omegathetaone · 10 months
oof, it's really clear you haven't done ANY proper research with legitimate studies and reports on your 'self-diagnoses'. osdd includes amnesia by definition, and DID DEFINITELY does. you have neither.
The way we worded our post is very terrible and I am sorry for that (we also wrote some stuff in there wrong, whoops) First, we meant to say that we were leaning towards OSDD-1b, instead of DID. That was probably a distracted typo (we make them a lot) and we will correct it and the rest of the related info. Second, we do experience symptoms of something similar to greyouts and emotional amnesia, but not full blackouts that are shown in DID. A lot of the times when we refer to amnesia, we mean full black-out amnesia. OSDD-1b doesn't exhibit that kind of amnesia, from what online sources and the DSMV have shown. I'm sorry that we didn't make that clear the first time through and we'll try to be better with it next time.
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omegathetaone · 10 months
People who fakeclaim systems because of the source of someone's alters boggles me. Like...you know nobody can control where they come from right?
Us, for example. We have an alter from a piece of media that we expressly avoided because we didn't like the creators and the environment of the media itself. We consumed the media for maybe 2 months before leaving, and then avoided it for personal reasons.
We ended up getting a split from that piece of media. He hates his source, and tries his best to remind people of that. It sees people tell other systems that they "aren't valid" because of his source. It is a source of constant anger for him because he didn't choose to be split from that media.
I'll try to explain this as best I can, but he despises the idea that just because he exists, for reasons out of his control, that the rest of our system would be considered invalid. Out loud, it sounds dumb, because it is. Just because he exists doesn't mean the entire fucking system is invalid.
He's an introject. That's it. There was no picking and choosing to have him be a part of the system. It's here because our brain thought he could protect us. It's that fucking simple.
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omegathetaone · 10 months
Welcome to the Omega System 。・:*˚:✧。
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Hey! We're the Omega System (also known as ΩΘ1/Omega or Theta in short), and we are a self diagnosed traumagenic system. The full DNI list will be written below, however note that we are expressly anti-endo/tulpa as they make us very uncomfortable! Below you will find our DNI list, frequent fronters, sign offs, and more! Please, please give it a read before interacting with us! Especially the DNI list, if nothing else!
This post is subject to updates at any time, so make sure to check here to keep yourself up to date! (Long Post under the cut <3)
The Basics & BYF
We use we/us and I/me interchangeably We are autistic, a minor, and bodily a trans man We are a self diagnosed osdd/did system but we can't tell which kind of system we are even after extensive research (we are leaning towards OSDD-1b)
We are a fictive heavy system We are a masc-identity heavy system The majority of our system is queer
We collectively go by Omega or Theta online. Outside of that we use the body's name (we will not be sharing it here) We collectively use He/It pronouns, so if you don't know who's fronting or are referring to us in general just use those pronouns
We block very liberally
We will delete posts as we so choose. One day you might see it, the next it could be gone. Sorry if this causes any confusion!
We struggle with self-acceptance at times to please be patient with us. We're doing our best to get out of that mindset but it's not an easy process
Don't be afraid to let us know if someone is problematic! If we reblog from someone unknowingly then letting us know would be greatly appreciated so we can block them and correct our mistake!
We prefer to interact with people who are at least 16, so if you are younger than that you will be on thin ice with us unless if we're mutuals.
General rule, please don't refer to us as "plural" or to our headmates as "parts". We don't feel comfortable with these terms.
We are open to most questions about being a system, how our system works, or anything else that might be on your mind! We love answering questions (though don't expect this from other systems online- they don't have to share anything if they don't want to).
Our DMs are open unless stated otherwise. If another system needs someone to talk to or is looking for a system friend, then you can come to us! Keep in mind though- we will stop communication and/or block you if we feel super uncomfortable!
We aren't a roleplay account. Please don't try to roleplay with us unless if it's a fandom thing we agreed to and not "oh you have a fictive of x character!", because it makes us uncomfortable.
Some Media/Shows/Movies that we really enjoy!
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (+ TBB)
Demon Slayer, Naruto, + many more
Detroit: Become Human
Resident Evil (Video Games, not movies)
Destiny (Video Games, both 1 and 2)
Arcane (The Show)
Red Vs. Blue
Some more obscure ones are...
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
In Sound Mind (Video Game)
Some of my other interests include...
The Horror Genre
Cryptids, SCPs, Analogue Horror, and other things of that nature
Music + Composition
Sound Design
Marine Biology
Marching Band (Marching music my beloved)
Learning new instruments (I'm up to 5 now I think)
Writing (I blame fandoms for this)
Of course some of these can vary depending on who's fronting but they are generally pretty consistent? For the most part anyway.
Favorite current songs...
Mayday mayday! by Biometrix
Downfall by NEONI
Outlaw by NEONI
Wonderland by NEONI
Big Guns by NEONI (can you tell we like Neoni?)
E.T. cover by Rain Paris
Beautiful is Boring by BONES UK
Underground by Unlike Pluto and 8 Graves
There's more, but the list would be going on forever lol
You are free to interact if you aren't anywhere on the list below (and if you don't break any boundaries of ours). That being said, DNI if you are...
endo/tulpa or a supporter
anti-neo/xenopronouns and genders
anti-informed self dx
zoophile/MAP/pedophile/proship etc.
white supremasists/nazis
racists of any kind
Anti-Paraphilia recovery
terf/swerf/radqueer/radfem, etc.
Other things to note here:
If you participate in cringe culture, or harass/call other people 'cringe' for doing what they like, I don't want to see you on my blog.
I will block blank blogs because of tumblr bots, so if you don't want that to be you then please make your blog look HUMAN and not a part of that mess.
I do not want to interact with HP fans/stans. Based on the rest of my DNI, the reason should be obvious. If not, just leave, y'all make me uncomfortable.
If you think that all systems have to sign off on every message and/or constantly let you know who's fronting, realize that just...isn't true. We like signing off a lot of posts because that's how we roll, but that doesn't mean other systems have to give you that window into themselves. Hell- we don't have to either if we aren't feeling it.
Once again, don't bring syscourse here. It makes us very, very uncomfortable.
Frequent Fronters
Max (He/It) - Host
Desmond (He/Him) - Co-host
Charlie (He/Him) - Sexual Protector (Kind of? He's our resident romance king)
The Omega System Member Sign-Off Legend
This isn't everyone, but it's the main ones who like speaking on tumblr and social media in general (for the most part)
✧ 🌌 - System tag
✧ 💤 - Max
✧ 💼 - Desmond
✧ 💌 - Charlie
✧ 💕 - Charlie (aka Char)
✧ 📜 - Alexandre (Aka Alex)
✧ 🩸 - Aurelius (aka AZ)
✧ 🎧 - Axel
✧ 🪀 - Chris
✧ 🔪 - Felix
✧ 🌗 - Domino
✧ 🐻 - Harley
✧ 🔥 - Kyo
✧ 🌠 - Sam
✧ 👑 - King
✧ 💣 - Fuse
✧ 🦋 - Kode (Pronounced Cody)
✧ 🐕 - Nick
✧ 🌹 - Nines
✧ 🐏 - Sebastian (aka Seb or Sebs)
✧ 🕷 - Weaver
✧ 🕸 - Xeno
✧ ✈ - Aileron
✧ 🖤 - Vox
✧ 🌧 - Apollo
✧ 💿 - Taz
✧ 🌙 - Soren
✧ 👻 - Talon
✧ 🧊 - Melvin (aka Mel)
✧ 🕊 - Marcel
✧ 🎵 - Liam
✧ 🎮 - Mustard
✧ 🌳 - Aspen
✧ 🌑 - Anakin
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(from @/sysboxes)
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(from @/sysboxes
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(from @/sysboxes)
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omegathetaone · 10 months
Having an introject from a piece of media that hardly anyone knows about/is aware of is so funny. "Hey, do you know of this one book/game/movie/show from a few years ago about [insert thing here] called [insert name]? No? Alright, well-" [proceeds to ramble about said media because you have almost nobody else to talk to about it]
True story
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omegathetaone · 10 months
So, I've been curious about this for a while (I have no idea if this is going to make sense so bear with me here) Is there a name for a headmate who is sort of meant to disprove the system to itself? Or in some way is in a constant state of disbelief and purposefully pushes everything down to forget about being a system (or the possibility of being one)? If anyone has any idea I'd love to know! I've been thinking about this a lot lately and it's possible that this is a part of our system. Either that or we have a lot of internalized stuff to work through lol
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omegathetaone · 1 year
Yanno, sometimes I forget and/or don't realize how exhausting it is to compartmentalize everything into tiny, separate categories. Sometimes, I don't realize that I compartmentalize almost every daily action until my brain is fried by the time I get home. It's tiring, but also confusing to a point. I compartmentalize so heavily some days the whole day gets thrown into a fog, and other days I compartmentalize everything that it caves inwards by the time I walk through the door and feel overwhelmed. Compartmentalization, in my case, also causes this sense of emptiness that I can't describe. Not a good or bad feeling per se; it's like a blank canvas sitting on an easel. Nothing there but that monotone off-white. It's worse on bad days where my chronic pain flares up or I receive bad news of some sort, and less so on other days. Still sort of blank, but instead of a blank canvas it has splashes of color here and there to make it less...bland looking. I never really mention that to anyone because I don't want them jumping to the conclusion that the "empty" or "blank" feeling is bad or actively harming me, when that has been my natural state for as long as I can remember. It's the one word that I find describes it best, and I have a very hard time describing and discerning emotions from one another (Alexithymia). People that I've met jump to conclusions about me a lot because of how I act and some of the things I say, when really those conclusions aren't true. It gets annoying, I guess.
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omegathetaone · 1 year
Today has been…a day
I don’t know why but today has been filled with tests, due dates, and a sparkly new therapy appointment
Thursdays man, they scare me more than Mondays sometimes
- Sam☄️
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omegathetaone · 1 year
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[Text: This system is open to non-invasive questions.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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omegathetaone · 1 year
We had a migraine all day and it turns out that was me so now I exist. Hello.
- Soren 🌙
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omegathetaone · 1 year
Sorry for being gone for a while, my body and brain have this vibe going
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It’s fun
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omegathetaone · 1 year
Time to freshen up so we look a little less scrunckly for our therapy appointment today. Going to be a nice long masking trip that's for sure
Uh below the cut is some ranting about being infantilized by medical profs, panic attacks and a bunch of stuff related to that so yeah. Basically just a massive rant
I know that we look young, but oh my god I'm getting so sick and tired of people in the medical industry CONSTANTLY infantilizing me. It's not just here and there either, it's EVERY FUCKING PERSON I SEE. Not just my therapist, not just my radiologist, fucking everyone. They never, not ONCE, have they ever treated me like a mature individual because I look younger than I am. It sincerely pisses me off.
Not only that, but there was this one time where I went in for a monthly appointment and knew that I was going to get a vaccine. Well, ends up turning out that they didn't have that vaccine on hand so I was like "Okay, cool, no shots today."
Then, my doctor comes in and asks me to get to vaccines that we hadn't previously talked about or agreed upon. I am deathly terrified of needles and usually need time to mentally prepare myself for the specific kind of shot they want to give me or I have a breakdown. She asked if I could take them, I told her no and that I'd be willing to do them at another appointment, and she fucking ignored me. She kept repeatedly asking me with "pleases" and "could you please do this for me" even though I fucking told her no. I was starting to go into panic territory at this point.
She bent down with her hands in her lap (like when a teacher is bending over to talk to a student or look at their work more closely) and kept repeating that same question while squinting her eyes more and getting closer to me. Like, kept inching forward when I already felt cornered because I was trapped between her and my grandma, who was also present. It didn't help that my grandma was acting exactly like her, near forcing me to get something that I wasn't okay with or prepared for. I was almost constantly repeating no to both of them and they wouldn't fucking listen to me.
I remember getting to the verge of crying before they finally stopped asking me and actually listened to me saying no. I was shaking, scared, curled up into a ball while nervously laughing out no's and they still thought it was okay to do that.
They made me feel like a fucking child, like I'm not someone mature enough to understand my thoughts and feelings, and definitely not like my opinions mattered because they're the adults and I'm the young child. It seriously fucking sucks and I hate medical settings for this reason. Some lady over the phone the other day did the exact same thing and I'm just so over it at this point.
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omegathetaone · 1 year
Meet & Greet - Axel
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✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ The Basics ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
*.·:·.✧ Name ✧.·:·.*
Axel! Sometimes I get called Ax or Axe as well, mostly as a joke/nickname ^^
*.·:·.✧ Age ✧.·:·.*
19 ish
*.·:·.✧ Pronouns ✧.·:·.*
*This is similar to they/them pronouns, however each sounds like "bear" with a different spelling. Example: Ber went to the store for baer groceries because they are baers and could get them baerself. Bad example but it shows the gist I think
*.·:·.✧ Gender ✧.·:·.*
Demiboy is probably the closest fit!
*.·:·.✧ Orientation ✧.·:·.*
*.·:·.✧ Species ✧.·:·.*
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ System Info ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
*.·:·.✧ Role ✧.·:·.*
None, as far as I'm aware of right now. Something related to confidence or mood?
*.·:·.✧ Family ✧.·:·.*
I consider Avalanche and Calypso to be my parents! Wash and Felix feel a little bit like uncles to me which is also pretty neat!
*.·:·.✧ Other relationships ✧.·:·.*
Liam is probably my closest friend since we bond a lot over music and composition! Though sometimes we do debate music when we have a difference in opinion (never a true argument though)
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Extras ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
*.·:·.✧ Likes ✧.·:·.*
I am a huge fan of star wars!
Alternative music is super cool! I love the dark/somber atmosphere it can give off
Some of my favorite game soundtracks are from Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Destiny (1 and 2), and Halo. I don't play some of these anymore but god the music makes me so happy
I'm not the biggest fan of horror games but I can definitely appreciate the atmosphere they can create and worlds they can build.
*.·:·.✧ Dislikes ✧.·:·.*
While I like music, country music does not make that list
Thunderstorms with lightning and way too much rain
Most insects creep me out to an unhealthy degree lmao
The room being too warm, because cold rooms are and always will be something I cherish and enjoy
ending note: I think it's important to mention that I do not consider myself as a POC and I never will. While I have darker skin in the inner world, we are collectively white and nothing will change that or the fact that we will never experience what POC do on a day to day basis. Calling myself that wouldn't be correct, period, since the body is white and therefore only has the lived experience of being white. I hope that makes sense
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omegathetaone · 1 year
Also, thinking abt. making some Meet & Greet type posts for headmates who want to introduce themselves to a slightly more in-depth degree. Thinking about also adding a rentry list for those who want to express themselves but on the more down-low side of things. Maybe adding those posts to the already created introduction post so that it's less in-your-face as the Meet & Greet posts. Dunno, we love organizing everything hundreds of times over with different platforms/utilities because it's fun and keeps us busy lol
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omegathetaone · 1 year
I’m thinking about making a sideblog later for all of our introjects to express themselves outside of all of the shenanigans posted here on the main. I mean we’re probably going to end up having some headmates make sideblogs for themselves too but a space made for our introjects is something we’ve all been talking about and agreeing on for the past few weeks. If we do make it we’ll make a post and reply to this one including the link for anyone out there who’d be interested in following it!
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omegathetaone · 1 year
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Saw this at the top of our blog today, even our posts are calling us out 😭
- Axel🎧
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omegathetaone · 1 year
2, 4, and 5 for this ask game?
Sure can! I quite like answering these so thank you for sending in an ask anon!
2 - How do new alters choose their names?
There have been four common trends that we've noticed in regards to name-picking for us. These include a name generator (for quick ideas that are less out of the box), baby name lists, thinking of cool words that have a deeper meaning to that headmate or in general just make them excited to use as a name, or simply telling us the name that they already knew they had. The last one is less common, but it does still happen a lot.
4 - Which alter has the most stereotypical name?
I'm a little confused over what this means but I'm going to go with Benjamin? I mean his name is the most typical/stereotypical name that I can think of but honestly I'm not super sure.
5 - Which alter has the weirdest name?
Oof this is a hard one. We have several different headmates who chose very "out there" names that we've never really seen anywhere else, so I'm just going to list a couple instead.
Alkali, Calypso, Feyrin, Teyrin, Nines, and Voltage, to name a few. Out of these Alkali is probably the weirdest but I wanted to mention the others anyway because I think their names are pretty cool too :>
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omegathetaone · 1 year
So we totally just pitched down our overall audio on our PC and now all of the music we listen to is pitched down, and for some reason it makes us inexplicably happy. I was mostly just fucking around with it because I was bored (and don't get me wrong, messing around with my audio settings was VERY entertaining to my ADHD) and now I have something to do when listening to music. Go figure
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