meandsatan · 9 months
pretty cool how you went on a heroic journey to gain the power needed to defeat me. unfortunately i was on a cooler, villainous journey
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meandsatan · 9 months
Random question but I’ve always wondered - are the white streaks in Satan’s hair highlights or white hair?
White. He's like some kind of skunk boy
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meandsatan · 1 year
Hi guys. 
Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t usually share something like this. But my cousin had a medical emergency brain bleed and has been hospitalized the last 2 days. He’s close to unresponsive, but after his surgery yesterday, the doctors are hopeful he might be OK.
I grew up with him, so he’s really close family. If he ends up passing away from this, it won’t only devastate my family, but he’ll be leaving behind 4 kids, all under the age of 18.
He’s been struggling with unemployment and bills the last few years after a contentious divorce (which I won’t get into really, but know that even as we speak, his ex was removed from the hospital and is possibly not going to let her kids see him if he passes away). Finances and employment have raised his stress and blood pressure over time, which is where we find ourselves now.
Don’t feel pressured to donate if you don’t want to or cannot, but just know my family is trying to pay his bills while he’s been admitted into hospital. We’re trying to keep our heads afloat.
I set up a donation page, if any of you want to help our family out in his really hard time, much love and appreciate to y’all. Stay safe out there. You never know what could happen to a loved one : (
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meandsatan · 1 year
Hi guys. 
Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t usually share something like this. But my cousin had a medical emergency brain bleed and has been hospitalized the last 2 days. He’s close to unresponsive, but after his surgery yesterday, the doctors are hopeful he might be OK.
I grew up with him, so he’s really close family. If he ends up passing away from this, it won’t only devastate my family, but he’ll be leaving behind 4 kids, all under the age of 18.
He’s been struggling with unemployment and bills the last few years after a contentious divorce (which I won’t get into really, but know that even as we speak, his ex was removed from the hospital and is possibly not going to let her kids see him if he passes away). Finances and employment have raised his stress and blood pressure over time, which is where we find ourselves now.
Don’t feel pressured to donate if you don’t want to or cannot, but just know my family is trying to pay his bills while he’s been admitted into hospital. We’re trying to keep our heads afloat.
I set up a donation page, if any of you want to help our family out in his really hard time, much love and appreciate to y’all. Stay safe out there. You never know what could happen to a loved one : (
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meandsatan · 1 year
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Keep reading
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meandsatan · 1 year
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Keep reading
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meandsatan · 1 year
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Keep reading
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meandsatan · 1 year
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quick headshots of some of my favorite characters/designs in the comic, Satan and Me
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meandsatan · 2 years
first of all I don’t “waste” time on stupid things I spend time on stupid things there’s a difference
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meandsatan · 2 years
one of the best kinds of characters is a guy who is annoying and knows this but hot enough to get away with it and also aware of this, and who takes great pleasure in being as obnoxious as possible and then watching everyone who's attracted to them visibly speedrun the five stages of grief when they realize that hasn't changed
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meandsatan · 2 years
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For that meme going around lol
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meandsatan · 2 years
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meandsatan · 2 years
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Some more SaM stuff over the years
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meandsatan · 2 years
Happy 8 year anniversary to Satan and Me! Today, 8 years ago, I had no idea accidentally responding to that iconic Tumblr post would be such a long, wild ride.
Thank you to all who have read, supported, and enjoyed the comic through this long, emotional journey! I’ve met the kindest people in the Samdom over the years, and wouldn’t trade any of it for anything.
I hope to see SaM celebrate a few more anniversaries in the future!
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meandsatan · 2 years
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Pax Madan from Satan and Me is aromantic!
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meandsatan · 2 years
The relief is instant, the tension leaving him the moment Michael seals the portal, but his body is slow to shake off the memory of Hell tearing out of his back. He thought he knew pain, was well acquainted with ragged holes in the place of his pride, but this was different.
He feels like his own soul has been sucked out of him and wrung out, trampled under the hundreds of thousands trapped within him, and shoved back into his body, too withered and limp to fill the space as it used to. He twitches a finger, and his entire body shudders with the phantom sensation of being torn wide open, and he feels like he’s going to be sick, and he feels feel the salty stickiness of his own tears leaving tracks through the grime from where his face is shoved in the dirt—but he can move on his own, and the blood rushing in his head is quieting enough that he can hear Michael’s voice, even if he sounds like he’s a mile away.
It takes him a moment to process the words though, his mind feeling just as shattered as his body, and another moment to find the energy to respond.
“—need assistance? Give me your hand.”
He doesn’t need assistance, he just needs a fucking second because he’s just been through Hell—or…Hell had been through him, or whatever the fuck.
“I can manage…” he starts, his voice hoarse to his own, still ringing ears, clenching a fist in the dirt when he sees both of Michael’s hands extend down in front of him. Or two of one hand, he recognizes dimly as his vision blurs as he forces himself up. “I’m fine.”
He’s not sure if he’s trying to convince Michael or himself, but he pushes himself to his knees, a fresh round of tears welling in his eyes from the effort.
“‘Fine’,” Michael echoes, sounding thoroughly unconvinced. “You’re crying from pain. Here—” He moves to help again, but Lucifer waves him off, feeling himself sway with the movement. He doesn’t have the energy to stop the tears, but that doesn’t mean he has to make a show of being any more vulnerable and weak than he already is.
“I said leave it,” he bites off, and feels another tremor run through his body that almost sends him to the ground again. He steadies himself on both hands, digging his nails into the dirt, his arms shaking.
“Now’s not the time to be stubborn,” Michael chides, but Lucifer is barely listening, focusing on not vomiting all over himself. “If you need help, take it.”
“Give me a minute, Michael,” he says, barely more than a wheeze. Why couldn’t he understand that he just needed a minute? He’d like to see Michael try to stand after having the worst the world had to offer bottleneck out of his back like he was nothing more than a glorified springboard to freedom. “God…I feel like shit boiled over…”
He draws in another shuddering breath in a half baked attempt to stabilize himself, but it hurts, and he sways again. What was that shit humans said, about feeling like they’d been hit by a truck?
Whatever that meant, times a thousand.
“This quite possibly…could be the worst day of my existe—”
He stops mid sentence, the crunch of leaves alerting him to someone else’s arrival, his head snapping up.
The breath he’d been trying so hard to regain leaves him all at once again, and his arms buckle. He only just barely manages not to topple onto his face again.
His lips move but the only thing that comes out is another soundless wheeze. He’d almost forgotten, what this had all been for, what they had been trying to accomplish—
Natalie looks at him with a smile so bright it sends a different kind of ache through his chest, warming him from the inside out. How long had it been since she’d smiled at him like that? How long since she’d looked at him and knew him?
“Hey, stranger,” she says, all warmth and light and sunshine and fuck.
She feels like coming home.
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meandsatan · 2 years
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Happy Valentines Day! Here’s an old piece from my Patreon <3
You can catch the speedpaint over on my Youtube too!
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