nihatzuwu · 2 years
MC: You have to apologize to Lucifer!
Satan: Fine!
Satan: Unfuck you, or whatever!
How do bros react?
[once again, i apologize for doing this request late]
he didn't think it was possible for him to get even more angry BUT HERE WE ARE
"way to show your maturity, satan" "i take it back, fuck you still"
they're back at it again with their arguement.
don't even bother trying to stop them for the second time, it'll be useless.
"oh for fuck's sake.."
mans full on laughed
like im not kidding he laughed so damn loud, you were surprised Lucifer didn't scold him.
still finds it so funny
would take him days to recover from it
would sometimes remember it at random times of the day.
eyes wide, mouth agape and his hand immediately slapped his mouth.
he was in disbelief
satan just fr "apologized" by saying "unfuck you"
finds it funny though
"satan is so brazen omfg"
now you can't tell me this man doesn't film everytime an arguement bursts out in the HOL
so yeah you expected it, man's was filming the whole thing.
gasped when Satan said that
proceeds to wheeze his ass off
it didn't go on his devilgram page.
was torn between staying still or actually stepping in just to stop them
he doesn't like it when his brothers fight but Belphie held him back from stepping in
was worried for you when YOU stepped in
stress eating
"fine! unfuck you or whatever!" "hNGk"
he almost choked on his food.
watching the chaos unfold with his eyes half open
had to stop beel from stepping in cause he knew he would want to step in
did not expect for satan to "apologize" that way
also laughed but not as loud as mammon's and asmo's
"a new way of apologizing to lucifer, nice."
expect him to use it on lucifer a few times
yk just to fuck with him
cause you know our belphie he's always in a silly goofy mood y'all
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Asmo, Beel and Belphie reacting to MC screaming "WE NEED TO GO NOW NOW NOW!!"
[part one here.]
was in the middle of applying make up cause he was planning to go live.
his eyeshadow got ruined the moment you burst into his room yelling at him that he has to pack his valuables
watching you shove his clothes in a bag in confusion.
"what the hell is going on??? and hey! those clothes are expensive!! be careful with them! D:<" "whatever! clothes are clothes! we have to go!" "how dare you! they are not just clothes! they are limited edition mind you!!"
walks towards you to put his clothes back in the closet.
"i'm not going anywhere >:[" "oh wait this is a prank? well then fuck you, you ruined my eyeshadow and completely crumpled my limited edition clothes."
very very grumpy.
eating a burger in the kitchen when you suddenly barged in and start pulling him by his arm.
"what's wrong MC?" "no time to explain. we need to pack STAT." "we need to warn belphie too, hold on i'll go up the attic."
you found it adorable on how he still wanted to bring Belphie along.
you quickly stopped him though, not wanting him to wake up his twin brother from his daily 7 hour nap.
"oh it was a prank?" "well would you like to eat with me, MC?"
man's doesn't care.
he's watching you freak out as you pack
mf goes back to fucking sleep
this little bitch is no fun when it comes to pranking
cause he'd always be either sleeping or suddenly disappeared to god knows where.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Could you write the brothers reaction to an MC rounding a corner, full on sprint, yelling "WE NEED TO GO NOW NOW NOW!!" as if their life depended on it.
*Evilly joking MC noises*
[so sorry if i only got to this now, i barely have any motivation lately i'm only doing up until satan, i'll do the other 3 brothers when i get the free time cause i'm quite literally typing this while im in class.]
where are we going ????
"what's going on? are you okay?"
stands up from his seat to calm you down.
"hey, hey at least tell me what's going on?"
glares at you when you said it was a prank
"how dare you? i was in the middle of doing important paperwork when you burst into the room yelling. never do that again."
mans went back to work smh
man's was panicking
he was on the couch, scrolling through his D.D.D when you burst in and start yelling him to pack his things.
fell on the couch face first.
actually starts shoving his clothes in his bag and a few of his valuables.
stops dead in his tracks when he hears you laugh
"what's so funny." *MC still laughing* "...i'm getting pranked aren't i"
very much not amused.
he will ignore you for the next few hours.
or atleast try to
didn't hear you the first time so he asked you what you said and you just full on yelled at him.
drops his D.D.D the second you told him to pack his things
my guy went straight to his figurine collection smh.
still keeps on packing his figurine despite panicking while you just stood there trying to keep your laughter to yourself.
"this is like the anime: "my best friend is getting chased by the mafia boss and is trying to run away with her secret lover"! AAAAA"
looks at you weirdly when you finally laugh.
"WHAT?? IT'S A GOOD ANIME!" "no..no no darling that's not it pfft" "then what is it???"
stares at you when you explain and is now very sulky
"you scared me..."
almost ripped the book he was reading cause you just burst into his room without knocking
"MC what the hell is your problem." "I GOT NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, GET YOUR THINGS AND START PACKING!" "what???"
just watches you stumble around his room shoving random clothes in a bag.
he's still very confused
finally starts moving when you yelled at him to pack as well.
"why do we need to pack??? is some demon threatening you or something?"
kept on packing things and then stopped when he hears you stiffle a laugh.
mans immediately scowls when you told him what was happening.
"oh so you think it was funny to watch me almost ripping up the book i was reading and frantically start packing?"
haha, better run
[part two here]
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
I love your writing! My bday is on Valentine’s Day and I was wondering what the Demon Bros would do when they find out.
Keep up the great work!!
[happy birthday in advance!]
went and immediately started thinking of gifts to give to you
fuck work, that can come later, i need to think of something as MC's birthday and valentines gifts.
actually couldn't think of anything cause everytime he'd think of buying it he'd back out.
"i can't believe i'm doing this..." *knocks on Asmo's door* "hey, can you help me pick out a gift for MC?"
asmo was so happy they ended up shopping for 7 hours :D
Lucifer had fun tho but he won't tell that<3
already knew about it
started saving up money on january which was VERY VERY hard for him. so please give him extra love and affection
he's your first man! of course he knows what you want!!
"you should be greatful! the great mammon saved up money just to buy that for you!"
he kept looking at you with hopeful eyes as you open the present. hoping that you'd like it.
now that you open it, can you give him a reward for saving up money for it? he wants it now >:((
let's be honest this bitch would forget that your birthday and valentine's day is on the same day if it weren't for his brothers who had to remind him.
just like christmas, he hate valentine's day as well. but now his view on the holiday has changed ever since you arrived.
panics, more panic, even more panicking cause he doesn't know what to get you
ends up being the one buying you alot of things (second to asmo)
"im sorry..! i didn't know what you'd like so i just bought things that i think you'd love..."
very shy boi
he's calm because he already got you a present the moment it hit february
is having fun seeing his brothers perish from panicking and thinking of presents for you.
quietly sneaks you out the house to show you the present he prepared for you.
the dude rented a cat cafe for the whole afternoon just for the two of you.
"i hope you like the gift i prepared, sorry if it's not much but i still hope you like it."
smiles from ear to ear when you say that you loved what he prepared.
is the most stressed one out of all 7 brothers.
he wants to buy you the most perfect gift for the most perfect human of course!
starts planning out your gifts right after everybody went to sleep on new year's eve.
"come on asmo, think. what gift would be perfect for the most wonderful human there is to live?"
excited for you to open his gift, proud of himself cause he got you the perfect gift ever.
even more happier when you thanked him with a kiss on his cheek!
now do it on the lips.
had no idea what to gift you so all he did was take over your chores and do them instead
he even shared his food with you D:
you found it very adorable and you swore you could have died right then and there.
"beelie, you don't have to share your food with me.. just you being kind and taking over my chores is enough.." "but...i didn't get you anything for your birthday nor valentine's day..." "oh hush darling, gift or no gift, i'm still thankful cause you're here."
clinging to you for the whole week.
he loves you.
slept through the whole afternoon of your celebration of your birthday.
he prepared something though, so don't be sad.
goes to your room at 7 pm and leads you out to the garden only to be greeted with a blanket on the grass with pillows, food, drinks, fairy lights, flowers. the whole shebang.
"i wanted to stargaze tonight on your birthday with you. so here it is."
chuckles when you said that you thought he forgot about your birthday.
cuddles with you and starts to ramble everything he knows about astronomy.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
part 1
oh? is that so?
toothy grin, he thinks tonight will be fun
has to ask barbatos to cancel all of his meetings just so he could show you.
"i'll be waiting for you at the royal chambers, MC"
so giddy the whole day that Lucifer was even concerned.
so tempted to just dismiss all classes for the whole day just to meet you sooner.
reads the note for like 3 times to make sure he wasn't seeing things.
smiles and just closes the book
mans was quiet and smiling the whole day it creeped so many demons out. (especially diavolo.)
just messages you to meet him at the outside of the castle without any context at all.
just a literal: "meet me at the front of the castle after classes."
"ah MC, you've gotten me quite riled up. I hope you know how to deal with it."
blushing profusely and looked away from the notebook
immediately slams it shut when he get's to register it in his brain.
refuses to talk to you for like, 2 days or something. maybe even more
only opened up to you when you approached him.
"uhm.. it's nothing i just uh.. found this little note behind your notebook."
you died of embarrassment right then and there and apologized. ALOT.
he was drinking a juice box when he read that. (spoiler alert, he spewed it out.)
hits his self on the chest to calm his self down a little bit
"naughty, naughty MC."
smiling the whole day much more than usual, making Asmo curious about what happened and why he was smiling so much.
the moment his last class ended, he cleaned up his stuffs and BOOKED it to your classroom.
haha have fun
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Okay, but picture this.
The Obey Me characters (minus Luke) get their hands on a random notebook of MC. They accidentally drop it while handling it, and the last page flips open. You know, the page where everyone randomly doodles and scribbles. And at the top of the page is a single sentence.
How would the characters react? 😂
raises a brow, a smirk visible on his face.
and its definitely NOT the good kind of smirk.
"Oh? we'll see about that later then."
closed the notebook and continues on with their day.
don't be fooled though, he's thinking of many many ways to punish you for this.
lol rip your legs for the next day.
the fuck?? did you write this??
a blushing mess when he saw the big ass capitalized note.
he's a switch and he knows that you know that damn well.
he can go from a bottom to a top in the matter of split seconds but this just..
"arghh! i'll show them!"
pulls you out of class just to show you that he's not the biggest bottom (although he can be.)
got in trouble to Lucifer for making you skip class.
blushing. a lot. more than mammon.
he knows that he's a bottom but come on, you didn't have to rub that on his face even more >:((
wants to throw the notebook in the garbage but the baby loves you too much to do so.
just walks up to you in class and then threw the book to your face
"y-you forgot your notebook in our classroom!"
proceeds to not talk to you for the whole day UnU
excuse me? is he reading this right.
bottom? him ? oh you've got another thing coming.
thinks that its a perfect timing cause there's gonna be a council meeting later on.
teases. lots of teasing going on right now under the table. (asmo knows what's going on though.)
you shoot him a glare and he just smirks.
"what is it MC~?"
chuckles when you try not to make noises.
is now curious when you even thought of him as a bottom.
sure, he's a bottom but you know dang well that he can be a top as well.
"ahh~ oh my dearest MC what a naughty human you are!"
closes the book and acts like he didn't see the note the whole day.
immediately pulls you to his room after school though.
haha hey, you still alive after all the overstimulating Asmo had done to you?
confused at first but then understood after rereading it over and over
a tiny bit offended, just, just a tiny little bit
closes the notebook and decides he'll just handle it later.
keeps looking at you in class and you have no idea why.
when you guys get home to his room, he opens the notebook and shows it to you.
"hey, MC? what does this mean?"
ooh boy prepare for the night of your life.
he will make you remember this.
annoyed. so very much annoyed.
grumbling the whole walk alone to class.
the fucker didn't even doze of during class nor listen, he was just thinking of ways to punish you for this.
speed walks to the attic with your hand in his and throws you to the bed.
"so. mind explaining this little note?"
throws the notebook right next to you on the bed.
and poof, your ability to walk is gone for 2 to 3 days, have fun!! <333
[will do side characters in a part two]
part two
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
How do demon bros react to Satan who almost burnt down the House of Lamentation one time because he was already having a bad day and then his jacket got caught on a doorknob?
wanted to throw Satan out of the window.
was panicking inside actually.
had to ask Mammon where you were cause he knows you're the only one who can calm him down.
as much as he hates seeing you hug Satan and whisper sweet nothings into his ear, he can't help but be thankful to you for calming Satan down.
Now about that punishment...
scared for his life
my guy just wanted to go to his casino but was then stopped when Satan threw a literal fucking vase on the door.
"DUDE? WHAT'S YOUR PROBLE-" *immediately shuts up when Satan glared at him*
little brother panic cries to Lucifer
immediately calls you when Lucifer ordered him to
r e l i e v e d now that you arrived.
went downstairs for dinner and almost got hit by a flying plate.
say no more fam, Levi's going back up in his room he can just eat his chips in his room or smth.
"nope, not today. not gonna die today."
feels bad for Mammon and Lucifer cause they were the ones who had to take care of an angry Satan
perks up when he hears you frantically ask what happened.
rushes down to see you but was greeted with the view of you hugging Satan and calming him down.
my guy shrieked when the chandelier fell from the ceiling and almost fell on his face.
shuts up when Satan was about to throw a chair at him.
"okay yeah i'll shut up and go to my room."
will not get out of his room until the next morning
poor boi was traumatized
wanted to help Lucifer and Mammon by holding back Satan from behind.
didn't work. Satan headbutted him on the chin and Beel let go of Satan immediately.
was immediately given food by belphie and led him out of the living room.
eats his food slowly because his jaw hurts.
will definitely tell you about what Satan did to him.
angry boi.
uh oh, two angry boys in the house.
"how dare you hurt beel."
was held back by Mammon before Belphie could even pounce on Satan.
ended up getting locked inside his room along with Beel.
pouty boy with furrowed eyebrows.
"stupid bitch..."
cue MC arriving to calm down an angry Satan
a part of him immediately calms down when he heard you call out his name.
stays in place with a chair still in the air cause you arrived when he was about to throw it.
slowly puts down the chair when you walked up to him.
immediately melted into you when you hugged him.
"shhh, it's okay tantan, i'm here. you can calm down now darling.."
burries his face in the crook of your neck with a smile.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Lucifer: Mammon isn’t answering his D.D.D.
MC: *takes out their D.D.D.* I’ll call
Lucifer: We have all tried 6 times each, what makes you thi—
Mammon: Hello?
How do bros react?
this stupid fuck.
immediately takes MC's phone from their hands
so pissed. so incredibly pissed.
will rain hellfire on mammon when he gets home.
expect him to be freezing goldie again in the fridge <333
groans. of course he'd answer MC's phone call.
"Oi, hurry up and get your butt home. Lucifer is going haywire cause he's been looking for you since lucnhtime."
that was it, he soon went back to his room
so relieved that he got that dealt with, he didn't want to face Lucifer's wrath when he didn't even do anything wrong.
few hours later he hears bloodscreams from mammon but hey, not his problem.
*focuses on the screen again*
has an irk mark on his forehead
if he could, he would have punched Mammon through the phone.
"what went through your mind when you decided not to answer Lucifer or any of our calls? Do you have any idea how hard it was to stop Lucifer from wrecking his office and now you're here answering your phone when MC calls you?!"
so tired of hearing Lucifer's voice, he wishes he had no ears at all.
about to go haywire as well cause Mammon won't hurry his ass up home.
mammon hurry the fuck up i'm getting irritated at Lucifer's voice.
sulks for the next two hours
mumbling to his self if his older brother hates him.
glares at Mammon when he comes home. "hmph!"
rants to his devilgram live about what happened.
Beelzebub and Belphegor
didn't care really
they were just glad he answered MC's call so now they can go back to what they were doing.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Side characters' reactions to Diavolo's "BIG DICK IS BACK IN TOWN" shirt?
another disappointed demon.
scolded you and diavolo for hours. you thought you were going to die again right then and there.
did you guys listen to him? no. you encouraged diavolo to wear the shirt even more.
very very pissed off butler
"MC for the love of devildom, STOP ENCOURAGING LORD DIAVOLO"
so very much tempted to cut the stupid shirt into pieces.
his respect for Diavolo had been reduced.
glares at the shirt when he see's diavolo wearing it.
"why would you let him wear that?? Luke is going to see it!"
immediately leads Luke out of the room everytime he see's diavolo there wearing the shirt.
plotting with barbatos on how to get rid of the damn shirt.
he suggested to burn it while Diavolo was in his sleep.
finds it funny as hell
takes a picture of diavolo everytime he see's him wear the shirt.
uploads it on devilgram for likes cause why not right?
was scolded by both Barbatos and Lucifer
"Take down the devilgram post of Lord Diavolo!" "Alright alright i will, chill out."
he deleted the post but still kept the photo's nontheless.
[only wrote these three cause i didn't want to include Luke and I purposely didnt include Thirteen, Mephistepholes and Raphael because I have not met them yet and I don't know how they act.]
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Demon bros' reactions to MC getting a shirt for Diavolo that says, "BIG DICK IS BACK IN TOWN"
[i love this.]
disappointed. genuinely disappointed.
scolded MC for buying Lord Diavolo the shirt, but did you give a shit? Haha no.
facepalms whenever Lord Diavolo would attempt to wear the shirt outside the castle.
"YOU CANNOT GO OUT THERE WEARING THAT. CHANGE YOUR SHIRT." "Why not!? It was a gift from my beloved!"
he wants to hang you from the ceiling but he's sure Diavolo would be furious so he holds back.
embarrassed when Diavolo does wear the shirt outside.
stays 2 meters away from Diavolo when he does wear the shirt outside the castle.
dang, social distancing lucifer
stares at the shirt and looks back up at Diavolo.
leans over to MC and whispers; "does he actually have a big dick?"
Lucifer heard it though so he ended up getting smacked on the head. Poor boi was just curious Lucifer....
After considering it, he actually wants to get one for his self
he can't though, he's broke and if he sold another thing in the HOL again his goldie would be cut in half <//3
still curious if Diavolo actually has a big dick.
wHAAAAATTTTT??? we never know! what if the shirt is lying and he actually has a small one!
just sayin'! :PP
embarrassed for Diavolo even though he wasn't the one who got the shirt.
also wondering where the hell you even got the shirt. Like seriously, did you make it or buy it????
so confused on what made you buy that in the first place
what's more is that you bought it. FOR THE DEMON PRINCE.
"i wish i had MC's confidence..."
wishes he had MC's confidence to just give people gifts even though the gifts might be embarrassing.
avoids eye contact with Diavolo if he wears the shirt.
he scoffed at the shirt, annoyed by it. Oh wait, it pisses off Lucifer too? Okay then, love the shirt Lord Diavolo, wear it more!
thinks that you have gone crazy to buy the demon prince a shirt like that.
Also embarrassed for Diavolo when he wears it in public.
"eugh... did he really have to wear that outside..." *facepalms*
he actually finds the shirt funny though, he can't help but laugh to his self when he see's Diavolo wear it.
Plus points since it pisses of Lucifer.
ah MC you wonderful human being, you bring so much chaos here in Devildom and he's living for it.
takes pictures of Diavolo wearing the shirt and teaches him how to flaunt it to everybody else.
encourages Diavolo to wear it more in public (Lucifer doesn't appreciate it.)
"Oh Lord Diavolo! You should wear the shirt MC gave you more often! it looks good on you!" "But Lucifer said that I shouldn't though..." "Non sense! Ignore my big brother! Let the whole Devildom know that you've got a big dick!"
got punished by Lucifer by taking away his connection to the wifi.
so incredibly upset at Lucifer for being such a killjoy, hmph!
eyes wide, mouth agape.
almost choked on his food when he wore the shirt.
he can't believe he actually wore it.
gets flustered everytime he reads what's on the shirt.
surely he didn't have to know that right...?
"is it actually big...?"
what? he's just curious!
tries to distract his self from the shirt by eating lots of food.
and when i meant lots of food i meant the whole fridge.
chuckles at your little antics, but he didn't actually think you'd be crazy enough to give it to the demon prince.
breaks into a fit of laughter when Diavolo ACTUALLY wore it.
definitely takes a picture to send it to Lucifer just to piss him off.
he gives you a "Thank You" but you weren't quite sure why.
now has something that'll shut up Lucifer if he speaks too much.
If it still works that is.
"I wonder what made MC buy the shirt though."
shrugs and just goes back to sleep.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
*MC sees Solomon, Raphael, and Mammon*
MC: This is getting out of hand. Now there's 3 of them.
How do demon bros and side characters react?
lets out a slight chuckle because he found it a little bit funny
immediately shut up when you look over him though.
"that was a good joke MC"
never thought that the three looked so alike
can never see solomon and raphael the same way before, all he'll see is just mammon in them.
few weeks after the joke Lucifer mistook raphael as mammon ONE time.
asmo was there to witness it
excuse me?
did you just compare THE GREAT MAMMON to a creepy sorcerer and an angel who likes the food that the said sorcerer makes?!
offended, so utterly offended.
furrows his eyebrows and pouts.
"how dare you!! it's not my fault they want to copy how the GREAT mammon's looks!"
will not talk to you until you apologized.
he failed, he loves you he can't bring his self to ignore you.
also part of the "Didn't even realize how much they looked a like" squad cause he rarely goes out of his room.
now has a new fear of accidentally mistaking raphael and solomon as mammon.
he laughed at mammon's reaction though, it was funny.
teases mammon about it from time to time.
Laughs every time his little prank works on him.
he almost fell on the floor for laughing.
now found a new joke to use on his older brother.
"MC you absoloute genius."
still laughs about it time to time when he remembers about what MC said.
purposefully calls Mammon with the wrong name from time to time.
"Raphael, it's your turn to wash the dishes!" "yeah, yeah i kno-" realizes what satan called him "I'M THE GREAT MAMMON DAMN IT"
laughs every time and says the same damn thing right after.
"i'm sorry, i couldn't help myself"
gasped. he just full on gasped.
"oh my goodness, MC . Do you think Mammon is adopted and his orginal siblings were Raph and Sol?" "I'M NOT ADOPTED WHAT THE FUCK"
laughs at mammon's reaction.
unlike satan, he doesn't tease Mammon about it
even forgot about the joke D:
remembers the joke again when Satan teases Mammon though so it's all good <33
part of the "Didn't even realize how much they looked a like" cause he was focused on his food all the time
hearing your joke almost made him joke though.
now he can't unsee Raphael and Solomon looking like Mammon everytime he see's them around RAD.
"oh wow, they really do look alike."
oh well, *continues to walk away to look for food cause poor boi was hungry :((
doesnt joke about it but he laughs when his brothers does.
part of the "Teasing mammon about it until the joke gets boring"
he found the joke funny so why not take full advantage of it on annoying mammon?
"hey raphael, have you see my blanket?" "yeah, it's ov-" realizes that he fell for the stupid joke again. " I'M NOT RAPHAEL I'M MAMMON! ...and i put your blanket in the wash cause it was getting stinky."
doesn't let out a laugh but he still chuckles at the joke and mammon's reactions.
proceeds to make Mammon his personal pillow even though Mammon is annoyed at him for teasing him.
[sorry anon!! can't do the side characters cause i'm in a rush :(( i hope this satisfies you!]
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Lucifer x Fairy!Reader
Lucifer watched as you ran to your room crying, he felt absoloutely horrible that he had left you unattended. He felt like he was at fault.
MC was a fairy and they had a beautiful pair of purple see through wings. Their wings were so elegant looking, making MC more breath taking in the eyes of Lucifer and he knew how important your wings were to you.
But now it was currently damaged, all because of a low ranking demon who had tried to eat MC when Lucifer left to get something from his office quickly. He had offered to treat MC's wounds but they declined, he knew that MC would like to be left alone for some time but he can't help the gut feeling of wanting to check up on them.
Lucifer walked to his room, pulling out his D.D.D to quickly send a message to Diavolo to let him know what had happened to MC. Diavolo was mad he immediately replied that he will look for the low ranking demon who had attacked MC and punish them accordingly. Meanwhile Barbatos offered to bake some snacks to make MC feel a little bit better to which he'll deliver later.
Throwing his D.D.D to his bed, Lucifer pulls his hair back a bit, breathing in and breathing out. He really wanted to check on MC but he's unsure if he's even allowed to at the moment. So he stayed there in his room for a few minutes, walking back and forth as he thinks of what he should do. Sooner or later, he got out of his room. Finally deciding to check in on MC.
"MC? I'm coming in okay sweetie?" Lucifer notified MC as he knocked, soon opening the door to their room to find MC curled up infront of a mirror with teary eyes. "Lucifer..." MC spoke out, their voice was low. Lucifer looked over at MC's wings and just then he realized...how badly damaged it was.
A small upper part of their left wing was gone, it was completely torn and there was dried blood on their wing. The right wing on the other hand... it had scratches and holes from the Demon's attacks, and it was torn in half, the other half barely staying connected to the other. Lucifer looked down on the floor, there he saw so much dried blood. It was worse than he expected.
"Luci...Luci it hurts so much..." MC cried out, reaching for him to which Lucifer immediately came forward to and hugged MC by their neck. "Luci I'm in so much pain please make it stop" they pleaded, crying on Lucifer's chest even more. Lucifer had a lump in his throat, he couldn't bare seeing you cry like this. "Shh, everything will be okay darling, I'm here. I'm right here, I promise I'll never leave you." he whispered, grabbing MC by the face and kissing their tears away as an attempt to make them feel better.
"Luci my wings...they hurt so much Luci" MC sobbed even more, the pain they were feeling right now was unbearable and they could feel their wings seperating from each other. "I know darling, I know. Let's just wait okay? Barbatos will come soon with medicine and snacks to make you feel better okay love? We just need to wait, just a little more..." Lucifer cooed, patting MC on the head. "Luci...Am I still beautiful..?"
Lucifer was caught off guard by the sudden question, but he still answered regardless. "Of course darling, you're so beautiful and elegant. Even without your wings you'll still look beautiful to me..." MC seemed to have calmed down a bit, resting their head on Lucifer's chest. "Am I gonna be able to fly again..?" MC asked and Lucifer sighed at that. "We don't know yet darling.." He answered, kissing MC's forehead.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Satan, Asmo and The Twins react to you having their towel rapped around their body
"oh fuck. this isn't my towel" you muttered, looking at the towel on your hands while your body was still wet after taking a bath. "all my towels are in the storage room... i didn't notice the nametag" sighing to yourself, you decided to dry yourself with the towel first and wrap it around your body and quickly dash to the storage room to get your towel then put the towel you used in the washer. Besides, it was 1AM. No one else except Levi would be awake at this time. Oh boy you were wrong, cause the moment you stepped out of your room, he also stepped out of his as well.
was about to go back to his room cause he just visited a cat he's secretly keeping in the garden.
see's you from the stairs.
you don't even know that he was there until he cleared his throat.
"what are you doing with my towel, MC?"
sucks at hiding his flustered face and can't help but look at you.
just like his dad brother Lucifer, he will take a mental image of you in his towel and he would definitely take advantage of it.
bids you goodnight and went inside his room
"i can't believe a weak human like them has got me feeling this way."
he likes the feeling though.
woke up because he had a bad dream.
wanted to go outside the garden for a little breather.
went out and saw you. this man immediately smiles.
"my, my MC darling! you look dashing!"
comes towards you and analyzes you from head to toe.
takes out his D.D.D and actually took like what, 10 pictures.
asks if he can post it and was immediately shut down by you.
will let you borrow more of his stuffs from now on.
"If you wanted to use my stuffs just say so! I wouldn't mind at all~"
completely ignores your explanation on why you had his towel in the first place.
kisses you on the cheek for goodnight and went back to sleep with a smile.
woke up. he's hungry so he wanted to go to the kitchen for a "light" snack.
see's you with his towel on and just stands there.
doesn't even realize it was his towel until he saw the embroidery he did at the left.
immediately blushed but it was just a little. he did a good job on hiding the rest of what he felt.
"ah, MC were all your towels in the laundry?"
was listening intently when you explained why you had it and what you were going to do to it.
panicking inside when you said you were going to put it through the washer cause he wanted your scent to be kept on his towel.
"don't worry about it. just leave it on top of the washer and i'll run it tomorrow so that you can go and prepare for bed. besides, i'm sure you're feeling cold without any clothes on."
goes back to his room to wait for you to go back to your room.
rushes to the storage room to grab the towel on top of the washed and he was happy.
he's so inlove with you that he'd do anything to have things that smell like you.
went out of his room to go sleep in your room and cuddle with you
see's you in his towel and he just stares.
"what ever you're gonna do hurry up, i wanna cuddle."
proceed to go inside your room and lay on your bed.
secretly took a mental image of you in his towel.
hiding his blushing face in your pillow.
he's gonna be thinking of you for weeks now.
he will be clingy to you. deal with it.
"ah fuck i'm doing it again..."
annoyed with how much he's inlove with you.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Mammon and Female!MC who is clingy
tap. tap. tap.
MC kept typing on her phone as an attempt to disregard the fact that she wanted to cuddle with her boyfriend right now, but there's a problem. Mammon went out for another modelling gig and won't be home until 4 pm. It was currently 12:47 pm and MC could feel as if she was going to go crazy. She craves touch right now and she literally can't get it cause Mammon isn't here.
Standing up from her bed, MC walked over to her closet and opened it. There she find the jacket that she had stolen from Mammon (which Mammon had let her keep) and decided to wear it but Mammon's scent was already gone from the hoodie and MC frowned at that. Anything that smells like Mammon will do justice to her clingy mood right now. Anything. Just then, she has the idea of going to Mammon's room. Where everything there smells like Mammon.
Smiling at the idea, MC went to her bed and grabbed her phone and walked over to Mammon's room. She stood infront of his room's door, her hand reaching for the knob but then stopped herself. "Wouldn't I be disrespecting Mams' privacy? I mean, what if there's something in there that he doesn't want me to see..." MC thought to herself, now hesitant to open the door to Mammon's room.
She stood there for a few minutes, trying to figure out if she should just walk in or not. "MC?" she looked to her right and there she saw her lovely boyfriend in all his glory. His hair pushed back, light make up still on his face, his clothes looked stylish, you could tell he just came home from the photoshoot.
"What are you doing outside my room?" Mammon asked, walking up to MC and hugged her. MC immediately hugged back, inhaling Mammon's scent and then sighed in content. "I was feeling clingy and wanted to get anything that smelled like you so I thought that I should go to your room... but then I started to overthink if I would be disrespecting your privacy or not. So I just stood there..." MC explained, looking up at Mammon who was smiling like a dork.
"Baby, I appreciate your respect for my privacy but please. You're my girlfriend. Whatever's mine is also yours, and whatever's yours is also mine okay? Feel free to enter my room whenever you'd like, I wouldn't mind okay?" Mammon reassured MC, kissing her forehead to which MC giggled at. "Okay, thank you Mams."
MC opened the door to Mammon's room while holding his hand, humming a happy tune but then stopped and checked her phone. 1:19 pm. "Why are you home early by the way? I thought photoshoot wouldn't end till 4 pm?" MC asked, sitting unto Mammon's bed. "There was a problem at the shooting site and it was taking quite a while to fix so the photographer told me to go home and that they'll call me in again tomorrow." Mammon briefly explained, sitting next to MC.
"But enough about that, let's go cuddle. I missed you so much today." he hummed, hugging MC and dragged her to lie down on his bed and cuddled. "I love you Mams." "I love you too, MC."
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Lucifer, Mammon and Leviathan react to you having their bath towel wrapped around your body
"oh fuck. this isn't my towel" you muttered, looking at the towel on your hands while your body was still wet after taking a bath. "all my towels are in the storage room... i didn't notice the nametag" sighing to yourself, you decided to dry yourself with the towel first and wrap it around your body and quickly dash to the storage room to get your towel then put the towel you used in the washer. Besides, it was 1AM. No one else except Levi would be awake at this time. Oh boy you were wrong, cause the moment you stepped out of your room, he also stepped out of his as well.
went out of his room to get a refill of coffee
see's you and immediately recognizes the towel wrapped around your body, it was his.
man's immediately looked away with a blush on his face.
"what are you doing walking around like that, at least put on some clothes. it's cold tonight."
and he was right, you could've just put on some clothes first then bring the towel to the washer.
clears his throat and turns back around.
"hurry up and get to the storage room, i need to grab more coffee."
he was blushing so hard it took every ounce of his power not to show how flustered he is right now.
the image of his towel wrapped around your body WILL be engraved in his head.
may or may not take advantage of the mental image he just took.
was planning to sneak out to go to a casino and saw you, and his towel covering your body.
stares for like a few seconds.
soon starts to blush like CRAZY.
"o-oi! human what're ya tryin' to do with my towel haah?! you tryin' to seduce me or somethin'?!"
pushes you back into your room with a flushed face.
"at least put some clothes on before going to the storage room! jeez!"
ends up going back to his room and sits down on his bed
mans was still blushing.
you looked so good with his towel wrapped around your body, it was ridiculous
ah. my pants feel tight.
went out of his room to get a bottle of water and some chips
yelps but immediately slaps his hand over his mouth.
he was BLUSHING hard alright.
this was so unfair!! you looked so cute with his towel wrapped around your body
was honestly so tempted to take a picture right then and there
realized he was staring and get's even more flustered.
"w-w-wait! i-i didn't me-ean to st-stare! i pr-promise!!"
he was panicking that's for sure.
man forget the water and chips! i'll just get some later!!!
dashes back inside his room and slams his door.
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nihatzuwu · 2 years
Demon brothers react to you cussing off a succubus who was trying to seduce them.
"Why hello there handsome~" a succubus cooed out, getting close to him and started to touch his arm. "What are you doing out here all by yourself in such a cold night, hm?" the succubus clearly had never heard of what personal space was since she started to get closer to his face. "Dude, get away from my boyfriend" MC popped up out of no where, glaring at the succubus. "Oh, please. All I see is a weak human, there's no way that you're in a relationship with this hottie. Now run along before things get messy." the succubus snarled, glaring back at MC but they stood their ground. "And all I see is a skank who doesn't know what personal space is. Now fuck off before I hit you in the head with this bottle of wine bitch." MC threatened her, raising up a bottle of wine and the succubus ran off, not wanting to risk damaging her face.
he was stunned.
oh my devildom he can't believe you just threatened somebody, much more a succubus.
has a smile on his face, cause he can feel you indulge his sin as he felt your pride go high.
"my, my MC. I never knew you could have such a nasty way of speaking."
teases you about it.
laughs when you grumble about how annoying the succubus was
holds your hand and kisses your palm.
"i love you so much you know? i would never exchange you for anybody."
proceeds to guide your hand to his face for you to caress it.
i- MC????
tries not to laugh at the succubus running away
definitely going to his favorite memories with MC
he didn't think it'd be possible for him to fall for you even more yet here he was, falling in love for you again to what seemed to be the 78634th time
grabs your face and kisses you to reassure you that he'd never leave you.
"Don't worry MC! You're MY human and I, The GREAT Mammon will never leave you!"
will be clingy to you for the whole week
"i...love you lots MC, thank you for putting up with me..."
you better not leave him.
covers his mouth with his hand so that people wouldn't notice him giggling.
comes to realize that you protected him from an uncomfy situation then proceeds to blush, thinking that you were a hero
looks at you and he can see that you were still pissed off about the succubus.
"MC!!!!" *sobs*
hugs you cause he can't believe he has such an amazing partner like you.
"i-i promise not to leave you! so y-you should promise th-that you're not gonna leave me too okay?!"
poor boy short circuited when you smiled at him and nodded.
"i-i really REALLY l-love you o-okay!?"
that's my human.
he could've handled the succubus his self but honestly, seeing MC lose their patience sometimes is amusing.
has the biggest smirk ever.
so incredibly proud of you for cussing out a demon for the first time.
wishes that he recorded it cause he thinks its funny
also maybe blackmail material cause he knows you'd be embarrassed if someone else knew about your little freak out.
ah right, he bought something for you earlier while you weren't looking, it'd be the perfect time to give it now.
he turns you around and puts on a sun pendant on you
whispers in your ear and then kisses it softly
"you're the most amazing person i have ever met, i don't think i could ever replace you."
kisses your cheek then proceeds to walk off like nothing happened.
this bitch is such a tease istg
he stood still, staring at you.
that was the first time he ever heard you cuss.
wishes he could've recorded it though, it would've been an amazing memory to keep
smiles when he see's your face.
he still feels like he's in a dream that someone like you actually loves him for being him and not just for his looks.
throws his arms around you and hugs you tightly.
"AWWWW MC!! You're so cute do you know that?! I can't resist your cuteness!!"
peppers your face with kisses.
"i love you, i love you, i love youuuuuu!!"
poor boi was so thankful
he was so uncomfortable when the succubus started rubbing herself on him.
he mumbles your name with a pouty face and wraps his arms around you
he was practically lifting you up from the ground.
"thank you for saving me from her"
doesn't want to let you go yet cause the poor babi was traumatized.
immediately happy when you said you'll treat him to Hell's Kitchen on your way home.
kisses you on the lips before he puts you down and smiles at you.
carries the bag you were carrying and holds your hand.
"Let's go!"
"pfft- loser."
walks towards you and hugs you immediately, resting his head on your chest.
thinks that it was cool on how you cussed out the succubus.
thinks you should cuss more often
he finds it hot.
looks at your face and kisses your nose.
"thank you, now can we go home please?"
has his arm intertwined with your arm on your way home cause he wanted to.
"you're the best MC"
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