#chinese langblr
linghxr · 15 hours
5 common words my Chinese classes and textbooks didn't teach
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy learning with classes and textbooks. But no single resource or method can teach you the entire language! Here are 5 words (do particles count as words?) I see/hear all the time in native content that I never learned from classes or textbooks. Looking back, I'm surprised these weren't taught!
不仅 | 不僅 bùjǐn - not only (or 不仅仅 | 不僅僅 bùjǐnjǐn)
有这种看法的不仅是我一人。 他的病情不仅不见好转,反而更加严重了。
即 jí - namely / that is / i.e.
闽即福建省的简称。 元旦,即公历的1月1日,是世界多数国家通称的“新年”。
平时 | 平時 píngshí - ordinarily / in normal times
你平时都喜欢做什么? 他的打扮跟我平时遇到的人不大一样。
稍 shāo - somewhat / a little
请稍等。 说到这儿,他稍停了停。
呗 | 唄 bei - modal particle indicating lack of enthusiasm / modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way
你不同意,那就算了呗。 既然不懂,你就好好学呗。
PS: I actually checked the textbooks I used in college to confirm that these weren't covered. But of course they could have been included in your textbooks.
Definitions are adapted from MDBG.
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zzzzzestforlife · 3 days
🧠 17 Sanity Challenge // Day 11 of 13 🪱
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我学如果我是虫,我还是爱我。(i'm learning that if i was a worm, i would still love me.)
🐸 고잉 세븐틴의 준랑 명상
😼 a ridiculous amount of Japanese (6+) + Chinese (1) + Korean (3) lessons
🍒 arm workout
🦊 comparative cognition review
🦌read a chapter of And Then There Were None
🦦 很长的时间后再次开始看青春环游记
🐶🐻‍❄️ cleaning fairy soft ver.
🍊 journal
💌: 今天好的吃 🐯 而且我不好的睡觉但是我还是慢走所以高兴 😇 (today i ate well 🐯 also, i didn't sleep well, but i still took care so i'm happy 😇)
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bonus: 요즘 내가 "열심이 일했어" 이모티콘 🍚 쓰기 안하고, 맞아요? 그... 씽기방기뿡뿡방기~~~* ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ (lately my "i worked hard" emoticon 🍚 isn't used, right? well,,, shinggibanggibboongboongbanggi~~~* hehehehe)
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*- a trend word created by ^우리 천사^ that you say when your teachers/boss would be mad/disappointed at your performance, but you just don't care about anything anymore i guess 😅😂
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bngrc · 2 years
Teaching French to English Speakers:
French lesson: The word "sur" means "on" English speaker: Okay. French lesson: For example,  The vase is [on] the table.  The house is [on] the right.  I read this book [on] his recommendation.  Bring me the file [on] copyright licensing. English speaker: Right. Got it. "Sur" means "on."
Teaching French to Chinese speakers:
French lesson: The word "sur" means "on." Chinese speaker: Okay. French lesson: For example,  The vase is [on] the table Chinese speaker: Right. Got it. "Sur" means "on." French lesson: The word "sur" also means "towards." Chinese speaker: Eh? French lesson: For example,  The house is [towards] the right. Chinese speaker: Oh...kay. French lesson: The word "sur" also means "because of." Chinese speaker: What? H..how? What? French lesson: For example,  I read this book [because of] his recommendation. Chinese speaker: Why does this one word mean all these things? Don't y'all have any other words? French lesson: The word "sur" also means "containing information pertaining to." Chinese speaker: Stop fucking around with me. French lesson: For example,  Bring me the file [containing information pertaining to] copyright licensing. Chinese speaker: What the fuck is wrong with this language?
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5-cz · 2 months
my Mandarin teacher has been giving us tongue twisters recently to help our pronunciation so I thought I'd share them:
first the classic:
四是四,十是十, 十四是十四, 四十是四十, 他们不是四十四 (sì shì sì , shí shì shí, shí sì shì shí sì, sì shí shì sì shí, tā men bùshì sì shí sì) four is four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty, they are not forty-four
and then these two specifically focused on nasal finals:
青青山上一根藤, 青藤底下挂铜铃, 风吹藤动铜铃动, 风停藤停铜铃停 (qīngqīng shān shàng yì gēn téng, qīng téng dǐ xià guà tóng líng, fēng chuī téng dòng tóng líng dòng, fēng tíng téng tíng tóng líng tíng) On a green mountain there is a vine, Under the green vine hang copper bells. The wind blows, the vine moves, the copper bells move. The wind stops, the vine stops, the copper bells stop.
扁担长,板凳宽, 扁担要绑在板凳上, 板凳不让扁担绑在板凳上, 扁担偏要绑在板凳上。 (biǎn dan cháng, bǎn dèng kuān, biǎn dan yào bǎng zài bǎn dèng shàng, bǎn dèng bú ràng biǎn dan bǎng zài bǎn dèng shàng, biǎn dan piān yào bǎng zài bǎn dèng shàng) The bamboo pole is long, and the wooden bench is wide, The bamboo pole wants to be tied to the wooden bench, The wooden bench doesn't let the bamboo pole be tied to it, But the bamboo pole insists on being tied to the wooden bench
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indigostudies · 10 months
i haven't seen anyone talk about it before, but there's a site called 21st Century Chinese Poetry that has a massive collection of contemporary chinese poetry, including english translations thereof, for anyone who, like me, is interested in poetry but may feel a bit intimidated by the more literary nature of classical poetry. currently, they have poetry from between 2000-2021, and i, personally, have rather enjoyed poking around the site.
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weishenyu · 4 months
chinese art compliments/replies
as a follow up to my post on online drawing vocab, here is a collection of comments you can use to compliment others' art :-)
the basics
喜欢 [xǐhuān] - i like it
好好看 [hǎohǎo kàn] - looks good
厉害 [lìhài] - amazing
好漂亮/帥/美 [piàoliang/shuài/měi] - so pretty/handsome/beautiful
太有才了 [tài yǒu cáile] - so talented (similarily, 画画天才 => drawing genius)
好神 [hǎo shén] - godly
神迹 [shén jī] - miraculous
仙品 [xiān pǐn] - high-quality product
好鮮活 [xiān huó] - vivid/lifelike
it’s cute
可爱晕了 [kě'ài yūnle] - so cute i fainted
可爱死了 [kě'ài sǐle] - so cute I died
可爱鼠了 [kě'ài shǔle] - so cute I died (in a cutesy/meme way)
卡瓦 [kǎ wǎ] - kawaii
好米 [hǎo mǐ] - so cute/beautiful
太萌了 [tài méngle] - so adorable (originating from japanese word moe - 萌え, lots of different meanings, but mostly refers to happiness you feel when you see something really cute), can be used like 萌到我了/被萌晕/心被萌化了
basically any XX死了/XX暈了/XX炸了 comment works
我去 [wǒ qù] - damn
卧槽/我草/wc [wò cāo] - censored vers of 我操 => oh fuck
牛逼 [niú bī] - (fucking) awesome, usually just use 牛
哇/哇塞 [wasāi] - wow
啊啊啊啊 - aaaaaa
哇啊啊啊 - wahhhh
responding to compliments
被老師跨了,能力暴增 [kuà...bào zēng] - (if responding to commenter who's also an artist) compliments from teacher make my ability surge
爱您主人 - love u op (主人 refers to original commenter), can also just use 愛你
嘿嘿谢谢喜欢 - hehe ty for liking
比心 [bǐ xīn]- finger heart
送愛 [sòng ài] - sending love
亲亲 [qīn qīn] - kiss kiss
可以当头像吗 [tóuxiàng] - can I make it my pfp
可以自印吗 [zì yìn] - can I print it out
可以收集吗 [shōují] - can I save it
求原图 [qiú yuán tú] - original image pls
这么时候接稿 [jiē gǎo]- when will you open commissions
抱走/拿走 [bào/ná zǒu] - carrying/taking it away
蹲蹲 [dūn dūn] - if someone has posted a WIP, waiting (for the finished piece/shop listing), direct trans. = squatting
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mandarinmoon · 4 months
how i'm studying mandarin (in 2024)
as a low-maintenance language learner working a 9-6 office job, i've been muddling around how to improve my mandarin in my free time and keep it fun! And I've found what works for me (thanks to a lot of lurking on here - appreciate all you mandarin langblrs <3), so wanted to share :)
Evening lessons (or italki) - Self studying is great but I do need a kick up the ass sometimes, so these really help. Plus my teacher is great at giving tips here and there which I probably wouldn't pick up on on my own.
ChinesePod - Their podcasts are really well made and accessible, I can't recommend them enough!
HelloChinese - This is my 'I'm bored waiting for my train/bus but I still want to learn Chinese' option that isn't Duolingo. It's not perfect but it has fairly good grammar explanations and native listening segments. You do have to pay a subscription if you're over HSK1 level FYI.
I am an anki hater first and foremost, so here's the vocab learning / dictionary tools I use instead:
TofuLearn - It's straightforward, uses spaced repetition learning AND teaches you stroke order - so ticks all my boxes. Picked it up due to @marilearnsmandarin's posts about it!
Pleco - Obviously, everyone has it downloaded for a reason.
Yabla Chinese Dictionary - Not seen this one talked about so much, but would recommend! It sometimes has video examples of the hanzi in use, which I find helpful.
A big goal for me this year is to consume mandarin content more regularly! It's all well and good watching Peppa Pig, but I need something that I actively want to engage with:
Bilibili Comics - Currently reading 肉店楼上的工作室 and able to understand a fair chunk, so would recommend as a "easier" option.
Mandopop - Not sure how much I'm picking up from listening, especially at my level, but it's fun to jam out to some good tunes. Faves include TIA RAY, Song Qian, Lexie Liu, No Party for Cao Dong & Shi Shi.
Dramas/Movies - Modern chinese dramas are a lot more hit-or-miss for me, especially compared to historical/fantasy. Recent faves include Accidentally in Love & Stay with Me (on Netflix/Viki). Currently watching Reset :) Any other recs, please send my way!
YouTube - I have a separate YT account just to follow Taiwanese/Chinese creators - it takes a bit of searching but you can find some great youtubers who talk about whatever hobby you're into (whether that's cute golden retriever vlogs, travel vlogs or reading vlogs!)
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marilearnsmandarin · 4 months
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...and that's enough.
I've finished all new Chinese content and have been doing reviews only for a while now. It feels like I'm seeing the same five sentences over and over.
But some changes they made a few months ago (the daily quests and the double xp reward for doing lessons in the morning and in the afternoon) had been very effective in making me log in more (and watch more adds). And wasting time, really.
After so much dedication, I wanted to feel like I'd accomplished something before stopping. I wanted to finish the "champion" level, but that would take at least another week of "what is today's meeting mainly about?".
800 days seems like a nice round number to stop at.
I had already made this decision, but with the recent news of Duolingo's massive translators layoff, I'm glad to be quitting it now.
I hope to replace the habit of doing Duolingo in th evening with reviews on SuperChinese or some Tofu Learn practice.
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zhuzhudushu · 1 month
今天的成语 An Idiom I Learned Today
recently learned about a new idiom and thought i would share! not sure if it counts as a 成语 per se, since it is 8 characters instead of 4. nonetheless here it is.
三天打鱼,两天晒网 sān tiān dǎ yú, liǎng tiān shài wǎng
literally: fish for 3 days, sun-dry the net for 2 days figuratively: to lack perseverance; to not earnestly work toward something
example: 你要是三天打鱼两天晒网,那你永远不会进步。 If you "fish for 3 days but sun-dry the next for 2," then you won't ever improve.
it's the idea that if you work towards something for 3 days but then rest for 2, you're basically wasting your time and not putting in as much effort as you could—since you could be putting that effort in all 5 days.
it's definitely a very chinese concept 😅 i'm pro resting myself LOL
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lizzieskitties · 4 months
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ichverdurstehier · 6 months
If you want to describe your characters as autistic without explicitly saying they are autistic, you csn say they have the lonely disorder.
In China, the word for mild autism (higher functioning autism, level 1, low support needs, whatever you call it, you know what I mean) literally translated to "lonely disorder" which I love so much. So damn accurate 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 狐独症 gū dú zhèng
The word for a more severe autism is 自闭症 self enclosed disorder, zì bì zhèng. My autism is more mild so I can't speak as to whether I like that, as a translation.
A bit of writing tips!
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linghxr · 3 months
Advice I would give my past self about studying Chinese
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Recently I've been reflecting on my Chinese learning journey and how far I've come. If I could go back in time, these are 10 things I would tell my past self. A few are specific to Chinese, but most can apply to any language
It will get so much easier to learn new characters. I remember feeling overwhelmed because learning new characters was a painful process. Now when I encounter a new character, I can remember it with relative ease—it’s just a new combination of familiar components.
Don't feel bad about having uneven development in different skills. My listening and reading are significantly stronger than my speaking and writing. It’s super common and nothing to be ashamed of.
The best way to get over being too embarrassed to speak is to experience some embarrassment and realize it’s not a big deal. I used to be so afraid of making mistakes that I would avoid speaking in class. It was only by being forced to speak that I got over it. I'm much better for it!
It’s impossible to learn everything, and time is limited. You have to prioritize. You probably don’t need to know how to say “pawnshop” in Chinese, and trying to jam your head full of 100 words you saw once won’t work. They won’t stick.
It will actually be harder to read pinyin than to read characters at some point. When I helped a friend with a script for her Chinese class, I really struggled because she had written it entirely in pinyin. I had to write out the characters to read without stumbling! I know characters are daunting for beginners, but trust me, you will get used to them.
If you haven’t practiced or learned something, of course you won’t be good at it. I remember feeling so frustrated trying to navigate Chinese websites for the first time. In retrospect, obviously, I was going to struggle with something completely new to me!
If something isn’t sticking, move on. Why waste time on a word that’s not clicking when you could be learning five new ones? It will only result in unnecessary frustration. So unless you need to know it for your class or a proficiency test, drop it and move on.
Don’t beat yourself up when you have trouble understanding music, literature, different accents, etc. These can be challenging even in your native language. Of course you’re going to struggle more in a new language.
It's worth it to pay attention to things like stroke order and tones from the start so you don't form bad habits. Don’t stress about get it perfect, but it’s easier to do it right the first time than to have to correct your bad habits in the future.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by all that you don’t know, learn how to express yourself with what you do know. It’s truly its own skill that requires practice. After all, in life you can’t always stop and pull out a dictionary.
I started learning Chinese a really long time ago, but I became more serious about it in 2018, so 5 1/2 years ago. I'm very proud of how far I've come, but I still have a long way to go! I look forward to revisiting this post in another couple of years 😊
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zzzzzestforlife · 3 months
increasingly "useless" reasons why i like learning languages
@studentbyday said i should re-define "useless" in my mind. instructions unclear. made a shitpost instead 💩
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💌: inside-my-phone format is back!🍃 do you agree/disagree with my MTL rankings? what motivates you? 👀
i can be a more empathetic, understanding, and supportive person who makes sure to only cuss people out in languages they don't understand so that their feelings aren't hurt ❤️
i can talk to more people who will probably think i'm an idiot because of how badly i speak their language 👄
i can nurture my self-confidence/-esteem as long as i don't think too hard about how much i don't know 🥰
i can read more books, articles, people arguing on the internet, etc. 📚
i can travel to foreign countries more easily until someone asks me to translate something important and i mess up and land us both in prison or something ✈️
i can unlock new work opportunities until someone asks me to translate something important and i mess up and land us both in prison or something 💼
i can multitask better even though i shouldn't even be doing it in the first place 🤹‍♀️
i can watch my favorite shows/listen to my favorite songs without subtitles/translations so that my brain rot can continue in peace 📺
i can, on the other hand, stop losing brain cells?? 🧠
i can eavesdrop on more people, probably at the grocery store 🙉
i can show off at work and other places where it is appropriate to show off irrelevant skills ✨
sex appeal?? 🥵
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helenstudies · 4 months
If you study ANY foreign languages and post about your study logs/journey frequently, please interact with this post because I'd love to follow more langblrs!
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The 然's
突然,虽然,忽然. and the other 然's can often get mixed up, so here's a quick explanation of some of the most common ones!
突然 (Túrán): This means suddenly or unexpectedly
居然 (Jūrán): This kind of means suddenly, but more in the sense of "surprisingly" or to suggest disbelief at something that happened.
忽然 (Hūrán): This also means suddenly or unexpectedly, but it has a more stronger connotation.
既然 (Jìrán): This is a conjunction meaning "since" or "now that"
既然the weather is great, let's go out!
既然 you aren't busy, let's go watch a movie.
不然 (Bùrán): This means "otherwise" or "or else";
You should study, 不然 you won't do well on the exam.
虽然 (Suīrán): This means although or even though.
虽然 I'm not good at singing, I still like to go to the karaoke.
当然 (Dāngrán): 当然 means certainly or definitely and can be used as a reply:
Can you help me with A? 当然!
自然 (Zìrán): This can mean nature or naturally.
China's 自然 is very beautiful.
She speaks Chinese 得很自然.
仍然 (Réngrán): This can mean "still" or "yet".
I仍然 haven't read that book.
依然 (Yīrán): Similar to 仍然, this also means still" or "yet" but it's usually used in more formal and literary works, whereas 仍然 is more often used in spoken language.
果然 (Guǒrán): 果然 can be used to mean "indeed" or "as expected"
This movie is 果然 interesting.
竟然 (Jìngrán): This is an adverb used to suggest surprise or something unexpected.
He竟然forgot her birthday.
显然 (Xiǎnrán): This means "clearly" or "obviously".
This soup 显然 hot.
偶然 (Ǒurán): This means "accidentally" or "by chance".
We 偶然 met at the same cafe.
How many other 然's do you know about? Drop a comment!
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mooncorelangblr · 1 month
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A little about me:
Call me Azara c:
Middle Eastern - Persian origins (not ir*nian please ;-;)
26 - isfp - sagittarius
lesbian - she/her
Got my BA in English Language and Literature with a minor in French
Preparing for an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and self-studying and researching theoretical+applied+interdisciplinary linguistics
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Languages I speak:
Arabic (native - standard and a dialect of the gulf)
Farsi (native but I don't speak the standard)
English C1
French (standard) B1/B2
Korean B1/B2
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Languages Goals - short and long term:
Arabic (build my vocabulary for translation)
Advancing in Korean C1
Advancing in French C1
Learning Standard Farsi
Consistently learn Japanese for 60 days
Consistently learn Chinese for 60 days
Could post about other languages that interest me at one point!
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How I learn languages
tv shows mostly as I rely a lot on pronunciation and sentence structures in speech
music - I mostly listen to English, Persian, Korean, Japanese and French songs but I am open to anything as long as it's good
used to take classes before covid and then I enrolled in online classes and hated them - they were bland.
textbooks that I spent a fortune on ;-;
Let's be friends !! ♡
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