek, bay
ひそと in secret
通り過ぎる とおりすぎる to go past, to pass by
擡げる もたげる to raise (one's head)
耳を澄ます みみをすます to strain one's ears
こすれる to be rubbed
枯れ葉 かれは dead leaves
ひょっとしたら possibly, perhaps
摘む つむ to pick, to pluck
産卵場所 さんらんばしょ spawning grounds
花壇 かだん flower bed
ごろごろ  all over the place, in great numbers, common
群れる むれる to crowd, to swarm
排水溝 はいすいこう gutter, ditch
轢く ひく to run over (with a vehicle)
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manabamba · 1 year
Nov-Feb Bookclub: コンビニ人間 (Convenience Store Woman)
Hi friends! The Seitokai Bookclub has officially wrapped up reading Vol. 1 of おじさまと猫.
Starting from November 21, 2022 to (probably, possibly, who knows bc we might finish early) February 20, 2023 we will be reading コンビニ人間 (Convenience Store Woman) by Sayaka Murata. The book has already been translated into more than 30 languages! There are many theories (including that the main character might be autistic, might be asexual or aromantic--or all theories combined). Come read with us and let's discuss theories! I've read a small portion of the book in English and I also have theories :D. This is our bookclub's first time reading a book at this assumed difficulty level, but I'm looking forward to the challenge!
Come join us! You can see previous bookclub reads, access the group-made vocab lists, reopen the discussions, suggest and vote on new bookclub reads--anything you like! Even if you're not interested in reading, but you'd like study tips, study buddies, help with homework, study streams, chatting with other Japanese learners and people who have already lived in Japan, you should still come join us!
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manabamba · 2 years
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manabamba · 2 years
data entry
パスワードを入力してください。 Please enter your password.
入力に誤りがあります。 にゅうりょく に あやまり が あります。 There is an error in the input.
未入力の項目があります。 み にゅうりょく の こうもく が あります。 There is an unentered field.
半角英数字で入力してください。 はんかくえいすうじ で にゅうりょく して ください。 Please use single-byte alphanumeric characters.
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manabamba · 2 years
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Document Vocabulary
記録 きろく record, minutes, document
資料 しりょう materials, data, document
書類 しょるい document, official papers
丹念 たんねん painstaking, careful, meticulous
評判 ひょうばん reputation
計算 けいさん calculation, reckoning, count
基づく もとづく to be based (on), to be in accordance (with)
血筋 ちすじ lineage
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manabamba · 3 years
〜を当然のことと思う - take for granted
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当然(とうぜん)is used to mean naturally, unsurprisingly, “no wonder”:
彼がよく眠れなかったのは当然だ。It’s no wonder he couldn’t sleep well.
彼女が喜ぶのは当然だ。No wonder she’s so happy.
〜を当然(のこと)と思う shows that something is assumed to be a given or taken for granted:
私は彼女がいつもそばにいることを当然と思っていた。I took it for granted that she’d always be around.  
平和を当然のことと思ってはいけない。Don’t take peace for granted. 
彼は私が一緒にニューヨークに行くのを当然と思っていたようだ。He seemed to take it for granted that I would go to New York with him.  
ほとんどの英語を母語として話す人は世界中の人々が英語を話すのを当然と思っている。 Most native speakers of English take it for granted that people all over the world speak English. 
コロナ前は、いろんな日常の物事を当たり前だと思っていたね。Before Corona, we took a lot of everyday things for granted. 
当たり前だと思われているのがしんどい。I’m tired of being taken for granted.
If I’ve made any mistakes, please let me know!
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manabamba · 3 years
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manabamba · 3 years
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Hi everyone, I’m back with another writing challenge for you! I tried my best, but please let me know if I had any repeats from last month. 
If you don’t know about this challenge: Want to maintain or improve your writing skills in your target language this summer? Try this 30-day writing challenge for June: Every day, answer the following prompts in your target language (in a personal journal or in a tumblr post). Good luck!
Translate the first few sentences of your favorite book into your language (make sure to include the author and title!!).
If you could live in any era (i.e. the roaring ‘20s), what would it be and why?
Write a summary of your favorite TV show or movie.
List 3-5 facts about your country (or your family’s country of origin).
What are 5-8 songs that would be on your summer playlist? Translate their titles into your target language.
Look up and list 3-5 slang terms in your language.
Describe your favorite summer outfit.
Name 3 things that have made you smile this week.
Write today’s to-do list in your target language.
How will you improve as a student next year?
What is one goal you hope to achieve by the end of this month?
Name a funny childhood memory.
Where is your favorite study space? Why?
Translate a few lines from a favorite song.
Give a basic physical description of yourself (if you are posting online, protect your own privacy - don’t list anything super specific!!).
Briefly describe some of your personality traits.
What’s one nice thing that you’ve done for someone else recently?
Why do you want to learn the language you are studying?
List 3 useful phrases in your language (such as “Where is the bathroom?” or “There is an emergency.” I feel like we never learn these things in class lol)
Name some terms and phrases that are specific to the career you are pursuing.
Describe your favorite scene from a book, show, or movie.
What would you do with $100? Why?
What’s one good thing about the world in this day and age? What’s one bad thing?
What are some things on your bucket list and why?
What is one thing (food, a scent, a stuffed animal, etc.) that is nostalgic/brings back memories? Why?
What is one thing that stresses you out, and what do you do to de-stress/avoid stress when you have to deal with that thing?
Write a short letter to your past self (maybe 5 years ago?).
What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? Describe it? Is it accurate?
What is one worry/problem you have right now, and what are you doing/going to do to fix it?
What is the nicest thing someone has said to you/about you?
Favorite memory from this month?
If you participate in this challenge and post your prompt answers, make sure to tag me with #studyingsenseless or #writingchallengejuly ! I’ll be liking/reblogging them :)
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manabamba · 3 years
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Hello everyone! This is my very first ever langblr challenge, so welcome to Langblr Challenge: Pride Month Edition! The objective of the challenge is to learn about the LGBT+ community in the countries where your target language is spoken, as well as learn how to communicate about yourself and your own identity.
The challenge will run from June 1st to June 30th, but really can be picked up any time – it’s never a bad time to learn about queer history and culture. I’m posting the challenge early so you have time to prepare. I’ve tried to include prompts that allow for reading, listening, speaking, and writing, so you can get a good workout that way!
In addition, any prompt can be replaced with another, my order is just a suggestion. If any prompt makes you uncomfortable for any reason, you can replace it with a duplicate of another or make your own, no questions asked!
Feel free to tag me in your posts, as well as tagging it with #langblrpme (langblr pride month edition), so others can see your posts! Here are the prompts:
Tell us a bit about you in your TL - who you are, how you identify, and what being a part of this community means to you (both the lgbt community and langblr, that is)
Make a small vocab list in your TL with words related to identity (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, etc.!)
Does any place where your TL is spoken celebrate Pride? Is it in the same month? How is it celebrated?
Find a book with queer main characters in your TL that you’d like to read.
Movie night! Sit down and watch a movie in your TL with queer characters - it can be a cult classic, a drama, or anything in between.
How will you be celebrating Pride? Tell us in your TL.
Share a song or two by a queer artist. Translate the lyrics if you’d like!
If you’re comfortable, make a recording of you speaking in your TL about your favorite memories related to Pride Month - it can be about a parade you went to, or maybe a nice moment with your friends. Nothing’s off limits! (If you’d prefer, written is great too :) )
What’s a slang word used by the LGBT community where your TL is spoken that you love? If you don’t know any yet, feel free to look one up and share with us!
Back to Pride celebrations – share some photos of a celebration in a place where your TL is spoken! If it hasn’t happened yet this year, feel free to use pics from last year and update us when it does!
What is an issue queer speakers of your TL are currently facing? Share an article or two with us, and sum them up.
Are there any symbols important to the LGBT community where your TL is spoken?
Vocab list time: translate the colors of the pride flag and their original meanings (which can be found here)
How did the Pride movement come into being in a place where your TL is spoken?
Halfway through: how are you? How is your Pride Month going? (of course, tell us in your TL!)
You’ve shared a song, now it’s playlist time! We’d like to hear your favorites, both in your TL and your native language!
Tell us in your TL: what’s an issue that the LGBT community where you live is facing that you’d like to bring more attention to?
Do you watch any queer youtubers in your TL? Share your favorites with us! (If you don’t, find one you might like and let us know!)
Another chance to write (or speak, if you’d like!) in your TL: what does love mean to you? Who or what do you love?
Look for an organization that serves the LGBT community where your TL is spoken and tell us about it (and maybe if you’re willing/able, make a donation!)
Podcast time, share a few queer ones with us that you love!
Ask a question about Pride you’d like for other participants to answer, then go to the tag and answer others’ questions! (the challenge is about community, after all! answer in your TL or native language!)
Share a meme from the LGBT community where your TL is spoken, and explain it – where does the reference come from? Instagram and Twitter are great places to look :)
Who are some activists that we should keep up with? Again, Insta and Twitter are great places to find someone!
Movie night, part 2! But this time, watch a movie in a language you know little about – maybe one that you’d like to learn in the future? Then come tell us about it!
Let’s talk about inclusive language – does it exist in your TL? Howw is it received by the public?
What is Pride without karaoke night? Nothing! If you’re feeling it, record yourself singing any song you’d like in your TL and share it! Extra points for campiness! If you’re feeling timid, it’s okay to just share a song you’d do karaoke to alone!
Are any famous writers in your TL part of the LGBT community? Share a little bit with us :)
Is there anything you learned that wasn’t part of the prompts that you’d like to share?
Reflection time: what did you think of the challenge? What did you learn and how did you improve?
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manabamba · 3 years
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Crafts of Okinawa
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manabamba · 3 years
Transitive vs. Intransitive Verbs
In this grammar post, I’m going to talk about intransitive vs. transitive verbs. I came across this in WaniKani recently (下げる vs. 上げる, for example) and it drove me bananas! After spending some time reviewing the topic and taking lots of notes, I wanted to share what I learned to help out others who may also be struggling with this particular topic. It can be tricky!
Let’s get started!
Keep reading
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manabamba · 3 years
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manabamba · 3 years
Thinking to start this soon!  I used 日本語の森 for N2! They had a “VS” grammar series that was really helpful and help solidify things. I liked the girl, too. She had good energy and good at explaining things. 
I like to do the videos after finishing a book for solidification. I hope these teachers are just as interesting. There is a vocab one as well.  They have N3 things, too. They used to have N4 and 5, but you will have to double check if you’re interested. 
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manabamba · 4 years
Extras Between Chapter 8 and 9
[TN: usually I would have included this in the last chapter’s translation, but it was getting long enough already, plus it was late and I sort of forgot.]
Okinawan Interjections
There are many interjections unique to Okinawan, and it can be fun to memorize and say them.
Too is used to praise your partner, as in “Too, dippagwaa natoo-sa” (Yeah, that was excellent), or when hesitatingly starting a sentence, as in “Too, naa, deeji natoon” (Oh, why, that’s dreadful). And when someone is pouring a drink for you, you repeat “Too, too, too,” meaning “That’s about right,” and if you say a strong “Too!” it can indicate “Stop!”
Keep reading
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manabamba · 4 years
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日本時間の午後5時半から、 日中バイリンガル司会のYoyoさんと日本語教師の私とで、 Youtubeでライブ配信をします。   ➡ www.youtube.com/erikokasai
みなさんは毎朝どんな風に過ごしていますか。 ばたばたしているひと、ゆったり過ごしている人、 色々な人がいると思います。 みなさんの朝の習慣についてもコメントで教えてくださいね!
++日本語レッスン「ばたばた」と「ごたごた」 ++ Japanese Onomatopoeia Lesson  ➡ https://youtu.be/0N6Oyt0x8Ng
私のYoutubeチャンネルをまだ登録していないという方は、 こちらから登録してくださいね。 ➡ www.youtube.com/erikokasai
#Japanese #langauge #morning #routine #live #youtube
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