nctynuniverse · 1 year
I’m about to finish Dance, Dance, Dance by Haruki Murakami and idk how to put it in words but these two are the narrator and Gotanda respectively. Like my mind cannot think about this in any other way.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
I like me better || Ten Lee «One Shot»
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Pareja: Ten Lee x lector/a
Temas: Angustia, comedia, tensión sexual, fuckboy, enemies to lovers, besos, amantes, odio, rencor, viajes de trabajo.
Advertencias: consumo de alcohol, angustia, si bien hay tensión sexual o se puede mencionar, no hay contenido explícito en la historia. Narración en primera persona.
Resumen: Ten y tú habían tomado la decisión de tener una relación abierta y no meter sus sentimientos en el medio. Hasta que un día, ambos fueron invitados a una fiesta y lo viste besándose con una chica, te llegó a molestar tanto que ahí te diste cuenta que tus sentimientos estaban involucrados en el medio, e intentaste alejarte de él.
La semana siguiente a ese acontecimiento, tu jefe te invita a trabajar con él y todo el equipo en la oficina central en Nueva York durante una semana y para tu gran sorpresa... te encuentras a Ten allí.
Nota: Hola! les traigo mi primer one shot en esta plataforma, espero que sea de su agrado y puedan disfrutarlo! Se que no hay muchos fics en español acá, por lo que daré todo mi esfuerzo por crecer en este medio. Esta historia esta dedicada para una gran amiga mía a la cual quiero muchisimo! así que con mucha más intención estoy por escribiendo por aca! Estaría muy agradecida de recibir su feedback al respecto de la historia! que tengan un hermoso día!
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Cerca de finalizar el mes de agosto, recibí la oferta de mi jefe para trabajar junto a él y todo el equipo en Nueva York; claramente no dudé en aceptar la oferta. Tenía tiempo de no salir de Corea del sur y sentí que era el momento indicado para hacerlo, además no podía desperdiciar esta gran oportunidad de ir a una de mis ciudades favoritas en este mundo.
Mi amiga y compañera de departamento Airi se iba a ser cargo de las cosas aquí en Seúl mientras que yo me iba de viaje, además... no iba a quedarse sola del todo, ya que iba a estar acompañada por su novio Taeyong.
— ¿Piensas avisarle? — preguntó mi amiga con curiosidad.
— ¿A Ten? Ni loca — solté una leve risa — No voy a permitir que nada ni nadie me arruine ese viaje, mucho menos él. 
— Quien diría que se iban a llevar tan mal después de todo — soltó Airi mientras se sentaba en el sillón.
— No es eso… ya sabes que no funcionó lo nuestro y la verdad no tengo ganas de perder más el tiempo ni de llorar por alguien como él. 
Ten y yo habíamos intentado iniciar una relación varias veces, pero había sido bastante difícil. Al principio ninguno de los dos quería algo serio, por lo que solo nos comportábamos como amigos con beneficios; todo parecía marchar bien, ninguno de los dos metía sus emociones de por medio, además cada quien hacía lo que quería con su vida. Hasta que un día nos invitaron a una fiesta a mi amiga y a mí en la que todo el grupo de chicos estaría asistiendo. 
En ese momento, todos disfrutábamos de la fiesta. Comida, música y sobre todo, el alcohol reinaba por todo el lugar y era algo a lo que a todos nos interesaba en ese momento... disfrutar del momento.
Luego de terminar la canción con la cual estaba bailando con Airi, deje que ella se vaya junto con Taeyong para que los tórtolos estuvieran juntos el resto de la noche, mientras que yo decidí ir a buscar a Ten... por lo que claramente fue una gran mala idea, ya que cuando lo encontré, lo ví intercambiando saliva muy apasionadamente con otra mujer que no era yo.
Creo que si no hubiera sido por los efectos del alcohol, mi reacción en esos momentos hubiese sido otra... pero ahí mismo, me di cuenta que mis sentimientos por Ten eran mucho más reales y el ver aquella escena no me había gustado. Decidí salir de ahí y corrí hacia la puerta del lugar, no quise preocupar a mis amigos, por lo que tomé el primer taxi que vi al pasar por la calle.
«¿Por qué tuvo que ocurrir eso allí y de esa forma?» pensé con remordimiento. «Mejor dicho, ¿por qué tuve que darme cuenta de mis sentimientos en ese momento?»
Solté un suspiro pesado y noté que mi amiga se quedó observándome por un largo rato… ella sabía muy bien lo que sentía realmente y lo que decía de boca para afuera era solamente para autoconvencerme de que ya debía superar eso, pero en mi interior, era bastante difícil. 
—Bueno, creo que no me olvido nada — dije mientras repasaba la lista de las cosas que llevaría en mi maleta. 
—Pedí comida, no tardará en venir — mencionó Airi con una leve sonrisa — Taeyong nos acompañará al aeropuerto.
—Ustedes no pueden despegarse ni un solo día ¿verdad? — reí levemente después de escucharla. Airi y Taeyong hacían una pareja muy linda, aunque a veces deseaba que mi amiga me preste más atención a mi que a él en ciertas ocasiones... pero me ponía contenta verlos ser felices juntos. Inmediatamente, noté que esta iba a quejarse en su defensa y para evitarlo hice una pregunta rápida — ¿Cuándo venderá? 
—Después de cenar — asentí para después terminar de ordenar mis cosas.
El tiempo pasó y ya los tres nos estábamos subiendo al auto del pelirrubio para poder irnos al aeropuerto. 
Al llegar, presenté los papeles correspondientes y mi boleto para abordar el avión en unos minutos. Salude a mis amigos y me dirigí a la salida correspondiente que indicaban en la pantalla con mi número de vuelo. 
Después de catorce horas de vuelo, llegué a mi destino. Algunos empleados de la empresa estaban esperándome en el aeropuerto para poder llevarme al hotel correspondiente en donde me alojaría toda esa semana. 
Los días fueron transcurriendo y todo iba genial, me sentía tan cómoda y feliz en Nueva York, podía sentir que realmente pertenecía a este lugar y que podría quedarme aquí para siempre ya que realmente disfrutaba mucho esta ciudad. Ya estando a mitad de semana, le envíe un mensaje a Airi preguntándole cómo estaba y cómo iba todo por allí. Le conté de la cena que había tenido con mi jefe y unos clientes muy importantes para la empresa, mi amiga no tardó en felicitarme por como me estaba yendo en los Estados Unidos y que intente aprovechar de la ciudad un poco.
—Lo intentaré... pero sabes que vivo trabajando — le recordé.
—Por lo menos sal a festejar el buen negocio de ayer — rió levemente.
—Tienes razón, iré a divertirme a un buen bar de por aquí —reí con ella y esta se mostró de acuerdo con mi idea.
—Bien, pero ten cuidado y no vayas borracha por la calle.
—Sí mamá — mencioné divertida para después despedirme de mi amiga y poner en marcha mi noche.
Hablé con mis compañeros de trabajo y les mencioné de la idea a la cual no se negaron. Nos preparamos todos y nos encontramos en la entrada del hotel para poder ir todos juntos al bar. Ya acostumbrada a la zona, les propuse de ir a "Terra Blues" donde no solo era un bar, sino también una discoteca en donde podríamos bailar un rato.
Al llegar al lugar, nos dirigimos a la barra para pedir nuestros primeros tragos de la noche. Mientras iba pasando el tiempo, el lugar se iba llenando de a poco hasta llegar a la totalidad de personas permitidas en el lugar. Decidí mantenerme en la barra mientras disfrutaba ver a mis compañeros de trabajo hacer el ridículo gracias a los efectos del alcohol, aunque yo no me quedaba atrás la verdad... y claramente me unía a la diversión.
Me sentía mareada y cansada, por lo que me senté en una de las banquetas y el barista me entrega un vaso lleno de cerveza sin haberla pedido con anterioridad.
—Una Stout lista — mencionó
—Debe ser una confusión, yo no pedí esto — dije intentando estar lo más lúcida posible. En ningún momento había mencionado la cerveza en esta noche y mucho menos una de mis favoritas... ¿cómo era posible?
—El chico de allí te lo envía — mencionó el hombre mientras apuntaba con su mano libre en dirección a la persona que me regaló el trago.
Mis ojos siguieron el recorrido del dedo del barista hasta cruzar mi mirada con aquella persona. Inmediatamente sentí como todo se detenía a mi alrededor, mientras que por mi cuerpo recorría un gran escalofríos al verlo... «De todas las ciudades que habían en este mundo y sobre todo, de todos los bares que había en esta ciudad cómo mierda puede pasar que Ten esté parado en el mismo lugar que yo en estos momentos»
Solté aquel vaso y mi instinto de salir afuera para escapar de ahí no tardaron, me escabullí entre las personas hasta llegar a la puerta y salí del bar con un muy mal gusto en la boca y queriendo maldecir este día con todas mis fuerzas.
«¿Por qué tenía que aparecer en un momento tan feliz para mi?»
Comencé a caminar en dirección al hotel, pero sentí como una mano tomaba mi brazo lo que provocó que me detuviera. Sabía que era él... lo sabía por ese tacto delicado de su piel con la mía y que lamentablemente aún recordaba, no quería voltearme, no quería verlo... no iba a permitirle que me arruine otro día más, pero mi corazón le hizo oídos sordos a mi cerebro y volteé. Él estaba ahí, parado con el semblante un poco serio... pero sin quitar esa característica tan dulce de él.
—¿Qué quieres? — pregunté con frialdad.
—Hola...¿no? —dice con una leve sonrisa — No volé catorce horas para un saludo así de seco.
—¿Y quien te hizo creer que yo querría verte? — volví a cuestionar.
Le dolía mis palabras... y a mi también.
—T/n... —lo interrumpí.
—No quiero saber nada de tí, Ten — sonreí ladina — Ya lo entendí todo en esa fiesta... no tienes porque darme explicaciones — El alcohol me hacía hablar y demasiado — Tampoco estoy en condiciones para tener una charla con...— Antes de que pudiera decir algo más, el pelinegro me acercó a él con brusquedad hasta que nuestros cuerpos quedaron pegados.
—Fui un tonto por no correr por tí aquél día, y no volveré a cometer el mismo error — espetó con la voz algo entrecortada demostrando tristeza en él.
—No quieras endulzar las cosas ahora... —mi posición en rechazarlo se mantenía firme, pero mi cuerpo no quería separarse de él.
—Volé hasta aquí por ti... — confesó nuevamente — quería verte desde aquel día, pero me sentía como un idiota. Cuando me enteré lo de la fiesta me sentí culpable y entendí que realmente la cagué por no hacer las cosas correctas desde un principio.
—¿De que estas hablando? — dije confundida — Solo eramos amigos con beneficios nada más, yo la cagué en meter mis sentimientos en medio y... — Nuevamente me interrumpió, pero esta vez uniendo sus labios con los míos en un suave beso, el cual me había dejado bastante atónita en el momento. Pero, no tarde mucho en reaccionar y comencé a mover mis labios a compás de los suyos.
No iba a mentir, lo extrañaba... extrañaba sus besos, sus caricias, nuestros momentos juntos y este beso estaba recobrando vida todos aquellos recuerdos que intentaba borrar tanto de mi mente como de mi corazón.
Ambos nos separamos para recobrar un poco de aire y pude notar como el pelinegro no apartaba la vista de mis ojos, logrando tener una vista bastante penetrante en mi.
—Te amo, T/n...— soltó sin filtro alguno. Mi corazón casi se escapó de mi pecho al escuchar esas palabras salir de su boca. —Te amo y no pienso dejarte ir esta vez.
—Apestas a alcohol... ¿por qué no me lo dices estando mejor mañana? —solté con una leve risa.
—Los borrachos decimos la verdad — excusó haciendo un leve puchero con sus labios. Negué divertida con la cabeza ante lo que estaba viendo
—También te amo, Ten —logré decir. Afectada por el alcohol o no, era lo que realmente sentía por este chico.
—¿Quieres dar una vuelta antes de regresar al hotel? Por lo menos para despejar un poco —asentí de acuerdo.
«Estando enamorados y ebrios en medio de la ciudad de Nueva York»
Esto era algo que sinceramente no estaba en mi planes, pero sin dudas fue el mejor imprevisto que pude vivir en esta ciudad.
Después de aquella noche, terminé mi semana y regresé con Ten a Corea del Sur para empezar nuestra relación propiamente dicha y disfrutar del otro como correspondía realmente... siendo la pareja que realmente queríamos ser desde un principio.
Sin duda alguna... me sentía mucho mejor cuando estaba a su lado.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
There is a man pretending to be my Fiancée
Yangyang x Reader
Words: 1003
Trigger warning: major mental health issue / brain damage
A/N: this story is based on a r/nosleep post lol, but I decided to make it less creepy I guess. Also I believe that this works perfectly with Yangyang :P
"What do you mean I am 'not myself'?" - Yangyang -or the person that was pretending to be him- looked at me with a serious expression.
I was sitting in the hospital room, with a heavy bandage around my head and really confused. Having just woken up for what seemed like the longest nap ever, I was feeling a bit odd.
Once I was back on track, I looked at my boyfriend but something was off about him. Yangyang was... not him. I cannot really recall what was wrong but it just wasn't him.
"Where's Yangyang?" - I insisted to this stranger, and he looked at me with soft eyes. He looked exhausted.
"I am Yangyang, what do you mean? Can't you see me?" - He pointed at his face in disbelief, while a big grin showed up on his face. It was exactly like his smile, but it looked kind of sad.
"Look, y/n, I know it is hard and too much, you've just woken up from a week-long coma. Let's just wait until you can come home"- He tried to explain, but I was sure he was lying. A week-long coma? Last thing I remembered was going on a trip with my fiancée, Yangyang -certainly not this extremely similar dude- and next thing I know is I am on a hospital bed, clearly beaten up and with a stranger claiming to be the love of my life. Bullshit.
The doctor entered to the room, followed close by my mother. What was she doing in South Korea? Why didn't she tell me that she would come? Why did she treat the imposter as if he was Yangyang himself?
She looked at me and started crying, came up to hug me and whispered that she was so scared. That she thought she had lost me and some other stuff I couldn't really understand.
I was, indeed, shocked. Maybe the accident the imposter had mentioned actually happened but then what the hell happened to my boyfriend?
After the doctor checked me entirely, he determined that, if I remained stable for 24 hours, I would be able to go back home. And that's when I got nervous: home? With this weirdo who claimed to be my boyfriend but certainly wasn't?
There was a moment when the imposter left to get a call -apparently from Ten, but I was sure he was lying, why would Ten call someone that was clearly not Yangyang?- and I took my chance to tell my mother the issue:
"That guy. He is not Yangyang. Where's Yang?"
"What do you mean he is not Yangyang?"- Her face had dropped and her tone was extremely concerned.
"I know, he looks exactly like him and he talks like him and I was almost fooled by his impression but that is not Yangyang"
And by the time I said that last sentence, the imposter was already back in the room and scoffed.
A few days passed and I was already back home, with the imposter, and my mom had already left the country. I had coexisted with this guy for a few days already, but only after he had agreed on sleeping on the couch while I slept on my bed, with the door closed.
This guy seemed caring, he answered correctly all the questions I asked about my private life with Yangyang, even the little details. He was patient with me, cooked, chose my favorite movies to watch, would always be there playing some of Yangyang's favorite music. Ten and the guys would often come to visit and treat him as if he was Yangyang himself. My own friends would do the same too.
But I was not one to be fooled. I could not be the only one to notice.
A month happened since I had left the hospital and this wanna-be Yangyang took me to a psychiatrist. He told me that it would be for the better, but I was truly concerned about his plan.
And that was the first time I've heard about Capgras syndrome. And of course I was sure that they were playing tricks on me. To suddenly believe that my fiancée had been replaced, but in the end it being him all along? No way.
The psychiatrist prescribed some pills, which I was not willing to take but this guy who claimed to be Yangyang knew all my little tricks and made me take them. Just as if he was actually Yangyang.
The imposter was so caring that I found myself actually believing that, only maybe, it was all in my head. I was not crazy, I was sure about that. But the way this guy knew everything about me, about us. The way his eyes looked at me and how patient and kind he was towards me, made me actually consider that option.
Maybe it was the pills, but one night I googled the Capgras Syndrome for the first time. It read: "Capgras delusion is a psychiatric disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member (or pet) has been replaced by an identical impostor".
Ah, now it all made sense. 
And I started crying and Yangyang, for the first time, hugged me without asking me beforehand. He was, indeed, my fiancée. And I had spent months pushing him away because of some stupid brain damage.
I cried and turned around to hug him properly and, for the first time in months, I kissed him. And with his lips on mine, I was able to understand it for once: this was, indeed, my boyfriend. And he had, once again, proven that he is the most important, relevant and caring boy on earth.
That night I let him sleep in our bed. Finding myself enveloped in his arms was the most comforting feeling ever. And just as I was drifting off to sleep, he whispered in my ear: "I'm glad this is over".
Didn't know what he meant by that, but I was glad too.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
Half a Heart
Words: idk I’m still from my phone 🙃
A/N: this is part of the One Direction Symphony and is also part of the same universe as Show Us Around (Taeyong x reader) but can be of course read separately as it is not even obvious. Also this one almost brought me to tears.
**You have one message from 10nnie**
“So your friends’ve been telling me you’ve been sleeping with my sweater and that you can’t stop missing me”
Y/n sighed. That must have been Taeyong and Airi. She was sure and she felt embarrassed about it.
Yes, of course she missed the boy and also yes, she had been wearing his sweaters, hoodies and even t-shirts in his absence.
Ten had to travel to China again for promotion and she was struggling quite a lot. That being said, their situation was not clear by then, leaving y/n with a confused and blurred heart.
Both of them were close friends who happened to get drunk one night by chance and, being super horny and having already talked about the sexual tension between them a few times, they both had decided to give it a try and hooked up.
And what started as a one night stand developed into a many night stands, a big ass lie such as ‘no strings attached’, followed by Ten being in her house and casually leaving his clothes there from time to time. He had been quietly leaving hints of his presence around her apartment, just in case any other of her companions (flings) showed up.
But she had long ago forgotten about all those one night stands. And the same night that she had planned to put the cards on the table, she received the news that he was to travel again to China. The next morning.
He told her so with a faint smile and a glass of wine in his hand, while looking directly into her eyes, that were about to drop tears.
He held her and promised they could talk about their situation once he was back in Korea and she wanted to tell him to fuck off for she would not stay there waiting.
But she knew she would, and so she had.
The next weeks were not-so-great. Airi and Taeyong spent most of their time in her apartment, taking her out to eat and Taeyong even suggested to go on a little trip all three of them together. Maybe even bring some of the boys with them.
Y/n, although touched by the kindness of her friends, rejected the offer. Too much work to do, plus she was feeling like becoming a caterpillar in her own bed.
Y/n dealt with Ten’s absence in the most hearted way. She had managed to gather his clothes around her house, piling them in a spot inside her wardrobe and wearing them casually before going to sleep.
She thought that would have gone unnoticed by her friends.
But nope, her phone announced a notification and it read: “You have one message from 10nnie”
“So your friends’ve been telling me you’ve been sleeping with my sweater and that you can’t stop missing me”
“Yes. I have. And they are your friends too, I assume. The only people that have been home for the last weeks have been Taeyong and Airi”
Ten sighed and combed his hair with his free hand, typing his answer carefully. Truth being said, Airi didn’t want to give her friend away so easily, but Taeyong had figured it would be the best way to deal with this situation: “ ‘Honesty’, that’s the only way to deal with things fairly” had Doyoung told him once and that sticked to his mind like some super-glue or something.
“Lol. It was Taeyong. I miss you too, btw”
Y/n wanted to cry. Of course he’d miss her. But she still needed more reassurance.
“I can imagine…”
The boy sighed again. It was predictable she would be mad at him: he had avoided the situation, left and ghosted her for almost three weeks.
“Look, I still think we need to figure this out together, at the same place and time. But still, I want you to know that I’ve not hooked up with anyone, hell not even have I looked at no one, because I truly miss you so much”.
By this time, tears were streaming down his face. And he only noticed when Yangyang pointed it out, before leaving him alone quietly.
“I wish I was brave enough to at least call you, but I am scared. I don’t know. I want us to work this out, I don’t want to rush it nor I want to escape again”
She was already crying so much, a big smile on her face and her heart pounding in her chest.
“I am already waiting for you, for I am already yours. Like you didn’t know about that”.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
Show us around
Taeyong x reader
« f »
Words: idk yet bc I’m from my phone, I’ll update tomorrow ✋
A/N: I’ve written this for a friend, and I think it’s cute enough to be shared with the world! Also the directions are totally accurate 😏
To walk by the river next to y/n, holding hands. That’s what Taeyong had been thinking about ever since he had arrived to Osaka. He was lost and had had an argument with Yuta earlier that day, thus, his pride wouldn’t let him contact his friend aiming for help. He could have used google maps, but that idea didn’t even cross his mind.
Or maybe it was that y/n texted him before he could even think about it.
It seemed like they had some sort of connection, something unexplainable. She would feel in her guts when he was having a rough time. And she would always let him know.
A text arrived.
-“everything ok?”-
-“yeah, no worries, just walking around Osaka”-
-“you don’t seem okay at all”-
Taeyong sighed. She knew. She always knew somehow. Y/n must have felt it again. His hand combed his hair while he rested his back against the wooden bridge barrel. He was closer to the Dotonbori bridge than he thought, but how could he know? He had never been alone in that city. His phone suddenly rang.
A videocall. Obviously. Taeyong felt himself smile. He picked up, biting his bottom lip and closing his eyes, shy about his situation. He confronted the girl on the screen anyways.
-“You are lost, aren’t you?”-
He laughed. Did she read his mind or something?
-“Yeah, actually I am”-
-“Good. Here’s Miley with me, willing to help”- she pointed at her friend, sitting beside her. The other girl greeted him with a big smile.
-“Alright, show us around”- y/n insisted. She could see it had already gone dark and Taeyong must be feeling cold as he seemed chilly.
-“Why do you even know this?”- he questioned, teasing his crush’s friend.
-“I’ve literally lived there now shut up and show me around”- The girl answered while eating a piece of cake, making y/n laugh loud.
He raised his eyebrows and quickly changed to the back camera and showed them his surroundings.
-“You’re closer to the Dotonbori bridge than you think. Just go to the right end of the bridge you’re at now, walk one block then turn to the left and walk around three blocks, then you’ll see a big ass crab in front of a Starbucks and there you should turn to the right. You’ll know where you are once you arrive there”- y/n’s friend kindly explained while sipping on her sprite.
Taeyong turned the camera back to the front and smiled at the girls.
-“Thank you, but now I feel like an idiot”- he pouted.
-“You should!!”- Ten, who was with the girls interfered, laughing at the end of his statement.
Y/n laughed and turned her attention back to him, who was already frowning.
-“Come on, don’t be mad, we helped you!!”- she laughed, looking at the boy in the screen. He started walking, looking around him before coming closer to the microphone, to speak quietly now.
-“I know, it’s just… that I miss you. And I’d really like it if you were here with me”-
She blushed at the confession. Of course she had noticed the boy was into her but to say those things all of a sudden was something unexpected. For both of them apparently, because Taeyong was now looking anywhere but to the phone.
Y/n smiled widely, moving her feet like a school girl and her friends who were there with her looked at each other, laughing quietly at her antics.
-“Next time take me with you then!”-
-“Deal. But I’d still like to take you out on a date when I go back to Seoul next week”-
She smiled widely, nodding with her head happily.
He felt relieved. And her stomach ceased to feel uneasy for he was not feeling worried and lost anymore.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
Huang Xuxi x reader
Words: 554
A/N: This is part of the One Direction Symphony series. Smut implied but not mentioned? Also I'm an OT23 so if you're not comfortable with reading about Lucas that's fine but please don't leave hate comments I'm a sensitive possum.
He was a player. Everybody knew it. And the staff knew it more than anyone. So why would y/n still answer to Lucas' questions during the SM's Halloween party was a mystery to everyone. Even to them.
Lucas knew about his reputation but he also knew he was really into that staff member in particular. He didn't want to commit or take it seriously, but he also didn't want to just hook up with her. It was, as Hendery called it, a "grey space". Not too much, not too little.
And y/n complied. Every time. She wasn't interested in dating either, but she also didn't want to be a one night stand in his life.
Their first encounter of this kind had been on SM's Halloween party. They had already known each other, she had been a staff to nct 2018 and had also helped with many nct u promotions, even during Resonance. But before that day, little did she know about his feelings.
And they smoothly met in the bathroom, having an interesting conversation that involved both their mouths and their bodies, but not too much talking aside from setting the rules: no strings attached. Seriously.
Then, the game went on and on, but both of them were surprisingly responsible with it: she wouldn't sleep with any other nct member. He wouldn't sleep with any other staff. Those were the boundaries set. And that's how it worked, even during his ever-lasting hiatus.
At least that's what they thought.
One morning Lucas woke up for the third day in a row in a room that was not his, with his moustache and beard there, his voice raspy and his clothes nowhere to be seen. He was welcomed with the soft smell of pancakes and y/n humming to a song he couldn't recognize.
Once he fished his boxers and pajama bottoms, he made his way towards the kitchen to find the girl preparing breakfast. And had the urge to go and hug her from behind. But refrained from that.
Not sure how she noticed, but the next thing he heard was her soft voice after a chuckle.
"What are you? A stalker?" She didn't even turn around, too focused on her cooking. He laughed.
"Enough of stalkers in my life" He stretched a bit "What are you? My housewife?" He joked, but it was a sensitive topic.
"Of course I'm not. I figured I'd cook you breakfast as you've been here for three days already" Only then, she turned around, pancakes already on a plate, walking towards the table where two mugs of hot chocolate sat already.
"Are you planning on going back to the dorms eventually? Or should I send your part of the rent to your manager?"
She was messing with him and he laughed because he noticed. Their relationship had always been about mutual pinning and messing around.
"Might as well move here if this is how I'm gonna go to sleep and wake up everyday"
"You wish" She ate a piece of pancakes. " 'No strings attached', you said, now look at you" She laughed again, while pointing at him with her fork. "Bullshit"
He let out a loud laugh and shrugged, sipping from the mug.
"What can I say? I'm perfect for you, I guess"
"Oh my God shut up"
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
Story of My Life
Hwang Renjun x reader
Words: 350
A/N: This is part of the One Direction Symphony series. Short, but soft. One of my personal favorites.
"Come on, say cheese"
Renjun was starting to annoy her. What was today with him and taking so many pictures? He had brought his instax to their date and he'd not stop aiming the camera at her, taking pictures of her face, her hair, their food, her hands. Everything.
"Renjun, please stop, it's getting annoying"
The poor boy just laughed and put the camera down, giving his friend some space. He then sat down and let out a sigh.
"You know, lately I've been thinking about life in general" - he confessed, looking at the sky. She hummed, not sure about what to say next.
"What about?"
"Just Life. And how it can change or end at any time"
He sounded anxious and somewhere deep, she hated that. Why would her friend worry about it so much? He was just 22, no need to think about that. Before she could add anything else, he continued.
"I often think about how our fans buy and trade pictures of us. And they treasure them as if they knew us, that's mind-blowing to be honest"- He shrugged -"I started to think that I should do the same with my favorite people too"
"And that's why you've been so intense with your camera today?"
He let out a laugh.
"Well, I just think you are the most precious person to me. It's only natural I want to save a few pictures of you, don't you think? To have for the future, or to treasure them"
Renjun was so bold sometimes, it gave y/n goosebumps. She frowned and then let out a sigh, changing her pose.
"Good, only one picture. Let it be the best one".
He smiled, grabbing his camera from next to him, excitedly pointing it at her one more time.
The way the green grass behind her made her features glow, the way her hair flew with the wind and how her nose scrunched even with the tiny smile she wore, made Renjun's heart skip a beat. He pressed the button and smiled once again.
"It's a perfect shot, because it's you"
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
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giving your dash a little clean
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
Ten Lee x reader
Words: 442
A/N: I was listening to "Agua de Jamaica" by Maluma and imagined this scenario in particular. I also thought about this with Jeno first, but I think this concept suits Ten better lol. If you don't know the song, feel free to enjoy it here!!
It was finally happening. To Ten, this was a breaking point in your relationship. None of you were virgins whatsoever, but things between you two had been a bit difficult. Tons of misunderstandings and a lot of miscommunication.
Finally, he had came to terms with his feelings and you have left your boyfriend after a complicated relationship. He had stood beside you during the whole process, offering his shoulder to cry, his support and, later on, some drunken -later sober- kisses on your couch, the kitchen, at parties and almost everywhere by the end.
And the time to feel each other's bodies arrived. And his hands were specially careful, and his hot breaths between each kiss made your skin shiver. The way his fingers caressed your body and, specially, your chore was delicious.
His hips humping against yours, your little whines and the softness in his eyes when he took off your top clothes sent you over the moon. Desperate, you took off his shirt and leaned in to kiss him again, once more. And his hands travelled down your back and then sent your bottoms to the floor.
His hard on was pressing against your thighs and the soft music playing on the background brought sense to everything. In that moment, it was just you two, one next to the other, enjoying your bodies and your reactions.
And when his fingers found your now naked chore, a little spark ignited from inside you, sending you over the edge and out of space, back to earth with the way he smiled at you lovingly.
A smile that turned into a frown once he was finally inside of you again, putting all his love, longing and lust on each thrust, this time sending you to oblivion, chasing a climax that could only be achieved through this, apparently.
Never had you thought about pleasure being so life-changing. Ten had you almost crying and you thought you saw the butterfly on his arm fly away. Chasing his eyes, you looked at him tenderly and he smiled at you, caressing your cheek right before one particular thrust, that was the one to make you two explode. Trembling together, sharing one single embrace, sticky, tired, panting.
Ten had finally made love to you, with a soft Maluma song playing on the background, on repeat. And he ended up humming to the beat, caressing your arms while he calmed down from his own high.
A kiss landed on your cheek and quickly you delivered one to his knuckles, inviting him to lay his head on your chest, caressing his hair while he fell asleep there, you following close.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
They Don't Know About Us
Nakamoto Yuta x reader
Words: 507
A/N: This is part of the One Direction Symphony series. This song is more like a romantic/angsty one but I can't help but think this situation with Yuta would be so hilarious lol
Yuta was used to being asked stupid questions on stupid interviews. It was not something new that, in Japan, his interviews were a bit wilder than in Korea.
You'll see: japanese audience was more interested in their idols dating life and Yuta being dragged to Japan even more often than usual for promoting his new role for High and Low's movie, he was getting more and mote stupid interviews.
Yes, Yuta was dating. He had a gorgeous girlfriend who was living half of the year in Osaka and half of the year in Seoul. They had met at Shinsaibashi by chance and they had made it work. For over two years.
But as time went by, it was getting more difficult to hide their relationship. And this conversation had happened between them a few times already.
-"You know people will eventually find out about me, do you?"- one day y/n looked at him in the eyes, after preparing breakfast for both of them in her apartment in Osaka, where they felt a bit more comfortable spending time together.
-"And why would that be? Are you planning to tell anyone? The media? Post it on Twitter?"- He asked absentmindedly before munching on a toast. Not even looking at her.
-"It's not it, but that'd be funny and you know that"- She pointed out, a grin on her face. He smiled rolling his eyes, but agreeing.
-"I mean it because whenever you are here in Osaka you stay at my place and your weird fans will end up following you here"- She informed, putting some jam on her own toast.
-"Good, I will make sure they see that your butt's the best in this city"-
She scoffed. It seemed that he was not taking her seriously but she knew he was actually going to think about it.
And then he had an interview with Sony and she decided to watch it live, lying on her couch, eating some popcorn in one of his hoodies while her boyfriend was all dressed up, make up on, and his best "loser face" -as she called him whenever he was working-.
They asked him about his love life and he said it's going okay. Nothing serious -and she let out a big ass laugh-. When asked about what girls he preferred he just limited his answer to "one that knows how to deal with my temperament, and who likes to have fun".
Then, he looked at the camera and y/n felt -and knew- as if he was talking directly to her.
"I also like girls with a good butt".
She burst into tears, laughing out loud. He was impossible and she would kill him once he got home.
Yuta: "there's no need for them to know about us, no rush, this is good and fun as it is, isn't it?"
The Line message caught her off guard, but she smiled like a high-schooler.
y/n: "I know, but I bet you if they only knew, they'd just be jealous of you, not us :P".
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
Love You Goodbye
Winwin x reader
Words: 383
A/N: This is part of the One Direction Symphony series.
"You really have to go again?" Her voice echoed in his ears. And tears were brought to his eyes.
Sicheng wanted to cry. When did he agree on leaving everything behind whenever SM decided to? He wanted to quit, take her and move to the middle of the mountains, where nobody would know his name.
He was frustrated, his hand in a fist holding tight onto his helplessness. Still, his face showed no emotion, as he had quietly trained himself to all these years.
"Yes... I'm sorry"
"When will you come back? Are you even planning to?"- She was already crying, her soft sobs making his own heart swell.
Why did this happen to him? Why did God put love on his way, but then put him away from it?
"I know. You don't know"- She answered, giving up on any hopes for their relationship going anywhere.
She approached to him and Winwin wanted to run away because, the closer she was, the more difficult it became for him to leave.
"You know, Sicheng, I love you"- She said softly, cupping his face in her hands "And I know you do this because you love your job..."
That, Sichend thought, was a lie. One that he had been telling himself and the rest. He did not love his job, but he didn't know what to do if it wasn't this. And he was good at it.
But he just wanted freedom. From everything. And that, he felt whenever around her.
"And I understand that. I wish to tell you that I won't wait for you but..." She sighed, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek -"we both know I will, indeed, wait for you"
She smiled. And he felt like he didn't deserve it. Or anything at all. And he didn't realize it when tears started streaming down his face.
"I will miss you too" He answered finally, and she knew he was not lying. y/n left a peck on his lips, and caressed his cheeks.
She proceeded to loop her arms around his torso, burying her head in his chest.
"Please just... Stay the night. Your flight is tomorrow, please stay with me tonight".
He kissed her head and rubbed his hands along her back as he accepted her offer.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
More Than This
Na Jaemin x reader
«a; f?»
Words: 1398 
No beta read oops
A/N: This is part of the One Direction Symphony series. I don't know if I like or really hate this piece. Also Beomgyu from TXT is here and he is kind of an ass, but irl I really like him he is so cool please don't hate me (or him)
Na Jaemin was a simple guy. He had never been one to think about things too much, nor to put himself in complex situations: he'd rather live a smooth life, a normal one given his circumstances.
He didn't finish high school, thus, he hadn't gone to college. He always thought about how it'd feel to experience a campus' love, a sweetheart, or at least to feel butterflies in his stomach. But the nature of his full time job as an idol made it super difficult for him.
Until he met y/n.
She was the newest member of the designing team, a photographer who was also a freshman at Korea University. She had also some experience on the matter and had worked for idols such as TXT and Ateez before. She was specially talented and had caught SM's eye with her work on the latest TXT comeback.
As soon as she signed her contract with the company, she became a full-time photographer for nct, working mostly with the dreamies. There, she became close friends with Haechan and Mark.
Jaemin tried to get close, and he actually succeeded on that, but still didn't know that much about her. And he was really jealous of his members, who would actually talk with her.
-"Hey, how did you... you know" -he hated when he stuttered, it gave him away every time. That's why he would always go to Mark when he wanted to talk about y/n. "How did you even get close to her?" Nana asked, really curious.
He had tried everything: talking about the weather, asking about music, food. Everything. She wouldn't really pay too much attention either way.
-"Easy. We just want to be friends with her, nothing more"- Haechan arrived at that mere moment, before Mark could even answer. The boy smirked, leaving Jaemin a bit frustrated.
-"I get it but she doesn't need to know that I'm interested..." He argued, but Mark stepped in quickly.
-"No, of course she doesn't, but it shows. And she really likes you, trust me. In fact, I'm pretty sure she's interested too"- Mark smiled, giving Jaemin a bit of hope.
-"You know what, if you pay for the next six months of Disney Plus subscription, I'm gonna give you a hint"- Haechan approached to his friend, putting his arm around Jaemin's shoulders.
-"Go and talk to her about GOT7. She likes them a lot. She's not a crazy fan, but she really likes the group"-
And that's why Jaemin reached out to Hyunjin from Stray Kids who reached out to JB from GOT7 who asked Jackson for his autograph, who gave it to Hyunjin, who delivered it back to Jaemin, who brought it to y/n in the next session they had.
And y/n was super excited, jumping and singing, really happy about having an autograph of her ultimate bias ever.
-"I can't believe I, Nana I... Oh my God this can't be real" She was blabbering, not even making sense while waving the paper from here to there, showing it to the rest of the members and staff, while screaming "Look what Nana got for me!!!!"
Mark gave Jaemin a thumbs up and the boy answered with the biggest smile, thanking his friends in silence while he listened to y/n tell him about how she started stanning GOT7 when she was back in high school.
And ever since, they became super close. They would spend time together before and after sessions and they would always share music and podcasts to each other, a hobby they didn't know they had in common.
Nana's heart started to beat even faster than before whenever she was around, and he would picture dates together in his mind, as well as daydreaming about holidays with her.
He felt like she really understood him and everything seemed so natural.
But never did he mention his feelings. And, on her side, she never mentioned anything regarding hers.
One day she was pretty upset. Her mind was everywhere and the pictures were just not so good. y/n was trembling and she had the biggest eyebags ever.
Jaemin thought it was because of her finals week, but soon enough he got to know the reason was something else.
While it was the break time, y/n went to grab some coffee and he went behind her, close but not quite. He was not spying on her, of course, but he just wanted to make sure she was alright, without making her uncomfortable. y/n noticed him but didn't mind, not when she heard two staff members talking about the latest dispatch dating scandal: Beomgyu from TXT and a Hybe trainee, having been spot together.
-"Aren't you, y/n, going out with him? How do you feel about it?"- the staff member asked her, her voice showing a little bit of genuine concern. Y/n shrugged and chuckled.
-"I mean I'm not a fan, but these things happen all the time. Being seen with someone going for a drink shouldn't be enough for me to suspect. Plus, he told me he was going to meet her so I guess I'm fine with it".- She sighed -"And also I'm in the shadows. I may be his girlfriend but there's not much I can do about it".
Jaemin felt his heart drop. Y/n had a boyfriend and he was Beomgyu of fucking TXT. Who had also been spotted with another girl, while his girlfriend was stressing over finals and her own full time job. Fuck Beomgyu and that trainee. And he also felt mad as hell at y/n for justifying him.
A few days passed by and y/n had texted Nana a few times, but he didn't answer. She decided to take the matters into her own hands and texted him.
y/n: What's wrong with you? Did I do something wrong?
Nana: No, not at all, this is all on me
y/n: Give me some details please?
Nana: You've got a bf?
y/n: yes...
Nana: Beomgyu?
y/n: I shouldn't answer that through kkt.
Nana: u know he's a cheater right?
y/n: none of your business.
Nana: It kinda is.
The next time she had to go with them to Kcon, and both TXT and nct dream were perfoming. But much to y/m's luck, not Mark nor Haechan were with Dream during that date, so she was stuck with the rest.
At the backstage, Beomgyu noticed how Nana looked at his girlfriend and he would not keep his hands off her while the other group was there. And she thought it was ridiculous. Why was he being so overprotective? She had never told him about the situation with Jaemin. Hell they had even argued before even going to the concert.
Nana wanted to be out of the place as soon as possible, not willing to see her with that other guy anymore.
Lately, y/n's feelings had been a mess: she missed Nana, Beomgyu had been behaving like a dick and she was super stressed. That was what the arguments with her boyfriend had been about before the Kcon. And when she pulled Beomgyu away from her for the third time, he quietly told her to fuck off and she snapped.
Quietly, she went back to her designated place as a photographer for nct dream, took the needed pictures and went back home as soon as the night was over.
At her apartment, she broke into tears. She was a mess. She missed her friendship -or whatever their feelings were- with Jaemin, she was done with her now ex-boyfriend and she had to hand in a paper due tomorrow.
And as if he had known about her misery, a message from Jaemin popped into her notifications.
Nana: "I know I have no right to tell you this but I like you. I really do. I don't want problems with your boyfriend and I certainly don't want problems with you but seeing you two together... It just doesn't feel right. Because I think I love you and there's nothing I can do about it".
y/n smiled, crying in silence again, her whole body trembling.
y/n: "I have a paper due tomorrow. I could use some company if you don't mind... And I don't have a boyfriend anymore :) "
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
fight club
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❝ i don’t care if she has a pretty face; if this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight.❞
PAIRING ▸ lee jeno x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, fight club au, rich kid au, college au, strangers to lovers
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, violent themes (fighting), mentions of blood, 7dream are all part of the fight club, ft. best friends karina and sungchan, sneaking around, fingering, strength/size kink, oral (fem. receiving), choking, sex ofc, lowkey corruption kink, also i swear jeno is soft
SUMMARY ▸ after park jisung introduces you to his shady after-school activity, you realize it’s far too dangerous to be involved with the underground fight club in any way. their members are rough around the edges—except for lee jeno, who keeps you coming back for more.
PLAYLIST ▸ atm by j. cole • baby don’t stop by nct u • new axis by nct u • nate growing up by labyrinth
WORD COUNT ▸ 11,914 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ WOOO ITS FINALLY OUT i hope you guys like it and lmk what u think !! ♡ remember when this was supposed to be 5k words LOL + another note and the tag list is at the bottom (sorry i forgot to respond to yall in the comments but i think i got everyone!) and thank you again for all the love :’)
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In fact, this was a terrible idea.
Jisung didn’t seem to think too much of it, but you felt completely out-of-place among the crowd of sweaty males. It wasn’t like you were left in the dark about your best friend’s hobbies, but you didn’t expect to see him beating up a bulkier man in a dingy, low-light warehouse.
It was hard to wrap your head around the shocking realization that Park Jisung was a good fighter. He was soft-spoken and gentle most of the time, so seeing your best friend punching another man with all his might was throwing you off. Jisung didn’t look like much compared to the other man, but he was swift enough to pin the man down and twist his arm at a dangerous angle behind his back.
“Alright, ‘Sung,” someone called when it was clear Jisung’s opponent wasn’t getting up. “I think it’s safe to say he tapped out.”
Another scoffed in response. “Did he say that, Jaemin?”
“He’s practically gone limp, Chenle. Just call it already,” Jaemin responded flatly.
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
tumblr guide for new users:
1) there is no algorithm for your dashboard. can't stress this enough. your dashboard is in chronological order of posts and reblogs from people you follow. "based on your likes!" is a joke and they removed that feature in a week
2) because of the lack of algorithm, likes do nothing. if you want more people to see a post, you have to reblog it so it goes on your follower's dashes
3) the vast majority of posts on a person's blog tend to be reblogs. think 90% or so. some of those will have that person commenting on it, and more will have tags
4) comments stay on reblog chains, while tags only show up on your reblog of that post. it's kind of like a whisper voice. in either case, both op and the person you reblogged from see that in their notifications
5) tags don't go in the body of the post. writing "staying in #lasvegas" won't make it appear in the las vegas tag, it'll just look weird
6) it's totally normal to reblog and post multiple things in one day. it's normal to reblog the same post twice in a row. it's normal to have 100 posts+reblogs in a day. post limit (the total number of original posts and reblogs) for a single day is 250. you heard me. 250. go hog fucking wild
7) it defaults to having a visible likes tab on your blog (but only on your blog, not the dashboard) but most people toggle it off
8) "tumblr clout" is a fucking joke. no one can see your follower count, and no one makes money here. there are no influencers. enjoy not giving a shit about maintaining a public persona. it's all anonymous and your employers won't find you here
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
fanfiction was such a good idea. like put those guys in situations
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
tumblr guide for new users:
1) there is no algorithm for your dashboard. can't stress this enough. your dashboard is in chronological order of posts and reblogs from people you follow. "based on your likes!" is a joke and they removed that feature in a week
2) because of the lack of algorithm, likes do nothing. if you want more people to see a post, you have to reblog it so it goes on your follower's dashes
3) the vast majority of posts on a person's blog tend to be reblogs. think 90% or so. some of those will have that person commenting on it, and more will have tags
4) comments stay on reblog chains, while tags only show up on your reblog of that post. it's kind of like a whisper voice. in either case, both op and the person you reblogged from see that in their notifications
5) tags don't go in the body of the post. writing "staying in #lasvegas" won't make it appear in the las vegas tag, it'll just look weird
6) it's totally normal to reblog and post multiple things in one day. it's normal to reblog the same post twice in a row. it's normal to have 100 posts+reblogs in a day. post limit (the total number of original posts and reblogs) for a single day is 250. you heard me. 250. go hog fucking wild
7) it defaults to having a visible likes tab on your blog (but only on your blog, not the dashboard) but most people toggle it off
8) "tumblr clout" is a fucking joke. no one can see your follower count, and no one makes money here. there are no influencers. enjoy not giving a shit about maintaining a public persona. it's all anonymous and your employers won't find you here
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nctynuniverse · 2 years
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to everyone who’s ever said something kind about my work: you help me get through the day. thank you.
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