mutteringsofmadness 3 years
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We stan a man retaining his privacy tho
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
*chanting softly to myself* tadtoos, tadtoos, tadtoos. . .
Meet Dear Heart girl, the design inspired by The Amazing Devil that MY LOVE @behind-the-sin did for me 馃挋馃挋馃挋
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I LOVE HER SO FUCKING MUCH 馃槶馃挋 isn't she the prettiest? 馃槏
And look, we didn't forget the forget-me-nots 馃槈
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
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Hyper specific memes because I just want fey!aunt and fey!uncle to be proud of me
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
Every time I get drunk as hell, i sit there like...well....at least TAD would be proud of me :')
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
If you see me laying, unmoving in my bed playing Little Miss Why So, Two Minutes and Fair on loop for hours at a time as tears silently fall from my face I need you to
Cease to perceive me
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
Coming up this sunday!! You guys dont want to miss it!!
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The @dearheartsdrive fam are putting together a Holiday Drive! We will be supporting Refugee Women Connect again, so please help spread the word and donate if you are able. Follow @dearheartsdrive on Instagram or Twitter for more info, and join us for the premiere at 4pm UTC, December 20th 2020, on YouTube!
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
@xkatchy just rudely texted me this.
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
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mutteringsofmadness 3 years
I have to listen to the end of New York Torch Song carefully, because if I listen too hard to the high verse of "starts off like a pinprick" that joey does, my soul has no choice but to exit my earthly body
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
Me: *is a dear heart*
Me: *frets*
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
So excited to be a part of this, and hang out with some wonderful people, doing wonderful things! Please come join us!!
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Happy Holidays, all you Dear Hearts across the globe!馃暞We're bringing you our talents once again this holiday season. Join us 20 December for music, art, jokes, and more!
We'll be supporting Refugee Women Connect, our friends helping make life better for women seeking asylum in the UK.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated, and check out our fundraising page to donate!
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
Walked into work and my friend is sitting on a table, sobbing about the spn season finale. I dont even know what to say to her
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
One of the amazing things about The Horror and the Wild is that you should really listen to the album as a whole. It has two types of songs, there are songs that are raw and wilde and will took you apart and then there are songs that are soft and happy and lovely and they will take the pieces and build you back together. When you listen to the whole thing you aren't left somewhere in the middle of the process, but you come out at the other end a different person, the pieces of you arranged in a slightly different way every time you listen to it.
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
This is absolutely gorgeous
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Sometimes you plan out a drawing, and sometimes you draw Madeleine Hyland with flowers because it makes you happy 馃挋
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
My favorite thing about the Witcher Fandom is people's absolute dedication to using TAD lyrics as their fic titles NO MATTER WHAT. Like the description could be
"3k words pwp man on man action cocks out the WAZZOO BABY Geralts a sub 2k20 gangbang banging"
and the title is
"Born to Press My Head Between your Shoulder blades"
like talk about whiplash
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mutteringsofmadness 4 years
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To be totally fair the entire video fills me with aggressive life
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