matthewarnoldstern · 21 hours
"Oh, must it all end in violence?"
As I revise my script, I'm cutting down on the violent scenes. Part of this is to make the film easier to produce, but it also ties to greater thematic and ethical reasons.
When I finished the draft of my screenplay, I posted the following on my social media: I have no problem using profanity in my novels, but I didn’t use any in my screenplay. It’s not because I’m shooting for a PG-13 rating. I didn’t need those words to tell the story. I find the same goes for violence. As I revise the script, I’m cutting down on gun battles and focusing on less lethal encounters…
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matthewarnoldstern · 9 days
"You are the man!"
When looking at the current situation in the Middle East, we should consider the story of King David and the Prophet Nathan and other lessons from Hebrew school.
When I was in Hebrew school, I learned about King David, Bathsheba, and the famous rebuke by the Prophet Nathan, “You are the man!” (2 Samuel 12:7) This reminds us it doesn’t matter how good, devout, or successful you are, when you abuse your power, you deserve the consequences for your actions. The story also reminds us it’s our responsibility to speak truth to power as the Prophet Nathan…
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matthewarnoldstern · 28 days
Going from novel to screenplay
Scriptwriting requires us to think about storytelling in a different way. Here are a few things I had to look at when converting my post-apocalyptic novel into a screenplay.
Writers need to tell a story the way it needs to be written. And with my latest work-in-progress, my post-apocalyptic novel needed to be a post-apocalyptic screenplay. Changing directions turned out to be the right decision. The screenplay format enables me to develop characters and take scenes in directions I hadn’t thought of in prose. Humorous scenes are becoming more humorous. I can create…
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matthewarnoldstern · 1 month
Writing for yourself is writing for others
What can Taylor Swift and The Tortured Poets Department teach us about being personal in our writing?
A question writers face is, “Should I write for others, or should I write for myself? Is it better to write to fit a marketable genre, or should I write whatever moves me?” As Steven Barnes pointed out at a Loscon panel in 2022, there’s an overlap between what you want to write about and what will sell. Those are the things we should write about. And then there’s Taylor Swift. Like almost…
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matthewarnoldstern · 2 months
The end of foolishness?
How can you have April Fool's Day in a world where reality defies the most outrageous of pranks? Here's why humor is necessary today.
I used to love April Fool’s Day. In high school, we had an annual April Fool’s Day edition of our newspaper that we called the Reject Review. We had plenty of fun (and occasionally got in trouble) for the humorous stories and cartoons we put in that issue. It’s hard to come up with that type of humor in 2024. Reality comes up with outrageous stories that defy the most inventive comedian. Doors…
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matthewarnoldstern · 2 months
Wonka vs Wonka and the problem with overly likable characters
The recent Wonka movie shows a trap many writers fall into—making characters too likable. The 1971 movie shows what to do instead.
I watched Timothée Chalamet’s recent turn with Willy Wonka. I liked it, but I didn’t love it. It wasn’t as good as Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka in the 1971 film or the one in Roald Dahl’s original book we read in my sixth-grade class. The reason is a mistake writers make—creating a protagonist who is too likable. There’s a reason Wilder’s Wonka has been used in that famous sarcastic meme you see in…
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matthewarnoldstern · 2 months
How to deal with being overwhelmed
Feel overwhelmed? Here are some tips on what to do.
Let me tell you what my next four weeks will look like. I’m getting ready for my book signing event on Saturday. And I’m doing taxes for everyone in my family because I was a bookkeeper and volunteer tax preparer in a past life. And I’m judging a book contest. And I have a busy schedule with multiple deadlines at work. And I have dental and doctor appointments. And I have all the odds and ends…
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matthewarnoldstern · 3 months
The last time
When was the last time you did a certain thing? In the aftermath of the pandemic, those last things teach us valuable lessons about appreciation.
When was the last time you did a certain thing? For example, when was the last time you used a camera that wasn’t a part of a phone? For me, it was Christmas 2013. I got my first iPhone, a 5s, a few months earlier. I was still switching between the Canon PowerShot that I used to take our first pictures of our new granddaughter. By Christmas, we were taking all our photos on our phone. You can…
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matthewarnoldstern · 3 months
Apocalypse reconsidered
In the post-apocalyptic novel I'm writing, I question tropes in this genre and show how the end of the world can be the beginning of something better.
If you read my latest newsletter, you know that I’m working on a post-apocalyptic novel. (To receive future issues, use the signup form on this page.) I’m racing to finish it before we have an actual apocalypse, which can come from several sources (including the one I write about in my book). As I write, I’m questioning many beliefs people have about what an apocalypse would be like. Many of our…
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matthewarnoldstern · 3 months
How AI can help writers
Does AI have any use for a writer besides being an antagonist in a dystopian novel? Here are some ways I'm using generative AI to enhance my productivity and creativity. This includes examples from Microsoft Copilot.
AI. Does it have any use for a writer besides being the antagonist for a dystopian sci-fi novel? Many of us have concerns about AI stealing jobs and copyrighted material. We’ve had plenty of controversies about AI’s use in cover art, audiobook narration, and the generation of entire books and videos. But does AI have any beneficial use for writers? As someone who has been using technology for…
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matthewarnoldstern · 4 months
Learning from other authors
Gail Dwyer's novel The Roof Above shows how reading books in your genre can inspire and motivate you, and why authors aren't each other's competition.
As writers, we are not each other’s competition. We can learn from each other as we see how other authors take on the same creative challenges. I recently read an advance copy of Gail Dwyer’s new novel, The Roof Above, which is coming out February 15, 2024 from our mutual publisher, Black Rose Writing. I enjoyed this book tremendously. (You can read my five-star review on Barnes and Noble.) Gail…
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matthewarnoldstern · 4 months
Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, and high school
By now, everyone has given their two cents about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Instead, I want to talk about high school. The unhinged reaction to their relationship may be in part because of teenage attitudes some haven't shaken off.
By now, everyone has given their two cents about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Instead, I want to talk about high school. I write a lot about high school because that’s where I think most Americans are still emotionally stuck. We have been told that high school is The Best Years of Our Lives, which makes sense when you’re 17 or 18. But if you’re 45, and you still believe high school is the best…
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matthewarnoldstern · 4 months
The best cars I've ever own
In honor of my brother Randy's 60th birthday, here's a list of the best cars I've ever owned. It features vehicles from Honda, Toyota, and Chevrolet.
My brother is turning 60 next month. Cars have always been an important part of his life. When we were kids, we spent every September visiting the car dealers on Reseda Boulevard collecting brochures for all the new year’s models. He turned his passion into a career. His website and YouTube channel is named Victory & Reseda after the neighborhood where we grew up and the gas stations on the…
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matthewarnoldstern · 4 months
Your identity, your self
Our company's recent name change got me thinking about identity and how it shapes who we are. These lessons apply to our personal lives as well as institutions.
Every employer I’ve worked at since college has changed its identity at least once. Companies do this for a lot of reasons. Usually, it’s because of mergers and acquisitions. Or the old identity has gotten dated and no longer fits. At a couple of places where I worked, it was because of a lawsuit from another company that has the same or a similar name. At one company, we even had to change the…
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matthewarnoldstern · 5 months
You have the right to be sad
What the loss of our cat taught us about the importance of expressing our sadness.
It wasn’t a happy holiday for us. One of our cats died on Christmas Day. We had our orange tabby Oscar for over 15 years. Around ten in the morning, he wandered into the bathroom, a place he doesn’t normally go into, and rested on his side gasping for air. I tried helping him up, but he fell back down. With a final gurgle, he went still. Our son and granddaughter started sobbing. My wife fell…
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matthewarnoldstern · 5 months
What to read between writing projects
Writers write, but we also read. And periods between writing projects are great times to catch up with reading. Here are four books I've been reading and what I got from them.
Writers write, but we also read. And periods between writing projects are great times to catch up with reading. The four books I chose are all outside my typical genres, and that’s why I wanted to read them. Here’s why I chose each of these books and what I got from them. Bulletproof: What works for screenplays also works for novels I’ve tried writing screenplays a few times, but they didn’t go…
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matthewarnoldstern · 6 months
Lessons from 2023: Level up
This was a year of advancement, but also one with horrible events and threatening times ahead. This is why the phrase I'm bringing into 2024 is "level up." I'm leveling up because I can, and there is a need.
Brian Fitzpatrick, one of my writer friends, asked what word or phrase we wanted to bring into 2024. I answered, “Level up.” After the past four years, when I’ve had two novels published by Black Rose Writing, brought my weight down to a healthy level, lived through a pandemic, and adapted to working from home, I was now ready to move to the next step. In some ways, 2023 felt like a year of…
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