nottestelllata · 2 months
hi hi if you post about andrew minyard and/or laurent pls like this so I can follow 🫡
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nottestelllata · 2 months
I enjoy that people picture Neil as a rabbit but personally I see him as one of this little shaking dogs that never blink
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nottestelllata · 2 months
happy birthday to neil josten my beloved !!! favourite character in all the world i love him so so incredibly much and i hope he has an amazing day with his cats and the love of his life <333
now here's some of my favourite neil quotes to celebrate the occasion:
"it's not the world that's cruel. it's the people in it."
"will you tell coach on us?" andrew asked. "no," neil said. "but i would ask him why you're not medicated."
he tapped two fingers to his temple, copying andrew's mocking salute from their first meeting. "better luck next time."
"are you stupid?" seth asked. "yeah," neil said.
"i have a bit of an attitude problem."
"here's some honesty. i don't like you, and i don't trust you."
"my first memories are of people dying. i'm not afraid of you."
"you will kneel," tetsuji said. neil had a feeling he was going to regret this for the rest of his very short life, but he smiled and said, "make me."
"was that really so difficult to say the first time around?" dan asked wryly. "i did say it the first time around," neil said. "i'm fine."
"i want to see you lose control."
"no problem," matt said. "need anything else?" "a clear shot at riko and no witnesses."
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nottestelllata · 2 months
Neil is there to protect the one who protects them all.
Andrew always knew how to protect. He sure has his own ways that many fail to understand but the bottom line stays the same.
With Neil coming into his life he learns to be something else than just the protector.
The exy obsessed junkie who claims to only care about his own survival is the first one who sees beyond Andrews play - who sees that Andrew doesn’t take care of himself at all. Too busy keeping an eye on everyone to care about what happens to his own self. And Neil hates it furiously.
So Neil puts Andrew first.
Starting with his health. Exy is important to Neil but he knows Andrew needs to get off the drugs first. The foxes found it easier to deal with Andrew while he’s on drugs, so they didn’t put much effort into changing that - Neil though. Neil saw what the drugs did to Andrew. So they had to get rid off it as fast as possible.
So he makes a deal. He gives up a piece of a truth, gives a promise and makes him go take care of himself.
He punches Riko because he couldn’t stop himself.
He agrees to go to Evermore - he agrees to torture just to keep Andrew save.
Afterwards he refuses to back down his care after being explicitly told to. “If it means loosing you then no”.
After being brutally tortured, one of the first things he does is inspecting Andrews bruises. Inspecting Andrews bruises the same way Andrew inspects his. “All that time fighting and you never learned how to duck?”
He told the cops off when they indicated getting Andrew off him “you’ll what, asshole?”
He was there in a heartbeat the second Andrew got pushed in the final game. And only backed off after checking Andrew was really alright.
For the first time Andrew has someone who has his back the same way he had the backs of everyone else for years. Andrew is fiercely protective and for the first time he is fiercely protected too.
“You are a pipe dream.”
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nottestelllata · 3 months
Aftg is fun cause all the characters are living in different genres like neil is in a mafia thriller while andrew is in some a24 drama film. Kevin is the horse girl in a horse girl movie and dan is in an underdogs sports story. Poor aaron is trying to have a normal slice of life forbidden romance type beat but then he has to go and kill a guy.
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nottestelllata · 3 months
"who fell first who fell harder" i actually need them both to be down horrendously bad for each other. hope that helps
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nottestelllata · 4 months
pspspspspsps it’s me. I’m still here. I’m in your walls.
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nottestelllata · 5 months
the funniest possible thing the cast could do rn is make a season 3 completely themselves.
I'm talking filmed on an iPhone or over a giant zoom call
Props made of cardboard
Costumes made up of white tshirts scribbled over with sharpie
They'd probably have to change the names of characters for legal reasons "Steve, Edmund, Lucian, Black Tim, Spanish Jessie"
And then the entire fandom accepts whatever happens in this chaos as 1000% cannon
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nottestelllata · 5 months
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nottestelllata · 5 months
I’m gonna deep breath through this disappointment and figure out how to turn poison into ✨ positivity ✨
there wasn’t anything ofmd did wrong. it’s a symptom of a bigger problem
there wasn’t anything the cast, crew or fans could have done differently
we have a show that treated its characters and audience with care, respect, understanding and love. it will never leave us
here’s to ed and stede running simultaneously the worst managed and most loving inn the world has ever known. and to the crew of the revenge who stop by to see their dads every year and relay to them the gutsy mishaps they found themselves in and “have you seen how many noses Spanish Jackie has???”. and to the quiet wind that rattles through the walls at night, that more than one guest swears sounded just like a hoarsely drawn out “twwwaaatttt” 🍻🫡
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nottestelllata · 5 months
Ed Teach is so relatable because I, too, wrap myself in a blanket when I’m sad. I, too, am in love with Stede Bonnet. I, too, am scared of spiders. I, too, struggle with who I want to be against who life shaped me to be
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nottestelllata · 5 months
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he sat up like a haunted doll 😭
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nottestelllata · 5 months
"Unless you're having second thoughts..." "I'm not. No."
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He's all in, mate. He's all in.
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nottestelllata · 5 months
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take his ass to claire’s
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nottestelllata · 5 months
I’m bored of the trope where there is one character who’s crazy and the other is the voice of reason, respectfully I prefer the two characters to be batshit insane, like cuckoo bananas.
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nottestelllata · 5 months
no but let's talk about trauma and ptsd in ofmd. specifically let's talk about ed teach, who rows up the morning after to find the republic of pirates, where he last saw everyone he knows, in complete ruin. the way that scene plays out - the sound goes hollow, the image is almost hazy, it's like ed and the audience is moving through molasses - right up until the british soldiers arrive, and then it's like a switch is flicked. this isn't failwife fisherman ed anymore, this is motherfucking blackbeard, functioning at peak competence. he gets his leathers. he swims to shore. he finds stede's letter on the beach and charges into battle like achilles at troy. all of this happens in about three minutes, mind you.
the writers couldn't to anything about the number of episodes - but they didn't sacrifice a single story beat. the script + the editing + taika's acting make that sequence pack such a punch despite happening so quickly. it's such an authentic and heartbreaking and frankly inspiring depiction of how trauma alters our perception of time and the radical external shift that comes when that switch is flipped
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nottestelllata · 5 months
hurr hurr I'm a human body hurr hurr I'm gonna solve all my problems using mucus
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