melkors-big-tits · 3 months
Tolkien NSFW Pinup Calendar l Masterlist 2024
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Download the NSFW calendar here!!
January: Fireworks by @melkors-big-tits (Instagram)(AO3) for @melkors-defense-attorney
February: Arwen by @lymira for @rosasynstylae
March: We can Definitely get Away with This by @sleepysandwichguy (Instagram)for @sunnyrosewritesstuff
April: Love It Springs by @the-red-butterfly (Instagram) for @rosasynstylae
May: Lost in Paradise by @melkors-big-tits (Instagram)(AO3) for @i-did-not-mean-to and @cilil Companion Fic: Just Another Day in Paradise
June: Throne Seduction by @elanna-elrondiel for @lathalea
July: All Tied Up by @metztlilua (Ko-Fi) (AO3) for @frosticenow Companion Fic: You are not alone I will chase you forever
August: The Taming by @sortumavaara (AO3) for @sortumavaara
September: Under the Belt by @consultingpacha (Instagram) (Twitter) (AO3) for @lordoftherazzles Companion Fic: Below the Belt
October: A Study in Flesh and Feathers by @sortumavaara (AO3) for @i-did-not-mean-to Companion Fic: love is not love which alters when it alteration finds
November: The Reunion by @dwarvishgeorge (Neocities) for @fantasyinallforms Companion Fic: The Danger In Missing You
December: Listen With Your Heart by @fishing4stars (DeviantArt) (AO3) for @i-did-not-mean-to Companion Fic: Let it break upon you, like a wave upon the sand
AO3 collection for the event
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melkors-big-tits · 3 months
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{Click for better quality}
Here are the prompts for Manwë Week. You can also find them in written form down below, as well as some thoughts and musings to inspire you. Happy creating!
Day 1: Family | Breath & Air Day 2: Friends & Love | Rain & Clouds Day 3: The Children | Whispering Breeze Day 4: Poetry & Birdsong | Taniquetil Day 5: Free of Evil | Opposition Day 6: Fallen | Storm Day 7: Freeform
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Like many others in the legendarium, Manwë too has family members that greatly influence his story: His father, Eru, none other than the Allfather himself, who has a special connection with him, and his brother, Melkor, the Enemy, who fought against him on numerous occasions. 
What is Manwë’s relationship with them? How does he feel about them? How does his own biography influence the way he views the family relationships of others? Is he truly his father’s golden child, and at what cost? How did events like Melkor betraying him and the Fall of Númenor affect these relationships? 
Breath & Air
“Súlimo he is surnamed, Lord of the Breath of Arda.” (The Silmarillion). 
Air and wind are Manwë’s domain, and as such he was one of the chief architects of Arda. 
How does his element affect his personality? How did he experience the shaping of Arda alongside his fellow Valar? How does he make use of his powers over the ages, for things big and small? 
Friends & Love
Alongside his father and brother, Manwë also has Varda, his wife and queen, and Ulmo, one of his closest companions and confidants, who love him dearly. He can also be seen interacting with other Ainur whom he may share special connections with.
How does Manwë feel about Varda and Ulmo? How does he show his love for them? What are his relationships with other Valar, for example Yavanna or Námo, like? How does he interact with his Maiar?
Rain & Clouds
“Behold rather the height and glory of the clouds, and the everchanging mists; and listen to the fall of rain upon the Earth!” (The Silmarillion). 
Clouds and rain are but one example of things Manwë has had a part in creating together with other Ainur and, as many of their creations do, they are also a reflection of underlying dynamics. 
What does Manwë think when he sees these works? Is he content or does he wish that some things had turned out differently? Does he continue to influence these phenomena to this day, for example sending rain when needed or controlling the weather to ensure balance in nature? 
The Children
“[A]nd to mortal Men / Manwë speaks not.” (Unfinished Tales). 
Like the other Valar, Manwë looked forward to the coming of the Children and loved the Elves, deciding against his father’s will to bring them to Valinor to protect them. As far as mortals are concerned, however, he has been hesitant and withdrawn, sending Eönwë and Olórin to guide them instead, and it’s speculated that he has trouble understanding them due to their different nature. 
What did Manwë feel when he saw the Children in the Great Music, and what does he think as the history of Arda unfolds? How does he perceive them and what does he not understand about them? Does he wish he could be closer to the Secondborn? Has he had any interactions with Dwarves? What was it like for him to meet the Hobbits who came to Valinor? 
Whispering Breeze
In the Silmarillion, we read about Ulmo interacting with and helping various characters on their journey, refusing to abandon the Children, including the exiled Noldor. Manwë too gets involved as he responds to Fingon’s prayer, though he remains in Valinor and doesn’t appear or communicate in person. 
Does Manwë perhaps help the Children and speak to them in more covert ways, either because he feels like he needs to be careful or because his role as the Elder King forces a certain code of conduct? Do they pray to him, and does he listen and heed their prayers? What does he wish to tell them? 
Poetry & Birdsong
“[F]or poetry is the delight of Manwë, and the song of words is his music.” (The Silmarillion). 
Whereas song and music are part of every Ainu’s nature, and Manwë shares his with his Vanyarin friends, he also loves poetry and, presumably, writing as well. 
What do you think Manwë writes about, what does he express in his poetry and songs? Is it a special hobby of his that sets him apart from other Ainur? How does he share his works with others? Has he perhaps had a hand in certain writings that exist in Arda? 
Oiolossë, the Ever-snow-white, Elerína, crowned with stars, the Holy Mountain – Taniquetil and the Halls of Ilmarin are Manwë’s home and dwelling-place where he lives together with Varda, his Maiar and a lot of birds. 
What did Manwë feel when Almaren, the first home of the Ainur, was destroyed? What drew him to Taniquetil? What is life there like? What does he see and feel when he sits on his throne and looks out across the Earth?
Free of Evil
“For Manwë was free from evil and could not comprehend it [...]” (The Silmarillion). 
Whereas his brother Melkor has become a force of evil – and his influence has negatively affected many other characters, alongside their own choices – Manwë is presented to us not just as a force of good, but as being unable to comprehend the very concept of evil.
What does it mean that Manwë is free of evil? Does he struggle to understand certain concepts and emotions, is he unable to experience them? Did Eru design him this way or restrict his perception? Or does the truth lie somewhere else, for example Manwë being unable to recognize when he does something evil? 
Ever since the very beginning of days, Manwë has been forced to oppose the evil of Melkor and contend with him for the mastery of Arda. He was also appointed as Elder King despite Melkor’s greater power, a title his brother has nevertheless sought to claim for himself and attempted to usurp his power and undermine his influence at every opportunity.
How does Manwë feel about this dichotomy? How strong is his conviction, and how much of it is a mere sense of duty to his father and his own morals and values? Does he wish his role could have been different? Does he perceive his position as a blessing or a burden? 
As has been touched on in previous prompts, we read a lot about Manwë’s goodness and being a symbol of righteousness and divine morality. However, the Silmarillion is a narrative about flawed characters who make mistakes out of both good and bad intentions, and Manwë is no exception – so what if he fell to corruption? 
What could test Manwë’s morals and patience to the point that he snaps? Is he corrupted by an outside force, like Melkor for example, or does he fall on his own? Has he, similar to how even the most evil characters have some good in them, had a seed of evil inside him all along? What consequences would this have for the narrative and on a personal level? Who would follow him, who would oppose him? 
Storms – the violent side of Manwë’s element. In the Silmarillion, we read about his mighty voice, the War for the Sake of the Elves, and the storms sent as a warning to Númenor, getting a glimpse of his true power; and in alternate versions of the story, we even see a host of Balrogs falling to the lightning of Manwë’s sword. 
How did storms come to be? Did Melkor corrupt Manwë’s element or was it Manwë’s own doing? What happens when he unleashes his true power and what could push him to do so? What role did he play in past wars the Valar participated in, what role may he play in Dagor Dagorath? 
The prompts for the past few days touched on some aspects, but they can’t cover everything.
What else do you want to explore? Take this day as an opportunity to either revisit a prompt (though being late is never an issue) or touch on something new. This may also be a great opportunity for all sorts of AUs. Either way – the choice is yours!
Any questions or concerns? Please have a look at the FAQ, send an ask or reach out to a mod!
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melkors-big-tits · 3 months
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Hello and welcome to Manwë Week!
Manwë Week is a week-long fandom event dedicated to Manwë Súlimo from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion, planned for March 11th - 17th 2024. The month of March is known as Súlimë, so it seemed only fitting to create an event to celebrate the Lord of Winds!
All sorts of fanworks are welcome, including but not limited to art (digital or traditional), fanfiction, moodboards, headcanons or playlists.
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Here is a brief overview of this year's prompts:
Day 1: Family | Breath & Air Day 2: Friends & Love | Rain & Clouds Day 3: The Children | Whispering Breeze Day 4: Poetry & Birdsong | Taniquetil Day 5: Free of Evil | Opposition Day 6: Fallen | Storm Day 7: Freeform
For more details, please have a look at the prompt list.
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Any questions, suggestions or concerns? Check out the FAQ or send an ask! You can also reach out on @cilil's blog.
ʚ Mod @cilil
A big thank you and shout out to @glorf1ndel and @arofili for providing advice, inspiration and resources for setting up and managing fandom events.
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melkors-big-tits · 3 months
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Contribution numero Dos to the Smuttier version of the Tolkien pinup calendar, titled: Lost in paradise
This picture would not Be if not for the amazing and Super talented @cilil And @i-did-not-mean-to who are the ones who commissioned this and whom I had So much fun brainstorming stuff like: The fashions, the theme, the era, the colors, the dynamics, why's Manwë such a creep and all other important things. And as a cherry on top they wrote an amazing fic which you can read from here:
So go read it and be Blown away by their talent, wit and the Artistry that is their smut writing<3 I'm not kidding, it's so good~!!!! So Go! Read It! Love It! Leave a million Kudos and at least a heart emoji if you're feeling too shy or if the words just don't word! AO3 is also where you'll be able to see the full, uncensored version of the picture https://archiveofourown.org/works/53158741/chapters/134511679 cuz tumblr is a prude bitch y'all have to settle with the censored one under the cut
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melkors-big-tits · 3 months
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Here B my contribution numero uno to the Smut Tolkien pinup calendar, titled: Fireworks
The censored smut is under the cut and the uncensored can be found in AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/53158741/chapters/134507851#workskin cuz tumblr is a prude hypocrite
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
I'm amazed at HOW EASY it is to push me into something crazy. But the random dialogue of @melkors-big-tits and @cilil made me come up with something about my beloved bromance hehehehahahahhehsh..... .. . . . ow... .
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Well what)) as great people say, "what is friendship is not condemned" and they are punks, so they may, they can. As always bazen Sauron, fucking Melkor. It's just like people.
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I'm not sorry😎
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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Angbang Week 2023 - Day 4: the Void
Melkor and Mairon being Manwë's trashy loud neighbours forever 💀 (I know the Void isn't outerspace I'm just taking artistic liberties for aesthetics' sake)
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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Little Mairon and Melkor warm themselves on a winter night
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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I have nothing against different interpretations of Angbang, but I HAD TO DO IT MAN
modern!Mairon again, his and my broken accent also again🤝
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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Chibi Angbang
Base inspired
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
It supposed to be «People make me be rowdy part 3» but I made myself be rowdy this time((
Addition to this post
Top Mairon and bottom Melkor are funny during brain fucking🤭 So amuse your perverted ego purr purries💋
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Censored full⬇️
I'll laugh so hard if tumbr doesn't hide it
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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she ang on my bang till i dark lord
she dark on my lord till i bang?
she mair on my on till i saur
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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angbang <3
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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i'm so sorry for this
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
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Ready when you are
Oh wait--
I think I misunderstood what you meant with mass loves
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It was This👆
Not Gay sex. Oh silly me~😌
Wait a minute--
Are you KAAMOS?!??!
Sir/Ma'am/My liege! I! AM! IN! YOUR! DEBT!!!💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
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But if this is Not Kaamos please do be so kind and ignore me making a fool of myself with my fangasming🥹
Now I really don't know how to face this sudden, adorable, meaningful and life-boosting storm of love... But, after all, you're Melkor, so nothing less I'd expect from him 😉 {I'm just joking, but still ♥️🖤)
Thank You 😭😭😭
The only thing I can do is to send you tons of love and 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 and ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
And. As you already know, I ~L O V E~ your art, my dear.
And I think I'm gonna die somewhere now...
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
Oh I can't accept such kind words and an avalanche of love without giving something in return so here you go:
A lil' Melkor sketch as a token of my gratitude for all you've, unbeknownst, done for me💖💕💖
(The dramaVala got a tad upset about your last paragraph😅 Please don't go die somewhere or he'll start sobbing🥹)
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Wait a minute--
Are you KAAMOS?!??!
Sir/Ma'am/My liege! I! AM! IN! YOUR! DEBT!!!💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
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But if this is Not Kaamos please do be so kind and ignore me making a fool of myself with my fangasming🥹
Now I really don't know how to face this sudden, adorable, meaningful and life-boosting storm of love... But, after all, you're Melkor, so nothing less I'd expect from him 😉 {I'm just joking, but still ♥️🖤)
Thank You 😭😭😭
The only thing I can do is to send you tons of love and 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 and ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
And. As you already know, I ~L O V E~ your art, my dear.
And I think I'm gonna die somewhere now...
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melkors-big-tits · 5 months
Oh hell yeah we're All gonna watch💖💕💕💖
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General question: Do you mind if people write fics inspired by your art?🖤✨
OMAGOSH🥹🥹 I definitely don't... I really absolutely obviously stably don't mind... Becz it would be the highest honor for my filthy ass😭💕💕💕💕💕
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