melvinborgxreader · 5 years
please make more storieeeessssss
X3 im working at it!!! I’ve been busy with the holidays but I think there should be enough of a lull next week for me to get some writing done and I’m very excited!!!!
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
What if you did like in the movie when George and Harold did a prank for good and set up Edith and Krupp but they set up reader and Melvinborg
Oooo~ that's an amazing idea!! I'll get a draft started for writing that!!!
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
okay so I just finished reading part 2 and i have to say it's really fun to read my little sister was asking if you will be working on a part 2 for the roomies chapter 1 (sorry she is a fan of captain underpants and loves when i read the books to her).
Aww that's so cute!!! I haven't abandoned the roomies story but I'm not sure if I'll get back to it until after the new year, but hopefully by then the stuck together story will be done and I can focus on it
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
Small Update!
Hello again! I just wanted to mention the stuck together series might be longer than planned, Originally grabbing the screwdriver was just supposed to be a mention of oh you grabbed one on the way but then I couldn’t RESIST you guys getting seen in public >w<
So what I thought would be one “the mcdonalds chapter” only brushed the surface!! But theres only about three and a half more plot beats so it shouldn’t be TOO many more parts but clearly my chapter pacing isn’t very accurate yet but I’ll get better with that with PRACTICE :D
I’m still a bit busy as the holiday season approaches but I’ll do what I can to get chapters out, feedback is DEFINITELY a good motivator. ALSO if you have any ideas for prompts you can send an ask and I’ll see what I can do :D
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
Melvinborg x Reader: Stuck Together Part 2
Oh wait that’s a hardware store, looking at the shops on the way to Mcdonalds has proven to be some use. You stop walking to try and point it out to Melvinborg but he keeps going at a power-walking pace not even noticing that you stopped you run a couple of steps and poke him. 
"What!? Did you change your mind and gain some standards?" You can hear the played up annoyance in his voice but you know he's not annoyed with you just the general situation.
"I was thinking we could get a screwdriver-" you point towards the hardware store “-then you can try to get your hand off me while we eat" You wink at him sticking your tongue out playfully and he rolls his eyes and leads you to the store
"Thats not a half bad idea, but I better not get any grease in my robotics" 
"Mcdonalds isn't THAT bad" 
"Yes. It is. I don't expect you to notice or how else would you actually be able to eat there." In the shop Melvinborg quickly grabs a screwdriver, you don't even get much a chance to look around before he's dragging you through the checkout. The cashier eyes Melvinborg's hand on your arm 
"Do you want the couples discount?" The cashier raises an eyebrow 
"No, we're not- just give me the screwdriver" Melvinborg finishes paying, grabbing the screwdriver and practically dragging you out. Looking at him he's very tense and keeping a watch on all the people on the sidewalk. You know he doesn't like being around people but this level of paranoia is ridiculous so what if people see his arm malfunctioning being stuck with you isn’t THAT bad. You take a deep breath to try and think of what to say to him to make him feel at ease.
"You know you could've just saved money with the discount" yes of course naturally tease him that'll make him not grumpy. His attention turns to you 
"No, that'd be lying. And I frequent that shop so I don't want the personnel prying into my private life." You open your mouth to reply but you see the golden arches and start grinning, you're going to be able to make Melvinborg eat fast food haha! Now its your turn to drag him into the shop Luckily there’s not much of a line, and just either really old people or random teens scattered among the tables. So the usual Mcdonalds clientele you bounce up to the till 
"Could I get a big mac meal with large fries and a soda, and also a chicken nugget happy meal for my grumpy friend here?" You snicker and gesture to Melvinborg 
"Alright do you want apple slices or fries?" You go to answer but Melvinborg beats you to it 
"Apple slices I guess." you pay for the meal and stand to the side to wait. 
You go between looking at Melvinborg and the people making your food, you poke at his robot fingers and he pulls your hand off 
"You know I can still feel that right?" 
"It's on my arm its my property" You flash a grin at him and he looks away back at the people working 
"I thought this was FAST food, isn't the point of restaurants like this to lower your standards for the sake of having food immediately? ALSO why did you get me a child sized meal that's embarrassing" you shrug 
"it's the smallest meal I thought you'd want to eat less of this junk since you hate it so much" The worker calls your order and Melvinborg lays eyes on the happy meal box "You're the worst" You grab the tray and lead him to a corner booth "Yeah but you love me" you wink at him and dig into your burger. 
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
Omg i love your fan fictions are you planning on doing any part 2
Aaaaaaaaa thank you!!!! I have the entire draft for the entire stuck together story it's a tad shorter so it should be finished by part 2 maybe part 3. I'm hoping to have the next part out during November but I'm not sure if I'll get to it before the middle of the month because this weekend is extra life so I'm going to be watching a 24 hour stream all weekend and then probably crashing from that but worth it!!!
As for the roomies plotline I started writing it because I had a lot of ideas but I haven't figured out how to get from point a to b so I'm planning to just keep writing until I have inspiration for it :D
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
Tumblr media
Wow tumblr is being really weird and I couldn’t look at my notes so I didn’t think I had any followers!
Anyways I just wanted to make a post along with my blog update to mention I’m trying a different way of organizing writing these x reader stories so then hopefully I’ll actually complete parts more often then the part 1 I posted back around March (I might return to that story BUT this new one I just posted has an entire draft for where its going so it’ll probably complete first. I only see it being around 2-3 parts)
I think that’s about it I really didn’t have very much for news, Thanks for reading and hopefully tumblr will figure out what its doing and fix this note problem!
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
Melvinborg x Reader: Stuck Together Part 1
You and Melvinborg are out on the street, its getting to be late into the afternoon and you've STILL not been able to agree on an activity for the one day he's let you drag him out 
"How about we go shopping maybe?" you suggest but you're met with him rolling his eyes 
"I don't NEED to be suckered into needlessly spending funds and all I need is in the office" 
"I think there should be museums or something nearby..." You look at the streets to try and remember the directions to the museum. You feel Melvinborg's robot hand grab your arm to get your attention, maybe he's finally decided to contribute and help find something to do instead of just shooting down all your ideas. When you turn he backs up almost embarrassed but he's still holding your arm. You try to shrug off his robotic hand but it keeps a solid grip. Not enough to hurt but with his robotics you could hardly pull it off yourself. 
You look up to meet his eyes and he's staring at his arm which now you notice he had pulled away even more but his arm just stretched to match the distance and he runs his other hand through his hair not meeting your gaze.
"Alright, Don't panic. Its just some motor trouble and I CAN easily get us out of this. Assuming that the servos aren't malfunctioning too bad and I don't need to scavenge for the parts... Of course the moment I'm away from my tools and parts THEN we get a malfunction this is why I stay at the school over the weekends nothing good comes from leaving and there's equally nothing to do in this town and --"
as he kept talking to himself since you didn't have a moment to interject you started pulling at his robot fingers but they were clasped tight. Almost as if machinery is just slightly stronger then your human limbs, luckily it wasn't tight enough to cut off your circulation or anything just tight enough to be a cool permanent chattery accessory.
"-- I don't know why you felt the need to drag me out I was doing great hanging around the office you know you used to be just fine with me working on getting myself into elitinati--"  You start progressively getting closer to Melvinborg playing a game of 'how close can I get until he notices and tells me to give him some space' 
"--If you're THAT bored I can give you some homework to work on, its never a bad idea to brush up on your mathematics. But this just shows we never need to go outside again since this town just invites bad things to happen to ME--"
You're right next to him any closer you're going to be playing a challenging mode of 'i'm not touching you' except the challenge will be to not lose your balance and fall on him and he FINALLY takes notice 
"Y/N WHAT are you doing" He takes two steps back his robot arm stretching to compensate for still being attached to your arm 
"If I'm going to figure this out I'm going to need space so why don't you go in the corner and occupy yourself, wait actually don't go too far I'll probably need to get into my hand to fix the circuits and " 
"I'm hungry, how about we go and get some lunch then you can fix this" 
"No time for that, all my tools are in the office all we need to do is go there and then in a couple of hours you should be free to do whatever you want" 
"HEY! I didn't get us stuck in this and I'm not waiting HOURS to eat, so unless if you want to stretch your arm across town lets go get lunch where do you want to go?" 
"Ugh, I don't CARE just wherever is fast and we won't be seen by anyone we know" 
"that sounds an awful lot like mcdonalds" 
"that sounds DISGUSTING, choose a place with standards" 
"come on its fast, and if you do see anyone there you can have their 'lack of standards' as a defense against whatever you're worried about with being seen like this" 
"FINE but you'll have to order me something thats not absolutely disgusting" 
"Don't worry we'll just get you nuggs"
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melvinborgxreader · 5 years
Melvinborg x Reader: Roomies part 1
It's late on a Friday night and raining, you're walking down the street enjoying the cold quiet atmosphere. It's nice when you actually remember your umbrella to stay dry. Across the street you notice Melvin Sneedly elementary but more important then that you can see the main office has its lights on and the shadow of someone moving about in there. You cross the street pulling out your keys to get into the school to investigate, you know Principal Melvinborg would want to know if someone's poking around his office.
The school is quiet you can hear your wet footsteps echo in the empty halls. Kind of eerie with nobody here but these are the things you do for friendship! At the door you realize you don't know what your plan is. All you've got is your umbrella and a need to impress a cyborg! Maybe... just maybe the element of surprise will be enough to scare the person away...
You grab the door handle, pushing to do something before you got scared and turned back you swung open the door
"WHAT- WHO?" you standing in the doorway still see none other then Principal Melvinborg who fell out of his chair startled your bravado sinks a little
"Melvinborg? What are you doing here I thought someone broke in?"
"No- why would you think that" he gets up pinching the bridge of his nose
"You know principals don't have to be in their office all the time right?" You giggle at him and he rolls his eyes
"Look if that's all you need you can just go. I don't need any distractions and this is the only peace I can get away from those children"
"Shouldn't you go home though? It's getting late" as you suggest this Melvinborg groans and he mutters something too quiet for you to catch
"Look if it's about the rain we can share my umbrella" you wave said umbrella while giving him your best grin for emphasis
"No y/n I said I don't have a home"
This takes you by surprise surely a principal job pays enough for a house, Mr Krupp was even able to get by for a while after being out of the job.
"Where do you stay then?"
"Here. It's the only place that's mine" he stares you down daring you to argue him
"But I don't remember there being a bed here? Where do you even sleep"
"Look that doesn't matter just get out of here. Go home I don't want to discuss this with you"
"Then come over"
"Come stay at my place, at least for the night. I have a spare room for guests and you can uh- well staying in the school can't be good for you right?" As you fumble over your thoughts trying to figure out how would be best to invite him because yes it would be better for him to be in a bed having him in your house? Just seeing Melvinborg OUTSIDE the school? What does he even do on his days off? Melvinborg cuts off your thoughts
"Alright, if you insist I'll stay over this weekend and we'll discuss from-"
"YES!!!" You grab his robot wrist and drag him out the door barely able to contain your excitement.
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