mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
Mikoto had been skeptical of the drink also but he knew there was no way to his new place except the door before him. That was why he drank his bottle quickly before he watched Touka-chan do the same, one brow raising. He wondered why she wasn't saying anything to him and jumped a bit when she suddenly grabbed his shoulder.
"I assume so. I wouldn't mind being stuck in this size with you, though." He remarked, one hand brushing through his hair before he turned red and tried to turn away, covering his face. "Why'd I say that?" He scolded himself inwardly before sucking in a breathe and turning to the door.
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Setting back his shoulders and trying to save some of his dignity, he strode to the door and opened it, looking around with a grimace. "You might want to see this." He remarked, stepping inside. He could see the treat sitting on the other side but there was so much in the way and it seemed a bit high up.
This would be fun.
✄ — curiouser and curiouser.
Whether or not she’s been having an indecent staring contest with the bottle and its bossy label for three minutes now shouldn’t be the deciding factor to her fate. That door is… so tiny, and there doesn’t appear to be any exit alternatives. If the colored bottle isn’t filled with water (she’ll be sickened, for one), it’s bound to be poisoned. Why shouldn’t she be suspicious? The lengths others have gone to spite her kind will always be extraordinary - and she will always have an excuse. 
She tosses it to the back of her throat with slit eyes in disdain for the idea, both parts unsure and skeptical of what the next door has in mind. Getting dragged to an amusement park with no say in the matter? All Touka knows for certain is that it can’t possibly be good. 
When her frame begins to shrink, already petite figure now no more than a few inches off the ground (if you could do her that honor), she gapes in horror. And very, very blatant frustration. It’s too bad she only takes note of the redheaded male after she’s one-sixth her natural size, practically incapable of being defenseless with coal threatening to fill the whites of her eyes. Restraint is difficult, but she manages to swallow back any morbid remarks. Instead, he gets a firm grasp on the shoulder to turn his attention towards her.
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"This place can’t always be so huge. There’s gotta be a way we can get back to normal size. Right?”
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
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i forgot to post this from last week
uhmm m mikorin doodle
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
[ text ] you pretty much lost your mind. your ego has gotten ten times the size of your balls.
to: Roommate-chan!
from: Mikorin
[text] how mean!
[text] my ego isn't inflated
[text] im perfectly normal
[text] i mean im good looking and i admit it
[text] but youre also very pretty, touka-chan! you're a very lovely woman
[text] ... please ignore that
0 notes
mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
If I were a stop light, I'd turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
Can I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
❧ (pick-up line!)
For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Now I see that I am very much alive, and heaven has been brought to me.
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0 notes
mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
For every ❧ in my inbox, my character will tell yours a cheesy pickup line.
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
[ text ] I will gladly accept you into my home with open legs.
to: Cute Kid
from: Mikorin
[text] oh really?
[text] thank you!
[text] although i dont understand why your legs are open
[text] unless
[text] oh. Oh. okay
[text] wow didnt see that coming
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
[ text ] So explain to me why I woke up in jail this morning.
to: Vroom Vroom
from: Mikorin
[text] well its a long story
[text] we may have gotten into some trouble
[text] and i may have fled
[text] i was gonna come bail you out today
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
[ text ] You pretty much lost your mind. Your ego has gotten ten time the size of your balls.
To: Some kid
from: Mikorin
[text] my mind is perfectly intact
[text] i know im good looking is that a crime
[text] really though is that a crime
[text] i hope not
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
to: Some pretty woman
from: Mikorin
[text] hey i needed assistance
[text] theres this really pretty girl here
[text] i cant talk to her im scared
[text] oh shit
[text] shes lookin at her phone
[text] wait a sec
[text] i am so sorry
0 notes
mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
TFLN meme
[ text ] I will gladly accept you into my home with open legs. [ text ] Ah, but I don’t wear underwear. Every day is Commando Wednesday. [ text ] I found an industrial strength sharpie in the drawer so I started writing BONER JAM 2014 on everyone’s foreheads so they kicked me out [ text ] This love triangle bullshit is getting out of hand. It’s now a love polygon and I want out [ text ] You pretty much lost your mind. Your ego has gotten ten time the size of your balls. [ text ] There’s so much mac and cheese stuck to my foot right now [ text ] Just told myself the phrase “You’re not THAT single” while dressing myself [ text ] who are you and why are you in my phone as dr. seuss [ text ] so explain to me why i woke up in jail this morning [ text ] you tried to order a magarita mcflurry and when they said they didnt make those you tried to call 911 [ text ] all i remember is you climbed in a garbage can and said you were trashed [ text ] not sure how we got back down, broken rib says we didn’t use stairs [ text ] I wonder if wearing only a tiara counts as being clothed. [ text ] Some lady just walked up to me in the bar and proclaimed that I looked like a “shady motherfucker.” Can’t argue with that one. [ text ] thanks for brining me home and putting me in my bed. the pillow fort your built around me is also appreciated. [ text ] I just sneezed alcohol in a candle and started a fire.
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
TFLN meme
[ text ] I will gladly accept you into my home with open legs. [ text ] Ah, but I don’t wear underwear. Every day is Commando Wednesday. [ text ] I found an industrial strength sharpie in the drawer so I started writing BONER JAM 2014 on everyone’s foreheads so they kicked me out [ text ] This love triangle bullshit is getting out of hand. It’s now a love polygon and I want out [ text ] You pretty much lost your mind. Your ego has gotten ten time the size of your balls. [ text ] There’s so much mac and cheese stuck to my foot right now [ text ] Just told myself the phrase “You’re not THAT single” while dressing myself [ text ] who are you and why are you in my phone as dr. seuss [ text ] so explain to me why i woke up in jail this morning [ text ] you tried to order a magarita mcflurry and when they said they didnt make those you tried to call 911 [ text ] all i remember is you climbed in a garbage can and said you were trashed [ text ] not sure how we got back down, broken rib says we didn’t use stairs [ text ] I wonder if wearing only a tiara counts as being clothed. [ text ] Some lady just walked up to me in the bar and proclaimed that I looked like a “shady motherfucker.” Can’t argue with that one. [ text ] thanks for brining me home and putting me in my bed. the pillow fort your built around me is also appreciated. [ text ] I just sneezed alcohol in a candle and started a fire.
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mikofabulous-blog · 10 years
Text Symbol Meme
Send me ツ for an excited text.
Send me ♡ for a lustful text.
Send me ❧ for a text that was about my muse, but was meant to be for someone else.
Send me ♀ for a heartbreaking text.
Send me ✼ for a mean/rude text.
Send me ☄ for a text that was supposed to be deleted, but was accidentally sent.
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