maspwinj2 · 5 years
Have you stopped using your tumblr?
haha i guess it looks like it
it’s just that there’s nothing much to talk j2 wise and im really tired of talking about the beards so i dont want to answer asks about them (sorry to the people who sent me asks recently but i wont answer)
im thinking about what kind of content i could put out there cos i still like j2 but i wanna be more positive about them and its hard cos they dont give us much to be positive about lmao
ill think about it and try to be more active here
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
Ok but am i the only one with the whole macho show Jensen is putting on ? Flowers are for girls, trucks for boys, he doesn’t clean, doesn’t cook, doesn’t take care of his children, not to forget his joke about not wanting zep to wear pink. Even if it’s all a joke, it’s giving him such a bad image !
yeah jensen really puts on an act when he’s in public and he knows people are scrutinizing him and to me it looks pretty lame too
but i think it’s important to remember that jensen was raised this exact stereotypical “traditionnal” way and this act is like a security blanket that he puts on very easily to “go under the radar” and always look like the perfect hetero male you know? 
it’s like brainwashing, it’s not gonna go away like that and even less so if he keeps living in the closet and always have to hide who he is 
so yeah it’s annoying but it’s the easiest way for him to play the part of this classic texas family man who likes boobs and booze lol and it’s what helps him be able to do cringy af things like that house tour video 
it’s just really sad cos it shows that its much easier for him to be this kind of macho man rather than be himself 
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
Have you seen these cute pics when Jensen and Jared hold hands when they are crossing the finish line on Seattle Marathon. Thank god someone got pics and videos from that, because for some reason the MarathonFoto will not give out those pics. I refuses to believe that they did not get pics from the handholding, they have 46 pics of Jensen, but they stop when he gives Jared his hand, and start again, when they stop holding. Do you think they have been told to not give them out?
yeah its so fucking suspicious that they didnt post any pic of that, as if it didnt happen
and it’s weird to see them do that because danneel herself posted a video of this moment on her insta (with the hilarious caption: “true brothers” lol ok) so its not like no one saw it
anyway it definetely looks like they were told/paid to not post about it so that no one would get quality pics/proof of that beautiful moment, it’s pathetic and maddening
but we all know it happened so there’s that 
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
The twins looks absolutely miserable in those pics from the article. Jensen has a fake smile and D`s face looks like an wax doll. How can they have an unsecured pool when they have tree small kids, are they never outside without an adult
they really dont want to be here it’s sad man, and the more i see pics of JJ the more it seems she’s forcing herself to smile, she’s not at shep’s level of cringe yet but still...
that family pic really rings fake and just something to show off how perfectly “normal” jensen’s family is, it’s embarassing 
the whole concept of showing off your house to tell how rich you are is weird to me but they made it cringier 
and let’s not even mention all the weird things in their house that danneel claims her friends congratulates her for (sure jan) like that creepy cage full of dolls and then there’s the big “breast” book on full display in a room jensen’s supposed to use like.... uh .... ok guys, subtility what is that?
and yeah it’s weird that they dont have protection for that (jared doesn’t have it either) but i guess with all the nannies they have it’s still safe for the kids lol
i was just so weirded out by this PR shit, it’s just so fake i dont know how anyone takes it seriously
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
I have not been on net for a couple of weeks, and i am sad to see that you have closed your twitter, i liked to follow you there. You are honest about the SPN and J2 circus, and your tweets make make me smile. I hope you have choose to close it because you wanted too, not because you have been harassed and bullied. Take care
Oh hey!
Actually the reason I’ve made my twitter account private is because of real life reasons (nothing worrying) and ill put it back on public mode in the course of next week!
Fandom drama will never make me close my accounts don’t worry!
Thank you for your concern and I’m really glad you enjoy my tweets!
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
go-diane-winchester a réagi à votre billet “Jensen said once he says "I love you" with a touch with a pointed...”
The finger touch is for JJ, I think.
yeah thats what jensen said and made tinhats realise he also does that for jared so it doesn’t seem to be specific to jj only
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
nicolepadackles a réagi à votre billet “Jared said his best purchase was Gen’s engagement ring and then Jensen...”
@maspwinj2 I don't know if you watched the panel but he said that AFTER a fan yelled at him something like "don't say your wife". He said "the engagement ring" in a really ironic way and then he said "no, oh shut up".
oh really???? haha well then i cant take this seriously at all lol (not that i did before)
no i didnt watch the panel, thanks so much for sharing! 
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
do you really think the divorce will happen? I don't wanna get my hopes up for anything but I still have my fingers crossed.
you know what? im not gonna say anything
look at what jared just posted on insta
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this is jared posting a pic of him and jensen during an event that including the beards 
im not gonna say it’s a sign that answers your question
but ill admit i like a good coincidence :)))))
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
Jared said his best purchase was Gen’s engagement ring and then Jensen bragged he made his for Danneel. Wasn’t it rumored the divorce was supposed to be happen in November, though not announced until later? Looks like it was a false rumor unfortunately. Too weird for him to say this at the same time he’s about to get divorced.
the divorce rumours never said the divorce would be public now, it was said that the separation would get public in the middle of next year (im guessing may)
jared and gen are supposed to be taking care of the divorce papers for now but only much later will it be revealed to the public 
and ALL celebrity couples act like everything is sunshine and rainbows up until they announce they split and fans are like “oh no! but they seemed SO happy together!!” so yeah j/g will act like they’re so perfect together up until the very end 
and do you not know that they have planned a dinner at their house with fans in november?? so of course they’d never reveal the divorce now, just like later this month they’re gonna do the marathon with the rest of the spn cast, the divorce reveal was never rumoured to happen now
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
Jensen said once he says "I love you" with a touch with a pointed finger. Then someone posted a still of J2 when Jared played Guitar in Aus saying it looked like Jensen touches Jared with a pointed finger, before he fist bumps. This reminded me of the pic of Jared's groomsmen. I know it's a joke but Jensen only touching Jared with his pointed finger resonated. What other kinda codes do you think J2 might have for I love you I've seen matching watches. Have they ever worn matching Jewellry?
yeah it’s been a while since people noticed about that touching fingers=love between j2 after jensen mentioned it, they did that several times it’s cute
the fist bump is a pretty obvious sign of them saying i love you, i got you, also taking the time to prepare matching and colour coordinated clothes to wear is a cute couple thing to do 
about jewelry, there’s this weird thing about them having each several wedding rings so maybe one of those rings is meant to be about their relationship instead of the beards
also in the beginning j2 were taking turns wearing a thin black bracelet and the rumours started by OVA was that they would take it off for sex or smth and when they stopped wearing it it meant they were gettin serious i think?
also there was a drop saying that jensen bought a chastity ring for jared and he would wear it only in the privacy of their home as a joke lol but there’s no way to know if thats true of course 
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
I don’t know if this blog is trustworthy but it’s the only lollie blog I can get behind cos at least they’re opposing those batshit insane talks of lollies kid looking like Jared or Jared hanging out with lollie or wtv
Like if you actually believe lollies kid look anything like Jared you need to go check your vision RIGHT NOW
And the hets actually believing Jared is in a relationship with her are so fucking crazy I cannot believe
If you wanna waste your time learning about lollie at least check this blog who’s the only one to say sane and logical things about her
I just hope they’ll be able to show proof of them knowing lollie at some point to end all this stupid crap for good at last
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
Miss u where are u??
Hey! I’m still lurking but since j2 don’t do anything interesting I just have nothing to say
I’ll be back when some stuff worth talking about happens lol
Take care
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
Hi ! I wanted to ask you a few questions about your drawing. Since when have you been drawing ? And how the fuck do you do something so cute ? I can’t do anything even near that. Did you watch tutorials or follow class ? Sorry for all the questions !
hello! lol thanks 
ive been drawing ever since i started reading manga in middle school (so like, 10 years ago now), it was just pencil doodles on notebooks and stuff, nothing serious but it helped me get decent enough to go to a manga/comic school (im in my second year) and they mostly teach storyboarding and give assignements to be able to find jobs in the future so when there’s a specific thing i wanna draw i look for references and tutorials on the internet, they’re everywhere, on google youtube tumblr pinterest instagram etc
but the most important thing to improve your art skills imo is to… draw, like everyday
even if it’s just 10 minutes, just draw everyday what you want and what inspires you and you’ll see the improvement soon enough
it’s really easy to get discouraged, every artists know that, and it’s tempting to compare yourself to others but it’s better to focus your thoughts on what you wanna draw and pratice and do your best
also use references! that drawing you’re talking about was entirely inspired by an existing photograph so it was really easy to get the poses right lol (i cant count all the wincest/j2 art that i worked so hard on but i cant find the courage to post because they’re so ugly and feel wonky cos i mostly never use references which is a mistake uuuugh lol)
so again just take your time, dont pressure yourself, draw what you like and help yourself with tutorials and references and you’ll be able to draw really cute stuff too! also be nice with yourself!!
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
One of D last post got a LOT of bad comments, and suddenly they’re all gone. Guess she didn’t take well people calling her out for her bulshit 😂
My comment is still there and it wasn’t a nice one lol
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
we saw jared in NYC, he’s cute
hope the con will be great
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
I have now realized that minions are not so many that i thought they were, they just have a lot of sock accounts and are very loud and obnoxious. But what about hats, are we many? Do you have an idea? Have you ever met Jensen or Jared`If so, how was it?
yeah they have a shit ton of sock accounts, it’s actually fucking crazy, i couldn’t believe it when i saw it like, how can anyone have THAT much time to waste ???? creating 10, 20 sock accounts to try to give relevance to a z lister lol sad
about hats, thats a good question, between all the people who hide that they believe j2 are gay and the people who are just tolerating tinhats and lurking cos they wanna get info and gossips, it’s impossible to have concrete numbers
but ill throw a guess and say there are at least a few thousands people who believe for real that j2 are together
we’re enough to never let the truth get burried under all the bullshit 
and yeah i met j2 during last jib (jib 9) and i cried when i saw them come up on stage, and after my photo op with jared i was such a mess jeez lol
it was extremely stressful and overwhelming, i ate like 2 sandwichs the whole 2 days i was there lmao
it’s very weird to finally meet people you love that much but at the same time feel so much bitterness because of all the lies and bullshit they say
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maspwinj2 · 6 years
Oh honey,
K can you please tell this one that she needs to stop hanging with bottom Jensen stans
Those shippers only give a fuck about Jensens partner when they think he fucks him lol
And most j2 hats with a preference for jared are bottom jared stans
So yeah drop that bottom Jensen crap and you’ll find people who actually cares about both jays
Do you know why or have theories on why a lot/most Tinhats are Jensen stans? I’m a Jared girl and is frustrating when I talk to a fellow hat the discussion inevitably turn toward Jared-criticism/hate since they stan Jensen (their blogs back up that they’re JA stans because it’s 99% Jensen). I get it, Jensen is awesome and beautiful but I need to find Jared girls to believe in J2!!!
Well I can’t control what others do and say.
Over the years I’ve called out both Jared and Jensen for things that they might have done or do that I don’t like. However, when I point these mishaps out I don’t ever feel like I’m being petty. I don’t “complain” about little things it’s usually always something that could be considered “big”.
For example I didn’t appreciate how just a few years back it seemed like Jared favored Tom over Shep. And currently I can’t stand how Jensen and Danneel hired people from the homophobic Duck Dynasty family at FBBC then try and act like they’re all for the LBGTQ community in the same breath.
(And yes! I know that Jared and Gen are friends with those people too. However, I’ve always found the fact that the J’s and their “wives” were friends with these people off-putting and I’ve publicly stated that on this blog over the years. But I am also not one of those fans who try and dictate actors lives so I’ve never berated them too much because truthfully J2 and D/G can associate with whoever they want.
But being friends people from a known racist family is very different than hiring people from a racist family and calling them family.)
Something I’ve always found funny though is that in past whenever I did call J2 out on things. I noticed that most Jared/Sam stans almost never got truly upset, whined, or got aggressive. But the Jensen-only stans/AA’s always get their panties in a twist in my inbox.
Seriously it doesn’t matter to me though lol, they don’t want any smoke with me believe that.
(By the way, I’m not talking about the Jensen-only stans who just prefer Jensen over Jared. I don’t care about that shit and never have lol. I’m talking about the Jensen stans who do nothing but attempt to tear Jared down because they’re insecure lmfao. 
We all know they exist so lets not pretend.)
- K
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