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everyone who reads this post will get some big spicy joy within 24 large minutes (hours)
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Advice from a man that was told no and go to hell and fuck you from the girl he shares a bed with now.
He ain't wrong boy
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Anyway, that’s what I’d do.
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I had a panic attack for the first time this entire year. Not one of my small ones that last 5 minutes and I'm fine but a full fledge panic attack. One that lead to me not knowing when I fell asleep because I just blacked out from hyperventilating at some point. The type where you cant breath or move or see. Everything blurs and your whole body is nothing more then a crying blub. And it all came from the sudden realization that I am sadder then I've been in years. I don't think I've hated my life this much since sophomore year when I decided no one liked me and i lost my best friend because a stupid fight over a boy.
And I know what I should do.
I SHOULD request a transfer. I SHOULD leave the location I'm at because its sucking the soul out of me. I love my job. I do. I adore the company. I love my higher ups. And the culture is absolutely amazing. But fuck do I hate the people I work with. Fuck do I hate my general manager and his view points on how to run a restuarant. Fuck do I hate that no one cares what I have to say. No one wants to help. Everyone wants to call out my mistakes. But everyone wants to call me when they can't figure something out. I hate that no one knows the company as much as I do. I hate that I do so fucking much and yet I'm the lowest paid person in the restuarant.
If I dont say something I'm going to burn out. I'm going to leave. I'm going to drive myself to quit a restaurant that I love. But if I do say something I'm scared that everyone is going to hate me. I'm scared what everyone will think. I dont want anyone to hate me. I cant handle it.
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148 notes · View notes
no matter what your opinion is (if they should’ve gone down that route or not) we can all agree on these:
there should’ve been a giant trigger warning before the clip started
there should’ve been another clip
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I’m sorry but how can this
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And this
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Be the same person
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bro can we spider man kiss in my bed? bro tell me about your favorite movies.. dude your face in the moonlight? homedog may i straddle you? bro we are the future homie,,,..kiss me tenderly
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This is so hot. Like both times theres a little lead in with his tongue and the look on his face. Major DSE and obvious DSLs. Like damn.
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It’s their thing now
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i knoooow wtfock won’t let zoe and senne be happy established couple forever and they’ll start having problems (probably in time for ep 3!) but like lich rally the power of finallyyyyyy giving a noorhelm the evak s4 treatment of “we had our love story and now we simply reap the rewards and are happy in the background all the time” and also FINALLY having a william say gay rights explicitly and be robbe’s bro. like wow. they’re LIVING TOGETHER RN??? but the william MOVED INTO THE NOORA’S APARTMENT SO SHE CAN STAY IN HER HOME W/ FRIENDS AND ESKILD JUST LIKE ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED????????? the powerrrr
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i actually really love this, how we don’t just get to see how robbe ended up in the apartment but also get to see him finding a security there. that we get to see him realise that no one will judge him there. that it’s a place he can be himself. that we get to see him finding a home.
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stop making isaks apologize if you are not gonna make the other person apologize too 2kforever
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I am so happy that this is a thing. That they didn't pull the whole "they have to go to london" bullshit. We get more time with them. Hopefully a separation won't happen but if it does we get to actually see and understand why. I love them so much. I'm so happy they get to be in this season together.
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255 notes · View notes
This is the best noora-willam version. She is so genuinely attracted to him from the start. He actually shows anger and annoyance that she doesn't think he's being sincere. Every other version shows more like they like it. They enjoy that she's so hard to get. But Senne? He's mad. Because he wants to love her so badly and she doesn't believe him. You can feel the tension and the chemistry in every scene and actually tell when either of them is feeling flirty or jealous. These two played these characters so well.
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#a masterpiece
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