momochiachan · 7 days
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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momochiachan · 1 year
.。.:*♡ Pop-Confetti Legacy ♡*.。.:
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As a millenial person, I love 90s-2000s aesthetic! Also, I needed a gameplay where I can do stuff that I never did on the sims 4 before, so why not combine them into a brand new legacy challenge? Pop-Confetti has a nostalgic sound to it, that’s the only reason why I chose this name lol, well, also it sounds cute i think~
.。.:*♡ Let’s get started! first things first... ♡*.。.:
Home decoration and outfit style of the sims should suit with the fashion of the decade.
There is nothing like “if you fail one rule, you fail the whole challenge” in the Pop-Confetti because I’m terrible at following rules and I understand if it’s too hard sometimes lol. These are rather like guidelines.
Yet, don’t use money cheat I’d say. It ruins the fun.
The decade specific guidelines:
1990s Challenge: Use only the worst computers or use typewriters (there are nice CCs). No social media, no selfies, no funny videos. Use the worst camera to take photos.
Optional Activities: Game at the arcade, go skating. Send postcards on holidays. You can also build a drive-in movie lot and watch films and eat popcorn (we don’t have cars in sims, but well, we can pretend).
2000s Challenge: Slightly better computers. No simstagram, no selfies, no social media profile. Use a camera to take photos.
Optional Activities: If this gen can see the winter and can get the chance to celebrate the new year, it should be perfect. Throw a huge party! If they can see summer only, create a new new year holiday in summer (like in the south pole) and throw a perfect party again. Send postcards on holidays. Also, spend hours on MSN (chat with friends via computer).
2010s Challenge: You can start using laptops. Selfies? Hell yes. You can create a social media profile. Get fast internet lot trait.
Optional Activities: Update your social media profile every day. Take selfies every day. If you see a street protest, attend. Also, you can use the Simda DatingApp mod and find dates online!
2020 Challenge: Well, the nightmare begins: Social distance. Avoid crowded places. When many people come and try to talk to you, use the mean interaction “go away.” Get the fear of crowded places if possible. Do not leave your neighborhood. Live in a lot with simple living and keep your fridge always full.
Optional Activities: Gain weight! The rates of divorce increased during the pandemic IRL, so you can also break up with your partner maybe. Choose your partner as someone totally different than your identity group (for example: if your sim is a white straight woman, marry a black bisexual man).
2025 Challenge: Environment suffers… You can live in the dirty neighborhoods of Sulani or Evergreen Harbor. If you live somewhere else, get some/one of these lot challenges: filthy, landfill lot, and wild foxes (my reasoning is that because wild animals lose their home in forests, they have to find food in urban areas ;-;)
Optional Activities: You can do environmental activities if your sim cares enough. Use gaming mats. And uh… maybe go to space! What else..? if you get an idea, let me know ^^
#1. 1990: Ripped Jeans
(TW: Child neglect)
Because you were a neglected baby, you were taken away by social services and grew up in an orphanage. The orphanage was no good in terms of education, you got no skills, and you didn’t even get the skill to gain skills! But who cares? You believe in yourself. Now you are a young adult, ready to build your life from scratch.
You hate bad parents. Just the idea of it drives you mad! You believe that life taught you how a good parent should be in a harsh way. Well, you aren’t a parent yourself, but, uhh… is that important? I mean, you have been a child…? Anyways, who would know it better than you do! You the best! So you dedicate yourself to informing people about good parenting. Well, you become a parent at some point anyway, but you are so busy criticizing other families that… you lose your baby to social services.
IMPORTANT!: So, normally, when your child gets rescued by social services, they disappear. This shouldn’t happen in this challenge (See Gen #2). You can use MCCC to prevent it and have them adopted by another family.
Scenario: No Skills, No Problem Aspiration of your choice (you don’t have to complete) Traits: hot-headed, self-absorbed, outgoing Career: Education
Start with the “No Skills, No Problem” Scenario on.
Argue about parenting with the other parents and whenever you can’t win the argument, write an article or book about the issue.
Write 3 books on how to make children happy and good parenthood (because you don’t have skills, you have to write in children’s books genre lol)
Have at least 2 kids
Lose 1 toddler or child to social services (the “die in accidents” option for the other households in the neighborhood stories settings should be off)
After losing your child, complete/cancel the scenario and start getting skills along with your 2nd child does.
Leave your career and be a perfect parent to the 2nd kid: Have them the top-notch toddler trait. Knit clothes for your children, cook healthy food for them, have a special activity with them every week (such as watching movies, reading books, eating out, or going on vacation), always assist with the projects, etc.
Max parenting skill.
#2. 1995: Postcards from the Past
You grew up under the wings of perfect care. You are kinda spoilt, your life is excellent, and the world revolves around you. Your parents gave you whatever you wanted until now (or you knew how to take it). Same for romantic relationships.
However, when you are a teen, you eavesdrop on your parents one day and learn that you have a sibling who got taken away years ago! You can’t believe that your perfect parent neglected a child in the past! You desperately want a reunion. No matter what, you are going to find your sibling. You can get whatever you want, right?
Scenario: Well-Rounded Sim Aspiration: Serial Romantic Traits: Self-assured, family-oriented, one of the traits inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Interior Decorator/Police Officer (basically any job that enables you to visit random people’s homes) Gender Options: Can’t impregnate nor become pregnant
Complete the aspiration
Complete the Well-Rounded Scenario
Complete your career
Travel house by house and try to find your sibling
Complete postcards collection.
Once you find them, cheat the relationship to the -100 because they hate you and your parents at the moment. You need to gain their love!
At some point, move in with them, or you can also get them as roommates or live in a residential rental together. They will be the parent of the next-gen, and you will help to care for their child (you are not fertile. you can adopt a child if you want, but the heir will still be your sibling’s child. you are free to marry but you should still live with your sibling and their family).
#3. 2000: Shiny Face of the CD
You grew up in a crowded, happy family. You have an aunt/uncle with a serial romantic past; but your parents are nothing like them. They are way more conservative. Your parents are judgmental, especially about people’s love life. They want you to make an “appropriate” marriage within “moral” norms like no sexual relationship out of marriage, if you date someone they better be your spouse in a short while, and it has to be a heterosexual marriage. Will you able to give them what they want or will you follow your heart?
Scenario: Finding love after breakup Aspiration: One of the location aspirations Traits: Proper, Romantic, one of the traits inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Shopkeeper (you can additionally be freelancer or enter a job you can work at home)
As a teenager, you are invited to participate in an exchange program. Pick any other household in the save that has another teenager and swap them in manage worlds. Befriend the exchange student. You can have them stay as long as you want (This rule is actually one of the rolls written for the random legacy challenge which is full of amazing ideas! check them out!).
Complete the aspiration
Have a highschool sweetheart, preferably a bad boy/girl.
Have a very well-managed retail shop as a young adult.
Expect a baby with your highschool sweetheart! but they refuse to take care of it.
Make a marriage of convenience with one of your employees before your family notices that you will have a child soon.
Have an isolated room for the baby.
Die as an adult.
#4. 2005: Bankruptcy
You had a pretty interesting childhood... that pushed you to make interesting choices in life. You are definitely not the favorite of your family. You keep making mistakes, but you always laugh them away. You hate school, but also you couldn’t care less. You love eating and cooking even though you cause fires all the time and everybody hates it. You lost your parent so young and now you live with someone hating you and your half-sibling(s). You want to be independent and show everyone that you are actually full of capabilities! You are the star chef of the future!
Oh and also, you want to be rich in easy ways. You love gambling! Too bad that you will lose all the money your family hardly earned...
Scenario: Trouble Maker (optional); Unlucky Chef Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Traits: Lazy, Clumsy/Glutton, one of the traits inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Chef/Mixologist
Start playing cards as a teen and create a gambling club. Have club gatherings every week.
Once you are a young adult lose either family house or retail shop and then set household money to 0$.
Be kicked out of the household. You can get a tent and maybe 100$ with you while moving out. You can use freerealestate cheat but the lot should be empty. This will be a kind of rags to riches.
Enter the chef career while going on gambling by playing cards, don’t wake up llama, and the like games (I guess there is a gambling mod but you can also play it like +50$ when you win the game and -50$ when you lose the game).
Definitely buy the lottery tickets when you get the option.
Complete the career and unlucky chef scenario.
#5. 2010: Twilight
As a child, you loved being in the scouts: getting badges, camping, telling ghost stories, and all! Dark nights you spent in the forest while camping made you love every possibility of occults and mystery. You just would never guess that your story is going to be one of them as well.
Aspiration: The Curator / Outdoor Enthusiast Traits: Child of the islands, Geek, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Paranormal Investigator / Sell stuff you find
Join the scouts as a child & teen
Complete your aspiration
Move to the first gen’s house. Make the house haunted (if you don’t have the pack or you don’t want to play in a haunted house, give the house these lot traits: gremlins, spooky, quake zone). You can use freerealestate cheat if needed.
Live with a ghost. Don’t move out until the ghost achieves something big in their afterlife with your help (for instance get mentor trait and help them maxing 3 skills out, complete a scenario or complete a quest together; if the ghost is a child or teen help them to get 3 positive character values or be an A student; if the ghost is a toddler, max all skills).
Once the ghost is saved, remove them from family and make the house residential again.
After the ghost leaves, change one of your traits into erratic.
Max the medium skill and host a seance every week (if you don’t have the pack, max handiness).
Complete the sugar skull collection (optional)
#6. 2015: Selfie Stick
As a teenager, you hate how you look. You want to be one of those beautiful popular sims at school, you have cool friends but your body insecurity makes you less confident among them. You are obsessed with taking selfies, you want to capture your best look but you can’t find it. You have a bestie from your class and they find you very beautiful already, yet you can’t be convinced.
Despite everything they say, once you are a young adult, the first thing you do is having plastic surgeries. Now you are who you want to be! You start to work as a fashion photographer, meet famous attractive models, and your bestie works as your assistant though you doubt if they still like you as you are. Are they too judgmental? Aren’t you the same person, or did you change? Who does love you for your looks and who for who you are?
Scenario optional Aspiration: Party Animal Traits: Jealous, Art Lover, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Freelance photographer / Style Influencer
Complete the aspiration & career
Max photography skill
Have a photo studio in a public venue
There must be 3 different sims you are attracted to. Try to get out of this love square with the person you finally choose as a partner
Have at least two children and they should be science babies (because you don’t want a pregnant body)
Have very weak relationships with your children.
When you are an adult, you go through a midlife crisis. Do all or some of the following:
Secretly leave home one day and have a vacation alone
Choose a new hobby and max the skill
Change one of your traits
Meet new friends
Make big changes at home decoration
Cheat to get uncontrolled emotions or if you are famous, get emotional bomb quirk
Have some arguments with the family members
Change your fashion style
#7. 2020: Pandemic
You have a competitive, ambitious, career-focused life since your childhood including your relationship with your sibling. You have a very romantic side too, but you always wanted to ignore it. Your heart wants a cute, cozy, loyal marriage while your mind is, embarassed, seeing these feelings as the virus of your success plans. How will you manage your inner conflict?
Scenario: Engaged in Conflict Aspiration: Soulmate Traits: Ambitious, Materialist, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner Career: Business/Salaryperson/Law
Grow up as rivals with your sibling and have a competitive relationship with them
Become an A student at school
Complete a part-time job as teen
Study and finish university with honors
Join the Braniacs/Debate Guild and attend at least 3 events of them
Date someone from the guild and catch them cheating on you
Have a freelancer job as a university student
Complete the aspiration, career, and the scenario
After graduation, pandemic begins. Live in a lot with the simple living trait.
Gain weight to the max.
Live with your fiancé who is romantic.
Often have arguments with them about the wedding.
Don’t leave the neighborhood until you are an elder.
#8. 2025: Heat Wave (subjected to change)
Scenario: In the moodlet Aspiration of your choice Traits: Good, Gloomy, another trait inherited from the previous heir’s partner  Career of your choice
Move out as a teen and live in air-bnbs (which means other sims’ houses), rental lots & camping areas.
Learn at least 10 different local recipe (San Myshuno, Sulani, Selvadorado, etc.)
During your trips, meet/get closed with your love of life
As a young adult, live in a house made only by pre-made rooms of EA (you can make some changes but keep the general frame and style).
Start the scenario
Your love has a kind of disease that stems from environmental disasters and requires an organ transplant. Yours is compatible with their biology. They will die once they age up.
To be able to save them, you should get the never weary reward trait before they age up (for some reason lol). If you can’t, only choice left is to sacrificing yourself for them. Before doing that, set them up with someone else hoping that they can have their happily ever after.
If you die, play as the partner and organize funeral for your sim. Also name their child after your sim.
If you can save them, get married and move to a lot within a natural paradise. Adopt a child and name them after the first gen.
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I hope you enjoy it! Please don’t forget tagging me if you play this challenge, I’d definitely love to see your posts and reblog them ^^
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momochiachan · 1 year
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EDIT: READ THE COMMENTS AND ROOT POST FOR UPDATES. About the earthquake in Turkey and Syria:
I am gathering information because I have no way to contact my loved ones at the moment so at least I’ll help this way. Check this post from its root (not reblogs) as it will keep getting updated.
And I send all my love and hope for those affected and those awaiting for answers. 💔
I won’t add a lot because many have same source and no live updates.
[The Guardian] There’s pinned updates live on top of the website.
[CNN] Live updates aswell
This i write will become outdated yet, right now: Gaziantep, Hatay and Antakya are the most damaged, difficult for rescuers to get in, and disconnected. It snows heavily as well. So far we know there are happenning aftershocks right now in several cities, reaching Adana and Mersin. Aleppo and Idlib have suffered it strongly as well.
AFAD’s website (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey) Which @timeturnerturns explains very helpfully how to donate in THIS POST. [atm loads slowly, high traffic probably, yet it DOES work, be patient.]
AKUT Research and Rescue Association: akut.org.tr/en/donation
thank you @moonlayl: Islamic Relief UK
(Thanks @halfwar-halfpeace!: via Hadi Nasrallah on twitter) Red cross Syria appeal  ,   , UN crisis relief 
Islamic Relief UK 
@pathsofoak :  For any Dutch people wanting to donate, the red cross has opened a GIRO number, it’s GIRO 7244 [Rode Kruis]
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momochiachan · 1 year
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Tips: components of creating Maxis Match objects for The Sims 4
This is the first mini tutorial in what I hope will become a series of posts about my custom content creation process. I’ve been creating custom content since The Sims 2 days, and I’ve always wanted to share some tips that I learned along the way. Some of these tips are in no way groundbreaking, but I hope that some aspiring and experienced creators alike might find them useful.
In this tutorial, I will share my tips on how to (better) match the art direction of The Sims 4 when creating custom objects.
Disclaimer: this tutorial does not cover the basics of 3D or image editing. But, this post provides tips that you can use in any software of your choice. This tutorial also assumes that you have prior experience with custom content creation for The Sims 4. I also provide links to useful resources below.
What does Maxis Match mean?
In short, “Maxis Match” means that a piece of custom content matches the overall look and feel of The Sims 4. In other words, it blends seamlessly with The Sims 4 experience contextually and visually.
Before we dive deeper, I must mention that this is my interpretation of the art style and the experience of the game. You may interpret various visual and gameplay elements of The Sims 4 differently, and that’s absolutely fine.
Key aspects in summary
From my perspective, the key aspects to consider when matching Maxis objects are:
Level of detail and polygon counts
Object shading (AO, contrast, highlights and shadows)
Use of texture, texture sizes and texture details
Use of normal and specular maps
Correct naming, description and object tags
Let's dive deeper into each aspect below.
Level of detail and polygon counts
The best way to understand the Maxis level of detail in objects is, well, to study and inspect the Maxis objects.
Generally speaking, Maxis objects tend to be quite reserved on the polygon count. You may notice that rounded edges in objects do not appear to be completely smooth, or that some elements of the objects are "flat". Detail is often added as 2D texture, and not as part of the mesh.
When you play The Sims, you typically hover over an entire lot. You watch your household interact with items from a certain distance. There's no need from the gameplay perspective for the objects to be have very detailed meshes, as the level of detail is only truly noticeable when you zoom in on a specific section of the lot.
There are no set mesh detail or polygon count rules that you could reference. This really depends on the object's type and size. For example, you're creating a dining chair. I would highly recommend to inspect other in-game chairs when working on a mesh. This can help you decide:
Should a certain detail be a part of a mesh, or can you add that detail as a texture element?
Can you decrease the number of polygons of your model and still preserve its intended appearance?
What is the appropriate texture size?
Below are some chairs from the latest expansion packs that I exported using Sims 4 Studio. By inspecting the meshes and texture sizes, I learned that:
The mesh polygon count ranges from about 320 to 800 polygons
The texture size for these chairs is 256x512
Fabric folds, crevices and most tiny design details are added as texture elements rather than mesh elements
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Object shading
Let's study this example of a living chair from Snowy Escape EP:
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The general shading of objects appears to be smooth. If we imagine a "light source" that casts light over the objects, then it would appear as a diffused light located above the item.
The edges of surfaces have subtle highlights that give objects more character. This stylistic highlight is more pronounced in sharper edges, closer to the tip of the edge's angle. The highlight is also more present in edges that are facing the "light source"
Parts of the objects that do not get a lot of light are visibly darker, but not completely black
So, how do you replicate this shading in your texture? I begin my textures by baking a new texture using the ambient occlusion method in Blender 3.x. What is ambient occlusion?
Here's the baking method described in the Second Life forums post.
When my mesh is ready, I use the default lighting setup that is present in all meshes that you export from Sims 4 Studio. I always add a plane that acts as a "floor" in my scene, which means that object shadows are calculated against it.
Below is an example of a living chair from Tiny Living with the new texture baked:
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You can use this baked grayscale texture as a base for your texture and recoloring work.
Here are some resources:
Understanding Light & Shadow Terminology
Video: Axe - Detailed Game Objects -- P18 - Ambient Occlusion Maps in Detail
Tutorial: Start to Finish Object Tutorial For Absolute Beginners
Tutorial: How mapping works & how to map & bake a cube
Use of texture, texture sizes and texture details
Let's study this Tiny Living chair once again:
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The softer edges of the chair have a subtle highlight to give the shape more volume
The pillow has soft and blended fabric folds. It also has a subtle knit texture
The chair has seams, and points of higher tension have subtle fabric folds
The legs have a subtle wood texture, as well as "seams" at connection points
The Sims 4 objects are quite stylized. I use Procreate or Adobe Photoshop (with a Wacom tablet) to paint such details as crevices and fabric folds in my textures. You can also repurpose elements from other Maxis objects as an alternative method of adding detail to your items. I frequently do this with e.g. pillows - this way I avoid painting pillow folds over and over again.
When it comes to textures or patterns, I either create Maxis Match textures from scratch, or extract them directly from the game. My hot tip is to use textures from Build Mode items (such as floors and wallpapers) to create your own seamless assets that you can use in objects.
Below is an example of one of my object's textures. This is a soft bean bag chair. My starting point is always the baked AO. I use the exported UV map as a guide when adding details (especially seams). The final image in this row shows the texture with added texture, edge highlights and folds:
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And here's the object preview:
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Be mindful about the texture sizes. The texture size affects the size of the package. As mentioned above, study similar Maxis objects from the catalog to determine the size that is appropriate for your case. For example:
Small clutter item texture sizes may range from 64x64 to 256x256
Larger clutter and sculpture texture sizes may range from 128x128 to 512x512
Sofa texture sizes may range from 256x512 to 1024x1024, and so on
Try to not go beyond 1024x1024 in texture size.
Here are some additional resources:
My preferred method for recoloring and creating swatches
OneDrive folder with my resources
Tutorial: Components of an EA Object
Use of normal maps and specular maps
I will keep this section fairly short, as I will share links to tutorials about normal maps and specular maps below. Use these texture maps to give your objects more volume and detail. These maps help certain elements (seams, crevices, screws, folds, etc.) of your image texture stand out and appear more voluminous, shiny or reflective in-game.
Tutorial: Normal Maps
Tutorial: Basic Guide to RLES Specular Maps
Tutorial: Advanced Specular Map Techniques
Tutorial: Color picker for your specular maps
Correct naming, description and object tags
Last, but not least. You may not be the type of person who pays attention to how an item name appears in the catalog, or whether the item has tagged swatches. My other hot take of this tutorial is that taking care of the naming, tags, catalog price and other item attributes is important.
Some resources:
Tutorial: How to recategorize Buy Mode items using Sims 4 Studio
Tutorial: Components of an EA Object
Wrapping up
I hope you will find these tips useful whenever you're working on creating Maxis Match objects. I really enjoy working on tutorials (whenever I have time, which is sadly mostly not the case), so I'm hoping that I will work on more of these soon.
In the meantime, you can follow me on social media or support me on Patreon if you'd like to. Cheers!
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momochiachan · 2 years
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Fatal Flaws Legacy ~ 3. Hot-Headed Gen ~ Puran
Isabelle’s daughter Puran has grown up! In the second photo, her grandpa (1st gen) meets her ♡ She was sooo cute as a toddler. One day when she was playing with dolls I noticed Manuia sitting next to her while doing his homework (yea, it took a long time until he graduated from university 😅) and had a little chat together, IT WAS A LOVELY SCENE TO WATCH! ♡
Affan’s (the boy in the 5th photo) dad is Carter btw (Isabelle’s sloppy friend) and Puran’s dad is Manuia (Isabelle’s neat husband now). I was wondering if Affan would grow up as a sad child and kind of jealous of Puran but things didn’t develop that way. Even though Manuia was a bit distanced to Affan, two siblings always played together and had fun.
Aaand finally the last 2 photos... It’s Puran and her childhood best friend (also her first love~) Kian. According to the rules, she was supposed to meet her partner in the romance festival but they were so great together since their childhood that i didn’t want to separate them. At least they went to the romance festival together in the last photo :D
(fatal flaws legacy created by @siyasims ♡)
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momochiachan · 2 years
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Fatal Flaws Legacy ~ 3. Hot-Headed Gen ~ Puran
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momochiachan · 2 years
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Fatal Flaws Legacy ~ 2. Sloppy Gen
This gen was so much fun xD Isabelle fell in love with her neat roommate (no wonder why, he is super cool, omg ♡) but also got pregnant with her sloppy buddy. It was a weird love triangle.
At the beginning of their story, one day, she found a bike in the dumpster and gave it to her roommate as a gift, but he obviously hated a gift found in the trash lol xD She got rejected so badly. After he left home, sick of her sloppiness, she started to get closer to her sloppy friend, Carter, but she could never forget Manuia, the neat guy (it was hard to choose between the two!).
One day, the romance festival came to the town. I was so curious about who was going to invite her (she had a romance bar with both guys). Carter did, which made me kinda disappointed but anyways. After a few hours, I came to a point where I was sure that Manuia was the one. So, I decided to talk to Carter. Using the relationship wellness mod, Isabelle told Carter that she loved someone else. Then, she stood up. I wondered why she did so; I didn’t tell her to stand up. Suddenly, Manuia came out of nowhere and kissed her! I was so surprised, I never expected to see him there xD It was like he heard them talking, and he was so happy that Isabelle actually loved him ♡ aaaahh i will miss playing with this gen ^^
@siyasims I tag you whenever I post about this legacy because I thought maybe you wanted to see it, but if not, I'm sorry, I will not do it again ;w; also thank you again, really, after a long time I started to enjoy playing sims 4 again thanks to this challenge!)
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momochiachan · 2 years
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Here are some new screenshots from my fatal flaws legacy ♡ I finished the Mean gen almost. He just needs to complete his aspiration (big happy family), but it depends on the second gen, so he has to wait for a while.
Mostly family photos: Isabelle (the second gen), her parents, twin brothers, and her cousin ^^ Isabelle has grown up! She had a tough social life while growing up; I don’t know why :(  She was so friendly to her classmates, but nobody wanted to hang out with her. Then I noticed that she could get along better with the young adults! Now she is a young adult too, and her adventure starts :D
(this fun challenge was created by @siyasims ♡)
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momochiachan · 2 years
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I started to play @siyasims‘s fatal flaws legacy challenge, and I’m having a lot of fun with it! the first gen is almost complete. my mean boy got married to Greta Laurent today! (I obviously gave her a CAS makeover xD) they’re lovely ♡ 
I can’t wait for the sloppy gen xD
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momochiachan · 2 years
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I’m playing zodiac legacy challenge and this is Libra! This dress @daisy-pixels created looks amazing on her, I’m so happy!! (ˊσ̴̶̷̤ ₋̮̑ σ̴̶̷̤ˋ)₊ෆ⃛⁺˚ 
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momochiachan · 2 years
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momochiachan · 2 years
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Second gen of crybaby whims challenge! this chaotic challenge was made by @draeyad, it is focused more on drama instead of “complete these skills and that aspiration etc.” kind of rules which is great i think! i love drama :D
tbh i don’t like when the legacy challenges focus too much on skill completing, mastering careers etc. because until you complete a skill, a career or an aspiration, you are about to finish that gen and move on to the other. then why did i completed them? just at the moment you are ready to shine with your perfect skills and all your story ends XD it kinda kills the fun i think. that’s why crybaby whims challenge is just for me! more focus on the story yeees ♥︎ 
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momochiachan · 2 years
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I finally finished the first gen of crybaby whims challenge made by @draeyad ! It was tough emotionally because you feel bad when your sim has to cheat on her husband xD but i can’t lie, i was shipping Selen (girl with blonde hair in the first photo) and Emir (the ex, brunet guy in the first photo) so much. I wanted them to marry at the end. They were dating. Then at some point they broke up autonomously due to MCCC and i was like WHAT?! xD it was expected in terms of storyline as well tho, because Emir waited for her for years since she wanted to focus on her children first of all. After seeing that I was like “well, ok. this relationship won’t work, both of us stay single then.” Then some day I noticed that he got married with Angela Pleasant!! xD I didn’t like that at all, I divorced them and had Selen and Emir married finally.
“It was always you” would be their motto.。.:*♡ 
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momochiachan · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion Time
Let’s start off by saying this: collecting information is wrong, using that for doxxing and sending out malicious viruses even more so, full stop. What has happened in the creator community recently is just shit and should not have happened in the first place, but here we are. But how exactly did we get here?
I have some thoughts on custom content creation and with all the drama lately, it needs addressing. I will put under a read more as I like to ramble.
Okumaya devam et
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momochiachan · 2 years
In regards to recent events concerning The Sims 4 creator community: claiming content by others as your own is not okay, charging money for said content is not okay, harassing and doxxing people is not okay. Overall extremely disappointing and harmful behavior that in no way should be endorsed or supported.
What should you know as a downloader/supporter?
I advise you to look into creators who you decide to support. Think of this as mindful content consumption. The Sims 4 CC community is quite saturated, and, unfortunately, there are individuals who take advantage of the monetization tools and don’t do fair play
Guide on pledging safely by @llazyneiph
Understanding item tracking
List of creators to avoid for your own privacy's sake
What can you do as a CC creator?
Privacy of your supporters is also your responsibility within your creator/supporter relationship
Don’t steal content
Follow EA terms of service and terms by individual creators whose work you’re using
If you still don't have a TOU, I highly suggest you create one so that others understand how to interact with your content
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momochiachan · 2 years
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part two ♡
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momochiachan · 2 years
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This was probably the most successful wedding and honeymoon I've ever had on Sims. Normally, I love drama, but this time I loved how cozy and peaceful the time my sims spent together was ♡ It felt like I had a vacation too ^^
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