#langblr challenge
Masterlist Langblr challenges
Following from my previous posts, if you do feel like working on your languages, but don't know where to start; here are some langblr challenge you might like!
Language Blog Challenge: 20 weeks of challenges | by @lily-learns-finnish
Langblr Reactivation challenge | by @prepolyglot
14 Day langblr challenge | by @lass-uns-studieren
Langblr News challenge | by @tealingual
90-day vocab challenge | by @jibunstudies
100 Happy Days Langblr Challenge | by @nordic-language-love
Mini speaking challenge | by @nordic-language-love
16 words challenge | by @neblina-a-blin
30 day langblr challenge | @moltre-s
Brick-by-brick language learning challenge | by @linguistness
Langblr word of the day challenge | by @nordic-language-love
Target Language Reading challenge | by @onigiriforears
P.S. Please let me know if you know some more fun langblr challenges!
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chenopodiumlang · 1 year
No zero days in 2023 langblr challenge
The idea is to spend every day of 2023 engaging in both of my languages (Icelandic and German) every single day. Even if it's just a few minutes on an app or a short video, I have to spend at least a little bit of time with each of my languages. The underlying concept is to force myself to develop some sort of routine.
I will be filling out a google sheet-based heatmap to visualize my progress, which can be found here (you can make a copy!), and I'll post screenshots of it every day, as well as telling what I did that day in both languages!
If you want to participate with me, you can! You don't have to do it for the whole year, you can pick a month or a season or whatever feels right. The tag I'll be using will be #no zero days 2023 langblr. You can tag me in your posts as well, I'm excited to see your progress!
Catch me in January :)
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amareteur · 2 years
Are you learning a language and seeking more exciting ways to improve?
Studying grammar, expanding your vocabulary, and using learning apps all have their benefits, but there comes a point when one gets bored of learning a language in such an isolated context. Language learning should involve merging your personal interests with your language goals, all while interacting with natives and other students of the language.
I'm designing a Summer Language Challenge for those interested in meeting new people and improving their mastery and navigation of their target tongue while simultaneously engaging in topics and hobies that they enjoy. My basic idea is this:
Participants would post some form of content in which they describe (in their target language) some aspect of a topic, hobby, activity, etc. that interests them. Natives would then correct their mistakes, and we'd do the same for their posts.
Examples include:
giving a critical review of some form of media you recently saw/read (multilingual book club??)
giving a cooking tutorial on your favorite recipe
researching a topic that interests you and writing a short research paper about it (or just a paragraph)
watching conspiracy theory videos on Youtube and trying to summarize your favorite theory in your target language
Reply if you're interested or have ideas or want to help design the challenge!! It could be a super fun to learn new things while learning a language and making new connections :)
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langblr reactivation challenge week 3
Day 5: Create a collection of resources you use to study/learn your target language. Add links to them if possible so others can also use them.
Resource Master List
Francais French:
Listening Content:
한국어 Korean:
grammar/spacing/spell checker
sejong institute online courses ( i used these before entering grad school and they are really useful if you need structure)
advanced resources list
Chinese 中文:
(in process - i learned at school only and haven't got back into the swing of things)
Egyptian Arabic:
Lisaan Masry dictionary and grammar directory for Egyptian dialect
LIve Lingua courses
Colloquial Arabic of Egypt textbook
masterpost of arabic resources
RT free russian lessons
university of pittsburgh online lessons
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k0rvy · 1 year
112322 | Week 1 Day 4 of Langblr Reactivation Challenge by @prepolyglot
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Day 4: Create a vocab list for one of the topics you created yesterday, if you want to make more, feel free to make as many as you like! Share your list and reblog other people’s lists. And most importantly, make sure you study these words!
蔬菜 - shū cài / 野菜 - やさい / Gemüse / Vegetables
西红柿 - Xīhóngshì / トマト / Tomate / Tomato
洋葱- Yángcōng / タマネギ /Zwiebel / Onion
姜 - Jiāng / ショウガ / Ingwer / Ginger
土豆 - Tǔdòu / じゃがいも / Kartoffel / Potato
蘑菇 - Mógu /キノコ / Pilz / Mushroom
黄瓜 - Huángguā /キュウリ / Gurke / Cucumber
蒜 - Suàn /ニンニク / Knoblauch / Garlic
肉 - Ròu / 肉 - にく/ Fleisch / Meats
猪肉 - Zhū ròu / 豚肉 - ぶたにく/ Schweinefleisch / Pork
牛肉 -Niú ròu / 牛肉- ぎゅうにく / Rindfleisch / Beef
鱼 -Yú /魚- さかな / Fische / Fish
鸡肉 - Jī ròu /鶏肉 - ときにく/ Huhn / Chicken
香肠 - Xiāngcháng /ソーセージ / Würstchen / Sausage
虾 - Xiā / エビ / Garnele / Shrimp
蟹 - Xiè / カニ / Krabbe /
水果 - Shuǐguǒ /果物 - くだもの / Obst / Fruits
苹果 - Píngguǒ / リンゴ / Apfel / Apple
橙 - Chéng / オレンジ/ die Orange / Orange
梨 - Lí / 梨 - なし / die Birne / Pear
西瓜 - Xīguā / スイカ / die Wassermelone / Watermelon
柠檬 - Níngméng / レモン / die Zitrone /Lemon
葡萄 - Pútáo / 葡萄 - ぶどう/ die Trauben Grapes
日用品 - rì yònɡ pǐn / 日用品 にちようひん / Die täglichen Erfordernisse / Daily Necessities
香皂 - xiānɡ zào / 石鹸 - せっけん / die Seife / Soap
毛巾 - máo jīn / タオル / das Handtuch * Towel
洗洁精 - / 食器用洗剤 しょっきようせんざい / Geschirrspülmittel / Dish washing liquid
卫生纸 - wèi shēnɡ zhǐ /トイレットペーパー / Toilettenpapier / Toilet paper
牙刷 - Yáshuā / 歯ブラシ / Thootbrush
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Mini Speaking Challenge!
My Norwegian tutor's away for the next two weeks (boo) and I'm left without a lot of opportunities for speaking practice. So! I've come up with a mini speaking challenge. If anyone wants to join me, feel free!
Official start date: Monday 13th June (I'm actually starting today because it's the start of my two weeks without my tutor, but I'll post everything a week late so it feels like I'm doing the challenge with you!) Of course you can join late or do this any time! It’s 15 days long, so it will end on Monday 27th June.
To take part:
Do the daily tasks
Upload or don't upload the recording - it's up to you! (You don’t even have to record yourself if you don’t want to, but it can be useful!)
If you do post the recording, let people know if you want feedback/corrections or not
Make a short summary of what you did/how it went/how you felt
Use the hashtag #langblrminispeakingchallenge
Like and leave kind/encouraging comments on other people's posts
Remember that the rules are more like guidelines, and you should absolutely do what works for you!
The Daily Tasks
Day One: Free Speaking
Introduce yourself or talk about your day or maybe some thoughts you have. Just go with the flow. This day is for you to see how you feel! Write down how you felt while speaking and what areas you think you need to work on. Then, set yourself at least one specific goal to focus on (e.g. improve my pronunciation of X sound, learn to differentiate between sounds X & Y, stop making X grammar mistake.) My suggestion is to pick 1-2 sounds, 1 specific grammar point or 10-20 words you want to learn (or a combination, of course). Try to refrain from setting lots of goals as this will be overwhelming!
Day Two: Research & Drilling
Try to find information about the sound, grammar or vocabulary you struggle with most. (If there are multiple things, you can work on multiple things, but it's a good idea to start by focusing on just one or two.) Find/come up with some tongue twisters/minimal pairs to practise that sound or write some sentences with your target grammar/vocabulary, then practise saying them aloud.
Day Three: Describe a picture
Find a picture on any website (unsplash, pixabay, pinterest, social media, news websites etc). Try to describe it: say what’s in the picture, what you think it shows, whether you like it and why (not). If you're a beginner, look up some words and phrases such as "there is..." and "I can see..." and practise saying them. You can describe multiple pictures if you like.
Day Four: Drills
Practise the drills/sentences you came up with on day 2. Maybe come up with some new ones too if you want!
Day Five: Parroting
Watch a short video or listen to a podcast in your target language. Try to parrot back phrases, words or even just sounds (depending on your level). Pay attention to intonation and rhythm in the sentences!
Day Six: Retell a Story
Think of a book/TV show/film and try to summarise the story or the premise. If you’re still a beginner, learn some book/tv/film genres and say which ones you like/dislike.
Day Seven: Drills
Practise the drills/sentences you came up with on days 2 and 4. Remember to reflect on your progress!
Day Eight: Free Speaking
Talk about your day/week/thoughts/any topic you want. Reflect on your progress so far (there might not be much/any at this point, and that's okay!) and your goals. Make some adjustments to your goals if you want (e.g. add some new words into the mix, focus on a different grammar point or focus on a different sound).
Day Nine: Read aloud
Find an article, a book or some simple beginner sentences from a textbook/website and read aloud. Make a list of new words/difficult words to pronounce/examples of grammar you often mess up.
Day Ten: Drills
Practice the drills/sentences you came up with previously. Alternatively, practice the words/sentences from the list you made yesterday.
Day Eleven: Would You Rather
Go to this website. Translate the Would You Rather prompts given, then say which you'd rather do and why. You can do this as many times as you want! If you're still a beginner, look up useful phrases or verbs for giving opinions (e.g. "I think..." "I believe..." "In my opinion..."), or just try to translate the prompts.
Day Twelve: Practice mouth shapes
Watch a video of a native speaker speaking your target language (choosing something that’s your level will make this activity easier!) Pay close attention to the person's mouth. Video yourself saying some of the same words/sentences. Watch both videos back and compare your mouth shape. Repeat the exercise, trying to mimic the native speaker's mouth shape.
Day Thirteen: Drills
Practice the drills/sentences you came up with previously. Reflect on your progress and come up with new drills/sentences if necessary.
Day Fourteen: Choose a Topic
Talk about one of the topics from the Speaking in 20 challenge week 2 (or any of the other weeks, or choose your own topic). If you're still a beginner, learn some vocabulary/simple sentences related to the topic and repeat them aloud. If you're more advanced, try to talk about one (or more!) of the prompts.
Day Fifteen: Reflect
Talk about the challenge (if you’re advanced enough - otherwise just write some thoughts in your preferred language), reflecting on your progress and general thoughts/feelings. Were the exercises helpful? What did you struggle with most? Did you make progress in the areas you wanted to? What else could you do in future to help you progress?
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lesbiangerman · 2 years
Langblr Reactivation Challenge | Week 1 Day 4
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WEIHNACHTEN | christmas german vocabulary list :
• christmas tree - der Weihnachtsbaum
• presents - Geschenke
• christmas balls - Weihnachtskugeln
• snow - der Schnee
• snowflakes - Schneeflocken
• angel - der Engel
• santa claus - der Weihnachtsmann
• reindeers - Rentiere
• chimney - der Schornstein
• sleigh - der Schlitten
• gingerbread - der Lebkuchen
• snowballs - Schneebälle
• elves - Elfen
• the north pole - der Nordpol
• christmas carol - das Weihnachtslied
• stars - Sterne
• wish - der Wunsch
• gift paper - das Geschenkpapier
• socks - Socken
• milk - die Milch
• cookies - Kekse
• fireplace - der Kamin
• christmas decoration - die Weihnachtsdekoration
• snowman - der Schneemann
( let me know if there are any mistakes! )
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16 August 2023
10/30 days of productivity
I did some readings on (de)suggestopedia Today and got started on drafting my worksheet for next Tuesday! I also did some duolingo on the train to my friend's place, which was a pretty long bus ride. And behold my glorious pumpkin and haloumi salad! The perfect accompaniment to some night time study in my pyjamas after my pathfinder session.
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Langblr Reactivation Challenge (1.2)
One of my biggest problems when it comes to language learning is setting achievable goals. Obviously my main goal is to be fluent, but this is so broad that I often feel lost when it comes to studying. So here are my goals for each of my TLs. I'm going to define short-term goals as ~3 months and long-term goals as 6-12 months.
My Language Learning Goals:
Short-Term (~3 months):
🇪🇸: feel comfortable speaking Spanish with my boyfriend (native speaker) in a variety of topics.
🇩🇪: improve my retention of common verbs and be able to use all the different tenses from memory.
🇮🇹: be able to write short texts in Italian using prompts.
🇸🇪: improve my understanding of key prepositions and learn to use the past tense.
🇫🇷: be able to confidently have a short, A1 level conversation in French (for my oral exam at uni).
🇦🇪: learn the Arabic script and just have fun in my university classes!
🇪🇸: be able to write and speak Spanish confidently in an academic sphere.
🇩🇪: be able to confidently have every-day conversations and write simple essays on academic topics.
🇮🇹: have a conversation entirely in Italian with my Godfather (native speaker).
🇸🇪: be able to write short texts in Swedish using multiple tenses.
🇫🇷: read French books with the aid of a dictionary
🇦🇪: no long-term goals yet, I've only just started and I'm still exploring this language!
I'm planning to try and check in at the end of January and see how much of my short-term goals I've achieved!
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koitodragon · 9 months
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DAY 1: Your target languages and why you want to learn them?
A: My target languages at the moment are Japanese and Mandarin!
I want to learn Japanese because ever since I was little I’ve always enjoyed anime, and most of the games I played were made from Japanese companies (I’m sure you can guess which companies those were)!
It’s basically what inspired me to draw, and even go into the gaming industry.
As I grew older, I realized that there was even more to this country than just entertainment. So I’m trying my best to learn even more about the culture and language than before!
As for wanting to learn Mandarin, the reason for that is because I’m actually Chinese on my mother’s side! I’m not exactly sure where in China, as my mother is from Panama, and her Grandma is from China. But there is a lot that we do and get from Asian culture that I never even thought before as a kid.
It might sound cheezy, but I want to get more in tune with the side of me. Plus, I have friends that speak Mandarin, and I want to be able to chat with them and show them the respect I have for them in learning another language just like they did!
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ミ★ Carrd ミ★ Ko-fi ミ★Gofundme
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thefakepolyglot · 2 years
Langblr Reactivation Challenge - Week One - Day One
Hello langblr community! I know I’m a few days late, but hopefully I’ll catch up over the weekend.
I’m Lisi, a current university student who has been on langblr for a while now (six or seven years i think?? which is insane), studying a plethora of languages. Currently my focuses are Norwegian, French, and Arabic, while trying to maintain my Italian and Spanish.
I don’t have any other languages I’m planning to study for in the next year or two since I have quite a handful I’m already learning and I don’t want to overwhelm myself!! But if I had all the time in the world... I’d love to pick up Russian again, maybe Japanese, who knows.
I’m so grateful for this challenge put together by @prepolyglot I’ve needed to be back on here posting original content for a while now. I think the last langblr content I did was preparing my Italian for when I visited last fall. That was a year ago!!
Now I’m focusing on Norwegian so I can speak with my grandma (a native speaker), who is unfortunately suffering from dementia. My family has found that she replies and remembers events much better when we speak in Norwegian, so I’m focusing almost entirely on that, with the addition of French and Arabic just because I have university classes.
Anyway, good luck to all of us as we continue in this challenge!
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calslang · 1 year
intro ^w^
name: 星 or callie
country: méxico
languagues i speak: spanish (native), english (fluent), german (needs vocab), french (basic)
languages i understand: portuguese (close to spanish, i can't write it though)
languages i study: mandarin chinese (beginner)
languages i hope to study: korean
hopes out of this challenge: i hope to find more people who like studying languages on here, maybe even help others whose target language is spanish too, find friends maybe idk
other things: this is a sideblog, so i'd follow back from my main blog (@dykebyulyi)
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jessylearnslanguages · 11 months
Langblr Reactivation Challenge - week one - day 2
My goals for 2023
Long-term goals:
Korean: reach B2 level.
English: I am already C2, but I want to keep improving it, specially my reading and writing. Maybe study for the IELTS.
Spanish: I have some classes at school, but I would like to self-study a bit to be able to have a conversation in Spanish (at least?).
Short-term goals:
Korean: start studying it again, everyday. I also would like to review my beginner grammar book and start using mainly contextualized books, with conversations and vocabulary.
English: read some of the books in English I've bought, like Pride and Prejudice.
Spanish: It is nowhere near my priorities, as I currently have quite a busy schedule, but I would like to maybe read a book in Spanish as well, maybe watch some videos in youtube...
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neblina-a-blin · 1 year
langblr writing prompts
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i always stumble when it comes to productive skills in my language learning! i am terrified to speak and puzzled on how to get started on writing, even though i have been learning spanish for a few years now (very ross-and-racheling it).
many prompts i found weren’t doing it for me, so i just selected 16 random words and pick one at a time to see what nonsense i can come up with!
socks | books | weather | studying | plants | winter | cooking | homesick | holiday | honesty | house | summer | sweets | anger | traveling | office
you are welcome to join me, at any time, with any language, doing it as often as you like, as many words as you like. you can use the tag #sixteen words challenge and i’ll keep an eye on it to throw encouragement your way!
i aim for about a hundred words per prompt, and generally do it when time and energy allows it. if you are a spanish speaker, i’d be thankful for a glance over so that i don’t consolidate wrong grammar or awkward language. happy learning!
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langblr reactivation challenge week 3!
Day 3: Make another vocab list from the list you made at the beginning of the challenge. If you are learning two or more languages, make the vocab list in 3 languages (meaning for example: French, German, and English or Japanese, Arabic, and Ukrainian).
Types of Buildings
eng fran (m / f ) 한국어
Commercial        commercial (e)  상업용
Residential          résidentiel (le)   주거용
industrial             industriel (le)      공업용
Military militaire               군사용
Monument          monument          기념물
Public    public (publique)               공공 건물
Private  privé (e)               사유 건물 ; 사유지
Tower   tour       탑
Arch       arc         개선문; 기념문
Religious             religieux (religieuse)        종교 건축
Church  église     교회
Mosque               mosquée             모스크 ; 회교 사원
Synagogue          synagogue          유대교 회당 ; 시너고그
Temple  temple  신전 ; 사원 ; 절; 사찰 ; 회당
Fortress               forteresse           요새
Castle    château 성
Gate      porte     문 ; 대문
(City) wall            mur        성벽
House    maison  집 ; 주택
Apartment building          appartement      아파트
High-rise              tour       고층 건물
Townhouse         maison en rangée            연립 주택
Statue   statue    조각상
Office building    immeuble de bureaux     사무실용 빌딩
Town hall            mairie    시청
               hôtel de ville     
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k0rvy · 1 year
112922 | Week 1 Day 5 of Langblr Reactivation Challenge by @prepolyglot
Day 5: Find a video in your target language and watch it as many times as you need to in order to understand it. Make a post about the video. What was it about? Did you like the video? Was it difficult to understand? Make sure you link the video. Try to write your answers in your target language, but if you can’t that’s okay!
最近我真的沉迷于手账和日记。这个发生每末年了。我在12年开始用了手账. 真的最喜欢。然后我觉得看看手账的视频。
这个视频关于男人的23年手账体系。他在视频开始说他的过来手账。他开始用手账是19岁的。他用了很多体系。只是一个手账,两个(在工作和生活)。但是他却打算用3个本子,于工作,生活和。最后一本 ,他就买是因为价格。这个视频没有很多信息,但是我更喜欢这样的视频,少谈话。我不觉得这个视频很难,不过有些词我不知道。
Sorry guys, Im on the end of semester and i don`t have time to post here
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