mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
Las Nevadas Gift Exchange
Hello everyone! Since gift exchanges seem decently popular here on dsmpblr, we decided to make our own themed after Las Nevadas because we thought it would be a fun way to bring all of us together!
This is an event anyone can join so you’re welcome to apply even if your blog doesn’t primarily focus on Las Nevadas or the characters associated with it. All you need is love in your heart for one or more of these high rollers.
For the purposes of this event, we consider Quackity, Slimecicle, Awesamdude, Foolish, Fundy, Purpled, Schlatt/Glatt, Tubbo, Wilbur Soot, Ranboo, and Tommyinnit all to be characters who are associated with the fictional nation of Las Nevadas so you’re welcome to create art or fic based on any of them as long as its themed around Las Nevadas.
All rules and extra information are located in the FAQ and Schedule pages but if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send an ask or a DM to this blog! Also we would really appreciate if you would reblog this so we can get the word around regardless of if you’re joining or not.
Sign-ups begin today and end on April 17th! Gifts will be exchanged starting May 20th.
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
hey do you know anything abt what happened to that valentine grams blog? i know you werent involved in organizing but it looks like theyve deleted their tumblr
no idea!! :O
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
dtblr spring fling
hey all! i thought it would be nice if we as dteamblr could do a fun little event together this spring, so i thought that a spring gift exchange would be nice! this is a dtblr event, but the content is really open to the sex havers group as a whole (+foolish and tina because they’re sex havers to us) so if you create content for any of those creators/their dsmp characters you’re welcome to join!
you can find most of the rules and information on the faq page and schedule page. feel free to send an ask or a DM if you have any questions or concerns! i would really appreciate a rb if you’re participating or a boost if you’re not so that i can spread the word about this! sign-ups are open until march 1st and gifts will be exchanged during the first week of april
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
Thank you for organizing this event! See you next year? :D
thank you for participating :DD unfortunately i dont think ill be doing this again! it was a lot of work hehe. im totally willing to pass the torch (and this blog) to anyone who might want to host next year though!!!
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
This is my Secret Santa gift for @murposifly-dump! I apologize for taking so long to post it, but I wanted to make sure it was perfect. Thank you to @mcytblrsecretsanta for running this event! I’m already looking forward to next year’s.
Maybe if he imagined hard enough, he could remember the sound of Wilbur’s voice as it warbled through the camarvan, straining to hit the high notes or match the pitch of the orchestral melody. Maybe he could remember the sting of snow against his face as he hit Tubbo straight on with a snowball, and the way he laughed until he choked when Tubbo then threw another one packed with ice at his stomach. Maybe he could remember the smell of fresh gingerbread men coming from Niki’s oven, or how they scorched his fingers when he and Fundy swiped them under her nose as the cookies cooled, or Jack’s keen eye for decorating the tree and ensuring the lighting was just right, or how Eret’s hot cocoa was so thick it felt more like waves of warm chocolate melting directly on his tongue, or—or—
Maybe, if he imagined them hard enough, it’ll be like none of them ever left. Like he had a family again.
Or, Tommy hasn’t had a good Christmas in a while. Tubbo, Ranboo, and Michael plan to make it his best ever.
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
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WAAA I FORGOT TO POST THIS!! here is your @mcytblrsecretsanta gift, @apollos-boyfriend!! i hope you enjoy it :) moons big but dont worry about it
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
mcyt secret santa volunteers needed!! ❄️
this goes out to anyone (event participant or not)! a significant number of people dropped out at the last minute, so i need volunteers to make a gift for those who received nothing!! you will have until the 15th to make a gift. please reply to this post if you are willing! thank you so much :) please rb if possible so others see!
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
the posting period has ended and the event is officially over! if you have not sent out a gift, please dm me. if you have not received a gift and have not already been contacted by your santa, dm me. for those who have both posted and received a gift, thank you for participating and i hope you had fun!! :)
self promotion time hehe! you can catch me on my mcyt sideblog @deedis and my main @squite !! totally optional of course :)
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
@blanket-heap-of-trash @mcytblrsecretsanta
This is right on the deadline for the secret santa, apologies about that, but here you go! I hope your winters been bright :)
I attempted to use songs not specifically made for the characters, and so there's a mix of one's that fit for lyrics or music or just Vibes™, a couple I couldn't pass up on b/c they worked too well as a joke, and some that I just associate a lot with them.
Philza playlist - 2hr 51min
Techno Playlist - 1hr 51min
Emerald duo Playlist - 1hr 29min
(please ignore any romantic vibes unless you want them - a lot of good pair songs are unfortunately romantic)
These are all YouTube as I don't have a Spotify, but I can transfer them to Spotify if you want just will take me a bit :)
Happy 2022! May your year be a good one.
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
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Last minute Secret Santa for @mastasof-ravenkroft! I’m really sorry about how late this is— I was planning on doing this these past couple days and then got caught up with college applications. You said you liked pixlriffs and so I decided to go with him! Hope its worth the wait :]
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
My @mcytblrsecretsanta gift for @moonblanche! It's a fun Boatem ficlet, because boatem was unceremoniously destroyed pre-christmas this fic is canon divergent lmao. No shipping, and no content warnings asides from being heavy on the food mentions. the formating is a bit wonky but thats on me for using microsoft word.
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“Oh welcome one and all to the Swaggon holiday dinner” Scar looked away from the mirror and over a Jellie with a frown “no that’s to formal, and this isn’t even a Swaggon event, it’s a Boatem event!”
“Meow” said Jellie tilting her head from her place of prominence at the head of the six seated table in the middle of the room.
“you’re right Jellie, I should just be natural. What even is natural? This is Hermitcraft for heaven’s sake!” Scar said sharply turning back to the mirror and adjusting his festive but still appropriately large Santa hat.
“Me-oww” Meowed Jellie before leaping down from her chair and pumping up onto a windowsill.
“Yeah, yeah I know I know they will be here soon” and as if on cue Grian’s voice descended upon Scar’s specialty made ‘Holidaggon’
“scarscarscrarscarscarscar” the blond rattled as his flew down to an abrupt stop. His voice mystically cutting through the layers of copper wood and appearing at scars ears as full as is they were right next to each other. “Did I scare you?”
“Nooo, you did not. Now come on into this very special Holidaggon!” Scar beamed opening the door to what could best be described as “copper Charismas and candy” a rightfully earned title as he had built the waggon while munching down on pumpkin pies and leftover Halloween candy.
The waggons copper roof has three spires are carefully covered in snow that scar spent hours shoveling (much to his chagrin Plaines biomes never snow no matter how much ambiance the affect would have on a build) and the build was surrounded by small evergreen trees scar shaped himself. Scar had spent hours on robotic stilts while Pearl keeping watch over the clumsiest member of Boatem as he carefully sniped each branch to the perfect length. And to top all of it off the inside of the waggon was filled with delicious treats, yummy food, and a warm fire to counteract all the snow.
“The waggon looks wonderful Scar, and so do you! Sweater buds!” says Grian pointing between his red and white sweater and Scar’s red cardigan.
“Well would you look at that we are all matchy matchy” scar replied making himself busy with a punch bowl as Grian rustles through his inventory.
“ah-hah, one turkey fresh out of the oven, and one delicious bowl of cranberries!” Grian said triumphantly setting the bird and the bowl delicately on the table. “and no I didn’t forget this!” Grian says with a flourish as he grabs a meticulously wrapped gift out of his inventory. The gift is as tall as he is and has a bow the size of his head perched on top, the gift however seems particularly lightweight as Grian effortlessly places it atop the table at the side of the room where Scar has also placed a gift for his secret Santa. But before scar can take a peach at who the gift is addressed to Pearl makes her presence know.
“Knock-knock! I need a hand!... or two” shouts Pearl from behind a stack (no pun intended) of Tupperware containers.
“I’ve got the door Pearl” shouts Grian as if the containers obstructing her view might have also obstructed her ears. Pearl wobbles into the waggon (luckily for her Scar had made this one at ground height) narrowly missing Grian’s snow boots which he had left haphazardly in the middle of the floor in the entrance, and she dropped all of the containers in her hand down on the table with an exhausted
“humph, that’s the last time I go mining before a social event, my darn inventory is filled with cobble I couldn’t fit in the food!”
“Why didn’t you just empty your inventory” said Scar knocking Grian’s snow boots at him with his cane.
“Because I’m using the cobble for a build, and I couldn’t find my cobble chest” Pearl replied before reaching into her inventory and pulling out a small box wrapped in craft paper and tied with a thin yellow ribbon and sets it down on the gift table. Outside the waggon two voices clamor to be the last one inside”
“After you” says Mumbo opening the door for Impulse.
“No after you” replies Impulse taking the handle out of Mumbo’s hand.
“No, I insist” asserts Mumbo pulling the door back away from Impulse.
“I insist as well, after you” Shouts impulse jerking for door away form Mumbo.
“Boys, don’t make be take an axe out and make another door hole” Shouts Pearl not bothering to look up from her meticulously opening her containers of food.
“No not my waggon” Pouts Scar as Impulse and Mumbo finally make their way into the waggon. Each holding a bag of food and a gift.
“howdy do” whistled Scar taking a bag from Mumbo and moving towards the table, beginning to help Pearl organise food.
“I brought candy” Impulse shouted shaking his bag and reaching an arm out to pet Jellie.
“Murrrow” Jellie chirped giving Impulses hand a quick headbutt before letting him scratch under her chin.
“Of course, I made you charismas cookies Jel-ster” Replied Impulse before reaching a hand into his candy bag and taking out a small fish shaped cookie and placing it down next to her.
“I made a tofurky!” Mumbo announces pulling a grey monstrosity out of his inventory. (he was a bad cook when he was eating meat, the things he does to vegetables would make a bunny weep) Upon seeing the grey monstrosity the rest of boatem lets out a collecting groan. “And baked potatoes!” Mumbo says allowing the rest of boatem to gain back some of their appetites.
“Well at least he can’t mess up a Baked Potatoes” says Grian arranging placements and cutlery around the table.
“I don’t know what you could possibly be talking about” Replies Mumbo knowing smile saying what Mumbo isn’t, that he is a terrible cook. But before Mumbo’s cooking can be called further into question pearl announces from across the table.
“I think we are all set! Take a seat everyone” that rest of dinner was a blur compliments flying and jokes exchanged.
“Awesome gravy Pearl!”
“Jellie would you like some tofurkey”
“Scar pass the peas”
“Impulse I like the taffy”
“Does anyone want the cranberries?”
And just as quickly as supper started it ended, and the Boatem crew made their way out to the Boatem Pole to open gifts and roast marshmallows.
“Scar the big one has your name on it” Impulse shouts across the Boatem Hole.
“No fun now I know it’s from Grian” Scar says making his way (carefully) around the pit that has claimed far too many lives this season.
“Well, you would have figured that out eventually” replies Grian as he circles the Boatem Pole inspecting each gift for the one with his name on it.
“Okay has everyone found theirs yet” shouts Pearl standing next to a small box and a raging campfire with Jellie curled up next to it.
“Almost-yep I just found mine” Responds Impulse standing between Mumbo and Grian.
“alright wonderful, do we want to go clockwise?” a small chorus of ‘okays’ ring out from around the Boatem Hole. “Okay Grian you got first”
“Alight, my box is small, and brown and” Grian pauses for a second before shaking the box. “it doesn’t rattle.” He pauses for another second and looks around the Boatem Pole eyeing each hermit to see if a face might betray who gave him the gift. But before any of the hermits can break, he quickly opens the box and shouts.
“and its…. SAWEATER! YEAHHHH” Grian holds up a fire red and yellow knit sweater with blue around the collar and wrists.
“It has wing holes!” Pearl shouts from his right. Hearing this Grian quickly turns around the sweater and gasps as his eyes land on two small slits in the knit just the right size for his equally tricoloured wings to fit through.
“Pearl I love it!” he shouts running the sort distance over to her and wrapping her in a hug.
“I know you don’t like it when your back is cold!”
“it’s the worse!” shouts Grian before effortlessly flapping his wings and lifting the two of them up and off the ground.
“aak- Grian PUT ME DOWN! I’m not wearing an elytra!!!” shouts Pearl before pressing her face into Grian’s chest as he floats back down to solid ground.
“you’re fine Pearl we weren’t even taller than the Boatem Pole” he laughs letting go of Pearl and watching steady herself with her arms.
“Says the guy who has wings! Of course, you don’t think I’m going to die!” she laughs out before sitting down on the ground and yelling over to Impulse “go ahead Impulse!”
“okay my present is tiny” Impulse says holding a small box the size of his hand “and inside of the tiny present is…. A tiny model of my factory!!! It’s so cute” Impulse slowly turns the model around in his hand but before he can say anything else about the small model it lights up and begins to produce a small amount if smoke out of the smokestacks. “oh my gosh I love it!”
“I’m glad! I don’t do Micro-Redstone for just anyone.” Mumbo laughs at the look of wonder of the man’s face.
“oh thank you Mumbo I love it” replies impulse taking Mumbo into a quick hug before he puts his eyes back into the small model.
“Okay well I guess its my turn, my gift appears to be an unwrapped shulker box, but what could be inside….” The mustached man says before twisting open the shulker mechanism and gasping. “Oh Redstone, full sized Redstone my beloved! It’s been too long my dear the world thinks I’m a builder now!”
“I knew you’d like it!” responds Scar tipping his oversized Santa hat at Mumbo for good measure.
“it’s wonderful thank you Scar!”
“and now it’s my turn!” Scar says before dramatically turning towards the large present beside him. “And since the gifters identity has been revealed already, Grian how am I supposed to open this?”
“rip anywhere!” with that simple sentence scar began to rip away the paper and looked with curiosity at the object Infront of him. Made with glass, soul sand, and held together with a wooden frame and lid Scar was officially stumped by what the gift could be.
“its uhhhhh a ummmm”
“it’s a potable enderporter with a dustless panic button.” Grain said with a smile.
“wait what? that’s so cool!!!” Scar said opening the lid to the enderporter and lifting out a small stone tablet on a lanyard.
“you just fill it with water, throw a pearl in a press the button whenever you get in trouble.” Grain said watching Scars eyes light up with the possibilities this enderporter offered. “Here have a water bucket and some pearls.” Grain said opening his inventory and pulling out the two missing components for the enderporter.
“awesome” replied Scar before quickly placing the lanyard around his neck and filling up the enderporter with water before taking two quick strides towards the Boatem Hole and jumping in.
“sc-scar….” Grian started before being interrupted by
goodtimewithscar fell out of the world.
“he forgot to throw a pearl” Grian whispered towards the other hermits as they all silently giggled as Scar made the quick walk over from his “starter base” to the Boatem Hole.
“I… I may have forgotten something”
“I knew you would which is why I made multiple panic button” Grian says with a. smile as he opened his inventory and pulled out another for Scar.
“Thank you” Scar said letting his eyes drop to the ground for a slit second before gesturing over at Pearl with a flourish and declaring “onto the one and only Pearlescent MOOOOON!”
“Thank you Scar, well my gifter is not really a secret considering I’m going last but regardless the gift itself is a mystery!” Pearl says picking up her gift from the ground beside her. “it’s a….” pearl pauses for a second to carefully undo the bow that Impulse had tied around the box. “Ship in a bottle!”
“it’s an upside-down ship in a bottle!” Impulse a laughs as Pearl looks into the meticulously arranged model of her starter house.
“Oh thank you Impulse, it will look wonderful in the lighthouse!”
“thank you pearl.” Impulse replied before clapping his hands together and asking a question he already knew the answer to. “Does anyone want a smore?” and all of Boatem descended upon the campfire with joyous vigour all five (six if you count Jellie) clamouring for a dry seat on one of the logs around the fire passing around marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolates. And as they all sit back and begin to roast the marshmallows Grian looks over at the man beside him and asks a simple question.
“Hey Mumbo?”
“Yeah Grian?”
“Does the moon look big to you?”
“not at all, if anything it looks small!”
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
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grim reaper
this is my @mcytblrsecretsanta gift for @absurdist-shitpost! I hope I got a vibe you like!
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
for my secret santa @cattailscoolad,
merry christmas and happy new year! i’m sorry it’s super late but i hope you enjoy it
(also ty @mcytblrsecretsanta for setting this up)
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
happy new year @lilacadaisy :DD
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^^ art for secret santa @mcytblrsecretsanta
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
@kiwiradiostation happy holidays!!! I was your @mcytblrsecretsanta I hope you enjoy this, I had a lot of fun making it for you!!
In which Wilbur organises celebrations for a new L'manburg holiday, but has to first deal with a couple unexpected visitors
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
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@piningpebbles secret Santa gift :))
Jack and niki having a good time!!
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mcytblrsecretsanta · 2 years
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Hey @achille-s-cum-down!!! Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year! I apologize for how late this was, I got a bit busy after the holidays, but I got it done! I hope you’ll like a bit of Scott vs Fwip and Sausage :) (ft gem trying to stop them and jimmy filming it all)
And thank you to @mcytblrsecretsanta for hosting this, it was really fun :D
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